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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-04-21, Page 8
.. WWW, APRIL 21,THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Mgv. r, Southcott, of Morpeth, spent ttto forepart of the week visit* iug his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. V, L, Roulston, vis ited at their homes here on Sunday. They were accompanied to Exeter by Mrs. E. A. Howald, who visited with them for a few days last week. A young farmer of Stephen town- Bhip was taken, to Goderich last week and on Monday appeared he- fore Magistrate Reid for the theft Of thirty hens. The hens were stolen from the farm of Mr. Norman Kleinteldt, 3rd cop. of Stephen while the latter was away from home. The young man pleaded guilty to the theft and as this was the first of fense he was let off with six months suspended sentence. I,AST CHANCE Any wanting to join the Horticul tural Society may do so. until the end of April. You receive two pre miums and a special and aid the good work of the Society. Apply to the Secretary-Treasurer, J. G. Stanbury, 4-2-2t. Exeter Markets Wheat, Barley, standard, 37c. Oats, 27c. Bran, $1.10 Shorts, $1.10 Manitoba Flour $2.7,5 Model Flour $2.50 Welcome Flour $2,30 Low Grade Flour, $1.20 Creamery Butter, 23*26c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, 5">c. Butter, 16*17e. Extras, 12c. firsts 10c. seconds, 08c. O---------------------*--------- [__locals The regular* monthly meeting of the Exeter Women’s institute will be held Tuesday, April 26th at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Geo, Eth- erington. Topic: “How we are gov erned, Township, County, Provincial and Dominion’’ by Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers. FOR SALE—Second hand kitchen Stove, good baker and cooker, burns Also duck eggs large white Pekin per 15 eggs; Embden until coal or wood $7.00, for hatching, ducks, 50c. pei’ 15 eggs; goose eggs $2,00 per 12 eggs May 15th, Apply Box 28OP. OR sea- GRASS FARM FDR SALE 2R.ENT—Also cattle taken for son to pasture. Apply Mrs. John Penhale, Hay P, O. 4-21-2tc FOR SALE—I liay loader, good as new; 2 yearling steers. Apply at the (Times-Advocate. ltp. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT—150 or 200 acres on Lot 13, con. 13, Ste phen, stock and implements includ ed. Apply E. Lippert, Melbourne, tfc. •Strawberry plants, varieties, Senator Dunlop and Mary. 7'5c. per 100; $2.00 per $5.00 per 1000, delivered. Na- Doupe, Kirkton. 4-21-3tp. FOR SALE- Best Glen 300; than BABY CHICKS— Custom hatch ing 2Jc. per egg. Ferris strain white leghorns $10.00 per hundred. Mrs. Ella Heywood, R. 1., Exeter. 4-21-2tp. FARM TO RENT—100 acres, Lot 19, con. 3, Hay; 65 acres hay and pasture; spring creek, balance in cul tivation. John Bell Estate. Exeter. 4-21-2tc. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT— Apply to Mrs. J. Cottle tfc. WANTED—At once good white ash, white oak and cherry lumber inch and tliicked. State quantity of •each and average width and length. Address Box 280 N„ Exeter 4-14-2tc Elliot will sing over Monday night, April J. G. C. during the Club from 9 to 10 FOR SALE—Second hand velvet rug 10?, by 13 in good condition. Apply at Southcott Bros. Queen ‘Street FOR SALE—One heavy wagon & some good work horses.—F. Taylor, Exeter. HOUSE FOR .SALE OR RENT— At Victoria Park, parlor, dining room, kitchen and three bedrooms, large clothes closet. New garage on the premises. All kinds of small fruits in the garden. Sell or rent reasonably. If the right buyer conies will sell the moden residence in which I live.—W. H. Dearing, Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE—On Victoria Street, all modern conveniences. Sell at a sacrifice. Apply Times-Advo cate. Blank Counter Check books sale at the Times.Advocate. for CUSTOM HATCHING — Limited space at 2c. per egg. Some Leghorn chicks three weeks old for sale. Gordon Cud,more, Exeter, phone 149 TO RENT—75 acres pasture land for one season or term of years. Moderate rate. Lot 16, con. 7, Hay. W, C. Pearce, Exeter. HOUSE TO RENT—Modern resi dence on William St. Possession on May 1st. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-10-tfc. TENDERS WANTED—For paint ing the outside of the James Street United Church. Cornice and to he given two coats; below the cor nice three coats. Tenderer to fur nish price by supplying his own paint also price with paint supplied by committee and mixe'd by painter. All woodwork to be sandpapered and loose paint scraped off. Tenders to be in by May 1st, work to be com pleted by July 1st. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Paul Coates, Chairman. 4-14-3tc above BATTERIES Willard 13-plate Batteries in Genuine Rubber Cases as low $7*95 other makes aS low as $6.00 A few rebuilt Batteries at $3*00 Each, While They Last Expert service on all makes. W. J. BEER as CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A* Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a,m.—Sunday School 11 a.m,—-“The Value of Vision" 7 p.m.—"The-Disciples of Jesus" 11—John JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.iM, Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—“Reverence for the Under Dog" 7th in the series on “Sermon on the Mount.” Are De Luxe hotels and fashionable golf courses and club houses of more importance than men, women and children. 3 p.m.—-Sunday School 11 7 p.m.—“Lot’s Wile” What becomes of the woman who looks back a foolish and misspent past when escape is possible? MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . . a.m.—Dr. Alfred Gaudier, L. L. D., will preach. The W. 1\I. 6, Spring Thankofl’ering will be taken. 11 3 p.m.—Our Church School. p.m.—Dr. Gaudier will preach. A cordial invitation is extended to all. 7 8 p.m. Thursday—Prayer Meeting. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, D. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Fourth Sunday after Easter 11 3 7 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Litany p.m.—Sunday School Festival of St. Mark (evening) p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Exeter Lodge No. 67, I.O.O.F. will attend this service Mr, Fred .Sutheran who has been quite ill is improving. Mrs Wm. Pollen is seriously ill at her home on South Main St. Mrs. Howe is visiting for a few days with her daughter at Owen Sound, Mr, A, Brintnell has been confin ed to ’his home for a few days through illness. , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, visited at the home of Mrs. T. G. Creech on Sunday. Mr. Harry Sweet, of Windsor, vis ited with his sister Miss Hettle Sweet in town over the week-end. Miss Dena Dufton, of Thorndale, is spending a few weeks with her cousin, Mr. George Brock, of Zion. Mrs. Wm. Nadiger, of Dashwood, spent a few days last week at the home of her brother Mr. N. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holliday and family, of London, visited bn Sat urday last with Mr, and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mrs. Rhodes has returned to Tor onto after visiting with their son Rev. J. B. Rhodes at the Caven Manse. 'Master Bobby Dinney, who has bee confined to the house for the past month through illness, is im proving. Mr. Daniel Davis, who has suffer ed a lengthy illness at his home, has not been aS well of late and his con dition is quite serious. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newell and son David and Mr. Reg. Sprung, of Stratford, visited at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech on Sunday. Mrs. Sandy the radio on 25 th from C. Monday Night p.m. •St. Andrews and church congregations at Blyth are contemplating the uniting of these two congregations to take effect on July 1st. Mr. Jas. McIntyre accompanied by big mother, of London, spent the week-end in Toronto, Mrs1. James McIntyre is visiting in London for a few days. Messrs. Gordon and Wesley Greb have returned home after visiting for a week with their brother Leon ard in Detroit. The latter brought them home by auto. A Minstrel Show followed by a one act play, by all local talent, un der the direction of Mrs. N. J. Dore, is being rehearsed and will be pre sented in the near future. Mr, E. R Hopper is having a room at his furniture store fitted up for a funeral parlour for the holding of funeral services and also for a show Mrs. Adams and Calgary, are visiting er's sister Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ta man. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are mov ing from Calgary to Toronto. ' Miss L. M. .Jeckell and Mrs. Rhodes, are at Peterboro as repre sentatives to, the Provincial .conven tion of- the Presbyterian church. Miss Jeckell is president and Mrs. Rhodes secretary of the Huron Pres- byterial. 'The .Salvation Army held illustrat ed lectures at their liall Thursday afternoon and evening of last week, Thursday afternoon bible pictures and a travel talk was given to the children followed by a second pro gram in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kress and soil Billy have returned from their holi- lays having spent the past couple of weeks at Niagara Falls with Mr. Kross’s brother, Mr, C. L. Kress, who has been ill in hospital, The latter Kress home Mr. music has formed a they held theiy fil’jst p^acl^ce on Monday after school, One of the largest rooms m the Public school was used for practise and the boys and girls interested filled the room Mr. Goulding has formed a class at a number of the schools at which he is teaching. when desired room. . son David, of with the form returned with Mr. and Mrs. recuperating at theira’hd is here. W. R. in the Goul dill t^aclicr of Exeter public school mouthorgan class and SEEDING NOT FAR OFE The cold weather has delayed the seeding this season. With a few warm days farmers expect to got on the land. Seeding was almost thro' about this time last season* A normal^ acreage of pea's) lias been contracted for this year by tile Exeter branch of the Canadian Can- ners but the company have decided not to pack any corn. All of their contracts for peas were closed two days after the announcement that contracts would be received. The Canadian <Canners have carried over a large stock hut with the open ing of navigation there has been a somewhat brisk movement goods. Mention was macle last the Main Street United Young People motoring to Grand Bend through a raging snow storm and visiting the Grand Bend Young People. In some places the roads were badly drifted from the snow but the drivers had taken along snow shovels and were able to dig themselves out. ‘The program for the evening was provided by the vis itors with Rev. C. J. Moorhouse in the chair. Mr. W. G. Medd1, M.L. A. gave an address on “Christian Companions .and the Character of the Social Life of Young Christians’’ Jack Doerr played a piano solo; Misses Helen-Dignan and Dorothy Grassick gave a guitar duet and ad ditional numbers were furnished by Misses Dorothy Ryckman, Violet Gambrill and the Sunday School or chestra. The Grand Bend1 <you,ng people served refreshments at the close and a social time was spent by all. of these week of Church i THE NEW SPRING HATS & CAPS referring H. Stain- HAVE ARRIVED NEW KNITTED WOOLLEN SUITS Smart Styles in Misses'and Ladies' Knitted Suits MISSES’ $6.75 LADIES’ $9,95 AND $10.95 NEW HOUSE DRESSES c In smart new prints, made up in chic styles and good washing materials SPECIAL AT 79c. PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLING At the lowest prices in years. Extra value and easily washed AT PER YARD 15c. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY This well known line is hard to beat. We are showing the best selling shades at the popular price of $1.00 UNBLEACHED SHEETS Two yards by two yards and a half. A good quality unbleached sheeting at the very low price of EACH 88c. CHATELAINE PATTERNS. We find these lower priced patterns are very popular. They are simple and our customers like them. Try them the next time you are in need of a pattern. Each 15c. WINDOW SHADES In green only, 5 dozen green blinds. These are seconds. You, can hardly tell them from firsts WHILE THEY LAST 75c. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS In many neat patterns and weaves. You will find these extra good values at PER YARD 35c AND 50c. NEW FELTOL RUGS Size 7 1-2 ft. by 9 ft. in six new pat terns and colorings exceptionally good for bedrooms EACH $5.19 FILLED VOILE CURTAINS 5 dozen very suitable for bedrooms, kitchens, and small windows. Trimmed in rose, blue and green very special at PER PAIR 59c. Linoleums, Linoleum Rugs & Congoleum Rugs ALL AT LOWER PRICES Congoleum Rugs Without Border 9x9 — $5.55 9xl0y2 — $6.45 9x12 — $7.40 Specials in Room Lots of Paper - - 98c., $1.29 and $1.49 SPECIALS FOI Fancy Marshmallow Cakes 3 different flavors . . 15c. or 2 lbs. 29c. Magic Coffee .Product of Chase & Sanborne a 29c. Ib. Special White Swan Pancake Flour With one pancake turnover ...........24c. THIS WEEK Fancy quality Dill- Pickles, large jar 25c. Special 5-string broom ........................ 39c. Choice California Lemons .... dozen 20c. Sliced Pineapple........................ 2 tins 25c. Choice Winter Cabbage .... 2 heads 15c. Alymer Catsup.........................2 bottles 25c. Southcott Bros Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flannigan, of Detroit, visited with friends in^Lon- don and this community over the week-end. A number from Exeter were in Seaforth Tuesday afternoon attend ing the funeral of the late Mrs. An drew Oke, who passed away Sunday in her 5 4th year. The deceased whose maiden name was Grace Bowl- by, was born in Toronto and had been in ill health for the past five Besides her husband she is Reginald years, survived by one son, Alvin Oke, of Toronto. The Picton Gazette in to the invitation of Rev. J. ton, B.A., B. D., of Pickering to James <Street United church, Exeter makes the following comment: “Mr. Stainton distinguished himself as an intelligence officer in Mesopotamia during the war- and has had a brill iant career as a collegiate teacher and preacher. Before going to Pick ering in 19 30' he was at Cortice. He is a chairman of the Executive of the Ontario Boys’ Work Board and an‘assidous student, having complet ed his B. D. work while in the pas torate. Rev. Mr. Stainton is ■ form erly of Milford pastoral charge. We have'a-very large display of Spring hats in the new shapes and shades priced at $2.50 o—0—O—O—0—o—o A special line of New Spring Caps at the new price level of $1.25 K * BIG * APRIL Furniture SALE IS NOW ON We are forgetting former prices or cost prices at this big sale. Every piece of furniture in our big stock is marked down to rock bottom prices. Solid Walnut Dining Room suit ,9 pieces . . ...............$110.00 Combination Dining Room Suites, 9 pieces ......... $93.00 Oak Dining Room Suites, 9 pieces ................................. $74.00 Oak Dining Room Suite* 9 pieces ...................-........... . $89.00 1 Chestef ield Suite, snap ............. 7........ . $149.00 1 Chesterfield Suite* snap................................................ $99.00 Bed Room Suites from................................ $40.00 up. Bed Outfits from ............................ $15.00 up Steel Beds from ........................................................... $5.50 up Mattresses from ................................................ $5.50 up Some Odd Chairs at . $6.00 up Visit our show room and see these great bargains before you buy your spring furniture. R. N. ROWE M, W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Matthews, o£ Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. A.. May on Sunday, The Purple Martins returned to Exeter on Tuesday and are now oc cupying their former Quarters on Main Street. •Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ingram, of De troit, attended the funeral of the former’s mother, Mrs. Alexander In gram, of I-Iensall, on Monday and visited with relatives in Exeter. W. J. SEYMOUR . . Huron. Street, West • Painter, Decorator <fe Paper Hanger ' TERMS—MODERATE Estimates Free €. G. I. T. ANNOUNCEMENT A social meeting was held at the home of Miss Robena Hunkin on Monday evening, April 18, at 7,30 Celebrating Roberta's birthday. The meeting was opened by a sing-song after which the Lord's prayer was repeated. Minutes were read, follow ed by roll call, which was answered by "An Invalid's Favorite Dish." Mrs. McTavish then took charge of th© business part of the meeting, followed by a demonstration on "Stitches" by Miss Rota Rowe, The remainder of the evening was spent in games and‘contests after which the girls served a dainty lunch. W. R. Goulding ■A. T. O. If. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ 'Cheery’ Supervisor of Music in School* Studio, Main St. Box 1*23, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publiic Estate and General Practice in an Courts. Money to Ioan New Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ontario Dhoiie: Office: Metcalf 1723 Residence: .Metcalf 2i718 J