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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-05-12, Page 5
THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE twday, may k m? Miss Margaret Bell is confined to jker h^rne, .through illness, Mr^jypi,. stone, of Detroit, spent the weeh’bud at his hbWO here, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dayman yisJted’ friends in Exeter on Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. A, W. E. Hemphill visited week, Miss visited Week. Mr, trip to week: Miss Jon, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Harold Scruton, of Port Dov- spent the week-end at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. N. Coles, of Wheat- ley, were recent visitors with rela tives here. Mr, and Mrs. George Hunter, of Exeter, spent a day last week with friends in town. Mr, W. U MfeLaren dnd Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren visited friends in Seaforth on Sunday. Misses Martha and Merle Carlyle of London, visited over the week end at their home here. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Kaiser and Mr, John,Kaiser, of Detroit, were recent visitors with friends in town. Our local .stores, have re-opened again on Tuesday evenings and will he so for the summer months. Miss Matti© Ellis has become nice ly settled in the rooms she lias rent-' ed from Mr. Wm. Dougal. on King St. Seeding is almost finished in this district and although beans are low In price a large acreage will be sown again. •Mr. Fred Kenning has secured the contract for painting several cottag es at the Bend and is now busy on the job. Mrs. Allair, nicely settled rented from -Queen St. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb, of Hash wood and Mrs. Gordon McDonald and little daughter of Thames Road visjted friends in town on Saturday. Anniversary services will be held in , the United Church on Sunday, May 1!5 th, Sarnia will day. Mr. C. M.Amoved back with friends n Toronto last jqellie Carmichael, of Exeter with friends in town last H,. Joynt made a business Toronto the first part of this Isobel Saundercock, of Clin- of Kippen has become in the house she has Mr. C. Volland on Rev?. Mr. Wiliiam|s, of be the speaker for the Hedden and family have to Hensail from Clinton and are again occupying the north half of Alpine McEwan's residence on Brock. St. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper the Carmel on Sunday played here A reception in honour of Mr* and Mrs. Glenn Eell, was held in the Town Hail on Friday evening last with n Urge number of guests pres ent. Dancing was indulged in until 12 o’clock after which lunch, was served. Following lunch ,a day bed 2 wicker chairs and a rocking chair was presented to Mr. and Mrs, iBeil. The address was read by Miss Olive Walker after which the bride groom made a very fitting reply of thanks, A short program was given 'consisting of quartettes by Mrs, G. M. Drysdale, Mrs. W, A. McLaren and Messrs. W. 0. Goodwin and W. A. McLaren, Mis's Eleanor Fisher acting as pianist and step dancing by Harold Hedden and Fred Har- burn after which dancing was ire- sjumedi again. Messrs. EjarH Dilck, Harry Horton, and Alfred Hunkin were floor managers. CHISELHURST Strat-Miss Isabelle Brintnell, of ford, visited at 'her home over the week-end. Miss A, MlcTaggart spent the week-end with friends in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Horney and •Miss Erma, of Kippen, visited in the vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs'. R, Braggy and Ger aldine, of Woodstock, with MT. and Mrs. W. J. Pybus, Sunday, M’ay 8th, being Mother’s Day, it was observed in the church service also in the Sunday School. A good congregation greeted the pas tor, Rev. A. Sinclair at 9.45 am, The message was taken from Prov. -3il- 14: ‘‘She is like the merchant ships she bringeth her food from afar.” A men’s choir of 16 voices lead the service of song, besides three special numbers, two choruses “Mother’s Prayer”, “Meet Mother in the Skies’ and a quartette, “Tell Mother I will meet Her” by Messrs P. Harris, G. T. Wren, M. Cudmore and H. Hor ton, with Miss Pearl Harris as ac companist. There was also a baptis mal service. At the close of the church, service the Sunday Sichoofl met with a record breaker in atten dance 111 being present. The special Mother’s Day service was carried out, the church choir leading with the singing and Miss Edna Brintnell presiding at the piano. The address on “Honor Thy IMbther” was taken by Mr. W. J. Pybus,. the special part in “Why Mother’s Day” by Mrs. W. R. Parsons, with John Cliappel, and Lorne Chambers. The leading part in the drama, “Honour Thy Mother” by Mrs. J. M. Glenn with MT. and Mrs. E.. Cudmore and Wilfred Bu chanan. The church service will con tinue for the summer months at 9.45 a.m. with Sunday School lowing. THAMES ROAD fol- A large meeting of the W. M. was held on Thursday afternoon the basement of'the church Rennie and Dr. Smi'llie was rendered by Dr. I. •Carmel Presbyterian will be observed in Presbyterian Church morning next. The softball match on our local diamond on Friday af ternoon between Dashwood Public ..School and Hensail Juniors^resulted in 6-11 in favour of Hensd.ll. < Mr. Wm. L. McLaren received word last week that his brother, John McLaren, of -Egmondville, has suffered a severe attack of heart trouble and is now in a serious con dition. ‘M’rs. A. Scruton and daughter, Miss Mildred were in London last week attending the graduation ex ercises of the -former’s daughter, Miss Alma Scruton, who has been training in the Victoria Hospital. Mother’s Day was 'Observed in our local churches on Sunday with large congregations attending. .Special sermons and music given for the occasion. At the United Church Rev. A. Sincair-had charge of the services and a men’s choir led the singing. In the evening a duet was given by Messrd. Thos. Sherritt, W. O. Good win, Sam. and a solo Smillie. At the •Church Rev. Knox Clarke occupied the pulpit and a Mother’s choir lead in the service of song. In the morn- ing a solo was given, by Mrs. Jas. Bonthron. The Young People's League of the United >Chufc(jhl held their regular meeting ‘ on Monday evening with. )Mr. Ferris ,Oante!loii- ih charge. After the opening exercises a solo was giv- Ven by Mr. Sam. Rennie after which ’ two short dialogues were given by ’ Ronald Peck, Bill Glenn and I. Kip- ' fer; Bob Drysdale, Kenneth Manhs and Dave Siangster. The topic on 3 prominent statesmen, R. B. Bennett Arthur Meighan and Rolbt. Boi'den was very ably taken by Jim McEw an followed by a selection by Mr. 'Ferris' CanteiOn on the saxaphone accompanied by Mt. Clare Zuefle on the accordian. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpali Bene- • -diction. The W> M. S. of the United church Iield their regular meeting on Thursday afternoon last with a good attendance. After the opening exercises a splendid program was given consisting of piano solo, Miss Flossie Foss; duet, ‘AMy ^Mother's Prayer,” by Mrs. Drysdale and Mrs. Hess; devotional' leaflets were read by Mrs. R. L. Coles, “Prayer as In tercession”; Mrs. JU IMfaBonnoli, “Ju das, the Man who had been”; Mrs. C. Cook, “Hindrance to Prayer”; Mrs. J. W. Peck, “Reward of Pray- f> A report Of the Convention held ‘'^ivtViiigium was given by Mrs. ■ jBonfiell and h letter from Miss file Moore was read, thanking society for the flowers sent to during her recoiit illness. S. in _____ when the ladies of James st., Exeter were entertained. The home members held their usual meeting previous and at .3* o’clock most of the visitors were present. Mrs. Cann, president, extended a hearty welcome to the guests and invited MTS. Christie to the chair. There followed a very pleasing and instructive program, consisting of a radiogram; reading by Mrs. Christie; • a duett by Mrs. Goulding and Mrs. Geo. Williams; a piano duett by Miss Irene Stewart and Mrs. Harry Carey; a talk on “Korea” by Mrs. Beavers; a solo by Mrs. Elliot; Mrs. McTavish then tools, charge and a playlet, was given on “That Mite, Box.” At the close Mrs. Anthony expressed the enjoyment of those present for the pleasant time spent. President Mrs. Cann also extended the best wishes of a'll to Rev. and (Mrs. McTavish in their new field of labor. Tea was then serv ed after the company had formed groups, each group to sing a verse of a familial’ hymn unaccompanied, Mrs. Christie then moved a vote of thanks to the ladies which received a hearty response. There were 84 present. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McNichol, of Toronto, were Siu nd ay visitors around the burg. Miss Baxter left Friday for her home at Benmiller returning to her : .duties on Monday. • ;A treat is in.stox. jot all,, those ?fable HO be, at= 'Sunday* Schoo),, next Sunday when Mr. Thompson, of . Centralia, will address the school. Mother’s Day was ovser.ved in this church on Sunday last. The proper program was carried out. Master Lawrence Anderson and Miss Beth Ballantyne rendered two solos. The dramatized parts wore taken by Mrs. Wiseman, Mr. Arthur Rohde, Mr. Tom Farron, Mrs. Rohde and Miss Beatrice Knight, Master Melvin Gardiner and Gollings. A present. Miss Jessie we are glad to hear. A meeting of the teachers and of ficers was held Monday evening in the church and the Sunday School Anniversary and Strawberry Festi val will be held on Juno 26th and 27th. R6V. Craik, oVGoderich, will ho the minister at both morning and evening services. A play entitled “Farm Folks” will be given by the 'Thames Road Young People for the entertainment on the IM'onday ing. Fred Selves and Mrs. good attendance was Monteith is improving CREDITON even- An-1 Miss Violet Cockwell-1ms returned the' home ‘after spending the winter in her ] London.The Official Soard of the Credi- ton Charge of the United Church of Canada met last Tuesday evening and extended a call to Rev, J, W. Johnson, of Londesboro, to beeeme the minister of the charge^ Mr. Johnson has accepted this cell pend-* jug the Approval of the Settlement Committee. The Board also appoint ed Mr, Wesley Jones as lay delegate to presbytery tor 1932-i3.3 and Mr. Geo. Mawhinney as alternate. The Young people’s Society of the United Church visited the Shipka. Young people’s Society on Monday evening, This was the closing meet ing of the season, Mr, Herb. Eilber played for the male choir at Brinsley United Church Mother’s Day Service on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ed. Fahner spent a day at Zurich with Rev. and Mrs. preier. Mrs, Merner Eilber and children and Mr, Russell Eilber, of Detroit, spent Sunday at the home of MT, and Mrs Charles Eilber, Mrs. Leonard Wing and children Willard and Adenia and Mrs. Eliza beth Veolker, of Piegon, Mich., and Norman Wing, of Flint, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hess and family of Zurich, and Miss Gertrude Haist, of Goderich, were Sunday vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C.' Haist. Miss Inez Mae Fahner spent a day in London visiting her aunt Mi’St W. J. Mallott. Mr. and Mrs. Renney, of Detroit, visited the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Hirtzel on Sunday. Mr. and 'M*rs. William Damn, of Chesley,- Miss Lamont, of Zurich and Mr. Wm. Braun and sons were visitors at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahner on Sunday, Mr. Royal Haist, of Chicago, Ill. is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist. Mis$ Hazel Woodall entertained her Sunday (School class of girls on Friday evening last at her home. The girls all report a very pleasant time. The Mother's Day services last Sunday brought out two large au diences at the Evangelical church. In the morning and evening services four excellent choruses were given by thirty five mothers, who occup ied the choir loft and part of the pulpit rostrum. Of the attractive- special numbers was an alto solo and chorus; Mrs. Wm. Smith taking the solo part and in the evening a contralto solo by Mrs. Gordon Mor- lock. The mother’s day committee consisted of the following: Mrs. E. Fahrner, Mrs. H. K. Eilber, Mrs. O. Ewald and Mrs. Chas. Hoffman. We douibt whether any large city church could excel this service very much. The pastor ‘M. Sippell delivered both messages to attractive audiences, pipe. organ and piano accompani ment music gave the evening .seTfi vice an inspiring start. Among the floral display was one large basket of cut flowers presented by fli'e “Kelhofers” of Shanghai, China, iif memory of their' mother, the late Mrs. G. K, Braun. In the Sunday Schtfol session there was also a brief program given consisting of several readings, recitations, junior girls’ chorus, ladies’ quartette and a Mis sionary pageant in which the fol lowing took part; Mrs. Jacob Ratz, Mrs. Art Amy, Margaret Kuhn, Al vin Finkbeiner and Earl Haist. The attendance at Sunday School was larger than usual. The Dorcas Class Room was not large enough to ac commodate its members and visitors. La.st Sunday, Mother’s Day ser vices were held in the United Church Sunday School, with a good attendance. The program consisted of recitations, songs, dialogues and a drama entitled, . “Honour Thy Mother”. A paper was given on the “Origin of Mother’s Day” by Miss Alvinna Hill. A talk wa.s given by Mr. Edward Lamport. The program was well rendered and. special mu sic was provided. The annual meeting of the Wo man's Institute was hed in the In stitute Hall with a good attendance and visitors present. The president occupied the chair. The Secretary- Treasurer Mrs. Chas. Hofifman- gave a full report of the work of the past year, showing a very success ful year, four new members were en rolled and one lost through death. The financial report showed a bal ance Of $242.76 and the average at tendance was 20. Excellent reports wore submitted by the convenors- of the various committee. Mrs. A. Amy then took the chair and the following are the officers elected for the ensuing year. Hon. Pres., Mrs. C. Zwicker; President, Mrs. 0. Ewald; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. M. W. Telfer; 2nd Vice-Pros., Mrs. A. Amy Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. L. Eng land; Ass’t., Mrs. E. Fahrner; ‘pian ist, Miss L. Smith; Ass’t., Mrs. (Dr.) Misener; reporters, Mrs. W. M'. Sip pell, Miss A. Smith; District Direct or, Mrs. M. W. Telfer; Agricultural Representative, Mrs. Eli Brown; Convenor of Way & Means Commit tee, Mrs. H. Young’; 'Convenor of Social Coin., Mrs. J, Wein; Convenor of Decorating Com,, Mrs. C. Convenor of Good Cheer Com., T. TreVethick. The following program was a much enjoyed piano duet by and Jack England. iMrs. A. convenor on “Historical Research”, gave some very interesting items of Crediton 50 years ago; a very pleas ing piano solo by Mrs, E. Lawson. A dainty, Junch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. L. England, Mrs. H. K Eilber -and Mi’s, E, Lawson. THE RED & WHITE «»« .1 UlgnJJ!!..!»IW JU II IU!.!■!!'!" ' 'MP- ..'J'■■'■'■J'" L,' i' ......I".! !,MI U ■' .. W. I ' / CHOJCJ5 PINK ^MMPN/Iar^ tiW - • * * > • W SPECIAL— | HANDY AMMONIA ......................................... 5 pkg*, for 25c. Excelsior Peas Large Sweet and Tender 3 tins for 23c. Medium Prunes 2 lbs. for 17c. Golden Wax Peans Best quality . 2 tins for 23c, a«s Sims; , Mrs. given Ruth Amy 40 oz. j»r each 23%GOLD MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE Crown Test 1 Black or Mixed 1 1 lb. package 39c. | Trio Biscuits Assorted flavors per lb. 15c. i Macaroni I Ready Ciit I per lb, 6c. PURE CANE SUGAR -r'k - J..'.. ...... ,» 10 pounds for 50c.’ Fresh Broken Walnuts | 1-2 pound 18c. \ j Tiger Brand Catsup qt. bottle each 17c, 1 Gold Medal Flodr Wax j 1 pound tin each 29c., TURKISH DELIGHT,the finest made per lb. J9c. Palmolive Soap 1 3 cakes for 21c. | Perrin’s Molasses Snaps 1 2 pound for 23c. | 1 * Pure Lard | 1 lb.' prints each 9c. .. '6 for 25c. •ft- ft DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavors ,. SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, sweet and juicy . FINEST JUMBO SALTED PEANUTS .. SCHNEIDER’S BACON, 1 pound package .. 6 for 25c, ft ft ■9 'ft per lb. 15c. . 2 for 25c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY “Quality always higher than price.” >t ............................... .. Phone 102 Iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir EXETER, ONT. We Deliver llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll late residence to the Evangelical church where Rev. Mr. Sauer assist ed by Rev. J. P. Haugh, of Stratford and Rev. Sippelfi of Crediton con ducted the ceremony. The choir rendered an anthem and the three ministers sang her favorite hymn in German after which Harry Hoffman sang a solo “The Old Rugged Cross.’ Interment took place in the Goshen Line cemetery. Myrtle Galser mo on Thursday. Ervin iMjcIsa'ac, of week-end visitors DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON • At office In Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last throe days of week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns, of Port Huron, spent the week-end with Mrs. Burns’ mother Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Witmer, of London, and Mrs. I; Beaver, of Exeter, spent a few days with relatives. Rev. A. W. Sauer accompanied ’by Maida Wein and tored to Rodney x Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, were- with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. - Miss Mytra Hoffman, of Kitchen er, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman. •Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams, of Lon don were Sunday visitors with Mr. a^d Mrs. E. G. Kraft. “ ’ j^lr.' and Mrs. J. Reschke, of De-' ytroit,’ were week-end visitors with her^parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mer- .n^L: ' . f Mrs. MciFalls, of London, spent a few days with MT. and Mrs. J. Wilfong. -Miss Edna Fisher has -..returned after spending the past week in Lon don. .'The auction sales of Mr. Pederson and the late Mr. Weltin on Saturday afternoon were attended by a very large crowd of people in fact one of the largest crowd that has been in Dashwood for a long time. Harry Hoffman attended the mu- ELIMVILLE Miss Olive Brock, of Hensail, vis ited her friend Miss Florence Bell over the week-end. Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas, were Sunday visitors in this community. Mr. Jackson Woods is confined to his bed at present. Mrs. White ford is also under the doctor’s care at the home of her daughter Mrs. Weston Horne. We hope for a speedy recovery for both. Mr. Allen Johns went to Toronto with Mr. Ben Williams this week. Last Sunday morning service was in keeping with Mother’s Day. Some beautiful flowers decorated the church were sent to some who are ill., Mr. and Mrs.' Ivor Morgan'S' young daughter, Doreen Elizabeth, was alsp .baptized by Rev. White at this service. At the Sunday S'chool session in the afternoon the Mother’ Day program leaflets were used. The heavy rains of the week-end very com- MT. CARMEL Mr. and Mrs.. James Hall, of Clandeboye, spent the week-end with fhe former’s mother Mrs. Ed, Hall. Miss Hilda Dederich, of London, is spending a few days at lie'? home here. Mrs. John -Rowland was called to the home of her brother-in-law Mr. O’Loughlin, of Kingsbridge, who is seriously ill, . Mrs. T'. J. Hall spent a few days last week.- with friends in London. Mr. Jack, Morrissey and sister Miss Kathleen Morrissey, of Lon don, accompanied by Mrs. Joseph Glavin day to friends Miss spent the week-end with her. parents here. Mr Mat. Doyle, of London, called, on friends here last week. motored •'to Detroit on Sun visit for a few days with in that city. . Minnie Madden, of London, o have made everything grow fast. The spring grain is also ing up nicely. WINCHELSEA Mrs. E. Foster, of Kirkton, VAA.V, .. Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. John sica'l festival in Sitratford on S'atur- j prancis. day and was successful in obtaining; .Mr/and Mervin Elston,'of the gold medal in the Bass solo class | Londonf and Mrs. Fred Davis, of The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S., of Lstratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dashwood Church, held their regu- c pietcher on Tuesday of last week, lar meeting in the church basement recently with Mrs. E. Bender in the chair. The program consisted of the Hunkin at Farquhar. Scripture lesson r:*d 'tr. * Schatz; V,'«Nw,Mrs. W. Snell and Mrs. A. W. Sauer I guitar duet by Mrs. V. Schatz and Miss Mrs. man ion Sauer and Mrs.' W. Snell pointed as visiting committee and Mrs. V. Schatz and Mrs. R. H. T'ay-. lor as F'lower Committee. It was decided to hold a Strawberry Social and the executive committee are to be in .charge of the arrangements. The Late Mrs. Kraft Catherine Elizabeth Weber was born November 5, 1847 in Germany, and died at her home on Saturday morning, May 7, 1932 aged 84 years 6 months and 2 days. Her husband and three children predeceased her many years ago. She leaves to mourn her home going four sons, Conrad and Samuel, of Easton, Sask. Jacob, of Cavalier, N. D., and Harry on the homestead near Dashwood and five daughters Mrs. Daniel Haugh, Mrs. J. Wein, Marie, Susie and Pearl, 15 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren besides other relatives and friends who will lov ingly cherish the memory of a worthy mother, Mrs. Kraft was converted many years a^o and join ed the Evangelical church of which she was a faithful member through out her useful life*. For six years or more she was physically unable to attend and enjoy public church services being partially deaf and al so with greatly impaired sight. The last four months she was bedfast and suffered with marvellous pa tience. The careful nursing of her daughters greatly helped the calam- ations of her' life. The funeral was hold on Tuesday afternoon from her spent’ ■M'r. and Mrs. Geo. Coward spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson read by Mrs. VJ Mr. and Mrs. GeOrgA WoSh, | Mr> Ralph Parkinson " EU11ice Parkinson, of spent Sunday with iMr. Herman Foster. Mrs. Nelson Hunkin, Audrey and Betty Hunkin, and Mrs. Ed. Pollen, of Farquhar, spent Monday with Mrs. George Coward. Mr. R. E. Pooley was in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Oke, of Hur- ondale, visited with Mr. and Mis. R. W. Batten on Sunday. . Miss visited Brown Miss couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Pollen at Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wightman and family, of Sebringville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman on Sunday. Mrs. Coleman, and Bobbie returned With them for a few days. Mrs. R. W. Batten was in Strat ford • on Monday visiting with her sister, Miss Mae Whiting. Mrs. Newton Clarke and family visited With Mi’. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs at Saintsbury one day last week. Miss Leila Mollaret, of Shipka, Spent the week-end with the Misses Olive and Audrey Prance. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, Elimville, visited at the home of Chas. Delbridge on Sunday. Alfred Collier with the latter’s Mrs. Verna Birk and a piano solo by A. E. Oestreiclier. Mrs. D. Tie- presided for the business sess- which followed. Mrs. A. W. were ap- Parkinson and Miss Blanshara, and Mrs. Ethel Brown, of Centralia, with her mother, Mrs. H. on Saturday. Mae Coward is spending a SHIPKA * The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Milton Ratz with the- Vice-President, -M'rs. M. Sweitzer- presiding. Meeting was opened by* singing hymn “The Way of the- Cross Leads Home” after which the- Lord’s Prayer was repeated in uni son. The roll call was responded to’ by twelve members present and one? visitor after which reports were? given. The ladies decided to -have" a Strawberry Festival on the 23 rd of June. The remainder of the af ternoon was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by the hostess.' The meeting ivas closed wth prayer; by Mrs. E. Keys. t Mr. S. McEachen, of Port Huron> spent a couple of days calling on! friends the past week. The Misses Ila and Evelyn Sweit zer, Beatrice Baynham, Edith Ball,. Minerva Vincent, of London, spent the week-end at their homes here A number from here attended the? funeral of the late Mrs. Walter Neil, of Lieury on Sunday. A Mother’s Day program was giv en in the United Church on Sunday, and a talk by Rev. Mr. Hagelstein which was enjoyed by all. The Y. P. S. entertained the’ Crediton Young People Monday,- night at the home of Mr. and. Mi^ Ed. Lamport. A good program wasi given by both societies after which) a social time -was spent. Lunch was! served and all had an enjoyable: time. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford McPher son and family from Parkhill, spent Sunday alt the home of Mr. and Mrs.; M. Sweitzer. ( of Mr. and of H. Bailey on family moved where they RIB-ROLL ROOFING Colored or plain. For houses, barns, sheds, garages. "Council Standard”1 or "Acorn* quality. Easy and quick to lay, permanent, proof against fire. Free estimates gladly sent. Send, measurements. ... Makers of Preston Steel Truss Barns, Gal vanized Tanks, Barn Door Hardware, Preston Led-Hed Nails,. Double-Mesh Metal Lain, Ventilators, ilollNBold Garage Doors, All kinds Sheet Metal Building Material, Mr. and Mrs. Kirtkon, vjsited parents, Mr. and Sunday. Mrs. M, Routly to Kirkton last week will reside in the future, Mr, and Mrs. Walker Kerslake and daughter, of Centralia, have moved onto the farm reoenty vacat ed by Mrs. M, Routly.. Guelph St.»Preston, Ont Factoriea nt Montreal and Toronto liiinHmiiiittikHiftitiiimimtiHihWuiHHiiniiiiH