HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-04-28, Page 7■r THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 108S Lowest in 15 EDITORIAL Anything doing in baseball this year? * ♦* * * ♦*♦ There is nothing so uncertain * * * * as * Seed time and harvest* summer not fail. * * * * .♦ a dead ** sure thing. * and * winter, cold and heat do *♦ WRIT OVER LAND William. H. Martyn, of Exeter, has issued a Supreme Court writ against Augustus M- Jackson, for possession of land In Westminister Township. Tennent and Tennent are solicitors for Martyn. PUT HIM OFF NS PIPE SALA DA TEA Fresh from the Gardens ZURICH Lloyds Investment Brokers BONDS INSURANCE SECURITIES We recommend the purchase of Continental Gas Corporation stock for a turn on the market starting next month. i We also have a block of Goderich Elevator & Transit Company stock for sale to yield approximately eight per cent, this is a very good investment. BUY NOW price ulpon application. PHONE 246 GODERICH, ONTARIO Of few " Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seim, New Hamburg, are spending a jdays with friends in town. Mr. Garfield Witmer is spending week with friends at Preston and ..attending the Evangelical Confer­ ence at Kitchener. ■Messrs, Louis and Edward Bres­ son, of Windsor, were in town Mon­ Ray in the interests of the Brisson Estate. The dwelling and business com­ bined property in Zurich recently -Occupied by Mr. Milton Oesch, has Jbeen sold to Mr, E. A. Kechnie, of Kitchener, who gets immediate pos­ session and who will operate a bar­ ker business. ■Mr. Sol. Beckler made- a business Jrip to Tavistock recently. Mr. Lome BcBride, of Windsor, Askls a week-end visitor with his par- Imts on the Goshen Line. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aulerich, of De­ troit, were Sunday visitors with" the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Prang. ’ Mr. and Mrs. J. Schwartz and 'daughter, Eunice, of Detroit, spent the past week with Mrs. J. Fuss. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm, O'Brien and ■daughter, Miss Olive, spent Sunday with the former’s son, Mr. and Mrs. Lenis O’Brien, Clinton. Mr. Rennie Weber and friend, of "Toronto, were recent visitors with -the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, ’A. A. Weber* Bronson Line. • Mr; and Mrs. Rudy iScliwartzen- truber, Mr. and Mrs .C. iScliwartz- •truber, Mr. Rudy Oesch, Mr. and Mrs. Amos. 'Gingerich and Mrs. Ja­ cob Schwartzentruber attended the funeral of the late Andrew Kipfer, hear Tavistock recently. TURNER—HODGINS A pretty wedding was solemnized in St. James Miss Marie daughter, of Hodgins, of ed in marriage to Mr, Earl Welling­ ton Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Turner, of Ailsa Craig. Rev. F. L. Lewin performed the ceremony. Af­ ter a short honeymoon they will re­ side on the groom's farm in McGilli­ vray, north of Ailsa Craig. « > ii". H <n — i iiaw—— Church, Parkhill, when Elizabeth Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. 'George McGillivray, was unit- J. Cecil Parkinson, son of Mrs. R. J. Parkinson, of Rev. G. V. Crofoot, of Street Baptist Church per- PARKINSON—BRIGHTON A very pretty April wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. L- Brighton, London, became the bride of Mr. and Granton. Adelaide formed the ceremony assisted by the bride’s uncle, Rev. J. G. McGillicud­ dy, of Beachville. The Lohengrin “Bridal Chortis” was played on, the violin and piano by Miss Clara Brighton and Jack Brighton. A re­ ception followed the ceremony af­ ter which a wedding luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Parkinson left on a motor trip and on their re­ turn will reside in London. Motor trucks are credited with worth of trade from the steam roads. * * * * * having * * captured $24,000,000 *. Let every man, woman and child, of Exeter, plant and care for every vegetable he can, in order that there may be plenty next au­ tumn and fall. Some inquisitive people in the employ of the government have been looking for hygroscopicity in maple syrup. Oh those terrible things in our food! But,, then, we found it in our dictionary. Noth­ ing's safe these days. ******* * What a pitiful lot a great many of the prominent business men in the U. S. and Canada life are showing themselves to be! We •thought them capable and farseeing when they were hut lucky. When the test came they proved themselves poltroons who could neither fight noi’ run. ♦ *••• *♦* John Bull has balanced his budget. A few months ago the old gentleman was faced with a deficit of $170,000,000, He finishes with a surplus of $4,000,000. His secret? While other nations complained and whined and „ hoped and lier sons jockeyed themselves for political advantage, t John Bull and his family went to work, His method? He got out of this fix the way Pat and his family got the pig out of the well—by a long pull and a hqrd pull and a pull all together. ******** « O MY! Francesco Mastrostefano of Providence, Rhode Island, has entered suit in Washington County Superior Court for $2,000 against a barbel’ for closely clipping liis forty-seven-year cultivated mustache. There are certain well controlled persons in this quiet comniun-. ity who wonder why action is ot taken against certain aiders and abettors of camels’ hail’ brush looking spectacles occasionally seen on upper lip in this and otherwise self-respecting communities. Yet things like that, we suppose, must be! ******** LIGHTS PLEASE Will not the owners of horsedrawn vehicles see to it that all such outfits are properly lighted whene’er they go obroad, There are a great many drivers who do this and they ar© gratefully ap­ plauded by motorists. Still there are a few who fail to observe this precaution, by so doing endangering not only tlieir own lives but the lives and property of others. '.Grave faced authority de­ clares that it is much in earnest in this matter and we hope that it is. _ ’ ' ' _ matter while others go to the limit in carefulness? ly name for the offence when it results in the loss very ugly penalty when a conviction is recorded. * *_ * * * * * But why should a ifew be allowed to go scott free in. this There’s an ug- of life, and a * / HO a. Eq No better corrective exists today . for SAET COMPLEXION and ACID STOMACH Sold everywhere in ? purely VEGETABLE STORE CLOSED ON ORDER OP COURT The general store at of Mount Brydges which ] sold to William Talbot ■ yesterday on the order Wearing. His honor granted an in­ duction to H. R. Armstrong, solicitor for Love, restraining the store from operating until April 25. Love sold his business to Talbot, a resident of Oil Springs, under an agreement dated March 31. The price is said to have been approxi­ mately $8,000, with Love accepting a $4,400 equity in Lambton County property as part payment. The rest was to have been paid in cash, ac­ cording to the claim. Love says tliat Talbot informed him he had the money in the bank. The plaintiff alleged, that he had not received a deed to the land or the money, but that defendant had taken ovex’ the store and started to sell the merchandise. the village R. M. Love was closed of Judge —■ - 25c and 75c red pkgs. Carteks»piils Ko. 1 xxxxx Edge Grain Out they go at 35c. per bunch LUMBER prices down also A. J. CLATWORTH. | Phone 12 GRANTON. ONTARIO “PLATINUM” ROBINS bring Town fame The fame of Goderich’s platinum- hued robins is spreading far beyond the boundaries of Canada. People are writing here from different United States points Offering sub­ stantial sums for specimens of this unique bird. Inclosing a clipping from the New York Times bearing a Goderich date line, Dr. Evangeline W. Young, of Farmingham, Mass., asks that a pair of these albino robins be Caught for her for the purpose of study. She says she will substantially recom­ pense anyone for his trouble. George Jenner who discovered the nest is going to see what he can do- about it. The location of the. nest of one is known. An angler’s orrdog- - catcher’s net may be brought into play, ;> Dr. Wood’s Was Worried Over A HINT We print the following-item. There are church this country where youths indulge in the finest of bef< sheds all over smokes either before or after church services. 'Some are so grown up that they smoke in the shed while the worship of Almighty God is proceeding inside the church edifice. Here’s the item. Church officers worth their salt know what to do about it. Moose Jaw, Sask., April 17,—Three .young boys are dead and the frame structure of the United Church at Vantage, fifty nililes1 south of this city, is in ruins following a disastrous fire yesterday. The boys, who are believed to have been smoking in the church building, and whose bodies were removed from the burning ruins this afternoon, were: Lyle Keith, 8; James Portz, 9 and Lawrence McNaughton, 9; all sous of Vantage residents. ******** BUBBLE BLOWING 'Two years ago the name of Ivan Kreuger, of Stockholm and New York and Berlin, and Paris and Amsterdam and Geneva was a name that common folk used only aftei’ they had rested a bit, sal­ aamed to all points of the compass and placed their hand upon their hearts. For was he not that most wonderful of all modern creations, a wizard of finance? There were a few like him, we were assured. He represented the sort, it was openly alleged, who knew how to make the mare go. Whoever might walk seeking a job, the Kreugel’S were sure to bring home and plenty of it. Well, the other day he flaunted the commandments himself. “Poor fellow,” his admirers sighed, “He’s a overwork.” It seemed that chaos lias enveloped his financial affairs. He was attempting what he could not do. Nor does the story end there. He is alleged to be mixed up in some forgery scheme, In Stockholm there is said to be a “Kreuger Department of police” whose special job it is to look into his ways and means of doing business. It’s just the case of the crumbling of an idol with a gilded heart—one of those clever devices for separating greedy fools from their cash. the street the bacon by killing victim of NEEDS OF STANDARDS are being forcibly reminded that the only way in which they may hope to succeed at the coming Imperial Economic Conference is by having their goods definitely standardized. Grade A in apples, -say, is to mean a certain definite article and nothing else. The same must apply to hogs, to butter, to cheese, to thing the farmer has to offer. There are difficulties1 in the of such iron-bound, air-tight standardizing but how else can thing like a fail’ exchange he effected? Each party to the > 'Canadians Mrs, C, W. Harper, Silver Water, Ont., writes:—“I. was very much worried over the nasty colds mid coughs my two children had. I had tried several remedies to no effect. One day my husband was in a drug store and overheard a lady and the druggist discussing remedies, and she Boemed very thankful to Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup for relieving her children# bo he camp home With a bottle, and in two days the children were well?’ Price 35c. H bottle; largo family size 65c., at All drug and general stores; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont, Norway Pine Syrup any­ way any- pro­ posed deal must know what the other party is talking about. Grade A, o£ B ot gVfttlo C must hic&ti just wlitit it iiiclic&tos* Grftd-ins must, of course, include testing. Our best farmers have no objections in the world to grading of hogs oi’ of anything elso they have to offer. What they do ob­ ject to and what they rightly object to, is the manner in which the grading is done. Again and again the farmer has not been given . a fair deal in this particular. He has been left holding the bag. The inevitable nigger lias been in the wood pile. The farmer has not got the number of firsts that were properly his. However, to know an evil is the first stop in its correction. That is why The. Times- Advocate insists- that county councils and other rural bodies should be on the alert now in 'behalf of the farmer’s welfare, glad that we have been given the hint that has been given that standardization of products is going to be one of the that will be much to the fore at the coming iCohferencOr the time- for the farmers to be busy in seeing wliat points are going Into the now regulations so vital to their interests. The Confer- once will help hose who help thenisdlves, We are namely, matters This is WILD GEESE DESTROYED BY HOGS NEAR WOODHAM Wild dogs in a bloodthirsty raid recently destroyed the little flock of Canada will geese that H. W. Copeland, of Woodham, in Perth had spent long years in gathering at his home and left in the place of the six beauties of the flock, and the one domestic goose, a gory shambles a mass of blood-stained feathers and one badly frightened goose. Four wild geose bad been torn to pieces. One is missing and the do­ mestic goose had been killed. “When I went to bed last i ing,” Mr. Copeland declared, ijittle flock seemed* perfectly mal. They were gathered, as even- “the no>r- i was their custom this time of the year, in a small enclosure at the back of the house. I heard nothing in the night, but tlii$ .morning when I went down there was the work of the dogs, Only one ‘wild goose was left alive.” ' Apart from the mark of their feet there is no trace of the pack of the dogs who raided this flock, And Mr. Copeland’s chief worry now is that he will have the greatest difficulty in getting wild geese to stay at his place. He has a pond on the farm and has given a great deal of time and care to his wild flock. “Still,, I’ll try again,” he said. “I like the wild (birds about the place We’ll have to find a better way of taking care of them next time,” I 1SEJ Indigestion and Acidity “A few months ago, 1 had o attack of indigestion* heartburn amt acidity, and had no appetite for meals, especially breakfast, I am a pipe smoker, awl for several days I felt so 1U I could not even look ai my pipe, I decided to try KTusehm Salts. A few days afterwards I found that the heartburn and acidity had gone, and for the last five or six weeks I have been in my usual good health. I can now enjoy my pipe-smoking, and in fact feel about 10 years younger,”—R. P. When yoyr digestive j'uices fail to flow freely your food lies in the system and ferments, thus causing the distress of indigestion, The '* little daily dose” of Kruschen first stimulates the flow of the gastric juices, and then ensures complete, regular and unfailing elimina-. tion of rd! wsiste matter every day. BLYTH PASTOR RESIGNS Rev. T. H. Goodwill, who has been .pastor of Old St. Andrew’s Presby­ terian Church, Blyth, and Knox Church at Auburn for the past four years, has resigned, the pastorate* and has received a call to a church near Orangeville. He will leave shortly for his new charge. DIED IN HOSPITAL There passed away in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Anna Margaret Eunice Soweiiby, wife of Wilmer Harrison in her 20th year, and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sowerby. A bride of but a year she was born and lived all her life m that mun­ icipality. Besides her husband she leaves an infant child, father** mother, two sisters and 2 brothers- WRI jaul Sun, rain or snow . they are all the same to “OJIBWAY” Farm Fence . . because of two things . . “OJIBWAY” Wire and “OJIBWAY” Construction. ^3^ r, |»w w »;ru•bkq #• Made of Copper Bearing Sin^/nsulaiisd gteel Wire . . Copper and Steel blended into a rust-resisting wire that wears far longer than ordinary steel wire. Pure Zinc is bonded to every “OJIBWAY” wire by our special Zinc Insulating process . . a further insurance against rust. In both Stiff Stay and Hinge Joint “OJIBWAY” Fence the horizontal and upright wires are so join­ ed that moisture cannot be held . . thus preventing rusting of wires at intersecting points. AH wires FULL GAUGE. Every roll full length. - he sign is your assurance of 100% satisfaction. Ask for our Guarantee of Service. It i* worth as much as your fence. Only the BEST fencing can carry so complete a guarantee. “OJIBWAY" Hinge Joint “OJ5BWAY’’ Stay. See Your Nearest Deader—-or Write Us Direct MiHs and Mead Office—Ojibway, Essex Co., Ont. I