HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-05-12, Page 8THURSDAY, MAT 12,THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE SFRINRHURST DAIRY Accredited herd under super­ vision of Health of Animals Branch Department of Agricul­ ture Ottawa Safe milk for Children Have our wagon call or buy it at Brown’s Butcher Shop Exeter Markets Wheat. 50c. Barley, etapdarfl 40c. Oats 30c.Bran, $140 • ,A ■ ' Shorts, $1.10 Manitoba Flour $Z.7i5 Model Flour $2.50 Welcome Flour $2.30 Low Grade Flour, $1,20 Creamery Butter 22, 23c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Butter, 16-17C. extras 11c. firsts 9c, seconds 7c,. W. D. Smith Phone 13r2 <?. G. I, T. ? The C. G. I, T. met tor their reg­ ular meeting in James’ St, Church .Wednesday evening of last week and aftex* the opening exercises Mrs. Browning continued her talk on ?‘First Aid Work.” Mary Van Camp Recited “The Song My Paddle Sings” Jean Coates sang “Brighten the (Corner” accompanied by Betty Coates on the mouthorgan. Singing ‘of a hymn and the M’izpah benedic­ tion brought the meeting to a close. Reserve May 27th for a play un­ der the auspices of Hurondale Wo­ men’s institute. * Keep the date open for the lec­ ture by Rev. D. McTavish in James £t. Church on May 30th. theWill the person who took {car pump off the verandah of Robt. save(Tinney please return same and further trouble. NOTICE TO PARENTS The High School Lower {Middle examinations begin 18th. and June Parents are strongly advised jto see that their children are pres­ ent at classes until June 7t‘h for Lower and Middle School and until June 10th for Upper.—E. J. Wethey Principal 2-12-2tc. The Exeter Tennis Club has a number of cedar posts and some old lumber which will be sold to the highest bidder. Offers for same to be left with the Times-Advocate this week. CHOICE SEED POTATOES FOR SALE—Dooleys, grown from certi­ fied seed. A. J. Penhale, 17-r-3 4, Crediton.ltc. NOTICE Parties .who have standing orders fox* flowers at the Exeter cemetery are requested to notify the caretaker if they do not wish them this year otherwise they must be paid John Ford for.— ltp. TO RENT—Pasture land, to John Carrick, 3 miles west eter on the Lake Road. < Apply ; of Ex- <5-2-2tp FOR SALE—Irish Cobbler, Green Mountain potatoes from certified seed. Appy to Arthur' Mitchell, Ex­ eter. ltp. STARTED CHICKS FOR SALE White Leghorns and Barred Rocks 1, 2. 3 and 4 weeks old, hatched from eggs of blo.od-tested flocks, culled and banded by Government Inspectors from O.A.C. and mated with registered R.O.P.. Cockerels, al­ so pullets 6 to 8 weeks old from same flocks, at reasonable prices. Wel­ lington Brock, Granton R.R. 1, tele­ phone 4-15 Kirkton. 5-5-4tc. FOR SALE1—'Now is 'the time to get you strawberry plants. Seven choice varieties to select from. F. Abbott, Exeter. ' 5-’5-2tp W. FOR RENT:—50 acres good pas­ tures land, west 1-2. lot 0, con. <5, Hay, good water. Apply Wes. Dear­ ing, R. R. 1, Exeter. 5-533itc. FOR SALE,—40 White Leghorn pullets 11 wdeks old. Ferris strain. 'MCi/each. Apply ’T*. H. Walker, R. 1, Centralia. ’ ' 5n5-2tp. • ? Persons desirous of having fruit trees sprayed, call Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery i84w. 5-!5-2tc --------jfc.— ----------------Q _JZogciIs___j Rev. E. L- Vivian is in Loxidon at­ tending Synod. Rev. J. W. and Mts. Down visited with friends in London on Monday. Miss Hazel Elliot visited recently in Windsor. Mr. Harry West, of S'arnia, spent Sunday with his mother. ‘Mrs. Louisa Westlake is visiting with hex* daughter, Mrs, Rd. Murphy Mr, R. N. Rowe has improved his store by the addition of a new awn­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lamport, of London, yisited with friends in town on Sunday. Mr, James Saunders, of Wood­ stock, visited with relatives in town over Sunday. Mrs. John Harness, who has been ill fox* some time is at present in a very critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. Arto Delve and two children of Forest, spent a few days with relatives in Exeter. Dr. William Lawson, of Listowel spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson. Miss Enola Buswell, of Stratford spent the week-end with hex* parents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Miss Ella Jones, of Stratford, vis­ ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones for Mother’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. W- R- McClellan, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. C. Aidworth at Sexsmith. 'M'r. and Mrs, Chas. Lind, of Nor­ ton, New York, were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. Case R. Howard, of New York, paid the former’s mother Mrs. H. Gidley, a visit on. Mother’s day. Mr. Jas. Horton, accompanied by his sister, Mrs, J. Horney is spend­ ing a few days in Toronto and vis­ iting friends. Mr. and 'M'rs, Wm. Dignan, of Lu­ can, visited with the foi-mer’s fath­ er, Mr. Jas. pignan and his brother Ed. on Sunday. Mr. Jas. Corbett has rented the pasture farm of Mr. Jas. Dearing that was advertised in last week’s Times-Advocate. Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Harvey and son, Jack, of Brantford, spent a few days the beginning of the week with the former’s mother, Mrs. vey. Miss E. Matthews, Miss Miss M. Stewart, Mr. G. arid Stanley Ward, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward. Mr. and-Mrs. Wm. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McFalls and Miss Ida and Keith, of London, day with Mr. and..Mrs. gert. Miss Florence Down, been visiting for the winter with her father, Rev. J. W. Down Mrs. Down, left on Monday for awa. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt I family and Miss Hartnolil and Mr. and Mrs. H. White, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilyea and lit- te’ daughter, Mary and Mr. Clift, of London, 'visited on Sunday with the fox’imer’s -sister, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFalls. IM'r. and Mrs. Win. Ferguson and Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto,. Mrs. DriViS' and ’ Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, .^visited over the week­ end with „Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates. Mr. Earl ■phrboris, who has been confined to his bed fo.x- several mon­ ths is improving and is now able to On Saturday an exainina- J. s. Har- J. Kitson, Thompson spent. Sun- Wm. Hod- who has and Osh- and CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ! Rev. Bernard Rhodes, M. A. i ■ Nhxi«|e? t Miss Lena Coatee, Organist Sacrameiit Sunday “ v 15 IQ a.xn,—Sunday School , 11 a.nn—-1Holy Coiomnlon 7 p.ni.—-‘*A Sure Defence” Friday, 8 p.m. the Preparatory service, JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Of CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouiqing, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m,—“Reverence fox* Truth" 10th in Series on the “Sermon on the Mount.” p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—“The Bartered Birthright” A sermon to young men. Thursday 3 p.m, W, M. S. 11 3 7 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . am.—“The Atonement.” p.m.—Church School p.m.—“Our Assurance of Salva­ tion,” 3 o’clock Thursday W. M. S. 8 o’-clotek Thursday Prayer Ser­ vice and choir practice. Il 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleuiiss a.m.-—Sunday School a.-m.—Morning- Prayer -Evensong 10 .11 7 p.m.- Mr. and Mrs. Verne Roulston, of Stratford, spent Sunday with their parents here. Miss Florence Southcott celebrat­ ed her birthday on Wednesday.,and pleasantly entertained a number of hei’ girl friends. ‘ Miss Irene Bierling of the Sarnia General Hospital, and Miss Marion Gibson, of Sarnia, are holidaying for two weeks -with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Bierling. - Mr. Jas.’ Horton,1 of Arizona, U.S., is visiting liis sisters', Mrs. J,. Horney and Maude A. Horton. For a i}nm- ber of years -he has been assayer'jdr a mining company of Arizona and Idaho. He was also engaged in re­ search work for the company. Mr. and' Mrs. D. A. McNicol and sons, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Westake and family, of Wyoming Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, of Hali­ fax, Mr- and Mrs. Fred Parsons, of Sarnia visited at the home or Mrs.' Rd. Murphy on Sunday. A decided improvement has been made on the highway in front of Main Street United Church. Under the direction of Mr. Richard Hunter the men dug •oil't-the soil from the pavement tn the sidewalk, which space was later filled with crushed stone making • a <clean and inviting parking space. JAMES ST. W. A.ci i Government Approved Chicks'. Barred Rocks 10c.; White Leghorns 8c. All breeding stock are Ontario Breeding (Stations selected and blood tested by officials of the Ontario Agricultural College. All' cockerels are registered- FLO.P,Hbirds« This is a real opportunity to obtain fine quality chicks- at rock bottom prices, 10 % books yoU.r order. He E, Mow­ bray, Granton* Ont. phone 50. 5-5-tfc CUSTOM HATCHING 4- Limited space at 2c. per egg,’ Gordon Cud- more, Exeter, phone 149., FOR SALE OR RENT—Residence on Sanders St,, 5 robiriA, good water, fruit trees. Apply E. M, Quance, Exeter. ■ ■ HOUSE FOR SALE—On Victoria Street, all modern Odhteniehces. Sell at a sacrifice.. Apply Tlmes-Advo- cate. Blank: Counter CKeck: books sale at the Times-Advocate. - j? ru * a- • tor be up a little each day. he was. in London for tion. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. daughter, Joan, of Detroit, visited on Bunday with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Stewart. Mrs. Kathleen Fuke returned with them to visit for a week. Norman Hunter, who is with Mr. Rd. Johns, of Wad the misfortune last strain his back while lifting and Spent several days at his home here recuperating from the effects. Messrs. A. O. Elliot and Frank Wood were in Windsor recently and brought home the first of the new Ford cars to Exeter, Mr. Elliot was down again oil Friday and brought Up another new Eord Siedan. •Mrs. W. S, Howey motored to Preston Tuesday taking several ladies with her who visited enroute. Mrs, R. N. Creech spent the day at Stratfbrd; MrS, G. A. Hawkins vis­ ited At New* Hamburg; Mrs. T. S. Woods Visited With Mr, and Mrs, McKinnon in Preston; Mrs. T. O. Southcott went to Preston where she will visit for a time with her cousin Miss Lyda Bowman, Stewart and employed Usiboriie, Week to Mb The .May meeting of the James Street W. A. was held on Wednes­ day afternoon. Mrs. Heywood was in charge .'of the .devotional period after which Mrs. Goulding presided. The various committees gave their reports. The committee on paint­ ing reported that the contract fox’ painting the outside of the church had been given to Mr. W. Hern. It was voted to hold a Strawberry Fes­ tival at a latex- date. Mrs. Carey, convenor of the pro­ gram committee had arranged a very interesting program in keeping with Mother’s Day. It consisted of Solos by Mrs. Thos. Coates and Mrs. A. O. Elliot accompanied by Mrs. Harry Carey and an addrpss by Rev. D. McTavish on the origin and signifi­ cance of Mother’s Day. Miss Mary Grant R. N., gave an interesting demonstration on the serving of an invalid’s tray. Lunch was then served and a social time enjoyed, C. G. I. T. With the beginning of the galTdexx- ing season comes the 'usual com­ plaints that dogs- and chickens are playing havoc with some gardens. IN PASTEL SHADES WITH OR WITHOUT SLEEVES. A NUMBER OF VERY SMART STYLES VERY MODERATELY PRICED $3.50 & $4 50 SILK RAYON HOSE In four good shades. A splendid hose for girls going to school. Sheer and good* looking at 35c. a pair 3 PAIR FOR 98c. CHAMOISETTE GLOVES In the new pull-on style. A smart glove for your new spring outfit, 59c. AND 75c.i NEW COTTON VOILES In new printed patterns. These are fast colors and are very dainty at per yard 35c. AND 45c. SWEATER AND AFGHAN YARN * All of the best selling shades in one ounce balls. A lovely yarn for fancy work 15c. OR 2 FOR 25c. ' MURRAY HEEL HUGGER SHOES FOR WOMEN WALK AND ENJOY jT. YOU NEED NO LONGER BE ROBBED OF THE GREAT PLEASURE OF DOING THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BECAUSE OF TIRED ACHING FEET. THESE SHOES ARE MADE IN 192 SIZES. A FIT FOR EVERY FOOT. A STYLE FOR EVERY EYE. 5 DOZEN DARK GREEN BLINDS We have only five dozen to sell at this low price. They will not last long SPECIAL AT 65c. | SAND AND BLACK. COTTON HOSE Our regular 25c. line, We are mak­ ing a special of it for this week at per pr, 19c. SEE OUR NEW PATTERNS IN LINOLEUMS BEFORE < YOU BUY. PRICES ARE LOWER A NUMBER OF ROOM LOTS WALL PAPERS AT QUARTER THEIR PRICES 98c.; $1.29; $1.49 CONGOLEUM RUG CONTEST whoever guesses;the lucky number wins a beautiful congol- EUM RUG, SIZE 6 by 9 FEET< COME IN AND REGISTER A GUESS. THE LUCKY NUMBER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON MAY 14 AT FOUR O’CLOCK. YOU DO NOT NEED TO MAKE A PURCHASE IN ORDER TO HAVE A GUESS. HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR FOR MEN This cool, no-button underwear, the; style every man likes now sells for per gar­ ment. $1.00 MEN’S FELT HATS In four new shapes. Showing in good shades. These are special valine $1.98 -. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Large Package Oxydol and 10c. cake hard water soap for .... 22c. Prunes medium size................... 3 lbs. 25c. Tea Special, Blk., Green or Mixed 34c a lb. Gillett’s Lye........................ 2 tins for 25c. Large Package of Chipso and , 10c. cake of hard water soap...........22c. Quaker Catsup................2 bottles for 25c. Vanilla 4 oz. bottle...................-9. .... 15c. Corn, Peas and Tomatoes . . 3 tins for 25c. PINEAPPLES SHOULD BE AT THEIR BEST NEXT WEEK. LEAVE US YOUR ORDER. BEST PRICE GUARANTEED The G.G.I.T. met for their regular meeting in James St. United Church Wednesday evening of last week and after the opening exercises Mrs. Browning continued hei’ talk 1 on “First Aid Work.” Mary Van Camp recited “The Song My Paddle Sings” Jean Coates sang “Brigthen the Cor­ ner” accompanied by Betty Coates on the mouthorgan. Singing of a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction brought the meeting to a close. CHECKER TOURNAMENT The local checker club held a tournament at Mr. Tayflor’s Tire Shop on M’onday evening with twel­ ve players present. The winner: of the evening was Mr. J. A. Brintnell with 26 points. .Two games were played With each player a win count­ ing two points and a draw one.lThb following figures ’ shows the games played, wins, draws and points:,. , on Monday of next week. All checker players are invited. Jas. Sweet ....... C. Brixxtneill ....... . 16 . 18 6 1'2 3 1 ' 15 H-2I5-' W. Laverty ......... 12 5 2-c 12 Chas. 'Triebner ... 16 10 3 23 Ed. Treble ......... 10 ;5 2 12 O. Winel’ .............. 20>3 2 8 Ivan Hirtzel ....... 18 S 2 18i J. A. Brintnell .,. 18 13 0 *2'6 C. Sweet ...........16 7 131 17' A. RyckmAn .........20 5 1 11 Ed. Westcott ........ 16 3 2 8’ Jack Taylor ...J.... 16 10 2 22- Another tournament will be held’ Brighten up your home with New Furniture Plan to visit our show room and see our display of Chesterfield Suites, Dining Room Suites, Bedroom Suites etc. R. N. ROWE THE NEW SPRING HATS & CAPS ARRIVED We have a very large display of Spring hats in the new shapes and shades priced at $2.50 A special line of New Spring CapsSfc at the new price level of $1.25 W. TAMAN EXETER, ONT. w PHONE 81w » ■ " --------------------------------------------------------•--------------- ----- . -Principal G. S. Howard is conduct­ ing' Saturday morning classes tor his entrance pupils. ■BABY CHICKS A-l BabyZ Chicks are Canadian Government Approved, All flocks are culled by Government inspector. April 25th and after, Ontario bred. tO-lay Barred Rocks, 12c,; White Rocks, 14c.; Jersey .Black Giants, 15c.; Baron Strain Single Comb Wliite Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, 10c.; Anconas, 11c.; Assorted, not sold aS Approved, 9c, June and July lc. less. 500 or over l-2c. less. We pay express on 400 or more, guarantee 100 per cent, safe Arrival to your station, 25 per cent with order, balance C iO. B. Tjils Ad can­ cels All other quotAtiohs then, Three week .old stArted chicks, 20c,; 4 Week old 256.; 6 "week did pullets, '58c,; ,8 Week bld 65c. /Raby Chicks when called for l-2c, less, Custom Hatchng $2.i50 per 100. 122 eggs to the tray. Write for tree catalo­ gue. W. J. SEYMOUR Huron Street, West Painter, Decorator & Paper Hanger TERMS—MODERATE Estimates Free W. R. GOULDING A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction In Plano Vocal Organ Theorj Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, phone 191 EXETER. ONT i t >■ * A, 11. SWITZER Granton,. Ontario V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor^ Notary Tubliic Estate and General Practice In art Courts, Money to ioati New Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ontario Phono: Office; Mbtcftlf 1723 Residence; Metcalf 2171 ■Hi