HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-05-05, Page 1BJTABLISUBD 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 5th, 1932 nmr.|WW YEAR, NO. 27»X Men’s Red-Back Overalls 34 to 44 at ... . $1.00 a pair HENSAIL MASONS HOM) red-letwr night On Friday evening last Rt. Wor- Bro. iU Russel Coles, D.D.G.M, for South Huron Di&trict, paid his offic— ’ iaj visit to liis home lodge, A, E* ■$' A. M. Hensail. The members tpoifc this opportunity to pay honor to him as representative of the Grand Mas- ter, by being present in full forcer Every Past Master of the lodge way in attendance, with the exception of Wor. Bro. Wm. MacKay, of Windsor who was prevented from being herq owing to illness, Representatives from all the» eighteen lodges in the district of South Huron war® present as well as from sixteen lodges outside the- district, ,to a number of 230 wer^ present. Besides the Rt. Wor, Bro, L. Russel Coles, D- D. G. M., there, were present Rt. Wor. Bro. Gordon Young, of Norwich, D. D. G» M. o£ Wilson District; and Rt. Wor. Bro, Janies A. Morris, of Dorchester, D,Dt-^ G.M. of London District. There were' also present fifteen Past Grand. Stewards and many other Lodge Of­ ficers, It was one of gatherings of the kind South Huron. Wor. Master Bro. R. his efficient officers Lodge and after the grand honours and a royal welcome had been given progress with that compfany, hais I Rt. Wor, Bro. L. Russell Coles, D. now been transferred from Monkton, ’ d.G.M. and the* other distinguished. oaawlv <pjrJMP after which all retired to the Town J Hal), where -members and visitors I sat down to- a banquet. A very sum- i ptuous repast having been prepared by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church. A very enjoyable program* was carired out, consisting of com-* munity singing; a quartette by Mes- ' dames G. M. Drysdale and W, A.' ' McLaren and Messrs. W. >0. Good- ' win and W. A. McLaren; a duett by arations for special services for*that! Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. George Hess;, occasion. Wear a flower in honor ’ a solo by Mrs. J'. W. Bonthron; a. of mother, a colored flower if mo- reading by Mrs. S. L. Peppier; and ther is living and a white one if music from the bagpipe,1? by Messrs, she is dead. IE away from home’ Murcb. and Son, plan now, to write a line or send a message. IN CRITICAL CONDITION Mr. Daniel Davis, who has been ill for some time, is in a very crit­ ical condition at present with little hopes for his recovery, FARM SOLD The John Cottle farm on the Thames Road has been sold to Mr. James W. Cottle. The deal was put through by Mr. R. E, Pickard. CELEBRATES 83rd BIRTHDAY Mr, Henry Squire, of town cele­ brated his 83rd birthday on Thurs­ day of last week when a number of the members of his family gathered for the evening and spent a social and happy time together. EXETER COUNCIL Monday, May 2, 1932 The regular meeting of the muni­ cipal council was held with all mem­ bers present. The minutes of the meeting held April 3.8th were read and approved, on the table, Letters were Letter from regarding painting contract and etc. From the Department of Health, Toronto, regarding annual conven­ tion drawing attention to sections of the Act as amended; “and it shall be the duty of every Medical Of­ ficer of Health to attend,” Filed Letter from the Department of Agriculture, Toronto regarding Weed control and Annual meeting of In­ spectors within the county. Filed, A letter from the Captain of the local Salvation Army, asking fox the privilege to have a tag day on May 21st, No action, 'The Clerk reported having receiv­ ed during the month $144.3,70' ar­ rears of tax for 1931 and there still remains $3495,23 of unpaid taxes for 1931. The Reeve , and Cerk were impow- ered to seucure a small car of cal­ cium chloride for use on the streets as a dust preventative. The town team will collect refuse and rubbish on Tuesday and Wed­ nesday, May 10th and 11th. The following accounts were read and ordered paid; Clarence A. Hey­ wood, contract Town Hall, $200.00; Bertram Preszcator. labor 75c.; Bell Telephone Co., Norry phone rent April, May and June- $6.15. Cemetery Accounts'—Bell Tele­ phone Co., phone rent,' April, May and June $4,95; Theo. Walper, team labor $13.00; Frank Taylor, team labor $7/50; Jno. ,L. Kydd, labor $22.00; Wm. Smith, labor, $2.50. Passed on motion of Williams Ross. • - Adjourned by Grieve. Jos. Senior, Clerk Men’s SpringOvercoats $10.00 $16 Need a new Spring and Fall coat for the cool evenings? You can get them from size 36 to 40 at this store at $10.00, Others at $13. to $16.00. Men’s Spring Suits AT $15. TO $20. ... .No better values anywhiere, go where you will, and you cannot find- fine worsteds of this quality at lower prices; and we give you a wonderful Sisman’s Scampers ; What are Sisman’s Scampers? They are the greatest wearing Sporti Oxfords for the money on the market. You) will see them advertised in thq city papers. We have them in all sizes. Men’s at $1.95; Women’s, $1.75; Boy’s, $1.45; Misses’, $1.35; Child’s, $1.25 CONGOLEUM GUESSING CONTEST, MAY 6th to 14th 1 Congoleum Rug to be given away, absolutel y free. Come in and try a guess. READ THESE SPECIALS Men’s Farm Boots', Leather or Panco Soles at $2.25 a pair Men’s Blue Denim Pants at $1.25 pair Ladies’ and Misses’ Summer Dresses at $3.95 We have Just received a shipment of several dozen beautiful quality. Silk Celanese Dresses in new pastel shades and white, in smart new styles for ladies and misses; very special value at $3.95 each. SIMPLICITY PATTERNS—EASY TO WORK WITH ONLY 15c. Lux Toilet Soap.........................3 cakes 19c. Gold Soap ................................... 6 bars 25c. Clark’s Tomato Julice............... per tin 5c. Choice Golden Wax Beans .... 2 tins 25c.’ Lishus—The new Roman Meal per pkg. 35c SPECIAL OFFER-—Toddy (16 oz. tin) with Free Glass Toddy Shaker fir .. . Fray Bentos Corned Beef .... 2 tins 25c. Pineapple Marmalade .... 40 oz. jar 39c. Corn, Peas or Tomatos .... 3 tins for 25c. Quaker Cake Flour..................per pkg. 19c. Cheese, new, 15c.; Medium old 18c. a lb. Jr 49 Phone 32 Canada Mayflower HODGINS—MAHONMARY THOMPSON DEAD now made We invite you [to see the [Mayflower in our store; Ice cubes in 90 minutes. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD ' Mrs. Mary Thompson for many years a resident of Lucaii. died Fri­ day last at St. Joseph's Hospital, London shortly after her removal to the institution. (She was 81 ■ years old. Surviving are a brother, James Carroll, Biddulph Township and two sisters, Mrs, Joseph Kelly, Biddulph TWp. and Mrs, Kenny, Saginaw, Mich. The funeral was held on Mon- day morning from the home Of het nephew, dames Carrell, Biddulph, to Sit. Patrick’s Church where re* quiom high mass was sung at 9 a.m; Interment was made in St Patrick’s Cemetery. sol- Mr, H. at the home of Rev. Kirkton, when Mrs. S Mrs. jM'cRann McRami, Was to Alexander Hodgins and daughter of A quiet wedding was recently emnized Butlee’l, Mahon, and the late Samuel unitedv in marriage Hodgiiis, son of Mrs. the late Joseph Hodgins, of Lucan. The bride was. prettily gowned tin a moiiet blue georgette costume With silver trimming. The bride’s travel* ling costume was of prown with ac* cessorles to match, After a short honeymoon Mt. and Mrs. nodgins will reside on the groom’s farm north of Lucan, ■Circulars were laid read as follows; Mr, W, J. Seymour INJURED IN FALL Win. Quinton, son of IMr, Mrs, Thos. Quinton, had the misfortune horse on Friday of the result that one fractured and the lung punctured. This is the third accident as Will has had liis arm broken twice. and of Centralia, to fall from a last week with of his ribs was MOVING TO HALIFAX Mr. Edgar J. Homey, who a num­ ber of years ago started with the Dominion (Stores in Exeter and who since that time has made splendid the larges# ever held in D, Bell and opened, the N. B., to Halifax, N- S., where he visitors, short speeches were given will have supervision of the Halifax stores and Nova Scotia. We gratulate him on his splendid cess, MOTHERS’ DAY & PAINTING CONTRACT AWARDED The contract for painting the ex­ terior of the James Street United church has been awarded to Mr. J. W. Hern, of town for $206.00. The work is to be completed by July 1st. Three tenders were received, one of them being sent in by a Londo.i- fimi. , . 32 > NOTICE TO HYDRO CONSUMERS EXETER AND DISTRICT We wish to notify all Hydro con­ sumers in Exeter and Rural District including Exeter, Crediton, Central­ ia, Grand .Bend, Dashwood and Zur­ ich that the hydro will.be off on Sunday, May Sth, from 6 to 10.30 a.m. At noon on Wednesday a part of our typesetting machine broke and some of the copy intended for this week’s paper has to be held over. Baseball meeting to consider the baseball situation at the Central, Hotel, Thursday night 84310. All interested please attend. Have opened up a Butcher Business ON MAIN STREET AND WISH TO SOLICIT A SHARE OF BUSINESS THEY WILL CARRY ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS The store was formerly occupied by Mr. John Stanbuiy Mr. and Mrs. James gimii have returned from an extended Visit at Fargo, N. D., where Mrs. Green was called owing to the illness and sub­ sequent death of her brother the late William J, Carlisle. The Girl Guides under tile leader­ ship of Miss Marion Woods attend­ ed divine worship in Main 'Street United Church on Sunday morning last when the pastor Rev. C. J. Moorhouse preaclied a very appro* prfate sermon; A large congrega* tiori was present. Mr. and Mrs. cooper White, Miss* os Marion and Gertrude accompah* led by the. former's mother Mrs. T. M. White metered from Windsor and spent the week-end with Miss White and Mf» and Mrs,. Wiokwlro. Mrs. White is remaiiiiflg for & tevr days, ■con- sue- Next Sunday will be observed a-$ Mothers’ Day and many of the churches and Sunday .Schools throu­ ghout this distinct are making prep- DEATH OF MRS. TAYLOR Th© death took place in the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth on April 28th of Mrs. William. Taylor Of Exeter North in her >55th year. Mrs* Taylor’s maiden name was Eleanor Maria Stanlake and she had been ailing for the past few years. "She was removed to the hospital about two weeks previous to hei’ death. The funeral took place from her late residence Lake Road on Fri­ day, April 29th conducted by Rev. E. L. Vivian with interment in the Exeter cemetery. Deceased is surviv­ ed by her husband and one daughter also one sister, Mrs .Wesley .Dearing and one brother, James Stanlake, of Stephen. SILLERY—HAMILTON NUPTIALS The marriage was solemnized on Saturday at the home of the bride’s mother, when Rev. J. B. Rhodes united in marriage Miss Agnes El­ len, youngest daughter of Mrs. Jan­ et Hamilton and the late F. R. Ham­ ilton to William R. Sillcry, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sillery, of Exeter. The bride wore a pretty dress of skipper blue georgette. Im­ mediately after .the cere-mony the bride and groom left for a short trip, the ibride travelling in a black and white travel tweed suit with matching accessories. On their re­ turn they will reside on the .groom’s farm north of town. The many friend's of the bride and groom will join with the Timcs-Advocate in tending best wishes. ex- FIRE SIREN On Thursday afternoon last screech Of a fire siren attracted attention of the citizens who want­ ed to know what it was all about. For some time Exeter has fqlt the heed of some form of fire alarm that would take the place of the tinging of the town bell. A repre­ sentative of a firm dealing in fife sirens visited Exeter and offered to install one on approval and on Thursday afternoon it was tried out. It was not satisfactory to the coun­ cil as it is not loud enough to be dis­ tinctly heard all over of the town. It is quite possible that a larger- one wll be installed and tried out, the the NEW BUTCHER SHOP Messrs. Geo, Brown & Son, of 'Woodstock, have opened up a but­ cher shop in the building recently vacated by Mt. John Stanbury, moved to Kincardine. Mt. and George Brown amt Mr. and Mrs, V:ii Brown and son Lloyd have Cd to Exeter and ate ocottp/Hlg the residence at the teat of the butcher shop* who Mrs. Mel* 1H<W* CEILING LOWERED Mr. Clarence Heywood has com­ pleted the contract for lowering the ceiling at the Town Hall. The new. ceiling is of gyroc and panelled' and makes a decided improvement to the inside of the building. It should add very materially to the acoustics as the hall was a very difficult place to hear in unless it was filled with people. Mr. J. W. Hern who the contract for painting it start decorating it shortly. of Clinton; with Scotch dancing by Miss Margaret Bell. Prof. A. W. Anderton, of Clinton presided at the piano in his usual effecient manner. The toast “Grand Lodge,” was' proposed by Wor.- Bro. Thos. Chap- 1 man. and responded to by Rt.Wor. Bro. L. Russell Coles, Rt. Wor. Bro.- ; Gordon Young .and -Rt. Wor. Bro. has will Jas. A. Morris. Rt. Wor. Bro. Coles in his respon­ se, expressed his appreciation of the loyal support given him from his h-ome lodge and from the lodged throughout the district on the oc- . casion of his official visits. He said. TO APPEAR IN COURT Mr. Percy Elsie, of Grand will appear in court in Exeter on Friday, May 6th, at 10 a.m. in con­ nection with the death of Frederick John Triebner, of Hay Township, who was killed in a motor Car acci­ dent miles west of Exeter on the Lake Road on the night of April 23rd. The case will come before Magistrate C. A. Reid, of Goderich, on a charge of criminal negligence. Mr. Dudley Holmes, County Crown Attorney will act for the Crown. Bend, TENNIS SEASON OPENS . b The Exeter Tennis -Club are pre­ paring for an active tennis season and are making some improvements to the grounds on Main Street. The fence has been, removed from the front of the property. The ever­ green trees have -been trimmed up and the courts have been put into good shape. Plans are being made for three courts for this season. The club are again entering the W.O.B. A. Arrangements are being made to hold a dance in the Exeter Opera House on Thursday evening, May 19. FORMER RESIDjSNT DIES Mr. David W> Bissett, a native Exeter who has lived in the Border cities for maiiy years died recently at th© age of 70. Deceased for a number of years was a foreman of the Neil Baking Company ahd re­ sided at 2 McKay Ave., Windsor. Death took place at Grace Hospital. Deceased is survived by his widow Olive. Rev. A. E. Runnells, D.D., pastor of Central United Church conducted the funeral services in­ terment taking place in Windsor Grove cemetery. of ACCIDENT Pearl, six year old daughter of Mr* and Mrs. S. J. W Cann had the misfortune to take the top of het thumb off the left hand in an elec* trie slicing machine on Thursday of last week while in the act of cutting bread. Her sister Marguerite met with a similiar accident last fall. The same, day Jimmy had the mis­ fortune to get two of his fingers in the wringer of the electric washing machine giving him a nasty pinch. Fortunately the rolls worn not clamped very tight* that this meeting was the climax, as is was his official visit to his home lodge, and he felt greatly honoured by the large number that were pres­ ent. 'Continuing he said, Masonry makes men worthy of the better life There were five million members, with Lodges over the whole civiliz­ ed world. There were 568 Lodges in Ontario, with a membership of over 117,000. Masonry .stood for the finest principles and ideals, princi- (Continued on page 4.) MINSTREL SHOW AND PLAY Under the direction of Mrs. N. J* Dore Leavitt’s Theatre TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MAY 10 & 11th Under the auspices of the Canadian? Legion and Trivitt A. Y. 1*. A. This show promises to be a riot. Come and enjoy a real evening; Admission 50c. Tax included Children 25c* RETURN ENGAGEMENT in the BILL ROBINSON AND His 8-PIECE London orchestra Gents 50c.Ladies 25c.