The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-06-30, Page 5Mr. Arthur pick Spent the. week-’ end in Detroit.; ■ '*■ • / ■ Mr. T, c; 'irpynt made ’a business trip to “ Miss visited Gase. Miss spent the here. Miss Dorothy Fitter, Of Hanover spent the week-end with friends in town, Mr. John Young, of Harrington, was a recent visitor With friends here. Miss Blanche Petty, of Toronto, is *• visiting at the home of Mrs. John A, >tty. “WFMiss Toronto last week. Nettie McTaggart, pt Exeter last week with Mrs; G» F, Mary Huisbr, Of Clinton, week-end at her home *e ’Tflie A Y, P. A. ot the St. Paul’s Anglican church held a picnic at Turnbull's Grove on Monday, eyen* ing.*' A YP.ry pleasant time was had by alt j ' ' « Mibfc ^nn Gilchrist, oif Windsor, was a Week-end visitor at the home ot -Belh. Mrs-' C^. -Si. Hudson is confined to her home through illness, Qur local public school will be closing this week and the Entrance PUPils are trying their examinations the first of the week. Gehooi will reopen on September 1st this year, Mr, and Mrs,'A. J, Sweitzer went to Detroit on Saturday and on Mon-* day moved their furniture and household effects to their cottage at the Black Pines, where reside for the summer. The Hepsall district wan with another fine rain on they will favoured Saturday-dPMiss Minnie Hodgins, of Birr, is morning, y/hich will be, a great help visiting at the home of Miss Claris- to th® Sa Mitchell. her of Rev. Arthur Sinclair anniversary services at Fullarton on Sunday last. (Strawberries are quite plentiful In this district and are -selling from 7 to 8c. a box. Mr, and Mrs. Jphp G. Scott, of Cromarty visited last week with friends in town. Mrs. George Case has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in (London. Ronald Peck is spending a days visiting at the home of Mr. Mrs. Sid McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. C- A. McDonnell ited with relatives and friends in Toronto last week. Miss Doreen Farquhai’ is spend­ ing her holidays visiting with her friends in Muskoka. Miss Greta McNaughton has re­ turned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. Lome Whitesides and sister Miss Violet, of Goderich, visited friends in town on Monday, Mr. Robt. Green, of Duluth, is visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Green. Mrs. Fraser, of Washington, is visiting for a few weeks with her •sister Mrs. D. McNaughton, Quite a number from nere attend­ ed the Decoration Services at Exe­ ter Cemetery on Sunday last. Mrs., Andrew Christie and son Norman, of Cromarty, visited on Saturday with friends in town. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron- 'to, visited last week with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. D. McNaughton. Wm. Beavers, of Kitchener, and formerly of Hensall, was call­ ing on friends in town last week. Sacrament of the Lord’s Scupper will 'be observed in the United church on Sunday morning, July 3. (Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrandt and family, of Seaforth, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. Mrs. Lome McNaughton, of Crom­ arty, visited on Saturday at the home of her father Mr. W. L. Me-? Laren. Mr. and Mrs. L. Foster and son, Ray, of Kitchener, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Foster of town. ' <! ■ Mr. and Mrs. Lome Scott and family, of Toronto, spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. Decoration services will be held next Sunday at the Hensall Union Cemetery and also. at McTaggart’s Cemetery. O. Geiger and Sons have a force of men working at their flax mills and have a large quantity of flax, to work upon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White spent the week-end. with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby, of Collingwood. Reeve Geiger and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson attended the Huron County Council picnic on afternoon at Bayfield. Mr. Gordon Young, of County Treasurer, was in urday, calling on his sister, Mrs, A. Love and other friends. A Mrs. M. Pope has returned home ^Mter visiting for several weeks with ‘Wbembers of her family at London, Preston and Toronto. Mr. Wm. L. McLaren and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Sunday witli the former’s brother in Sea­ forth who is very poorly. Mr. Geo. Hess is improving the appearance of his property on South Richmond St., by having the exter­ ior of his home nicely painted. At the Carmel Presbyterian church Rev. Mr. oupied the instructive vices. Mr. and . Krine and Mr. and Mrs. Chippey, of Stratford, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, of Hay on Sunday. There will be no celebration in Hensall on July 1st this year. Quite a number of our citizens will be spending the day at the different summer resorts. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Soldan held a re-unioh at their home on the London Road oh (Saturday. Some 200 guests were present. A very pleasant time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry and chil­ dren and Mr. Robt. Wright, after a pleasant visit with friends in this district returned to their home in Cass City on Thursday, \ A baseball game was played on Ottr local diamond yhefe oh kion'day evening between ' Ailsa 'Craig dhd. Hensall, The ga’me respited, In ficore of 7-4 for Alisa Cftaig/ / fields and gardens, A num­ farmers have started haying preached aUd all crops are looking fine. m’-~ mhny friends here of Mr, few and vis- Thursday Goderich, town iSat- McNair, of London, oc- pulpit and delivered very addresses at both ser- Mrs. P. H. Devlin, Mrs. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JUNE 1099 I Falls and btW points^ The /bride .txavplsd in a dress of green wool prepe with trimmings of black and black hat, On their return •young couple will reside dn grpom’s farm nt Bayfield, Induction of New Minister On Tuesday evening, dune ?8th, the presbytery of Huron inducted Rev, w. A* Young b. Sc., into the pastoral Charge Of Carmel Presby­ terian Church. A large congrega­ tion was present. Rev. D< J. Lane, Moderator of presbytery, conducted the service and presided over the ceremony of induction. Rev. j. B, Rhodes, of Exeter, preached the ser- mpn on this occasion. Rev. Dr, Dou-^ gan, of Clinton, addressed the new minister, and Rev. L. B. Kaine, of Seaforth delivered the address to the congregation. All the members of Presbytery took part in extend-; ing towMr. W- A. Young the right j hand of fellowship, a pleasing fea­ ture .of the service was the address' giyen by Rev. G. M. Young, of Nairn, father of the * newly-inducted minister, who with Mrs. Young were present, and also Mr. Mac Young, the younger brother of the minister. Mr. M. Young is in charge of a mission congregation in Sarnia during the summer. During the ser­ vice the choir led the praise and al­ so rendered very fitting numbers. At the colse of the service a recep­ tion was held for Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Young, and the members and •adherents of the congregation were introduced to them, Following the deception supper was served and a Social hour was enjoyed. At this time wlords of greeting were brought by Rev. Mr. Sinclair of the United Church in Hensail, who spoke for himself and Rev. Conners ,pf Kippen, who was unable to re­ main for the social gathering. A ! fur tFd the Special III III *3 CEYLON'PEKOE TEA ..................... . per lb. ?5c. MAPLE LEAF1 SALMON ‘H- o .... 4ch Wif. ' KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES ................VXH Wfc The I Alex Neel) were ‘pleased to hear of I hia appointment for the Registrar­ ship of Hpron County. Col. W. H. Price, Attorney-General announced the appointment, on Saturday. Rev,, Mr. Menzies, of Fullarton, preached tvery acceptably in United Church on Sunday last, the eveninig service Mrs. K. Maynard and Mr. W. O. Goodwin rendered a very pleasing duet “The Churclj by the Side of the Road." The home of Mr. Geo. Wa.lke^ 2nd concession of Tuckersmith was broken into on’ Sunday morning. while the family were at church. A-, considerable amount of stuff „was stolen. Constable Whitesides of Goderich, iis investigating the case. Mrs. Thus. Simpson, of London, and son Tom, ,of Stratfordville, after a pleasant visit-with friends here in town have returned home. Tom's letter was read from Rev. M. Park- many friends here were glad to seeJer, of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, him. He holds a good position in' Hensall, extending greetings and re- the bank of Commerce at Stratford- gretting that a previous engagement ville. • < The Executive of the Liberal Party in South' Huron held a meet­ ing here on Monday last to start preparations for' the by-elections which will be held in South Huron this fall. The names of quite a num­ ber of prominent Liberals have been mentioned as Liberal candidates. An invitation has been extended to inspect; Huron Springs Sanator­ ium by Dr. A. Moir for the. first modern in; every respect and a dam’ near the bridge! has-been built and will make’a nice body of water close to the entrance of the premises. Mrs, Wm. 1 Henry celebrated her 88 birthday on’ ' Wednesday of last week. A gWhVmany of her relatives and friends called at her home dur­ ing the day to congratulate her, ..amongst them was-Mrs. Agur? who is over 100 years of age. Mrs. Henry is still quite active and hermany friends wish her many happy’’ re* turns of the .day, < • • The St/awberry Festival held on the United church lawn .^.BJrj^y evening was very well attended and proved tojbe very successful. ■ The proceeds amounted to about $120.00? The tables were nicely set and pre­ sided over; by the men of the “-con-1 gregation. -'A boys’ band from Strat­ ford numbering over 50 furnished the music under the able leadership of Mr. Watts and gave numerous fine selections' / ' • - - t Jacob-Norxisi A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United church manse, Hensall, on Friday Jwhen Mary. Alelia Winona Norris was united,in marriage , to •Harvey carl Jacobs> of Tuckersmlth. The Rev. Arthur Sinclair officiated. Masonic .Officers Installed The newly elected officers of Zu­ rich Lodge. A.F. & A.M. No. 2iU were installed Friday evening last by the installing master, W., Bro. Robt. Da.lfymple in" a very credit­ able manner. Following the instal­ lation refreshments'were served and a number ’of toasts were responded to. The officers are as follows; W. M_, W. Bro. J. A. Traquair; I. Past. Master, Bro. Robt. D. Bell; Senior W., Bro. W. O. Goodwin; Junior W-, Bro. A. R» Campbell; Chaplain, W4 Bro. Thos. Chapman; Treasurer, W. Bro James Bonthron; Secretary, Rt. W ‘Bro. L. R. Coles; D. of C., W. Bro. F. Manns; Sr. D., Bro. W. G. Bell; Jr, Deacon, Bro. B. D. Field Inner Guard, Bro. R J. Cooper; Sr. S. Bro. E. L. Mickle,’ Jr. S., Bro. L. Hill; Tyler, Bro. Jas. Priest. Scotchmer-Albrecht A charming wedding took' place at the Lutheran Church, Zurich, oh (Saturday when Rev, Mr. Turkheijh! united in marriage Lula Ann Eliza*-’ beth Albrecht, daughter of Mr. and: Mrs. Albrecht, of Zurich, formerly! Of Hensall, to Charles Henry-Scotch/ mer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scotchmer, i of Bayfield. IThe bride was charm-, ingly gowned in mauve net, pirik isa-t tin slippers and pink hat and fcar*i ried a corsage bouquet of Ophelikj roses, grin’’ Miss who lace and white net hat. The brides­ maid was Miss Margaret McKinley, of Bayfield, who was attired in a gown of green crepe with sand liat The groom was supported by his brother John 'Scotchmer, of Bay- field. Thb groom’s gift to thea bridesmaid was a mesh bag, to the groomsman gold cuff links, and to the' organist, a necklace4 After -the ceremony .a Wedding -breakfast was served, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Drysdale, cHenSall; after .^hich 'MrZ and Mi's/ Rdbtchhier left for Nfagaf^ the At prevented him from being present. Mr. Peter Moir, member of the Sess­ ion, gave Mr. and Mrs. Young a warm welcome on behalf of the Session and congregation. Rev. D. J. Lane, as Moderator, conveyed to the Carmel people the congratula­ tions of the Presbytery on obtaining their new minister and to Mr and Mrs. Young the cordial welcome of Huron Presbytery. • In well-chosen words Mr. Young made a graceful week in. : July. The sanatari-um is.^eply to these addresses of welcome CREDITON ■£c Aylyner TOMATO CATSUP 8 oz. bottle, 2 for 25c. 1 Ubby’» PORK & BEANS | No, If tall tin 2 for 15c. I * ^eMieidar's. PURE LARD | 1, lb/carton e<ch 10c< COMFORT SOAP, a real bargain ■ ■’ -' - j• • •'A'- J. .... 10 bars for 39c. FAIRSEX SOAP A Palmolive product 5 cakes for 25c. R. & W. TOILET TISSUE Targe rolls 3 for 23c. SEALER RINGS per -doz.. 23c. PURE CANE SUGAR ............... .......... ...........................;.. 10 1bs,.7f or 50c. De Lux Jelly Powders assorted flavors, 6 for 25c. GRAPENUT FLAKES 2 pkgs, for 21c. Gold ’ 'Metieii«Peahut Butter in buj]k, pejr,jlJ?* 16c. CORN, PEAS OR TOMATOES........................................... 3 tins for 25c. SWEET MIXED PICKLES Gold Medal 40 oz. jar each 25c, GOLD MEDAL JAMS assorted 10 oz. jars each 31c. RUBBER SE^eIr RINGS Besf: Quality 4 doz for 25c 1 TODDY SHAKER—FREE--with lib. tin of Toddy ........ .* . . “ r ' .. .... . n . ;j t I Assorted Chocolate bars Jumbo Salted Peanuts R. & W. Coffee, 1 lb. tin................. 43c. R. & W. Pitted Cherries, . . 2 tins for 25c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 EXETER, ONT. “Quality always higher than price.” . We . Deliver ■' < -"s Ilittle sotf, whd ’has been ill for some- ‘ time. ’ Tlie."dbdtor gives good hopes Sunday. 'Mr. Neil is not enjoying very good health at present and is under the doctor’s care. Miss Lulu Hunter, who has been teaching at Elsie has been engaged to teach at Eden for the coming year. Mr. Jackson Woods is able ito be out again and his friends are very glad to see him so far recovered. Quite a.few ladies from this way attended the showers at Mrs. R. W* Battlers at Winchelsea last Tuesday night for Mrs. Mervyn Pym and Miss Verna Russel. Rev. and Mrs. White and family are moving to-day (Tuesday) to their new pastorate at Woodslea and Rev. and Mrs, Peters and daugh­ ter from Warwick are expected on Wednesday. ' It was decided on Sunday to hold an Induction service for the new Pastor one evening next weekt. Master Kenneth Taylor, of Cred- fton, -is spending a week at the home of his grandparents,4 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gower. ! ' . ” Haying 'Operations are under way for another season. ELIMVILLE •Last Saturday two carloads of young,, men from this community motored to Clinton and took part in ■the Annual Live Stock Judging Competition for Huron and as usual made-a good report for themselves as several were successful in win­ ning. prizes. In the Senior division Horace Delbridge won 2nd prize in judging horses and Thomas Hern worn-first prize in the Junior divis­ ion for judging swine; Ward Hern wop;;first prize for judging cattle; De'lmar, Skinner won first prize for beef-/cattl6 and Howard Johns won second for judging sheep, Ideal weather on Sunday was an enjoyable ‘-setting for our Anniver­ sary-.'.occasion and large crowds at­ tended the services held in this church when' Rev, H. E. Livingstone X former pastor, preached two splen- • did’-mo isermons to appreciative audSfe&bes.; The singing in the morn- Ing/was' fead by a Sunday School 'choir3, wtid’sang two special numbers <xHeljp -to make a world, happy’’ and “Working 1 together.’’ In the even­ ing the church choir was in charge and sang two anthems, “Hark, Hark My Soul-’’ and" Praise thy God, O Jerusalem’’ and the Male Quartette also sang a number. The church was beaiftifft’lly' decorated with a pro­ fusion of push ferns and cut flow­ ers which always add much bo the. pleasure of these services. A great number of visitors were present from' neighbouring congregations and old .friends were very glad to meet Mr. and Mrs, Livingstone again It is: nine years since ■ Mr. Living­ stone' preached his first sermon in this church, it also being anniver­ sary Sunday, coming here from Summerland, B. C. As last Sunday was” Decoration Day, .quite’ a number parts went to Exeter the afternoon. Mr. Alec Johns, of and Mrs. Jas, Willis, of Stephen and Miss Leola Johns, of Exeter, were visitors with Mrs. J. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Williams', of Toronto, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Horne and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Rioutly. Mrs, Rev. White and children spent Sunday with Miss Kathleen Hicks, of Centralia. Rev. White was taking Rev. Livingstone’s work for the day, Mr, and Mrs. 'Motz, were visitors with Mrs. on Sunday. Miss Gerta Hunter, for his.recovery which will probably bdsiowii^oia^y* Mrs,^^,^^re_^nd two sons; of Windsor., •are-guests of her mother Mrs. W. Sherritt. Rev.- & Mathers will preach a series of sprmbns-oh ’-The Kingdom of God" sdurihg%he-month of July. Mrs.-J? ^ntt/bf RaVenswood, vis­ ited her parents' Mr. and' Mrs. Roy Hutchinson “fafei'week.- Mr. and Mrs/E. 'H? McPherson and family,''-iff ^Toronto,1 'have moved into Miss Mary] Hdltoek’s'-'-house for the’ summer-;/ '•••'c Miss ■ NoMe{“’$itfi- her parents and brothers7’ v’isited^^Ir.'^and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson recently. Mr. Wiiherhead ^called on his daughter on Sunday,’ The Strawberry social at the Unit­ ed church last Tuesday >was a splen­ did success. After a bountiful sup-- per the young folk of Thedford en­ tertained. With'a play entitled “Val­ ley Farm?? '* lt’\was well played and the audience'gave perfect order and appreciative1 applause. Our yidung, people ^put on their play at th<| .Lieury^Strawberry Festi­val last ..F^idaj^ evening, . There 'arbas.everal; - pupils writing entrance' -,! from<-.the ■■ neighboring schools and •••we ’Wish .-them all suc­ cess, t 0 -Vr.“ - * On Thursday evening, ‘ June 30th Rev. J, W. Johnston will be induct­ ed into his new charge in the Cred- iton United church. Service at 8,15. Everyone is urged to be present. • Mrs. Redifern and daughter, of Kitchener,, are visiting with her sis* ter Miss'Bertha EWald.* ’• : J,r" ' ‘i H Mr.1 and’ Mrs.'-Jacob' Brown, 'of Pi­ geon, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haist; '• ’ * ( ■' Mrs. Flora Walker,' *of: '• 'Detroit, is'visiting with friends' in the vil- ■lag'^. [ ‘ , ‘Mr. and' Mrs.' Russell Huxtable, of Hamilton, visited With Mr. and Mrs. C. Beaver on Sunday. ■ •(./Mrs.' Ratz, of New Hamburg and jMts. Hallman, and daughter, of Tor- -QUto, are visiting at the home of •Mr. and Mrs. C. Zwicker. Rev. Hagelstein preached his fare- iwell sermon last Sunday evening. Rev. and Mra. Hagelstein are mov­ ing to Fullarbon this week. ■ ' Last Friday evening the baseball ;team played in Exeter. The score ;Was 18-3 in our favor, i The primary classes of the United .cljurch Sunday School held a picnic (dn the church lawn, on Saturday af­ ternoon, in honor of Jean and Mar­ shall Hagelstein, who are leaving shortly for Fullarton. IThe after­ noon was spent in games. A dainty liinch was then served, after which Laura Woodall and Bernice Fink- beiner presented them with two beautiful china breakfast sets. The recipients showed their appreciation in a very pleasing manner. A very enjoyable time was spent by all. Mr. Pope and daughter Ruth, of London, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Wein. A strawberry festival will be held on the Evangelical church lawn on Jtily 4th. Remember the Strawberry Festi­ val next Monday ‘evening, July 4th, on the lawn of the Evangelical church. If its cool or rainy then the Rhnday School auditorium will be psed. Excellent program follows of jWhlch this choir has full charge. Orchestra, male quartettes, readings, brief humorous dialogue and other interesting numbers make up the ev­ ening’s entertainment. Everybody Come and enjoy the occasion. The tables will show the usual reputa­ tion that belongs to the Evangelicals so everybody come. ? - July 10th ;has been tentatively designated for the Evangelical ceme­ tery decoration day. The plan is to Cancel the morning Church service but all unite in the usual S. S. ses­ sion which will he held a little soon­ er, enabling people to return for the 2; H5 decoration, In the evening the College Glee Club will give a sacred concert in the church. Evan­ gelicals and friends of the commun­ ity are. cdrdially invited- to /attend the services of that interesting; Sun* ' day. Fred WilbOffiOfing will; b0 re­ ceived at-the evenings concert., W. , _ , M. sippeil; • The Glee Club wilt fur* I and Mrs. Thos» Bell. : 4ilsh several ’Selections at the come-1 Miss Evelyn Whitlock,, of St, tery.‘grounds; - - ’ifhomas, called on relatives here on t* ... t > fa > , The wedding march "Lohon-, was played on the organ by* Kathryn Drysdale, of Hensall, was also dressed in pink het Jfrom these Cemetery in Lucan, Mr. of London Heywood Sr. of London, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Sherwood Hunter, Mr, Ned Avery, of fit. Thomas, was a week-end visitor at Mr. H. Horne’s, Mrs. Will Pybus, of Chiselhurst spent a few days last week with re­ latives in this community. Mr. Py­ bus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bragg and Geraldine were Sunday visitors here and Mrs. Pybus returned home with them Sunday evening. Miss Marjorie Hunter, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital .Lon­ don, was home on Stunday. "* !Mi\ Will Pym, ed acquaintances Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. children, Mr, Trott and mother^ of London, -were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Foster and sop,, Beverley, of Granton, .wore Sunday visitors with relatives hero. , -Mr; and iMrs, S. Miller And fam* ily,. of Dashwood; spent Sunday With WINCHELSEA Quite a number of farmers have commenced haying this week also silo filling. Mr. R. E. Pooley spent a couple of days last week in Toronto. Messrs. Horace Delbridge and Ward Hern, attended the Junior Farmers’ Judging competition held in Clinton on Saturday last. Mrs. A. E.- Delbridge visited in 'Stratford one .day last week. .... Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Gunning. of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, of Exeter, visited with Mr and Mrs. Sherwood Brock on Sunday. .Miss Violet Sprague, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Brooks; of. Whalen spent Sunday with Mrs. A. E. Delbridge. '. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turner, of Saihts- bury, visited with ■Mr,, and Mrs. C. Fletcher on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock and Shir­ ley, of Kirkton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock. Mr. Wm. Pym, of Kirkton, visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horn on. Sunday. Mr. F. 0. Davis is spending a few days with his daughter Mrs, Ed. Hotham at Deleware. School .ha,s closed for the holidays, Most of the pupils have been suc­ cessful in passing their examina­ tions. Miss McGugan', of London, has been secured as the new teacher for the lower room for next term. Miss McCulloch has been ren-ettgaged as principal. ZION" i Mr. and; Mrs. Chas. Kerslake, of Exeter.apdAs?Taylor,. of St. Thomas, yisitgij MW-t>Mr. and Mrs. Ephriatt| IjLernr Mr<> Ross Hern and Mr. an2Q Mrs^-H^TP1^/Hern on0 last'wbek.si.,j Mr; Uhd'j Mrs,/ Ephriam Hern and daughtb/s Laurene andHazel attend­ ed the'^hdmpson .reunion on Friday eveningslakt.at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones. ; • Mrs ."-.Herinah 'KyU' spent Wednes­ day of^sVweek with Mrs. James Kyle of Sowh-. ' f We ape glad- to know Miss Mar­ garet H|rn has recovered from a re­ lapse otHhe flu, Mr. L’ayerne Morley ,of Whalen, underwent :an operation for mastoid® on Friday 5 of last week at .St. Jos- seph’s. Hospital, London. A number attended the anniversary services'at I Elimville. last Sunday. Service next Sunday will be held in the. evening. A nuthber -from this community attended the. .Decoration Day ser­ vices at. thh Exeter cemetery on Sun­ day. ? .1 ..... ’ SHIPKA GREENWAY Mrs. -Matt Guenther, Carl and Mildred,, of Kitchener, Mrs. Arthur Hardcastle, of Windsor, and Mrs. Clem Trojan and little son Paul, Of Chicago, spent .Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. of Kirkton, reiiew- in this vicinity on Fred Wright and The V. P. S. of .the United Church held a picnic to Grand Bend on Fri­ day eVehirig last. Next Sunday will be Missionary Sunday in the Sunday School When a -special program will be given, Last’ -'Sunday Rev. Mr. Hagelstein preached his farewell sermon. A hentry .^yoto of appreciation of his ^eiwic^g whs tendered to him at the 'tef-pse ,;d< .the Sunday School, ^/^(^.-'R'dbt. Hobbs, of Thorndale, an^h€/the week-end at .the home ot Mts. Fred Sharpe. &/.._ / _ suited a. Eoti^b'hRats .at„g- o’oFoch The members of the Orange Lodge will attend divine service in United < noon. We < Mervyn securing this year’s work, their teacher Mrs. Russell Pollock, has been doing faithful work...,Mr.- 01aud^'?^allid4{Jas', from- Califor nla./td ucation in Ontario. 1 Ho ah A, Miss Fallis, of Sister Mrs> Mr.- apd the Church next Sunday after­ congratulate Ellen Shank Love and Stanley Hartle on ; their Entrance standing on It is evident that (iji^^adies* Aid will, bb. held next/ jdp&sday ’evening at the home Of 1 ■ * £7