The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-05-19, Page 8THURSDAY, MATE 1032 MWNESDAY HALF HOLIDAYS We, the undersigned merchants of Village of Exeter agree to jclqge our places of business every {WMuesday at twelve o’clock neon during the months of June, August anti the first two weeks September; Jones & May, Eonthcott Bros. B. W, F. Beavers, Grigg Stationery Co., C, E. siverns, River’s Meat Market, Garnet Flynn, E. R -Hopper, G. A. Hawkins, Browning’s Drug store, S. Martin & Son, W. W. Taman, G. M- Armstrong, Fred Rathbege, Geo, Rrpwn & Son- J. Hockey, N, Rowe, J. Beer, G. Essery, Chainway stores Ltd. Traquaiv & Lindenfield, H. S'. Walter, July, in ♦ 1 W. R, W, V. LOCAL NEWS Mr. George Smith, of Detroit, {Visiting wtih his parents in town Mr. George Baiikner has purchas­ ed the residence property of Mr. W. R. Taylor, at Exeter North. Miss Reid, who is keeping house for Mr. Wm. Rivers, spent the week­ end at her home in Bayfield. Mr. Edgar Lowry, of St. Catherin­ es and Miss P. Padsbury, of Toronto visited with the former’s parents, at the Central Hotel on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mooney and {their daughter, Mrs, Flowers and her husand, of London, called on friends in Exeter on Wednesday. « At the Communion Service at Guven Presbyterian Church on Sun­ day morning five new members were Received and the attendance was the largest in many years. i FOR SALE—35 used Cream Sep- ferators from $1.00 to $10.00; other used machines cheap.- International Harvester Co. Ltd., Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE—House 6 lots, known as Mrs. Braund property, Great bargain, $300 for quick sale. Apply to L. Braund, 7 South Market Brantford. '5-19-2tp. and Margaret Exeter North. FOR SALE—A. few bushels still left of No. 211, O. A. C., Soya Beans, a good sample and priced accord­ ing.—W. F. Alexander, Hensail,*«-R. R. No. 2. . LOST OR STRAYED—A white sow, one ear a trifle shorter than the other. Finder please notify Mr. Clifford Moir, phone 921T5, Hensail. NOTICE Repairing and sharpening; expert work on all household machinery, including electric, clocks, watch­ es sewing machines, scissors, lawn mowers etc. Worlk guaranteed—Mr. J. McQuade, co. Richard. Tapp, An­ drew St. South. Itp. NOTICE After May 25th we intend open­ ing a boarding house and home for tourists in the north half of the former hospital, Main .St. All mod­ ern conveniences. Mrs. A. E. Moore. Will tre /party who took an oil cloth canva$ from the James Street Church shed on Monday evening kindly veturn same to Times-Advocate and further trouble. for a half ton truck save I NOTICE TO PARENTS The High School Lower Middle examinations begin 8th. to see that their children are pres­ ent at classes until June 7t‘h for Lower and Middle School and until June 10th for Upper.—E'. J. Wethey Principal 2-12-2tc, and June Parents are strongly advised STARTED CHICKS FOR SALE White Leghorns and Barred Rocks 1, 2. 3 and 4 weeks old, hatched from eggs of blood-tested flocks-, culled and banded by .Government Inspectors from O.A.C. and mated .With registered R.O.P.. Cockerels, al­ so pullets 6 to 8 weeks, old from same Wel- 1, tele- 5-5-4tc. flocks at reasonable prices, lihgton Brock, Granton R.R, phone 4-15 Kirkton. Trinity Sunday a.m.‘—Sunday School a.m.—Morning Prayer and Holy J*. locals 11 is 11 3 p.m.- Mrs: 7 HATS & CAPS Mi*, and HAVE ARRIVED PHONE 81w Beavers brothers 3 7 o—O—O—O—O—o—o her aunts, A. Horton nurse-in- Hospital, her home w. T R. Kinsman, of London, town Thursday evening of W. L. Butler, of with Mr. and Mrs. over the week-end. Douglas of Toronto, were week-end Exeter Markets Wheat 50c. Barley, standard 40 c. Cats 30c. Bran, $1,1Q Shorts,, $1.10, Manitoba Flour $2,715 Model Flour $2.50 Welcome Ftour $2.30 Low Grade Flour, $1.20 Creamery Butter 22, 23c. Dairy Butter, 16-17c. Eggs, extras 11c, Eggs, firsts 9c, Eggs, seconds 7c. Chi:ks.Government Approved Barfed Rocks 10c,; White Leghorns So. All breeding .stock are Ontario Breeding (Stations selected and blood tested by officials Of the Ontario Agricultural College, All cockerels are registered R.O.P. birds. This is a real opportunity to obtain fine quality chicks at rock bottom prices. 10% books your order. M. e* Mow­ bray, Granton, Ont. phone 50. „ 5-5-tfc CUSTOM HATCHING — Limited space at 2c, per egg. Gordon Cud- more, Exeter, phene 149. HOUSE FOR SALE—On Victoria Street, all modern conveniences, Sell nt a Sacrifice. Apply Times-Advo­ cate. Blank ’Counted Cheek books for fcale at the TiiheikAdViaicate, THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rlu)<to4« M, A. , Minister Misa Lena C*oat<?s. A.D.G.BL, Organist Sacrament Sunday 10 a,m,—-Sunday School JI a.m,-—“Ministry of Helps" 7 p.m.—-Service withdrawn tor Hen­ san ^nptvemry, JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, p. McTavish, pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.in.—“Reverence for our Enemies" p.m.—-Sunday School. p.m.—“An Qld Man’s Lament” Dr. A. visited in last week, Mr, Sparling and Miss Hazlewood, of London, visited in Exeter on Monday. Miss Hazel Clarke has been visit­ ing for a week with her grandmother in Crediton. Leaves are coming out on the trees and some of the fruit trees are in full blossom. Mr. and Mrs. London, visited Harvey Perkins Mrs. John Harness, who has been ill for some time, continues in very critical condition, The building occupied by the Sal­ vation Army is being renovated by the owner, Mrs. H- Gidley. Messrs. William Geddes and Chas. Pearce, of London, spent the week­ end at the latter’s home in Exeter.' Mr. and Mrs. F; Rice, of Brant-; ford, spent the week-end visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Thos. Jones. Mr. D. D. Crittenden and Dorothea, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday renewing (Blyth -Standard.) With the warm weather of the lat-^ ter part of last week the grounds dried up nicely and a lot of garden^ it’ MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader , a-UL—'Rev. ,N- E. Bowles, B. A. B. D. -Our Church School 7-p.m.—Rev Mr. Bowles will preach We will be pleased to have our congregation hear Mr. Bowles and give him a welcome. Wednesday 8 p.m.— Miss Sybil Courtice, of Japan, will address our visitors and congregation o Japanese situation. Prayer meeting withdrawn. Miss: over, acquaintances.:; < y TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L.- Vivian, L. Th, Organist, Miss MacFanl Choir-Leader, Air. Middlemlss New Summer Dresses IN PASTEL SHADES WITH OR WITHOUT SLEEVES. A NUMBER OF VERY SMART STYLES VERY MODERATELY PRICED $3.50 & $4 50 SILK RAYON HOSE In four good shades. A splendid hoie for girls going to school. Sheer and good­ looking at 35c. a pair 3 PAIR FOR 98c. . NEW COTTON VOILES In pew printed patterns. These are fast; colors and are very dainty at per yard 35c. AND 45c. CHAMOISETTE GLOVES In the pew pull-on style. A smart glove for your new spring outfit. 59c. AND 75c. SWEATER AND AFGHAN YARN All of the best selling shades ip- ope ounce balls. A lovely yarn for fancy work - 15c. OR 2 FOR 25c. MURRAY HEEL HUGGER SHOES FOR WOMEN WALK AND ENJOY IT. YOU NEED NO LONGER BE ROBBED OF THE GREAT PLEASURE OF DOING THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BECAUSE OF TIRED ACHING FEET. THESE SHOES ARE MADE IN 192 SIZES. A FIT FOR EVERY FOOT. A STYLE FOR EVERY EYE. 5 DOZEN DARK GREEN BLINDS We have only five dozen to sell at this low price. They will not last long SPECIAL AT 65c. SAND AND BLACK COTTON HOSE Our regular 25c. line. We are mak- . ing a special of it for this week at per pr. 19c. SEE OUR NEW PATTERNS IN LINOLEUMS BEFORE YOU BUY. PRICES ARE LOWER A NUMBER OF RObM LOTS WALL PAPERS AT QUARTER THEIR PRICES 98c.; $1.29; $1.49 The beautiful Congoleum Rug given away last week to the one guessing nearest to the lucky number was won by Audrey Sims, daughter of Wm. Sims, of town. HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN This cool, no-button underwear, the style every man likes now sells for per gar­ ment. $1.00 MEN’S FELT HATS In four new shapes. Showing in good shades. These are special valdp $1.98 .... stuff was planted,. A couple of teams were busy col­ lecting the spring rubbish around town and carting it to the dump. A real clean up was made. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ridley and family, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pearson and daughter Betty, and Miss Madeline Stewart, of London, spent Sunday the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Ward. Mr. Earl Tapp, who has completed his second year at Pharmacy in Tor­ onto, is spending a short time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Tapp. Messrs. Edwin and Luther Braund, of Brantford, visited in Ex­ eter Sunday and Monday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs John Braund. Mrs. (Rev.) E. L. Vivian, and Mrs. Oran Winer are delegates to the Huron W. A. in London and are guests of Miss Buchanan of that city. The horseshoe courts at the rear of the Salvation Army Hall have been fixed up and the clink of the shoes can be heard almost any hour of the day. Mr. A. E. Moore has rented a por­ tion of the former Exeter Hospital building on Main Street and intends to conduct a boarding house and tourist home. Mr. French and his neice, Mrs. E. ■Hearts, of Toronto, spent the past few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hl. A. Follick, Mrs. Hearts is remain­ ing for some time. Mr. Ira Taylor is suffering from blood poisoning in the thumb of his left hand. A couple of weeks ago he ran a thistle in th© thumb and blood poisoning is the result. Mr. and IMrs. Robt. Horney and London, Mr. and other re­ daughter, Miss Mary, of spent the week-end with Mrs. Charles Kerslake and latives over the week-end. Mr. R. B. Gambrill, A.L.C.M., who recently accepted a position as or­ ganist in Palmerston, has been ap­ pointed public school music teacher tor the remainder of the year. x •will each _ .the months of June, July, August and The merchants of Exeter close their places of business Wednesday afternoon during luwuous, vi U U.JLLC, JIHJ, JXUgUbL UUU the fjrst two weeks in September.. Messrs. Benson Williams and Michael Elford will represent the James Street United church as lay representatives at the London Con­ ference which meets in St. Thomas the first week in June, Mr, A. W. Musser, of London, visited with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs* Rd. Davis over the week-end. Mr. Musser has been a reader of the Times-Advocate and previously the Exeter Advocate for 48 years, The Tennis Club now have their grounds in good shape and playing commenced for the first time last Week, Three courts hate been pro­ vided and wire netting has been put up at the rear, a large number of junior members are joining up for this year* Mrs. E. A* Amy returned home thusday last after spending the win­ ter at Long Beach, California and Visiting various other places in the sunny state. Mrs, Amy had a most delightful trip visiting many places of interest. Since leaving Long Beach she has visited at San Fran­ cisco, victoria, Vancouver and also at Banff in the, Rocky Mountains. •10 •11 Communion Subject: “The Manifestation God” ' p.m.—'Evensong and Sermon Subject: “The Beauty of God” 8.1'5 p.m.—Confirmation 'Class The Mission Circle of James St. church have had. a history of the church prepared iby Rev. D. McTav- ish printed in booklet forint and these are now being sold at the price of 25 c. Former residents wish­ ing a copy communicate with Miss Meta Salter, Sec’y. Invitations are out for an inform­ al dance to be held in the Opera House this Thursday evening under the auspices of the Tennis Club? Bill Robinson and his London Or­ chestra will supply the music. Cards ate being provided for those not in-5? terested in dancing* Tuesday next, May 24th, will be a Public Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. George Saul, of Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ man Hockey on Sunday. Mrs. Hy. White, of Sitratford, is visiting with her brother, Mrs. ,W. H. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. visited with the former’s near St Marys on Sunday. Messrs. 'Maurice and Dales, visitors with Mr. Harry Cole. Mr. J. A. HOrton and Mrs. Horn­ ey have returned after visiting tor a week with relatives at Oshawa. Miss Bernice Horton, of Oshawa, is spending a week with Mi's. Horney and Miss M. Miss Helen Heywood, training at the Ontario London, is holidaying at here. Dr. Mabel Bray, of Hamilton, vis­ ited on* Sunday and Monday of last wCek with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling and son Donald, of Detroit, visited re­ cently with Mrs. Selling's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis. Miss Avis Lindenfield, nurse-in­ training in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield. ■ SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Large Package Oxydol and 10c. cake hard water soap for .... 22c. Prunes medium size............ ... 3 1bs. 25c. Tea Special, Blk., Green or Mixed 34c a lb. Gillett’s Lye .............. 2 tins for 25c. Large Package of Chipso and 10c. cake of hard water soap...........22c. Quaker Catsup................2 bottles for 25c. Vanilla 4 oz. bottle........... .. 15c. Corn, Peas and Tomatoes .. 3 tins for 25c. PINEAPPLES SHOULD BE AT THEIR BEST NEXT WEEK. LEAVE US YOUR ORDER. BEST PRICE GUARANTEED Southcott Bros The London Conference of ’ the United Church of Canada,' 8th ses­ sion will be held in Grace United Church, St Thomas, from June 1st , to ’June 7th. ■Messrs. Fred .Ford and Basil Young and the former’s cousin, Miss Joyce Horne, of Toronto, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford., of Usfoorne. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zirk, of Zur­ ich, have moved their household ef­ fects into the house they recently purchased from the T. Flynn Estate We welcome them to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Passmore, of Sault Ste Marie, Mich., Miss Eliza­ beth Passmore, R.N., and Mrs. An­ nie Letcher, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryckman over the week-end. We are sorry to re­ port that Mr. Passmore is not enjoy­ ing very good health. Mr. Ed. Aidworth, Divinity Stu­ dent, who has completed his term at Saskatoon University, is visiting With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Aidworth for a few days. He is re­ turning to Saskatchewan where he will take a charge for the United Church for the summer months. Relatives in Exeter have received invitations to be present, at the grad­ uation exercises of Miss Edna Grace Hunter, of Salvador, Bask, who is graduating .from the Edmonton Gen-' eral Hospital School for nurses. The graduation to take place at Con­ vocation Hall, University, of Alberta Edmonton. Miss Hunter is a grand-- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hunt­ er and neice of Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter, of town. Summer Brighten up your home with New Furniture Plan to visit our show room and see our display of Chesterfield Suites, Dining Room Suites, Bedroom Suites etc. R. N. ROWE 4 We have a very large display of Spring hats in the new shapes and shades priced at $2.50 A special line of New Spring Caps at the new price level of $1.25 -T----------------- - - — ..................................... ’............................... Miss Florence Stewart, of London speht the week-end in town. BABY CHICKS A-l Baby Chicks are Canadian Government approved. All flocks are citlled by a Government Inspector. Ontario bi’ed-to-lay Barred Rocks, 10c.; White Rock, lie.; jersey Black Giants, 12c.; Barran Strain S. C. White Leghorns, brown Leg- 8c,; Anconas 9c,; Surplus, 6c. 500 or over £cent less. Express paid on 400 or more, guarantee 100 per cent safe arrival at your station. 25 per cent with order, balance C. O.D. 3 weeks old started Chickeiis Leghorns 16c; Rocks and Gidnts 20c 4 week old Leghorns 20c.; Rocks and Giants 25e.; 4 Wdek old Pullets Leghorns 30c. Rocks dnd GUhts 35c 6 Week-Old '50c.; 8 week old 00c. Custom hatching $2.50' per hundred 128 eggs to the tray. Write for free catalogue. If you ate feeding sour milk or blitter milk We have stope fountains at 95c. each. American 2- gallon slid. A. H. SWITZER Granton, Dfttatld W. J. SEYMOUR Main St., Four Doors South of Hogarth Hatchery Painter, Decorator.& Paper Hanger terms—moderate ■ Estimates Free W. R. Goulding A. T.- O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in School* Studio, Main St. Box 123, phono EXETEft* ONT I V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pnbliic Estate and General Practice Iti at* Courts. Money io loan New Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ontario Phone: Office: Metcalf 1723 „, Realdeitee: Metcalf 2172 0 I