The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-04-21, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21st, 1932 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, no. V a; Exceptional Values in Ladies’, Misses’ > and Childrens’ Spring Coats WE HAVE STYLES TO SUIT ALL FIGURES FROM EXTRA SMALL TO THE LARGE OUTSIDE SIZES. OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE* GIRLS’ SPRING COATS, AGES 3 TO 14 YEARS IN TWEEDS ETC* AT LOW PRICES. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF SILK CREPE DRESSES JUST ARRIVED TO SELL AT $7.95 EACH Men’s Suits $15.00 to $18.00 GREYS — . FAWNS — AND MIXED COLORS All new stock, newest styles. You can now dress up at very little ex­ pense. Come in and see onr good showing of men’s clothing* Men’s Spring Overcoats, $10., $15, & $18 Plain models, belted styles or guard models. New colors, latest styles* low prices. Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats Clearing at $3.95 each We have one rack of Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Coats carried over from other seasons. Good materials and styles to clear at only $3.95 each* EXETER COUNCIL ■Monday, April IS, 1932 A regular meeting of the Muni­ cipal Council was held with all the members present, The minutes of the meeting held April 4th together with the minutes of a special meet­ ing held April 11, were read and approved, .Circulars were laid on the table. The tenders as received for the repairs and painting of the interior •of the Town Hall were opened and. read as follows: For the lowering of the hall ceil­ ing—-Tender of W* A. Balkwill, of $214.00; Clarence A. Heywood, ten­ der of $200.00. Per Williams and Grieve that the tender of Mr. Hey­ wood, being the lowest, be accepted. An amendment by Ross and Row­ cliffe, that the Balkwill tender be accepted. The Reeve ruled in favor of the motion which was declared carried, For the cleaning and painting—- The following tenders were opened and read No. 1, H. C. Clark, $1'51.- 00; No, 2, George Ppllyblauk $100; No. 3, J. Wellington Hern $96.00; No. 4, W. J. Seymour, $85.00. The tenders were laid to on motion of Grieve the tender of Mr. J. - accepted. Carried. DEATH OF MRS. CORE The death took place in Exeter on Wednesday at noon of Mrs, Cole, Sr.,, mother of Mr, W. S. Cole, druggist The aged lady has been ill for some time. The funeral will he held on: Friday afternoon at two o’clock with interment in Exeter cemetery. ILL WITH PNEUMONIA Mary, the little and Mrs. Norman with pneumonia. daughter of Mr. Hannigan, is ill FALLARM BROKEN IN Mr. Wm.' Thompson, of McGilliv­ ray Township, had the misfortune to fracture an -arm when lie fell while descending from the loft in his barn. GOES TO SARNIA Rev, Handley R, •Chinon perkfns, of formerly of Exeter, ent in Fredericton, appointed rector of Memorial Church in Sarnia Perkins, son Chatham, andr who is at prog* N. B., has bee» Canon Davi» I ■was telling u» she had madte on a small ijjr considers that New Furnishings for Your Home New linoleums, congoleums rugs, oilcloths, window blinds, curtain ma-, terials, curtain rods, etc., at lower prices. We have the new patterns in congoleum and linoleum rugs at prices much lower than the mail-order houses. Window blinds—Seconds in cream & green on sale at 75c. each. first and last one side and and Rowcliffe, W. Hern was The following accounts were read and ordered paid; J. Norry, meals for tramps, $13.45; Mrs. B- Christie, coal library $18.; Wm. Hatter, milk charity as fol­ lows, Fred Smith $6.00, Garfield Stanlake $4,00; Samuel King $'5.00; •Tno. Stire $5.00; Norman McDonald $9.00, total $29.00; R. E. Davis, team labor grading $12.50; Wm. Johns, team labor, snow plowing, $4,50; Fred Bloomfield, snow plow­ ing $3.50; L.- Day, labor, town hall $5.0'0. Cemetery accounts—William Smith, labor $8.00; Jno. L. Kydd, '.labor $10.50. Passed on motion of Williams and Ross. Adjourned. Jos. Senior, Clerk AUTO ACC IDENT An auto accident occurred near the bridge Thursday afternoon ot last week when Mrs. Earl Mitchell of Usborne, was returning to her home. Ws. Mitcliell\ lost control of the car and it turned over in the snow. Little damage was done. The driver of the car was slightly^ bruised. JAW -FRACTURED WHEN KICKED IN FACE BY HORSE On Tuesday afternoon while Mr. Frank Wildifong was leading a horse home the animal turned and kicked him full in the face. He suffered a fractured jaw and wounds that re­ quired several stitches to close. He also suffered a slight concussion. Dr. J. H. Browning was called to attend him. The animal was one that had just been purchased and was being taken home. Mr. Wildfong will be laid up for some time. 400 PER CENT. DIVIDEND A lady in Exeter the other day that 400 per cent, profit vestment. When .one investors have received very uncer­ tain returns -during the past few! years 400 per cent, is an investment* of mighty big value. It conxesr about in this way. The lady Is n reader of the Times-Advocate andf 1 on a single grocery ured she saved 16c. vantage of some of grocery specials that vertise-d.. The price is only four cents a saving of 16c. makes , per cent, return. the news and information that the family had received the saving on the one grocery order paid for the paper for one month. Resi­ dents within the trading area of Ex- eter are losing money when they try to economize by doing without, the home paper, or if they are not paying attention to the advertise­ ments. order she fig- by taking adb- the week-end aye being ad- of the paper: week and the a four hundred In addition, to Leavitt’s Theatre Maxwell House COFFEE 1 lb. tin. 38c. Singapore PINEAPPLE per tin 11c. Ideal CATSUP Quart bottle 11c. Pure LARD 1 lb. carton 9c. the Mr. Libby’s Sauer Kraut...........2 tins for 21c. Krackles ............................. 2 pkgs, for 25c, Sheriff’s Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs, assorted and five lead pencils...........all for 25c. Hawe’s Floor Wax...............1 lb. tin 42c. Broken Sweet Biscuits...........per lb. 10c*> Manyflowers Soap 3 for 17c. California Prunes.........' . . 3 lbs. for 25c. Lobsters ........................ ! 1-4’s 19c., Vs’s 31c. GEL-E-, the new Jelly Powder 6 pkgs; ,25c. GRANTED FELLOWSHIP Walter Johns, a graduate- of Exeter High School and son, of and Mrs, Charles Johns, of Elimville, is to be congratulated on his recent success. Mr. Johns has been -grant­ ed a fellowship in Latin and Greek Cornell University ... Graduating Sch'ool. Since his graduation from the University of Western Ontario he has been a member of the staff Toronto University and Cornell. of ,1 ODDFELLOWS VISIT CLINTON Members from the Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows paid a fraternal visit to the Clinton Lodge Tuesday even­ ing and installed the-officers of the Clinton Lodge a,nd exemplified the work of t’he first degree. This was a return visit as members of the Clinton Lodge visited Exeter Tues­ day evening of last week. The work; of installing the- officers of the de­ gree was put on with Bro. E. A. Ho- wald in the chair of the N. G. The work, drew forth .much favorable comment. Refreshments were serv­ ed at the close by the Clinton Lodge. TENNIS CLUB RE-ORGANIZE Zane LAST SHOWING TO-NITK ^WEDNESDAY “RAINBOW TRAIL” SPECIAL Grey story with Geo* O’Brien and All-Star cast COMEDY--CHARLIE CHASE IN “ROUGH SEAS” FOX NEWS THURSDAY, IORWAx, SATURDAY April 21st, 22nd, 23rd ELISSA LANDI and VICTOR McLAGEN, in “THE DEVIL’S LOTTERY” A thrilling story of the sweep­ stakes winner of the derby. -Thip feature just released in April FOX NEWS & COMEDY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY April 25th, 2<5th, and 27th MAE ROBSON, Renowned Stage Star, in “MOTHER’S MILLIONS” USUAL COMEDY The Exeter Tennis1 Club held an enthusiastic meeting in the Cana­ dian Bank of Commerce chambers Tuesday evening and. re-organized for the coming season. A number of improvements will be made to the property and the club have de­ cided to enter the Western Ontario Lawn Tennis Association. The club have held several euchres this win­ ter and this has assisted in putting them in fairly good financial condi­ tion. An active campaign will be made for membership. Mr. W. L. Kress presided at the meeting. The officers elected were as Hon. Pres., W. G. Medd, and I. R. Carling; Pres. Seldon; vice pres., Miss -Mary Grant sec’y-treas., Miss G. M. Harness; Convenors of committees: Member­ ship com. II. Gower; Grounds com., Wm. Davis; Social •Committee, Miss A. Acheson; Tournament Com., H. J. Creech. Fees for beginners under 15 years, $1.00; beginners and stu­ dents over 15, $2.00; ladies $2.50; gents, $4.00; honorary members $1.00. EXETER BOY GETS CREDIT FOR DISCOVERY Last week the Toronto Mail and Empire contained a special article from Hamilton with an interview of the Superintendent of the Mountain Sanitarium, Dr. J. H. Holbrook in which he speaks of a former Exeter boy, Dr. W. -Stuart Stanbury, pathol­ ogist in that institution. Dr. Stan­ bury has been engaged in research work in connection with diabetes and tuberculosis and has made the discovery that the use oXJtnsulin is most beneficial in the treatment of tubercular patients. Dr. Holbrook regards the new line of experiment most hopefully and says that Dr. Stanbury will be given every facil­ ity of the Sanitarium to develop and. expand the new discovery. Several papers have been published by Dr. Stanbury giving the results of” his research along other lines and these have 'been redd at medical conven­ tions at Toronto and Hamilton and at the- end of the this mouth he will attend the American Medical As­ sociation at Philadelphia “as repre­ sentative of the Hamilton THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY April 28th, 29th and 30tli BLOND” LORETTA WILLIAMS “THE PLATINUM With JEAN HARLOW, YOUNG, AND ROBERT SPECIAL The I.O.OF. will attend Divine Worship in T'rivitt Memorial church c-n Sunday evening next, April 24th. The brethren are requested to meet in the Lodge Room at 6.30 Visitors from the surrounding trict are cordially invited. J. Batson, N. G. v (V IA /T*&7b]L6> •. at only 33c. each ...........49 for 10c. .........................$2.95 ............. 98c. each p.m. dis- W. follows: M.L.A.; Wallace’ZINC WASH BOARDS CLOTHES PINS........... COPPER BOILERS ^ CLOTHES BASKETS . " old ENGLISH AND JOHNSON’S PREPARED WAX 1-2 lb. tins reduced to................................... 35c. 1 lb. tins reduced to................................................59c. 2 lb. tin reduced to..............................................$1.15 4 lb. tin reduced to..............................................$2.15 alabastine and muresco, all colors Lowe Bros.—Floor Paint) Quick Drying Enamel, Quick Dry­ ing Varnish, Stains, Etc.. .All Prices, ROLLER SKATES 95c.; $1.50; $1.95 AND $3.00 PER PAIR ROYAL PURPLE GARDEN SEEDS .. 6 pkgs, for 25c. % CHICK FOUNTS AND FEEDERS CHICK SIZE) OYSTER SHELL, GRIT AND CHARCOAL TR1V1TT MEMORIAL A. Y. P. A. ENTERTAINS HENSALL A Y. P. A. On Monday evening the A. Y. P. A. of Trivitt Memorial church en­ tertained the A. Y. P. A. of 'Saint Paul’s Church, Hensail. A good turn-out from both churches being present. M'iss Amelia Acheson, president, opened the meeting and extended a hearty welcome, to the visitors. A very fine program was then presented by the visitors which consisted of readings by.Miss Rut­ ledge and Mrs. Peppier; piano duet by Mrs. Drummond and Margaret Drummond; mouthorgan selections by George Pearce; topic on “The Lord’s Prayer" was given by Mrs. Varley; duet by -Misses Jean Stone DIED IN MANITOBA hospital. EXETER WOMAN LOSES ESTATE Will Upset By Judge TRAQUA1R & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 and Louise Drummond; solo by Sam Rennie; accordian selection by Tlios. Bennett; piano solo by Miss Margar­ et Drummond and a flute solo by Rev. Mr. Parker. The remainder of LACROSSE Mr* Goldie Cochrane popular inatt- .ager of the Exeter rink, is endeavor­ ing to interest the young men of town in box lacrosse. This is a now fndooi4 game on the same principle .as lacrosse and is very fast and in- •teresting t.o watch. It was quite popular in some places last summer. HURON COUNTY REGISTRAR WILLIAM COATS DIES of some registrar at 30, SMITH-—KESSELRING A pretty wedding took place- Kitchener on Wednesday, March at 6 p.m. when Miss Lillian Kessel­ ring, of Kitchener, was united in -marriage to Claire Rupert Smith, formerly of Exeter. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful pres­ ents including two showers. Following an illness weeks, William Coats, Huron County for many years and an esteemed resident passed away early Monday morning at his home, North Street, Goderich, Mr was in ids 78th year. He resident of Clinton before to ‘ Goderich. Mrs, Coates ceased her husband by some seven years and his only daughter died a number of years ago. Two- grand­ sons, William and James, who have been living at the Coats residence, survive, ’The funeral iwBl take 'place on Thursday afternoon, Six of Coats was a moving prode- COMING— ‘BEN HUR’, May 2, 3, anil 4th MARIE BRESSLER. in “E3IMA” ervices DR. ALFRED GANDIER, LL.D** of Emmanuel College Victoria* University Will Preach in Main St. United Churchreceived brother, Mr. Aaron Cudmore, who passed away at Crystal City, Manitoba, on Tuesday, April 12th, at the age of 86 years, 1 month and 17 days. Mr. Cudmore left fills community 52 years ago for the Crystal City dis­ trict where- lie has resided ever sin­ ce. The deceased was born in Eng­ land and was one of a family of eleven children. In 1S77 several' members of the family came to Can­ ada in the spring of the year and in the fall of the year the mother and five children joined them, the fath­ er having previously passed away. Mr. Cudmore was married before coming to Canada and four years after arriving here he returned to England for ceased him is survived sons and Johns, of town is the only surviving member of the family. Mrs. Wm, Fraser, of town, and Mrs. Harvey Perkins, of Usborne, are neices of the deceased, Before going to Mani­ toba, Mr. sided on Mr* Elias, sided on funeral was held Thursday, April 14th to the Crystal City cemetery. Mrs. John Johns has word of the death, of her Aaron Cudmore,AT 11 A. M. AND 7 P. M. Do Not Miss This Opportunity to Hear Him. * the evening was spent in contests and a light lunch was served by the hosts. Rev. Mr. Vivian thanked the Hensail group for the fine program presented and Rev. Mr. Parker in turn thahked the Exeter society for their kind hospitality. PRESENTATIONS The Young People- from the Elim- ville community gathered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks Tuesday evening and presented Mr. and Mrs, E. Cowdrey with an ad*, dress read by Mr. Wm. Routh*' and tin arm chair and end table. The ev­ ening was spent in dancing Rrefesh- meats wore served by the ladies. The presentations was the outcome of a charivari hold Mbiiday/of lust week. The same evening the young people visited the home of Mr, and Sirs. Harry Mtti’ch and presented them with a day couch* his wife Who prede- several years ago. He by seven children, two five daughters. Mrs. Cudmore at one time re- tlie farm now owned by Kerslake and he also re- the Elimville line. The of Exeter, Ontario., who months was in ill was •u' ive the Alfred ther of •n the FARGO, N. D., April 13.—(AP)— Judge P. M. Paulsen today order­ ed the will of the late William J. Carlisle, of Fargo, set aside and de­ clared the deceased intestate. Car­ lisle died on February 20. In his will he left the bulk of his estate, estimated at $12,500, largely in cash, to a sister, Mrs. Sarah Emel- ine Green, resided with . him several prior to his death and who the room nt the time the w drawn. Mrs. Green petitioned to h will admitted to -pro’oate, Carlisle, of Golva, N. D., b: the deceased, contested ground Carlisle was incompetent be­ cause of his ago and physical con­ dition. Carlisle drew his wil day of his death. The Firs; tional Bank and Trust Compa: Fargo, named in the will as strator. The estate ly according heirs. Other Carlisle and. Elson, of Moose Jaw, Sask, and Benjamin Wilson Carlisle Hensall, Ontario, a brothor and Mrs. II. Dayman, Kennedy, Sask.,, There are also two stepdaughters, Blanche E. Buroh, of Minneapolis, and Eliza­ beth Harden, of Fargo. Will be divided to statute amo heirs, besides Mrs. Green to bo held in ill the st Na- ,ny, of admiii- equal- ttg the Alfred .re Mrs. .; sister of on Thursday, Apr. 21 MUSIC BY 4-FIECE ORCHESTRA Dancing from 9 pun. until I.SO s.m.. THIS IS THE LAST DANCE OF THE SEASON—DON’T MISS ITT Vi