HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-06-09, Page 8THURSDAY, JUNE Oth, 1932 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE JAMES STREET MISSION CIRCLE very interesting meeting of the James Street Mission Circle was held QU Monday evening June 6 nt the home of Mrs. A* E. Amy with the Vice-President, Beta Rowe presiding in the absence of the President Miss Mildred Rowe. Meeting opened with singing “All the way my Saviour leads me,’1 followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. Aftex' a short business meeting Stella Southcott took charge. Mrs. W. R. Goulding and Grace Creech sang a pleasing duet. The Devotional Leaflet on “Barnabas” was read by Mrs. Harry Carey. Mayme Pridham gave a short account of the work of Mrs. Donald McGillivray who is a mis­ sionary working among the refugees in Shanghai, China, She also, led in prayei’ for the missionary cause. Mrs Amy then gave a very interesting talk on her recent trip to California. Celia Christie and Loreen Dunn fa­ vored us with a musical selection. Meeting closed with Mizpah benedic­ tion. A social half-hour was spent and lunch served by the hostess as­ sisted by Stella Southcott and May­ me Pridham. Exeter Markets Wheat 4'5 c. Barley Standard 38c* Pats 30c. Bran $1.00 Bhorts $1.00 Manitoba Flour $2.65 Model Flour $2.40 Welcome Flour $2.10 Low Grade Flour $1.10 Creamery Butter 22, 23c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, Jty. A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m,—“The Challenge of the Church. 7 p.m.—“The Making of a King” Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frayne and daughter, of Brantford, visited on Sunday with the former’s mother Mrs. Peter Frayne. NOTICE The annual cleaning of .the Zion Cemetery will be on Friday after­ noon, June 10th also a meeting to discuss necessary improvements. Lot owners and others interested are re­ quested to be present. A. M. Brock, Secretary, R. R. No. 1, Granton. house for Sale or rent— On Victoria Street, all modern con­ veniences. Sell at a sacrifice. Apply Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—9 York. Chunks about 100 lbs.; also 12 shoats about 50 lbs. Apply to John B. Hyde, Lot 8, Con. 2, Stanley; phone 86 r 11, Hen­ sail.ltp. Butter, 16-17c. extras 11c. firsts 9c, seconds 7c. 7 Keep June 23rd for the Strawberry Festival at James Street. IJ| 1 I LOCALS 1 |_____________I last week. London, is Mrs. Janies of London, Mrs. con- days Sea- JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader .ni.—'Sunday School a.m.—Mr. Byles, of Londpn re­ presenting The Ontario Prohibit­ ion Union. p.m.—Rev. T. C. Wilkinson, of St, Helens. NEW FIGURED VOILES In beautiful new patterns and color­ ings. Just the thing for the hot weather. 35c. AND 45c. MAIN ST* UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader Woman’s Association Sunday •Church School . a.m.—Decoration of Cross, Bap­ tismal Service and Special Music p.m.—iSeth Parker Night. Illumin-’ ated Cross. The Pastor at both services. 10 11 7 a.m.- 8 o’clock Thursday Prayer Service CHATELAINE PATTERNS Are becoming very popular. The styles are smart and are very simple to make* EACH 15c. New Summer Dresses In celanese and silk crepes. The styles are very smart. Some have sleeve es and others are sleeveless. The prices, too, are reasonable at $3.50 $3.95 $4.50 10 Only, Ladies’ Coats All this season’s styles. The prices have been greatly re­ duced. Take advantage of these bargains HEMMED-STITCHED PILLOW CASES PURE LINEN TOWELING In a good quality bleach cotton. Best value we have seen at each 25c. You would expect to pay more for this pure linen toweling SPECIAL AT PER YARD 15c. . CHIFFON HOSE In three shades only. This is a clear­ ing line and is extra good .quality at the special price ' PER PAIR 89c, CHILDREN’S SOX In six different shades. A good qual­ ity lisle hose at the low price of 25c. Two new Patterns in Wedgewood Dinnerware We are showing two new patterns in Wedgewood Dinnerware, the “Shirley*’ and “Douglas” patterns. They are both stock patterns. You can buy any piece and start saving a set. 97-piece Set Special price $24-50 WINDOW BLINDS FRILLED CURTAINS In green only. They wont last long at A very neat curtain for bedrooms, kit- this low price chens, etc., at per pair EACH 65c.59c. 7 1-2 by 9 feet FELJOL RUGS CURTAIN NETS 3 only Feltol Rugs for Bedrooms reg.3 only pieces of Madras Curtain net in $5.19. Slightly damaged to clear at splendid designs at per yard ' $4.50 25c. 10 11 7 z Southcott Bros Panamas $1.50 up held Beach Straws for men and wins, 10 6 3 H5 Women 75c. Thursday, June 9th. Laymen’s Social evening in the Parish Hall. considering the purchasing of Main Street Mission Circle the home of Miss Violet Gam- p.m.—'Evensong and Sermon Preacher—The Rector CHOICE QUALITY CORN 2 cans for 15c. 1 POUND CRISCO & TEA STRAINER for 23c. TRJVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 3rd Sunday after Trinity Watch Our Window ) a.m.—'Sunday School . a.m.—Morning Prayer Preacher—Rev. Mr. McGowan, of Clintonfrom mare Kindly notify Mr. STRAYED— On Thursday 16, Hay Township, bay white star. Con. with V-olk hand. Albert E. Neil, R. R. 1, Hen- ltp WANTED—Capable farm Apply sail. NOTICE are prepared for cleaningWe wells and deepening same; pumips re­ pairing, etc. Chas. Triebner, phone 200. The Thames Road Farmers’ are booking orders for hard Alberta coal, threshing coal coke, later than June 15th.- Secretary. hs of 1'Piece 4 yd. wide Linoleum, slightly damaged, regular $3.60 for $2.75 a yard Club coal, and All orders must be in not •P. Passmore, ltc. FOR SALE—A Kitchen built new lumber, size 11x16. Apply E. M.' Quance, Exeter. PLANTS FOB SALE of to All kinds of Flowers and Plants, Geraniums, Foliage, Salvia, Verbena single and Giant of California Pe­ tunias, Begonias, Silver Leaf and Variegated Wandering Jew and all flowers for hanging pots ' and bas­ kets. Tomato, cabbage, cauliflower and celery. L. DAY & SON Exeter FOR SALE—Used brick at $10.00 per 1,000.—Sandy Elliot, phone 64. FOR SALE—Home grown plants, Tomatoes, Cabbages, Zinnias, Asters Salvias, etc.—Mrs. Gol'lings, Phone Kirkton 33r2 or Exeter 173r2. ■Philco Radios—2 electric demon­ strators at greatly reduced prices.-— Sandy Elliot, phone 64. FOR SALE—(35 used Cream Sep­ arators from $1.00' to $10.00; other used machines cheap. International Harvester Co. Ltd., Exeter. TENDERS WANTED bySealed tenders will be received the Council of the Township of Hay up to six o’clock p.m. Saturday, June 18th, 1932, for hauling and spreading crushed stone from the Township crusher on T. Welsh’s farm, south-east of Hensall, onto the roads in the Township of Hay. lenders must state price per yard mile. Lowest or any tender not nec­ essarily accepted. A. F. Hess Clerk, Hay Township Zurich Ont. TENDERS WANTED For Crushing and delivering gravel in the Township of Usbome For crushing and delivering 1500 yds. gravel from S. N. Shier's pit. For crushing and delivering 1,5 00* yds. gravel from R. Skinner’s pit. Also for delivering 1500 yds un­ crushed gravel from R. Sklnnner’s pit. Contractor to state price for % in., 1 in. and 1 34 in. mesh in screen­ ing also per yd< per mile for deliver­ ing also, when they can commence Werk. Tenders to be in the hand of the Clerk at nooh bh .Wednesday, June l'5th. Henry Btrang, Clerk Kensal!, R. R, 1, Ont. called on his sister Mrs. B. Beavers during the week. Arthur Bewell, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. past and Clin- la-st Lowry, who was so ser­ foilowing a .paralytic made a wonderful recov- Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Ryckpian vis­ ited friends in Kirkton Miss B. Hartnoil, of visiting with Mr. and Je-well. Mrs. John Markham, visited in town with friends during the week. Mrs. J. W. Powell and daughter Marion visited friends in London for a few days. Mr. J. W. Powell and his father visited friends in Goderich on the King’s birthday. Mr. Jas. Grassick and daughter Miss Dorothy visited friends in Exe­ ter last week. Mr. D. A. Lowry, of Toronto, vis­ ited on Bunday with Mr. and E. Lowry. Mrs. Wm. Creech has been fined to her bed for several through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke, of forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter on Sunday Mr. T. iS. Neale, of Hamilton, spent the week-end visiting in Exe­ ter and Brucefield. Miss Ella Link sang a solo very sweetly in the James Street church on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McAlister, of Mt. Brydges, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jewell. ■ Mrs. W. Walker has returned to Exeter after spending the winter in London with her family. Mr. J. W. Hern has started contract of painting the outside the James Street United Church. Inspector R. J. Eacrett, of Wood- stock, W. F. Mrs. visited Beavers for a few days lUst week. Mrs. John Cottle Jr., who recent­ ly disposed of her farm on Thames Road has moved to a home in Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willis, of Mar­ lette, Mich., visited with relatives in this community during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Higgins Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McNeil, of ton, were visitors on Friday with Mr and Mrs. Geo. Hunter. Mrs. M. A. Moyle, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her daugh­ ter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jennings and with her son Mr. Ted Moyle. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, left on Monday for Kerhonkson, N. Y., to visit their son Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston. Mr. Ed. iously ill stroke has ery and was able to sit up for the first time on Monday. 'Mr. Edgar Lowry, of St. Cather­ ines and .Miss Paddy Padibury; of Toronto, visited over the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Alton and two daughters, Mrs. Victor Erring- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster of Auburn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston one day la3t week. Mr. J. DeMille, of Stratford, Mes­ srs. Carman King and George Beav­ ers, of Toronto, and Mr. Reg. Beav­ ers, of Fort Erie were Sunday vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F Beavers. Mrs. Wm. Douglas, Mrs. Jas. 'Ship- ley, Mr. Robert Damm, Mr. Melville Harness and Miss Cora Harness, all of Granton, attended the funerals of Miss Annie M. Harness and Mrs. W. J. Harness on Monday. A stock of rhubarb grown by Mr. Frank Sims was brought into the o-ffice on Saturday last. The stock was 25i inches long without the leaf and wag 4i inches in circumference which is considered splendid growth for this time of year. !The regular monthly meeting of Main St. Woman's Association was held Thursday afternoon June 2nd. The devotional part of the meeting was conducted by Miss Hogarth af­ ter which the -president Mrs. DOerr took charge. were mhde for the Special flower Sunday to be held on June 12th. Twenty calls were reported and flow­ er committee for June whs appoint­ ed. Arrangements were made for the Strawberry Festival to be hold oh June 28th At the close of the meeting the quarterly tea was serv­ ed with members of the Men's Union also being present. Final arrangements Mr. Homei’ Russell is spending a few days in Detroit. Mrs. J. S. Grant is visiting in Glencoe with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davidson. Miss Ella Link was called to Lon­ don owing to the illness of her neice, Mrs. Austin Bickle. Mr. Harry Sweet, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his sister Miss Hettie Sweet. Mr. Ralph Adair and Mr. Milton Russell spent the week-end at Ches- ley Lake and report lots of fish. Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson, of London, spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stewart en­ joyed a motor trip last week to De- triot, Ceveland, Toledo and Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Elliot and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Traquair were in Windsor and Detroit on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Penhale and daughter Helen visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Walper at Woodstock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iHeatherley,’ Messrs. Stanley Kelly and Tom Yell, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Jones and children, of town, and Messrs. Richie Traquair and Wm. Kinsman, of Hen- sall, visited at Comber on Sunday and Monday; CHECKER TOURNAMENT A checker tournament was in Taylor’s Tire Shop on Monday ev­ ening with the following results. The following figures indicate the number of games played, draws and total points: Ed. Treble ...... J.JXF Southcott Jas. Sanders Henry Kestle Jas.' Sweet ... Archie Brintnell John Taylor .... C. Sweet Grocery Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES Large tins 2 for 17c. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES 2 packages for 15c. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL FANCY RED SOCKEYE 10 bars GOLD SOAP10 bars P. & G. SOAP SALMON 30c.‘ 1-2 lb. tins 15c.30c. W. J. SEYMOUR Main St., Four Doors South of Hogarth Hatchery Painter, Decorator & Paper Hanger TERMS—MODERATE Estimates Free A new fire- siren electrically oper­ ated, was tried out in Exeter Friday of last week and was heard for a considerable distance. It has been placed in the belfry tower of the town hall and was tried out again on Wednesday afternoon. The coun-1 cil are same. The met at brill last Wednesday evening with a large attendance present. The topic was taken by Miss Evelyn Howard A duet was played by Evelyn Grang­ er and Dorothy Sims. During the evening a presentation was made to Mrs. Moorhouse an autograph album containing the verse and snapshot of each girl. The presentation was made by Miss Violet Gamlbrill and the-* address read by Hilda Sims. Af­ ter the presentation a dainty lunch was served. For Furniture Specials! WE ARE FEATURING A NUMBER OF DOLLAR ~ ARTICLES INCLUDING BATHROOM CABINETS END TABLES MAGAZINE RACKS, in colours; FOOTSTOOLS, finished and unfinished; CHILD’S ROCKERS AND OTHER ARTICLES COME IN AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE BARGAINS AT E. R. HOPPER’S FURNITURE STORE Telephone 99;Residence 63 Sailors in Sennets and Split Straws $1.50 up. Working Straws at 25c w PHONE 81w TAMAN EXETER, ORT. BABY CHICKS A-l (Baby Chicks are Canadian Government approved. All flocks are culled by a Government Inspector, Ontario bred-to-lay Barred Rocks, 90.; White Rock, 11c.; Jersey Bladta Giants, 12c.; Barran Strain S’. C. White Leghorns, brown Leg- 8c.; Anconas 9c.; Surplus 6jc. 500 or over J cent less. Express paid on 400 or more, guarantee 100 per cent safe arrival at your station. 25 per cent with order, -balance C. O.D. 3 weeks old started chickens Leghorns 16c; Rocks and Giants 20c 4 week old Leghorns 20c.; Rocks and-GIants 25c.; 4 week old Pullets Leghorns 30c. Rocks and Giants 3‘5c 6 weefc old *50c.; 8 week old 60c. Custom hatching $2.56 per hundred 128 eggs to the tray, Write for free catalogue. If you are feeding sour tnilk or butter milk, we have atbne fountains at 95c, each. American 2- gallon size. * A. II. SWITZER Granton, Ontario •Mr. Calvert Chambers and bride (nee Miss Phyllis Winer) re­ turned Sunday from their trip to Toronto and Muskoka district. They are at present getting settled in their new home on William Street. w. R. Goulding A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church instruction In Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music In Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 192 EXETER. ONT V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publiic Estate and General Practice In an Courts. Money to loan New Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ontario Phone: Office; Metcalf 1723 Residence: Metcalf 2173