HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-06-30, Page 8THURSDAY, JUNE »0, 1033 VNDERWHNT OPERATION Mnstw Hnrom Hockey, son of Mr» und Mrs. Norman Richey whS taXcn to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Tuesday by Hr. W. WeeW, where he underwent an WILLIAMS—HARVEK A quiet, wedding” took place nt Palmyra, N.Y. on Saturday, June 25th when Miss'’ Flor,pnee • Louise, daughter pi Mr. ’.Charles, Hnrm, of Exeter was united; W marriage with Mr. Stanley E/WiHia^^M^ Har­ vey, R.N., fer tile past few years has been a teacher *In th§ Rochester State school for the deaVThP nowly married couple i®ivWp')S.Xeter on Monday -to vW^Yes..ftnd a reception wa^hfi’d tnp’hame even­ ing at the h<KBj$* of ihe.biride’a sister Mr. and Mrs. F. L; Grieve at Grand Bend. Mr. ahd ’Mrs. Williams are leaving for their home at .1640 St. Paul Street, Rochester, to-day (Wednesday), Exeter Markets Wheat 40c. Shorts 95c. Bran, 90c. •Manitoba^ Best $2.‘5O Model $2.30 Welcome $2.00 Dow grade $1.10 Creamery Butter, 21c. Dairy Butter, 16-17c. Eggs, extras 15c, Eggs, firsts lie. Eggs, seconds 9c. «• O' •P LOCALS institutes gather for SUMMER' MEETING^'” Members of the. yaripua .institute# from Crediton,./Zurich*, - Huro-ndqle and Exeter met'in the parish Hall of Trivitt Memorial11 church On Friday afternoon for ’'file' annual’ summer meeting. Miss Nettie Keddy, the district president;*: ^ak ‘ in charge. The ‘special departmental speaker was Mrs, Clarence Hayes of George­ town, who gave* a- splendid address on Institute work.. , The following took part in the program; \ piano duett by Mrs, Harry Ne,ss apd Mrs. (Dr.) O’Dwyer.,...o’f^uiich; piano solo by Mrs J. G. Cochrane; solo by Miss Reta Rowe while, Mrs., .Harry Carey hummed the chorus;. duet by Mr. and Mrs. W. R." Goulding. V. L. Rouliston, of (Sunday with rela- Arthur Jones and with. CLINTON WINS IN TENNIS The Clinton Tennis' .club visited Exeter Tuesday - afternoon. ‘ and in a tournament that’lasted'well into the evening were successful in winning the majority of events from the Ex­ eter players. The Exeter club served refreshments. The results were as follows: ■ Men’s. Singles Gibbings, of Clinton, won from Lawrence, 4-6; 7-5; 6-4;’ McBryan, Clinton, won from Routledge, 6-2; 10-8; Rev, Foster,---Clinton, won from H. Creech 6-2; f Clinton and Berdeux, 18-16; 1-6; Vokes, from mons, 3-6. Miss Velma Lowry visited for a week near Brussels, Main Street Sunday School picnic will be held M Grand Bend on Wed­ nesday, July 6th. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Brien have (been visiting friends in Mitchell re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. Stratford, spent tives in Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. family spent the week-end friends In Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whittacker and Mr> L. Golby, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale. Mrs. F. A. May, eon warren, and daughter Marjorie, are visiting for a couple of weeks with relatives in Toronto. ' Mr. Wm, Shosenberg and daugh­ ter and Miss Pearl Rollins, of Lon­ don, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. May, Mr. Howard Dignan, of the Port Hope High School staff, ing at the home of his E. M. Dignan. Mr. Howard Leary, is holiday­ father, Mr. 6-4; MoCugan, unfinished, 1-6; Yokes, Clinton, won Southcott 6-3116-3; . Fitzsam- Clinton, lost to Kress, 2-6; 6-4 Men’s Doubles Gibbings and MCBryan, Clinton, won from Routledge and Lawrence 4-6; 6-4; 6-4; Ball and-Foster, of Clinton, lost to Berdeux and Creech 1- 6; 6-4; 4-6; Vokes and Elliott, Clinton, lost to Kress and Southcott 2- 6; 0-6. Ladies’ Singles C. McTaggart, Clinton, won from M. Ellerington, 6-1; 6-3; H. Trele- ven, Clinton, won from H. Penhale 6-1; 6-1; T. Holmes won from M. Taman 6-0;'6-1; Misgi Rumball, of Clinton won front A. Acheson, 6-3; 2-6; 6-0. !’• " Ladies’ Doubles Hovey and McTaggart, - Clinton, won from Acheson-; and. Ellerington 6-2; * ■ ton, hale 6-^3; Holmes and Trelevan, won .from iElle'riugtoiV and 6-0; 6-1.. ■" . " Clin- Pen- ClubThe Thames'Road-Farfaier’s will hold an open, aih ^meeting on Monday night, July 4th at 8 o’clock at the home oLMr?’Edgar Monteith in connection with the delegation to Ottawa. Mr. Af/J‘. Scdtt, president of the United Farmers-will. address the meetings ‘ Everybody* welcome. Edgar Monteith; president; FOR SALEr—liouse and lot on corner of Carling and Mill Streets1, also lot on south .side ■&£ Mill. Appy Mrs. A. Gibson. . ltp Hay Loader .for; Sale, qr exchange on horse or .calves. Apply.. Times- Advocate. ; ».'• . * . . ltc. ♦ ROOMS TO . RENT .. AT - •’ GRAND BEND—In private home, on -Main- St. leading to lake;.; hydro; $6.00 per week, per person with cooking privi­ leges. Home has just been, remo­ delled. Apply Gill; Crest cottage, Grand Bend, or Times-Advocate, Ex­ eter " ' X'uin-* ' ' ..f -..1 Sa »♦; . ■’ ; \ TO RENT—C.6£tage at.Grand Bend for month pf/August. ’Hydro, and running water; -newY. decorated. Ap­ ply at Times-Advocate, Exeter. ...... .H-j/.m-f1.. FOR*. BALE. -a.' 45 used Cream Separators $1.00 to $10.00; T““‘2-furro'w fcJockahutt plow at $10.00; .Single-furrow Cock- shutt plow at $25.6(11'nearly new; 1 McCormick-Deering Used coin bin’d- ed $2(5.00; 15 dP'ckshutt fihanure spreader, good.shape $'2'£.00; 1 se­ cond hand rotaty 'ho&/ gdbidf shape. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO., LTD., EXETER ONTARIO -______IFr /./ X. ‘ ■ FOR SALE~npus& b$d land: own­ ed by the lath- t^dia .B^ann 'ln the Village of -Cred itbh.f Warne* house, Wired for hydro,/’stW^ /’b^chard, good well and hljdju)t'A pt' land. Inspection invited.■:‘V‘' Apply to H. Eilber‘J^ ‘Sdri,' Cfedltou -‘^0-3tb. ' STRAWBERRWSgFOR • SAXsiM- Apply to F. Sellings, telephones, Ex> eter 173r2 6r KTritM W2. •Dr. Atkinson wished ‘ td- announce that his office- closed ffom June 30th tb Juljr 9 th -Iiiclifblye/ Brosi THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhode*, M, A. Minister vliss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M.. Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday Rchool 11 a.m«—/‘Principle or Power 7 p.m.—“A Contrast in Courtiers UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches 19 a.rn.—(Sunday School in. each church.i> ;' : • .t 11 a.m.’—Service in Main St, church Inaugural sermon by Rev, A. E, Elliott, the new Pastor of Main Street. 7 -p.m.—Service in James St. church Rev. A. E. Elliott James St. choir under the leader­ ship of Mr. W- R- Moulding in charge of the music, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev, E. L. Vivian, L-. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Sixth Sunday after Trinity a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. The evening service is withdrawn for July, 10 of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Melbourn Green­ wood, of Munro, called on friends in Exeter on Sunday. Mr, Ellis Tapp, of the Canadian Bank’ of Commerce staff at Orange­ ville spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Tapp. Miss Ella Jones, of Stratford, vis­ ited with her parents in town Sunday and assisted the James choir at the evening service. Miss Lula Hunter has been gaged to teach the Eden school at a salary of $650. There were over 300 applicants for the position. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aidworth vis­ ited a couple of days last week with itheir daughter Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McClellan, of Stratford. Mr. Bruce Medd and Miss Eleanor Medd, both of whom are on the staff of the Napanee High School have ‘ returned to their home for the holi­ days, Mr. and Mrs. David Hall motored over from Detroit for the week-end bringing to her home Mr. Hall’s mother, who has beep visiting with them. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt and fam­ ily, of London, attended the Decora­ tion Day service in town on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell. A refreshing shower visited the section on Saturday last the first in three weeks. The grass and gar­ dens picked up noticeably following the rain. Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish, of St. Thomas, and son Oscar, of London, visited last week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish on Andrew’Street. Mr. Everett Quinn, winner of the Dominion Day trophy for the three mile race at Goderich on Dominion Day last year will contest it at God­ erich again this year. . Mr. Reg. Beavers; who has been holidaying With his parents for the past two weeks has returned to his duties with the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jacobs and child of Milford, Mioh., are visiting with the former’s parents in Clinton and called on friends in Exeter on Thurs­ day; Mrs. James Millar and Mrs. Ed­ ward Cunningham and family motor­ ed over last week from Detroit, and were guests of Mr. .and Mrs. J* S. Grant. Mr. Ray Pryde has1 secured a posi­ tion along with Kenneth Stanbury for the summer months on one of the summer boats running from Tor­ onto to Niagara. Mrs. C. McIntyre and two chil­ dren and Miss E. Duncan, of Lon­ don, have returned to, their homes after spending a tzeek with their aunt Mrs. E. Rowcliffe. Mr. Thos. Willis, of Detroit, vis­ ited in Exeter over the week-end. He wa^ accompanied ihome by Mrs. Willis and family who will spend the summer months in Detroit. Miss Jean Walker, of London, is visiting with her mother Mirs E. Walker, of Exeter North.. Miss'Lil­ lian Walker, of Burlington and Miss Mildred Walker, of London, will be home for the holidays. Misses Edith, and Jean .Simpson, of Kingsville, returned home Mon­ day evening of this week, having Spent a very pleasant visit of a feiv days with Mr. and Mrs, J. Miners, i they being neices of the latter, | Mrs. R. Welsh returned the latter1 ;WW£ last *-week from Hamilton1 tfhero she;visited' her sister for a' couple-of weeks, She was accompan- ! led hoin.e by Mr<- Ah4 ; Mrs; W, G. Herdman and Mr; . aftd Mfs. F. A. ,Brlma00mbe> ■ who. visited with Mt.' and Mrs. Welshl for a days, f on St. en- PRESENTATION TO MRS. McTAVISH The C.G.I.T. girls held a picnic on the church lawn on June 2?nd at 4.30 o’clock. After a very interest­ ing time spent in games, the girls presented Mrs.’ McTavish with a kit­ chen clock. The address was read by Miss Lydia Stewart, and the pres­ entation was made by Miss Lulu Lindenfield to which Mrs. McTavish made a very fitting reply. After the presentation, the girls served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dearing and family, of Dorchester, visited in Ex­ eter for Decoration Day. Mrs. A. O. Elliot was heard to splendid advantage over the radio from CJGC London during the Mon­ day Night Club singing a couple of soles. Mrs. Manford Belling and son Donald, of Detroit, visited with the former’s parents Mr. and. Mrs, Ar­ thur Francis on Friday last, Djpuald remaining for a visit with his1 grand­ parents; Mr. E, J.'Wethey presided at the H. S. entrance examinations in Ex­ eter the forepart of this week. Mr. G. S._ Howard presided at Dashwood Last week Mr. Wetney assisted in Goderich at the departmental exams. Mr. Ted Moyle cut a nasty-gash in the fleshy part of the right hand near the thumb when he broke a pane of glass while attempting to raise a window. The wound was dressed by Dr. Dunlop and required three stitches to close. Mrs. Albert Johnston and Morley, of West Wawanosh her daughter Mrs, Freeman and two sons, of Iroquis Falls were visitors over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. John­ ston and other Exeter friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston re­ turned on Saturday after spending three weeks visiting their sons H. F. Johnston, Washington and Dr, W. C. Johnston, Kerhonkson, N.Y., al­ so Mr. and Mrs, W. H./Taylor, of Plainfield, New Jersey. They had a very enjoyable visit/ Mr. Earl Russell and his bride (nee Miss Thelma Taylor) re­ turned Mhnday evening from their honeymoon spent in Toronto and other points and a reception was held for them at the home of iMr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Among those present from out of town -were Rev. Borden and Mrs. Cunningham and daughter Betty, of Milbanki; Mr. and Mrs. Kervin Werner,- of Lon­ don, Mrs. Norman Ford; of Detroit. son also Misses Pinehurst voiBe dresses .Hl... iiiriiiiiiiiimiiiiHiu! I .1'1.1; ("J..IH ^hiwii.ji n... iL i, iju. Just new in for this/^p$j 4 smart assortmeht pf Misses Voile dresses, sizes 14-^6-18^20, at the very low price of . RACK OF LADIES’ DRESSES About 20 dresses some 0^ ^hfse drosses as high as $18.50. They go qn sale this week ot ’/? •/ ' . $2.98 and $338/.; ' / < ; LADIES’ MESH HOSE I fi foirmer shades, A very poptdar su#n« ' mer hose and a goqd w:earer at per p*air- 49c. \ BLEACHED SHEETS' Out regular $1.50 quality that we qre leaking a special of for this Afyeok, VYpnder* ful value at each . $1.25 ■- . WHITE AND EGGSHELL GLOVES In a very smart pulil-on styles. Yoi$ - - would expect to pay more fpr this quality SPECIAL AT ^. .. HEMMED PILLOW CASES 42 inch, hemmed-stitched pillow cases., fipe -even weave and good'weight cotton. Per Pair. 45c. ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS At the lowest prices we have ever offer- ^•ed them, good quality for both women and men at ../- $1.95 Do have in getting Shoes to fit you ? Perhaps you reqt|We! a long narrow last or maybe a wide and short one. If you once worev^ Murrays Heel Hugger shoe you would have real comfort with style thrown In,: Ask to see them. SPORT SHOE^V For girls and women brown and black and white. AT^q/'real' smart styles at $2.75 and $2.9§j^ SPECIAL VALUE IN MEN’S WORK J . SHIRTS A good full fitting work shirt in dark blue at the lowest price in years EACH 79c. STRIPED AWNING In a good heavy weight in sun-fast colors. PER YARD 45c. TURKISH TOWELS ( These are extra good quality and are much below the regular price ' 29c. GROCERY SPECIALS for Thursday, Friday and Saturday SPECIAL King Oscar Sardines /If ; 2'for 29c. ■ SPECIAL . ,/”/■■>■; -Comfort Soap bars for 25c. SPECIAL New Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. for 25c. Harry Horne’s Cocoa ... ... 1 lb. tin 29c. Kirk’s Hardwater Castile Soap 5 ciakes 25c. Frankford No. 4 Peas .. . 3 cans,2Sc. Tasty New Cheese....................per lb. 15c. Certo per bottle..................................... 29c. Choice Quality Corn...............2 cans 15c. Announcing ! Dr. and Mrs. Kydd, of Atwood, spent the week-end at the home /pl Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. L. Sanders. Mr. Chas. Acheson, of the Ba^/ of Montreal, Forest, is confined the home of his parents suffering., from the effects of tonsilitis. /’*£ Miss Mary Batson, of Sault 'Ste?: Marie, is expected here to visit end of the week with her broth$$ Mr. and Mrs. J. W.. Batson. ' Mrs. William Johns, of Main StlT. Exeter, was taken to Victoria HJs'/ pital. London, last week whore she underwent an operation. She is. g£fe,') ting alone fine. ■ Mrs. C. A. Batsort, of North ontb, is visiting Ker son Mr. J. W. Batson in Exeter for a couple s’M'f weeks. On Wednesday evening laM Herbert Keith, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Batson was christened by Rev. D. McTavish, this being birthday of the baby’s mother. i.o.o.f: degree team VISIT BRUCEFIELD The first degree team of-the eter Lodge of Oddfellows visitpd/ Brucefield lodge Friday evening laW \ and with Bro, E. Howhld in the N. G.’s chair, exemplified the work the degree on two canditdates. There whs a large. crowd present, visitors being present from Clinton, Seaforth and Goderich. Lunch was served’-’at the close., ' - / r4 the' X A new low price on Tip Top Clothesip-... i op viiotnes A\-A?Wd^<>r twenty-one years the welfare of Tip Top Tailors has been I interwove'h with the condition of Canadian men. /•^s"'you have prospered and your numbers have increased, we ■I1, hKW.heen able- ;to build up a great tailoring organization on the policy of giving finer talored to measure clothes for $24 than you ^,co.uld buy any where- else.- ‘ 1° present economic conditions we believe that great " numbers of men afe 'how finding- it difficult to pay even this price Cjof $24. Yet they need more than ever the good appearance and long i ’ .weai; of Tip Top clothes. /, « iVJ.r, • M^iiHQng of Canadian, men have helped us to bullld Tip Top ■t.vTajlbps.v.Now, when"you need it, we show our appreciation of your help in a practical way, and ask your support in return, Effect- < 10th, the price of Tip Top Clothes is reduced to $22,150 for any suit, topcoat or overcoat, tailored to your measure. /grip TOP CLOTHES W. W. TAMAN -PHONB 81w: EXETER, ONT. J - -■ _ ___________________________2j.a===gg^!—'ii3 FR&PflRE, YOUR HOME FOR SUMMER We have verandah gliders from $10 to $22. Reclining Lawn Chairs, Camp Chairs, Verandah Chairs, Camp Cots and mattresses and other articles for summer use. »............. . ... f E. R. HOPPER FURNITURESTORE Telephone 99; M..Z..... Residence y- / • < . ...; " ■ " “*“—""" - • .n , ,VlMv; and Mrs. Jas. Manning and 11/ I QWiunno ■rdhWet Lillian, ^Clinton, spent* w. J. atIMUUK * “(.VZ-lH^nday, with Mr. and Mrs, Luther; Main st., Four Doors South of 1 " ! Hogarth Hatchery .. . ' ............... Fainter, Decorator & Paper Hanger TERMS—MODERATE / Estimates Free < z 4< V BABY CHICKS Baby Chicks are Canadian ^bYhrnment approved?’All flocks are •Ml|^ by a Government Inspector, bred-to-lay Haired Hocks, ; ZW^ite Rock, lie,;' Jersey feiheUa Giants, 12c.; Barfan - Btrhln White Leghorns, brown Leg- (’8;^;’/Ahconas 9c.; SufpluS "ilc/ g’OO hr byqr J cent less; Express paid bn lAbV or more, guarantee 100 per ■|^hi?uSafe arrival at your ' station. 2^,ltper cent with order, balance C. piDi '9 webks old started chickens teghbins l^c; RbbkS',ahd;,Giants 20c 4 , wbek\bld Leghbrris’ 29c.; Hocks And-Glants. 25c.; 4, week old Pullets Leghorns-30c. ROcks and Glahts 35c wbek^oid 60C. piistohi hatching r<$2.50 per hundred 129Ho‘’the"|fa^(,^tit^'':ibf ires bathidgub^ if you ar# teshihg1 sb'ur Wtbr 'at 95c. each. Anierican 2- ghliott R/f 's'#iTzfin Gfantoh/ ? 1 I I Ontarle $ .Miss Alena Marshall, of Forest, 'is visiting with Miss Ella Shapton, /f W. R. Goucding ■ • A.-T. C. M; ’‘ Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Thevrj? Supervisor of Music in Schools ?; Studio, Main St. Box 123* phone 19.iT EXETER, ONT ? /' V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publilc Estate and Cteherhl Practice In Sil ■ .Courts.. Muney to Join New feank of Toronto Building, . Eondon, Ontario Phone: Office:. Metcblf, 1723 '/ * Residence: Metcalf 2178 J& ’ 1 /X* U /.K