HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-18, Page 2THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE .«THURSDAY, “AUGUST 18th, 1032 SYNOPSIS Glyn Peterson and his twenty-year old daughter Jean are dining to­ gether in their home in Beirnfels, Austria, Glyn was' of a, noble Ehg- lish family and against the wishes of his family had married Jacquel­ ine Mavory, the beautiful half­ French opera singer. They had liv­ ed very happily together travelling around when they so desired but always returning to Beirnfels. One year ago Jacqueline had died and Glyn can stand it no longer, he is going away somewhere just wandering, and has made arrange­ ments‘for Jean to visit his old friend Lady Anne Brennan, in England. Jean remains at Mon- tavan awaiting a reply from Lady Anne, f and spends the day at his cabin on the side of the mountain in the pine woods. When she goes to visit England this Englishman meets her at the station and proves to be a son of Lady Anne. she had intrude at all. to cast not let the thought upon her pleasant His sinister figure a shadow over the shadow which grew blurring the 'the' sky’s wished I of him reverie seemed sunlit river, a .bigger and bigger green of the trees and faint blue, and even sile’ncing the comfortable little chirrups of the birds, busy with their spring house­ keeping. At least, Jean couldn’t hear them any longer, and she took no notice even when one enterpris­ ing young cock-bird hooped near enough to filch a feather that sticking out invitingly from corner of the cushion behind .head. The next thing she was conscious of was of sitting up with great I suddenness, under the impression ..,........................................................... ................ ..... i , - i •(across her thoughts, and. she looked “That’s wot very polite to the ' round, recognising the plane where others”—smiling’ a little. “I thought she had moored hei,’ beat earlier In (the’ Staple people were old friends the afternoon. “Hew did you, divine that?” she asked. “It didn’t require ’ much divina- this afternoon, tion! There are your sculls”—point- j | ing—’’stuck up against | ; of a tree—and looking they might topple over ! ment. . “that , rect. name tan responsible, ' moored your boat on the Willow Ferry side of the stream, and our lodgekeeper’s kids are a troop of young depons. They want a thor­ ough thrashing and I’ll see that they get it before they are much older.” He pulled in to the shore and res- | cuing the sculls from ious position, restored empty boat, ‘ x “All the same,;’ he few minutes later,’ he out on to the little wooden land- (ing place at Staple, “I think I’m J of yours?” . “So they are. That exactly it, T | feel the mood of the explorer on me the trunk as though at any mo.- a smilq—-I fancy”-—-with my ‘small bo^’ theory was cor- I believe I could even put a to the particular limb of Sa- he went on, “You Exeier CEhnra-Abaucair Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morniDK at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year in advance. *I RATES—Fnrin or Real Estate tor sale 50c, each four Insertions, quent insertion, ticjes, To Rent, Found 10c. per Reading jnquces Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25c, “You’re one of the people with a peiichqpt for new acquaintances, then?” she gaid jndfferently, lend­ ing the way irito the hull> where, in place of the great log fire of chil» lie? dqys, a bank of growing tulips make a glqry and red in tiie “No, I’m, not, ly. “But I’ve makjng your now.” i“I think perhaps I might be con­ sulted in the matter,” she returned lightly when Banes had left the room. “The settling of questions of that kind is usually considered a woman’s prerogative. Supposing I don’t ask you tp tea, after all?” There was a smouldering fire in his glance he bestowed upon her vi­ vid face, ' i “It wouldn’t make a bit of differ­ ence—in the long run,” he replied deligeyately. ■ “If a man majkes up his mind lie can usually get his own way—over niost things.” “You can’t force friendship,” sh.e said quickly. It was as, though she were defying something that threat­ ened. Again that queer gleam showed for a. moment in his face. “Friendship? No, perhaps not,” he conceded. , He said no more and an uncom­ fortable silence fell between them. Jean was suddenly 'conscious that it might be possible to be a little afraid of this man. She did not like that side of him—the self-will­ ed, masterful side—of which, al> most deliberately, he had just given her a glimpse. (Continued next week.) of gold and orange wide hearth. he returned blunt’- every intention of acquaintance right insertion for firm 25c. each subee- Misceijaneene ar- Wanted, Lost, or line of six word* 10c. per line 50c. Legal aq- 8c, per line. In one verse Bftc each.anyway” —, triumphantly — “the sculls couldn’t have jumped out of the boat without assistance.” The man smiled, revealing strong white teeth. “No, I suppose not. I fancy”— the smile broadening1—("some small boy must have spotted you asleep in the boat and, finding the opportun­ ity too good to be resisted, removed your tackle and set you adrift.” There as a sympathetic twinkle rather grateful to the small boy— in his eyes, and Jean, suddenly whoever he may be.” sensing the “little boy” in him She laughed and retorted imper- which lurks in every grown-up man, tinently: flashed back: i “I’m sure I’m very grateful to the “I believe that’s exactly what you bigger boy who came to the ■rescue.’* would have done yourself in yopr There was something quite uncon- urchin days!” sciouly provovative about her as she stood there witu one foot pbis- ed on the planking, her head thrown back a trifle to meet his glance, and a hint of gentle raillery tilting the corners of her mouth. The cave-man woke suddenly in him. He was conscious of an al- quick glance at her. . most irresistible impulse to take her must be Miss Peter- in liis arms and kiss her, But ‘the . convetions of the centuries held, ' and all Jean knew of that swift did yoou know?’’ flare-up of desire in the man beside “My sister, Mrs. Craig, told me a her was that the grip of his hand Miss Peterson was stayng at Staple, on hers suddenly tightened so that It wasn’t very difficult, after that, the pain of it almos to put two and two together.” “Then you must unless each pulled wpll in towards, Burke?” returned the bank. Jean reached for her sculls, only to find, to her intense astonishment that they had vanished as complete­ ly as. though they had never existed. She cast a rapid, glance of. dismay around her, scanning the surface of the water in her vicinity for any trace of them. But there was none. She xyas floating serenely down the middle of the stream, perfectly help­ lessly to pull out of the way of the oncoming boat, Meanhwile its occupant was call- rear, ing out instructions—tempering his | Hpr a while Burke sculled in sil- - - wrath with an irritable kind of po- ence, and Jean leaned back idly I She was privately of the opinion that her’leave would nave little or nothing to do with the matter. It this exceedingly autocratic and mus<- culine individual had decided to ac­ company her through the park, ac­ company her he would, anU she might as well make the best of it. He was extraordinarily "unlike his sifter, she thought. Where Judith Craig would probably seek to attain her ends in a stfmewhat stealthy, Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association their precar- them to the added, as, a helped Jean was the her fl i nrrmTl'miinni - Professional Cards AiihlHrliift WhimMiiili 1 GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ac- Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance * Safe-deposit Vault, for use of our ’ Clients without charge EXETER .LONDON HENSALL■ t ........... _s. ___ aiiUliA U,HC XHipjCOOlUHUie meets an Englishman _ tliat g^g jia(j Ove,rsiept an(j that the CHAPTER XIII of Petersons who had lived long ago. Such oE the old of furniture and china as Pe- had not considered worth Beirnfels at his housemaid was calling to her very loudly to waken her. Someone was calling.—shouting lustily, in fact, and collecting her sleepJiemused faculties, she realis­ ed that instead or perng securely moored against the bank hex* boat was rocking- gently in midstream, and that the occupant of another boat, coming from the opposite di­ rection, was doing his indignant best to attract her attention, since just at that point the river was too narrow for them pass one another “I believe it is,” he acknowledg­ ed, laughing outright. “Well, the only thing to do now is for me to tow you back. Where uo you^want to go—up or down the river?” “Up, please, to Staple.” He threw a “Surely you son?” She nodded. “Yes. How CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c I want to get back mace her cry­ LOANS, INVESTMENTS INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street. EXETER,’ONT. \ At Lucan Monday and Thursday Her first visit to Charnwood had been a big disappointment. Under changing ownerships, little now re­ mained to remind her of the gener­ ations there pieces terson transferring to father’s death had been bought by the next owners of the place, and had been taken away by them when they, in their turn, disposed of the property. Only a great square stone remained, sunk into one of the walls and bearing the Peterson coat of arms Omnia debeo Sir Adrian ed the words gleam in his accompanying caustic reference to her father. The drug had not so far dulled his in­ tellect. On the contrary, it seemea to have had the opposite effect of endowing him with an almost un­ canny insight into people’s minds,, So that he coulcj prick them on a sensitive spot wth unerring accur­ acy and a diabolical enjoyment of the process. Jean’s sympathy for his wife was boundless. A great affection had sprung up between the two girls, and bit by. bit Claire had drawn aside the veil of reticence, lotting the other see into the arid, bitter places of her life. Jean could understand, now,""of what Claire had been thinking on the occasion of when she had fluences of the a . house. The of Charnwood and the family motto: Deo. ’ Latimer had translat- to Jean, with a cynical heavy-lidded eyes and ; the translation by a | He nodded. “That’s right. ■know each other, to my parlour?” going to take you be Jean, out. Geoffery And because she was not given to | regarding every unmarried man she I met in the light of a potential lover that, we —aa some women are prone to do— come in- and because, perhaps, her thoughts “If I’m were subconsciously preoccupied by So now will you smiling, back, there seems a lean, dark face, rather stern and no reason why we shouldn't accom-.. weary-looking as though from some plish the journey together and ...tow Past discipline of pain, your boat behind.” He held out his hand to Steady band to its her as she stepped lightly from one merely rubbed her bruised .fingers boat to the other, and soon they surreptitiously and wished ruefully were gliding smoothly upstream, that men^vere not quite so muscular . the emipty craft trailing along in the “I’11 5° with you up to the house,’ ___ | remarked Burke, 'withQut any ela- ! — - - - .................boration of “by your leave.” L, « , ascribed that fierce pressure of her rightful origin, but liteness as he perceived that the watching the effortless, ■ rhythmic ---- craft blocked the way swjn. feminin,; persuasion. i a bit, please.. We can’t fool whose was of the “Pull in pass here if you don’t . . Pull in!” he yelled rather more irdtely as Jean's boat still remained in the middle of the river, drifting placid­ ly towards him. She flung up her hand. “I can’t!” she shouted back. “I have lot my sculls!” “Lost your sculls?” The man’s tones sufficiently implied what he thought of the proceeding. A couple of strokes, and, gripping the gunwale of her boat as he drew level, he steadied it to a standstill alongside Jiis own. Jean’s eyes travelled swiftly from the squarish, muscular-looking fyand g of his body as he bent to his oars. .His shirt was open at the throat, revealing the strong, broad­ based neck, and she noticed in a de­ tached fashion that small, fine hairs covered his-bared arms with a gold­ en down, even encroaching on to the backs of the brown, muscular hands. She found herself femininely con­ scious that the most dominant qual­ ity about the man was his sheer vi­ rility. Nor was it just a matter of apipearances. It lay in something more fundamental than merely ex­ ternals. She had known mdn of great physical strength to be not in­ frequently gifted with an almost feminine gentleness of nature, yet she was sure this latter element played but a small part in the make-' up of Geoffery Burke. | He was decided- i The absolute ease with which he te£l alone with you.” their first meeting, spoken of the in­ people who inhabit whole atmosphere: grippeq the boars side to the ... . ... see?\e^ . I)e^m®ated! face of its owner. aui5U1ulc coac wuiUU with the influence of Adrian Latimer iy an ugly man ag far as features sent the boat''shearing through the! —a srev. si th st. at. nnwhnlpsnmp in-1___ j____________________i _ . *<♦ * .—a grey, sinister, unwholesome in­ fluence, like the miasma which rises from some poisonous swamp. The hell upon earth which he con-! from his hatchet face. The sunlight1 even a little overpowering. trived to make of life his young glinted -on a crop of reddish-brown ■ iSh^felt certain that he was, above wife had been a revelation to Jean,! hair, springing crisply from the and before all other things, • prime- accustomed as she had been .to the scalp in a way that suggested im-jvai male, forceful and conquering, exquisite love and tenderness with'mense vitality; Jean had an idea!Of the type who in a different age (Were concerned, with a dogged-look-1 water seemed to her in some way ,. ing chin and a conqueii'ing beak of (typical. It conveyed a sense of j a nose that <jutted out arrogantly > mastery that was unquestionable, which her father had surrounded Jacqueline. . Siir Adrian’s chief pleasure in life seemed to be to thwart and humil­ iate his wife in e'Very-possible way, and <5nce, in an access of indigna­ tion over cruelty of Jean had giving him her frank opinion of his behaviour. She had never forgot­ ten the look of bitter amusement with which Claire had greeted the suggestion. “Do you know what would pen? He would listen to you the utmost politeness, and likely let you think you had pressed him. But afterwards would make me pay—for a day. a week, or a month. Till his venge was satisfied. And lie would put an end to our friendship------” “He couldn’t!” Jean had inter­ rupted impulsively. a % . “Couldn’t he? You don’t know' confessed Adrian . « « . And I can’t afford to lose you, Jean. You’re one of my few comforts in life. Promise me” —she caught Jean’s hands in hers and held them v tightly-—“promise me that you will do nothings—that you won’t try to interfere? I can generally manage him—more or less. And when I can’t, why, I have to put up with the consequen­ ces of my own bad management”— with a smile that Was more sad than tears. With an effort of will Joan tried jto banish the recollection of Sir Adrian from her thoughts. The pic­ ture of his thjji^ leaden-hued face, with its cruel month and furtive suspicious eyes, was out of harmony With this soft day of spring, Bhe some small refinement of which he had been guilty, declared her intention of hap- with very im- he or re- i that it would give out tiny crackling sounds if it were brushed hard. His eyebrows, frowning in defence against the sun, were of the same warm hue as his hair and very" thick; in later life they would pro­ bably develop into the bristling, pent-house variety. The eyes them­ selves, as'-Jean described them on a later occasion, were ’soo Ted to be brown”; an artist would have had to make extensive use of burnt sein-1 na pigment in portraying them. Al­ though, he was not a particularly attractive-looking individual —>and • just now the red-brown eyes were fixed on Jean in a rather uncom­ promising glare. “How on earth did you lose your t oeirs?” he demandod^as indignant as though she had done on pur­ pose, she commented inwardly. Her lips twitched in the end'eavor to suppress a smile. ”1 haven’t the slightest idea,” __1___I. “I tied up under some trees further up and—-and I suppose I must hhte fallen asleep. But still that doesn’t explain how I came be adrift liko this.” “A woman’s knot, I expect,” vouchsafed rather scornfully, woman never ties u>p properly. Prob­ ably yuu just looped the around any Providence ed.” She gave “I believe you’ve described the process quite accurately,” she ad- initted. “But I’ve done the same thing before without any evil con­ sequences. There’s liardly any cur­ rent here, you know. I don’t be­ lieve”- -with conviction—-“that my loop could have unloosed itself. And would haye cheerfully bludgeoned his way through any and every ob­ stacle that the woman 'mate—and, bludgeoned submission. “Here’s where you tied up, then?’ Burke’s voice „broke suddenly stood between him and lie had choosen as his afterwards, if necessary the lady herself into tQ he "A old thing and that it would vent to a‘low painter trussed to stay loop- laugh. ail THE GIRLS OF TOD AY “Although late hours have tainly a great deal to do with the increase in tubercular trouble among the girls of today, I believe that the crazy dieting idea has just as much, to do with "it,” states Dr. Wm. Og­ den, Toronto, tubercular expert. “Young .women secern to be just as cer- Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON opposite the New Post Office Main St... Exeter Telephones 34w Hous© 84j every Wednesday'(all day) until further notice. Office Office Closed Jean never I foolish about how they eat as when sure of her!tlley 8° to bed;* We ^ave 16arned lately that it is better for a person past middle life to be under weight 10 pounds than overweight, and for a young person to be overweight 10 pounds than to be underweight, but the modern girl seems to want to reverse this.” ■ THERE’S A BLUE NOTE IN THE COJVBOY’S SONG Jasper, Alberta, August—There’s ,;a blue note in the- song of the cow­ boys in Jasper National Park, Al­ berta, these days. Time was when any of them could pose as an au­ thority on almost any subject inci­ dental to the mountains but now with Jasper transformed into of the cat-like fashion, Burke would em- J greatest trout fishing areas in the ploy the methods of the clulb and .world, are wo-rried. For the news battering-ram. Of the two people, 1ms brought expert , fisherman [to, perhaps, these last were prererable, , the park, who talk a strange jargon, since at least left you knowing what [’’that has to do with the rods^ and you were up against. “Will you come in?’! flies. And the boys who nan throw ................” jean asiked, a diamond hitch • so(quiqkly it de­ pausing as they reached the house, ceives the eye now have to wrestle “Though I’m afraid everyone is out.’ | with the problem of how to cast a “So much the better,” he replied fly- It sounds like an “Ike WalJ promptly. “I’d much rather have ton” club in the making when they get around the evening camp- fire. YearsHeart Troubled Her Nerves So Bad Could Not Sleep Mrs. Geo. Arcand, Blind River, Ont., writes:—-**1 had heart trouble for a number of years. “When I went to bed at night my heart would bother me, and my nerves were so bad I could not sleep, and Would have to get up. < ‘ One day a friend told me to use Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills, and after I started taking them I progressed so nicely I was soon back to my former good health.” .Price 50c. a box at all drug and general stores}, or \ mailed direct on receipt of price by the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. “F LOWERS” God made the flowers. He blessed them with tenderness, and they grew. They were kissed by the sunbeams, and sprinkled with the dew. ’ ( God gave the flowers a name, and He tinted them in colours true,— He shaped them all into fashion of His grace and beauty too. He sent the trees, the foliage, and flowers in radiance unfurled: And He sent the birds with sweetest song to gladden all the world. Gorgeous flowers in sunlight beaming, not alone in gardens bloom, For tender striplings to manhood. springing—old age, then the tomb. .... Our lives ate like the flowers} they, blossom, they wither and die. Their deeds are Stamped upon each leaf unrolled to passers by, Glorious in the revelation written all over this world of ours, Making evident that creation in growing .youth* as well the flowers. Blue skies smile; sweet flowers bloom on, land 'rivers still keep flowing. No lovelier grace to sun and dew are the wild flowers in meadows growing. In all places, and in all seasons brilliant hopes and wondrous truth, Reveal alone that one Creator, in the heart of flowers, in the soul of youth* (Olive M. Bryant) Mrs. O. M. Skelton i lu Dr<G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST \ Office: Carling Block v EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon DR. E. 5. STEINFw VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary , College DAY AND NIGHT GALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office In the old McDonell Barn Behind Jones & May’s St'ore EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY. ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA- VIOLET TREATMENTS. > PHONE 70 MAIN ST., / > EXETER ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED .AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction j Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 OSCAR KLOPP ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School. Special Courste taken in Registered Live Stock (all breeds) Merchandise, Real .Estate, Farm Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping wltb prevailing prices. Satisfaction as­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, w phoye 18-93, Zurich, Ont. J T- r~ USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. ■^resident FRANK ‘McCONNELL ANGUS SINCLAIR DIRECTORS J. T« ALLISON, SAM’L NORRIS SIMON DOW, W, H. COATES. AGENTS JOHN ESSER?, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph * ALVIN L. HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Fullartoil and Logan THOMAS SCOTTS Cromarty, Ageilt for Hibbbrt W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurei* Box 295, Exeter, Ontario s ’■ ■ GLADHAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Elxetef 7ice-Pres.