HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-18, Page 3\ ■ Alg. 1; His. 3; JHUBSMXr AUGUST l«th, 1WMJ in of Winnipeg, 4 SUNDAY j of, head- * * >:< 2. _x_ W.M* (JL juu.CWTEKSKPIIIS was right when about marrying Balfour, Kip- for Carberry, a in J. to F. LEAVING FOR ENGLAND /worry -------------- --------------—*--------T*-------- ' Back seat driving doesn’t the man who drives a hearse. , Hi * * * * ‘The Middle School results of tlje Departmental examinations are now made public and again the percent­ age of passes reflects great credit upon both pupils and teachers, in Algebra there were twenty-four can­ didates and all were successful, while one future only in each of the four language papers prevented a clean sweep and in Chemistry and Ancient History the failures were 2 and 3 in a tot^Fof- 45. No less than thirty-five'*candidates (those oppos­ ite whose naJhes an asterisk appears passed in all subjects attempted. Grade one proficiency calls foi’ 75. per cent, or more; grade two 66 per cent, to 74 per cent.; grade 3, 60 per cent, to 65 per cent, while a credit is made on 50 per cent, to 59 per cent. Those wishing to make an | appeal should consult the principal apply to the principal for the blank form for that purpose, ------7— Amy, Marguerite E. Com. 2; Lit. C; C. His. C; Alg. 2;. ♦Beaver, Edna—Alg. 1; Chem. 2; L. Com. 1. Caldwell, Doreen M.-—C. His. 2; Alg. 0. ♦Christie, Earl’E.—A.’His. 2; Ph. X; F. Authors 1, F. Com. C. ’"Coates, Betty B.—Com. 2; 1; C. His. 2; Alg. C; PJi. C. ’ ‘"Coates, Jean I—Geom. 1. , *Cochrane, Grdfton W.—A,. His. 1; Alg. 2; Chem, 2; L, Authors L. C'om, 1; F. Auth. .C, T THE JEXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Middle School Results25 YEARS AGO Mr. W, T.. Acheson Js having cement walk -and roadway laid the 'archway at the central Hotel. After having some rips broken by being trampled on by an infuriated beast iast«weeik, Mr. Alt. Hicks, Us- borne, is recovering. Mrs. Chas. ‘Birney unfortunately had a hone in one shoulder displac­ ed by a fall on Sunday evening. Frank Bawden after holidaying at his home here returned to London on Monday to resume his position the drug store. Messrs. John Hind and W. Heaman left /Monday for Orillia represent Exeter Lodge I. 0. O. at the Grand Lodge which is being held this week. The-married and single men of the town had a good game of ball on Friday evening when a fairly good exhibition of the game was witness­ ed. Five innings were playe-d re-; . _ .suiting in favor of the -bachelors J and the teacher of the subject and 7-4. Carling and Hawkshaw pitch-' ed while Hoskins for the single and W. Knight for the married men re­ ceived. The teams were: Married— Stewart, Manns, Heaman, • Hawk­ shaw, Hartlei-b, Boyle, Amos, Knight White, Single — spaekman, Snell, Eacrett, Powell, ^Carling, Creech, Bissett, Hoskins, Mceonnell. Franks Knight umpired and did it well. Harry Caldwell who has dissolved partnership with Mr. pen, left on Tuesday Man, Mr.Trank Taylor, Miss Bessie Taylor, Miss Aggie Ro­ land, Will, Harold and Ed. Westland of Wyoming were here this week on their way td the Bend to camp. % \ ♦Creech, Joseph B.—A. His. 1. •"Creech, Ray MacD.-—Com, Lit. 2; A. His. 2; Ph. 1, ‘ Dearing, Marshall J.—Com, Ph. 2. ♦Dinney, M. Rowe—-Lit. 2; A. 3; Geom. 1; Chem. 1; F. Auth. 2. Eilbejl* Berpice E.—Chem. C'. ♦Elleringtoii, Frederck R.— C. Elleringtoh, Margaret H.—A. His. C. Fraser, W. Allan—C. His. 2; Chem 2- ' < ♦Gascho, Marjorie E.—Com. Lit. 1. ♦Greb, Wesley E.—Com. 2; C. His. 3; Alg. 2; Ph. 2, ♦Hemphill, W. Howard—-Com. 2; Lit. 2; A. His. 3; Ph. 2; Chem. C; L., Auth. 2; L. Com. 2.; F. Auth. 2^ F. Com. 2- Heywood, Clifford L.—- C. His. C; Alg. 2j Ph. 2. Heywood, Hazel E.—Lit. Com. C. Heywood, Lilia—Geom. 2. ♦Hicks, Gwendolyn IM.1—A. 2; Geom. C; Ph. 3. > HiTtzel, Maurice., C.—Oom. Alg. ,2; Ph. C. ♦Hockey, fcenneth G.- .15 YEARS AGO Mr. 'Thos, J>Kestle has purchas-' -1 ed Mr. John H. Scott’s residence on Main Street. |Mr. James Hill, of town, met with a painful accident in Stephen Town­ ship on Wednesday of last week. He was engaged in hewing a piece of timber for barn construction and the broadaxe he wa.s using slipped, and entered his leg above the knee inflicting a severe gash. Arto Delve met with an unfor­ tunate accident on Thursday morn­ ing last. He was cranking an auto which -back-fired ad as a result the Cranfk went back with such force as to fracture a bone in his arm, Mrs.i W. M. Baynham and three children of Oak Lake, Man., are vis­ iting the former’s parents Mr. and, Mrs. S. Smith, London, Ont. . Mr, Homer Russell, of Wetaski- win,7 Alberta, is here visiting .at the. home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. William Russell, . ... Mr. I. Armstrong, of town and Mr, George Armstrong, Of Pars, visited i" ♦Hockey, fcenneth G.—Com. • C; their brother Wm. Armstrong in In-'Lit.-C; A’. His. C; Alg. 1; Geom. C. lay City, Mich.-, a -few days last week. IMr. D. Mill, of Guelph, (is here shaking hands with old friends. Mr. and Mts. Earl Box, of Toledo, visted with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Box, Stephen, last week. Miss Eva Carling and Miss Win­ nie Carling, of Toronto,: are visiting with friends and relatives in town. I Horner, Greta B.—Com. C. ♦Isaac, Marjorie H.—A. His. ’Alg. C; Geom. C. Jones, J. Margaret—Lit. 1. ♦Mary Kerslake E.—C. His. C; His. 1; Alg. C; Geom. C; Chem. L. Auth. C. ♦Kuhn, Margaret E.—Ph. C. ♦Lawson, Orval P.—C. His. 2; ! His? 2; Alg. 1. MacKinnon, Hugh R.—Com. A. His. C; Chem. CpL. Com. C1; Auth, C; F. Com. C. ♦MacLean, A. Maude—A. His, Alg. C; Geom: 2; Ph. C; Chem. C. 'McInnis, Nora M.—Lit. 2; C His. 1. <_ ♦IMcQuee-n, Jeanne B.—A. His. -2; Geom. 3.s McQueen, Margaret F.—L. Auth. C; F. Auth. C. ♦Manson,: Sarah IM.1—1 Geom. ■ 2; F. Auth. C. Martin, Margaret I.—A. His. C; Alg. 3.; Ph. 2; Chem. C; L. Auth. 2. Mitchell, Florence M.—Alg. 2. . ’"Nadiger, Zeta M.—Geom. 1. O’Reilly, Maizie A.—Com. C; Alg. REG. HUDSON LED SONG SERVICE < j Denton Massey of Toronto was the guest speaker at Poplar Hill on Sunday afternoon, August 14. He had as the leader of song Mr. Reg-1 inald Hudson of London. .F .Mr, Arnold R. Turnbull, son Mrs. George TUrnbull, Seaforth, has been appointed manager of the Lon­ don England, office of the Imperial Life Insurance Company. He leaves early in September to assume his new duties. |Mr. Turnbull is a gra­ duate of the University of Toronto. TRANSFERRED TO WADDINGTON Mr/.S. B. Strothers, formerly ag­ ricultural representative foi’ Huron county, and who for the last six years has held a similiar position in Essex county has (been appointed as agricultural representative in the county of Wellington with quarters at Arthur. Glenn a—‘ ‘M a m a she cautioned ine you!” Freddy—‘Tail sorry—and here I’ve been thinking she never con­ sidered my happiness.” Take them e y 6 r y so often* They'll Keep you HEALTHY Sold everywhere in 25c and 75c red pkgs* PURELY VEGETABLE HiS. 0; Lit. 2; 2. ♦Pearce, Marjorie G.—A. His. 2; Geom. 2;,L. Auth. 3; L. Com, 3. Penliale, Jean—Geom. C. Pilon, M. Jean—C. His. C ;Alg. 2. ♦Pryde, T. Raymond—A. His. C; Alg. 2; Geom. C; Chem. C; L. Auth. C; L. Com. C; F. Auth. 1. ♦Ratz, C. Alma—Com. 2; Geom. 1; Chem. 1. *Russell, Margaret M.—C. Ph. C. Ryckman, Dorothy E.—C. Alg. C; Ph. 3; Chem. C. ♦Seldon, Wallace G.—Lit. 2; His. C;, Geom. 1; L. Com, C; F. thors 2‘ F. Com. C. ♦Simmons, Reba M.<—Com. 2; 2. ' iSlppell, Evelyn E.—Com. 3; 2; C. His. C. ♦Skinner, Gerald F.—Geom, 1. ♦Smillie, (Mildred E.—A. His. 2. Sm'itli, Eldon 0.—Com, C; Ph. C; Chem. 3. Snell, Eileen E.—Com. C. ♦Sitewart, Ivan L-—Geom. Auth. C; L.“Com. c; F. Com. •"Stone, Adeline E.*—C. His. C; His. C; Alg. 1; Geom. 2; Ph. Chem. / * Taman, Margaret E.—Com. Alg, 2; Geom, 2; Ph. 1; Chem. L. Authors 2; L. Com. 2; F. Authors 1; F. Com. 2. Turkheim, Ellen M.-—Alg. 1, Westcott, Roylanco A.—Lit A. Hie. C; Alg. 1. ♦Woodall, Hazel R.—Geom. Chem, 1, ♦Woman, Mabel I.—A. His. Ph. 3} Chem. 3. Restemeyer, Oneida L.—C. His. 2; Ph. 1. Here’s a xnockless motor ne fuel famous for its premium ^qting of 7^/ ojotainea without the help of any cost-increasing non­ petroleum substances '.r There’s only one grade of BLUE SUNOCO the best—and it sells at regular gas price con- 0//,.// Just one tankful will add invisible wings of ^nockless power to your motor ! Get that 'tankFul today and tomorrow you'll be vinced, that premium performance does case, sell at premium price ! not in this one LU