HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-11, Page 8fr- THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, !&»» EXCHANGE OF COURTESIES Bev. and Mrs .0? B Hawk«» es­ teemed citizens of Clinton wore mar­ ried in the parish church af ISt. Ger­ mans’ Cornwall, England* in 1885, The Earl and countess Rt. German attended the same church, the fam­ ily owning all the land thereabouts and had been there for generations, The Hawkes had also been connect­ ed with the church and workers in it for ypars and on the marriage of the young people the Earl and Couh- tess gave them a tea set of Wedge­ wood china as a wedding present. This china has been amongst their most valued possessions all these years has travelled with them to Africa and Canada apd, although in their frequent movipgs they pave parted with several things which they did not wish to tote about with them, no thought of parting with this tea set has entered theii* minds. This summer Mrs. Hawke decided to send a little souvenir tp- His Ex­ cellency, Lord Bessborough, who is a nephew of Lady St. German, and sent him a cup, saucer and plate from this set, in memory of his aunt and uncle. The other day she re­ ceived the following reply; “Government House, Ottawa July 29 th, 1932 Madam:—I am desired by the Governor-General to express to you His Excellency’s sincere thanks for the cup, saucer and plate of Wedge­ wood china, which you have kindly sent His Excellency. .His Excellency much appreciates your kind thought in sending this souvenir of his uncle and Lord and Lady St. German. Yours faithfully, A. T. Lagcelles, Sec. to the Gov.-Gen. —Clinton News-Record Exeter Markets Wheat, 45 c. Barley, 38c. Oats, 27 c. Shorts 95c. Bran, 90 c. Manitobas Best $2.50 Model $2.30 .Welcome, $1.80 Low gradeCreamery Butter 21-22e. , Dairy Butter. 16-17c. Eggs, extras, 13c. Eggs, fir^s, 11c. Eggs, seconds, 8c, LOCALS Master Ted Buswell is holidaying with friends near Lucknow. Miss. Mildred Martene, of Dash­ wood, is visiting with Miss Norma Wilson. Miss.Reta Rowe is holidaying at Grand Bend with her cousin (Miss Mildred Rowe, Miss Leola Johns has returned to her duties with Southcott Bros, fol­ lowing her vacation. Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, spent Sunday with his .parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson. Miss Mildred Wood, R. N., of Sar­ nia, is holidaying in town, a guest with her sister Mrs. O, S. Winer, Mr. B. Williams, of Windsor, is holidaying for several weeks at the home of Mrs. J.no. Penliale, Lake Road. z Miss Annie Westlake, of London, is spending two weeks holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. D. Schwegler and son Glen and Mr. Orval -Smith, of Toronto, are holidaying at Turn­ bull’s Grove. Billy Jones has returned home af­ ter holidaying for a week with his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Traquair near Hensall, Messrs. Elliott Fells and Robert Jones, of Smooth Rock Falls, visit­ ed on Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. i Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davidson and FOR S ATvE sons Dou5las aud Kenneth, of Glen- coe> were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. ... . ' ' S. Grant on Sunday. 1 15-30 McCormick-Deering Tractor ,Mr< pMm.p Johnson> of Welland| in. A 1 shape. At a real bargain. aixd granddaughter, Miss Irene Arm- 1 McCormick Corn Binder good as strong, of Bridgeburg, are visiting new. A real snap. :* • • j -- — single-furrow him aunt iMr. E. O, Harness, iMr. C. L. Wil­ son and two sons Wm. and Ted of town and Chas. Martene, of Dash­ wood, left Sunday morning for Wil­ liamsburg where Mr. Wilson intends taking some treatments from Dr. Wm. Locke, the famous foot ialist. .. The men have taken with them a camping outfit. Wilson’s many friends will that the treatments will do much good. spec- along Mr. hope him new. A real 1 Cockshutt plow at $25.00. 50 Cream Separators all from $1.00 to $10.00. COME AND SEE THESE BARGAINS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hew. ,L Bernard Rhodes, M. 4* Minister him* Rena Coates. Organist Sunday school withdraw w* owing to the orchestra and choir going to Cromarty. 7 p.m.—-Rev. R, C. Rogers, B. A., Th. M„ of Cromarty,i No morning service during August, THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St, United Churches 10 a.m.'—Sunday School in each church. 11 a.m.—Service in Main Street 9 Church, Rev. J. H. Stainton. > 7 p.m.-—Service "in James Street w Church, Rev. J. H. Stainton. •Subject—“Fireproof Men’’ S' Main St,*' choir under the leader- J? ship of Miss E. Huston will have charge of the music. * Thursday 8 p.m. prayer meeting % James St. church. v * TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev, E. L. Vivian, L, Th. 10 Orgahist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader. Mr. MUddlemissi Twelfth Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Sunday School Morning Service withdrawn, * \ 7 p.m.-—Evensong and Sermon, Preacher, Rev. I. M. B. Parker. Toronto, Mr. and -Every Summer Dress Reduced It is a good time to buy a summer dress. Every summer dress has been greatly reduced in price fur quick sellings Priced at $2,48, $3.25, $7.75 / LADIES’ MESH HOSE A good wearing mesh hose for sum­ mer wear in good shades at per pair 49c. LADIES’ COTTON HOSE ; In shades of black, sand or grey. A good wearing hose in all sixes at per pair 19c. LADIES’ MESH HOSE Our regular $l;50 quality. Comes in the season’s best selling shades. Reduced this week to per pair $1.00 . z CREPE AND SATIN BRASSIERES 2 dozen only sample brassieres, values as high as $1.25 colors white, eggshell, peach and maize each 49c. Chatelaine Patterns that Sell for 15c. / These patterns are made in Canada. Our customers are well please^ with them. They are so simple and easily made and the price is low 15c., ' .... • . . . .. .... PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLING A toweling that is good weight, fine weave and washes and wears well SPECIAL AT 15c. A YARD PURE LINEN TEATOWELS A pure linen tea towel, size 19 ins. by 28 ins. in different colored bonders SPECIAL AT 5 FOR $1.00 CORTECELLI THISTLEDOWN YARN In all the wanted shades. This is a ’ beautiful all wool yarn that you are sure to like. ' PER BALL 15c. BLEACHED SHEETS Size 81 ins* by 99 ins. These are hem­ stitched and are excellent qtiality and large size. You will appreciate their value at per pair $2.50 ,' ' A New Pattern in Congoleum Rugs We are showing a new pattern in Congoleum Rugs. This is the best pattern they have ever produced. It comes in a mottled effect in wonder­ ful colourings and may be had iti any size. MEN’S BLUE WORK SHIRTS Deacon’s make. A full sized roomy shirt inndark blue that gives good wear EACH 98c. MEN’S COTTONADE PANTS These pants are well made, are good fitting and the cloths are new» A good looking pant for a low price EACH $1.50 Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers - - - - 8c* ^GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK x Pork & Beans 2 cans for 15c. 1 Fray Bentos Corned Beef .... 2 cans 25c. Fancy Assorted Cakes ... .. per lb. 19c. Ri Snacks.........■............4 Mns {m 2Sc_ Full stock of finest spices and vinegar 1 . . . 3 for pickling J Lilly Chicken Haddie ..............1 lb. tin 15c. r Mr. L. Greb, of Detroit, spent the week-ei^d at his home in Hay. Mr. Wellington Hern is erecting a new cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. John-McMann, of. is the guest of her sister Mrs.. John Rdwe. Mr. George Beavers,' of Toronto, spent the week-end visiting at Ex­ eter-and at Grand Bend. Mrs. John Gould and sister Mrs. ■ Campbell, of Hay, spent a few days) with Mrs. R. Northcott. ( Misses Hazel and Grace Snell are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Northcott, of Hay Township. ; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, of London, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. W. A. Turnbull. Mr. E. French and ueice Mrs. E., Hearts are visiting with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follipk. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forrest, of New York, are visiting with the. Eacrett relatives in this community. Mr. and (Mrs. D. Hodgson and Herman spent "the week-end in'lTor- onto visiting Cecil who is in the hospital. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Johns and two'Mihildren, of Hamilton, motored up and visited with relatives over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hannigan and family and Miss Dorothy Cox, of Sarnia,, enjoyed a motor trip to Welland and Niagara Falls last week. Mr. Edgar Lowry, of St. Cather­ ines and Mr. and Mrs. Padbury and Miss Padbury, of • Toronto, were week-end visitors with^Mr. and Mrs. E„ G. Lowry. , . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and two children Betty and Bob have return­ ed to Lockport, N. Y., after visiting with the former's parents, Mr. Mrs. Jos. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Downie, Dublin, spent suriday with Rev. Mrs. Stainton at the James St. sonage. Mr. Downie is manager of the bank at Dublin and Mrs. Downie is a sister of Mrs. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. E. ‘Bennett, Miss Ruth Hathaway and Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Smith, of St. Williams, visited with the latter’s cousin Miss Anna Fish on Sunday. Miss FiSh return­ ed with them to visit for two weeks, Mrs. Ted Burkhart andyson Harry have returned to Cleveland, Ohio, after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis. Miss Lena Steinhagen also of Cleveland, who accompanied them here is remaining for a time, Mrs. Frank Sweet, of Sarnia, is spending a few weeks with her sis­ ter Mrs. John Morley. She runs up nearly every summer for a visit and her friends are all delighted to have her come. This year shells looking especially well. Mr, E. Lowry, of the Centra Ho­ tel, who has been ill, for some time is now able to enjoy short auto rides each day accompanied by his nurse. On Tuesday Mr. motored as far on Relatives, Mr, and Mrs, and Mr, L. V. Hogarth spent Sunday visiting with Mrs# Hogarth and children who are summering with her uncle Ml*. Chas, Bowman at £he latter’s cottage at Port Stanley. (The visitors were taken on a motor trip through the splendid, summer re­ sort- where it is estimated that at times there are 5(5,000 summer vis­ itors. Mrs/ Hogarth’s grandfather presented to the city of London the grounds now used a« a park and -on which is located the dance pavilion, the pavilion being one of the finest; in the Dominion of Canada, ’ his sister Mrs. E. Frayne, Mrs, Roland Brintnell and chil­ dren left Sunday for their home in with j riding 1 Moosejaw after holidaying relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn Mrs, Wm. McIlwain, of Goderich, and Arnold B-oggs, of Toronto, vis­ ited at H. C. Carey’s on Sunday. Messrs. Stanley Ward and Glenn Thompson, of London, are spending a week’s vacation with the former’s parents Dr. and (Mrs. John. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stewart and daughter Beverley, of Montreal, who visited with Mrs. J. T. Stewart last week left for their home on Satur­ day. Mrs. Wm. Phillips and son Ger- of' Owen Sound, are visiting Mrs. B. S. Phillips, motored down with makes REAL ancl } International Harvester Go. Ltd., Exeter, Ont. L' L ,.i ..... . ■ i i NOTICE Accounts for flowers at the Exeter cemetery are now due and payable before Sept. 1st. 25 c. Ford a ZWe % Aftei' that date bed will be added.—John 8-ll-2tp BEANS WANTED are prepared to pay the high­ est market price for beans, peas, and all kinds of seeds, and arrange for trucking at low rates.—J. C. Reid, Phone 3, Dashwood. 8-ll-4tc GRAIN WANTED We are prepared to pay the high­ est market price for all kinds of Ontario Grain and Beans. We can also supply you with empty bags and arrange for trucking same at a very low rate. Cook Bros. Milling Co, Hensail, Ont, Office Phone 54 Residence Phone 63, CHOICE CLOVER HONEY 60c, per 10 lb. pail in ers containers; 70ic. per pail in our -containers. Darrell Parker, *R; R. 3, NOTICE custom- 10 lb. Exeter. Of cue la-te mis. neury x>euuvr, Of Dashwood, who died July 9th, 1932 are now due and must be settled within thirty days as after that date the executors will proceed to> dis­ tribute the estate, Anyone having 'claims against the estate should present them to the within the next thirty John Bender and Dashwood, Executors. Dated this 27th day All accounts due the estate the late Mrs. Henry Bender, undersigned days. Adam Birk, of July. STRAYED—Onto lot 3 con, 4 ' hen tp. a heffer. owner may same by proving property and ,ing expenses. Apply to Geo. burn, R.R. 1, Credfton. ROOMS TO RENT AT GRAND BEND—in private home on Main St. leading to lake; hydro. $7. per week for two persons with cooking privi­ lege^ Home has just been remo­ delled, Apply Gill Crest cottage, Gfand Bandr \0t (Pimes-Advooate, Ex* Met Holloway, of Clinton Dodds Holloway, of Sask., visited at the home Rowe this aid, with Mr. and Mr. Phillips ‘ them. Mrs. A. X and son Mr. Fleming, of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. week. Miss Marjorie Wein, and Miss Phyllis Prouty, Lake Road, are spending a few days with their cousin Miss Ruth Colling­ wood. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Acheson and daughter returned to Toronto Mon­ day after holidaying with the form­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mrs. George Stewart, of Belleville and Miss Gertie Stewart, of Toronto who visited with friends in town and vicinity last tveek have returned to their homes. * of Crediton, of the and of and par- their homes. Mrs. R. l/estle, (Mrs. A. Misses Reta Rowe, Mamie and Rubie Creech attended mal Reunion' in Stratford on Tues­ day of last week. Mr. Gerald 'Skinner underwent an operation for the removal of his ton­ sils at SL Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, on Thursday of last week. / He is again able to be around. Mr. Wm. Smith, Miss Kelly and Miss Murphy, of Detroit, spent the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. The two ladies were caiWp- ing for a week at Grand Bend. Mr. and 'Mrs. and family of Ailsa Craig and net Trevethick, Of Kingsville, sister Verna, of Grand Rapids, ited Mr, and Mrs. M. Amy one last week. Mr, E. Tripp and son Mr. .Stanley Tripp and the lattens daughter Lois, of Oil -Spi’ings, are Visiting With former’s daughter Mr, and Mts, O. Elliot who are holidaying Grand (Bench* Mt. Hy. jenungs Jr. conducted services in the Anglican fthureh at Pine River and, Ripley last Sunday. During the last two Sundays IP Au­ gust Mr. Jennings will conduct ser­ vices at Walkerton while the tuitils- ter there is oh vacation. Rundle, Pridham the Nor­ Howard Dorman Gar- and Vis- day and Mrs. Lowry as Brussels Gallins' Bi W. F. Beavers, the A. at the LOCAL NEWS Dr. and Mrs. Best, of. Winnipeg, called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Birney one day last week while on a motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. Best are clpse friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Of Winnipeg with whom. Mr. and (M’rs. Birney visited last winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johns 'and two sons and |M'iss Dorothy Pike motor­ ed uip from Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Johns and children remaining to visit with Mrs. W. UohnS. -Mr. Johns took with him as far as Brant­ ford, Bobbie and Margaret Street who have been holidaying witn their grandmother. Rev. A. H. Going and Mrs. Going and daughter Miss Ambia, of Peter-J boro, called'on old friends in Exe-I ter on Wednesday, It is 23 years ; sinoe Mr. Going was pastor of the James St. church. Be is now living retired in Petenboro but keeps quite'j active. Miss Going is supervisor} of the public schools and teacher of' Art at the Collegiate. Mrs. Going is not enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, of London, and Mi*. and (M'rs. James Stanley and daughter Norma, of Winnipeg 'call­ ed on Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy and Mrs Helen Hoskin on Sunday. Mrs. Stanley was formerly Miss Ollie Mc­ Laughlin daughter of Mr. John Mc­ Laughlin. They motored down and will spend a couple of weeks visit­ ing relatives and friends in Brant­ ford, Toronto, Woodstock and Exe­ ter. ( ' Miss May Thomas, of London, vis­ ited with Mrs. S, Martin on Sunday leaving here to spend some time at her summer cottage at Rayfieldt Mrs. Isaac Harvey, who has been visiting in Exeter, is, at present vis­ iting with Miss Thomas. W. J. SEYMOUR A new low price on Tip Top Clothes Announcing ! For twenty-one years the welfare of Tip Top Tailors has been closely interwoven with’the condition, of Canadian men. As you have prospered* and your numbers have increased, we have been able to build-up a great tailoring organization on the policy o'f giving finer talored to measure clothes for $24 than you could' buy anywhere else. - Due to present economic conditions we believe that great numbers of men are now finding it difficult to pay even this price of $24. Yet they need more than ever the good appearance and long wear of Tip Top clothes. Millions of Canadian men have helped us to builld Tip Top Tailors. Now, when you need it, w^ show our appreciation of your help in a practical way, and ask your support in return. Effect­ ive, June 10th, the price of'Tip Top Clothes is redueed to $22.'5O for any suit, topcoat or overcoat, tailored to yo;ur measure. TIP TOP CLOTHES w. .PHONE 81w . TA A N EXETER, ONT. Mr. Fred Hutchinson,'of London,Mrs. Norman Stacey and babe, of Willow Grove, are visiting with the visited during the past week at the former’s mother IMrs. J. S. Harvey. Main St.* Four Doors South of * Hogarth Hatchery Painter, Decorator & Paper Hanger TERMS—MODERATE Estimates Free\ * is 0 W. R. GOULOlNG 4 T. P M Organist and Choirmawt^r James United Churrb Instruction IP Piano ‘ V^cftl Organ Stipertfisor of MuSic in SfchoOiiI Studio, Main St. Box 123» Phone 192 j EXETER. ONT .home'of Mr. and iVTrs. N. Hannigan. Residence 63 <» We deliver any distance* H. R. HOPPER •. FURNITURE STORE Telephone 99, From now until the end of August with every Marshall’ Mattress pur­ chased we will give Cotton Slip Cover valued at $4.50? Do not let this opportuity pass if you are need ing a mattress in the near future. We can fit any-bed 7