HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-06-30, Page 4THURSDAY, aillllllllllllllllllllllll . • THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE ’"’I yip r t il cf > Visitors’ Week , 3 ■ ■ .■ 'TJie ~~ Huron-Springs Sanatorium TRY OUR CAR WASH 50c. We also sinionize your car and paint the chassis for only $5.00 to $8.00 We sell spon^s, efeaiiapis and auto cloths You save money on tires, batteries and ’car repairs here. SANDY EIJ.IOT * PHONE 64 FAMILY PICNICS ? - The Moon family picnic was-held, at Grand Bend on Saturday, .ffiiine. ,18th when about 125 were present; Penhale. G™d Rend C“S JULY M DOMINION DAY a SOFTBALL GAMES 2 *' Airplane Stunts and Thrills Parachute Leap into Lake Sunday Rand Concert on Beach midnight frolic Monday Morning* JULY 4th 12.1'5 a.m, to 4 a.m, Regular Admis. dancing nightly FRED ELLIOTT and his 9-piece orchestra “The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven” ‘ IN MEMORIAM MCFALL'S-—In memory of pur dear mother, who passed away three yeasr ago, July 1st, 1929, $Qth|nfe«but memories as we jour- Longing for her face and smiles that gre gone; Ever remembered by her daughters,’ Mrs. Garnet Flynn and Mrs. ville pixon, Or- DASHWOOD v , Dr. H. H- Cowon, j-JJ.5;, DENTAL SURGEON 4* pRRe m Harjlelb Block, Dash­ wood, WM three days of week and at oHlpe oyer the Poet Zurich, last three days, of week. Weddi'hg bells are ringing this week. i Mr, and Mrs, Schultz, of Detroit, spent a few days ’With MVa, S-chultz’s parents Mr* ahd Mrs1. Louis Rader. * Mrs, A, Bills, and family, of De­ troit, are visiting per parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy, Rader. Miss Verna Kraft, of London, is visiting at her pome here. Mrs. Jane GuentPer and Gladys of Kitchener spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, E, Guenther. Mr, Jopn Rader was rushed to London to the hospital on Friday where he was operated on for ap­ pendicitis. His operation was suc­ cessful and Mr. Rader is now on a fair way tp recovery. Quite a number from her attend­ ed Decoration Day at Exeter ceme­ tery on Sunday. Next Sunday will be Decoration Day at the Bronson Line cemetery. Dashwood band will be jn attend­ ance. The Strawberry Festival of the Lutheran church was largely attend­ ed last week. Gate receipts, amount­ ed to $125,00, while the Bazaar receipts were $22.90. Friends were present from Detroit, London, ‘Tav­ istock, Seaforth, Exeter, Zurich, Crediton and Shipka. Mr. Sampson Colosky left on Tues­ day for a trip out West after which he will visit his brother in Indiana. Dashwool Band will give another open air concert on Sunday evening at 9 o’clock. Miss Verna Birk was successful in winning first prize in judging nutrition at the annual judging com­ petition held in Clinton last Satur­ day. LOCAL NEWS The Exeter branch of the Cana­ dian Canners started their pea pack op Tuesday, Mr. Harry Bowden, who. upder- went an. pperation in Victoria Has* pital last week for appendicitis is getting along nicely. On Saturday while plastering at the home of Mr. Ropt. Sanders, Mr. iSam’l'Sweet fell when one of the ropes holding the ladders together broke. One of the ligaments ip his ankle was sprained, He is again able to be around. Mr. A. G. Ford, a former resident of this community and brother of Mr, W. J, Ford, of Usborne, accom­ panied by his wife and family are Visiting with relatives in this com­ munity. Mr, Ford and family are holding religious services at Grand Bend and will be in Exeter on Sun­ day, See advt. on first page. At the Down picnic held recently at Springbank there were 112 mem­ bers of the connection present and a splendid time was held during the afternoon and evening with games and sports of all kinds, The officers elected for the coming year are as follows: Pres. W. H. Keddy, of Fen­ ton, Mich.; vice pres. E. S. Dawp, Of Shedden; sec’y Mrs. C, P. Harvey, Exeter; treas. Mrs.- H. Down, don. IN MEMORIAAI SWEITZER—In loving memory of • Rosena Sweitzer, who passed away one year ago, July 3, 1931, I miss her when J need a friend, On her I always could depend; She cheered me in sickness and soothed my pain, God grant some day we’ll meet again. Ever remembered by Daisy BASEBALL LOCALS LOSE FIRST GAME The local ball- team suffered their first set-back of the season on Fri­ day evening when they were beaten soundly by the Creditpn team. The Crediten beys were in rare form as were the locals. Errors played a very important part in the downfall of the home team. They could not get going and every man on the team had an error or errors chalked up against him. Crediton opened the scoring in the first inning and be­ fore the third out had been made six runs had crossed the plate. The lo­ cals at this-stage of the game seem­ ed stage struck and with four errors to their qredit sure looked bad. A repetition of the first inning again took, place in the third and Credit- on counted five more. They scored two more in the fourth and in the eighth the locals again went hay-’ wire and Crediton scored five more bringing the grand total up to eigh­ teen, The losers scored one in th® second and two in the third but af­ ter that it was just a matter of time. Bill Motz did the hurling for the winners and although not in the best of form was given fair support by his team mates. Hum Willard hurled the entire game for the lo­ cals and although hit hard at times was given terrible support. A large crowd turned out with expectations of seeing a good game. Many were disappointed while others thorough­ ly enjoyed seeing the locals mess up many good chances. This was the locals first defeat and places them in a tie with Crediton as the Credit­ on boys have been' defeated but once. Freeman Morlock umpired behind the plate. The teams were; Crediton-T—Haist, 2nd; Bowman, cf; Merner, 3rd; Lewis, c; Motz pG, Schenk, If; Fahner, 1st; Wein, ss; Trick, rf. Exeter—'Pollen, 2nd; Hockey and Boyle, ss; Dearing, nf ; Creech, c.;, Taylor, of; Skinner, .1st; Ford, 3rdf Cornish'and Fisher' If; Willard, p., SINGLE MEN WIN FROM 5- BENEDICTS ■ Harp Rivers’ benedicts proved little, opposition to the single men and on Monday evening went down to defeat’!by. the' score of 13 to 7. The locals had to postpone the sche­ dule game at'Hensan owing’ to the fact that ah exhibition O. B. A. game was being-staged, henceforth a game between married and single was ar­ ranged, iHar.p Rivers did the man­ aging for the married men while Garnet Flynn took the role as man­ ager for the single. Hum Willard did the huyling for the winners and made some of the older boys look bad on his hooks ana drops. The married men started with Hamilton (an imported player) in the box but he was relieved by Pete Willard in the third inning. Dick started as catcher but had placed by Reg. Taylor in inning when he failed to hooks and slants of the pitchers. The winners had three big innings which they scored all their They scored five in the first four in the fourth and fifth, married men scored one in the se­ cond, three in the third and three in the sixth, Bert Rivers supplied the fielding sensation for his team when he snared a good catch for the singles in the fourth inning. Lack of wind on the .part of many of the married men proved a very baa handicap, while others complained of their eyesight and the brightness of the sun was blamed for many misplays. Two married men did the umpiring, Harry Carey, started calling the strikes and Roy Gouldtng were CARD OF THANIfS Mr. and Mrs. E, G. Lowry and family wish to express their appre­ ciation for the many kindnesses Shown and beautiful bouquets of flowers given, during Mr. Lowry’s serious illness, HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs, Sv Greu and family, of Zurich, visited with Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Love on Sunday. Miss Jean Hodgins, of Detroit, spent last week with her father Mr. Jas. E..Hodgins. Mrs. Herman Hayter, of Detroit, sent the week-end with her mother Mrs. George Love. Mrs. Ross Love spent last Tues­ day afternoon with her grandmother Mrs. J. J. Carruthers .Sr. Iron- COLLAR BONE FRACTURED Marion Rundle, daughter of and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Road, had her collar bone fractured Tuesday evening. :She was ‘playing with the dog running along the driveway when the dog ran in front of her and she tripped falling bn lier shoulder, Dr, Fletcher attended her. Mr. Thames’ GRANDDAUGHTER OF EXETER LADY MARRIED AT WINDSOR At a beautiful and impressive cere­ mony at 7 o’clock on Friday evening June 23rd in St. Andrew’s Presby­ terian Church, one of the most pop­ ular members of the Boeder’s young­ er set, Miss Margaret Jean Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Henry Smith, of Victoria and grand­ daughter of Mrs. John Snell, of Exe­ ter,-was united in marriage to Mr. Situart Phillips- Wright, son. of Mr. and- Mrs. Gilbert G. Wright, of Dal- lasi'-Texas.; ... .... . ... The altar of the church, where the Revr H. M. Paulin read the cere­ mony,- was a bower of loveliness for th$ occasion, banked high with palms, ferns and pink hydrangeas, interspersed with standards of rose pink > peonies, marguerites and pale bluer delphinium. The whole color ■scheme: was- attractively carried out in. pink- and blue, pink peonies mark- Ing.4i1e.pewk for . the. 250. guests,, at the church.■ 4 . •• •,. " The bride, who entered the church on the arm of lier father, was-beau­ tiful in, a Mediaeval Empire gown of ivory satin and Dutch lace. Her veil. of. tulle, which was . caught to her head jn a cap of • the exquisite lace,, and- was held in place with a cluster of orange bossoms, fell from her shoulders’ into a very long train. She carried a shower bouquet of white orchids and valley lilies. Immediately preceeding her in the wedding procession was Mrs. Nor­ man Livingstone Drynan, of Vancou­ ver, B.C., who was her matron of honor, Mrs. Drynan was lovely in white ninon de soie and cut batiste over a pale blue slip. The four bridesmaids wore gowns fashioned similiarly to Mrs. Dry- nan’s. Miss Jeanne McKiggan’s over orchid; Miss Doreen Henderson’s over1 green; Miss Lillian . Phillip’s over pink and Mrs. Durward Lowry’s over yellow. Their hats were of the same shades as their slips and . All the attend- in pastel THAMES ROAD Rumor -has connected the..,, of Miss Bernice Gbllings with, trie recent unfortunate accident at Cromarty but she wishes it known that she was in no way implicated in the affair. .. , Mr. and' Mrs. Bland Campbell and family, of New York, are holi­ daying with Mr. and Mirs. -A.- -Y. Campbell. . •. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rydall and Jack, of Shallow Lake, . spent the week-end with the latter’s, parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Ro-bt. Kydd.- . , iMr. and Mrs. Benson Tuckey and Ross, of Exeter, were Sunday. visit-: ors with Mr. and Mrs. E.>Rpllent. Miss Doris Remnant and •Iriend^ Mrs. Steple, Mr. Wallace and James Remnant, of Galt, were week-end .visitors.with MV. and Mrs. A. Camp-’ bell? ' j-.Miss Bell, of Seaforth, is yis-iting •with Miss Alice Hackney.. • Miss Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas, visited with her- parents, Mr.; and Mrs. P. Whitlock. * . Mr. Squires, of Exeter;‘was- a vis­ itor with his daughter, Mrs. p. Canh Sunday. ' '. Mr. and Mrs. D. McLean’,pf Tuckersmith, visited with trie lat­ ter's father, Mr. James Anderson, on ’Sunday. Mr. Harry Anderson,, of Western University, is holidaying at his home for the summer, >. Anniversary services were held on Sunday, conducted by the Rev. W. Craik, of Goderich. In* the morn­ ing the children were in charge: Of the music. The choir rendered' ap- priopriate selections in trie evening assisted by Mrs. A. Morgan^ ?Who sang a beautiful solo entitled, •“The Good 'Shepherd.” The theme of- both addresses were “Finding One’s'' piac'e in the Church” which were eloquent and inspiring. A strawberry .festi­ val is being held Wednesday,’ ' , name WHALEN Mias Ruth Hodgson has been con­ fined to her bed several days suffer­ ing with the flu. '■ 'Mr. and Mrs. F. Gunning and Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Morley attend­ ed the anniversary services at the Thames Road church on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore: Mrs, F. Morley returned home on Sunday from London, having spent several days with her son, Laverne, who 'underwent a very serious oper­ ation. for mastoids. : iMr. and 'Mr,s. F. Squire attended the Decoration Day services at Exe- :ter on Sunday, , The. Sunday , School are. holding, their annual ' picnic'' at fetfatprd. on Thursday. ’' ‘ ' > Boys 11 to 15—Allen Penhale, L. Christie, Allan Richards. . /Young Ladies’ race— Gertrude ■Francis, Margaret Penhale, Grace ,Young Men’s race—Ted Lamport, Ray Jiory, Percy Willis. s.Neck- Tie Race—Mr. and Mrs. Asa Penhale, Mr. Arthur Francis and Mi’s-. Earl Shapton, Mr. Sc Jory and Mrs. M, King. .> Secret Race-—Eli Christie and .Gertrude Francis, Harry Clarke and ,Celia Christie, Mr. A. Francis and sMrs. Earl Shapton. Throwing the rolling pin—Mrs. King, Mrs. Fred Preszcator, Mrs. W. Preszcator. .." Filling .the bottle—-dadies won from the men.. Walking the rope—-Asa Penhale, Mrs. Harold Penhalb.. Leip year race—Percy Willis1 and Celia Christie, Earl Christie and Ger­ trude Francis’ Mr. A. Francis and Mts. Ed. Shapton. . ■ J- The softball game results were .15-13 in favor of Murray Scott’s side.. Captains were Murray Scott and* Ray Jory. from Stratford, Oshawa, Hamiltpn. Chatham, London, Seagrave,.. Park­ hill Thedford and Exetejy'Th® family have been meeting.at-Grand Bend for several years,.and ^w^yg enjoy a very fine outing. The presi­ dent is Wm, Prance, 0L1 Parkhill, and the secy Wilfred .^Wilsey,. Thedford. HICKS FAMILY REUNION ,,4’ The Hicks Family picnic was held- at Stratford on Saturday afternoon when about fifty members of the family were present from Atwood, ^taffa, London, Exeter, and . sur- ;r.ounding community, (Sports .were enjoyed in the afternoon -apd 'fq.ll.ow- ing a picnic supper races jwere hela, and keenly contested. Stratford has .a very beautiful park- on the river Avon well situated for ’/Pl«nic *!&■£“ ptoses. The retiring office^-wfeW James Blair, Centralia,, "pres.’-'-and Stanley Peter, Atwood, -Secretary: The newly elected officers were Hedt-i ley May, pres, and Melburn Green­ wood, sec’y. It was1 decided to hold , the picnic next year at’lSTringbmilr “ganize a Sims Reunion Pinic to be *3 A few relatives met at the home ■of IMr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims to or- ' the. third Saturday in Junp.g^ JOHNS’ RE-UNION ■; The annual re-union ofthe Johns ■ family was held on’ Saturday^ J-une ?-18th, at the home of Mr.- and- Wih ■liam Pybus north, of ‘CfiiselhUrst.’ : There were: over eighty present, the slargest number there has:.been ht any picnic yet. ■ Quite a fewof’these attended for the first time.while the other® have been regular: attendants ■ were unable to be present for-var* Jious reasons. Races, baseball,t horse shoe pitching, swinging and, teeters .kept old and young in action, throughout the afternoon, Ice cream ■ and lunch rounded out the .time un­ til all left for their homes. Mrs. Har- .Vey Perkins, Mr. Wesley John® and ■ .Mr. Mervyn Cudmore were appoirit- l sd as a committee to make arrange- ; ments for next year. STEPHEN RESIDENTS - . ’ « <• ENJOY PICNIC f?* The “N-Joy-U-All” picnickers of the second and third concessions Of Stephen township enjoyed the fourth picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Over one hundred persons were present. The feather was ideal and everyone en­ tered heartily into the spirit of the occasion and the various sports .were ••keenly contested and greatly enjoyed tvhich was followed by a sumptuous . spread for supper at the pavilion on • ;he beach. Officers for the coming vear were elected as follows: Pres., lames Staniake; secretary-treasurer Ed. Shapton. Committees consists if those living in the mile and a jliarter in which the president and jecy-treas. was elected. Following ire the list of sports: Boy® 6 to 7—Russel King, Win- jton Shapton, Lorna preszcator. Roys 7 to 9—‘Lloyd Walker, Clif­ ford Jory, Calvin preszcator. Girls 5 to 7—Shirley Preszcator, Ola Johns, Marjory Richards. A Girls 7 to Johns, Alma Girls 9 to Ilene Jiory. Boys 9 tp ii—Allen Penhale, La­ verne Christie, 'Stanley preszcatoV.', ' Girls 11 to 15-^-IIene tValker; £ Grace Penhale. 9—Ruby Preszcator, I. Richards. ; 11—Marjory Heywood, ■held at Grand Bend on July 27 ,1932 For further information see the c«n- -,venor Mrs. K. J. Sims. EXETER Good-bye Tire Worries ! How foolish to trevsl with tires of doubtful character I Why-not port company with them at ones? Say good-bys to worn and weakened tiros. If you don't *11-surely gat you trouble soon. Brand new, genuine Goodyear thus with the famous Pathfinder tread will cost you only .Harness to be re- the third hold the in runs, and The ■the bases. Although there many close decisions they called them aa they were seen showing lit­ tle faVor to either team. It is expect­ ed that another game will be played in the- near future as the. losers are Strongly convinced that they can take the younger set into camp, but __L ___ this line-up and see the names of many who in former years did their bit for the old town. .Married—P. Willard, x. , ___ Harness, c.; Dr. Steiner, 2nd; Ham­ ilton, 3rd; Bert Rivers, cf.; Harry Lewis, If; Dr. Fletcher, 1st; Reg. Taylor, gs; Ed. Willard, rf. Single—Foilen, ss; Dearing 2nd; Fisher, If.; Creech, c.; Skinner, 1st; Medd, cfj Ford, ss.; H. Willard, p.; Cornish, rf. •time will tell. Look over P,; Dick In an exhibition game Moiiday night Ailsa Craig defeated the Hen­ ball O.B.Aj team by the sdord b-f 7-‘ 4. Dick Welsh pitched for Herisall While Givens was in- 'the box’ for the Visitors. Dutch McadowsPahd Geo. Stokes who played for- Exeter a' couple pt yearn ago were in the Craig lihe-up. girdles and mitts. ants carried nosegays shades- to match their ensembes. Mr; Trevor Kenyon, of Setaukee, Long Island, New York, assisted Mr. Wright as best man, and the ushers were Mr. Jack Smith, the bride’s brother; Mr. Robert McDonald, her cousin; Mr. Reginald Miller, of Tor­ onto; and Mr. George Smith, Mr. Bryant Boatner and Mr. Francis Griswold, kll of Selfridge Field. Mr. William Rose provided the wedding music, and, during the cere­ mony, Mr. A. H. McPhail sang. Following the ceremony, a recep­ tion was held at the Essex Conuty Golf and Country Club, the bride and bridegroom receiving in the big window in the lounge of th^ club- against a background of palms, ferns and standards of peonies, marguer­ ites and delphinium. Mr. and Mrs. Smith assisted in receiving, In a setting of palms before the fireplace, an orchestra played softly during the reception, and for danc­ ing afterwards. The dining-room of the club was lovely With pink roses, the bride’s table, laid with a banquet cloth of pointe de Venlse, centred with the wedding cake. Immediately aftei* the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Wright left for a mo­ tor trip to Montreal and down the coast of Maine and through the Ad­ irondack®, planning to bo gone a month. The bride wore for travel­ ing a smart jacket suit of French crepe,, in kofit, silver-wing grey, with a lei cellar of. platinum ..fox, and a hand-ihadd white blouse of ’ lace. Her hat ^as. a’ Mado niodel of grey-blue felt; turiie'd .iip . dn oite side, With a femaii bow of-the .felt,-and she. wore grby-bltio kid sandals and grey-bldef visitor the hbnie of-hi®‘sister' accessories. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein and son Marvin, of Sharon are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr. Jim Gardiner, of Parfchill, is visiting big sister Mrs. John Lawson. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Decoration services at the Exeter cemetery on Sunday. Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoffman visited with Miss Verda Hoffman in Kerwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Baisden, of London, and Mr. Dawson Baisden and Mrs. Frank Baisden, Of Detroit, visited Thursday with the former’s sister Mrs. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoffman. Strawberry picking is the order of the day. Mr. Wilson Anderson is confined to his bed through illness. Mrs. Sam Merner is ill at the home of her daughter atid Son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Grand Bend. David Sturgeon MT. CARMEL at • CENTRALIA Mrs. James Neil returned home on Sunday after visiting for the past couple of Weeks with her son Hubert •in St. Thomas. • Mrs. Brokenshire, of London, is visiting with her sister Mrs. C. Bas­ kerville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baynham, of Winnipeg,- are visiting with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham. Mr. and-Mrs. W. Madge and their daughter, of Hensail and Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore, and young son, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fo-rd on Sunday. Mr. Win. Folland, of Royal Oak, Mich., is visiting with Mr.- and Mrs. Wm. Bowden. , Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Jean and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sleamon visited with relatives in Brantford on .Sunday. Rev, Fr. Fischer, of Kitchener, is visiting friends in the neighbor­ hood, ■Mrs. Thomas Giavin, of Detroit, is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Peter Doyle, Mrs, Ed^ Borland and children, Of Detroit, are spending a few Weeks with the former’s aunt 'Mrs. Kate O’Rourke.- . Mr. Simon Dederich, of S'atnla,’ is the guest Of his, pqusin Joseph Dedeficli.J, ,f< .■ v, " Z\'.; . Mrs. - Sdrnjeson,- of Detroit)’ % .T. Collins. GRAND BEND Mr. Frank Geromette, who was on the siick list is much improved. Mrs. Merner, of Crediton, who came to- visit her daughter Mrs. Dave Sturgeon is quite ill at present. Miss Gertrude Lovie visited Mrs. Norman Turnbull on Sunday. ' Mr. Claud Fallis, of California, and Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Abner Mol- lard. iMr. and Mrs. Blowes, of Mitchell, assisted the choir in the United church Sunday. We are always glad to see Mr, and Mrs. Blowes come to our camp grounds as they have been doing for many years. Quite a few took in the U. F. O. picnic at Bayfield and heard Miss Agnes MacP,hail speak to a large gathering. (Mir. Herb iSouthcott has completed moving his house back from the street and made many improvements also a coat of paint which has add­ ed greatly to the property* Mr. and Mrs. Atcheson, of Strat­ ford, spent Sunday with their aunt Mrs. Atcheson, of the village. Mr. 0. Giles, who attended the fun­ eral of his brother in Toronto re- turhed Saturday. His brother died very suddenly. Rev, G. A, Leichliter, of Toronto- spent a shovt stay- at his cottage last W&Ok but Is coming for a few clays this week;. Mrs. Leichliter Is stay­ ing'for a week or, so; , .Mr^and;'Mrs. .MelVin Dodds,4 pt Buf^aTofsbent a pbuple of days Miy ,dbd „ Mrs. Frank Gerpmetto ‘on thdir way to Grand Rapids, Mich,”