HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-11, Page 5THE EXETER TJMES-ABVQCATE \ THURSDAY, 4V<WT 11, 1W3 ziqn Mrs. John Murdook visited friends in Clinton last week, Mr, Wm» Simpson, spending a few days here. Miss Helen Swan few days visiting with friends Godericln .Mrs, Fred Simmons and Mrs. Dinsdale visited friends in Exeter on Monday, Miss Dora Sherrjtt, R.N., of Pt. Huron, is visiting with her' brother Mr. Thos. Sherritt. Mrs, Jas, Hoggarth has returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in Toronto. r< Mrs. Stewart Barber is visiting at the home of her parents Mr, and •Mrs, James Hoggarth, Mr, and Mrs, J, C, Oshawa, are visiting with and relatives in town Mr. apd Mrs, Geo. Hudson the- week-end with relatives friends in Pohtiac, Mich- # Misses Mavis Spencer and ence McDonald .spent a few days last week visiting relatives jn/Detroit, IMr. ' to, is home mond. Miss Marguerite Chapman, of Palmerston, is spending a few weeks with her grandmother Mrs, George Sicott. Mrs. G. F. Scott/ of Woodstock has been spending the past few weeks with^her neice Miss Hattie Sutherland. Rev. W. A, Young acceptably, in the Church ^on Sunday Beechwood. The Arnold Circle . Presbyterian church held a very en­ joyable picnic on Tuesday afternoon at Turnbull's Grove. Mr. Murch, of Wingham, very ably rendered two beautiful solos on Sunday at each of the services in the United Church. IMiss Runa Wilkinson, of London, who has ‘been spending the past couple of weeks with friends around town has returned home. Mrs. A. H. -Currie and children, of Sutherland and Mrs. Moodie and children of Brandon, are visiting at the home of their mother Mrs. Wal- ler^Habkirk. 4 * KIRKTON There were no services in the United Church the past two Sun* days as the Rev, Mr. Beil is away on his holidays/' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gbulding and, little son, of Exeter, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. David ,Gouldjng, Mrs. Wm. Bibby returned home on Saturday from visiting her home in England, where she has been for some months. On Saturday evening when Mr. Biibby was taking his cows into his gateway a truck belonging to the McCormick Biscuit, *Co„ of London, came over the hill at about forty miles an hour and struck one of the cows, causing the driver to lose control and the truck smashed in­ to the bridge breaking the guard and cracking the dement floor. At present the road is closed for traf­ fic. The truck had to be towe.d back to London. The- funeral. of the late Archie Dawson, who passed away om Tues­ day, August 2nd, was held bn Fri­ day to the Presbyterian Cemetery. Deceased- had passed the four score years and was born on the farm where he died. He was a supporter of the Presbyterian Church, a Lib­ eral and was never married. His sister, Miss Maggie Dawson, with whom hp lived is the only surviving one of the family. Rev. Mr. Herr, of Motherwell, had charge service. HE DA WHITE store Marlon Rooley spent Tuesday of last week with the Misses Hazel I and (Mrytle Hurl. Mr* and Mrs. James Routly, of Woodham, silent Tuesday of wook with his nephew Mr, and Warren Brock. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hern son Harry spent Wednesday evening with the former’s aunt Mr. and Mrs. Myron Cplbert of Hazel Earl, of with her cousins Earl last week. Mr. and Mrs, George Earl spent the week-end with, friends in Sea­ forth, Mr. and Mis. John Taylor and son Frank, |Mr. (phas, Brooks and Miss Lizzie Taylor, all of ExeteFT'Visited with Ross Hern on Sunday.| Mr, and Mrs. McGuffin and fain- Horton, of (i.ly spent Sunday with the latter’s friends sister Mrs. Lena Dufton at the home I of Mr, George Brock, Miss Dufton’s ! nephew visited with her during the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Dickenson, of Lon­ don, Township spent Siunday with the latter’s sister Mrs. Warren Brock. Mrs. R. E, Pooley, of Winchelsea, entertained her Sunday School class on Monday, Mrs, E. Hern and daughters Lau­ ren© and Hazel visited with the former’s brother Mr, and ffifrr. D. Stephens of. Woodham on Wednes­ day. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Peters are holidaying at Muskoka.^ There will be no -preaching service the next two Sundays. (Sunday School will be at the regular hour 10.30 in the morning. Miss Margaret Hern is visiting with her cousin Miss Violet Frayne. Miss Mary Earl is visiting with her cousins in Se-afQrtli. * The W. M. S. held their monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ephriam Hern with a good attendance,, the presi­ dent had charge of the meeting which opened by singing "I Love To Tell the Story” -followed by prayer by Mr,s. J. Johns. The Scrip­ ture Lesson Romans 12 • chapter was read iby Mrs. Harold Hern. The Watchword, a reading on the Orien­ tal by Miss Hazel Earl; on Japan by Mrs. Well. Batte-n. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Our Sunshine Mission Band invited the Auxiliary to at­ tend their next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Well. Batten on August 17th; The leaflet "He had .compassion, on them” rwas read by Mrs. J. T. Hern. The 6th chapter of the study book was given by, Mrs. Warren Brook-. We sang the hymn "From ’ Every Stormy Wind That Blows”; a leaflet "A Little Life Story. From Japan” was given by the president. The meeting next month will be at the home of Mrs. Warren Brock, Rev. Mr. Peters closed the meeting with prayer. '.... of Detroit, is with relatives is spending a at J. spent and Flpl’r Thos, Drummond, of Toron- spending a few weeks at the of his son Mr. Errold Drum­ preached very Presbyterian afternoon at of the Carmel sdi Van. de Keere-Smit A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday last at high noon at the home of Mrs. Susie Smit when her youngest daughter Thedora was united in marriage to Edward' Van de Keere, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ju­ lius Van de Keere, of Guelph. The Rev. A. Sinclair olficated and Miss Greta Lammie played the wedding march. The bride .<was -charmingly gowned in white silk with veil and accessories to match’. The brides­ maid Miss- Annie Smit, sister of the bride was dressed in pink voile. The groom was supported by John Smit, brother of the bride. During the signing of the, register a de­ lightful duet was given by IMrs. Smit and daughter Miss Annie in Dutch. After the, ceremony a wed­ ding dinner was served at jthe bride’s home. The rooms were tastefully decorated. After the din* # ner Mr. and Mrs. Van de Keere left for their new home in Guelph. The bride travelled in a green sllktcrepe dress, white hat and blue coat' with grey fur trimmings. Council Meeting The regular council meeting was held-in the Town Hall on Wednes­ day evening. All members present except Councillor Slpencer. The min­ utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion Petty and Mickle. Carried. A. W. E’, Hemphill,’-collector, peare-d re the Collector's Roll 1931. The arrears are $143.‘7-6. Mickle and Petty that the collect­ or, be given an order of $l,l.'2i5 to be applied to ...the taxes of Bender and Jinks and that $'5.00 be added to the Geo. McEwan Estate taxes of 193*2 being arrears of 1931 Sani­ tary taxes, parried. Petty reported re Poll taxes, ar­ rears being completed. Communications received from the following: County Clerk re County Rates; Judge Costello re" Appeal from the Court of Revision; Dept, of Lands and Forests* re "Back to the. Land Movement.’’; 'From the following clerks re Milk By-law.' Wheatley, Creem'ore, Boibcaygeons, Southamp­ ton, Ayr, Burnside,- Arkona, Thames- ville. Filed. , Bills ana accounts read as fol­ lows: F, J.. Wickwire, printing vo­ ters* list $36.0i0; A. Clark Labour streets $4,40; D. A, Cantelon, coal hall $72.32; Weeds $17.40 plies thron $1.85 G. O. $1.50, jiistment $11.06 supplies $4.41»; total $1(58.83, Petty and Jones that accounts as read be paid and the various sums be charged re N1, Biatchford -account to the several properties named in the 1982 Colector*s Roll, Carried, It was moved by Mickle and sec- eilded journ. of ap- of N. IWatchford cutting ; J, Passmore, and labor shea $1.70; & Drysdale, supplies, ; J. Passmore, hydrof ^8.07; Petty, Poll tax of D. Hedden ; A, W. E. Hemphill, tax ad- Municipal' World sup- Don- hall by Jones that the Council ad- CJarried. ‘ James A., Paterson, Clerk ✓ la/st Mrs. and Lucap. Seaforth, visited Edith and Mary I of the 1MT. CARMEL IMiss Nellie McCaffery, of visited with her aunt, Miss Eileen Sullivan for a few days last week-. Mr. Jerome O’Rourke accompan­ ied by his uncle Mr. Barry, of Ldn- don, left on Saturday for a motor trip to St. Thomas and Grand Forks N. D. Rev. Fr. Hall is spending some holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hall. Master Gerald and Paul Schenk are'spending a few flays with their aunt and uncle, -Mr.’ and Mrs. Roy Schenk. Mr. ^nd .Mirs. George Dederich, of Sarnia, visited (friends in (this neighbourhood last week. ■ Mr. Nor.bett Corcoran and his son, of London, visited with his brother; Rev. Fr. Corcoran for a few days last week. Mrs. Harrigan and- babe of Jack- son, Miclj., are visiting with her mother, Mrs. R. O’Rourke. (Miss Bernadine Lovie, of Detroit is a guest of her cousin, Nora Keever. Detroit Me- are visiting relatives Norma and Shirley Clandeboye, are holi- ELIMVILLE Mrs. Rheim, of Toronto, visited with her sister Mrs. Ed. Johns sev­ eral days recently. Rev. and Mrs. Smith and family, o£ Winthrop, were Sunday visitors in the village. - Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Johns, Ed­ ward and Ruth, of Hamilton, spent a few days the firsts of this weeK with relatives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephen and children, of Woodham were visitors at Mr. John Brock’s last Sunday. Miss Leola Johns who spent two weeks’ holidays at her home hero has resumed her duties at Southcott Bros, in Exeter. Mrs. Herbert Henderson and baby, of Mt. Pleasant, are visiting at Mr. P. Murch’s. Mr. Gordon Bacon, of Windsor, is holidaying with relatives in the vil­ lage. Mrs. Weston Horne is visiting her mother, Mrs. Whiteford in Exeter. Rev, and Mrs. Peters are in Mus- kpka spending their vacation. There will be no preaching vice in this church for the next Sundays. Sunday School will ser- two be held at 10.30 a.m. instead of 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Skinner and “Mrs,. Jas. Heywood visited the latter's mother Mrs. Herbert at Lu-latter's mother Mrs. Herbert at can. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym_ . and children were Sunday visitors at Mr. Harry Coles. On Wednesday of last week the Mission Circle of this church enter-’ tained the members of Main Street Church, Exeter, Mission Circle at the home of “Misses Helen and Ber­ nice Murch. There was a good at­ tendance and the Main St. girls pro-- vided the program which was splen­ did. It consisted of Bible reading by Miss Ina Jaques, Miss Evelyn Howard tead a letter from a friend in China. The Misses Sims and Misses Kestle sang a lovely dpet; a piano Medd, with „ given by Misses Digna'n, Ryckman and Gamlblrill. Several girl's read several stories of workers in other lands. Mrs, Layton gave a splefi- did address and another piafio PUin* ber; a duet by MJsSes Gambrill And Digiian and ’mebtiiig closed with the Mizpah benediction. Afterwards* the gkt’ls enjoyed a few games and then! wbre Served with iee cream, All/ repaired to their home® voting it a very pleOeoht afternoon, z trio was given by Misses Dignan and Gambrill. Songs guitar accompaniment were 'CREDITON EAST Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daugh­ ter Helen have returned home after •visiting the former’s parents M|r. and Mrs. Isaac Gower at Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner and two children in Stratford, The Misses Schroeder, of daying with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn iSchroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Wack Polinuk, of Detroit, spent the week-end with their cousins Mr. and (Mrs. William Motz. Miss Verna Edwards, of Ingersoll, is holidaying at the home of her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. IMrs. C. Halls, of Napinka, Man.,, and Mrs. Fred Sandiman, of Louris; Man., are visiting their brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. H. iMotz. It is over Halls and other. Mr. and daughter Thelma and Mr. Stanley Kelly, and Mrs. Frank Scheiding, all of London, and Mrs. a. Newman, of Pasadenia, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and daughter Shirley, of Exeter, spent Sunday and Mrs. H. MOtz. Mr. Paul Messner, of Alta., who has spent the weeks visiting his sister and bro­ ther-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Mote and other relatives left for his home on Thursday. Mr. H. Motz and Mr. Dan. Truemner accompanied him to London. , Mrs. John Baird and granddaugh­ ter Norma ’,|Sims, of Grand Bend, .spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. Sam Sims and three children have returned home .aft'er visiting the former’s mother Mrs. ^John Baird at Grand Bend for a week. Mrs. Aaron Wein and two chib dren and Mr. Dan Tuemner attend- the funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ohlen Truenm’er near Grand Bend on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Thomas Edwards, of Inger­ soll, spent the -weekend with rela­ tives here. Mrs. Edwards and son Herib, who have been visiting here the past week returning hom& with him. Miss Marion Richard, of London, is holidaying at the home df her parents Mr. sand Mrs. J. Richard®, forty years since IMrs. C. Mr. Motz have seen each Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and with Mr. Berwyn, past few GRAIN WANTED are prepared to pay the = =al THE ’«!■ Combination Special . lm i. j;i... j.u i j ..i 'x-.iu; ... Ji-!-1 ■ A. w- j. ..a.ai. ........uw,yra.i.w)u,- ,« ,kj; 1-2 pkg. Golden Spray Cheese ,. 1 lb. McCormick’s Sodas. ....... ♦ J Select Pink Salmon Large tin each 10c. Aylmer Tomato Catsup 12 oz. bpttle 2 for21c. Select Pink^ Salmon 1-2 tin 4 for 25c, PURE C^NE SUGAR 10 Jbs, 50c» Hereford Corn Beef 1 lb. tin 2 for 23c. Eagle Brand Milk each lSc* .. Good Cooking Rice 3 Jbs. for 15c. P & G SOAP.................................. 10 burs for 31c. Fairsex Toilet Soap 3 cakes for 15c. | t Huron Toilet Tissue i ' 8 rolls for 25c. Derby Soap Chips 3 lb. for 25c. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES............................................ 3 pkgs, for 25c, Pure Clover Honey ‘ No. 5 Pails each 40c. j Pure Clover Honey I No. 10 Pails each4 75c. | * Queen Olives 14 1-2 oz. jar each 19c. Trio Marsh Mallow Biscuits .,.,, lb. 17c. Chocolate Mallow Biscuits ....... Ib. 17c. Zinc Jar Rings . ,. . ...........per dozen 23c. Rubber Jar Rings , . ,...... 4 dozen 25c. Jumbo Salted Peanuts (fresh) ... lb 15c. Good Grapefruit 4 for 25c. Star Chocolates (fresh) .........per lb. 23c. Chocolate Coated Peanuts . .,. per lb. 29c. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF PICKLING SPICES, VINEGARS ETC. FOR YOUR PICKLING NERDS ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 KHIVA I “Quality always highef* than price.” EXETER,«J * We Denver WHALEN Last Tuesday morning fire com-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson and pletely destroyed the home of Miss family spent Sunday with friends at Mary McDonald just north of Khiva Hyde Park. * Miss McDonald had built a fire in | , Mrs. Wm. Toohey and children an old building a short distance from are holidaying with the . former’s .the house and in some unknown, mother Mrs. Alice Gunning, ^manner caught on fire. A strong; South-East wind was blowing and the flames soon spread to the house and stable and soon everything was a mass of flames. • The neighbours where soon on the scene and man­ aged to save most of the furniture. Mrs. White, of” Detroit, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanover one even­ ing last week. - (Mr. Wm. Barry, of London and Jerome O'Rourke left on Friday by motor to North Dakota where they will remain for a few weeks. Mr. George Dietrich, of .Sarnia, visited for a few days with relatives in. this neighborhood. „ . Mr. and Mrs. S. Stanlake, of Exe­ ter Spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanover. Messrs. Edwards and Wm. Wil- lert and mother Mrs. H. Willert, of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert. Miss Florence Hanover spent ] Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilds. ‘ last . J. is al- CROMARTY IThe harvest in this vicinity well on the way and a few have ready threshed their wheat which by reports is making an excellent yield. Mrs. S. A. Miller spent the begin­ ning of last week! in Stratford vis­ iting her son also attending the Old Boys’ Reunion. Miss Agnes Park, of Niagara, is at present visiting friends in the village. A few of the village residents mo­ tored to Bayfield last Sunday and spent a few hours by the waters of Lake Huron. Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Hillem Mr. Ed. and Miss Davidson; of ' Win­ throp visited with Mrs. S. A. Miller last Sabbath. The open air dance at marty Pavilion was well attended last Friday night and a good was spent. the Cro- CRED1TON time Miss Marjorie Wein, is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collingwood at Exeter “for a week. Preaching School next Evangelical service will Sunday. service and (Sunday Sunday morning at the church. The evening be cancelled for HARPLEY one We highest ’ market price for all kinds of Ontario Grain and Seans. We can also supply you With empty bags and arrange for at a Very low rate, Cook Bros. Office Phone 64 Residence phone 63, tracking sam6 Milling Co. Honsall, Ont (Mrs. J. J. Carruthers Sr. is spend­ ing a couple of weeks in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Warner, of Detroit, returned to their home on Saturday after spending their va­ cation with her brother, Mr. sell Hodgins. Mrs. Wm. Love' and Mrs. Love spent Sunday with their Mr Ed. Gill. Miss Jean Hodgins, of Detroit, Is Visiting with her father Mr. Jas, E. Hodgihs. Miss Maude ing in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, ReV, and Mrs. Bort ^Saskatchewan nailed on Mrs, Catherine Hodgins’ last' ’Tuesday, Man- Colin father Hodgihs is holiday- ( Albert Taylor, With. Eimar Hodgw, of by Mrs. Rev. Robb, Miss Bessie Mor­ ley acted as accompanist for the meeting, A splendid’ offering of $20.00 was received and dedicated With prayer by Rev. Mr. Robb, who also pronounced , the heneditcion which closed the meeting. "God save the King’ was sung in honour -of the Imperial Conference which was being held in Ottawa. Everyone was invited to the base­ ment Which was beautifully decor­ ated with flowers and streamers to partake of the anniversary tea. Whalen ladies, proving' excellent hostesses, In the centre of the table was a 3-story cake decorated with silver decorations and 25 candles, which was cut by Mrs. John Hodg­ son and passed around in silver baskets. Words of appreciation were voic­ ed and everyone went away feeling , that they had spent a most pleas­ ing and profitable afternoon. : Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Reed and Ola, of Exeter, spent, Sunday afternoon with IMr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Miss Florence Pollen R. N., is confined to her bed suffering from the flu. Miss Maida Morley is holidaying with her cousin Alice Passmore of the Thames Road. Grafton S'quire is spending a few days with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of-Exeter. Mr. Thos.' Gunning and the Miss­ es Mary Webb and Edna 'Squire spent iSunday at Grand Bend. Mrs. Evelyn Ogden, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks Mrs. Wm. Ogden. Miss Ruth Morley at her home here. IMiss Violet Elliott, spending her vacation ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks. WHALEN W. M. S. / A meeting - of special interest was held on July 28th the occasion being the 25th Whalen W. M. S.. All former mem­ bers were invited and guests were present from Granton, ralia and Thames Road. Woodham ■ and Zion Auxiliaries were also pres­ ent and took part on the program. Although the weather was not ideal there was a splendid attendance of more than 170 and it was a delight-' Thos. Willis at their cottage ful opportunity to meet old friends1 Grand Bend on Sunday, once more. A very fitting and in-| Mrs. Robert Smith underwent ari spiring program was given with ’ operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon- Mrs. John Hazlewood in the chair, don, on Saturday of last week. She Mrs. Rev. Anthony, of Thames is getting along nicely. Road, conducted the devotional) Mr. and Mts. A. Copeland and. exercises, her theme was "Love” son Billy of Windsor, are visiting which brought out the true miss-‘with Mr. and Mra Andrew^ Hicks. ionary .spirit. It was a real joy to ' '■L-J have her present and to hear her message. Mrs. John Hodgson gave the ad­ dress of ‘‘Welcome’ and she said hoped this would be an occasion long to be cherished in memory. A memorial service for those mem­ bers who have passed on to higher service was conducted by Miss B. Morley, assisted by Mr. Geo. Mill- son and Mrs. A. Gunning conclud­ ing with a beautiful solo, "Only Tired” by Mrs Frank Squire. The carnations used for this ser­ vice were donated by Miss Bessie Morley in memory of her mother. A piano solo was then contrib­ uted by Miss Dufton, of Zion, which fitted in beautifully, it Vas "Sweet Bye and Bye.” The Woodham Ladies Quartette, consisting of Mrs. Whitfield Swit­ zer, Mrs. McNaughton and Mrs. Wynn panist, ionary Mrs. Was the guest speaker and a message delivered in. charming manner, which long reniembored by those ed to hear her. A solo entitled "He wipes the tear from every eye” was sweetly sung by Miss Hazel Bari, of Zion, accompanied -by Miss Myrtle Earl. A pleasing piano duet by Misses Margaret Rutherford and Naughton, of Woodham, touch enjoyed, . Words of greeting and tlon for those who provided such a delightful • program Were brought with Mr. and spent Sunday CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weaver, of Brantford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson. Mrs. A. Anderson -left last week for Manitoba where she will visit with friends for a time. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson and son Herman,motored to Toronto on Saturday last to visit with their son Lamibeth, Mossley,1 Qecil who recently underwent an Exeter, Thorndale, Cent- operation in the Toronto hospital. " Miss Patsy Russell, of Exeter, was the guest of Miss Jean Thomp­ son for a few days last week. (Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe and., son, Mac, visited with Mr. and Mrs. > at of -London, is with her par- anniversary of James Mills, IMrs. Frank Creighton with t.Rhea Mills as accom- sang a very suitable miss- number. Herbert Childs, of London brought a most will be privilege Niina Mo­ ws very apprecia- Mr. Garfield Heil visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elston at Grand­ Bend on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Irwin, of Cottam, visited with friends in the village last week. •ih * I SHIPKA Threshing is now the order of the day. Mr. Arthur Boyer and son, Kieth and daughter, Jean, of Waterloo, and Mrs. E. Bretzel and daughter, Mary, of Dunnville, were the guests of Mrs. J. Gaiser and other relatives last week. Mr. Kieth Boyer, of Waterloo, is Albertspending his holidays Gaiser’s. Mr, Herb. Ti’uemner of Flint, Mich., and at family Katie Truemner, of SebWaing, Mich., are visiting at Mrs. J. Gaiser and other relatives this tweek. A pumiber of friends of Mr .and Mrs. J. Ratz and Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Gaiser gathered at Turnbull’s Grove Saturday evening and ported a good time. and Mrs. all re­ Arnold, the seven-year-old Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo McCann, Carmel, had the misfortune to have the end taken off one of his thumbs in an accident Sunday evening. The lad W'as playing with a wheeel of the wheelbarrow and some bindortwino when he happened to get his finger under the twine and the latter be­ ing palled tight took the top of the thumb off. The lad was taken fo St. Joseph’s Hospital in London by Dr. Weekos for treatment an< returned home the following day. son of of Mt.