HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-07-14, Page 51
Mrs, Ches. Troyer is spending a
weeks visiting relafryee in Lon
Misses Margaret and Ltizzie Sla
vin are visiting with friends in E,xe-
Mr. Harold iScruton, of Pt. Dover,
his homespent th& week-end at
Mr. Joe Hagan spent
visiting friends In port
, Miss Jean' Poston'is
douple of weeks visiting- relatives in
5'Miss Jennie
settled in hep
flbid Street?
;Mr, opdgay
is'spending a .
friends in town.
; ■ Mrs. John ' Dallas ‘has 1 returned
hppi-e- aftei' a -pleasant '•visit wjthc.h^
friends in^London,IVIiSs: ,]Kazel ql^B^rol-]
ia, is 'spending' !herJ holidays1 with
hei’^naother here. I. ~ t
Miss Ferguson,. of? .MipAestQa^ is
visiting at the home of Misses Em-:
maJ'and Mary'Johnston* . . .. ,
...Mr. and Mrs. Lome Zuefle, of'
Windsor, visited last week with Mr.,
and.. Mrs. John Zupfle.
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Moffatt apd
little daughter Lois were Sunday
visitors with Mrs. P. Fisher. *' ' z !
-! Mrs; Miller, of, Windsor, is .spend
ing a.,few .days visiting Jier .father
Mr. Richard' Rlatchford. 1 1 <
Mrs. Jas. Bonthron .and son. Har-j
old are spending several weeks at
their cottage at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. John-Dick, of Oril-
Ja, .have, returned, home jotter a, yery.
pleasant visit with friends in town.
Mrs. Edward 'Sheffer has return
ed home after- a pleasant ■ visit with
-her-‘daughter. Mrs.- DeReid, aof Pt.
Rowan. . .... , . ...
*: Miss Mary" Kerslake; of Tliaui'e's
Road visited fdr a few‘ days this
week with Mr.- and , Mrs. 4 Joseph
Mr. Ray Paterson feft last week
for the West where He intends to
visit with relatives for several
months* ■ ‘
■c x;JW.u.Wajiy.afrien^ ..KMiss EJva
McQueen will be giad to learn she
is ■ improving. after her*’ recent; sev
ere illness. . ,
Master Clarence a’nd Miss Helen
HfeNaughtop have returned/to their h^ie after spending several weeks
with relatives in towh. ■
Missv Annie .Consitt very pleasant
ly-. entertained (at .number . of her
friends, to a dinner In honor of Mrs.
Challefo of Los'Angeles. ;
The Hensail Orangemen celebrat
ed the, 12th .of July at Goderich this
year. Quite a number5 from Here
attended the celebration.
Mr. Wm. L. McLaren visited his
brother Mr. John McLaren, of Eg-
mondville, who was seriously ill but
- is now somewhat improvedj
Messrs. Herb H°ggarfk Don
ald McKaig, who are on construc
tion work at the Beach-O’-Pines
spent the week-end at* their homes
here. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hemphill and
f-ahiily left this week for-Grand Bend
.where they Havd a cottage and
will spend the summer months
-there. . ; ■
Mrs. Fred BonthTon very pleas
antly entertained a number of her
friends to a* tea on Monday after
noon in honour of .Mrs. (Rev.)
.Young. ...
Rev. Mr. Young preached very ac
ceptably in the( Carmel Presbyterian
Churc/h on Sunday last. Very^ well
rendered anthems were, given by the
choir a't both services.
Mr. Owen Geiger, of Hensail, will
be a strong contender for the Lib
eral nomination. 'As South Huron is
good fighting, ground a ‘hot cam
paign will be, looked, for.
The ball game? played on the lo
cal diamond on Monday evening be-
.^XtWeen Exeter and. Hensall resulted
a score of 5-4 in .favor of Henball. A good crowd attended.
Mr. and Mrs, John T Westcott
and grandson Fred Westcott, Ham-
’ iltori and Mr. and Mrs.' Ge'orge Eas-
tenbrook,' of. Exeter, wore Sunday
Vistors with Mrs. John Murdock..
The Sunday School of ‘the United
Church held their annual picnic at
Springbank Park, 'London, on Wed*
nesday last. Large crowds attend*
■‘td and a very pleasant tiirie was
At the United Church Rev. Sin*,
clair occupied the pulpit and in the;
morning a sblo was given by Doc
tor Smillie. At the evening servic^
a duet was very ably given by Mrs,
Hedden and Mrs, Sinclair. ,, ,
‘ Quite a large number from Hem
sail and vicinity visited at the Hu
ron Springs Sanitoriiim Hs
guests Of Dr* Moir last week,
? speak in the highest terms of the
Sanitorium and of the hospitality pl
the Doctor.
The political pbt is beginning to
boil In South Huron getting readjr
for the coming by-electidn. Th0{
Cpnservatives meet on Tuesday, July
19th to select theit canditdates. The
Progressives oil Wednesday evening
July 20th and tile Liberals on Wed
nesday, July 27th,
The entrance class this year did
exceedingly well,; all the pupils get*
ting high marks.- . •. v •
It is the Entrance Board's opfnipii
that the system ol* recommendation
While largely experimental this year
proved successful, and it is propos
ed to eontitiue it in force,- next yeafr
a few days
Rowan lpst
spending- a
Taylor has got nicely
home on South Rich-
few’ days
of Tprphto,
visiting her
Mrs. Frank Brnck visited
her sister Mrs. Knox in St.
last Wednesday,
Mr. apd Mrs, L. F* Whaley,
Marys, visited with Mr, and Mrs. R.
W. Batten on Bunday evening and
Miss Judith returned home after
spending a week with her auntie,
Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Gunning
of Kirkton, visited with the latter’a
parents Mr. and Mrs.
on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs- W* J.
visited with tyfr. and
Brork on Sunday *
Mrs, p. Alexander,
Read spent Tuesday with Mrs. Geo.
Mr, and Mrs, H. Foster attended
the Orangeman gervice. at Granton
on Sunday.
Miss Inez Crebry Is spending
week in Toronto.
of St,
Wm* Clarke
Brock, Zion,
Mr£, Frank
of Thames
Induction of New Minister
The induction of the new pastor
of Elimville circuit, Rev. Peters,
took place on Tuesday evening of
last week. The service was well at
tended considering the busy season
with all farmers. Rev. A. V. Robb,
of Centralia had charge of the
opening exercises and Rev.’ James
Anthony delivered a splendid ser
mon and’ address to the congrega
tion. Rev, Robb oread the formal
induction of minister anti Rev. El
liott, of Main St., Exeter, gave a
fine address to the minister. After
the benediction was pronounced
Rev. Peters, Mrs. Peters and Miss
Kathryn Peters were introduced to
the members of the congregations of
this church and Zion who were pres
Master Billy Brock has
spending a coilpie of ""Weeks
relatives in Stratford and Granton.
Rev. and Mrs, A. E. Johns, Ruth
and Edward returned to their home
in Hamilton last Wednesday after
visiting a few days here. Misses
Margaret. Gladys and Mary Johns
returned with them staying until
Tuesday of this week. Harold and
Paul Johns, sons of Rev. Johns are
staying in our community for a few
Friends of Mr.’ Chas. Stephen
were very sorry.to learn that he had'
the misfortune t£ have his arm
broken about one'o’clock on Thurs
day morning ‘ of last
assisting in loading
on a farm north of
paratory to going to
week. He was
a cattle beast
Hensail, pre-
_ Toronto when
the animal fell against him break
ing his right arm near the wrist.
He was rushed to Exeter where the
fracture was reduced and later was
taken to his home. His arm is do
ing well but it is very inconvenient
happening at the busiest season as
he will-^e laid up for‘some weeks. I
However Charlie is a good sport and
believes nothing is to be gained by
wearing a long face.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon HifnteF'-a’hd'
Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter and
children, of Exeter, were visitors at
Mr. Everett Skinner’s on Sunday.
Miss Kathryn Peters underwent
an operation for tonsils and adenoids
on Thursday of last week in. Lon
don but has made a good
She left on Tuesday for.
where she has a position
summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johns
family attended the McDonald _
nic at Grand .Bend last Wednesday.]
'The active and honorary (mem-]
bets with several friends held, .a very I
enjoyable social evening at the|
home of Mr. and,f. Mrs. .^Leonard!
O’Reilly on Friday evening of last]
week. ’
Miss Jean Baynham,. of Crediton,
visited Miss-Alma Gower last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John- Brock received/
an electric shock on Sunday even
ing. Mrs. Brock turned on a light
but could not let go, seeing her pre
dicament Mr. Brock went to her as
sistance blit neither could he re
lease his bold until the bulb burst.
They were not seriously hurt but
were shaken for a time.
Mr. and Mrs/Wilson Hawkins, of
Seaforth, were visitors, in the vicin
ity on Sunday. •1 * * •««
. Miss, Adelej^unter from ./-North
Battleford, Sask., visited last 'week'
with her cousin Miss Marjorie/Hunt-
er who has -been holidaying at her
home for two weeks*-,,
Mr. and Mrs. Rols Taylor and
Kenneth*; Of Crediton, visited at: .Mi*.
Isaac Gowertk last Sunday. ]j, ,
Rev. and MTs.. Peters and Miss
Kathryn attended the funeral of a
friend at Warwick on Monday.
(Miss Gladys Skinner is spending
a few days this iveek With relatives
in Exeter. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steward and
children, Of Oshawa,
the week-end at the
and Mra. Hy* Johns
Mrs. Nelson Coultis,
The special meeting of t'he
sion Circle- which ;was to bavo
Held on Wednesday of this week has
been postponed until Wednesday,
August 3rd at. the
Main Street Church,
.Messrs.; Gordon^larold Siiltdft* Misses AlOatha and
Jean Ogden dhd Gladys Webber, of
LopdOn, were gliOSts of MjSs jUaVoUH
Goqper on,• SU&dajF la$t/, * '*
Haying'Has beeh rather a£ si6^
operation this ^ekf* on P6dohiitJ','df
the very frequent aud heavy frtins,' ]
visited Over
homes of Mr.
and Mr.and
request of the
Exeter, Mission
Ballingal and
Get your honey- containers * -filled
now with No. J Clover Honey at
6c, a Jb* at J« Hat/erer & Sons, of
Zurich, 2 blocks south of hotel and
at Crediton at Fred Gaiser’s. for a
limited time only,
J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich
Milton Finkbeiner, Oren Trench,
of Hamilton; Louis Janzen . and
Marcus Edy, of Kitchener, spent the
week-end with
Mr. and Mrs,
Huron, visited
With Mr. and Mrs, Rd. Hill.
Mrs. Eilber and son Moston, of
Columbus, Ohio; spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs, George Eilber.
Mr, and Mrs. Francis Clark, Laura
Clark and Mrs. Emma Lewis are
spending two weeks in Algonquin
Park at Mrs. Lewis' cottage,
We are pleased to report that
Mrs, Henry Eilber was able to re
turn home from St,' Joseph’s Hos
pital, London, on Sunday.
are at
Saskatchewan vtisited at few Xdlayja
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, F.;
Smith, and her mother Mrs. J .Fink
beiner visited with Mrs. Michael
Finkbeiner. •
Misses Tillie, Mary and Madeline
Bertrand, of Detroit and Miss Ella
Link, of Exeter, called on friends
and relatives in town last Friday.
Dr. Carl Morlock who has been
camping during the past two weeks
at Doe Lake, Brucedale, Ont., re
returned to his home here on Thurs
day. He has entered Victoria Hos
pital, London, as he will interne
for the coming year.
Mrs. James, of London, has been
visiting* her' mother, Mrs, Louis
Mrs. J„MaIette, of London, called
on her sister Mrs, Ed. Fahner last
Week and both enjoyed a rid^ to
Mrs. Elsi Heywood is visiting her
sister Mrs. Ed. Fahrner. ‘ ‘
Rev. Johnston,,/ newly Inducted
pastor of the United Church preach-
,a very "forceful sermon on the “Vir-
tue of Patience’’ to a large audience
last Sunday.
The many friends of Rev. Hagel-
stein were pleased to see him in our
town last week.
Mrs. V- Cockwill visited last week
Mr. and Mrs. wm.
Ernie Hill, of Port
over the week-end
Charles Zwicker and
present camping at
K. Scholtzhauer and
friends in London.
son of
» R E D & WHITE sioRe
. i,i . ,|iiti.iii iwai—V'iV—,.ll'i.'wii.Mi-i.(ll ! U.a'.1 ll-'C/g. ........
.■';;;sreaAi;*^EtE(^.piNX'SAtiMON,:i«rgSts .
Pure Lard I Fray ’ CoriP! Beef
1 Jb. carton 2 for 19c. | J lb. tin 2 fpr 27cr
E •■ 1-.J!ivy 5HF''
1 R. -W.- Fenhwt'^Bwttpt’"/
1 lb. glf*s j«ir qa<?h 19c,
GOLD MEDAt QUEM OUVES. 16.... Jew* 19c,
Kippered Snacks
3 tins for 19c. .
' ;.|i'|l 1 J.).'.' .KJ'U .H . (. . ^,.."^...<^..^1.....^., 1^,. - J. _ 1. - I-n.i'ri .! .....
7 ' " Tiger Catsup ‘ i' ?
quart bottle each 17c. | per bottle 29c.
FALCON SWto MIXED SICKLES,W o£ j*r a L';' each 25c,
Jar Rubbers
R. & W. 3 dozen for 19c,
Red & 'White Coffee F'a Fancy Assorted Biscuits
1 lb. tin each 41c, | Per lb. 19c.
PURE CANE SUGAR........................................... 10 pounds for 50c.
„ . „ , Blossom Toilet SoapPrincess Soap Flakes cello-wrapped
Large pkg. each 15c. J 4 Cakes for 10c.
Lux Soap Flakes
3 pkg. for* 25c. >
,.. 13 pounds for 25c.
Icing Sugar 2 lbs. for 15c,
Ready-Cut Macaroni ..............2 lbs. for 13c,
De Luxe Jelly’ Powders...........6 for 25c.
Sweet Gherkins 12 oz. bottle 23c.
Sunkist Grapefruit . 5 for 25c.
Chocolate Coated Peanuts]..... per lb. 29c.
Jumbo Salted Peanuts . ...........per lb; 15c.
Lemon Drops..................... per lb. 19c.
"Quality always higher than price.” We DeliverPhone 102
III llllllli?
Mrs. Sam Merner who has
seriously ill at Grand Bend was re
moved to her home here on Sat
urday her children all spending the
Week with her.
Mrs. Meryin iBrokehshire and three
children, of Fergus, are visiting the
former’ parents Mr. and “Mrs. Wil
son Anderson.
Mr. and,Mrs. Wm.-Heatherley and
Frank Scheiding, of London,
and Mr. and Mrs. Roland iMotz and
two children, of Exeter 'spent Sun
day with their parents Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Motz.
Mr. Paul Messner, of Berwyn, Al
berta, arrived here on Wednesday
to visit his sister and brother-in-
law, Mt. and Mrs. Henry Motz and
othei’ relatives.
Mass Jean Baynham is holidaying
with Miss Alma Gower near Elim
Master Buddy Sims, of Exeter, is
holidaying with his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sims.
•: Mr.; and Mrs,. Eldon Merner and
two children have returned home
after. visiting With Mrs,. Merner’s
parents in Stratford,
Enarco Motor Oil is good motor
OiD—(Sandy Elliot, Ford Garage.
Miss Jean Thompson was the
guest of Miss Audrey Powe for a
few days last week.
Mrs. Baynham, of Shipka, is vis
ing her daughter Mrs, Wm. (Shad
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, of
London, were week-end visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Baynham, Jr.
Mr, Lome Hicks recently visited
with friends in Ripley.
Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Folland, son
and 'daughter and Miss Terry, of
Royal Oak, Mich., spent the week
end with Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Bow
Mrs. Robert Smith has been con
fined to her home for the past week
with an attack of appendicitis.
Mrs. Wm. Skelton *and Mrs. Ar
thur Brooks visited during the past
week with relatives in Belgrave.
Mrs. Ewart Powe and son Teddy,
of London and Mrs. A. Proctor and
children, of /St. Marys, are visiting
with their -parents Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Brooks.
Stanley Smith has been .success
ful in passing his entrance examin
White Rose high grade gasoline
now selling at the price of ordinary
gasoline.—Bandy Elliot, Ford
Miss, Mae Hodgins, of Toronto, is
visiting with her brother Mr. M.
Mr. and Mrs. McCrakin, of Mt.
Brydges, visited with Mr. Lloyd Tay
lor over the week end.
Mr. Chas. Hodgins spent the
week-end with Mr. L. Love,
Mr. and . Mrs. Jack Scott, of Rav
enswood Spent Sunday wijh Mgs.
Joseph 'Carruthers Sr.
Mrs. Will Love visited in London
on Thursday.
Mr. Harry Lippert entertained a.
number of his friends to a dance on
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neeb, of Zu
rich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Neeb.
Miss Eva Glanville is spending
her holidays with friends in Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. David Lippert, of
Melbourne, spent Sunday with Mr.
Hai-ry Lippert.
Mr. Gordon Sararas, of Zurich,
and Miss Meta Sararas, of ‘Toronto
spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs.
Otto Willert.
.Mr. Harry Anderson -js^feiit' 'a f ew
days with Mr. and Mrs. G. MacLean,
of iTuckersmith this, week, '
•:Mr. and Mrs. A. ‘ Campbell .. _
family accompanied by Mrs. Bland
Campbell ahd children of New York
Spent Bunday with relatives and
friends in. Stratford.. ...,
Mrs. F. Gollings is spending a
few days‘?ifi iionddn -visiting With
friends and relatives.
- {Miss Velma Atkinson of St. Marys
is visiting Miss Bernice Gollings.
■» Miss Audrey Garter, of Detroit,
visit&d with? her ? aunt, : Mrs. A. W.
Etherington' last weekv »-
Mr. and Mrs. P. Mollard
Miss Lilia spent Sunday in London.
Mr.. John Lynch, of Detroit, vis
ited ^over the week-end with
friends here.
Miss Violet Sharpe left on Mon
day for Guelph whei’te she is taking
a course in agricultural work. 0
Mr; and Mrs. F. Lafond and fam
ily, of Sarnia, visited Sunday at
the home of Mi*. C. Finkbeiner.
A number from here attended
the Decoration services at Crediton
on Sunday.
Alice Gunning is confined
bed suffering from bronclii-
Miss Rachel Kirk, of Owen Sound
spending the holidays With .her
R.N., re
home on Saturday
several weeks in
Florence Pullen,
to' her
sister MisS Hattie Kirk.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tuft, of Tor
onto, are visiting with Mrs. St Tuft.
Miss Edith Gratjer, of London,
spent the Week-end1 with Miss jMary
Mr, John Shoebottom and his two*
sisters Sarah and Maggie, ■ of De
troit, called on friends here
Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mrs.
ley Anderson, of Toronto,_ are
Ing friends hero.
Mr. Richards Solves is, the first
to start harvest having cut his win
ter bdrletf on Friday*.,^, ,,M... j
The Sacrament or the Lord’s Sup-
er-was administered on Sunday in: rui<n.iv«s «.uu- uisuuo^tho ■ UnitedGhur ch by Rev, Mr.tBellj tended the- funeral of the late'Mr,
before 'tpking his holidays : this. Edgar. HOoper in St. Marys oh Mdh-n
month.‘‘ ■ ■ • I day piternoqn. .
Reycraft, of Toron-
her neice Mrs. H
The July meeting of the W.M.S.J
.was held on Thursday last at the.
home of Mrs Thos .Oliver with a
good attendance. Mrs. Edgar Allen
presided. The meeting opened by
singing hymn 37 and prayer by the
president. Those taking the De
votional part were Mrs. Cooper, Mrs.
Hill. The scripture reading was
tak&n by Mrs. Kerslake. The por
tion of the study book for the day
was taken by Mrs. Ken. McKellar
which, dealt chiefly with the Gwal
ior Missions. A very fine paper
was given by Mrs. Kill on "Chris
tian Service. Mrs. Oliver read the
items of interest from the Gladtid
ings. A sketch of the Presbyterial
held at Motherwell was given by
Mrs. Allan. The meeting- closed by
singing hymn 376 and prayer by
Mrs. Cooper, all joining in the
Lord’s Prayer. A dainty lunch was
served at the close.
•Mr. Shoebottom and family, of
Michigan called on their friends Mr.
Walker on Friday last. It is eigh
teen years since Mr, iShoebottom
was in these parts.
The picnic held on the Mountain
Grove on the 1st of July was not so
well attended as in previous years,
a number from here attending the
union picnic at 'Gould’s School, east
of Mitchell.
Biss Gorrell, of Toronto, visited
with friends in and around the vil
lage last week. •
Miss Currie and Mrs. Tufford, of
Toronto, are holidaying at their
home in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott left on
Friday afternoon last for the West
to visit their daughter Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Gorrell, of Toronto, Visited
spending a week ,with her aunt in
Afternoon services will be held in
the church here during the month
of July. Mr. Rogers preached for
Mir. Rhodes in Exeter in the morn
ing, hence the services here in the
afternoon. Mr. Rhodes will take
the services here during the month
of August when preaching will be
resumed in the morning and after
noon services in Exeter.
Mr. Walker is at present busy
getting the outdoor platform ‘ready
for summer dancing. The band
stand is already built and all other
arrangements are being made.
The Scott union picnic was held
last Saturday at Staff a in Worden’s
Grove, \
Irene and Anna Brock.
On Tuesday evening of last week
some of the congregation attended
the induction service which was
held for ’ Rev., Mr. Peters in the
Elimville Church.
The trustees of the cemetery
have greatly improved the looks of
the cemetery by putting up a new
fence. They intend, with the help
of the lot owners and any who may
be interested in .this cemetery, to
have the grounds levelled so the
grass can be cut with a lawnmower.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Peters and
Miss Peters attended the Hern re
union on Wednesday of last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. and Mrs:. John Johns and son
Tennyson spent Sunday with Ross
Hern and Mrs. H. Kyle.
(Too late or last week)
On Saturday of last'week Thelma
and Margaret Jacques entertained
the Sunday School scholars.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rogers, and
children, of Kirkton, visited with
the latter’s sister Mrs. E. Hern* on
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert and
family, of Lucan, visited with Mr.
Ross Hern and Mrs. H, Kyle on
On Sunday evening Rev. Mr.
Peters conducted his first service
in this church. We welcome Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. peters and Miss Peters
to our midpt. •
Mr. and Mrs. Trick, of London,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Johns.
Next Sunday a union service of
the two congregations here will be
held in the United Church when
the Bible Society work will be pre-
ented. A good attendance is re
On Friday evening the Mission
Band of the United Church are hav
ing a social on the church lawn. Ad
mission 10c.
Miss Jea’n Russell, B.M.E., of Chi
cago, visited Miss Mae Wilson.
Mr. and' Mrs. Roh. McPherson
and family, spent a ew • days with
his parents Mr. and. Mrs. E. McPher
son and ate now camping, at Grand
.. A little daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Wellwood Gill recently.
Miss RUbie Creech, of Exeter, is
visiting Mrs'. J. Pollock.
Miss Viola Curts, of London, is
spending her. vacation at her home
here. ' ■ .j .
Misses Margaret and Marion Arm
strong, of", Sarnia, are visiting theh*
grandmother Mrs. C. Rickhorn.
Mrs. Walter MePherscta motored
to Niagaras Falls with her father Mr.
D. Webb, Earl and Miss Millie.
Mr. and’- Mrs.- K. M, Poore and
family returned .to, Windsor after
their va’ca,^oHii'hpdnt;!W'ith Mrs. iSher-
M!i’. QJhude.-Falcis • ds 'attending
Summer ’Behoof/at; Western Univer
Miss A’dM Shank is spending a
few Weeks a£ Grkhd Bend with Mrs.
Newton HaVter^who has been quite
to her
after spending
Miss Hannah
to, is visiting
Squire for a time.
Miss M« Webb, of Greenway* has
accepted a position as housekeeper
for Mr, Thos. Gunning.
Master Charles Hecbnor, of De
troit, Is holidaying with his cousin
Billy Morley. \
Laverne Morley was. able to re
turn to his home on Sunday from
St. Joseph’s Hospital Where he
underwent ah operation for mas-
toid.Sj, /
!.,’'Mf. a^’d Mrs, Tookey, of Lucan,
spent' Sunday with the . letter's
mother Mrs. Alice. Gunning. . „
Many ’’relatives and. friends at-i
IJack and Jean Stephens, of Wood
ham, spent the week-end $yith their
cousins Lautene and Hazel Hern.
Miss Florence Brock, of st. Thom
as, spent a few- days With her par
ents Mt. and Mrs. Alt. Brock.
Mr. Henry Hern spent Sunday
with Mr. and "Mrs. G. Karl.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Brock, Of London,
spent Sunday with the former's
brother 'MEwAlf* Brock,
The Mission Band held their teg
ular monthly meeting in] the .nhur^h
on Saturday? afternoon..•?
Irene ShSoIey, ’ of Winchelsea,
spent Tuesday of last Week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock and
family, of Kerwood,•‘visited Mr, and
Mrs. E. McPherson,
Stewaft*'Hicks, of Parkhill, is holi
daying with. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hicks.
Mr. and "Mrs. -.iHUgh Wilson and
babe, of Windsor, called on relatives
here ph Satinlday,
Mr. Hilgiikh spent last week in
Mr. abet 'itrs. W. Hicks and fam
ily WitM friends at Kirkton ■ on
Sunday, .- - •*..
.Mrs, Thomas, of Detroit, has been
visiting Wilson.:.
.. S-Mis# Pauline McBride,
is. a guest 0^ Miss Gertrude Shad
dock. '