HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-04-07, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE AHI thiwh, 7* wi {School re-opened again on Monday after a week’s holiday* •Mrs. Edward 'Sheffer is visiting with friends in Alpena Mich. Ml Nelson uiatchford is able to b© out again after his recent illness, Ml Errold Drummond visited ov­ er the week-end with friends in Tor­ onto. Mr. jack Kaiser, of Windsor, is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Euefle, Mrs. T, C. J-oynt is. improving af­ ter1 her recent illness and will soon be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson intend moving back to their farm in Stan­ ley this week. . Miss Mabel Whiteman, of Kippen spent a few days recently with Mrs. ^tobt. Morrison, '<■» Miss Beryl Pfaff has returned to London after spending the holidays at her home here. Mr, and Mrs, Ladd McEwen and .daughter, spent th© week-end with relatives in Toronto, Mr. Geo. Maynard, who has been visiting with his mother here, left recently for the West. Miss MauTeen Disjardine visited over the week-end at the home of hex* parents- at Grand. Bend. Miss Jean Maxwell has returned to Whitby after spending the holi­ days with her sister here. Rev. John Pollock, of White­church, will preach at Carmel Pres-| byterian Church on Sunday, The many friends of Mrs. George Fee will be sorry (to hear she is con­ fined to her home through illness. Miss Margaret McLaren' has re­ turned to London after spending the holiday, with her parents here. Mr. Eldred .Smith lias returned to London where he is attending uni­ versity after several weeks yacation Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and chil­ dren were Sunday visitors' with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Phile, or Rogerville. Mr. David Cantelon started number of men on Monday to out his onion setts which he stored in the Packing House, Mr. Edgar McQueen, who evening, All th© members being present except Councillor Robinson, Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of Petty and Spencer, Carried. Pet­ ty reported re Polj Tax as being practicaly all settled, communi­ cations read and filed. Rills and ac­ counts read as follows: Dr. A. R. Campbell, (Board of Health, $i52.80; J, Passmore, hydro, $7,80; School Board, current expenses, $1,00'0.00; A. W. E. Hemphill, supplies $9.78; R, Broderick, snow-plowing, $6.40; Bonthron & Drysdale, supplies, $2,- 35; total $1079.13. Spencer and petty that accounts as read he paid. Resignation of David Robinson as Councillor read, Petty .& Michl© that D. Robinson’s resignation be accepted, carrried. Resignation of W. E, Spencer as read. Mickle and petty that W, C, Spencer’s resignation as Councillor be accepted, Carried, •Owen Geiger served the Clerk with warrant for a nomination meeting and election if necessary. Mickle and Petty that a by-law be prepared for nomination on 18th of Apri} and if necessary an election on the 25th of April to fill the va­ cancy of the two councillors. Car­ ried, Mickle and Petty that By-Law No. 7 be given third and final reading. A. W. E, Hemphill reported re tax arrears and poll tax. Petty and Mickle, that we extend Collector’s rojl to April 20tli, 1932, Carried. The Clerk was instructed to se­ cure the different deeds and Insur­ ance policies belonging to the vill­ age and see about a place to beep’ them. -Mickle and Petty, that the- coun- be adjourned, Carried. Jas. A. Paterson, cil Clerk. THAMES ROAD a get has has been confined to his home with a severe attack of sciatica is improv­ ing nicejy. The many friends here of Mr. T. O. Drummond formerly of Hensall wilj be sorry to hear lie- has not been in the best of health lately. The Firemen are putting on theix* last Euchre and Dance, Friday ev­ ening, April Stli. A goor crowd is •^jj^pected. It will be the last dance this season. The Hensall Spring Show will he held on Tuesday afternoon, April 12th. The. Directors of the show are doing all they can to make this show a success. Messrs. Cook Bros, have added to th© appearance of their garage by making several improvements to the interior and also putting up a new gasoline pump. Rev. Mr. Currie, of .Sault Site. "Marie, occupxe d the pulpit in the Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun­ day last and preached very inspir­ ing sermons at both services. At the United Church Rev. Arthur’ Sinclair conducted - the. .services- and a very pleasant quartette was ren­ dered by Miss Florence Welsh, Mrs. ,GeO'.' Hess, Messrs. W. O. Goodwin and Sam Rennie at the evening ser­ vice. At the Council meeting on Monday evening Councillors Spencer and Robinson handed in their resigna­ tion. A nomination to fill the va­ cancies will be hel/l in Hall on April 18 and if an election will be held 25th. The Boy Scouts. abcT” Wolf Club Service* pjifi-'"’SociaI was he]d in the ^SL'Faul’s Anglican Ciiurclx on Wed- nesday evening. The service was -conducted by Rev, Mr. Parker, who is also Cub Master and Rev. Mr. Sinclair gave a very interesting ad­ dress on Scout Law. After the ser­ vice those present gathered in the basement where a social program - was demonstrated by the cribs. The '“second group of the Blue Heron Pat­ rol Scout tied and explained the scout knots and the 1st 'patrol-dem­ onstrated artifical respiration, car­ rying injured and singalling, after wlxich community singing was led by Mr, Geo. Hess and a lunch was served by the Cubs. The "Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyteriaii Church visited the Young People of Presbyterian Church, Monday evening. The President of the Exeter League opened ithe meet­ ing with a few words of welcome after which hymn “Yield Not to Temptation*’ was sung and Rev. Mr. Rhodes led in prayer. The visiting League then gave a very splendid program, each number being very ably rendered and consisted of the following: musical selection, by Messrs. Fred Dators and Me]vin Moir accompanied by Missi Blanche Mustard on the piano-; reading by Irene Dators; instrumental Blanche Mustard; duet by Messrs. W\ A. Mc­ Laren and R. McLaren; selection on the mandolin and mouth organ by Mr. Mt field and n,s a post games wm lunch was served the Town necessary on April Mr. and week. Stratford, with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. p, Sinclair and son, of Windsor, visited with Mrs. Geo. Thompson last Miss Lilli© Dobibs, of spent th© Easter holidays and Mrs. Fred Rowden. Ml and Mrs, A. McGowan and son,, of Blyth, Mrs. Julia Scandrett, of Relgrave, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. Rrooks. Mrs. Geo. Thompson is visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. Durham at Brantfora. 9 Miss Joel Spencer, of st. Thomas, was the guest of her aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs. H. Mills last week. Several from th© village motored to London on Tuesday evening to enjoy the hockey game between Lon­ don and Buffalo, Mr. Wm. Parsons is confined to liis home owing to illnes, Mr. Geo, Thompson has been in Toronto for the past week taking a short course in welding. )Mr, and Mrs. George Baynham and family, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers in London on Sunday, School re-opened on Monday, Mr, Chas, McQuillan returned' on Satur­ day evening having spent the holi­ days at liis home in Lucknow'. Mr. B. D. Cook visited with friends in st, Thomas for a couple of days the first part of the week, Mrs. A. ProctoT, of St. Marys, and Mrs, Ewart Powe, of London, visit­ ed with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brook's during the past week. The many friends of Mrs. Brooks arc sorry to hear that she has been advised by her physician to take a few weeks rest in bed, Mr, Wm. J. Smith, local agent for the International Harvester Co., at Exeter, Ontario delivered a new In­ ternational truck to the Centralia Farmers’ Co-Operative Co., Ltd., on Monday of this week. On Tuesday evening of last week the Y. P. Society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Godholt for their social evening. A large at­ tendance was present and a very enjoyable evening was spent in games and dancing, A very dainty lunch was provided by Group No. 1 of the Women’s Association. On Wednesday afternoon of last iMiss Vera Pollen spent a few days last week visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coward, of Mitchell, have taken up residence on their farm on the Thames. Road Mrs. R. MacDonald, who has been visiting with her daughter Mrs. Wm. Green has returned to hex’ home, Mrs. Green accompanying her. ( Aix interesting missionary pageant! week Mrs. Rob’b held a quilting bee entitled “Prove It” was given by the n¥ 1*'”* ....... A —............ boys of Thames Road Sunday £iahool on Easter Sunday morning. The boys taking part in the pageant were. Tom Farrow, Bert Gardiner, Arthur Rohde, Russell Passmore, Richard Etherington, Melvin Gardiner, Fred Selves, Willie Ballantyne, Wilfred Hunkin and. Lawrence Anderson. Two musical numbers given by Ivan Stewart added much to the interest of the program. ‘Mr. Lome Passmore is round again after suffering an attack of the flu. School re-opened' Monday follow­ ing the Easter vacation. Miss M. Baxter the teacher spent the holi­ days at her home at Benmiller. . Mr. J. T. '-Allison has recovered from a recent illness. Mr. J. Hodgert attended the re­ cent convention of the O. E. A. in Toronto. Til KIRKTON vis- left Mrs. DeLaney, who has been iting with Mrs. Wm. Atkinson on Monday-for her home in London. -Miss Rachel Kirk spent the Eas­ ter holidays here with her sister Miss Hattie Kirk. IMr. and Mrs. Walter Hazelwood have returned home from Detroit Where they spent the winter. Th Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per was administered by Rev. T. A. BSIlMn the United Church on Sun­ day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, of Woodham and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Doupe, of St. Marys were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Doupe. Mrs. Hannah Sr., passed away on Sunday at noon. Deceased had reached the ripe age of 88 years. Surviving are one won John where she has been daughter. Mrs. Samuel Btislifield of Calgary. Tuesday to the Union cemetery. residing and one The funeral is being held the Cavern Exeter, on dvin Moir; solo Jerry Den- a dialogue ” after wh *o indulged entitled "Deaf contest and in and a dainty Hensall Council Th© regular meeting of th© vill­ age Council was held on Monday on CREDITON EAST and Mrs. Harold Taylor,of with of Flint, Mr. near Exeter visited Sunday their grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr, Herb Truemner, Micli., is visiting -with his father Mr. Dan Truemner and sister Mrs. Aaron Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and daughter Thelma and Mr. Stanley Kelly and Mrs, Frank Scheiding, all of London and Ml’, and Mrs, Motz and two children, of spent Sunday with Mr. and Motz. Mrs. C, Schroeder spent days last week With relatives Dashwood. Mrs. John Baird lifts returned to her home in Grand Rend after visit­ ing her Miss visiting Sims. Roland Exeter, Mrs, II. a few in daughter Mrs. Sam iSims, Helen Kenny, of Khiva, with Mih and Mrs. is John Moses Mawson died recently home of her granddaughter /She was the widow of Mrs. at the in Toronto the late- Mosost Mawson of Parkhill who predeceased her by three years. The body was brought to Parkhill for interment in Salem cemetery* ™ RED & WHITE s™e SPECIAL—FREE 1 LB. PURE LARD WITH 1 lb. TIN OF R. & W. BAKING POWDER AT 29c. 'S=J Hereford Corn.Beef I lb. tin Each 10c. Evergreen Sweet Com Choice Quality 3 tins for 25c, Falcon Peaches No. 2 tin each l£>cs FINEST SOCKEYE SALMON (Red Beauty) ..\ ,\ ... 1 lb. tin each 29c,. Good Quality Brooms Five String . Each 29c, Liquid Veneer Medium bottle Each 25c. Palmtree Soap Pure Palm and Olive Oil 5 cakes for 17c, SCHNEIDER’S PURE LARD, I lb. carton ,,,................ ..................each 10c. Choice Pumpkin | No. 2 tin 1 2 f<?v 17c, I Harry Horne’s Vanilla S oz, * bottle Each 19c. Large Prunes 2 lbs, for 23c. DE LUXE JELLY FCWPERS, assorted flavors ..../............ 6 for 25c. Seedless Raisins Australian 2 lbs. for 25c. Falcon Coffee 1 cup & saucer free 1 lb. tin 49c. Special Black Tea 1 lb. package Each 33c. Choice' Halllowi Dates Fresh Broken Sodas . . Lux Soap Flakes ..... Sultana Raisin Biscuits . . 3 lbs 21c. . . 2 lbs. 17c. , 3 pkgs. 25c. . per lb. 25c. Chocolate Mallow Biscuits .... per lb, 15c, Silver Humbugs per lb. 19c, Chocolate Maple Buds ....... per lb. 25c, Russet Sweet Grapefruit..........5 for 25c, FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—LETTUCE, CELERY, RAD­ ISHES, TOMATOES, SPINACH, GREEN ONIONS, CARROTS, PARSNIPS TURNIPS, PINEAPPLES, ORANGES, BANANAS, LEMONS, GRAPE­ FRUIT: . ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” EXETER, ONT We Deliver iiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii III III? ' at her home. A dainty supper was served to a large number of guests A silver collection was taken and the proceeds went to Group 3, of the Women’s Association. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. wm. Essery and Mrs. Noxunaxx Mitc'lxell, members of Group No. 1 of the Wo­ men’s Association held a Quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Fred Pen­ warden. A dainty supper was serv­ ed to a large number of guests. On Friday afternoon Group No. 2 held a quilting bee in the basement of the church and served supper to a large number. At the beginning- of the Now Year the Women's As­ sociation decided to divide their as­ sociation into three groups for the purpose of raising funds. During the past three months members have worked fathfully each one trying to do her part to the very best of her ability. Some members sold home­ cooking, some held quiltings at their homes and served sumptuous suppers asking only a .small silver collection. On Thursday evening of this week the regular monthly meet­ ing of the Association will be held in the basement of the church. All members of the congregation are in­ vited to come and hear how these industrious ladies made their money Following the meeting lunch will be .served by ladies of the Association. Tuesday afternoon of this week Mrs. Roy Fletcher held a quilting at her home. A dainty served by the hostess members of Group No. number of guests were proceeds go. to Group No. 3 of which Mrs. Fletcher is a member.- supper was assisted, by 3. A large present the Mr. Earl Atkinson of R. ,R. Lu­ can was the lucky guesser in the contest at the Centralia Chopping Mill for the last week in’March, while Mr. Si. N. Scott carried off the monthly prize having registered the largest number of guesses for the whole month. -------------------------*________. i “The doctor says I must threw up everything and take a sea voyage.” “That ought to be easy if you take the voyage first,”—-Pathfinder. CONTEST FOR FARMERS A CHANCE TO GET YOUR CHOPPING AND ROLLING FREE This contest will be continued until October 1st, 1932. Guesses will be registered and paid weekly, In addition to this, on the first day of each month, a special prize of one dollar will be given to the cus­ tomer who registers the most guess­ es for that month. On -October 1st all guesses will be compiled, and to the farmer 4wlio has registered largest number of guesses, giving away, absolutely Grand Prize Ticket which title the holder to 10 bags plug or rolling each week grinding season beginning’ 1st 1932 until October 1st, One year. the are a on- We free will of chop* for the October 1933. J. CREDITON On Thursday evening of last week the members of Mrs. C. Hoffman’s class met at the home of Miss Ber­ nice Eilber to lionox* 'their Sunday School teacher with a miscellaneous shower. Before the presentation, a mock wedding was held. To the strains of the Bridal Chorus played by Miss Bernice Eilber, the bride, Miss Inez Fahner and her attend­ ants, the Misses Velma. Guettinger. and Thelma Weber -were met by the bride-groom, Miss Gertrude Beaver and her attendants, the Misses Mar­ garet Kuhn and Ruby Finkbeiner. Miss Alma Ratz performed, the cere­ mony. During the signing of the register, the Misses Agnes Lamport and Dorothy Fahner rendered a duett. The gifts were presented in a,., prettily decorated waggon drawn by the niece and nephew of Mrs. Hoffman, Elsie Mae and Melvin Gaiser, dressed as bride and groom. A very enjoyable evening was. spent after which a dainty lunch was ser­ ved. A meeting will be held in. the Town Hall next Monday evening for the purpose of organizing a Min­ strel Chorus with the intention of putting on a concert some time next month. As. it is intended to use -the proceeds to pay the debt on the Community Field, we trust there will be a good attendance. The en­ tertainment put on by the boys last yeai* was a great success and we feel satisfied they will put on a better one this year. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner and family and Mr. Chester Mawhinney spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill arc visiting in Detroit. Miss Clark, of Exeter, spent a few days, .with her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark. Master Lewis Faist returned home from' .St. Joseph’s Hospital last -Saturday greatly improved. We are pleased to report Mrs. Roy Schwartz has left Victoria Hos­ pital and is now staying with her relatives in the city. Misses Erma Fahner and Lyla Haist, of London, spent Siuhday with their respective relatives. A number of hockey fans from the village attended the Detroit and London hockey game on Thursday last at Loudon. A number of the young people attended the Chautauqua held in Exeter last week. ■Mr. William oestricher delivered a few head of thorough-bred cattle in the district of Elmira last week. Oratorical contest next Friday ev­ ening in the S. S. rooms, of the Evangelical Church. (Six members of the Young people’s Mission Circle will give orations on the subjects of temperance and moral reform. A large crowd of interested people will ■be present, Judges have been se­ lected and awards* will be given. . Mrs. Art Amy and Mrs. Roy Fink­ beiner have charge of the contest. Light refreshments will be served. The business meeting, quarterly ; conference and L. A. S., have decid­ ed by a majority vote to invite th© : Annual Conference to be held in i Credifon, April 1933. Next Sunday evening a formal vote will bo called 1 for, from the entire congregation, ) which will bo sent to- the Conference i convening at Kitchener, April 20, 1032. < LUMLEY There is still a few cases of the flu in the neighbourhood hut most of them who had it are able to be up and around again. Miss< Margaret and Jean McQueen and Miss Mary Kers]ake spent a few days visiting with girl friends in Hensail. Little Margaret Glenn returned home on Sunday after spending her holidays in Exeter with her grand­ mother, Mrs, McTaggart. Mr. Bert Horton was in for a few days- visiting with Miss Nettie McTaggart, of Exeter is spending a few days this week with her sister, Mr. John M. Glenn. iMrs. Wilson Brintnell and two children spent a few days -ast week and Detroit friends ZION Mrs. Emerson Gunning and mother’ Mrs. Wm. Clarke, and Mastei’ Har­ old Clarke visited with Mrs. Her­ man Kyle on Tuesday of. last week.- Mr. and Mrs. John Johns enter­ tained a number of their friends oni Wednesday last. Mr. Lloyd Hern has purchased a motorcycle. Mr. Eldon Hern and Earl Hern? motored to Toronto on Friday. Mr.- Ross Hern spent Friday in.' town. Miss Dorothy Kerslake and two brothers, of near Exeter, visited1 during the holidays with their cou­ sins Miss Margaret and Master Ger­ ald Hern. with Mrs. Donald Brintnejl family,. WINCHELSEA very pleasant time was spentA on Monday evening at the home of Misses Olive and Audrey Prance when Miss Dorothy Delbridge, bride­ elect of this week was the recipient of a kitchen shower. Dorothy was asked to take the honored chair of the evening while her class gathered around her chair and sang “For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow” then little Miss Leona Murray Stephen’s prettily capacity articles, suitable decorated with the Miss Delbridge made reply. Leila with Wes. the Mollax’d, of Shipka, is Miss Olive Prance this Atkinson, of Lucan. Pym and Master drew in a very wagon loaded to numerous kitchen a The best wishes of all present were extended to bride for a happy wedded life. Miss visiting week. Mrs. spent a few days this week with het sister Mrs. Newton Clark. School has re-opened after the Eas­ ter holidays^witli quite a few little ones starting. Misses Jean and Grace Hocking and Master Gordon Hocking, Mon­ roe, visited with their aunt Mrs. R. E. Pooley over* the Week-end. -Mr. Samuel Mills, of Woodham, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke last week. Miss Marion Pooley entertained a number of her girl friends at biithday party on Saturday last. a MT. CARMEL The C. W. L. will hold a Social in the Hall on Thursday (tonight.) Lunch will be served. School reopened on Monday. Miss Gertie Dederich spent a few days last week at the home of her uncle C. Dedericli, Khiva, Mr, Herb Hartman has engaged John Patton to work for the Spring and summer. Mr. John Gooding, of Parkhill, spent Friday at the hoipe of Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. Mr. Dennis. Doyle, of London, called on friends here on Saturday. Miss Margaret Carey and Mrs. P. Carey are confined to their beds suffering from the effects of the flu Mrs, Peter Doyle returned home last week after spending a few days at home of her father. Mr Thomas Glavin, of Detroit, is seriously ill duo to a paralytic stroke, Mr. Nelson Schenk underwent an operation at St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Friday for appendices and is now doing nicely. ■Mr, Joseph Fallow, of London Tib called on friends here on Sunday. GRAND BEND Mrs. Roy Scott and family, of Sarnia, who spent the week with her; mother Mrs. Wm. Patterson return­ ed home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oliver, of St. Marys, visited Mr. W. B. Oliver on. Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. John Moussou visit­ ed a few days with, their daughter! Mrs. Richard Taylor, of Chiselhurst. Misses Ilene arid Eleanor B'ossen- berry, of Forest, called on Friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. McGuire, of Brinsley, visited with tlieir son, who has opened a barber shop at the Oakland house. Mrs. Peter Ravelie and family spent a few days with friends in Zurich. Miss Reta Pfaff,, of Sarnia, visited) at her home here on Sunday; Miss Marjorie Desjardine, of Huron. Mr. Gordon Heaman had the fortune to slip and fall also Port}' mitf- be- tween the joist of the new cottage he is building and fractured one of bones in liis leg and which will lay him up for some time. He had a; cast put on by Dr. Taylor, of Dash­ wood, and i& doing nicely. The Deatii of Mr. Frank Allister ‘The death of Mr. Frank Allistei’ji of St. Marys was very sudden as he was sick only a few days. Mr. Al* lister was born and raised only a couple of miles from the village be-, ing the second son of the late Mr.- and Mrs. ..John Allister of the 21st,; Concession of .Stephen. Mr, Franl^ Allister moved with his family to St,. Marys some fifteen years ago. The. service was conducted by Rev. S. .K Mathers at the G. B. cemetery. The pallbearers were six brotlier-in-lawe The family have the sympathy o§ the community. HARPLEY and Mrs. Wellwood Gill and'Mr Morgan spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love,- Miss Blanche Morenz visited WitW her parents Mr. and (Mrs, Alberti Morenz over the week-end. Mr. Verne Ridley lias engaged ML Bob Davis for the summer. Miss Dorothy Harlton, of Shipka, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hickey. Mi*. Wm. Love had a chimney fir© on Thursday night which the local firemen quickly extinguished. Luck* Uy there wag. no damage done. Wood bees are the order of th© day, i The numero its tGcichC’rs who spending their Easter holidays in our vicinity have returned to their respective homes.