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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-18, Page 4
pHUHSOAV, AL'GVST ItHll, 1»S2 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE -i ................................... I--, 1 LOCAL NEWS I Mr. Fred Ellerlngton lost a val- , BIRTHS BALKWILL—-In Exeter, on August , . Ji 11* 1982, to Mr, and iMrs. Russell ©able horse this week* ( > Ealkwill,. a son, J - Miss Verna Coates is spending a we notice by your good publication diQIRH-din usborne, on Wednesday, te5Ldays 1 ( August 17th,. to VMr. and Mrs. Or- * an Moir, a daughter. OCKLE-—In Scott (Memorial Ros- I ipital, Seaforth, on Saturday, Aug-. i ust 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Laird* Mickle, a daughter, ^cNAU'GHTON—In Scott Memorial ; Hg^Ral, Seaforth, on jUC Ml and Mrs. Lome • ton, of Cromarty, a daughter. COMMUNICATION 1 family, ©f Sarnia# visited oy©r * luifYR’Tr:. ArSF" QAI F* week-end at the home of .'Ml D. JYlWr* • Finklbejner, | There will he no preaching per-, vice in the United Church on Sun day as Rev. Mr. Johnston is om his holidays. x I Sunday School will b© as usual at 10 o'clock. A special programme will be given on Temperance, (Miss V. Sharpe has returned her home after taking a study agricultural wonk at ^Guelph. Miss Marjorie Dtheripgtom Exeter, is at present holidaying the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, Keys. | Rev, and Mrs, Williams > Unice, and Ruth, of Mt. Brydges, visited' last week with friends here. Qand JJend £asino I Monday, August 22 ^TAKE-A-CHANCE NIGHT” ‘PRIZES -- EVN NOVELTIES ■ oj -1 PROPERTY virtue of the pow- a certain mortgage that the date set is October 3rd. for the by-election of South Huron-*—al so one daily has it, that Oabinet members are to be sent into the rid- ipg, in the hope of capturing the seat for th© conservative party. How coin©—when not even81 th© Minister of Agriculture had time to speak . for ten minutes to the farmers at ily visited at Port Stanley on Sum' Ottawa, yet a few days later he ■day. journeys all the way back to Hen- Mr, J. T. Mineis, who was quite .sail, to a Conservative Convention ill last week, is again able to be the interests of a by-election and around. • now eVen Cabinet ministers are com- Mrs. Newton Baker is visiting her ing? sister Mrs Geo, Chambers of the Thames Road, Miss Alma and Marjory Richara- daughter [ son are cami«ng with relatives at Mrs. E. A. Wickert, of Hale, Mich spent last Mrs. Mary Mr. and Hamilton, connection Miss Ethel Kydd has returned to( her home after visiting her cousin . Miss Geraldine Hedden in London, | Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and fam ily, of Waterford, spent the week end visiting their parents in town. Mr,' Mervin Bissett, of Brantford, visited with his cousins .Mr. and Mrs. Milo- Snell over the week-end. and days and 1 I and were week-end with Mr. August 3, McNaugh- ’ Mx\ Nelson Sheere of the Jones & [May staff, is holidaying this week, I Some of the farmers in this dis trict are already through harvest. Mjss Jean Lockwood, of Comber, .is visiting at the home of Mrs. Jos- I Yellow. ! | Mr' and Mrs. R. L. Mptz and fam- GIRLS’ SOFTBALL CLINTON VS. STRATHROY at 6,30 ji.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th to in of at VILLAGE Udder; and by ers contained in which will lb© produced at th^ gale, the undersigned have been instruct ed to sell by public auction ON THE PREMISES 1 MARRIAGES Lightfoot—essery — At i {James St. United church parson- ? age, on Friday, August 12, Miss Doris Gertrude Essery> c------ , of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Essery, of Point Clarke. Centralia, to Mr. Harold K. Light-1 171 * foot, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Wm, Lightfoot, of McGillivray, Rev. J. H. Stainton officiating. th© IN 3EEMORIAM •: In Loving memory of dear father md mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ■?lynn, who passed away on August ilst and September 18th, 1931. \ silent thought a secret tear, Keep their memories ever dear. Sver remembered by three daugh- i ters. announcement i |Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton •jounce the engagement pf their laughter Hildred Lauretta to Ed- iiund Thomas Edworthy only son of ily. and Mrs. S. S. Edworthy, Lon- Ion, Ontario, the marriage to take slace quietly the end of this month. an- EAGUE STANDING L 4 5 5 6 15 T 0 1 2 0 0 t Three men are in the field, Con- 1 servative, Liberal and ptogressiye and various opinions are heard along the back concessions. Our friends, the Conservatives have chosen a man who says “We need more protection I of every kind to get us out of this ’ depression”—which speech goes to • Tucker, or show, that if he were elected, he HEAR I ! I “MUSIC THAT IS MUSIC’’ played by FRED ELLIOTT and his 9-piece orchestra ‘Sweetest Miisic tliis" side of Heaven’ COMING I ! ! FIDDLER’S CONTEST, AUG. 29thher motherweek with Willard. Mrs. E. G. visited with the Harvey -will be but one more cog in the big in town Sunday. ! wheel of depression. — i—— on T!— SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1032 at 11 a.m. the fallowing I Valuable property, "namely; ALL "AND SINGULAR that certain par- I cel or tract of land and premises 1 situate, lying and being in the Vil- ■ lag©* ot Exeter, in the County pf Hu- ' .ron, and province of Ontario, known guests .Lewis of Label},© a few of Mr. Suitter Toronto, LOCAL NEWS Mr. E. French and neice, The Liberals have been doing some Hearts, returned to Toronto acrobatic stunts’with their man—(after holidaying with launched him into field and almost in the same breath hoisted him into the Federal Field, a risky stunt according to a lot Liberal thinking and that when isn’t well-known in the riding.. The Progressives have chosen man, who some years ago did repre sent us at Ottawa, but we < recollect ever hearing from unu uu lu puumuij- uluc-i pmuw. (- - ------ - —while he was there and we under--They will also spend a week at Central ^College, stand when ~ ......- he resigned. had counted ■would have 'l: W slrediton .............................10 mean ................................. 9 Hensall .............................. 8 Dxeter .......... S lentralia .................. 1 SELL KNOWN RESIDENT j OF KIPPEN DDKS SUDDENLY .1 Our quiet little village was filled /ith sorrow this morning on learn- hg that Mrs. James McClymont had uddenly passed away soon after 7 !.m. It was quite unerpected since he deceased attended Swnday, ichool and the church service on (Unday morning. During the af ternoon she felt fine and was her wn cheerful happy self. She and ,Ir. McCymont spent the afternoon uietly at home, resting and looking ver, the snaps of their children and randchildren of whom they have reat reason to be p^oud. In the yening they went for a ©bort walk nd retired as usual. In- the early lorning she became• quite ill and »r. Collyer was .called but she pass- d away a few. minutes after his ar- ival. ■ • The late Mrs. iMcClymont nee Miss larg^ret Dayman was a daughter of ae late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dayman f Concession 3} Tuckersmith. She ad been an almost lifelong nrem- er and Sunday 'School teacher and Trker of the former Methodist and pe present United church in Kip- en wjiere she will be greatly miss- d as her place will be hard to fill, he was a good-neighbor, a loving ,1’iend and a devoted mother. In Jiaract^r, she was most cheerful and i ■^.complaining, always looking on' * <ie bright side of everytnlng. After ’ i- little talk with her one always felt peered and refreshed. The f:’~ (athy of all who .knew her goes out her bereaved husband who is now ;kt alone in the home. | j Besides her sorrowing husband he leaves to mourn her loss, two ’ aughters and four sons, viz: * Jerry-berry, of Tuckersmith; llle and Verner, of Detroit; CHRISTIAN FINKBEINER, OF SHIPKA, CELEBRATES HIS EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY and distinguished as Lot Number , Forty-six (46) on the North side Mr. Christian Finkbeiner cele- o£ Victoj.jal st;eet> WeSt of William _____ _ ____ _ ' ,_r admeasure ment one-quartey of an acre be th© same more or,„less, on the map or plan of the subdivision of part of Lot Number Twenty-three (213) in the First Concession of the Town- brated his 80th birthday anniversary street containing ' by on Sunday last, Hjs- three daugh ters and one son were present and a number of other relatives, old neigh bors and friends. He was born in 1852 on the Finkbeiner line and at tended" the Crediton public school. gUip o£ gtephejli prepare4 by N. Gar- , r, a 1 TN ' —- , r i'ew Boulton, ’ Provincial Land Sur- solo Samday > and m 187 8 they moved to Shipku yQ.yQj,- dated 1876 and registered in •■/-- 7.—“ , the Registry Office of the countyA golden wedding was o£ jjuron aforesaid and known as Isaac Carling's Survey. Together with th© rights reserved in and sub- \ ject to the charges contained in a \ certain deed dated the 12th day of January A. D. 1923 from Victoria .A. Hind to one William Greenlee.NaTerville, Hi.;|an\d ^registered in the Registry Of- Charles Finkbeiner is a minister of iice for the County of Huron in the Evangelical Church of Hannali, | Book xni lor the village of Exe- Alta.; Geo. Finkbeiner, minister of fcer the 6th d o£ March} A,D.,. the Evangelical Church of Donners X923 ag Number 54O1. Grove, Ill.; Sam Finikbemer is a minister of the South Dakota Con ference; one brother was killed in an accident in the early days when bushmen were felling a huge tree. the Mrs,’ E. Sunday latter’s the provincial parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Follick (He married 'Miss Magdalene Gaiser (- ' Mrs. Hearts sang a morning at the Main St. United1 where he and his daughter Erjna re church. Mrs. Heart’s singing is al-1 side today. ways appreciated. “ > ‘ Dr. M. C. and Mrs. Fletcher are1 long after, this event, on vacation this week. They left on I [ - of he a celebrated five years ago and not " ............. Mrs. Fink- _______ beiner died. The original Finkbeiner I Tuesday for Tofoermorry, taking the family has a splendid record. One* U£*■* v" I J-LI co 11 cl j XU1 X U‘MC* X***<A * ,y | tcLJAlll£, Lllv v .* >, , cannot [boat to Manitoulin Island and then brother of the above mentioned is 1 him * on to Sudbury and other" points. J Pr°f- Thos. Finkbeiner, of North his term was finished Surely if he felt he for anything then, he been willing to throw •the ring for another Point. Dr. Fletcher’s Mrs, Lutman, Miss Mrs. Wm. Smith spent in London, the Mrs. Wm. Yule. Mr. and Mrs daughter Ruby, 1 guests over the and Mrs. J. S. Grant. Miss Irene Bierling, Mr. and Mrs. his hat into E, Gibson and Miss Marion Gibson, round. of Sarnia visited with the former’s ... , x x a n *parents lor a tew’ days. >, ,A three-cornered contest is douibt- r , tul at any time and we farmers on(Mrs. Aubrey Buswen, of North ^e back concessions are more jn- Mancliester, Ind., i~ her two 1 Homer and Ernest Buswell. Dr. and Mrs. Dunlop nave return ed from their hqlidays having enjoy ed a motor trip to the American Soo and through the iMuskoka district. Mrs.. Gerrie, of Toronto; Miss Margaret -Gladman and Mr. Shep herd, of London, were week-end vis itors with Ml and Mrs. F. W. Glad.- man. Mrs. Gerrie is a sister' of Mrs. Gladman. * Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Howey, of Tillsonburg; Miss Gladys 1------ and Mr. Kenneth Jones, of Stratford Mrs. McKaig' and Miss Newell, of Hensall were guests at the home of Mrs. (M-cNicol on Sunday, ■ , , Mr. R. E Davis, of the Can.,Bank as c^0^ce to represent us at of Commerce, at Trentoji, m com pany .with Miss Dorothy Sullivan, of . visiting with ter.ested in men who will serve, us, brothers-in-law,^ Messrs, than in political parties. T: — j WOndering then, why Liberals Progressives could not ciigose man, who would fill the bill to satisfaction of all. What better round man have we, well throughout the riding, who has al ways had the best interests of agri culture at heart than'R. J. McMillan and who stands high in the estima tion of men and women in this prov ince, who liave<7met him .in the business of trying to raise agricul- Fufton tuTe to a higher plane. Ijn what finer way could we show our appreciation of our late mem ber Thomas McMillan, than to give | R.' J. McMillan our unanimous ap- We are and one the all known Ottawa. In this purely agricultural riding, we want a man who under- Strathroy, have spent the past week visiting the former’s parents, Mr. ' 1'” and Mrs. Sidney Davjs. They left on Tuesday to visit in' Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon and Miss E. M. Bowey re turned the latter part of the week- from a delightful motor trip to Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa. They called on Rev. D. and Mrs. Mc- Tavish at their new home in Port Eunice Hope. j spent a couple of days /Miss Katherine Woods, of Lon- (with Mrs. H. Foster, doh, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods at Grand Bend over the week-end aud on ’Monday underwent an operation for a chron ic case of appendicitis at St. J-pseph Hospital, London. She is getting along nicely. Rev. David Rogers, of St. Thorny' her home in Toronto arter spending while visiting in AilSa Craig came a -couple of weeks with friends in up Sunady evening to attend ser- this community, vice in the James St. United church | Mr. and Mrs. wm., Wightman and and to hear Mr. Stainton, the lat- family, of Sebringville, sp'ent Sun- Iter’s father and Mr: Rogers being ^aV with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cole- n"' old schoolmates. Mr. Rogers has man. .been associated with the London ' Miss Marion Pooley spent -Satur- I conference for 5 6 years. Visitors "over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd 1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kydd, , | Toddy, Mr. Duncan and Mr.t OhithamVnd'^’V^Sn William Kydd V— iad Harvey ot St. Catnerlae.s as well ?,Hy’ °' Toronto. Mr. her sister, Miss Sarah and* a Yother, -Robert Dayman on the old; ‘omestead. know the man, why not get him—■ l Yours for Honest and Upright Government. John Hayseed WINCHELSEA Mrs.Geo. Parkinson- Parkinson of Missand Blanshard last week Mrs. Emerson Gunning, of Kirk ton, visited, with Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke on Friday. Master Harold Davis spent a few days last week with his cousin Mas ter Harold Pym, of Ejimville. Mrs. E. Sprague has returned to iMr. and Mrs. Wnl., .Wightman and Jackson’s practice is in charge of Mr. David S. Evans, former is away. of London, while THE LATE MRS. R. J. SELVES The death of Sarah A. Beavers,A. Wife of Richard J^ Selves, occurred ’Tiie community of Shipka now lias ' on -Thursday, August 11th, at lier I many industrious and successful home, Lot 1; East Boundary, Us- j farmers, -but the year Mr. and Mrs. I, borne. The late Mrs, Selves was. Einkibemer moved to that lncalitv th© daughter Beavers and was born on borne, where until a little w | xailUC.l^ UUU blip yedi JVA1 , UMU. XVXXP* Selves, was Finkbeiner moved to that locality of the late , Benjamin they found two acres of improved ” She land, roads were not open and the country had the appearance of a An -excellent >______ dinner was served to forty- guests. Sarah Bellans, I Lol 11, Con. 4, Us- On the premises is a comfortable ■two storey residence built of ce ment blocks and well finished in- , side. It is located on one of the (21 best residental streets ' in Exeter, centrally located for school and church*. There is also a commod ious garage. TERMS OF SALE / 10 per cent, of the puychase mon- she continued to live wilderness, An excellent birthday ( on ^h© day of sad®^ and^the J^aJ- ----- _ ----- over five years ago, dinner was served to forty guests, when on her marriage to Mr. Sielves ( Herewith we mention the- names of over five years ago,lance within 30 days thereafter. Sub ject to a- reserved bid.. Further terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale.- she came to his home near Mount Pleasant, Mrs. Selves^lost her mother when she was fifteen years old and-.for many years played a mother’s part taking care of her father and a large •family of brothers and sisters. Her! father died six years ago and the memlbers of the family that prede-. ceased her were: Amelia, Samuel J Thorfias, Harvey, Althea and Mary. Sh© js survived by h'er husband Mr. R. J.' Selves, two brothers J. W. -Beavers, of St. Marys, M. L., of Exe^ ter and one sister Alice at home. Mrs. Selves was for many years a faithful member of tn© Woodham United church where she was an ac tive worker in all the organizations of the congregation. After her mar riage she transferred her church membership to Mount pleasant,’^ana there she identified herself with all the work of the church. She was a regular attendant at Sunday School and at all services .of the church and was always ready to help in any way that she ,could. She was a valued memjber pf the Woman's Mis sionary Society and of the Ladies’ Aid. She was a great ■ lover of flowers delighting in their culture and was a member of the Fullarton Horticultural Society. She was,, a woman of unselfish- Christian .character,- her thought al ways ence were with of the church, and’ in social life. After an illness of'several months she was. suddenly Called Home on the morning of August 11th, peace fully passing away in her sleep. The funeral was held from her late home on'Saturday, August l|3|th to the Union cemetery, Kirkton and was conducted by her pastor Rev. T. A. Bell. The large numbers ^pres ent showed the esteem in was held by a large circle and acquaintances. The butes were many ancr being for others. Her influ will long be felt by those who privileged to be associated her in’ the home, in the work some of them: iMr. John Ratz, Ship ka; 'Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Mclsaac, , London; Mrs, Rosina Stahl, Mrs. M. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Finkbeiner, Mr.'and Mrs. William Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs, Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Finkbeiner Jr. (De troit), and T\rr, and. Mrs. Me^ln Kleinfeldt. Two married daugh ters Mrs. Ernest Keys and Mrs. Francis Laforme. Erma at home and Mr, and Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner unit ed in honoring thei^ aged father in this social function. The pastor of the Evangelical Church M. Sippell and family also shared a few hours of the pleasure of the day. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter, Ont., Solicitors for the Mortgagee MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Under and by-virtue of the pow ers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale the undersigned have peen instruct ed to sell by public auction at th©. Dominion House, Zurich on SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th - 1932, at 2:00 p. m. the following valuable farm property, namely : ALL' AND SINGULAR that, cer tain. parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in •the Township of -Stanley in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, and- being composed of the West half of lot Number Six in the Eighth Concession of -the ’said Twp. of Stanley, containing ' fifty, acres more or less, an’d the South half of the West half of- Lot Number 7 also. ‘ in the Eighth Concession .of.the said Township of 'Stanley^, except par cel in the forpi of 4. rectangle, two. rods square at the south-east angle of the yvest half, of said Lot' con veyed by the Canada Company to- Robert Stephenson by deed dated the ninth day of November, 1911> said part of Lot number Seven con taining twenty-four acres and -one huhdi’©d and fifty perches more or less. * ' This is. excellent pasture land and is centrally located in a splen did farming district. TERMS OF SALE j0 per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale, and th© balance within 30 days thereafter. Subjected to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions will be made known on the day of sale. f OSCAR KOLOPP, Auctioneer. \ GLADMAN & iSTANBURY, EXeter & Hensall, -Solicitors .for Mort gagee. KIRKTON Miss -(Maggie Copeland, of Lucan, spent a few. days with Miss Hattie Kirk. We understand that Rev. Mr. Buir teel will be leaving shortly, to take charge of a parish in. Brantford. Miss. Freda Coun, Oot Nisura, is the guest of Miss Elva Roger. I Another week of fine weather and [ the grain harvest will be completed for this year. ( Mrs. P. F. Doupe, of London, call ed on friends here this week. Mrs. Johnson and daughter Gene vieve, of Watford, spent a few days this week wfth friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hazelwood, of Detroit, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazlewood. Dr. C. A. Campbell spent a few days this week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lester (MicCurdy, of Detroit, spent a few days with Mr. and| Mrs. Jas.- Howe and other friends. We regret to learn that Mrs. Sam. Brown is not very well at present. Mr. R. Humphries is putting in a new oven for baking bread this week. Rev. Allan Duffield, of Toronto, who is visiting his parents Mr. and jMrs. Charles Duffield addressed the Sunday School on Sunaay morning. • -Miss Marion Pooley spent -Satur- I day with Mrs. J. T. Hern of Zion.' Misses Elsie and Jessie Heywood visited with Miss Beryl Brock on Sunday. s Mr. F. 6. Davis yisited with Mr. Trueman Dobbs in Lucan -on Friday of last week'. M|ss Ethel Pooley' ts spending a week in Toronto with tier cousin Miss Violet Sprague. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Andrews and daughter Ilene, of Exeter, visited- with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey on j Ilene with were Mr. and Vivian and Eilly, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. jWm.-'Kydd and family are leaving rouier, Kojoert Dayman on the old i ^oda{ f°L.a t0T2-V^^0UiVeri^°r Mr. McClymont’s sister'.tlw benetlt ot Mrs’ Kydd s -health‘ 1 nd her husband Mr. and Mrs. Cro- Mr- C. L. Wilson and two sons i_., —a ----. 'and Mr. E. O. Harness returned the ™-,?- ? T6 C0“,a T’.Wednestey of last week. Miss Ito Williamsburg, where Dr Loeke, rema)ned {„ a t6w aays. ! the famous foot specialist is treat- ■ WX! 4XXOV, LU cue vemeuery. I ins hundreds of patients a day. I ter pastor, the Rev. iMr. Connor, of’Wheii thdy arrived at Williamsburg- le United church, Kippen, conduct-* j.1 was estimated that ' there were I in the neighborhood of a thousand ier and daughter, of London, at- ?nded the funeral. ] The funeral which was largely at- mded was held on Wednesday, the Oth inst, to the Exeter cemetery. d the services and the pallbearers fere her four sons and two sons-in- vw. The large number of floral .tibittes were very beautiful. < -j ____■...................... ..j i The annual James Street United hoir picnic which was to have been eld oh Wednesday of this week has een postponed for another week. I I which she of friends floral trl- neautiful. Among those present from a distance were; Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beav ers, Exeter; Mi’, and Mrs. George Moon, Londesboro; Mr.” and Mrs. A. Fuler, st. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Oecil Glass, Thorndale; Mr. and Mrs. C. j Beavers, Medina. The pall-bearers were- six nephews: Ernie, Elmer and Wallace Selves; Charles Beavers, Cecil Glass and Otis Sawyer. The flower beaters were;“Alice Beavers, Medina; . LaUtUne Beavers, Exeter; ' Margaret Fuller, st. Marys; Althea Switzer, Kirkton;" Viola Jaques, of j Woodham; Marian Tufts, Kirtkon; NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Estate of BYRON ERASTUS HICKS, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Cattle Drover, deceased. » ALL PERSONS having Claims against the above etsate hre requir ed on or before the 3rd day of Sep tember, 1932,' to fyle with the un dersigned full particulars of their claims, duly proven, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which liatice has Ib6en received. / GRAND BEND Mr. 'and Mrs. John Bowan people there, having come from all s°n Howard visited Mrs, John o^er the continent to visit the doc- Sr. Mr. and Mrs. tor. The doctor sits in , a .swivel ’ Capac,- Mich., chair with patients circled around lu Lapeere, Mich, hi^n and as one patient vacates a ,.L- chair it is filled With another who while on vacation was able to has been awaiting his turn. Many fnoved to her home in Pt. Huron. 5. _________ I Burns’ Church visited' Mr- and Mrs. J. W. Holt. The services of last’Sunday were well attended and all are expected to be there to lidar Rev. J, Finlay, of London, next Sunday at both ser vices. Mrs. Melvin Dodds, of Buffalo, is visiting her father Mr» Frank Gero- mett, ,who is on the siok list but is improving. ■' Mrs. Chas, Lawson, of Hamilton, is Visiting Mrs. Ed. Gill. Mrs. Isonbach, of Detroit, is visit ing with fabt parents Mr, and Mrs. John Ravoile for a few weeks. v Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor, of Clils- i elhurst spent Sunday with )Mr. and Mrs. John MOttssOU. and Holt Bowan dive in ,, while Howard liiVes (Mrs. Baiter, who was taken ill be In 1 wonderful cures have been report- Rev. J. W. Maines and wife, of ed. 1 Burns’ Church visited' Mr. and Mrs. -------—------- Her Back Was So Weak For Her To Do Housework Mrii. J. A. Schaler, Winnipeg.. Man., writes:—’“Five years Ugo I had a severe operation and it left me with a weakness in my back, and it was hard for me to do my housework. ' * “My sister, who had used Doan’s Kidney Pills with great success, kept at me to try them. I took he/ advice, mad after having taken three boxes I was able to do my housework and not suffer any pains after. ’’ Price 5Qc. a box at all drug and general stores, Or mailed direct on receipt of price .by The T» Milbum Limited, Toronto, Gat. ) of Mrs, A. Hopkins, Mrs. C. Switzer and Mrs. W. Simpson, Science Hili. Mrs missed church to Mr members of the family. Selves will be Very much and the sympathy of the and community is extended -Selves and to a.11 the SHIPKA' other NOTICE TO DEBTORS I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharpe attend- | ed‘ the “Robbs’* reunion at Spring* bank on Saturday last, \ ' Mr, and * Mfrs. Wm< Clarke and (Doris and Mrs. Jas. Keys, of Varna, ■ visited on Sunday . relatives ' here. • | Mr. and Mrs. Erajacis Lafond and All promissory notes, accounts and loans owing the above* estate must be settled with the undersign ed on or before the 3rd ay of Sep tember, 1932, after which date, pro ceedings will be taken to collect. . Dated at Exoton, Ontario, this 17th day Of August 1932. CARLING & MORLEY 1 'Solicitors for Executrix Exeter, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN that all • creditors and others having claims against the estate of WIL LIAM H. BROWN, late of tile village of Zurich, merchant, who died on the Eighteenth day of June, A. D„ 1932, are required* to forward their claims duly proven to the undersign ed on or before the Fifth day of September, A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Ad< ministratrix will proceed to distri bute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, day of August, A. D. GLADMAN ’& x, ■ Exeter Solicitors for this 16th , 1032. STANBURY and Hensall Administratrix X o 5