HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-06-02, Page 8*THURSDAY, JUNE & 1932 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE LOCAL NEWS Miss Edith Brooks, of Stratford, was home for the week-end. Mrs. Russell Smith,, of London, visited on Tuesday at the home of her mother. Mr. and Mrs, Garnet ed with the former’s Thedford on Sunday. Mrs. Hinsdale, Mrs. , . ........... and Mrs. Murdock, of Hensall, visit­ ed in Exeter on Tuesday. Miss Fidlar, R.N,, of Highland Park, Detroit, visiteo on Sunday •with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders. Mrs. B. W. 'F. Beavers visited at the home of Mr. T. H. • McCallum in London on Thursday of last week. Mr. Hillary Horton will close his blacksmith shop for the Wednesday halt holidays. • Flynn visit­ brother ?.t F. Simmons Exeter Markets Wheat 50 c, Harley, standard 40c. Oats 30 c. Bran, $1.10 Shorts, $1.10, Manitoba Flour $^.65 Model Flour $2.4u Welcome Flour $2.10 Low Grade Flour. $1.20 Creamery Buttex" 22, 23c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, putter, 16-17c. extras 11c. firsts 9c, seconds 7c. NOTICE—Mrs. G. McMartin will he at the home of Mrs. W. J. Mel­ ville on Monday, June 6th to do PERMANENT WAVING. For full particulars phone 61w. Hensall la­ dies please take note. LOCALS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, JI, 4,.. MinisterAllas Lena. Coates, A.L.C.M-, Organist j Every Presbyteriaxi Go-To-Church-.. Sunday I 10 a.m.”—Sunday School j I11 a.m.—Rev. Chas. Dougan Ph-D.J of Clinton s j 7 p.m.—The Minister1 . > | f Saturday 3 p.m.—Mission Band open meeting. The Seaforth band will, be present. I Men’s All-Wool Suits***'! at $12.49 ■ < 22 Only, Men’s Tweed and Worsted Suits, values as high as $25.00. If we < _____have your size in this lot it will pay you to invest in one, _____ < gx NOTICE We are prepared for .cleaning wells and deepening same; pumps re­ pairing, etc, Chas, Triebner, phone 200. Club coal, and The Thames Road Farmers’ are booking orders for hard Alberta coal, threshing coal coke. All orders nlust be in not later than June 15th.—P. Passmore, Secretary. ltc. FOR SALE—'Full sized bow-end bed, with srpings and mattress, good as new. Would exchange for single, or three-quarter size bed, in good condition. Apply at once to Times- Advocate. ltp. FOR RENT—100 acres of grass, plenty of grass. Will take grazers. Apply Box 2 80, Times-Advocate ltp. FOR SzlLE—4 rowed P. & O. su­ gar beet cultivator, complete with disc attachments. Cheap for cash, Apply at Times-Advocate office, ltc. FOR SALE—.Child’s wicker strol­ ler, good condition. Apply at Times- Advocate. ltp FOR SALE—A Kitchen built new lumber, size 11x16. Apply E. M. Quance, Exeter. of to PLANTS FOR SALE All kinds of Flowers and Plants, Geraniums, Foliage, Salvia, Verbena' single and Giant of California Pe­ tunias, Begonias, Silver Leaf and Variegated Wandering Jew and all flowers for hanging pots and bas­ kets. Tomato, cabbage, cauliflower and celery. . . L. DAY & SON Exeter FOR SALE—-used brick at $10.00 per 1,000.—Sandy Elliot, phone 64. FOR SALE—Home grown Tomatoes, Cabbages, Zinnias, Salvias, etc.—'Mrs. Gollings, Kirkton 33r2 or Exeter 173r2. plants, Asters Phone Philco Radios—2 electric, demon­ strators at greatly reduced prices.— Sandy Elliot, phone 64. FOR SALE—35 used Cream Sep- erators from $1.00 to $10.00; other used machines cheap. International Harvester Co. Ltd., Exeter. Government Approved . Chirks. Barred Rocks 10c.; White Leghorns 8c. All breeding stock are Ontario Breeding iStations selected and blood tested by officials of the Ontario Agricultural College. All cockerels are registered R.O.P. birds. This is a real opportunity to obtain fine quality chicks at rock bottom prices. 10% books your order. H. E. Mow­ bray, Granton, Ont. phone 50. 5-5-tfc CUSTOM HATCHING — Limited space at 2c. per egg. Gordon Cud- more, Exeter, phone 149. HOUSE FOR SALE—On Victoria Street, all modern conveniences. Sell at a sacrifice. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING The Huron County Council will meet in the County Council Cham­ bers, Court House, Goderich, Tues­ day, June 7th, 19132, in the after­ boon at 2 o’clock. All accounts, petitions, notices of delegation and other matters for the consideration of the County Council should be In the hands of the Clerk on the Sat­ urday previous. GEO. W. HODMAN, County Clerk Dated, May 12th, 1932. 5-19-2tC. a TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE COURT OF REVISION Notice Is hereby given that Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Osborne will hold its first meeting iii the Township Hall, Elimvilld, oil S&tur* dily, .Jtifte 4tii hi 2 p.ni. . HENRY STRANG , Township Clerk, Hensall, R, R, Usborne, May 16th, 1032. 1. Mr. Hairy West, of Sarnia ed with his mother on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Cox, of Sarnia, vis- . ited on Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Grace Hooper and Mrs. Geo. Hunter visited for a few days iast week with relatives in Clinton. Mr, Harold Snell, of Sarnia, is vis­ iting for a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Nortlicott, of Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve and children, of Forest, spent the week­ end visiting with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock and three children, of Usborne, vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter. Miss Elda Pilkey and Miss Evelyn Yates, of Sarnia, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. II, S. Walter over Sunday. Mr. Elmore H. Senior and son Thomas, of Toronto, visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior over the week-end, Clarence Norris, Hibbert, Two,, who is taking up electrical engineer- i ing at Toronto University, has pass- I ed his second year with honors. I Prospects are good for a heavy strawberry crop. Plants are look­ ing well and are heavy in biloom. Many berries have already formed. Mr. E. M- Quance is remodelling his residence North Sanders Street and when completed he will have an up-to-date dwelling. The house was formerly a 'double house. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Northcott, Mrs. E. Ublacker and little son and Mrs. Ross McClellan, of Stratford, called on friends on Monday. Mrs. Nancy Carey and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunn, of-Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of the former’s son Mr. H. C. Carey. Mr. Stanley Walter, of the Bank of Montreal staff, Hensail, has re­ turned to his duties after holidaying at his home here and in Hamilton. Messrs. Alfred Coates, of Usborne and E. Aidworth, of Hay, under­ went operations for the removal of their tonsils at Dr. Flet.chers’s hos­ pital on Saturday. Mr. Gordon Perkins', Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perkins and son Junior and Mr. Harrigan, of Detroit, motored over and spent Sunday and Monday with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Perkins. Miss P. W. Wilkinson, of London, is -vjsiiing with Mrs. Rose R-isscll ami Patsy. Mrs. Russeil and Miss Wilkinson have been very close friends for years past and she sure is a welcome visitor. A homing pigeon with an alumin­ um band C4262 and a red rubber band H198 has got lost in its flight and is making its home on the farm of Mrs. Jos. Yellow on the second concession of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keddy and daughter Lois, of Detroit, motored over and spent the week-end at the home nf Mr. W. C. Keddy in Us­ borne. Mrs. E. Jory returned to Detroit with them on a visit. Mrs. Eli Co-ultis received word on Monday of the death of her aunt Mrs. Walter Dillabough, of Merrick- ville, Ont., who passed away in her 90th year. The deceased was a sis­ ter of the late Mrs. Mr. C. W. Christie, nephew. The engagement Miss Helen of Mr. and Kidner, of Wellington Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hill, of London, the marriage to take place in June. The engagement is announced of Katherine M,, Inwood, of London, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Inwood, to Harold L. John­ ston, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Johnston, of Londesboro. marriage to take place the part of June. County (Magistrate Zaphe, of hill, received word of the death of his younger brother Mr. W. A. Zaphe of Toledo, Ohio, which took .place on Thursday, May 26th following a brief illness. Deceased was a form- ex' resident of Parkh.HL He was in his 56th year and has been a resD dent of Toledo for the past &5 years. Messrs Charles Keddy and Rufus Kestle and Misses Hannah and Netta Keddy were in St, Thomae on Sat­ urday attending the funeral of their, oou^ln, the late Mrs. Don Imlay, Mrs. Imlay's maiden name was Mabel McNea. She was a resident of Flint Midli., and had been ill for some time at the home Of her mother in st. Thomas, She is survived by her husband. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA |' Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor •' W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.lM, • f Organist and Choir-Leader | ' i a.m.—^Sunday School ' ■ . a.m.-—“A Sure Foundation” Last « in the series on “The Sermon on the Mount.” < p.m.—“An Unshadowed Cross” a < beautiful pageant service present-”’ ed by the Mission Circle girls, • 4 10 11 7 MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 1 a.m.—Church School L a.m,—Worship. Mr.- Hopper will preach. p.m. —Mr. Hopper will preach. 'The Presbytery have designated Conference Sunday as Laymen’s Day. We welsome Mr Hoper, of Wingham as one of the ablest laymen to our midst. 8 o’clock Thursday Prayer Service Mr. W. H. Johnston will have charge. 10 11 7 TRIViTT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFau] Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 10 Second Sunday After Trinity i a.m.—Sunday School Rector’s Bible Class conducted by Mr. H. Jennings, of Huron lege. 11 a.m.—'Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Preacher at both services, Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, Ltli., of Kirkton. THURSDAY, JUNE Otli Layman's Social Evening at 8 p.m. Parish Hall Every man in the‘congregation ask­ ed to be present Charles Christie, of Stephen, is a is announced of Emma Kidner, daughter Mrs. Robert Kawthorne London, to Mr. Harold Hill, of Toronto, son of The latter Park- Men’? Balbriggan Shirts and Dx*awers In Penman’s make. A fine weight Bal­ briggan sold last year at 75e. TO-DAY’S PRICE IS 59c, Hatchway No-Button Underwear The popular underwear for men and boys. Cool and comfortable with no but- . tons to rip off BOYS’ 75c. & MEN’S $1,00 Men’s Fine Shirts with Attached Collars The best value we have seen this season In plain and fancy stripes EACH 79c. MEN’S FINE HOSE In new and neat patterns, A good wearing hose in Silk and Lisle. 35c. OR 3 PAIR FOR $1.00 Low Priced Curtain Nets by the yard These lovely curtain nets come in five new and dainty patterns, in a strong good wearing net with lace or plain edge and are exceptional value at per yd. 25c. & 29c, ROOM LOTS OF WALLPAPER We are clearing a lot of room lots of Wallpaper. These are less than half the regular price. Room lots. AT 98c., $1.49 and $1.98 INLAID LINOLEUMS In the best selling pattern the Domin­ ion Linoleum Co. has turned out this season Bring in the size of youi’ room and get the prices. 5 Dozen Frilled Scrim at per pair 59c. An expensive curtain suitable fox* bed­ rooms, kitchens and small ’windows trim­ med in green, blue and pink,1 GREEN BLINDS AT 65c. We have just a few dozen left. These are seconds and will soon be cleared at this low price. f* Mr. Chas. Guenther has secured a position in London and left on Mon­ day for his new duties. Mr. Ed. Willis early Monday morning saw a deer loping along leisurely in a field near Rogerville. Miss Marion Elston, or Edmonton, Alta., is visiting with Mr. Jesse Elston and Miss Annie. ■Mr. Jas. Ferguson, who was on his way to Indianapolis, Ind., on his motorcycle to attend the motor races, visited with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and two sons, of Toronto, visited with the formerly mother Mrs. W. Johns over the week-end. Mr. Johns and his sister Miss Margaret Johns sang a very acceptable duet at the James Street church on Sunday morning. The latter left with her brother to visit in Toronto. The Progressive Association of South Huron are planning to hold a monster picnic at Bayfield on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 22. The speakers will be Hon. A. C. Nix­ on, Progressive Leader and Miss Ag­ nes McPhail, M.P., and the local member Mr. W. G. Medd. Other prominent public men will be pres­ ent. The afternoon addresses will be followed by sports and a picnic. her brother, her sister SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Straw Hats 'Feltol Rugs for Bedrooms at $4.95 These rugs are 7 1-2 ft. x 9 ft. and come in very pretty patterns. They ma,<e a splendid covering for bedrooms and give satisfactory wear........... '' ■ — We can quote you very special prices on Axminster or Wilton rugs in the newest 1932 patterns One Pound Tin Pink Salmon Hardv/atei* Soaps Magic Coffee Special 10c.Special? 3 cakes for 10c.Fresh Ground 29c. a pouz»x Crosse & Blackwell’s Pork & Beans Very Choice ................... 3 tins 25c. Lipton’s Tea Black or Mixed Special for this week...........47c, a lb. Large Jar Olives, 32 oz. size..................39c. Sweet Gherkin Pickles, 8 oz. jar Grape Nut Flakes . The new breakfast food, 2 pkgs. 23c. Crosse & Blackwell Herring in Tomato Sauce, per tin .............................. 23c. Sweet Mixed Pickles, 30 oz, jar...........39c. Stuffed Olives, 12 oz. jar.................... 29c, of Toronto, Friends of Mrs. Wm. Fletcher will : be pleased to learn tnac she has re-; covered from her long and serious illness and is able to be out and around again. The tulip display sponsored Iby 1 the Exeter Horticultural Society was held in the window of Mr. G. A. Hawkins on Saturday when a num­ ber of fine specimens were shown. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nash and’ little daughter, Marion, of Detroit, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Al­ fred Nash, of Pittsburg, Pa., motor­ ed over and spent the week-end' with his cousin, Mrs. J. W. Powell. The Farmer’s Co-Operative office at Ildevton was broken into Friday night last and the safe was blown by professional yeggmen, who es­ caped with $75 to $90 in cash, sev­ eral non negotionabll'e cheques' and two notes. The yeggs entered the front door, hammered the combina­ tion from the large iron safe and .then blew the door open. Jack Moore, started .out frum London on Saturday afternoon to make his way to Goderich on roller skates and arrived in Exetei’ about' 7 o'clock in the evening. He skat­ ed from London to Lucan where he was picked up by a passing motorjst and brought to Exeter. He stayed in town Saturday evening and left Sunday morning for Goderich where he hoped to secure employment on one >of the boats Watch Our Window For Furniture Specials! WE ARE FEATURING A NUMBER OF DOLLAR ARTICLES INCLUDING BATHROOM CABINETS END TABLES MAGAZINE RACKS, in colours; FOOTSTOOLS, finished and unfinished; CHILD’S" ROCKERS AND OTHER ARTICLES COME IN AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE BARGAINS AT E. R. HOPPER’S FURNITURE STORE Residence 63Telephone 99; Sailors in Sennets and Split Straws $1.50 up. Panamas $1.50 up Beach Straws for men and Women 75c. Working Straws at 25c. w PHONE 81w TAMAN EXETER, ONT This district was visited with a deluge of rain on Thursday after­ noon of last week. Some of low-lying fields were covered Water and creeks and streams filled to overflowing. the with were BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks are «Government approved. All flocks are culled by a Government Inspector. ? Ontario bred-to-lay Barred Rocks, 110c.;. White Rock, lie.; Jersey I Black Giants, 12c.; Barren Strain C. White Leghorns, brown Leg- -I 8c.; Anconas 9c.; Surplus, 6c, 500 ( or over icent less. Express paid on .400 or more, guarantee 100 per ’ dent safe arrival at your station.^ . 25 per cent with order, .balance C. OVD, 3 weeks old started chickens Leghorns 16C; Rocks and Giants 20c 4 week old Leghorns 20c.; Rocks and Giants 250.; 4 week old Pullets Leghorns 30c. Rocks and Giants 6'5c 6 week did >50c.; 8 week old 60c. custom hatching $2.50 per hundred 128 eggs to the tray. Write for free catalogue, if you are feeding sottr milk or? butter, milk we have stone fountains at 95c. each. American 2- gallon size. A. ft. SWITZER Granton* Ontario Canadian I Mr. Chas.. Wilson, of Exeter, North, is suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis. W. J. SEYMOUR Main St., Four Doors South of Hogarth Hatchery Painter, Decorator & Paper Hanger TERMS—MODERATE Estimates Free W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music In Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, phone 192 EXETER. ONT V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publiic testate land General Practice In an <J6txrts. Money to loin New Rank of Toronto fiiiildlng, London, Ontario Phone: Office: Metcalf 1723 Residence: Metcalf 2172