HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-05-05, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MAX 15, 1933 JS Mr< Win. Joy nt, of Toronto, is vis­ iting at W© home here. Mr. ■ $cott Welsh ©pent Sunday with friends in Windsor, Mrs. A. R. Campbell is visiting with friends in Toronto, Mr, Harry Cook, of Toronto. Visiting at liis home here. (Miss Marie Bell, .of London, spent th© week-end at her home here, Mr, and Mrs Laird Mickle spent a day last week With friends in Lon­ don. ,, Miss Beryl Pfaff, of London, spent the week-end with her mother liere. Miss Minnie Gibbs, of Toronto, Spent the week-end with friends in town,Jn!M!iss Helen Elder, of London, fipent the week-end at her horn© here. Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at her home here, ■Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Fines, of Clin­ ton, visited with friends in town on Friday. Miss visited friends Mrs. V. ville, returned home last week after a pleasant visit with friends here. Mr, Wm, Simpson accompanied by his mother from Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin and family, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday witlj Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and family visited ' over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren ac­ companied by their father, Mr. Wm, L. McLaren, visited with friends in Hibbert on Sunday. Mrs, Chas. McDonnell, Mrs. Agnes McDonnell, Mrs. Ed. McQueen and Mrs. J. Elder attended the Annual aneeting of the Huron Preshyterial .at Whigham on Tuesday, The Welfare Youth’s Club, of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on -Monday evening with a good attendance. Af­ ter the opening exercises' the Bible Lesson was read by (Mirs. R. Y. Mc­ Laren after which a chorus was sung by the Mission Band. A solo was given by Mrs. Jas. A, Paterson, fol­ lowed by a reading by )Mrs. David- on “Formosa.” An interesting jRiture of the evening was lantern slides on ‘‘Missionary Work in For­ mosa” which, proved very interest­ ing and instructive to the attentive audience. • ' A reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smale was held at the home of the latter’s 'mother, Mrs. A. Saundercock on Thursday evening last. Dancing was indulged in and .. a very pleasant evening was spent Mr. and Mrs. 'Smale receiving many beautiful and useful presents. Services in our local churches •were well attended on .Sunday last. At the Carmel Presbyterian Church' the Rev. 'Mr, Young, of Ottawa had charge of the services. The Odd­ fellows of the Hensail Lodge attend­ ed the evening services. Special music was .given by the choir and a J3olo was given by Mrs. J. W. Sou­ thron. At the United Church Rev. Mr. Sinclair occupied the .pulpit and- special parts in the anthems were taken by Mrs. Hedden, Mrs. A. Sinclair and W. O. Goodwin. Mother’s Day will be observed in nur local churches on Sunday. At the United .Church Rev. Mr. Sinclair will have charge of the services and a men’s choir will lead the'singing. In the morning <-baptismal services will be .held* At the Carmel Presby- teria'n* Church Rev. Knox Clarke will occupy the pulpit and there will be a mother’s choir. The'Young People’s League of the United Church Hensall, was held on ^Monday evening. The program *be- Wtig in charge of Misses Irene Doug­ las and Flossie Foss. After the op­ ening exercises- the Scripture Lesson was read, by Margaret Kennings. A jiumber\of readings were given on three' ’ prominent men ’ by Helen Glenn,- Bella Smale and Norman Sinclair followed by a piano solo by Gladys Luker after which a reading ^’Baby’s Offering” was given by Mil­ dred Scruton and a very pleasing vocal duet was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phile. The meeting was’ close with a hymn and the.Benedic-1 tion. Gladys Gartner, of London, over the week-end with in town, Annie Henderson, of Platts- Th© play entitled “Nobody But Nancy" whs given, in th© Town Hall on Wednesday evening by the A, Y, P, A, of the St Daurs Anglican Church. This play was a whirl* wind farce comedy in 3 acts by Eu­ gene H. Haffie. Each player did their part in a most able and pleas­ ing manner. Following is the cast of characters; Nancy King. Louise Drummond; Sarah Andrews, Helen Smith; qSue Andrews, Margaret Drummond; AXleline perkins, Mrs. Peppier; Luella Crawford, Grace Stone; Fannie, Beryl Drummond; Larry Wilson, Tom. Rutledge; Ted. Porter, Albert Sherray; Adam Ring Kenneth Rutledge and Jimmy Me- Kabe, John Drummond, with and Cora with Pied in London Word was received in the village this week of the death of Daniel Stewart, of London, formerly of Hensall, who passed away at Victor­ ia Hospital, London, on Sunday. Stewart was born in Ontario years- ago and was the son'of late Duncan Stewart. Surviving one brother, peter, of Hensall; one sister, Mrs, Wren, of New Rock­ ford, Th© funeral was held on Tues­ day morning with the Rev. Mr. Mc­ Gregor, of London, officiating. In­ terment took place in the Woodland Cemetery. Mr, 72 the are and Council Meeting The regular council meeting was held on Monday evening at 8 p.-m. in the council chambers with all the member® present. Minutes of previous meetings read. Petty and Spencer that the ipinutes be adopted as read. Car. Mr. Shoemaker, of the Taylor Safe Works, appeared re the pur­ chase of a safe. Same held over for further information. Petty reported re poll tax one party still outstanding, Geiger reported granting Miss M. Reid permission to cut down a tree­ in front of her property also the re­ bate from the Hydro as to motor under watei* tank. C. with same at 8 iCommunications read and filed. Bills and accounts read as follows G. -C. Petty, poll tax labour, $11.00; J. Passmore, hydro, $7.58; C. S. Hudson, salary postage and assessor $4’5.96; Rev. A. Sinclair, grant on hail rent, $.5.00; Mrs. J. Dallas, grant on hall rent, $'5.00; C. Voll­ and, gravelling streets, $3.60; R. Broderick, gravelling streets, $8.80; G. Hudson, meals for transients, $18.90; total $105.84. Petty and Jones, that accounts as read be paid and orders drawn on treasurer for same. Carried. Mickle and Sencer, that the clerk bill the Hydro $10.00, School $10.00 Library $5.00 for then1 share of the Municipal audit. Carried. • Mickle and Petty, that the coun­ cil adjourn until May lltli. Carried. James A. Paterson, Clerk. S. Hudson, Assessor, appeared the Assessment Roll of 1932. to be looked into on May 11th p.m. WINCHELSEA Edgar Hunkin, of Exeter, Mr. and Mr. _ spenf the week-end with Mrs, George Coward, Mrs. Emerson Gunning, of Kirk­ ton, visited with her parents and Mrs. Wm. Clarke one week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs of Saintsbury, visited with Mrs. Newton Clarke on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson and Master .Arnold Robinson of Saint Marys visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten on Sunday. ” Mr-.-and Mrs. Benson Tuckey, and son Ross, of Exeter, called on Mr. and Mrs. George Coward on Sun­ day. Miss Nettie Routly visited for a a few days last week with Mr. and MrS. Norman Routly in St. Marys. GRAND BEND day Mr. last her mother Mrs. Mary iMr. and Mrs, Herb Stahls, o£ London, is hey mother Mrs, Ro­ she her an d and and and Mrs, ■Oestricher pulpit last student of is have another in view in th© -city*. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Beaver and son, of ,Pittsburg, are visiting at the home of Mr. and and Mrs. H. Beaver. The District Agricultural Repre­ sentative will have a meeting in the school next Tuesday evening for th© purpose of revising the School Fair list. All interested are asked to at­ tend. The County of Huron has been re­ pairing th© Main Street through the village with tar and gravel, Mrs. J. MacDonald, of Detroit, is Visiting Wenzel Fahrner Miss visiting sina Stahls. Mrs. .Charlotte Brown has return­ ed home from Kitchener where spent the winter month® with daughter Mrs. Harry Sweitzer. Mrs. Abel, of (Montreal, Mr. Mrs. E, French, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Oestricher family of Rockingham, spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr Herman Oestricher. Mr, occupied the Evangelical Sunday evening. Miss Lulu Morlock, a PfcGill University, Kingston, spending her vacation with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morlock, Next Sunday, May 8th, Mothers’ Day services will he observed in the United Church Sunday School. A good program is being prepared, Come and bring your friends, Mothers’ Day will be observed at the Evangelical Church next Sunday A large choir of mothers will take charge of the music in both morn­ ing and evening services; besides choruses special selections will also he contributed, in the Sunday School session a brief program of music and exercises will be given. Everybody attend these interesting services. Rev. A. W. Sauer and W. M. Sip- pell will motor to Rodney, Thurs­ day when preparations are being made for a district Religious Edu­ cation Rally to be held May 7 and 8. The latter mentioned is the president for this year. The pro­ gram will be arranged. Rev. /J, ,M. 'Oestricher, pastor of the Rockingham Circuit and a na­ tive of Dashwood, ' occupied the Evangelical pulpit at Crediton, on Sunday evening. The community is always glad to hear him. GREENWAY and Mr. son, and ofMr. Bert. Batty and family, Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Oliver over the week-end. Miss Box, of Parkhill, spent the Weekend with Miss Beatrice Grieve. Mr.'- and Mrs. Mollard and Miss Mary Yoe, of Sarnia, spent 'Sunday With Mr. and Mrs Sol. Pollpck. , Mr. Newton Hay ter is all'smiles over a little daughter, Mr. and Mrs, I. Tetreau, of the Fourteenth spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Peter Isenbach. Mr. Ivan Green has bought the , property by the river from Mr. M. Friends in the village have i’eceiv-) and js moving there this Week. Mr, T. Wilke spent a week with •in Toronto, motoring home mst Sunday. MY. Lloyd Stebbfen, who has been working fcr Mr. peter isenbach, for a year has moved into Mark Wilds house in the village. Miss Edyth LOvie, of London ■5ted with her parents, Mr. and P. ed word of the death of Win. Stone­ man which occurred at his home in J ;16r sister Vancouver. Mr. Stoneman was a former well known citizen, in Hen­ nail and about 20 years ago with his wife and children moved to' Saska­ toon and then to Vancouver. While here he successfully followed the oc­ cupation of painter ahd paper-hang­ er. He was a prominent musician and was a member of the Rennie, Brown, Stoneman and Parlmer quar­ tette of the Methodist Church. A few weeks ago ho suffered a stroke from which he failed to tally. He was 77 years of age and is surviv­ ed by iB sons and 2 daughters; his wife predeceased him some, years ago. The deceased was attended to during his*illness by Er. Alex Mur­ dock formerly of Brucefield and was frequently called on by the Rev. J. S. Henderson, a former pastor of the Carmel Presbyterian. ChUrchj [j;^j vis Ml'S W,XX Ve oil Sunday, giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM | THE RED & WHITE STORE | FLOWERS FOR MOTHER’S PAY Roses, Carnations, Tulips etc. J PURE CANE SUGAR.......................... SPECIAL— j CHOICE NEW CHEESE .................- 10 lbs, for ,50c? 2' lbs. for 27i& Fresh Broken Sodas McCormick’s 2 Jbs. f<>r 17c. ( | Fresh Mdasses Snaps I I 2 lbs. for 23c. | Pure Red Plum Jam Gold Medal j 40 oz. JaV- each 27c. EXTRA SPECIAL--Red and White. Toilet Tissue ,large rdlls 6 for 39c. Clark’s Pork and Beans No, 2 squat tins 3 for 23c J | Clark’s Tomato Juice I I 5 for 25c. I Frankfort Peas No. 3 3 tins for 25e, " GOLD MEDAL JAM> Raspberry or Strawberry, ....40 oz« jar each 33c. Large Meaty Prunes 2 lbs for 17c. I Rose Brand Baking Powder 1 | 1 lb. tin each 19c, | Rex Coffe Freshly Ground per lb. 41c. DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, ASSORTED FLAVOURS ..... (5 for 25c. P & G Soap 6 bars for 25c. i Manyflowers Toilet Soap 1 | 4 cakes for 25c, | Derby Soap Chips 3 lbs. for 25c. Shredded Wheat.................. Schneider’s Bacon ................ .... 2 for 25c. Chocolate Peanut Cluster . ,,, per lb, 29c. 2 lbs. for 25c. Chocolate Mallow Biscuits .... per lb. 15p. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” T. Bullock. Patterson, of and Mrs. G. of Centralia, the London the speaker Anniversary In an elo- Mothers’ Day will be observed in the United. Church -next Sunday and the Go-toHSunday school, program used with special music. Everyone is urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. IThos. Bullock and family attended the funeral of her brothei’ Mr. John Berger in Darkhill on 'Saturday. Mr. Berger spent his boyhood days in this community. Miss Lois Brown spent last Tues­ day in London. Mr. and Mrs. W. McLinchey wel­ comed a little son to their home last week. Mrs. Fred Wood, of Guelph, visit­ ed a few days with he-r cousin Miss Mae Wilson. )M’iss Olive Prance, of Winchelsea, is spending a week with her grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Grand Bend, and Mr. , Hepburn and family, called at A. M. Wilson’s last week. Last Sunday afternoon Mrs. W. R- McIntosh, President of Conference branch was at the special W.M.S. in the United Church. quent and forceful address she made a .strong plea to the large congrega­ tion to promote the ideal® of peace and good fellowship. The offering was for the funds of the local so­ ciety and special music was furnish­ ed by a ladies’ choir. Mr. W. Prance has been confined to the house suffering from an ac­ cident in which he sustained a frac­ tured leg. Mr. Pressey, of Arkona, visited his daughter Mrs. Elton ‘Curts re­ cently. Friends of Mr. Fred Sliettler will regret to learn of his. -serious illness at his horn© in Buffalo. The young people presented their play very successfully in Mt. Carmel on Thursday last and were very ably entertained afterward at the Rec­ tory. They repeat it in Grace Church this week and in Parkhill next week. ELIMVILLE The Live- Oak Mission Circle met for their April meeting at the home of Mrs. James Kirkland, who also had charge. The meeting open­ ed with the hymn, “What a Friend We have in Jesus” followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scrip­ ture lesson from Rom. 10, 1-21 was read by Mrs. E, Cowdrey. The min­ utes of the last meeting were read approved and thirteen members re­ sponded to the Roll Call. Two Her­ alds read articles, Mrs. E. Cowdrey on Temperance and. Miss Audrey Prance on Home Missions. The Study Leaflets on Korea were given by Misses Marjorie Delbridge, Mary Herdman, Margaret Johns, Verda Kellett. The meeting closed with al hymn and the Mizpah Benediction. I Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller and children and iM*r. A. Miller, of Dash­ wood, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Stephen | and children spent Sunday at the htiMfesof their parents, Mr and Mrs. Thos, Bell, in celebration of Mr. Bell’s birthday, when he was pre­ sented with an arm chair from the members of his family. Mrs P, March has returned home after caring for Mrs. Hubert Hen­ derson, of Mt. Pleasant, who has been ill with pleurisy. Mr. and |Mr®. Alex Johns and fam­ ily, of Lucan, visited with the form­ er’s mother, Mrs. John Johns on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. ’ Steve Pine have moved into the house vacated by Mr. Dick Cornish. IMts. Beer, Sr., of Exeter, is spending a few days this week with her neice, Mrs. Chas. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Hy March, of Lon­ don, visited with the Murchs here on Sunday. Rev. White preached Anniversary Services at prospect Hill on Sunday afternoon; Mrs. White, Betty and Bob also accompanied him. Mr. B. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Williams and Mr. Charles Johns spent the beginning of the week in Toronto. While there Mr. Johns visited his niece Mrs. Herb. Dawson. Mrs. Sherwood Hunter, Misses Gerta and Mary, Roy and Glenn vis­ ited Sunday at lM'r. Everett Skin­ ner’s. Seeding operations have progress­ ed rapidly this spring, a great many finished up the end of the week. Mrs. Jno. Cann, who also played fcr community sangs, Two poems of Edgar Guests was given by Mns H. Keddy and much enjoyed. A paper “The Value of Tact” by Mrs. F. Down, Mrs. O. Cann gave a fine reading; Mrs, H. Perkins and Mrs. L. Rowcliffe gave a splendid dialo­ gue “Stewardship of Thankfulness” bringing out a good lesson for us all. Mrs. S. L. Peppier, of Hensall, favor­ ed with a reading “The old Church and the new” which was very inter­ esting and well given. A sp endid demonstration “Icing Cakes” was given by Mr. J. S. Grant, of Exeter, who put the fancy frosting on two cakes. It is a fine quality for any eno to possess, in having a ' gi’t or ta.ent to be so willi'i..; to share it with others, so we find in the guest artists that come to our meetings from time to time. Mrs. A. Rundle and Mrs. A. Cudmore voiced the thanks of the gathering to those taking part or doing anything to make it such a successful meeting. A .social half-hour was enjoyed and dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, Miss H. Keddy, Mrs. R, Williams, Mrs. O. Cann and Mrs. G, Ryckman. A few bulbs aud plants were exchanged. The next meeting will be held-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bolton. Election of officers. HARPLEY Mrs. Wm. Hayter and Miss Helen went to 'London on Saturday to visit Mrs. Newton Hayter, who is in the hospital, and whom we are pleased to report is improving very much. Mr. and Mrs. Therman Hayter, of Detroit, is visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Austin Hayter. ’ Mr. Raymond Eagleson lias been helping Mr. V. Ridley for the past week. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins has accept­ ed a position in Centralia a® butter­ maker. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson vislit- ed the latter’s mother Mrs. Austin Hayter on .Sunday. Mr. and IMlrs. J. Scott visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love on Sunday last. We are sorry to report that Miss Lillian Webb is on the sick list. Miss -Chrystal Hayter visited"witli Misses Ila and Beulah Hodgins on Sunday evening. KHIVA and Mrs. II. Hageymiller,Mt who has been working David Lip­ pert's farm for the past year left on Thursday for Montreal. Mr. Wm. Gibson, of Clandeboye, have moved mn to i ly occupied by Mr. welcome Mr. and this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. J, London, spent the Mr. and Mrs. wm, and Mrs. H. Eagleson. Miss M. Knight spent the Week end at her home near Strath toy. Mr. spent Neeb. Mr family and Mr the farm former- J. Flynn. We .Mrs. Gibson to J-Xtitchfnson, of week-end with Mason and Mr. CREDITON Rev. W, A, Gafdiiler, of Thedford, occupied the pulpit of th© United Church on Sunday evening and preached most acceptably, Rev. J0t» W. Hagelstein took the- service at Thedford. ' . . Messrs. Harry ftiid EdMn Beaver have 'been awarded the contract to build a residence, for Alonzo Hod-j of parkhill, spent Sunday with Mr gins in London this summer. They and Mrs. Art Wiilert. and Mrs. H, Neeb, of Zurich, Sunday with /Mb.’, and' Mrs. A. and Mrs. |J‘. Eagleson and and Mrs, E, Rock, HURONDALE The April meeting of the Huron- dale W. I. was well attended, about forty being present including sev­ eral visitors. It took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffery. The president, Mrs. R. Kestle con­ ducting. After opening in the usual way, the roll call was called and was well answered by “Garden Hints.” The minutes of th© March meeting being read and approved, the. cor­ respondence was read, A few items of interest were brought before the meeting by the secretary Miss N. Keddy, the main one being the de­ ciding on inviting a play to be pre­ sented on the evening of May 27th in Exeter. Please watch for par­ ticulars later, a number of sacks have been sent to Dr. Margaret Strang in Northern .Saskatchewan to bo used for some good purpose in lier district. Mr, and Mrs. Strang very kindly looked after the sending of them. A baby spoon was brought to this meeting for Mrs. E. Rundle. Ail interesting ahd varied program was then much enjoyed. Th© first number being a song “God Sees the Little Sparrow Fall sung so sweetly by little Miss Joan Cann, accompan­ied! oh the organ by het grandmother CREDITON EAST Mrs. Dan Gower, of Snowflake, Man., who has been visiting her par­ ents Mr, and Mrs. Henry Pfaff and other relatives was called to her home on account of the illness of her daughter. Mrs, Henry MOtz is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and' Mrs. Frank Scheiding in Lon­ don, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gower and daughter Alma, of Elimville, and. Mr. and MrA Oscar Pfaff and Mr. Otto Pfafl’, of St. Marys spent Sun­ day with their parents |Mlr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. Miss Norma Sims, of Grand Bend, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, John .Sims. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTAL SUBGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. (Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Reid, of Bay- field, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Reid on Sunday. Mr. George Maier, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives, Mr. Ira Tieman, who has been home on sick leave for some time returned to Guelph this week where lie is engaged in the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr. J. C. Reid and Alvin Keller­ man spent Monday at Chatham. Mrs. Catherine Kraft, who has been very ill is .still in a very crit­ ical condition. Misses Viola and Bertha Hartman have returned to Detroit after S'pend- ing the winter months in Hollywood, Florida. The funeral service was held oii Sunday afternoon for Roy Ernest and Ray Louis twin sons of Mr, and’ Mrs. Edward Maier on the Lake Road. They had been ill about a' week with the flu. One died Friday and th© other Saturday aged 28' days. Rev. W. Ness officiated. In­ terment took place in the Bronson’ Line cemetery. The pallbeares were Ralph and Lome Guenttner and’ j. Hugh and Roy Morenz, all cousins, j Besides the parents, three brothers and .six sisters survive. , ............ . .. ;.......‘ ............................._ • The Times-Advocate „ Clubbing List The Times-Advocate $2.00 per year The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Globe .............. $6.75 The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Mail and Empire .... $6,75 The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Daily Star .................. $7.75 The Times-Advocate and The London Free press .............. $6.75 The Tmes-Advodat© and The London Advertiser .. ....... $6,75 The Times-Advocate and The Farmers’ Advocate .................. $3.00 The Times-Advocate and 'The*Family Herald & Weekly Star $3.00 The Times-Advocate and The Canadian Countrymen $2.95 The Times-Advocate and The Saturday Night ...... $5.50 The Times-Advocate ahd The New Outlook .............. $3.90 The Times-Advocate and The Canadian Homes and Gardens .. $4,65 The Times-Advocate and McLean’s Magazine ....... $3,75 The Times-Advocate & Montreal Witness, renewal $3.85; new $3.50 The Times-Advocate and Youth’s Companion $8.75 The Times-Advocate aud Th© Toronto Star Weekly $6J5 CLUBBING RATES WITH OTHER RERIOBICALS MAY BE HAD ON ADPLICATION