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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-08-04, Page 4
if | THURSDAY, AUGUST1HIIIIIII ( , II IIII—H.IIIWIIKHWIIIIH I mill II III ..........Ill I MH...... firand fiend {^asino ii A THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Monday, August Sth “CARNIVAL NIGHT” riI Serpentines, Homs, Hats Balloons 1 Confetti [ A NIGHT QF JOY NOVELTIES FUN I HEAR FRED ELLIOTT I and his 9-piece orchestra I ’’Sweetest Music this side of t Heaven” PRIZES f Swim at the | Clean, Safe, Sandy Beach. |3verythipg. for a perfect Holiday, j BIRTHS ■WITMER—At Detroit, on July 1'5, | to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, | (nee Luella Decher), a son (Ken neth John), DUCHARME—At Hay Tp., on July i 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Sovereign [f Ducharme a daughter. [OESCHI—At Stanley Tp., on July I 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch (I a son. TOOHEY—In Biddulph, on ] day, July 26th to Mr. and Pat Toohey, a daughter. Tues- Mrs. LEAGUE STANDING ■Crediton iHensall Exeter ... Lucan .... 'Centralia W . 9 6 7 . 6 . 1 . WCAk NEWS Miss Murie of Listoweh M visiting with Miss Lydia Stewart. Mr. a»d Mrs. Ulric Snell are oc cupying their summer cottage ut Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis and Mr. Jas. Francis visited in Bright on Sunday and Monday. Di\ John Ward wife and family spent the week-end visiting in Lon don and Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamilton and family, of Waterloo, called on Mrs. J. Hamilton on Monday. Mr. George Tracy of the Bank Of Montreal staff, has returned to his duties after holidaying ih West port. Doris Elford and Mildred Veale are holidaying this week with their grandparents at the Elford home (town). Mr. E. R. Hopper attended the convention of the Ontario Funeral Service Association at the Royal York Hotel Toronto, this week. The Cromarty choir led the ser vice of song in Caven church last Sunday morning last ab-d their mu- '’sieal numbers were much appreciat ed. Miss Marion Bissett, who has been undei* the doctor’s care, is improvng but it will be some time before she will be able to resume her position. Misses Wilma and A.uua Hamil ton have (returned to their home at Cromarty after spending a week with their grandmother, Mrs. J. Hamilton. Mr.. and Mrs. Eichenburg, Mr. and Mrs. T. Ward, of London, and Thomas Ward, of Detroit, spent Thursday last the guests and Mrs. John Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Waterloo, spent part of visiting with relatives They left here Monday to visit at Gananoque and Picton. Mr. W. J. Beer returned Wed nesday after holidaying for over two weeks with Rev. and Mrs. Bor den Cunningham, at Allandale, and also with relatives in Toronto. Rev. Harold Swan, missionary of the United, Church to Trinidad, and a former teacher of Eden school, who with his wife and fam ily are on furlough and staying in Toronto, called on friends in this vicinity Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. John Matheson, of Ayr, and two daughters, Mrs. Jarvis, of Tor onto and Miss Etta , Matheson, R. N., of Davenport Iowa, called on friends in Exeter on Wednesday. Mr. Matheson at one time conduct ed.a general store in Exeter North. I of Dr. and Irwin, of last -week in Exeter. LOCALS WIN FROM CENTRALIA | On Wednesday last the locals frimmed the Centralia ball team by (the score of 7-4 on the former’s ’diamond. A fair-sized crowd was on’ ■hand to witness the struggle and daw the visitors put up a good fight Dick Parker was in (team and pitched a [ter getting away to [in the first inning [the hurling for the winners but was (replaced by Pete Willard in the [second inning who kept things well [under control. The locals opened [the scoring in the opening inning [with four runs. They added another [in the third and two more in the {fifth. Centralia scored three runs 'jin the third and another in the Yourth. Dick Parker was struck [on the back with the ball and re ceived a nasty blow. Harvey Pollen ■playing second for the winners, was knocked over a couple of times and [received a bad blow on the head,. [The teams were: Centralia, Arider- ;son, ss; Parker, p.; Dearing cf.; [Bowden 2nd.; Mitchell, rf.; Reed ier, 3rd.; B. Mitchell 1st; Cornish ilf. and Folland c. • Exeter: Pollen 2nd.; ,R. Taylor, [c.; J. Taylor, If.; Creech rf.; Medd [cf.; Skinner 1st; Hockey ss.; Boyle [3rd Willard p. [LUCAN WINS HOLIDAY TILT [ In a holiday fixture staged [the local diamond on Civic Holiday (before a large crowd, the Lucan [Irish nine defeated the locals for [the first time this season by a score [of 8 to 6. It was a good game of [ball and kept the fans throughout. Lucan opened [ing in the opening inning [run. They held the lead [third when the locals put two runs ;across. Lucan came back strong in [the fourth and adedd three more "while the locals were held scoreless [The visitors added one more in the- [fifth and sixth. With the score 6 [to 2 the locals came back strong in the seventh and with four runs tied [the count. Lucan added the win- ning punch in the eigth inning .scoring two runs while the locals were held off the score sheet. Hy. ‘McLean pitched a steady game for the winners and was given good support by his mates. The. whole Lucan team battled strongly with Chowen leading the parade with three singles and a double in five trips to the plate. The Willard brothers again divided the pitching duties and pitched good enough ball to win. The locals however failed to connect sarely with the hooks and slants otf the Lucan twirler. Harry Snell was struck on the head by the ball in practice be fore the game started. Dr. Scot.t of (Lucan umpired behind the plate, while. Derry Boyle and Albert Tra- quair looked after the bases. The local team are very grateful to the supporters who have peen patron izing them during the season and finances for the club are in good condition. Only one remaining home game remains, .with Hensall, the date for which has not been set On Friday Journeys to Lucan—W. ss,; Hovey McLean p,; jt reeiuuiii n«; ivi'c* Lean c.; Ereckletdh sna afid'ChbW* en 3rd, Exeter—Medd ct; R. Taylor N». Dearing If.; Creech’ rf,; Boyle Stif.; Skinner, 1st; Hockey ss,; Ford 3rd; Rete and Hum Willard p, the box for his fine game. Af- a wobbly .start Boyle started at on edge the scor- with one until the night the home team Lucan. The teams were Smythe, of.; Hedging, 1st; T. Smythe If.; Hy. Freeborn rf.; A, Me* THE SIMS RE-UNION PICNIC The Sims family picnic took place at Grand Bend on July 27th with Mr. Thomas Flynn, of Lucan, as chairman. He congratulated the committee on the splendid success this being the first year. The regis ter was signed at noon and there were 130 present.. Miss Hilda Sims was nominated secretary for the day. The elected officers are as follows: president, Mrs. K. J. Sims; vice president, Mr. Gordon Hunter; sec-treas., Mr. Garnet Flynn. The same committee was re-elected, reading as follows: Mr. Isaac Sims, Mrs. Garnet Sims, Mr. Gordon Hunter, Mrs. Isaac Sims, Mr. K. J. Sims, Mr. Thomas Flyjin of Clandeboye and Mr. Clay ton ‘Sims, of Crediton were also ad ded to the committee. A good variety of sports were planned by Miss Hilda Sims and mother, of Exeter, . which were taken charge of by Mr. Gordon Hunter. A softball game tween the young young men. Then played the married men won both. At tea time a short program fol lowed, composed of the chairman’s address, a duet was sweetly sung by Miss Hilda Sims, of Exeter and Mr. Clayton Sims, of Crediton. We were then favoured with a reading by Miss Annie Flynn, of Lucan. was played be- ladles and the the young men men. The young ....... . I'-' "I ........ capable. Everyone taking ,part were well received and many encores were given. Master Jack Down sang Mr? Garnet Hicks sang accompany ing himself on the guitai*. Misses Fern and Dorothy Welsh a duet, piano and violin. Mr. T. Woodward sang with Miss R. Oke, accompam 1st; Master Alex wtrpg, corpet solo with Miss -K. Strang accompan ist; Mrs. A. Morgan a solo with Miss Allison accompanist; Mr. Gor don Bolton, violin solo with Mrs. A. Morgan accompanist; Mr. K. Johns guitar and harmonica and Messrs, Kenneth and Walter Johns sang a duet with Mr. Walter Johns at the piano, A play was put on at the be ginning of the program. A inock wedding was well acted and very amusing. The ones taking part were bride, Mrs. Wm. Wood; groom, Mrs, C. Frayne; bridesmaid, Miss D. Oke; maid of honor, Mrs.'R. Kestle ring bearer, Miss B. Caldwell, groomsman, Mrs, O. Tuckey, mini ster, Mrs, Wm. Etlieringtop. Miss K. Strang played the Wedding March and also' sang while the reg ister was being signed. Words can not describe it, one needed to see it for themselves to get the laugh out of it. Mrs. R. Kestle. and Mrs. G. Bolton moved the vote of thanks Closed with “God Save the King” A splendid lunch was served. The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Cudmore, Roll Call “Ways of saving expenses.” ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitlock and children were week-end visit ors with relatives in this vicinity. Their eldest son, Seymour has en gaged for a few 'weeks with Mr. Chas, Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with relatives in the neighbourhood. Mr. Enos Herdman, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of his brother and sister and' also attend ed the Horney re-union at Grand Bend on Monday. 'Mr. Fred Miners, of Saskatoon, was a caller on relatives in this vi cinity this week. He with his wife and three children have been spend- tlie past month with their relatives and expect to start on their home ward trip on Friday. Miss Dorothy Johns is holidaying this week with her aunt Mrs. John Cann. Mrs. John Johns, of the Village, and son Mr. Alex Johns, of Lucan motored to* Comber recently to vis it Mr. Roy Johns and family. Johns is suffering with and is only able to be the aid of crutches. ^.Mr. and Mrs. Motz, were visitors with the latter’s moth er, Mrs. Heywood Sr. on Monday. Mrs. Jennie Jackson and daught er also friends from Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preston, Hamilton were Sunday visitors the home of Mr. B. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire, of De- toit, were guests of Mr. and John Herdman on Sunday. Mrs. John Cornish spent week-end with her daughter, Clifford Talbot at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly visited in Toronto last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, of London, spent-a few days last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. David Bradshaw, of Toronto, were visitors with the former’s brother and wife on Sat urday. The Johns Syndicate commenced threshing last Saturday. Messrs. Gilbert Johns and Mack Cornish are again with the outfit this year. Members of the Herdman families attended the Horney Te-union at Grand Bend on Civic Holiday. About fifty “of , the young people from this congregation motored to Stratford last Wednesday and held a delightful picnic in the Park. Dur ing the afternoon bathing, ball games and races were indulged in and a sumptuous lunch was served. The results of the races are as fol low: ‘Girls under 18, Thelma O’Rielly opened with the Watchword, which all repeated standing. Ne# hymn ’’Take my Life and let it Jbe’* was supg and the Lord’s Prayer was re peated in unison, Mrs. Sherwood Brock read the Scripture lesson, the secretary of the W. M. s, called the rqll, eighteen responding and 28 responded to the roll (.all of the Mission Band. Mrs, H. Delbridge read an interesting article by a Missionary telling how they trained young boys in Africa to do th£ house work and other work, ward Christian Soldiers” was sung-and Mrs, Chas. Godbolt led in prayer. Mrs. H. Ford read the De votional leaflet, ’’Paul the man, who made good.” The Mission Band members then added their part tc the program. Recitations were giv en by Hazel Johns, Elgin Skinnei and Edna Ford also a song by Eth- elene and Eileen Johns after-which the meeting was brought to a close. During the past few months the Band have been collecting money in a novel way; a pair of boys’ over alls have been purchased and’ these have been passed around all the members and any others who. wish ed to help. Each one was expected to sew on a patch and put under it a sum of money, whatever amount large or small ,they desired to give. Last Wednesday Master Elgin Skin ner donned the overalls while oth ers ripped off the patches and counted the money, which amount ed to the satisfactory sum of ?3,60. After the meeting the children went outside where Mrs. W. Elford led them in a Ice cream was though eryone f ection. ■Mrs. W. at turned to her home having spent several weeks with. Mrs* Ettie Hoop er, pt st. Marys, ! Mr. Clarence Mlllsofi and sons, Gerald and. Ralph, of Dncun, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mill- son. On- the Band leaders, and Mrs. Ed. Johns number of games, also served and al- the afternoon was chilly, ev- enjoyed the delicious con- the ing Nelson Coultis has invitee M. S. to hold the next .meet- her home. CREDITON Ethel McKay, of Seaforth, Fah- Sun visit Mr. a sore- knee around with of London, of at Four ladies of the committee then Bernice Murch. sang a quartette. The chairman call ed forward the oldest member, he being, Mr. William Sims, of Credi ton and presented him with a sou venir of Grand Bend by the com mittee, he making a suitable reply. The youngest baby, '*'Betty Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims of Crediton was also presented with a toy of Grand Bend. (Members from London, Lucan, Clandeboye, Brinsley, Crediton, Ex eter, Parkhill Ailsa Craig and Cen tralia all reported a good time. HURONDALE W< L A largely attended social even* Ing was spent in the evening of July 27tli on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Williams by the members of Hurondale Women’s Institute and th dr families. Mr, and Mja Williams did every thing they tould for our' accommodation, It beiiig the result of a contest, the losers was responsible for the program, which Was mostly musical. Mrs. G. Bolton, vice pres., made marks in opening. The stthg then Mr* H. Strang to take the chair, who Is a few re* Ode was was asked always so Mrs. the Mrs. Miss spent a few days last week at the home of Mzr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Fred McDonald, of Detroit, is vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. Herb rner this week. « Mrs. Mary Wenzel lert op. day for Detroit, where she will with her daughters, Mr. and'Mrs. Moses Faist"^ and Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk and Edward and Mrs. Francis Mc Donald were camping 'pt Turnbull’s Grove over the holiday. Miss Ethel McKay, of Seaforth visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Woodall. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Ken neth and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith and,, Marion are camping at Turn bull's Grove this weeK. Laura., Woodall is . spending a week with Jean Hageistein at Full- arton. •’ Mr. Joe Regan, cashier of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is be ing relieved by Mr. K. Hick, of Teeswater, while on his vacation. Rev. Sippell, Kenneth and Eve lyn were in Pelham for a few days last week. > Mf. and Mrs. H. K. Either. and Bernice are at their cottage at Grand ,Bend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moir and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wind spent the week-end with Mr. and, M'rs. Geo Eiliber. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Schwartz Mr. Huber, of South Cayuga,. Mr. Richard Holzhey. and Mr. Garnet Sweitzer, of New York, and Mrs. Lena.. Sweitzer visited with Mr. and Mrs. "Henry Haist on Thursday. ‘Mr. and Mrs. John Collingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barnes, of Port Huron, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris, week-end and also Gossman re-union at Sunday. Wein over the attended the Grand Bend on ----------------------------------------------------- GRAND BEND Mr. Wm. Wyatt, of London, sang beautiful number at the camp Girls over 18 years Ruth Skinner Mrs. Marvin Pym. Boys under 18, Howard. Johns, Lome Elforcl. Boys over 18, Gilbert Johns. Boys three-legged race, Murch and Kenneth Johns, Johns and LOrne Elforq. Girls three-legged race, and Maizie O’Rielly, Bernice Murch and Margaret Johns. Boys Wheelbarrow race, Delmar Skinner and Gilbert Johns, Kenneth Johns and Harry Mures. Ladies kick the slipper Mrs. Mer- vin Pym Thelma O’Rielly, Relay race/ Bernice Murch and Delmar Skinner, Florence Bell and Howard Johns. Delmar Skinner, 4 Harry Howard Thelma W. M. S. and Mission Band Meeting Wednesday afternoon of last eighteen members of the W. and twenty-eight members of On week M. S._________ ____________ the Mission ^ahd also several mem bers of other little peop le met at a service Sunday evening which was enjoyed by all and we hope to hear Billy, as they call him, again. Mr. 'and Mrs. Donald Mfebb, of Lansing, Mich., are visiting their parents and friends. Mr. Melvin Dodds, of Buffalo, and some thirty-two boys of a Club spent the week-end in a most en joyable way at Mr. Roy Holt’s farm on the Mollard Line. The Berry Supper, Wednesday of last week Wjis a great % success, It was put on by the Ladies Aid and tlie Young People. You will want to be among the many who will hear Rev. F. E. Ciys- dale, qf Guelph, and ‘one time pas tor of Main Street Church, Exeter, Sunday at tlie Camp services. Mr. Clysdale is one of the outstanding ministers in the United Church. I-, WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gunning, of St. Marys, spent the past week With relatives in this community. Master Ralph Millson, of Lucan, is holidaying With his cousin nie Squire. Sunday visitors Mrs. George Squire Mrs. John Oke and Exeter; Mr. and Squint, of Amherstfougi Ron- With Mr. were, Mr. family, of Mrs. Marshall and Mr. and and near the home ’Of Mrs, Henry Delbridge! and Mrs. Frank Squire and family, fqr their annual combine meeting i 'Mr. and Mra. Webb, of Greenway when the younger society is enter*1 spent Sunday at tlie home of Mr. talned by the W. M. S. Mrs. Henry. Thus, Gunning, Deibfidge led the meeting, which Miss Evelyn Parkinson has re- KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson and Misses Marjory and Ruth, of Lon don, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mason and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louis £5iler spent Sunday with friends in Kitchener- Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Mr, Harry Lippert spent the week end at his home in Melbourne Miss Rose Dietrich is spending a few weeks with friends near Zur ich. Miss Janie McCann was taken to St. Josephs Hospital on Friday and on Saturday morning underwent a very serious operation -for kidney trouble. We-are glad to report that she is getting along hs well as can be expected, Mr. C. Lindenfield and family, of Parkhill, spent last Sunday with Mr. C- Dietrich. Mrs. Mary Carruthers, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Carruthers, of Greenway, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Art. Wi'iiert. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of John Maloney, late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said John Maloney are hereby notified to send in full particulars thereof to the under signed Solicitor'for the Executor on or before the 15 th day of August 19'3-2 as • after that date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims of which the,Execu tor will then have notice. Dated this 18th day of July 1932. ■ R. H. Harstone St. Marys, Ontario. Solicitor for the executor of James Maloney. A political landslide isn’t like the real thing, in a real landslide the dirt always goes down. . Few people ever need glasses to enable them to see your duty. AUCTION SALE , OF BBAL ESTATE ♦ ’ Under and by virtue of the Pow er of Sal® contained a ip a certain- Mortagage, \ which will be produced oh the day of eale, there will be offered fov* sale by Pubic. Auction ON THE PREMISES — on SATURDAY. AUGUST 13th, 1032. At 2.3Q p.m. the following real estate: All and singular that certain par cel < or tract of land and premises- situate lying and being in the vill age of Exeter, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario,, being composed of Lots ^numbers 61 62 and 63 on the south side of Wellington Street’ west of William Street now known as Lots numbers 592, 593 and 594 according’ to Municipal Compiled Plan No, 20 each of said lots containing by esti mation 38 perches more or less. On the property is situate a cement block building suitable for - a machine shop, TEEMS OF SALE 10 per cent, of the purchase price on day of sale, balance in 30 there after. Real Estate will be put up' subject to a reserve bid. , For further particulars apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Esq', Auctioneer' Exeter. - , ' - MESSRS CARLING & ’ MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter. VOTERS’ LIST Municipality of Township of Stephen County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 oi> the Vo ters’ Lists Act and that I have post-" ed up at my office at Crediton, P. 0., on the 16th day of July, 193,2. the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at mu nicipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call ^pon all vo ters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according‘to law, the last day for appeal being the 6th day of Au gust, 1932. HENRY EILBER, Clerk of Stephen Tp. Crediton, Ontario Dated at Crediton, this 16th day of July, 1932. You Are Invited to See The • New, Amazing Coleman Instant-Gas Stoves J A A .. \ * s.■f~" SrarmniSv c ©'• lights Instantly •Just Like tias • • • No Preheater • v YeS indeed!... there IS something new under the sun! The Coleman Instant - Gas Stoves are new... they’re different ...they’re better! And you can prove it to yourself in 5 minutes time! See your dealer the first chaiice you have. Let him show you how they light instantly * .“7 right at the burners... like gas. No preheater. No waiting. Just light a .match, turn a valve . . . there’s your clear blue gas-cooking blaze, ready for instant use! ‘ . There are a lot of other features you’ll like . * * the prices, too, will please yoil. Your dealer will be glad to have you come in and look. THE COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO., Ltd. Toronto, 8, Ontario u a’ Model No. 902 A A popular priced I range finished in beautiful porcelain enamel. / . jj Model No. 908 3-burricr, low-oven model at a popular price. So Model No, 905 Three bt,mer»; bt»iH4n ' cabinet; high aplaaher ! back; Mantel ahetf. ASK YOUR DEALER X I IP