HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIME5-ADV0CATE HENSALL Dr, and Collyer spent Sunday . with friends in London. [ .Miss Labejie, Hawkins, of Sea- Miss Florence Welsh visited with forth, is holidaying at Mr, Charles friends in London on Sunday, 1 stephens’, Mr. Joe Hngan spent the week-, Mr, Sam, Brock who nas been in end with friends in port Rowan, I poor health for some time is taking Mr, Laird Joynt, of Toronto, spent electrical treatments from Dr. John the week-end with his niother here, Wal’d. His many friends hope that Mr, anh Mrs. Edward Sheffer vis- it will do* him a great seal of good, .j ?—« ^£,1 Mrs. Jim Hogdson ana John Hodgson, of Gjrapton, vis- in the neighborhooa last Fri- for .some time yet. The Misses Paley, of Walkerton were week-end visitors with their cousins Messrs Walter and Kenneth Johns* ited over the week-end with rela­ tives jn port Huron. I Mrs. Miss Jennie Taylor visited ever ited the week-end withj her sister Mrs. day, Rex Pick of the London Road south. I Mr. and IMts. Jack Woods, of San- p sjjth, Barbara, iCalif.. are visiting Hensali. Mrs- Thos^ Murdock visited last week with her son-in-law and daugh­ ter Dr, and Mrs. B. Campbell, of Toronto, Mrs. D. paisley and children, of Montreal, are visiting at Hhe home of Mrs. Paisley’s mother Mrs. E. Rennie, Messrs, Louis Clark Sr,$ G, O, Petty and D. Foss attened the cple- fifty-five. the neighborhooa last Fri- Cudmore Re-ilnfon very hap'py event xtook place onA very hap'py event took place on . friends, and relatives in and around Saturday, August 13th, at the home * of Mr, and'Mrs. Charles Johns in honor of the former's mother Mrs, John Johns of Exeter who celebrated her eighty-second birthday on that day, Mrs, Johns, whose maiden name was Sarah Cudmore i^ the only remaining member of the'large family of brothers and sisters. Mr, Aaron Cudmore a brother passed away in the West,this year. About ----- —------ children, grandchildren, bration of the Knights of Columbus nephews and neices met on SatuT- at Brampton on Friday. 1 ; ■ The Corbett reunion was held on the first Cudmore’reunion, the Corbett homestead where Mr. gratulations and Mrs. Fred Corbett Saturday, August 1>3. Harold spending a week’s holidaying with guests were present from Oshawa, their sister Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer -of Walkerton,’Seaforth, Exeter, Kippen the Beach of P”ioe. I London, Lucan and Lambeth. The reside and Billie Higgins I day to do him hohor in the fonp of .....— ....... Con- were received from on Crystal City, Portage La Prairie,I Winnipeg, /Windsor, Walkerville, are Gainsborough and Manor, Sask; and Hth ___ __. __ ~ the Beach-of-Pines. ~ I London, Lucan and Lambeth. __ The baseball game played here on spacious lawn of the host and host- our local diamond on Monday even-, e.ss ing between Lucan and suted in a score of 2-1 Lucan. Relatives and friends ent from New York, Oxford* Fenton,! New Baltimore, Detroit, London, II- derton. Stratford, Dashwood and Hensall. ’ [ Mr. Wm. McKay* former principal .meet at Mr. of the He-nsall school ( who now re- sies in Windsor with his daughter Miss Lillian, is recuperating from a recent operation for ulcers of the stomach. Mrs. Glen Bell, of Tucikersmith, was taken to the Scott ■ Memorial1 a, rousing ball game. __ __ _ Hospital, Seaforth, for an operation t mously decided to make the reunion for appendicitis last week. Her an annual affair and they were In- many friends-are^ glad to hear she yited to meet next year at Mr. Thos. is doing nicely. s i Workman’s Kippen. Officers were 1 Mr. Oliver Geiger, of Tarra, was ( appointed as follows: Mr. S; Johns Wrecent visitor at the home, of his Exeter, President; Mr. ,Sam Cud- pa’rents Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. ’ more, Seaforth; jMr. Wm. Butler, of He was accompanied home by his London; Mr. Ed. Daley, Walkefton; sister Mrs. C. Kennedy who will vis-,]-' .............. it him for several weeks. j the committee. A musical program Those coming the longest distance consisting of solos and instrumental Were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingram of ( numbers and a ^ing-song brought to New York. The oldest one present a close with “God be with you till was Mr. Wm. Corbett, of Fenton, | we meet again.” Many expres- Mich. The youngest . one present ( sions of pleasure for the- privilege was Mary Jean Marshall, of Detroit, aged 2. A pleasant afternoon was. spent in games- and music and much' credit is due to Mrs. Fred Corbett" on the beautifully arranged tables j and delicious meals. Services in our local churches were well attended on Sunday last. At the United Church Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and at the morning service a duet was giv­ en by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfile Hengall re­ in favor of were pres-( will vis- was prettily decorated numerous flags and instead program of sports it was preferred by all to spend the afternoon in get­ ting acquainted as a great number of them were meeting for the first time and so a very pleasant time wqs spent in social chat with one another. It was very fitting to Johns’ for their first reunion as it was here Mr. and Mrs. John -Johns began their married life as "pioneers sixty years ago next twentieth of March. After a bounti­ ful supper which was served in pic­ nic style the young people enjoyed • It was unani- with of a t , _ - — ----------'•'V 7 Mr. Orville Workman, Kippen were' the committee, a musical program of meeting on such an occasion were voiced and all repaired to homes with delightful memories happy day.a their of KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. L. McCann, of troit, are visiting with Mr. and B. IMcCann. Mr. and Mrs. H. Libby and Ann Hanover, all of Buffalo, De­ Mrs. Miss are?„°V» MT' >jaird J°ynl, an'? spending two’ weeks vacation , with In the evening a sole was tendered. t]leir parents Mr and MrB j by Mrs. iMaude Hedden? At the ove,r> >. wl^elVAnnS\y^riahna^ChUr/?1, R6V’i m;’s- Art Willert and Grace and W. A. Young -had charge of the ser-. Reta spent the weefc-end with vices and a very pleasing duet was frieXids in Grand Bend. given by Mrs.. W. • A. McLaren and. Mrs. W. A. Young in the evening.- HARPLEY - Misses Edith Taylor and Marjorie Jennison, of Grand Bend spent Tues­ day evening at Thos. Love’s from there they , went to Kingston where they will take the boat for a cruise down the St._„ Lawrence River io Montreal where they intend spend­ ing a few days. Mrs. J. J. Carruthers Sr. return­ ed home on Saturday after spending a couple of weeks with friends in Detroit. Mr. and (Mrs. Frank Jennison and their two daughters, of Toronto, called at Mr. Lloyd Taylors’ and Mr. Thos., Love’s on Sunday noon. Mr. and Mrs. L. Held, of Waterloo accompanied by Mr. and, Mrs. J. Hanover and Miss Ann, motored on Friday, to Chipstowe. Midland, Kin­ kora, Stratford and Waterloo return­ ing home on Monday. IMiss Mary McDonald left last Monday for London where she will make her home in the future. Mrs. Otto Willert spent Friday in Sarhia. . Mr. Sanford White, of Centralia, spent Sunday eve with Mr. and Mrs. Hanover.J. CREDITON EAST after- ELIMVILLE visiting 'in Miss Gen- Wm. and Mrs. Bell pleasantly. Sunday School on Miss Gladys Skinner is Seaforth with her friend evieve Hawkins. • • Mrs. Henry Dellbridge, Bradshaw, Miss Florence Miss Helen Mutch very entertained their classes at Miss Mutch’s home Tuesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon. Harris and children, of Farquhar; Mt. and Mrst Corich and daughter, of Stratford^ were guests of Mr. ana Mrs, Ivor Morgan one day last Misses Gladys and of London', in this of this iMiSS Master________ spent last week with tlieif cousins Miss Gladys and Master Elgin uer. \ . Miss Birdine McFalls, of dttlph spent several days last at Mr. Wm, Bradshaw's. Master Billy Brock spent a week’s holidays with his grandfather Mr» Wm. Oka at Seaforth.' Reports from tile hospital m Lon­ don nay that Mr. A. Neil is improv­ ing but will have to remain there ana Mrs, week- Ruth Weber, acquaintances the beginning renewed neighibbi’hobd weak, Edith Hunter, Russell Hunter, of Stratford, of Exeter and Skiri- Bid" week Mrs. John Sims and children spent last week with the former’s mother Mrs, John Baird at Grand Bend. of Clevelanc, with Mr. CREDITON IMr. and Mrs. Hsrh Gunnthw and son Bobby, of Buffalo* N. Y., visited with Mr, and Sunday last. Mrs. (Rev.) and Mrs, Roy Of Naperville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred JHaist 'and other.' relatives over the week-end.Mrs. A, G. Holtz, and sons, Ken-1__ neth* and Raymond, of Kitchener*. S and Miss Myrtle Brown of Naner- [' ~~ ville, III., are visiting at the home | S' of Mr» and Mrs, ‘Emmery Fahner S and other relatives, | EE Mr. and Mrs, Norman Kicker and 5— Harry Brown, of Owendale, Mich., and Miss Esther Eilber, of Detroit, = spent the week-end with Mr. H, F, Eilber, Mr, Eilber accompanied ss them home,' x. Miss Nola Faist spent the past EE week With relatives in Owendale and pigeon, Mich, • = Rev. and Mrs.* W.' M. Sippell ana == family and Miss Elizabeth Grenze- == bach, of Kitchener, were camping! at the “Detroit” cottage at Grand ~ Bend last week. 'SS Mrs. Louisa Swartz is visiting in S Detroit with her children, sss Mrs. -Bailey, of Detroit, is visit- sx ing with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. === Mrs. Charlie Trietz and children 1= are visiting in Elkton, Mich. ■= Mr. and Mrs. E.' K. Fahrner and = family were camping at Turnbull’s ~ Grove last week. = Misses Helen Maclsaac and Clara == Thompson spent the week-end with the former’s parents. ss-j ’1 Misses Silvia arid Linda Layer == and Evelyn Fahrner, of Ann Arbour S Mjch., and Inez and Dorothy Fahr- ner of Crediton, are spending the 2 week-end at the Rustic Cabins at 5= Grand Bend. Miss Pearl I-iaist, of Ann Arbour, Mich., is spending her vacation with her mother Mrs. Mary Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Burg, of Detroit, spent .the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fahrner. Miss A, Schweitzer^ of London, is visiting with Miss 'Norma' Finkibeln- er. We are pleased to report Mrs. Charlie Eilber is improving from the result of a recent fall. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Guettinger and (daughter Velma and Mr. Her­ bert Fahrner were in Clinton last Wednesday. Mr. Richardson, of Forest is re­ lieving Mr. iM-. W. Telfer, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce while he is on his vacation. Miss Linda and Silvia Laper and Evelyn Fahner, of Ann Arbor, Mich, are visiting at the Central Hotel. Miss Bernice Finkbeiner, who is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is [ piest' co-operation; Mrs. H<?nry Haist oh s. w. Brown, Mr, Brown, and daughter ( 2E ill,, were guests of. Ss. THE. RED & WHITE STORE Combination Special 1 jar Cross fa Blackwell Sandwich Relish 1 QQp 1 Dutch Qyipn. . z-. ■ .... . : 2 pkgs, for 21c. Select Pink Salmon Large fin each 10<;. Best Icing Sugar 2 lh. For I5fi« Select Pink Salmon 1-2 lb. tin, 4 for 25c. PURE CANE SUGAR 10 lbs. for 50c. Shredded Cocoanut in cellophane bags 1-4 each 6c. Good Bulk Cocoa in cellnphape bags 1-2 lb. pkg. each 9c. Falcon Sweet Mixed Pickles 9 oz. Jar each 10c* FLY COILS (Flip Flap) “Made in Great Britain” ,.,,,., per dozen 19c, Ltix Soap Flakes 3 pkg. for 25c. Palmtree Soap* I 5 calces for 17c. | Handy Ammonia 3 for 19c. MUFFET3 (Whole Wheat Biscuits) Crown Frui,t Jars, pints . . , per dozen 99c. Crown Fruit Jars, quarts . . per doz. $1.14 ' Finest Zinc Rings , ....... per dozen 23c. Best Quality Jar Rubbers , . 4 doz. for 25c.i Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 12 oz. bottle .He, Kellogg’s Cornflakes 3 for 25c. De Luxe Jelly Powders..................6 for 25c. Good Whole Rice................. 3 lb. for 16c. ' WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF PICKLING SPICES, VINEGARS ETC. FOR YOUR PICKLING NEEDS ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver Illi* A Pleasant Outing A 'fine afternoon was- spent at the Svpringbank Park when Horticultur­ ists in No. 410 District accepted an invitation from London to visit with them. The meeting, opened with a bean guessing contest a pint gem of Scarlet Runners. The award a fine Boston fern and the beans went to a Woodstock visitor. Mr. W. E. Saunders tfien took the chair call­ ing Mr. McFarlane to extend greet­ ings from the London Parks Com­ mission. Mr. Buchanan spoke of the origin of the park. 480 acres was acquired' for a water woriks sys­ tem when the Horticultural Society joined hands with the Parks Com­ mission laying it out for pleasure and mutual enjoyment. Between these two bodies there is the hap- xxvopxucx, -x—Mr. Hunter, of improving following an operation. I Stratfqrd, spoke quite briefly com- A number of girls from town are menting on the great beauty of the campang at Grand Bends •Miss Addileen' Gaiser is visiting Plan 'to in Ghesley this week. | ’ . and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Durst and family, of Wroxeter, were visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. Hopcroft on Friday. Mr. and (Mrs. John Runge and daughter and Mr Henry Hopf, of Clifford; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Price and daughters, of'Hanover and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cook, of Fordwich, were Sunday visitors with Mt. • and Mrs. Hopcroft here and at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. E, Vallett and daugh­ ter Herva, Mrs. Ira Campbell and daughter Barbara Ann, of Flint, Mich., and Miss Anna Hess, of Zu­ rich, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman on Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Nadiger while opening a window had the misfortune of having *a ,board fall striking her on the head causing a deep gash which required medical attention. HoW- I ever we are glad to report she is ; improving. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac re­ turned to* Detroit on Monday after two weeks’ vacation with relatives. Miss Onieda Restemeyei’ is visit­ ing relatives in Detroit. Master Jackie Baker entertained a number of his little chums to & birthday party noon. Mr. and Mrs. son Harold, of week with Mr Fassold. Mrs. P. Mclsaac was ; pleasantly surprised on Friday evening when about twenty • friends gathered to celebrate her birthday. The evening was spent in card playing which a dainty lunch was served the ladies.- X CENTRALIA Miss Jean Thompson visited with Miss Patsy Russell in Exeter for a few days last week. Mrs. Miles McCabe and son Mac are visiting with relatives in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs.- M. Sileamon and June, and |Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford and young son spent Sunday at Ip- perwash Beach. Mrs. J. Williams, of Detroit, vis­ ited recently with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. John - McFalls and , other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Haryey Godbolt left on Wed­ nesday of last week " where ‘he intends to few months. Miss Dorothy Lee, visiting, with Mr. and Mrs. .George . Baynham Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Haddock. Mr. Lloyd Baynham has returned to his home in Guelph after holiday- ‘ ing with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham Sr. Mrs. George Thompson and Jean are visiting’with relatives in Brant­ ford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huxtable, Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bawden and families spent the week-end at “Stout-Fel­ las” cottagb,’ Grand Bend. Mr. Robert Smith .spent the week­ end in London. Mrs. Arthur Brooks and Mr. .Wm. Skelton, Mrs. A. McGowan, Blyth, Mrs. J. Taylor and Mrs. Julia Scan- drett, of Belgrave, visited on Sun­ day with their aunt Mrs. Duncan Anderson in. Preston. Mr. Wm- Folland returned to his home’ in Royal Oak, Mien., on Wed­ nesday of last week. On the eve of his departure he was presented with a handsome leather club as a token of remejnibrance. Folland is a great sportsman during his stgy here he was the popular catcher of the Centralia baseball team. Mr. Roy Fletchei’ who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, 'London, was able to be brought home on Thurs­ day of last week and is feeling much for the West remain for a of London, Is Park; it was a great advertising ' ' ) distribute Horticultural work through public channels rather ........................ Childs then : encour­ aging the amateur and so'help them to beautify their own homes and surroundings. He also spoke of plan­ ing -the''next district meeting to be in London. A very hearty welcome was extended Mr. Clarke when he arose to give the address of the af­ ternoon. In the course of his talk, he said Horticulturists are contri­ buting .to the beauty and are the backbone of the 'nation; they are x, iaii. I real home makers; there is no pes- Hugo' simism or discontent in the garden; . i give from your garden to the others « ’ rt-n/J n n-tr inpto'n nno rl ccm lncf — The masons are busy these days than optional. Mr. . Child working on Herbert Young’s house, spoke on the desirability jaf -tMr. Nicholas Beaver, who had the misfortune of falling in the barn about two weeks ago is improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Alsworth, Reta and Ray, of Waterloo, are visiting with Mr .and Mrs. Edwin Beaver. Mrs. W. J. Mallett and son Ken­ neth and Miss D. Mallett and Mr. A. Hynd, spent the weelk-end at the hotel. Miss Minnie MacDonald, of Den­ ver. Col. is visiting wfth Mrs. Fran­ cis MacDonald and Mrs. 1 Schenk. Miss Shirley Finkbeiner, of Strath- roy, is spending a week’s vacation with her' cousin Carrie Fahrner. THAMES ROAD i on Monday after- Adam Fassold and Detroit, spent last and iMrs. Philip and in many instances deep and last­ ing affections are former. Refer­ ring to his own beautiful garden, the above was very true. The beauty and attractiveness was very .no­ ticable when there was a Horticul­ tural Society. The membership of these run into the thousands there is a very vital interest that shows itself both in home and gardens, the most popular form of gardening at the present time is a rock garden with their beautiful abracia or ag- eratums and arabus. The lily is a flower fast gaining in popularity. after by Mrs: C. R. Young, spent a few days last week brother and sibter-iri-law Mrs. Wilson Anderson. (Mirs. Charles Anderson Jack, of Sarnia, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. "I Miss Shirley Mots, of Exeter, is holidaying with her aunt and uncle' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. | Mr. and Mrs. Henry ■ Motz and. Mrs. c. Halls and Mrs. F. Sandiman ’ and Mrp. Eli Lawson spent Sunday in London arid pt. Stanley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson Tuesday in their cottage at Bend. Miss Ruth DTUmttiond, of Craig,' is visiting with her cousins Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hoffman. Miss Florence Truemner of Grand Bend, is visiting her aunt and uncle Mr. and arid Mrs, Aaron Wein. MT. CARMEL \ Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Whitlock and Mrs. Horton and Miss Evelyn Whit-! lock, of St. Thomas, were Sunday! visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter J Whitlock. Miss Joy Whitlock and Miss Ruth Scarcliffe returned after holidaying here. Mrs. Ann Baker, of Exeter,Js vis- lt vuwer iaau iting with her sister IMrs. G. Cham- some' very wonderful varieties are bers. | coming to the front, he then quot- Mr. Peter Whitloclk was a recent ‘ ed from a paper, entitled, ‘ Control T3of garden insects and diseases” which can be obtained from Toron­ to, in which he said, invite the birds to your gardens, by building homes and encourage them to stay. They eat millions of weed seeds and are great destroyers of insects. Mr. I Saunders then • opened a question period and answered by Mr. Clarke, the At the close Mr. McLeod expressed bis the thanks and appreciation of the [■Society for their attendance and support. Lunch was served after - | which a drive around the park end- ’ 1 Mr. Foster each and all bid adieu. Rev. Fr., Guinan, of Assumption College, Sandwich, visited his father Mr. Joseph Guinan and tives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, is a visitor at the home br’other Mack McDonald. Mr. John Hall, of Goderich, spent his rela- other rela- of London, of latter’s bag Mr. and visitor with his sister* at Port Col- borne. returning home called on relatives in Brantford and Strat­ ford. Mrs. Smale, who has been very ill a few days last week with brother T. J. Hall’and other tives here. Mr. Andrew Morrissey, of troit is spending his holidays at his home. Mrs. Shannon, of Grand Rapids, Mich., is visiting at the home of her nephew Corie O’Brien and other friends here. Mr. O. Hall and friend, of Lon-' don, spent Sunday at the former’s home here. ‘ Miss Elizabeth Houlahan R. N., of Detroit, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents iMr. and Mrs. John HoUlalian. Miss Mary Ryan is visiting her counsin Miss EleanoY, Leonard, of Pankhill. Mrs. M. Doyle and daughter Miss Kathleen is visiting friends in Lon­ don. Miss Clara GlaViri, of London ac­ companied by her uncle John Kil- gallin, of Ottawa, are visitors at the home of the former’s parents |IMr, and Mrs. Joseph Qlavin. Mi's. Thomas Rowlrind is spend­ ing a few days with friends at Lon­ don. Mr. and Mrs. Foley and family, of Detroit, spent the week-end. (at the home of Mr. P. Reardon. De- better. GREENWAYher arid) ivus, oriicixc, wuu uuo uccu veij- ui j and under Dr. Fletcher’s care is lm- son proving. Mrs. Suhr, of ' Stratford, vith i is in attendance. Mr. Kirk Hutton has acoepted a position at Acton and leaves first of the week to commence new duties. Thames Hoad Mission Circle The monthly meeting of Thames ins nt the garden, of Road Mission Circle and Women’s Missionary Society met in the base­ ment of the church on Friday Aug­ ust 12, at 2.30 pan. The meeting was opened by singing of hymn 399 followed by the. Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Then the President of the Women’s Missionary Society’, Mrs. Carin took the chair. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Allison, sentence prayers .. „were given by Mrs. icydd, Mrs. I •?dward Siebert and Cann and Miss Monteith. A trio,fa»in< Mr. and Mrs. (hayton S ebert consisting of Mrs. J. Cann, Mrs.’P. I^d Mi\ and Passmore and Miss * F. Saunders............. sang. Mrs. Robert Kydd gave* a very interesting' talk. Mrs. a. Morghn then favored us with a solo and Mrs Allison gave a short reading, Hymn 130 was -sung followed by Mizpah benediction. A social half hour Was spent. spent Grand Ailsa I when DASHWOOD HL H. Cowen. L.D.S.. D.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood. first three days of week and at office oyer the Post Office, th Zurich., last three days of week. Dr. GRAIN WANTED are prepared to pay theWe highest market price for all kinds of Ontario* Grain and Beans. We can also, supply, you With empty bags and arrange for (rucking same at a very low rate. | Cook Bros. Milling Co. ; Hensall, Ont, Office Phone 64 Residence phorid 63 — arid Mrs Charles Siebert and daughter, all of Kitchener; Mr. and 'Mrs. Wni. Witzel arid family, of Petersburg; Mr. arid Mrs, Henry Hesse, Mr* arid Mrs. Hafry Caplirig arid, family, of New Hamburg wore Bunday visitors with Mrs. Witzel, Rev, and Mrs. W. Zimmerman, of Bridgeport, were visitors with Mr, Hard time dance at Cromarty opdn air pavilion on Friday night August .. . X. A prise of $1.00 for heist couple in 19th. G6nts 35c#> ladies 15c. hard time costume.■J* Rev. Geo. Webb, *of Toronto, preached a very interesting and in­ spiring sermon at the United church last Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wickert and son Emerson, of Hale, Mich., have been visiting relatives and friends In thq, neighborhood. Miss Margaret Armstrong was the guest of Miss DOris Hicks last week. Mrs. Mary Geromette has moved to Parkhill. Misses Adah and Ellen Shank are working at Grand Bend. 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong, of Sarnia, visited her motner Mrs. C. Ricikhorn recently. Rev. Jas. Finley, of London, ‘will conduct the services in the United church next Sunday afternoon. Mr. Finley has been prominent in boys’ work both in Ontario and the Cana­ dian west. Mr,, and Mrs. Alfred Drew and Miss Betty Drew, of ^Kingston and Mrs. Reynolds and Miss Nina Hol­ land R. N., of London, called oh Miss Mae Wilson -last Tuesday. - Mr. Claude Fallis took charge' the Worship period" ‘in/the sutiMay?/ School of "the United Church &nd' Mr«. Ddwsbn WOodbutn has charge next Sunday. Thein services are fritteh appreciated.