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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-18, Page 8
THURSDAY, AUGUST 1982 /THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE / LOCAL NEWS Miss May Jones is spending her holidays this week at the Mayflower cottage, Grand, send. Mr. Edward Wjlson, of London, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Christie. ( Miss, llena Kestle, of Windsor, is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. h. j, Kestle. Mr. and Mrs. Brno© Rivers have returned after holidaying with rela tives in Hamilton. Miss Janie Hogarth, of London, is holidaying with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Misses Emily and Mary Down, of > London, are ^yisjting their brother Rev. J. w. Down, and Mrs. Down. * ?Mr. ’ and Mrs. *Ev G. Tucker, of | Hamilton, called on. Mr, and Mrs, | Thos. Harvey and other relatives in - town on Sunday. (Miss Emily Swenerton, of Kings ville, is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Hogarth, the two ladies being sisters. Rev. and Mrs. L. Cr Harvey ano family have returned to the home of the former's mother in town aftei camping for two weeks at Tober- morry. , -Mr. N. Stacey and little son have returned to their home at Willow with the form- tor t-wo 1 Eneter Markets Wheat, standard 48c, Barley, 38c. ■Oats, standard 30c.6 Shorts 05c. Bran, 90c. Manitoba© Best $2.’5Q Model $3.30 Welcome, $1.80 Lew grade $1.10 Creamery Butter 32-25c, Hairy Butter, 16-17c, Eggs, extras 14c. K&gs, firsts, 12c. Eggs, seconds, 8C. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN "CHURCH Bernard Rhodes, A. Minister „ Cuatp&i ‘’LLJZML. Organist school withdrawn owing Re». J. Sunday to the orchestra and choir going to Cromarty, ‘ j 7 p.m.—Rev.^R. O. Rogers, B. A., Th. M.» of Cromarty, | ’’ I No morning service during August. I II I Main St. and James St, United Churches | Rev. J. H. Stainton in charge ; 10 a.m.—Sunday School in each church. | .................... ■■—■T UNION SERVICES Every Summer Dress Reduced It is a good time to buy a summer dress. Every summer dress has been 0 LOCALS Visit the Flower Show in the Lib rary on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward visited in St. Marys on Sunday. Mr. family, Grove, Mrs, are home after a- week’s visit London, r Miss Aldonna Wuerth, of Credit on, is Visiting with Master Dawson Goulding. Miss Gertrude Stewart, Oshawa, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. R. Stewart. Miss Dorothy Grassick, of Munro, . visited old friends Rev. A. E, Elliott, pastor of the the week-end. Main St. United Church, with his • One of the largest wife and family left last week by auto for Brantford and the Niagara peninsula -where they will visit with relatives and Mr. George the Chainway underwent an icitis has returned to his duties and is being assisted for three weeks by Mr. Keith Beck, of Strathroy. Mr, Sam Hedden, Mr. John Hed den and friend Miss Layton, Mrs. Bloomfield, Miss Geraldine Hedden, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McDonald, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Mrs. S. Hedden returned home with them and Miss Geraldine remained to spent a few weeks -with her grandparents. Mr. Kydd is able to> be up a short time each day following his recent acci dent. ’ s Grove after ‘visiting er’s mother, Mrs. Harvey, weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley and Edith Armstrong, of and Mjss Henderson, of Detroit, vis-, ited with friends in Exeter and in Crediton on Tuesday. Lamport London, friends. Chiddick, manager of Store, who recently operation ror append- FOR SALE new,I Fordson Tractor, good as latest model made in Canada, a real bargain, must be seen to he appre ciated. 1 10 inch" Fleury Grinder with 5 0 ft. 7 in. Goodyear belt, onlyjised used one winter. Come quick as this machine will not be here long at the price. 1 McCormick Corn Binder in A 1 shape value. 1 Plow, practically new and the right. We still have some 3 0 Used Cream Separators on hand but they are go ing fast. Come and take your choice from $1.00 to‘ $5.00. at less than half price, real 2-furrow Gockshutt Riding 12 inch bottoms. This plow is price L International Harvester Co. Ltd., Exeter, Ont. Mrs. McMartin and assistant still come to the home of Mrs. W. J. Melville every Wednesday'and even ings by appointment to 'do Perma- nant Waving, Marcelling and Finger Waving. Prices very reasoable. Work guaranteed. Phone 61w. NOTICE Accounts for flowers at the Exeter cemetery are now due and payable before 25c. a Ford Sept. 1st. After that date bed will be added.—John 8-ll-2tp BEANS WANTED and Mrs, D, Gordon and are camping at Turnbull’s Mooney and daughter Irene in in Exeter over crowds, ev^r at that popularGrand Bend visited summer resort on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G- S. Howard and daughter, ‘Miss Evelyn, have left for Ripley to visit the former’s sister. Mr. Stewart friend Miss don, visited Sunday. Mr. and Moorhouse ana Vera Mooney, of Loa the latter’s mother on Mrs. Roy Linklater, 'Dorothy and Frank, of Godiehich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. F. Blatchford. x Mr. Harry. Jennings, Jr., conduct ed the services at the churches at' Ripley and sn Sunday last. Mrs.' Jos. Downie, of Sask., is expected here will visit at the home i Mrs. John Hunter. Mr. Geo. Smith, manager of •Canadian Bank of Commerce Wingham with Mrs. Smith is holi daying this week at Grand Bend. Miss Marjory Foster, of Granton, Mr. William Westlake and daughter Of .Wyoming, had their tonsils re moved at. Dr. Browning’s office last week. s Mrs. F. R. Anderson, of London, Miss Ruth Zirk, of London,- visitea a few days last week ter’s parents Mr. and of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anglican Pine River Saskatoon, today of Mr. and and z the in with the Tat- Mrs. C. Zirk, Johnston vis ited their friends of many years Mr. and Mrs.'Isaac Jarrott in Kippen and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morrison, of- ( Clinton. is Mrs. Pilon and family have mov- .ed from Andrew St. into the com-’' fortable apartment recently fitted up by Mrs. Gidley over the Salva tion Army hall, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May, Warren and Marjory accompanied by th® former’s sister Mrs. ehell, are spending Sarnia and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. P. Macintosh and Mrs. of London, visited with Misses A. & B. Andrew and Miss Miners on Wednesday of last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chappel, oLHamn- ;on, motored up and spent Sunday ivith relatives. They brought with •,h©m (Miss E. Shapton who had vis ited with them for a month. Mr. Alf. Hicks had the misfor tune to have the little finger of his right hand nearly severed last week while working at the binder. Dr. Browning Rev. R. and little and Mrs. J. (McMillan, (Dr.) Hall, Mft- this week in Qardiner |Mrs. Susie Andrew, drpssed the wound. E. and Mrs. Southcott son Jack, of Richmond, ‘Southcott’s mother, Mrs. I of Ridegtown, Are We are prepared to pay tire high est market price for beans, peas, and all kinds of seeds, and arrange for trucking at low rates.—J. G, Reid, Phone 3, Dashwood, 8-ll-4tc GRAIN WANTED We are prepared to pay the high est market price for all kinds of Ontario Grain and Beans. We can also supply you with empty bags and arrange for trucking same at a very low rate. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Hensall, Ont. Office Phone 54 Residence Phone 63 lot 3 con. 4 Owner may property and Apply to 'Geo. STRAYED—Onto hen tp. a heifer, same by proving ing expenses. burn, R.R. 1, Crediton. ROOMS TO RENT AT GRAND BEND—in private home on Main St. leading ter lake; hydfo. $7, per week for two persons with cooking privi leges. Home has just been remo delled. Apply Gin Crest cottage, Grand Bend, or Timee-Advocate, Ex- eter< .z r- ............... Sit eb- have pay- Hep- 11 a.m.—(Service in James Street United Church. Subjet—The Place of Prayer'in a world of law 7 p.m. -—Service in-.,, Main Street United Church. Subject—(Midnight Shopper# Special Announcement The joint Supply Committees of the Main Street and James Street Con gregations have decided "that the two congregations shall worship to gether until the second Sunday in September. The minister of James Street will have charge of the ser vices. The attention of the public is called to .the following subjects which will be taken up by Rev. J. H. Stainton for the next three Sun days. August 28tH Morning Subject—“Natural Law in the Spiritual -World.” Evening Subject—“Three Kinds of People." September 4tli—•Labor Day Morning Subject—“The Man in the Ditch” based on Edwin’s,, Mark ham’s poem, “The Man With the Hoe” Evening Subject—“The Starvation Committee.” Both of these subjects will- deal to some extent ’with the social ana industrial conditions of labor.in the world today. Services—one hour only—Sermon 2U minutes. Bright, brief and help ful. Come and bring yo.ur friends. Main St. choir under the leader ship of Miss E. Huston will have charge of the music. Thursday 8 p.m. prayer meeting James St. shurch. TRIVTTT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian,'L. Th. Organist. Miss MficFaiil Choir-Leader, Mr- Middlewiis*. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity 10 a.m.—Sunday School Morning Service withdrawn. 7 p.m.-—Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. I. M. B. Parker. LADIES’ MESH HOSE A good wearing mesh hose for sum mer wear in good shades at per pair 49c. Vhi-TV| YVII.VJ qrfaav LADIEfe’ COTTON HOSE In shades of black, sand or grey. A good wearing hose jn all sizes at per pair 5 19c. LADIES’ MESH HOSE Our regular $1,SO quality. (Comeb in the season’s best selling shades. Reduced this week to per pair $1.00 CREPE AND SATIN BRASSIERES ......................, ' . . .............. 2 dozen only sample brassieres, values as high as $1.25 colors white, eggshell, peach and maize each z 49c. Chatelaine Patterns that Sell for 15c. These patterns are made in Canada. Our customers are well pleased with them. They are so simple and easily made and the price is low 15c. PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLING A toweling' that is good weight, fine weave and washes and wears well SPECIAL AT 15c. A YARD \ PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS }A pilre linen tea toi^el, size 19 ins. by 28 ins. in different colored borders SPECIAL AT 5 FOR $1.00 CORTECELLI THISTLEDOWN YARN In all the wanted shades. • This is a beautiful all wool yarn that you are sure to like. PER BALL 15c. BLEACHED SHEETS Size 81 ins. by 99 ins. These ard hem stitched and are excellent quality and large size. You will appreciate their value at per pair $2.50 1 A view Pattern in Congoieum Rugs We are showing a new pattern in Congoieum Rugs. This is the best pattern they have ever produced. It comes in a mottled effect in wonder ful colourings and may be had\in any size. MEN’S BLUE WORK SHIRTS 1 « v iDeacon’s make. A full sized roomy j shirt in dark blue that gives good wear 1 EACH 98c. I • ■ ' ■ , MEN’S COTTONADE PANTS These pants are well made, are good fitting and the cloths are new, A good looking pant for a low price EACH $1.50 Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers -------8c. GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Pork & Beans ............. 2 cans for 15c. I Fray Bentos Corned Beef .... 2 cans 25c. Fancy Assorted Cakes . .. per lb. 19c. | ci /t c oeJ t? ii * i < r * • j • ! Kipper Snacks .........4 tins for 25c.rull stock of finest spices and vinegar | .for pickling | Lilly Chicken Haddie..............1 lb. tin 15c. 1 Jno.' Hepburn, of London, with her sister Mrs. Grace and other relatives on Sun- ' METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE Representative Archie T\ Sterling BOX' 277 LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Contracts for all members of the family. s. Miss Aljce Willard, of Detroit, is Mrs. visited Hooper day. Miss Sadie Walker, of Toronto, is spending her vacation with mother Mrs. William Walker, who is not well. Another daughter Miss •Millie Walker, of the Western Unl- I versity staff of lecturers came up I Friday evening for the week-end. Miss Ethel Seed, teacher in Chi cago, .who has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Wm. Abbott, has left to visit” friends in Strathroy, her early home, and in Forest. She was ac companied by iMr. and Mrs. Abbott, and Eleanor, some of whom will re main a week with her. The Exeter Horticultural Society her I Z • . * . A ■ . .. 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT on the following goods SUITS TROUSERS BATHING SUITS OVERCOATS SWEATER COATS UNDERWEAR I HATS CAPS visiting her mother Mrs. Mary Wil-' Uas done much to encourage the I lard. Mr#. Frank Colwill, of London, ; visited for a few days last week with Mrs Grace Hooper. ■ Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Williams, of Rochester, N. Y., are the guests ot Dr. E. Sc arid Mrs. Steiner. (Mrs. A. L, Davis and son Walter, are spending this week with Mfr. J and Mrs. A. Davis, of London. ( Mr. and Mrs. John Francis, of Lon- Goderich and Dungannon with their don, Spent the week-end visiting friends, of the first named whose ‘ with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elford. I growing of flowers and shrubs by I the citizens of Exeter thus adding to the beauty of the surroundings of the homes. Bring v out your blooms and help to make ’ the flow- 3how a success on Saturday. r ; Mrs. George Powles, of St. Thom as and her sister-in-law, |Mrs. Albert Powles, of Talbotville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Powell last week. They spent a few days in father and grandfather, George Kit-1 spending this week at Grand Bend. Mr. Thos. Tapp has returned to son Junior and Senior lived there Miss Isobel Senn, of Hamilton, Detroit after holidayng with life fPr man^ Vea^' Mr. Kenneth McKellar and Mr. Reg.1 father Mr. Wm. Tapp and sister, very enjoyable afternoon was Beavers, of the Bank of Montreal Mafy. *• I spent at tlie horrie of Mrs. (Dr) staff, Ft. Erie, visited with Mr. and i Misses Jean and Dorothy Campbell Fletcher last week in honor' of Miss "ID TA I’D O VV Paii +Ra ... /S-P WrtllA'ril* a n 'viA 4 4-$ «« * TT-te 4- Ti 1 ID T^" nVi ft /sir* -— - ..------ -------- . ____________axwuuiqgu XJLAUlkQ XV,IN t j OL JA.I1 1- ! sail, spent Monday with Miss FlOs- [ bocker, N. Y. Among those present sie Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Campbell, of San Diego, Calif., are visiting with Mr. ant) Mrs. W. A. Balkwill and other relatives. Mr, O. McPherson,' who has been holidaying with his father, Mr. A. McPherson, is spending this week at Grand Bend. Mr. w. W. Lawrence has returned to his duties at the Bank of real after holidaying for two at his ’home in Ayr. Mr. T. S. Woods, manager Bank of Montreal, .is on vacation and is holidaying at his summer cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. McVlttie,' of , Hospelor, re turned to her home on Friday after visiting a week with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston, Mt, and Mrs. Percy Ktfrk and fam ily, of Toledo, Ohio, visited over the week-end with the former*# ents Mt, and Mrs, C. Zirk, of ter. Miss Isobel Senn; of Mrs, B. W, F. Beavers for the Week-1 of Toronto, who are visiting in Hen-. Kathleen Hicks R.N., end. ‘ I Miss Thelma Hockey entertained. several of her girl friends on her' eleventh birthday which was on Fri day. Games were played followed by a dainty lunch. A very jolly.fime was spent. | Wm. J. Smith, of town, delivered ;wo McCormick-Deering tractors for ‘ threshing purposes in the past two weeks. 1 22x36 to Mfr. John per of Hensall and 1 15x30 to rett Bros, of Pafrkhill, (Mr. and Mfrs. Wilbur Martin tored to Hamilton on Sunday' were accompanied home by two daughters Margatet aftd Patsy, who visited with their uncle and aunt Mfr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies Dr, Ham, vention in Toronto last the week-end with his Francis Blatchford, Miss Ida Blatcm- ford, R, N„ and Miss M. Griff fa, of Detroit* are at present visiting with Mr. Blatchford. .• % r were Miss Mary Yule, Miss Dorothy Atkinson, Miss Harriet Hueston, Mrs. Thornton McBride, all of Lon don, Mrs. Thos. Sanderson, of By ron and Mrs. Garnet McFalls of town. ' ■ SOCKS TIES THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF SAVING MONEY W. w. TAM A N , PHONE 81 ’ EXETER, ONT. i Mr. Herb Mitchell, of London, Misses Pearl and Edith Qidley Spent a couple of days last week and friend, of Toronto, visited on ■ with relatives in the community. j Friday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston. Pep- Bar- mo- and their Moht- weekS of the I I W. J. SEYMOUR iI Main St., Four Boors South of J Hogarth Hafahery i Painter, Decorator & Paper Hanger terms—moderate , Estimates Free Prank Blatchfotfl, who attended the of Ft, Wil- dental con-- week, • sperft father, istf. paf- Eke- W. FL GOULDING A. T. F M 0 . Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Chnrcb Instruction fa Piano Vocal Organ Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Mhfa St. box 133, phone 132 EXETER, ONT From now until the end of August with every Marshall Mattress pur chased we will give Cotton Slip Covet valued at $4.50* Do not let this opportuity pass if you are need ing a mattress in the near future. We can fit any bed We deliver any distance. E. R. HOPPER FURNITURE STORE * » Telephone 99; Residence 63