HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-09-01, Page 5T email THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 1,, 1032 if I FOB SALK OB RENT—A one and a half-storey dwelling, con* viently situate# with two' food lots adjoining. Will he sold very cheap or rente# ’cheap. Possesion can he given at once, Apply to J. Q, Suth­ erland, Hensail, P, 0, 2tc. stein was twice married. Her first husband was Mr. Jas. Moore* a form­ er well known grain buyer and who came here from Kippen. Some years after Mr, ,Moore's death she mar-, ried Mr, Thus. Hemphill and later they moved to Detroit to reside. J3e« sides her bereaved husband leaves to mourn her loss one son Wesley Moore, of Detroit, The fun­ eral was held from her home in De­ troit on Tuesday evening which the remains were brought the home of Mr, Alvin Hemphill, Hensalh The funeral took pSce Wednesday afternoon, interment the Hensail Union cemetery, she • i i > < t ♦< ( f f Ci is visiting is visiting improving of Mr. and Mrs, local Hydro Com­ in the Manager’s * Wednesday was the last halt holi­ day for the summer. Mrs. Edward Sheffer relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Thos. Murdock relatives in Toronto. Miss Lizzie Slavin is jh. fitter her recent illness. 'Yk/ Miss Mary Johnston has not been in the best of health lately. Mrs. Snetsinger, of London, is vis­iting with 5drs. Geo, case. ' Wedding bells will soon b© ring-t ing again in our vicinity. x" /Mrs, Samuel Merner visited last • week with friends in Zurich. Miss.Mary Stewart, of Seaforth, visited friends in town on Monday- Miss Beatrice Gascho has returned to her home in Zurich after spend­ ing several months here. Miss Isabel .Saundercock, of Clin-i ton, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. J. McArthur, of London, vis­ ited at the home Henry Arnold. A meeting of the mission was held office'on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Blatchl'ord and MrS. John Murdock visited last week with friends in Exeter. Mr. David McNaughton, of Bay- field, Returning officer for South Huron was in town on Monday. 'Mr. Wm. Consitt was at Grand Bend on Saturday attending a meet­ ing of the Hay Fire Insurance Co. Messrs. Sam and Andrew Dougall and George Hawkins are in Toronto this week attending the Exhibition. ,Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Wren have re­ turned to their home in Toronto af­ ter a pleasant visit with friends in town. The many friends of Mr. James Hoggarth are pleased to hear that he is improving after his recent ill­ ness. A great’deal of grain and beans is being marketed here at present. AJ1 three of the elevators are kept busy. ^Wr. and Mrs. James Eby, of Col­ lingwood, spent the week-en^ with Mrs. Eby’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White. Mr. and Mrs. P. Buchanan have returned to their home in St. Thom­ as after a pleasant visit With their friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Higgins, of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hal­ liday, of Wiiigham, visited friends in town on Sunday. Dr. Ivan Smillie very ably acted as pipe organist at the United church on Sunday last, taking the'place of Miss Eleanor Fisher. The Hon. Donald Sutherland vis­ ited on Monday last with his rela­ tives Mr. Geo. Sutherland and sisteT Miss Hattief Sutherland. , The Welfare and Youth Club, of the fSarmel Presbyterian church held a picnic at Grand Bend on Wednes­ day afternoon. A very pleasant time was spent. >» The baseball game played between Hensall and Strathroy at Ailsa Craig on Friday evening last resulted in a score- 6-5 in favor of Hensall. A good crowd was present. Misses Jean and Dorothy Campbell and brother Keith have returned to their home in Toronto after visiting for several weeks with their -grand­ mother Mrs. T. Murdock. J The Hon. Donald Sutherland, the Canadian Minister of Militia & De­ fence was in town' on Friday even­ ing last and addressed a meeting of • the South Huron Conservative Exe­ cutive. v Public and Continuation School .^Re-opened on Thursday with the '** same £taff of teachers in the public -school; but in the Cointinuatilon ' $ School Mrs. Filshie is taking the place of Mr. Cantelon. IServices in our focal churches were well attended on Sunday last, At. the United Chui'ch Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and very* . pleasing, duets were rendered at both services by Mrs. Geo. Hess and . Mrs. Mark Drysdale. At the Car­ mel Presbyterian church, Rev. W. A. Voung had charge of the service a.nd a delightful quartette was giv­ en by Mrs. W. A. McLaren, Mrs. J. A. Paterson, Mrs. W. A. Young and Miss M’argaret McLaren at the morn- i ing service. A Very pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mr.'and Mrs. ; David Foss on Friday last when a trousseau tea was held in honour of their daughter Miss Florence, bride­ elect. The guests 'Were received by Miss Foss and were then ushered up­ stairs to view the gifts and trous­ seau after which they repaired to the- dining-room where they were served .with a dainty lunch of sand­ wiches, cake, ice cream and tea. Those assisting were: ,Mrs. Simmons Miss Douglas and Miss Grain in the dining room, Mrs. C. Cook ahd Miss A. Consitt poured tea while Misses Etta Jarrott and Eleanor Fisher Served. Deatlt of Mrs. Tlios. Hemphill There passed away at her home ' in Detroit on Mohday Mrs. Thomas Hemphill, a former welljtnown resi­ dent of Hefcsall. Mrs. Hemphill, whose maiden name was Leah thir- i after to of on in and Donald Kestle spript thie week­ end with Rev. and Mrs, Hagelstein of Fullarton, Mrs, Tom Morley? -of McGillivray, fel| and fractured her arm. Her many friends wish for a speedy re'- cpvery. Mrs, Edward jc.ah.rner spent a few days in London with her sistqr Mrs, W. J, Mallett last week, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Koeltzeow and Mr, and Mrs. Adanj Gaiser re­ turned to Detroit Wednesday of last week after visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Haist, “ The Crediton and Dashwood La­ dies' Aid held a union meeting at Mr. and Mrs. H. K, Elilber’s cottage at Grand Bend on Wednesday after­ noon, August 24th. There were 60 present. After a brief program given by the Crediton friends con­ sisting in devotion conducted by the pastor M. Sippell, a reading by La­ vina Smith and Evelyn Sippell and’ a vocal duet by Mrs. E. Fahner and Mrs, M. Sippell, the committee took charge of the sports. (Mirs. Art Amy occupied the. chair. Mrs, Roy Finbeiner, Lavina Smith, Mrs. Clay­ ton Sims and others conducted the I recreational part. Prize winners were: ^rs’ Hugo Schenk, Mrs. Rue- bcm T KT_ TT— DASH WOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D,S., D.p.S/ DENTAL SURGEON At office In'Hartleib Block;, Dash­ wood, firs^ three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of weeks Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and son, of Windsor, are spending their vacation with the former’s parents Mr, and Mrs. Charles Guenther, ; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb and fam­ ily, of Pontiac; are visiting . - -mother Mrs. M. Neeb. ■" j J Goet^’ Mrs. Geo. Link, Mrs. Hy. -- 1 Fahner,'besides the group contests and prizes, Supper was served in the pavilion. , Mrs. D. Tieman and Mrs. Snell offered a hearty vote of thanks to the “Silbers” for the use of their cottage and to the Crediton L. A. for the invitation to the •Mr. Henry Ehlers, of Detroit,1 spent a few days with relatives aria friends, Mrs. Witzel spent the week-end with IV^r. and Mrs. J. Triebner near Exeter? Bev. ,A. W- Sauer attended- the Convention in New Hamburg Iasi week. Mr, Jack Raschke, of Detroit, vis­ ited here over the week-end, Mrs. Raschke returned home after sever­ al weeks’ visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Merner. Miss iCoulter, of Port Burwell, spent the past week at th ^Commer­ cial the guest of Eugene Tieman. Mr. Henry Callfas has returned to his home here. Mr. Lester Asch, of Sebringville, spent a few days with Milton Sauer last week. Special missionary services will be con?du-c,ted in the Lutheran Church next Sunday. An interesting event took place in Kitchener at 80 Elgin Street, ,the home of -Miss Gladys Guenther and her ihother when a surprise in the form of a a cup and saucer shower was arranged in honor’ of Miss Elizabeth Hartleib, former supervis­ or of the K.-W-. Hospital . whose marriage is to take place early in September. The room’^ were beau­ tifully decorated and the bride-to- be received her gifts under an arch of gay summer flowers carried out in a color scheme of. pink and green. The evening was spent in games and contests after which dainty refresh­ ments were served by the hostess, assisted by the Misses Thelma Sit- ler, Helen Algeier and Grace Guen­ ther. Miss Elizabeth Hartleib is a> former Dashwood girl and her many friends extend congratulations. Fur­ ther reference to Miss- Hartleib- will be found on another page. Mr.and Mr. CREDITON and Mrs. Fraser Braun family, of London, moved into Ja-mes CTark’-s residence^ south of the village last Saturday. We wel­ come them to the Village. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert King last week. Rev. and Mrs. Lorne’ Brown, of Hollis, Long Isla'nd and Mrs. H. Sweitzer, of Kitchener, are visiting; with their mother, Mrs. Charlotte Brown. Rev. Brown preached' Sun­ day evenihg in the Evangelical churcji and. his sermon was much enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family, of Zurich, spent Sunday with .the latter’s parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Herman Oestreicher.- Mrs. William Smith spent the past week in Walkerton with Mr. and Mi’s. Hillard Sparling. Dr. and Mi’s. C. C. turned home last week to Muskoka, Ottawa points east. Mrs. Violet Cockwell Misener from and re­ tripa other a tewMrs. Violet Cockwell spent days in London visiting friends. Misses Loreen Hirtzel and Lue- ■11a Fiukbeiher, of Londjori, spent Sunday at their respective homes. Mrs. Taylor and daughters, Haileybury are visitingwith and Mrs. Ross Taylor. Mi\ .and Mrs. B. McCarty famijy and Mrs. S. J and farilily, of Adelaide, spent day at the Central--Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. children and Mr Miss I. falters Mr. And Mrs. G. d'ay. Mr. and Mrs. town visited with Mr. T. Hirtzel on Suliday, A. number of basebal-l fans from here visited at the HensallHStrath- roy O.B.A. play-off in Ailsa Craig last Friday afternoon. Bev. and Mrs. 0. N. Braun, of Owendale, visited with Mr.- and Mrs. H. F. Eilber a few days last week. Miss ttfrned weeks’ Carrie Miss W. Morlock ar© attending the Tor­ onto nxliiibitidft this weak. (Misses Alwinna and Grat© Hill of Mr. and Finkibeiner Sun- G. Richmond . Ralph Knits were visitors E. Wenzel on and and with Sun­ pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllUIIIIUIIIIIIMIIIIN THE RED & WHITE BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE Combination Special No. 1 occasion. CREDITON EAST Misses Ila and Bernice Schroeder of Clandeboye, are holidaying with their grandparents, John Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. -son Marvin, of week-qnd with Mr. Lewis. Mr. Charles Anderson, of Sarnia, who was called home on account ot his father’s death, the late Wilson 'Anderson, has returned to his home in Sarnia. Mrs., Anderson and son Jack who have been visiting here have also returned to their horns. Mr. and Mrs. Mervrn Brokenshire and daughter, of Fergus, attended the funeral of Mrs. ’ Brokenshire’s father, the late Mr. Wilson Ander­ son. Mrs'. Brokenshire remaining to visit her mother Mrs. Wilson An­ derson. Mrs. C. Halls, of Napinka and Mrs. F. Siandiman, of Souris, left tor their homes on Wednesday after visiting for the past few weeks with their brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mrs. John. Baird and granddaugh­ ter Miss Norma Sims, of Grand Bend spent the week-end with reia- tives/here. . - Mrs. Eli Lawson is visiting her brother and sister-in-law Mr. arid Mrs. Esli Heywood north of town. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benedick and son Gordon, of Kitchener, spent "A ’few days last week with Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mt. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman. Mr. Fred Kerr started his manu­ facture of brick and tile on Monday. The funeral of the late Wilson Anderson which took place on Tues-’ day to the Exeter, cemetery was largely attended also the floral wreaths were numerous showing the high esteem in whicn he was held. Mr. Leonard Sharon, and Mrs, Wein spent and Mrs. ana the H.’il CENTRALIA Winer, of . ahd Morris- Mrs. J. ’Shirley Jean Finkbeiner re­ home hfter spending thred holdays with h©r cousin |MiSs Fahrner. Addileen Gaiser abd Mr. F. Vistors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden were Mrs. Charlie Mason and children, of Exe­ ter; Miss^ Margaret Evoy, of Strath­ roy; Mrs? Pollock and Miss Verna Pollock of Ripley and Mr. Warren Bamfiord, 'bf Auburn. Mr. and Mi's. H. Kerr visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. T. Neil. Dr. D. C. Wilcox and Mrs. Wil­ cox, of Stratford, called on Sunday” at the home of Mr. and Mi;s. T’. Neil. Miss Margaret Evoy, of Strathroy, Mrs. Pollock and daughter, Miss V. of Ripley, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden last week. Miss Margaret Cook recently vis­ ited with friends in iSt. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil and young son, of Detroit, visited during the past week with Mr. and iMi's. Jas. Neil. Mr. Garfield Neil, who has been spending the ^past couple of months at his home here returned with them. Rev. and Mrs. Austin Duplan and daughter, of Port Huron, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks jm’ Thursday of last week. Mr. W. H. Bamford, of Aub'urn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen­ warden on Friday of last week. Mrs. Durham, of Brantford, visit­ ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. -Thompson. Miss Stella Cook and Master Billy Cook, of St. Thomas, spent tile past week with Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Cook. Miss Lilia Taylor was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Brooks last week. - Miss Bessie Morley., of ’Vyhalen, visited during the past week with Rev, and Mrs. Robb. Oil Friday evening of last week a large number of ladies gathered at the home of Mr. and MM Oocil m:c- Falls, of Biddulph, to present Miss Grace McFalls with a miscellaneous shower in marriage, ed to the decorated honor of her approaching The gifte were present­ bride in a beautifully basket by Mrs. George 1 29c Combination Special No. 2 Sw>d^Rtii.h} 99c 10 lbs. for 49c.PURE CANE SUGAR Select Pink Salmon 1-2 tins 4 for 23c. , . fi B......’ 'Good Quality Rice z 3 lbs. for 16c. Libby’s Pork & Beans 3 tins for 23c. . CHOICE MOLASSES SNAPS (fresh) . . .......per lb. 10c, Choice New Cheese 2 lbs. for 27c. Happyvale Catsup - made by Libby 12 oz. bottle each 10c. Fray Bentos Corn Beef 1 lb. tin 2 for 27c. WESTON’S PEANUT WAFERS ...........L....................................... ■ ■ "j"1 < . lb. pkg, each 25c. P & G Soap 5 bars for 16c. Big Five Cleanser 1 per tin 5c. ** X* Comfort Soap 5 bars for 17c 2 lbs. for 25c.COCOANUT MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS Chicken Haddie Rex Vanilla ... Icing Sugar . , . . .. . 2 tins for 25c. . 2 bottles for 11c. 2 lbs. for 15c, Hallowi Dates 3 lbs. for 21c Flip Flap Fly Coils............ per dozen 19c Golden Spray Cheese, 1-2 pkg. each 15c WE SPECIALIZE IN PICKLING SPICES, VINEGARS. FRUIT JARS, JAR RUBBERS, ZINC RINGS, ETC. ROLLIE'S GROCERY - I Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” McFalls, Miss Marlys McFalls, Mgs. Fred Penwarden and Mrs. Fred Hux­ table.* Grace received many beauti­ ful and useful gifts and expressed her thanks in a very'capable manlier. Ice cream and cake were served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. John McFalls and Mr. and Mrs. Charles .McFalls re­ cently visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hodgins in Bayfield. ■ \ ELIMVILLE Mr. David Bra’dshaw returned Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Bradshaw was taken ill with appendicitis the latter part of last week and is oblig­ ed to remain here for another weep:, but we are glad to report her con­ dition is much improved. Miss E. Whitlock, of Sit.lThomas, and Miss Addie Douglas, of London, were callers in the vicinity on Sun­ day. - Mr. Laverty, of Toronto, repre­ senting the Temperance, Union de­ livered a rousing address in this church last Sunday morning. •Mr. Ben. Williams &nd Mr. Wes­ ley Johns were in Toronto’ a few days. the earlier part of this wees. They also attended the Exhibition. A large number of friends and relatives attended the funeral- of the late Mr. John Miners last Wed­ nesday. Mr. Fred Johns, who has been working in Toronto,' is home here, suffering from serious kidney trouble. Master Buddy Cornish has re­ turned home after holidaying with jis aunt in St. Thomas. )Mrs. Ed. Johns received word on Sunday of the death of her brother, Mr. Chester Edwards in Toronto. Her friends extend sympathy. Mrs. Jennie Jackson and friend of Toronto, are visiting the form­ er’s sisters, and brother in this neighbourhood. ; WINCHELSEA to EXETER, ONT We Deliver. Illlllllllllllllllll tween the crank and the radiator nearly severing his thumb and also crushing the fist of his hand. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Archer,.of Lon­ don, Mrs. Thomas Morley, Miss Ber­ tha Batten, of Whalen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten on Fri­ day of last week. SCAFFOLD GIVES WAY zWhile plastering at the new theatre in., Seaforth, John Frost, Hy. Waterhouse and James Blair, were thrown to the floor, a distance ol about eight feet jwhen the scaffold gave way. Blair jpanaged to jump without accident * but Waterhouse suffered a broken J ankle and Frost’ a severely sprained ankle.J .. . .. * The stacle way. 'Stranger (party)-“Dull isn’t Other—“Yes, very.” Stranger—“Let’s go home.” Other—“I can’t; I’m host.” worst thing about an ob­ is that it. is always in the RTILIZER Fertilizers twCmUMa, INDUSTRIES u« ^CTilizer division NELSON STANLAKE, Exeter I HAVE AGAIN ARRANGED TO SELL C-I-L FERTILIZERS HIGHLY SATISFACTORY RESULTS HAVING BEEN OBTAINED LAST SEASON. Mrs. O’Brien, of Hay, visited her sister Mrs. C. Godbolt, a few days last week. Mrs. Mervyn Pym, of Elimville, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Prance one day last week. Mrs. (Harold Pym -and family, of St Marys, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis. Master Gordon Hocking”, of Mon-, 'oe, spent a few days this week with his aunt Mrs. R. E, Pbuley. Mrs. J. Jackson and Mr. S. Spore,, of Toronto,, visited with Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Veal on Monday. Miss Bessie Brooks R.N.„ of Lon­ don, visited with her aunt Mrs. A. E. Delpridge on Sunday. Mr. 'and Mrs. W. A. Coleman en­ tertained a number of friends from Clifford and Sebringville on Sunday. Mrs. Agnes Alexander, of Thames Road, is visiting with her daughter Mrs. J. E. Creery. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Alexander, of Lumley on Sunday ev­ ening, Mr. aim Mrs. will Clarke spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Gun- ning of Kirkton. Mr. J. e. Creery met with a pain­ ful accident on Friday of last week when he was oiling the wind-mill, one of the fans coming in contact with hi» arm and giving it a nasty gash,. Mr, Sherwood Brock also met with a serious accident. While cranking the tractor the’engine back­ fired catching Mr. Brock’s hand bo- «■ % i C-I-L Brands can now be had in both granular and finely" ground conditions to meet your individual requirements Nelson Stanlake. Phone Orders to Dashwood 36 ring 2 8 ■■HMMMMMWIIII'I — 'I I HH —111—■■II Reduced Prices / ... ANNOUNCING NEW LOW PRICES ON CREAM SEPARATORS ' 500 pound capacity ................ $65.00 650 pound capacity J...............$80.00 700 pound ‘capacity ................ $82.00 Plus $5.00 trade allowance for old machine. We also guarantee closer skimming than any other separator on the’ market WALKING PLOWS................................ $18.50 RIDING PLOWS ....................................... $55.00 WAGON GEARS ................................. $75.00 DRAG HARROWS ....... per section $4.00 ARTHUR JONES MASSEY-HARRIS