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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-06-09, Page 4
THUHSDAY, Jl'NE Olli, 1032 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE LOCAL NEWSI **t James st. W. A. will hold a Straw berry Festival on June 23rd. The final draft of the Settlement Committee of the London. Conference places Rev. Mr. Moorhouse at Brus sels instead of st. Thomas and Rev. J J* R. peters at Elimville. ; Miss Flossie Hunter, who has pass- jed hei' first year in the Department iof social Science at Toronto Univer- ;sjty has returned home for the sum- •mer months, ■ Mr. IL W. Doerr was away for ■three days last week receiving in structions for the servicing of elec- ' trie refrigerators, In his examina tions he received 100 per cent, | Mr, and Mrs. R. Kimbel, of De troit, Mich., and Mrs M. Francis sand daughter Lillian, of London, . Visited with Mr, and Mrs, John Bell and Mrs. D. Richard on Monday. ;l Rev, E. L. and Mrs. Vivian, Mrs. Hyndman,, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Middle ton, Mrs. Ellerington, Miss Quinton, Mrs, Acheson, Mrs. Lutman and Miss Stanlake were in Brussels on Tues-, day attending the Huron Deanery, Huron County Council is in ses sion at Goderich this week. Reeve B. M., Francis, of Exeter; Reeve J. Ballantyne, of Usborne and Reeve Wm. Sweitzer and Deputy-Reeve Hy. Beavers of Stephen are in attend ance. A number of ladies attended the District Annual meeting of the S. Huron Women’s Institute in Zurich on Tuesday. Mrs. A. O. Elliot sang a beautiful solo. The special speak ers were Mr. Putman, of Toronto and Mrs. McGlennan, of Sarnia. The streets of the village were ■ given a light coat of gravel last week and this week they have been sprinkled with calcium chloride to ■keep down the dust for the summer. The streets of the town are in pretty • fair condition. MRS. GILL DIES AT GIBSONBURG, OHIO Mi’s. Frank GiU received word on Monday that Mrs. Dr, Luther Gill,, of Gibsonburg, Ohio,, had passed away that morning. Mrs. Gill’s maiden name was Annie Gregory, being the eldest daughter of the late Thomas Gregory,, who- was principal of the Exeter school for a number of years, The deceased spent her early life in Exetei5 and was educated at the Exeter school under her father’s tuition. She ob tained her third class certificate at the Clinton Model School and join ed the Exeter teaching staff, Later she secured her second class certifi cate from the Toronto Normal School and continued to teach in Exetor until she married Dr, Luther Gill, who has practised dentistry in Gib sonburg, Ohio, for over thirty years Mrs. Gill suffered a hemmorage of the brain last September and al though everything possible had been done for her recovery she gradually grew worse. Besides her sorrowing husband she is survived by two sons Emerson, an outstanding musician and leader’ of the Emerson Gill or chestra now on a tour and Dr. Dal ton Gill, a dentist of Toledo. She is also survived by four brothers and four sisters she being the el dest of a family of nine: Mrs. Okes, of Chicago; William A., John A. and Ernest Gregory in the West; Mrs. Millar, of Detroit, Mrs. Cotter of Toledo, Ohio; Herbert and Miss Stella Gregory, of Stratford, and Mrs. Gill motored ovei’ summer and visited for a few days in ’Exeter and 'Clinton also taking a motor trip through Ontario go ing as far as the Lake of a Thous and Islands. They took Mrs. Gill back with them to Gibsonburg f,or a visit. W. J. ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Wo men’s institute was held; at the. home of Mrs, Arthur Mitchell on Tuesday evening. May 29th, with itwenty-one members and one visitor present, Th© annual report was read and adopted. Miss L. M. Jeckell then presided over the election of officers which resulted as follows: Adyisory President, Miss L- M- Jeckell; Pres, Mrs, Geo. pres., Mrs, A. Mitchell President, Sec’y-Treasurey, Mrs, ness; Assist., Mrs. Wm. Thompson; Press Reporter, Mrs. M. Horney; District Director, Miss L. M. Jeckell; Branch Directors, Mrs. Jaques, Mrs Quance; pianist, Auditors, Mrs. B, W- Mrs. E. Rowcliffe. Lunch was serv ed and a social hour spent, The committee was Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, Mrs. W. E. Middleton, Mrs, B. W. Beavers and Mrs. F. Taylor, Etherington Mrs. Wm. W. y 1st vice" 2nd Vice Middleton; H. Har- Mrs. H. Carey; F, Beavers F. SAFECRACKERS ROB CREAMERY NEAR MITCHELL BIRTHS INGRAM—On Monday, June 6th Mr, and Mrs. John F. Ingram, Hay, a daughter. , to of DEATHS HARNESS—In Clinton, on Saturday j |June 4th, 19.32, Annie M. Har- •’ ness, in her 74th year. • HARNESS'—In Exeter, on Saturday, | iJune 4, 1932, Elizabeth M. Oliver, | widow of the late John Harness, ( in her 64th year. CULBERlT—In Lucan, on Thursday, 1 June 2, 1932, Richard Culbert, in his 80 th year. IN MEMOBIAM •COTTLE—In loving memory of John H. Cottle, who passed, away two years ago, June 8, 1930. You are gone but not forgotten, Never shall your memory fade; Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger, Around the grave where you are laid. Sadly missed by Wife and Family. 1 ? ------------------------ CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Ed. Harness and wish to thank, the many Dr. last ACTION AGAINST COUNTY SHERIFF DROPPED The action against Sheriff Middleton, of Goderich, for parking his automobile in the County court house park in contravention of the town by-law and which was to be heard by Magistrate Reed in Goder ich on Saturday morning was with drawn and no explanation or reas ons were given. The case created considerable interest and a large crowd had gathered 'outside the police court chambers. CONFERENCE NOTES G.c. (Safecrackers again visited Western Ontario Thursday night, June 2, and smashing the lock from a small safe in the office of the Willow Grove Creamery, four miles from Mitchell, and escaping with between $4,600 and $>4,700 in cash. It was the second visit to this dis trict within a week, yeggmen having blown the Farmers’ Co-Operative of fice safe at Uderton recently and carrying off $100 in cash and $400 in non-negotiable checks and notes. An official of the creamery, oper ated by Stacey Bros, said that the cash was to have been used to pay off more than 200 farmers for milk supplied to the dairy. Of the $4,600 however, $3,000 is covered by in surance, and the farmers will be given their money as soon as ar rangements can be made, he said. It is believed than the robbery was carried out by experts, who had in side information as to when the pay ments were made. The theory is al so that they may be the same yeggs that used professional methods “blow” the Ilderton safe. The robbery was discovered by Woodman, creamery employee 5.30 o’clock in the morning. The of fice was in disorder and the small office safe was battered and stand ing with the door wide open. Access to the dairy had been made through a new rear window "which, still lacking a pane of glass, was just boarded up. Mr. N. Stacey, one of the brothers is a son-in-law of Mrs. J. S. Harvey of town. The robbers who stole the money from the Willow Grove Creamery were very considerate. When George Anderson, a farmer of Kintore, in Oxford Counity, went to his mail box he found an insur ance policy belonging to Stacey brothers, proprietors of the cream ery. The policy protected the firm against loss of money by theft and had been stolen along with the money. The policy will now be used to collect insurance which partly covers the loss. to A. mt Mr. Greta friends and neighbors for the many kind expressions of sympathy ex tended during their recent bereave ment; also for the loan of carb and floral tributes. Rev. W. A. Bremner, of Bruce- field and Mr. B. W. F. Beavers were elected as Commissioners to the General Council of the Church. Rev. Dr. J. Bruce Hunter, of Met ropolitan Church, London, was elect ed President of the Conference on the first ballot succeeding Dr. Neil M. Leckie, of Motherwell. ’Mr. Lome W. Eedy, editor of the St. Marys Journail-Argus, was elect ed president of the Lay Association of the London Conference. Congrat ulations to Brother Eedy. Rev. H. B. Parnaby, of Wardsville, formerly of Elimville, was again elected Conference Correspondent for the New Outlook. Mr. Parnaby is also a member of the finance com mittee. Representatives from Huron Co. on the Settlement Committee are Rev. H. W. Craik and F. H. Sauvage. USBORNE COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting 3 SENSATION! Husk The NEW ‘‘Speedway” Tread r 4.40 x 21 "1 L (29 X 4.40) J I To-day we explode another Good year bomb-shell. The new Good- .year Speedway Tread Tire is here! Look at the prices I The most spec tacularly low level ever set for tires of Goodyear quality. And remember— The Speedway Tread Goodyear is guaranteed — gk . like all Goodyear Tires. Come and see this meteor that will ~ sweep across the low-priced tire am a m horizon. See and examine the com- «DD« la) plete Goodyear line—atire for every ~ car at every price, each giving you the very most for what you spend. W. J. BEER Main Street,Phone 109 Exeter can and Alfred Buchanan. No action was taken jin regard to exemption to woodlands. The Court closed. Westcott-Passmore; That a grant of $1,5 JO be made to each of Exeter and Kirkton Agricultural Societies and $15.00 to each for baby beef competition to Usborne ratepayers only. Carried, Westcott-Shier; That tenders be called for, for crushing and deliver ing 1500 yards of gravel from S. N. Shier’s pit, For crushing and delivering 1500 yards from R. Skinners pit; also for 1500 yards uncrushed Contractors 1 in, and 1 delivering from R. Skinner’s pit. to. state price for 3-4 in, 1-4 in. mesh in screening also per yard per mile for delivering. The tenders to be in the Hands of the Clerk on Wednesday, June l‘5th at 12 o’clock noon. Treasurer’s report" for way Tax $125.75; taxes $180.00; Penalties $7.85 Bills paid on motion Passmore; H. H, Brown, Ass. Equalization of Kirkton and Woodham S. S. $10,00; Mrs. Wesley Snell, hospital fees for Teddy Johns $12.50; Dr. J. G. Dun lop, fee B. of Health $3.00; W. El ford, dragging $8.00; Allen Johns ditto $4.00; Joshua Johns, ditto $>4; Fred Ford, ditto $2,00; H. Webber, sharping grader blade $2.50; Clif ford Moir, snow-work $15.60; Jno. Stewart, ditto $2.40; H. Ford super intendance $10.50. The council adjourned to meet in special meeting at 8 p.m., Wednes day, June 15th, and regular meeting July 2nd, at 1 p.m. Henry Sitrang, Clerk May; Rail- transferred, of Moir & SHIPKA Mr. Ross, Schroeder, chener and Mr. ___ _____ Schroeder, of Creditor, visited with on and of Mrs. Carl scriven Miss and Toronto; Miss Mildred of K.-W. Hospital, Kit- and Mrs. Charlie Mr., and Mrs. Albert Morenz Thursday. GREENWAY Rev. Lindsay, of London, occupied the pulpit of the United Church on Sunday and spoke in the interests of the Ontario Prohibition Uunion. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Harlton, Mr. A. M. Wilson and Miss Mae Wilson attended the funeral of the late Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe in Bothwell last Tues day. this circuit just after his ordination and sincere sympathy is expressed for his bereaved wife and family. Mrs. Joseph Geromette is recover ing slowly from a severe attack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gardiner and Doris, of Shipka, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock last Wednesday. Mrs. Archie McIntosh, of Port Hu ron visited relatives last week. Rev. S. J. Mathers will .preach in th&'United Church next Sunday. Miss No.ble spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Curts are vis iting relatives in Capac, Mich. The members of the Romphf or chestra were in London last Monday to play over the radio. Mr. Albert Pollock had the mis fortune to run a fork into his hand last week. Gordon Young has recovered from his illness of chicken pox. Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of Toron to, spent the week-end with his par ents Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn. Mr. Sutcliffe was a pastor on The regular monthly meeting of the Township ol Usborne was held on June 4th, with all the members of council present. The minutes of the meeting of May 7th were read and approved on motion of fihierePassmore. Communications from Fullarton Township re weed cutting on Us-j borne-Fullarton Bdy. Westcott-Moir: That the agree ment proposed by Fullarton whereby each Township cut the' weeds on their own side ’of the boundary be agreed to. From Gobel patronage re Filed. Turner—Re for Township. Messrs. McNaughton & deputation soliciting grant ton Library. Shier—No seconder; That a grant of $10.00 be made. Westcott-Moir: That a grant of $5 be made. Carried. The Council resolved itself into a Court .of Revision of the 1932 As sessment Roll, the members each taking the necessary declaration. The following changes of owner ship was made, viz: Lot 13, N.T.R., from the Cottle Estate to James Cottle, owner; Lot 1, con. 6, from H. Eilber Exec, to E. Cowdry, tenant; Lot 6, con. 6, from Herbert Henderson to Hubert Hey wood, owner; Lot 10, con. from M. Estate to Elizabeth Brock, Lot 11, con. il from <M. ELIMVILLE has Carried. & Carey municipal Liability Laid over. soliciting drainage. Insurance Rogers a for Kirk- Routly owner; jjul h, cuu. h num uvi. Routly Estate to Walker Kerslake, owner;owner; Lot 14, N.E.B., assessed to George R. Ferguson, tenant; Lot 14, Con. 8, assessed to Clarence Knight, tenant. The appeal of the Canadian Can- nets re business assessment on Kirk ton plant was sustained and the amount struck off. The appeal of the County of Hu ron re gravel pit on Lot 26, con, 7, Was sustained and the amount struck oft The following names were added, viz: Thomas Crew and Ciclly Crew, tenants pt. 3, Lot 10; Gus. Savage and Mrs, G. Savage, tenants pt, 9, con. 11; Agnes Slllefy oxi Lot 26, con. 1, The following owners had ddgs re moved frdm, the roll; viz: Wifeon Black, R, E, pooley, jno. Coward, H. Strung, J. Swkh, Earl jqhhston, Gar,net FraVne, Llbyd Parsons, ‘Whit ney Cbates, Wm, Cornish, Jno. Dun- Mrs. Everett Skinner, who been confined to her bed for sever al weeks, is improving nicely and able to be up part of the time each | day. Rev. White returned from Confer ence at, St. Thomas on Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Johns also attended Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gower Miss Alma visited with friends Woodstock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Dalrymple near Hurondale on Sun day last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Godbolt and Pauline, of near Exeter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brock recently. Mr. John Cornish is on the sick list. There will be no preaching service here next Sunday it being Zion An niversary. Sunday School will be held kt the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rodd and daugh ter, Madeline, visited at Mr. Bruce Cooper’s on Sunday. An interesting ball .game was played here on Friday evening last between Whalen and Elimville, the score being 9-4 in favour of Elim- ville. Mr. Lewis Woods, of London, spent several days with his father and brother recently. Relatives here received word on Tuesday of the sudden death of Mr. Thomas McMillan at Seaforth, the result of a kick from a horse. Friends here feel quite proud of the splendid achievement of Miss Bessie Bell in winning the Gold Med el Proficiency at her graduation from Ontario, Hospital last week. and near were jack HahSoh, a high school Stu dent of Mitchell made a “holo in one” on the Mitchell course. Miss Ida Cunningham, of Brussels, drove ft sedan car into a window of Wheal’s restaurant in Stratford o*n Friday. The ear jumped' the curb and damage was done to the extent •of $100.60, KIRKTON Mrs, Charlie Duffield, has return ed home after spending a week in London. Messrs. R, Humphries, Eric Hum phries and Charlie Paul were in London on Wednesday attending the banquet and reception of Premier R. B. Bennett and Premier Henry. Mrs. J, Hodge, of St. Marys-, spent a few days with her daughter Mrs. Wilfred Doupe Mrs. Silas Shier spent a few days this week in Stratford. Mr. . . Marys, were Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Blaokler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Viptch and Mary Vietcli, of London, were Sun day visitors here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Paul, Miss Au drey and Muriel Paul, of St, Marys, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Balfour and daughter, of London, were week-end visitors 5vitli Mr, and Mrs. David Hazlewood. Miss Elleanor Doupe, of Stratford, called on friends here this week. The Young People of Carlingford, gave their play ’‘Prairie Rose" here on Tuesday and were well received. The Kirkton baseball team played two games this week and were suc cessful in winning both of them. On Tuesday night they defeated Thames Road 8-4 and on Friday night they played St. Marys Junetion and were victorious, the score being 3-1 in favor of Kirkton. Their next game will be on Friday evening with An derson. Rev, Mr. Vivian, of Exeter, preach ed anniversary services in St, Paul’s church on Sunday. The church was filled both morning and evening and choir rendered suitable music. and Mrs. E. BJackler, of St. with i Miss you very much; Our working to’ gather over such a span of years could not be terminated without a bit of a pull at the heart strings, since those years found you giving of your best not only iu the interests of the Company but your workers as well. There is much we would that very sincerely, and yet words cannot express the feelings we hold in common toward those whose thirty odd years such as yours, contributed so generously to the joy of living of those you contacted with. Consequently We find ourselves, in the giving of this purse, which we ask mat you accept, to express a feeling words so hope lessly fail to convey, fellow- say and after all deeper the CENTRALIA Notice wish to announce that I opened a barber shop in the Block, Centralia, and hereby your liberal patronage.—<L. C. Rolo- son. I have Hotel solicit Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to their friends for the beautiful flowers and for other tokens of remembrance sent to their daughter, Donna, during her illness in Victoria Hospital, London; also to the Centralia Sunday School and the Young Married People’s Club. We are glad to learn that little Donna Bowden, was able to be brought home on Sunday, accompan ied by her mother who has been with her during her illness, we hope Donna will soon be fully recovered from, her operation. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham, of Guelph, called on the former’s1 par ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford , attend ed the funeral of Mr.s. Ford’s aunt, in Mitchell ,on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and daugh ter, of Wyoming spent Sunday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills. (Rev.) Mrs. A. V. Robb-left Friday to spend a few days in Thomas where Rev. Mr. Robb is tending Conference. The W. M. S. meeting will be held in the basement of the church on Tuesday, June 14th at 2.30. Mr. Nelson Hicks, of Detroit, visit ed recently with'his brother Mr. An drew Hicks. Address and Presentation 'Thrusday evening of last week was made the occasion for a very happy event when Mr. Charles- Bir ney and Mr. Thomas Boyes together with their wives and a few of the neighbors the home Brooks to Brooks) on .St. at- paid a surprise visit to of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur mark the occasion of Mr. retirement from active railway service. Mr. Birney and iBoyes were delegates as representa tives of the Section and Station em ployees of the London and Huron Branch of the C. N. R. to convey to Mr. and Mrs. Brooks their congrat ulations and best wishes for a long and happy period of retirement. During the evening Mr. Brooks was made the recipient of an address, read by Mr. Boyes and a purse, pre sented by Mr. Birney. Mr. Brooks though taken very much by surprise expressed his appreciation for the kindly feelings so finely expressed by his fellow employees. The lady members of the party had thought fully brought along cake and ice cream and a very delightful evening was enjoyed. Mr. Brooks commenced his rail road service with the old G. T. R. at Belgrave as a sectionman thirty- four years ago and after two years moved to Centralia man which position 1924 when he was _____ _ field as section foreman which posi tion he held until liis retirement this year. The neighbors join with Mt, Brooks’s railway associates in wishing, him many years of health ful retirement and also are grate- fied to know that Mrs. Brooks’s health is imroving each day. Following is the address1: Mr. Arthur Brooks, Centralia, Ohtario, Dear Mf. Brooks,— We have been waiting, hoping that Mrs, Brooks’s health would so improve as to make out gathering a' ~ ' last February at Belgrave was as section fore- he held until moved to Den-I . EXECUTOR’S SALE Full Contents Normandie Hotel,. Clinton. The Canada Trust Com pany and A. J. Cooper, executors of the estate of the late Samuel S„ Cooper, will offer for sale on the premises, Tuesday, June 14th, at 10 a.m. the full contents of the Nor mandie Hotel, Clinton, and other miscellaneous articles, consisting of rugs, mirrors, wardrobes, number of sets of bedroom furniture, trunks, tables all sizes, quantity of chairs, pictures, overdrapes, curtains, elec tric lamps, desk, Sofa, sewing ma chine, two coal stoves, dining-room furniture, electric heater, 2 pianos, miscellaneous bric-abrac, quantity of garden tools, large plate glass mir rors, miscellaneous china, glass, knives, forks and spoons, 1 Willys- Knight automobile sedan, 1928 mo del, good condition, old -Chandler automobile, hotel bus, and miscell aneous articles too numerous mention. Terms-Cash. George Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton; Canada Trust Company, London, Alex J. Cooper, Goderich, Executors. to- H. The MORTGAGE SALE of --- bi VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be<? offered for sale by Public Auction, on FRIDAY, JUNE 10th 1932, at the hour of 2.30 o’clock in the afternoon at the DUFFERIN HOTEL the Village of Centi’alia, Ontario The following property: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being composed of lot number three in the fourth concession of the Township of McGillivray in the County of Middlesex and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement one hundred acres of land be the same more or less. TERMS OF SALE A deposit at the time of sale of $100.00 and the purchaser to as sume all existing taxes on said pro perty from January 1st, 193i2, and pay balance of purchase price within thirty days. The said lands shall pe sold sub ject to a reserve bid. For further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to: A. F. COOK, Solicitor for Estate of Mortgagee, fit. Marys, Ontario. McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers, St. Marys, Ontario. THEOBALD (20472) [2-3400] fashionably-bred ImportedThe Clydesdale Stallion, premium horse for 1932, form Al. Monday, .May 23, will leave .his own stable, Exeter N., and go to W. Chapman’s, lot 14, con. 3, Hay, for noon; thence to his own stable for nighit. Tuesday to William Bowden’s, con. 3, Stephen, for noon; then to Wm. Grieve’s, con. 7, for night. Wednesday by way of Cred- iton to Henry Schenk’s for noon; thence to his own stable for night. Thursday to John Luxton’s->Eden, for noon; thence to Jas. Atkinson’s, con., 2, Biddulph, or night. Friday to R. D. Hunter’s, con. 4, Usborne, for noon; then north and west to his own stable. TERMS—'$12.00, payable Febru ary the 1st, 1933. J. J. MILLAR* Proprietor & Manager MILTON MAO [2,5325] (2135$) The fashionably-bred Imported Clydesdale Stalion, enrolled form 1. Monday, May 23, will leave his own stable, Exeter North, and go to John Stewart’s, lot 34, cojl. '3, Usborne, for noon, thence to Alex McDougald’s, lot 18, con. 14, Hibbert for night. Tues day, to Alvin McCurdy, lot 15, con. 13, for noon; thence to Hugh Berry’s LU man-e uur. gumemg. ,4’ C'°U’ 10’ Ust»ofne for night, at your home to wish you, each of; Wednesday to W. D.l(Spence’s ldt 11, u& in person, the very best of every- con, 9, Blanshard, for noon; thence thing and a long period of retire-[ to Wm. Denham’s lot 8, con. '5, Blan- ment in ■which to enjoy your Well earned rest, a mutually happy gath ering. We regret exceedingly that Mr&. Brooks’s health has not been the best, and our most sincere wish is that her period of convalescence may not be too prolonged and that robust health may ’return that you tfiay both enjoy td the fullest the freedom that is notv yours, We want to say teo that we miss shard for night. Thursday to Vic tor Grinney’s, lot 26, coh. 13, FUlIar- tdn for noon; thence to John Ballan- tyde’s & T. R. for night. Friday to John T. Allison N.T.R., for" noon; thqhce to his own stable. TERMS—-$ 10.00 payable Febru- ary the 1st, 1933, j. X. MILLAR, Proprietor CHAS. WORDEN, Manager.