HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-04, Page 8WtTOOAY. AVGUST 4th, 10558 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Chatham In this of Rich- his mother ot her Flint, sister, Exeter Markets Wheat, 40c. Barley, 30c. , . Oats, 27 c. Shorts 95c. Bran, 90c. Manitobag Best $2.’50 Model $2.30 Welcome, $1.80 Low grade $1.10 Creamery Butter 21-22c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, A. Minister Ifta# Lena Uoares, A.L.C.M., Organist 1H a.m.—-Sunday School x »7 p.m.—Rev. R. C. Rogers, B. A., Th. M., of Cromarty. No morning service during August. Sound LOCAL NEWS „ » Mr. and Mm. B. W. E. Beavers visited In Stratford on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Diamond, of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mm. Wm. May lust weelj. Miss Celia Ferguson, of is visiting with relatives community. Rev," R, E. Southcott, rnoni is holidaying with at Grand Bend. Mrs. Robt. Campbell, Mich., is visiting with Mrs. John Gould, Mr. Wm. Horney, of,Owen visited on Tuesday, with Mr, and Mrs. C, W. Christie. Mrs. Bert Gillespie and three children, spent two weeks holidays with her parents, near Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Suggitt and sons, Jack and Murray, of Toronto, vis­ ited at A. Wildfong’s recently, Mr, and Mrs. C,. W.. Christie and family visited on Bunday with Rev. and Mrs. D, McTavish at Pt, Clarke. Mrs. g. A. Stella their Bend. Mr. Southcott are spending this summer cottage and Miss month at at Grand Davis and spent the Mrs. J. R. Butter, 16-X7c, extras, 13c. firsts, lie. seconds, Sc. UNION SERVICES 1 ii LOCALS Main St. and James St. United l Churches > and Mrs. Gordon two sons, of Toronto, week-end with Mr. and McDonald, , Mr. Thos. Harton, i has been visiting with and Mrs. Pari’ at their cottage Grand Bend. An article on' another TaSe in erence to prohibition in Prince ward Island is worth reading considering. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford Miss Dorothy Lauff, vacationing at Mm. on the Lake Road. Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. S. Quance, visited at the home Beer on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Northcott and Mr. and Mrs. E. Ublecher, of Strat­ ford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth on Sunday. Miss Leila McFalis, of London, is visiting with her grandmother.'- Mrs. Whiteford and' other friends around Exeter and, Elim'ville. . Mr. Ducett and Mr.'Geo. Beavers of Toronto and Mr. Reg. Beavers, of Fort Erie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B-’W. F. Beavers of London,' Rev. M. C. ref- Ed- and and are Penhale’s of Detroit, Jno. Von of of Mr. W. J. Janowski Toronto, Miss Alice Handford is visiting for a few days at Woodstpck. Mr. Hugh Creech home after visiting at Leamington, Mrs. McAvoy Sanders spent a ham last week. Justin Kuhn, for several days at the home Mr, Bert. Clarke. Mr, Hy. Smith, of the Lake Road who has been confined to his bed is improving nicely, ‘Miss Phoebe Easterbrook return­ ed home Sunday after visiting with relatives at Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs./ J. H. Jones and family have returned after spend­ ing two weeks at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Witwer, of London, spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr. Thos. Hatter, Mr. Aimer Hunkin left on Fri­ day last for CaYnduff, Sask., where he has .secured work with relatives Mr, and Mrs. Mawson spent Sun­ day and Monday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey, of Lon­ don. Mr.’ add Mrs. J. H. O’Connell, of Chicago, are visiting with the lat­ ter’s father, Mr. Exeter North. Miss Annie and McGill of Prospect visiting with their Mrs. T. McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. A. "Lindsay, of Nor-, wich, spent the week-end visiting with their daughter,, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman. Miss McNamee, or; uucan, visited with Miss Helen Dignan over'Sun­ day and assisted the Main Street Ingersoll and has returned for some time * , 10 a.m.—Sunday School in each, church, j 11 a.m.—-Service in Jarnos Street Church, Rev. J, H. StaiptOn, ( i 7 p.m.—Service in Main Street Church, Rev. J. H. Sitainton. j Main St. choir under the leader­ ship of Miss charge of the E. Huston will' have, music, and few Miss A. L. days in Wing-Thursday 8 Main St. I p.m. prayer meeting *%. , of London, visited of Thomas Hatter, Master Freeman Hill, have been grandmother, 'SGT* FOR SALE 1 15-30 McCormick-Deering Tractor choir at the morning service, in A 1 shape. At a real bargain, j 1 McCormick Corn Binder good as new. A real snap. 1 Cockshutt single-furrow plow at $25.00. 50 Cream Separators all from--$1.00 to $10.00. COME AND SEE THESE BARGAINS- i riding i makes I REAL j International Harvester Co. Ltd., Exeter, Ont. i GRAIN WANTED We are prepared to pay the high­ est market price for all kinds of Ontario Grain and Beans. We -can also supply you with empty bags and arrange for trucking same at a very low rate. Cook Bros. Milling Co., Hensail, Ont. Office Photfe 54 Residence Phone 63. CHOICE CLOVER. HONEY 60c. per 10 lb. pail in ers containers; 7Ofc. per pail in our containers. Darrell Parker, R. R. 3, custom- 10 lb. Exeter. of of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kilne and .son Kenneth, of Maline, III., are visit­ ing with Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Elliott at the Main Street parsonage. Messrs. Bruce Medd and Howard Dignan left Monday for a three weeks jnotor trip to Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Hamil­ ton, of St. Marys,. and , Miss Alice f Ward, of 'Walkerville, spent Sunday i.with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward. I Mr. and M'rs. Hy. Minett, of Tor- • onto, and Mr. and Mrs. E., L. Box I of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and I Mrs. Frank Taylor on Tuesday. 1 Mrs. J. G. Jones, Mr. and .Mrs, Rd. Tapp and! Mrs. Arthur Francis are holidaying1 at the “Mayflower” summer cottage at Grand Bend. ' Mr. Van,_ Camp, of town, suffered a sun stroke while working in his garden on Monday and will be con­ fined to his home for a few days. Rev. E. L. Vivian, Rector of Triv- itt Memorial church, who is on va­ cation this month, , is . supplying at Walkerville for- the ’next few weeks. ; Miss Velma Quail, of Clinton, Miss Mamie Lee, of Thorndale, are visiting with their grandparents,- Mr. and Mrs. George Easterbrook. Mr, and Mrs. Trueman Elliott and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ ton Davis spent the in town. Mrs. C. and family* of holidays with H. Sanders and London, relatives TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L, Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr, Middlpmi^s 10 Eleventh Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Sun/ay School Mornirg Service- withdrawn.' 7 p.m.- — Evensong and Sermon. Preacher, Rev. I. M'. B. Parker. Men’s Fine Shirts, attached collars, each 79c i i i Summer Dresses Greatly Reduced Every Summer .Dress on our racks has been greatly reduced in price. You will find some very smart styles here. Perhaps you can use one or two, at these reduced prices Visit our China Department When your friends visit you bring them in and look around our China department, We have added many lines this month that make lovely gifts. Everyone enjoys looking at lovely china. CORTICELLI THISTLEBLOOM YARN This beautiful al! wool yarn comes in all the best selling shades and retails at PER BALL 15c. WHITE WASHABLE GLOVES In pull-on styles. A lovely quality ipaterial. Very smart at per pair 4 75c. TURKISH TOWELS A good quality towel in a fairly, good size. Special this week 29c. or 3 for 85c. BLEACHEb HEM-STITCHED SHEETS Size 81x90. A lovely quality bleached sheet, full size at a much lower price $1.35 EACH OR 2 FOR $2.50 Heel Hugger Shoesfor Style and Comfort They are made in all widths and many styles. They cost a little more but are worth it in the comfort and extra wear they give. Try a pair of the Times-Ad- va cation this Hamilton, vis- Monday with for a motor trip to and niece Miss Nel- visited fpr a week attending th'e Old Boy’s Mrs. Clinton Sweet, Hettie Sweet and Miss CLOVER LEAF CUPS & SAUCERS 8c. CUP AND SAUCER WATER GLASSES, Fine or Heavy: 6 for 25c. —.............. .......; --------—— SPECIAL IN ALL WOOL HOSE Men’s all, wool hose extra good value at this low pi ice . 2 PAIRS FOR 39c. MEN’S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Penman’s make. The kind we used to •sf-ll at 75c SPECIAL AT EACH 59c. ’ GROCERY SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1 lb. tin JPink - Salmon 15c. Large bottle Catsup 14c.I 1-2 lbi tin Salmon 4 for 25c. Bring in your coupons and receive a large package for 5c. Bring in your coupons and receive—3 cakes for 15c. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES. PALM OLIVE SOAP. SUPER SUDS. Bring in your coupons and receive—2 packages for 10c. NEW CLOVER HONEY, real, choice quality 10 lb. pail 75c.; 5 lb. pail 40c.; • quart sealers 30c.______________ _______ NOTICE All accounts due the estate the late Mrs. Henry Bender, Dashwood, who died July 9th» 1932 are now due and must be' settled within thirty days as after that date the executors will proceed to> dis­ tribute the estate. Anyone having claims against the estate should present them to- the undersigned within the next thirty days. John Bender and Adam Dashwood, Executors. » Dated this 27th day of July. Birk, STRAYED—Onto lot 3 con. 4 Step­ hen tp. a heifer. Owner may same by proving property and ing expenses. Apply to Geo. burn, R.R. 1, Crediton. have pay- Hep- New Potatoes for Sale—Canadian Canners, .phone 28. I am prepared to take* threshing by the day at reasonable prices.— Wesley Haokney, Centraii4 7-2 8-2 tp ROOMS .TO RENT AT GRAND BENi)—In private home on Main St. leading to lake; hydro. $7. per^eek for two persons with cooking privi­ leges, delled. Grand eterk TO RENT—Cottage at Grand H'Snd for month-ot Angust, .Hydro and running water; newy decorated-. Ap­ ply at Tlmes-AdVpcate, Fxeter. Home has just been remo- Apply Gill Crest cottage, Bend, Or Timfis-Advocate, Ex- - _ ______ __son Har­ den motored to Toronto Wednesday to visit for a few days.)Jack San­ ders, who has been visiting here .re­ turned to Toronto with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coyle daughter, Marjorie, of Detroit, and Mrs. Harry Gould and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gould, of St. ^arys, call­ ed oh relatives in town'on Monday. is occupying at Grand of August. Snell,. Mrs. Hoskin and Mrs. Lamport are visit­ ing with her at present. ' Mr. and Mrs. V, L. Roulstoii have returned to Stratford following their vacation. They enjoyed a mo­ tor tfip to Montreal and Quebec and spent the i latter part of. the tveek visiting with their patents in Exeter; Mr, George Clipson, spent the week-end at Mr. Dan Davis. Mi's, daughter Reta, who have been here for two weeks returned” home •with him. Miss Edith is remaining for a time. Miss Mildred Rowe “Limberlost” cottage Bend * for the month Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. W. of Ingersoll, the home of Ollpson and Mrs. Wm. Follen, who recently underwent an operation dn Victoria Hospital in London, is improving nicely, The two nurses Misses Ina Jdques and Margaret Johns, who were in attendance returned home last week, Miss Gertrude Ratz, of Khiva, is visiting with Miss Irene Sweet. Mr. Wm. Davis, of vocate staff, is on week. Mr. T. S. Neale, of ited on Sunday and friends in Exeter. Mr. W- W. Lawrence, of the Bank of Montreal staff,.'is holiday­ ing at his home at Ayr., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knight and children, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and son Gordon and Miss Etta Bowey left on Wednesday Quebec. Mrs. Gillard lie Carmichael in Stratford re-union.*Mr. and Irene, Miss Margaret Quinton motored to Owen Sound recently. ■Mr. W. L. Kress, of the Bank of Commerce staff, manager of the for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. family and Mrs. Toronto, are visiting Mrs. E. Fray­ ne and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ryckman and . daughter, Alma, motored to Leamington for .the week-end re­ turning Sunday evening. Miss Dinah Elston returned- re-, cently to Edmonton after visiting with her brother, Mr. J. Elston and j her sister, Miss- Annie Elston. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eaorett, Woodstock, are visiting with Mr. Eacrett’s sisters, Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Miss A. -Eacrett. ; Mr. Archie Etherington and Miss ■ Alma Etherington visited in Strat- f oifcl over the week-end with their .aunt, taking in the Old Boys? Rev. F. E. Clysdale, pastor of Norfolk Street United Church, | Guelph, will conduct the campf ser­ vices at Grand next. Mr. and Mfp. Franx Joliffe, London, spent the week-end Mr. and 4Mrs. Jas. McIntyre, Helen Atrill, of London, is at ent a guest at their home. Mr. Richard Holzey, of New Mr. and- Mrs: Rueben and Reeve Huber, of Cayuga, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs, C. Sweet and Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. West­ cott. Miss Edith Horton, of Oshawa, youngest daughter of the last Mr. Harry Horton, of Hurondale is spending her holidays with her aunts, Mrs. M. J. Horney and' Maud A. Horton. Miss Vosper spent a few days in’ London last week visiting her niece Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston. Ml’, and Mrs. Johnston brought Miss Vosper home Saturday remaining until . Dr Ohio, Miss rie, visited for a few days with Mrs, F. Gill and Renewed a ■ number of old acquaintances. Mr. Mack) by the latter’s daughter Ewen and her daughter, TillsOhburg, called on Exeter on Tuesday. Mr, J. C, Hdrtoii, wife and iatrk- ,iiy, of Oshawa, are spending the week with tbe forntor’s sisters, Mrs, rJ. M. Horney and Maud A. Horton Mr. Horton and family have just re­ turned from a motor trip to Que­ bec. is relieving the JValkerton branch Em. ,, Johnson and E. 'Johnson Sr., of I LOCAL NEWS Lon- Mr. Mr. and Mrs. K. Werner, of don, spent the holiday with and Mrs. *Earl Russell. Mr/ and Mrs., W- W. Hunter and family left Friday last by .motor for -their home at North Battleford, Sask., after visiting for a month with the former’s parents, Mr. and 'Mi’s. John Hunter and fives.i other rela- of I Bend on Sunday , Xf with Miss pres­ Yoik Schwantz Monday. LUther Gill, of' Gibsonburg, accompanied by his Sister, May Gill, of Portage La Pfai- and Mrs. James, (nee Mrs. ot Parkhijl, accompanied Mrs. Me­ jean, of friends in Sel.don and to Sharbot j Mr. and Mrs. R. G. son Wallace motored Lake to visit their- son, DiA Harry Seldon and also^to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Newman at Kingston, Mr. Seldon returned Tuesday the others remaining for a few days. • Monday was Civic Holiday andI all places of business were closed. • A ball game was played- in the-' morning between Lucan and Exeter the visitors winning by the score of I 8-6. A number from town attended ) the Stratford Centenary celebration | others ,took in the races at Goderich and a‘ number were at Grand Bend. Mr. Robt, Gambrill, of Palmer- .ston, is on vacation- for the month of August and is at present visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gambrill. Mr. Jack: Gamibrill, of Fergus and Mr. Jas. Blinco, of El- ora, spent tbe holiday liere. Miss Rogers, of Elora - and JMiSs Squire, of Woodham, are at present visit; ing with Mr. and M'rs. Gamibrill. Mr. Sim. Pollen, of Flint Mich., motored over and spent Sunday with relatives visiting with his mother, who is ill in Victoria Hos­ pital. He took back with him Mr. Hanson, who for the past three months has been a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, the re­ sult Of a motor accident near Elgin- field. , W. J. SEYMOUR Main St., Four Doors South ot Hogarth Hatchery Painter, Decorator & Paper Hanger TERMS—MODERATE Estimates Frbe W. R. Goulding ' A T r, H 0 Orjmnist ano t Choir mazier faines st. Uiiited Church instruction'In Piano Vocal Organ < Supervisor of Muild in Sohobk Studio, Main St, Box 123, Fhoiie 192 EXETER. ONT ■ • r Announcing !A new low price on Tip Top Clothes For twenty-one years the welfare of Tip Top Tailors has been closely interwoven with the condition of Canadian men' As you‘have prospered and your numbers have increased, we have been able to .build up a great tailoring organization on the policy of giving finer talored to measure clothes for $24 than you could buy anywhere else. Due to pr.esbnf economic conditions we believe that great numbers, of men’ are now finding it difficult to pay even this price of $24. Yet they need more than ever the good appearance and long wear of Tip Top clothes. Millions of Canadian men have helped us to builld Tip Top Tailors. Now, when you need\ it, we shoiv' our appreciation of your help in a practical- way, and ask your support in return. Effect­ ive, June 10th, the price of Tip Top Clothes is reduced.to $22.50 for any suit, topcoat or overcoat, tailored to your measure. i TIP TOP CLOTHES w PHONE 81w 7 * w.TAMA EXETER, ONT.J " Miss Marjorie Smith, of London, | Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Love and has returned home after visiting1 family, .of Sarnia, visited with Mrs. her grandmother, Mrs. ,E- Frayne. | Love’s mother over the week-end. , From now until the end of August with every Marshall Mattress pur- ' chased we will give Cotton Slip Cover valued at $4.50. Do not let this opportuity pass if you are need­ ing a mattress in the near future. We can fit any bed We deliver any distance. E, R. HOPPER FURNITURE STORE Telephone 99; „ • .Residence 63