HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-25, Page 8/ THURSJMY, ARGUST, 25th, 1932 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE NOTICE RE VACATION Hr. Ro hist oa desires to aupQuucm that after a few days, his Deutal office will be closed for two weeks vacation, patients having dental work requiring immediate "attention will confer a favor by communicat­ ing with Mm at opce. ANNUAL RALLY The James st. women’s. Associa­ tion will hold their annual Rally Sept. 1st. Eeach member is request­ ed to good 1-act 'Story made day, Exeter Markets Wheat, standard 48c. Barley, 38c. Oats, standard 30c, Shorts 95 c. Bran, 90 c, Manitoba^ Best $2.50 Model $2.30 Welcome, $1.80 Low grade $1,10 Creamery Butter 2 2-2 3 c. -*■ Dairy Eggs, Eggs, gutter. lM7c» extras 16c. firsts 13c. seconds, 8c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. «T. Reimard Rhodes,, a, . Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 am,—-Sunday School. 7 p.m.—-Rev. James Foote, B, D., of Carleton place, Out., fpymer minister of Caven Church, No morning service during August. LOCAL NEWS Annie Spackman, at the home Miss . Miriam visiting Weekes. Mr. W. J- Beer, Messrs. K. Werner, Suh- come and bring a friend, A program is provided als& a play by 8 ladies "How the Grew." Arrangements will be for the Harvest Home UNION SERVICES LOCALS Main St. and James St. United Churches Miss are Mr. James Weekes and of Guelph, of of J. town, and Hutchinson Mr. Ed. Aldworth spent a few days in Muskol&i last week. Miss Vera Dunn is visting with her cousin Mrs. Wm. McLean in Hamilton. f Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May and fam- Rev, J. H, Stainton. in charge 10 a.m.—Sunday School in each church. i 11 a.m.—Service in Main Street United Church. Subject—Natural Law in the Spiritual World, and Robt. Moffatt, of London, re- ily are spending this week visiting turned Tuesday from a fishing trip to Chesley Lake and Meaford, /Mr,’ Beer was successful in landing an» eight pound lake trout. Mr. and Mrs. John Hind ' to town Monday aftei’ a * motor trip to Tobermory friends at Walkerton and Sound on the way. They made the return trip via Southampton and tttliis week at Grand Bend with Miss ' Goderich^ (Mildred Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and, M1'- Leonard Greb, of Detroit, is daughter Edna, of Toronto, motored' holidaying at the home of his father up Sunday and spent the forepart of Mr. John Greb. the week-with Mr. and Mrs. Rd.5 Mr. and Mrs. Coates. Miss Ila Westcott, who has daughter Pauline visited been visiting here for some time, ton over the week-end. returned to Toronto with them. | Mrs. Jas. Brintnell while going down stairs at her home on Satur­ day morning had the misfortune to stumble, falling down three steps. When found she was put ,to bed and Dr. Dunlop was called. She is suf­ fering greatly from a badly sprain­ ed hip. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Edmunds and little son Barry and Mr. Thos. Martyn, of Flint, Mich., motored over, and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe.’ The men returned home and Mrs. Edmunds and son-are remaining on a visit. Mr. W. G. Turnbull, who lias Deen enjoying a University of Toronto Tour for the past two months oi Scotland, England, Holland, Bel­ gium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France lias returned to spend the remainder of his holidays with his mother, Mrs. E. Turnbull, of town, after being with his sister Ann in New York for the past week. Stewart Gann, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. V. Cann met with a coup­ le of accidents during the week. He was in front of his father’s gas station looking after the baby when ’ lie backed .over a pump stand, hit­ ting the back of lus Jiead on the cement and cutting a nasty gasli. Later he was at the Exeter school playing on the verandah when his foot slipped between some slats of a grate, ripping a nasty gash in one side of the leg. Pearl, his six-year old sister, is still confined to her bed and under the doctor’s care. /Mr. returned pleasant visiting Owen Garage for Rent—Apply to >C'. L. Wilson. ltc. 7 in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Purcel. of London, called on Mr. and on (Monday. Mrs. Geo. Jaques ing with hei* sister, of Rockwood. •Miss Gertrude Francis is spending Mrs. E. Kestle has been visit- Mrs. R. Pean, J. A. Follick and in Hamil- Winnipeg and aunt, Mr. Donald Lindsay, of is visiting with his uncle Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dow, The. Dashwood Band" has been en­ gaged to provide the music for tne Uderton Fair, Sept. 2 Stu, Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, spent the week-end with his- parents Mr.' and Mrs. James Lawson. Miss Olive Shanks, of Chatham, visited over the week-end withj Miss Gladys Kestle and other friends. zlVIrs. Chas. Snell and son Ray, of Dashwood, are visiting with her parents Mr. (and Mrs. E. Kestle. Miss Velma Quail, of Clinton, has been visiting with her grandparents Mr. and (Mrs., George Easterbroox. Mrs. George Anderson left Tues­ day to visit with her daughter in Detroit and also visiting in Lapeer, Michigan. - Reginald C. Abell, of Toronto; ana uncle John Abell, of Seaforth, can­ ed on last. <Miss Harley Sanders, of Windsor, home of Mr. are and and the former’s uncle, Stephen Powell and other friends on Friday Ilena Kestle is returning to Windsor after spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kestle. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rinshed', of Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mi's. I. Hall, oi Exeter North. Mr. and Mrs. Ada and Chester, holidaying at the Mrs. H. J. Kestle. Mr. and Mrs. L. 'J. Penhale famiily have .returned home aftee spending two . weeks at Gustin’s Grove on Lake Huron’. Mrs. C. H. Sanders and son E^or- den returned last week after spend­ ing two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders in Toronto. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Randall and daughter Muriel and Mr. Bob. Still- son, of London, spoilt the week-eno. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. W. L. Kress has returned to his home after relieving the mana­ ger of the Canadian merce at Walkerton two weeks. Mrs. Frank Lee Mamie have returned visiting for a week er’s parents, Mr. Easterbrook. Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Audrey Toronto, spent a few days the fore-! part of the week with Mrs. C‘. A.1 Southcott at ‘Grand Bend. Miss Hilda Sims, stenographer, BEANS WANTED i with Gladman & Stanbury, left on We are prepared to pay the high- Monday for a, two week’s visit with es|; market-price for beans, peas, 1 .... ‘rTT- and all kinds of seeds, and arrange for trucking at low rates.—J. C. ’ Reid <& CO., phone 3, Dashwood. 8-ll-4tc FOUND—A . watch. Owner ‘may have same by proving property, and paying expenses. Apply to K. Greb. ltp. Potatoes for sale, grade No. 2. 25 c. per bag. Canadian Canners, Limited. ' It. Will the party who picked up a broach in the Chainway Store on Aug. 12 th please return Brooch 'is a keepsake. Mrs. Stanlake. same. Silas Bank of Com- for the past p.m.—Service United Church. Subject—Three In Janies Kinds of Sitreel People. leader-under the Huston will have Main St. choir ship of Miss B. charge of the music. Thursday 8 p.m. prayer meeting James St. church. TRJV1TT MEMORMi CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, I,. Th. Organist, Miss MacFau] Choir-Leader. Mr. Middlewiss Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity 10 a.m.—-Sunday School Morning Service withdrawn. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. I. M. B. Parker. INSURANCE LIFE, ACCIDENT & HpALTH When Studying your • future Life, Income or Pension program, consult ARCHIE T. STERLING , Representing METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EXETER, BOX 277 Mrs. Nixon, of Arcola, Sask., is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Bir­ ney. t Miss Gladys Ward, London, vis­ ited at the home of her brother, Dr. J. Ward. Mr. Silas Reed spent the past week at Grand Beits with MV. and Mrs. Ulric Snell. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliott and family have returned from camping at Grand Bend. Mr. Emerson.) Stanley, of Lucan, spent Sunday at. the- home of Mr. and Mrs. F. ^Herington. Benny Williams, of Windsor, has been visiting at the home of Orville Ford>on the Lake Road. Mass Olive Wood, R. N..*'of Tor­ onto, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walker, of Lon­ don, are spending a week with his mother, who is a little better. Mrs.-Mooney and daughter Irene ar© at present visiting the former’s sister Mrs. Vanhorn, of Clinton. Miss Helen Stanbury,f of Toronto, is visiting at’the home ents and at the cottage Mr. and and George London, are holidaying tives and . friends in ity. Mr. • and Mrs. Ross Stratford, spent a few latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aidworth. Miss Johnston and neice Miss Ei-( leen Gardiner, of Chatham, spent the week-end visiting with Mrs. J.. S. Harvey. - | Mrs. Skelly and daughter Jean, of drawing to a close and the scholars London, are visiting for two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. John Ward, the two ladies being sisters. Mrs. Allan and daughter so-Mr, J. Craig and sister I were visitors *with Mr. and ■ H. Johnston on Monday. Mrs. F. H.- Neil, of London, uu- ’ter visiting for two weeks with the derwent an operation for mastoids latter’s brother. A. H. Passmore, on Friday last and is at present very ill. - - i Messrs. Harry and Sydney West " The Canadian National Exhibit- ] returned the latter part of last ion opens in Toronto on Friday and 'week from a pleasant motor trijl of her pdr- at Bayfield. Geddes, of with rela- this commun- McClellan, of days with the SHOE STOCK FOR SALE BY TENDER Consisting of the entire general stock of coarse and fine shoes, in Brown’s Boot Shop, Zurich. Highest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. Last day for receiving of tenders, September 9th, 1932. Mrs. Flossie Brown, administra­ trix, Zurich, Ont. 8-25-2tc. and . daughter, home with the and Mrs. George Wm. Potts ano and Miss Cole, oi FOR SALE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK♦ SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 4 l. dozen for 25c. 9 . per doz. 23c. 9 cakes for 25c. Friiit Jar Rubbers . Zinc Sealer Rings . Pure Castile Soap^. Maple Leaf Salmon 1-2 lb. tin 16c J _ MEN’S NAVY BLUE WORK, SHIRTS Special at each 79c. These include voiles that were 50c. a yard. They go °n- sale this week and * should move quickly. PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLING 5 yards for 75c. SPECIAL IN ALL WOOL WORK SOX ______Extra Value per pair 20c. LIEN’S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR Shirts'or Drawers^ each 59c. Crown Fruit Jars Pints dozen 96c. PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS Colored borders 5 for $1.00 GROCERY LOCAL NEWS MEN’S STORE Clearing All Summer Dresses We are clearing all summer dresses regardless of price. We cannot afford to carry these over and are sacrificing the pri^e on every dress. ♦ NEW RAYON BED SPREADS The quality is much better than have shown at these prices. You will like'' the new patterns $2.95 $3.95 $5.50 NEW CHATELAINE PATTERNS FOR FALL » X'.......... ..... ...... You will be interested in these sjrnart new patterns if you have not al­ ready tried them. You will be surprised at their simplicity and smartness SUMMER VOILES AT PER YD. 25c. NeW 97 Piece Dinner Set for $19.75 The new Gillia pattern in cream ground daintily decorated with a small spray of flowers. Priced to suit your pocket book. Special offer on Ko tex and Kleenex For a limited time we offer 2 packages of Kotex and 1 package of Kleenex the regular price of which is $1.23-for the very low price MEN’S FINE SHIRTS attached' collars. Special at each 79c. SPECIAL 25 PAIRS OF MEN’S"- - HARVEST SHOES With Ipather or Panco soles. A go°d light weight shoe for harvest AT PER PAIR $1.98 Crown Fruit Jars Quarts per dozen $1.09 TRY US THIS SEASON FOR YOUR WANTS IN PICKLING SPICES AND VINEGARS •Mr. Chas. Sanders, of Gilbert Plains, -Man., ahd h,is daughter Mrs. Floyd Doyle, of Detroit, are visit­ ing for two. weeks with the former’s brother, Mr. Thos. Sanders. • Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Complin mo­ tored up from Hamilton Tuesday ■owing to the death of their oin neighbor, the late John T« Miners. Tliey called on several friends, A deer was seen recently by Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hogarth near Trieb* ner’s bridge, 4th concession of Ste­ phen. The deer was on the road and jumped a fence into a field. Mrs. Evans, of London, spent the the forepart of. the week with her husband, Dr. David S. Evans, who is' in charge of Dr. Fletcher’s prac­ tice while the latter is on vacation. . Mr. and Mrs. James McIntyre and little daughter returned Satur­ day after holidaying in Detroit and Pontiac, Mich. Miss Betty Ward, or. London, and Miss Merle McIntyre, of Avon, are at present visiting with them. The summer vacation is rapidly 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT on the following goods SUITS TROUSERS BATHING SUITS HATS . OVERCOATS SWEATER COATS UNDERWEAR CAPS TIES X THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF, SAVING MONEY " > ' ’ . ___ . , A SOCKS will s'oon be trooping back to the halls of learning. The schools in* this community will re-open Thurs­ day, September 1st. Mrs. ♦ I PHONE 81 W. W. TAMAN 4 EXETER, ONT. Mrs. Lawson, of London, spent,! Miao xvcoa unvun^, ix. an., ua xjc- the week-end visiting' wRli Mrs. J troit, is visiting with her mother, George Anderson. Miss Reta Elworthy, R. N„ of De­ iDora, al- - - * Hannahs. Mrs. Susana Kestle and Mrs. Mrs. W. Wm. .Ryckman have returned home | by boat from the American Soo af- Mrs. H. Elworthy. / her brother Melvin, of Windsor, and also with relatives in Detroit. M*rs. Clarence Easterbrook ana son Kenneth and daughter, Eileen ‘ making a satisfactory recovery. - of Paletto, returned home Tuesday I after visiting for some time with. j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook. | Mrs. W. H. Aitken and son, Don- j aid, of Tofonto, and Misses Mary purse, and Emma Baynham, of Winnipeg, | visited at the home of Mr. Samuel Smith and other relatives last week Mr. and Mrs. W< E. Bradt and sons, Bob and Joe, of London, and | Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell, who hav«! A 1 been holidaying at Harrison Park, real Owen sound, returned home Sun- ; day. Misses Helen Dignan, Eleanor b the opening day men’s ten mile will feature the wo- swim for a $1.0,000 With Francis, Mrs. Rd. Free Slip Covers , From now pntil the end of August yyith every Marshall Mattress pur­ chased we will give Cotton Slip Cover valued at $4.50. Do not let this opportuity pass if you are need­ ing a mattress in the near future. We can fit any bed We deliver any distance. E R. HOPPER furniture store Telephone 99; Residence 63 i I to (Montreal, Ottawa and Peterboro. j The former has returned to his' duties at Sarnia. | Mr. Allan Pickard accompanied1 by Mr. and^Mrs. M, F. Gladman, of, London, left1 by auto for Duluth tak­ ing the northern route through Ontario , visiting North.- Bay, Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie. At DuluihtMr. .Allan Pickard will continue on to R.egina and Mr. and Mrs. Gladman will return home by bo’at. Mrs. Arthur Tapp, Mrs. J. G. Jones and Miss May Jones attended the funeral of late Dr, Harrison in Detroit on urday. t Mr, and Mrs, J. T. Forest, 1 10 inch Fleury Grinder 50 ft. 7 in, Goodyear belt, only used used one winter. Coin© quick as this machine will not be here at* the price. 1 McCormick Corn Binder in shape value, 1 _ ............................ Plow, 12 inch bottoms. This Now is Medd, Marj’orle Medd, Ina "Jaques, practically new and the price is of town and Miss Jessie Mowatt, of . Acton, are spending this week In We still have some 30 Used Cream Mr. W, Martin’s cottage at Grand Separatoi's on hand but they afe go* Bend, £a^‘ ^«ake and Mrs. A. Brlwon and son from $1.00 to $6.00. . , Billy, Mrs. James. Creech, ol Ho- ........ "?'1'... ..... " ( Chester, N« Yu Mr, and Mrs Walter M*r. Jas, Dfgnan on Gidley St. to tire Rearing of London, were Sunday residence they recently purchased uiLviiiaiiuiiui naivv&tti visitors at the home of Mrs. Oath- from the estate of the late 0, Hey- Co» ktd.j ftxetets Out* Creech. ,wood on Main Street, at less than half price, long the Sat- 2-furrOw Cockshutt Riding , who » have been visiting the Eacrett con- ' mectino for the month of August ! left for their home in New Jersey , Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. E. J, Harwood and ‘ little granddaughter, Marie Wylie : of Toronto, visited over the week- ■ end with Mr. and, Mrs, Wm. May and other friends. Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Thompsoh ■■ are moving from the residence of E W. R. Goulding At T. 0. It. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theort Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT