HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-04, Page 5* withMrs, Peter Eisher la visiting her daughter at Brucefield, Miss Martha Carlisle, of London is visiting at Mr. Gordon, ed op friends Miss. Mona is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dayman. Miss Ruth McMartih, of Barrie, was a recent visitor with relatives in town. • Mr. William Horney, of Qwen Sound* is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, A. Spencer. • Mrs. G. C. home after spending a week ^■elatives in Toronto. Mr. W.* L. ’McLaren spent holiday with his daughter, Glenn Bell, of Tuckersmith. The many friends of Mrs. ’. Swan are sorry to hear she is enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, family, of Hamilton, visited week with Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. J. B. last week for the West where they will spend the summer months, Mr. and M'rs, John Dingerwall, of Streetsville,- visited over’ the holi­ day with relatives and friends here. The many friends of Miss Lizzie Slavin are sorry to hear that she has been in poor health for the last few weeks. Miss Mae McNaughton has re­ turned to her home in Toronto af­ ter a pleasant visit with her parents here. Mr, • and Mrs. Roht. Horney, and daughter, ' Miss Mary, of London, spent the w.eek-end with Mr, * and Mrs. A. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pettigrew of Detroit, have been visiting for the past ^few weeks "with Mr. and , Mrs. George Hess. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White spent the week-end with their son-in-law .and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jas. El- by, of Coillingwood. ■-»' Mr. and. Mrs. Roy McLaren visit­ ed over the week-end with friends in Stratford and also took in the Old Boy’s Re-union. Mr.' and Mrs. Leslie Knight, and son, Howard, of Kitchener, visited over the week-end at the home _of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins. p Mi's and Mrs. Fred Corbett and ®on, Jack, spent Sunday with the Knfmer’s brother, Mr. John Cole, of Sarpia, who is seriously Ml. Mrs. Ellis Fairbairn after visiting for several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Richard Welsh, returned to her home, in Snowflake, Man., last week. Civic Holiday passed quietly in the village. Quite a number of .our citizens motoring to Stratford to the Old Boy’s Re-union while oth­ ers attended the horse 'faces at God­ erich. Quite a large crowd attended the ball game played here on our local diamond oh Monday , morning be­ tween London and Hensail. The score resulted in a score of 5 to 1 for Hensald. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples arid daughter, Joan, of Toronto, Mrs.. Susan Kestle, of Bowmanville and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan of Thames Road, visited and Mrs. John Passmore nesday last. Mrs. John Stacey and Mrs. Wm. Worden, of Hibbert, Mrs. George Stewart, of Belleville, Mrs, Harry McKee, of Kitchener and Mrs. Carpenter, of Oxford, Mich., visited on Wednesday with Mr. Wm. McLaren and Mr. and Mrs. . Roy. McLaren. .Services in our local churches on Sunday were well attended. At the United Church Rev. Mr*. Bremmer occupied the pulpit in the Morning and Mr. W. O. Goodwin gave-a very pleasing solo. At the evening service Rev. R. R. Conner, of Kipperi, had change of the services. Dr. I. S. Smilllie very^ably acted as organist at both services. At the Carmel Presbyterian 'church “‘Rev. W. A. k Young preached very acceptably at both-1'services aijd fine anthems were rendered by the choir. At the St. Paul’s Anglican Church the Rev. Dr. Charles ‘ Seag&r, B’snop of Hur­ on' addressed a large congregation in the morning and gave a very in­ teresting and inspiring message. The Rev. M. Parker having charge of the evening services. Death of Mrs. Roland ,Cudjnore The death occurred in the Scott Memorial Hospital, SQ^orth, on Wednesday last of one Of Hensail’s well known residents in the person of Mrs. Roland Cudmcre. The'de­ ceased whose maiden name tyas- Margaret Warren was born in Dev­ onshire England. After coming to Canada some 46 years ago she and her date husband resided in Exeter before moving to Hensall where they have since resided. Her hus­ band predeceasing her four years ago. She loaves to moiirn her loss, five daughters, Mrs. P« N. Philips* Toronto; Mrs. I. Walker, Montreal; Flora, Toronto; Mabel, Beatrice, Toronto and Heuben and Garnet, of Albert, of Kitoheiier, was held., in the St. patlTs Anglican Church On Eriday afternoon with flie Rev. Mr. Parker liavirig. charge of the services. The ‘pall bearers being Messrs George Petty,* ThOs. Welsh, LOVf 'Mhnds, AlirM Ta.yl’or, Wm. Stone and Thos, pririiner;% her hoipe here, Reid, of London,, call- in town on Tuesday. Miller, of Winnipeg, Petty has returned with Pai’lmei’ the Mrs, Alex i not and last Murdock, .Simpson left and son/ with Mr. on Wed- daughter, Detroit and thteb sons Toronto Arid '■file funeral CENTRALIA Miss-Mary Q'Brien returned to London on Tuesday alter holidaying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs., C, O’Brien for the past couple of weeks. Dr, and Mrs, Heighway, of Lon­ don visited with Mr, and Mrs, John Essery on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham, of Guelph are visiting .with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Baynham Sr, Miss Mae winter, R,N,,. ‘of Lon-! don, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, Miss Audrey Powe and Miss EL leen Walker, of Stephen, visited with their aunt and’ uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe in London last week. X . Mr. and Mto. Hubert Neil, of 'St. Thomas, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neil. ‘ ■ Mr, p. Simpson has been advised by his physician to take a few weeks rest, During his illness his position Avith the Centralia Co-op- eratve will be' taken by Mr. Garfield Thompson- Mr. and Mrs, J, I. Nicholson and family, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Willis at- their cottage Bend. Rev, and Mrs, Smale were week-end visitors former’s sister, Mr. and Hodgson. ’* Miss May visited with Mitchell for left Wednesday to holiday at Grand B$nd, an on at open Sun- 8:30 Harry Guenther, and vis­ aed and was pt with A ™ RED & WHITE store Special Mrs. Thos, at Grand and family with the Mrs. Lloyd / Andrew, *• of London, her cousin,, Miss F. a few days. The latter SHIPKA y and Mrs.. Milton Ratz andMr. son, Jack have returned home after having a motor trip to Weyiburn, Sask. ' . 'M;iss Ida Sweitzer holidaying with relatives hill. Miss Jean McKenzie is her holidays with relatives sor. Next day in special is at present in Park- spending in Wind- Sunday is Missionary Sun- tlie Sunday School where program will be given. a CHISELHURST Threshing again has commenced, Mr. Bert Riley and Tremeer Bros, having started last week. Mr. W. R. Kinsman leaves again for the West Tuesday. He reports., crops good in their district. , Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons are both under the doctor’s care. Mr. 'Earl Kinsman has also, been on the. sick, list for. several, days but is able to be around again. The W. M. iS. is holding a ^ocial evening in the basement of tire chupch on the evening of August 9tin.. A good literary programme is being prepared. Two Missionary plays will bef giv­ en by members of the Society and young people entitled “Aunt Polly joins ' the Missionary Society” and “Dollar^ and Diana.” Special music by the male ^quartette. Refresh­ ments will be served at the Everybody (welcome. KIRKTON close is'Miss Lily Larkin, of Toronto, the guest of Miss Thelma Marshall. C. Gardiner is spending Mitchell before going to •her daughteir-in-law at Mrs. J. a week in visit with Simcoe. Quite a at the Old ford’ , Mrs. A. under .the doctor’s care. We/hope to see her around again soon. The hum of the threshing ma­ chine cah be heard in our midst.', We are glad to know that -Mr. Archie Dawson and Miss Maggie Dawson who have not been well are improving. The horseshoe cluib was again ac­ tive the past week. On Wednesday Elimville and on number from here were Boy’s Re-union at Strat- Brethour is at present evening they went to and won by 53 points. Thursday they defeated Fullarton by 101 points. THAMES ROAD Miss -Mabel Chesnut was a or the past week With Miss Jessie Montieth. * ” Miss park, of Detroit, was a vis­ itor with Mr. and Mrs. Jas." Ballan- tyne recently. Mrs. Bert Sitewart, Miss Gertrude of Toronto. Miss Marie and Miss Patsy were recent vis- of Mr a few visit- and Mrs days with McDonald Zimmer, of De- her vacation at of Hamilton and THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE z /QASHWOpD Dr. H. H. Cowon, UD.S„ D-P PENTAL surgeon At office- «n Rartieib Block, PM&- wood, f|rst three days of week snd m office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week Dashwood Band will give air band concert in Zurich day evening, August ’ 7 th p.m, on Mr. J. Hey’s lawn, Mr. and Mrs, Miss Rose Guenther and Mr. Mrs, T. Burke and family were itors over the holiday with Mr. Mrs, Chas’*. Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. Hopcraft arid fam­ ily attended a re-union at Port Glasgow on Saturday. Miss Thedda Hayter and sister, Grace, of Windsor, spent a few days with their parents,, Rev. Meyer, of Rodney, Misses Ruth and Mary and John were Sun­ day visitors in town. Rev, Meyer occupied the pulpit in the Evangel­ ical c|iurcli on Sunday evening Miss Ruth sang a solo which very much appreciated. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Windsor, spent the week-end her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker Miss Antionette troit, is spending hei’ home here. ' Mr, Ira Tie man, friends Miss G. Cornell, .of Water­ loo, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman, t Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, of St. Thomas, sipent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and ■.Miss Betty Scott, of Seaforth, visit­ ed with friends here. * Mrs. Jack Schade, Mrs. Rose •Cummings and Mrs. T. Gowe and Mr, Angus Moore Jr. and bride,, all of Chicago, spent a few days with Mr," and Mrs. Felix Wild. Misses Karen and S-igrid Peder­ son, who spent "the past week with friends in London returns^ home on Sunday. Dashwood Brass Band attended the Gossman re-union at Grand Bend last Sunday where about 200 attended. Misses Zeta Nadiger and Ester Martene attended the Walther Lea­ gue Convention in Kitchener as delegates last week. "Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Restemeyer, Mrs. A. Restemeyer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger attended the funeral of a relative in Hanqver on Monday. Mr. and and family, two weeks / Mclsaac spending relatives, of Guelph, at his home Tieman was Mrs. Milford of Detroit, are vacation with 'i Mr. Leonard?', Birk, spent. the week-end horfe. Mrs. J. MeTvyn' pleasantly surprised one evening re­ cently when the members Of the choir of the Evangelical Church met in honor of her recent marriage and presented her with a beautiful floor lamp. The address was read by Miss K. Bell and’ Miss C. Finkbeiner, the president, made the presentation, to which the bride replied in a pleasing speech. The remainder of the evening was spent in games,- stunts and contests after which lunch was served 'by several of members. 'M'rs. Mervyn Tieman been’the popular leader of choir for a pumber of years. the has the Address and Presentation The members of the- Dashwood Evangelical choir of which Alice Hoffman, now Mrs. Mervyn Tieman has been an efficient director for a few years have met in this home to wish you much joy and happiness in * your married career. We are happy to note the safe return of this bridal couple after a week's honeymoon venture. May the sun of righteousness ever brighten y.our pathway aS you continue your usefulness in the divine art of mu­ sic and song in church and home. Your efficiency and unselfish lead­ ership as our director merits great­ er appreciation than it sometimes receives. While much depends upon efficiency and tact in leadership in any organization, yet as. members of your choir we are not forgetful of our slackness in regular, attend­ ance and in making your efforts more successful in the lpinistry of song. We hope each member of our choir will resolve anew to show deeper interest in the important work of the church choir as years Come and go,-' We aSk you to accept this gift as a token of our appreciation of your faithfulness in service as our es­ teemed director. May this gift sym­ bolize to you the true value of “Christ, the -Light 'Of the World” as you journey through life. choirDnsliwood Oliurcli ) LUMLEY FANCY REP SOCKEYE SALMON y*lb. tin 2 for 35c, CLARK’S FORK AND BEANS, No. 2 tin, ,., 7„ 2 for 13c. RICE KRISFIES ... .............................. per pkg. CERTO per bottle 29c. ZINC JAR RINGS per dog« 23c- RUBBER JAR RINGS ^4 doz- for( 25c. PURE CANE SUGAR .................... ................................,. 10 Jbs. for 50c. Clark’s Sweet Gold Medal TOMATO JUICE MIXED PICKLES SWEET RELISH 3 cans for 15c.37 oz. jar each 25c.37 oz. jar each 25c. , NEW CHEESE .................... .............................. ...........2 lbs. for 27c. IDEAL CATSUP Kellogg’s Cornflakes KOLONA COFFEE Large botle each 15c. |3 for 25c.1 lb. pkg. each 29c, SELECT PINK SALMON,, 1 lb. tall tin,..........................................each 10c. GOOD COOKING RICE ICING SUGAR I G. M. PEANUT BUTTER 3 lbs. for I6c.Best Quality, 2 for 15c. |In biilk, per lb. 16c. Trio Biscuits (assorted) .... per lb. 17c. Choc-Mallow Biscuits ........... per lb. 17c. De Luxe Jelly Powders ........... 6 for 25c. e Whizz Fly Spray . . . . Jumbo Salted Peanuts dhoc. Maple Buds . . 8 oz. bottle 33c. . . .. per lb. 15c. , ,. . per lb. 25c. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF PICKLING SPICES, VINEGARS ETC. \ FOR YOUR PICKLING NEEDS ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. ss Phone 102 • llllllllllllllllllllllllHIH I r ‘'Quality always higher than price.” 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiifiiiniii We Deliver ..I.... i GREENWAY Bev. F. E. Clysdale-, of Guelph, will occupy the pulpit in the United Church next -Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Lawrence and Roy Poll­ ock visited in Buffalo and attended the horse races Fort Erie last week. >Mr. J. Hotson made a business trip to Leamington last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Detloff, of Detroit, visited Mrs. Albert Pollock while on their honeymoon. Mrs. J. 'Paxman, of London, is the guest of Mrs. L. Ridley. Miss Doris Hicks spent the week­ end with Miss Elaine Steeper. Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shettler, of Buffalo and report Mr. Shettler is somewhat improved in health. Mr. W. Whitesides visited Mr. and. Mrs. Prouty, oif Exeter last week, . Miss Dorothy McGregor, of Wind­ sor,’ is spending her valuation with Miss Mary McGregor. Miss Olive English was with Mrs. Roy Sheppard, o,f last week. ' Mr? and Mrs. L. Ridley to London one day last week. Mrs. Leslie Hutchinson is in a London Hospital having X-ray treatment. Miss Mary Corbett has returned from a pleasant holiday spent with friends in Fordwicli. Geo. Gollen and have , been cutting highway.' Messrs. Ivan and Fordwich, were guests of Mr. and Mrs,. Russell Pollock last week-end. When Mr. W. Young was plowing last week the plow struck a stone and-hit "’him, breaking a rib. We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss M. Charlton visited Miss Aelle Steeper over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. S. 'W. Wefob visited at Whalen on Sunday. "S Mr. James Geromette has his two threshing outfits busy these days. Our Mdyor overlooked proclaim­ ing Monday a Civic Holiday so the citizens of our city worked as usual. Rev. S. J. Mathers is on vacation the month of August. a guest London, motored W. Whitesides weeds on the Clare Harris, of tor CREDITON EAST ZION "Mr, and Mrs. J, Bno'ck, of Lon­ don, visited with the former’s aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. W. J.-Droick recently. , ' Mr. Samuel Peart, of Guelph, vis­ ited with friends a few days last week. On Tuesday of last week. Mf. ana Mrs. Rusell Peart and daughters, Muriel and Betty, of Rockwood and Mrs. George Jacques, of Exeter vis­ ited with Mr. and Mts. Melville Hbrn. t Irene. - Pooley spent Tuesday of last week with"Hazel Hern. Mr. Wm, Brock is visiting friends in Exeter. ‘ Margaret Jacques spent last week with cousins in Stratford. > Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacques and family .attended the Old Boy’d re-union in Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. Langford is spending a few days with her granddaughter, Mrs/ Warren Brock. Our auxiliary attended the, cele­ bration of the 25th anniversary of the Whalen Auxiliary on Thursday Mrs. Samuel . Stevenson and daughter, Helen, of Birr,| visited with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ ville Hern last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern and daughters Laurene and Hazel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, of Exeter. The Hern and., Brock Co. started threshing at Ephriam Hern’s on Saturday. Miss Lena Dufton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern on Sun­ day. Mr. George Stewart and family, of London Township, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Slipper race, Morris Hern and Hazel Earl,, N. Brock and Myrtle Earl, Harold Hern and Mrs. Well. • Brock. Thread and needle race, Hazel Earl and' Morris Hern, Kenneth Hern and Mrs. Harold Hern, Harold Hern and Mrs. Well. Brock. ' Stepping stones, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Harold Hern, Mrs. Well. Brook, Morris Hern and Hazel Earl- Feeding peanuts, Mrs. H. Hern and Kenneth Hern, Earl Johnston and Myrtle Earl, Well. Brock and Minerva Brock. Tug-of-war, the girls against the boys, it was a tie. Driving a blind horse, Hazel Earl and Norman Hern, Mrs. H. Hern and Kenneth Hern, Well. Brock and Minerva Hern. Tug-of-war, captains, Angus Earl and Ross Hern, won by Ross Hern's team. Supper was served at '5:'3iO after which we all returned home having spent a very enjoyable day to-geth- er and to look forward to another 4 ’year. GRAIN WANTED are prepared to pay theWe highest market price for all kinds of Ontario Grain and Beans. We can also supply you with empty bags and arrange for trucking same at a very/low rate. Cook Bros. Milling Co. ; Hensail, Office Phone 54 Residence phone 63. Ont. Zion United! Church hold . Successful Picnic Sunday Bchool of the Zion Church held their annual at Stratford on Wednesday week. Dinner was served at STAFFA Mr. and Mts. Otto walker daughter, Helen, visited at Inger-; soil on Sunday. and WINCHELSEA The hum of-the threshing ma­ chines is being heard in .this neigh­ bourhood this week. A very successful meeting of the W. M. St. was held at the home of Mrs. H. De<lbridge on Wednesday last when the members entertained the Baby Band and also the mem­ bers of the Mission Band. The af-. ternoon was spent in sports and ball games after which the kiddies were treated to ice cream. Miss Jean Hocking, of KirktOn, spent the week-fend with Miss Mar­ ion Pooley. Mr. and Mrs. N. Jarrot, of Toron­ to, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. Godibolt. Mrs. E. Sprague, of Toronto, is visiting this week wth Mr. and Mrs. R. E. pooley. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bobbie spent the friends at Clifford. Quite a number people from around here attended the picnic of the Elimville young people’s society in Stratford on Wednesday of last week. Miss Betty McDonald, bury, is Visiting with Davis this week. Mr. and Mrs. George ■F. Davis and Miss Jean'Davis vis-, ited with Mr. and Mrs. A. McDon­ ald at Saintsbury on Sunday. Miss Ethel Brown, of Centralia visited oh Tuesday with her mother Mrs. H. Brown. # ■ Mrs. J. Jackson, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. X Veal on, Monday. The United picnic of last 12:!30 when over ninety partook of the good things provided by the ladies. The afternoon was spent in sports, soft ball and football and some enjoyed a boat ride. Mrs. Wellington Batten, Mrs. j Warren Brock and Mr. Earl Johnston had charge of the sports- Children’s race, 6 years and un­ der, Herbert Johns, .Marjorie Earl and Catherine Batten. _ Boys and girls race 6 to 16 years ”” "■*’ Gerald Mr. Vera and spent the here. ■ Mr. and _______________ and daughter Betty, and son, Doug­ las. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright all of Windsor, spent the week­ end with their parents, Mr. and Eli Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly and daughter. Thelma, and Mr. Stanley Kelly, all of London, and Mrs. A. Newman, of Pasadena, spent Sunday with Hoiiry Motz. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Win the Horney re-union on Civic Holiday Mrs. Ann ^Collingwood and grand­ son. Edward, of Hamilton, ing the former’s sister, Mr. Wm», Motz. Mrs. Wilson Anderson the funeral of her sister-in-law, the late Mrs. M. J. Graham, in London on Monday. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Sims te-union which was he\d at Grand Bend on Wednesday. Thos. Edwards and daughter son, Herb, of Ingersoll, week-end with relatives Mrs. Joseph Brokenshire California! Mr. and Mrs. M.otz 'attended at Grand Bend Hazel Hern, Ethel Pooley, Hern. Boy’s and girl’s race 14 ____ and under' Kenneth Hern, Laurene Hern and Oliver Jafcques. Young ladies’ race, Myrtle Hazel Earl. Young men’s race, Ward and. Morris Hern, Married ladies’ race, Mrs. Batten, Mrs. Harold Hern and Mrs. Pooley. Married Inen’s race, Mr, Earl, James Earl and Roy Ladies kicking' slipper1, Earl, Hazel EarL and Mrs. Hern. » Men’s kicking the slipper, Angus Earl, Norman Brock and R. E. Pooley, 3-Legged race, Hazel Hern and Ethel Pooley, Hazel Earl and Myr­ tle Earl, Mrs. Well. Baton and Mrs. H. Hern. 3-Legged race, men, “Ward Hern and Thomas Hern, Angus Earl and Harold Denham. Eating soda biscuit, Thomas Hern, Minerva Brock and- Mrs. M. Brock. o ! Balloon race, Irene Pooley, Jean Brojck. years Earl, Hern Well. George Johns. Myrtle Melville A. Coleman and week-end with of the young of SaintS- Miss Jean road about the Thames numbering at the home of Mis,s Friday night and! The girls of Mission Circle twenty-two met Mary Kerslake presented her With a beautiful mot­ to. Mary is going to London, August the second to take a secretarial course at Westervelt School, ■ 'Mr. Stewart McQueen and the Misses Margaret and Jean McQueen spent Sunday visitihg with friends at Tharinesfdrd. Mr. atid Mrs. Wel.< Kerslakb, Miss , Majy sjient last Sunday at Ipper- i’^akh Beach visiting with frlehdfi at their summer home. I Stewart, Vance of Listowel Martin, of Exete'r, itors at the home J. W. Stewart. Miss Neeb spent her sisters, Mrs, Gordon and Miss Esther Neeb. Members of the (Mision friends of Miss Mary Kerslake met, Friday evening last and surprised her by giving her a token of re- memibranice and friendship before leaving for ‘Westervelt Business College in London. The .evening was spent in a pleasing program - and games after which a dainty lunch was served. Miss Mary Kerslake who has been past president of the Mission; Circle, .expressed her thanks followed by a verse of “Blessed Be! the Tie that Binds.” Circle and' is visit- and Mrs’ attended A bachelor is a man who believes in freedom on the sea of matri-' mbriy. j ■If Davis, Mr. The brakes may squeal hut the tires do the fenftofing.