HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-03-31, Page 5A Beryl prummond is visiting in Toronto this week. Mae Aberhart spent the ii’ M. Miss friends Miss week-end at her home in Seaforth. Mu. Nelson Riatchford is improv­ ing after his recent severe illness. Mr. Lester Fisher, of Windsor, was a holiday visitoi’ at his home here. Miss Beryl Pfaff, of London, is spending the holidays here, Miss Merle Carlyle, was a here. Mr, Lucan, week. Miss visited town. Mi’, and Mrs. George Hess visited tjjivey th© week-end with relatives in Detroit. Miss Margaret McLaren, don, spent the week-end home here. Mr. Harold Scruton, of ver, spent the week-end mother here. Mr. Albert Spencer is confined to his. room with a severe attack of Jieart trouble. Mr. Garnet Jacobi, of Zurich, was in town on Tuesday taking orders for fertilizer. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Horton, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with rela­ tives in town, Messrs. Harry and W'm. Joynt, of Toronto, spent th© ‘week-end with theii’ mother here. The students of the Public and Continuation Schools are enjoying a week of Eastei’ holidays. Mr. Edgar Stewart, of Toronto, visited over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. Foss. Saturday last was a busy day for the stock men, a great many hogs and cattle being shipped. The many friends of Mrs. Alice Joynt are glad to hear she is improv­ ing after hei\recent illness. Messrs. Fred Hess and Cantelon spent a few days, at their camix at the Pinery recently. At Carmel Church tiie services on Sunday, th© 3rd, will be conducted by th© Rev. E. C. Currie, B.D, Mr, Harold Shepherd, of .London, is spending the holidays at the home of his father Mr, John .Shepherd. Miss Jean Campbell and brother Keith, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mi’s. Thos. Murdock. Mrs. Norman Cook is confined to Jier home through illxiess. Her many 4^Kjends hope for a speedy recovery. ^".Misses Mary McKaig and Luxu Lindenfield, of Exeter, were 'Sun­ day visitors with friends in town. The many friends of Mrs. Norman Cook will be sorry to hear she Is confined to hei’ room tliorugh ill­ ness. Mr. Wm. Simpson accompanied by his motliei’ and sister, of Detroit spent the week-end with Mrs. Ro­ bert Bonthron. The many friends of Mr. Edgai’ McQueen will be sorry to hear lie is confined to his home with, a sev­ ere attack of sciatica. Misses* Nellie Carmichael, of Exp- ter, and Miss McCurdy, of Hibbert, spent a day last iveek at the home of M'r. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon. The Annual Spring Show will be held at Hensail on Tuesday, "April 12th. The Directors are making every effort to have the Show a big success. Mr. Matthew Clark, of Tucker­ smith has rented the cottage belong­ ing to Mr. G. C. Petty on Queen St. West and intends to move into the village immediately. Mr. Wm. Goud held an auction., sale of his harness busings Thursday aften^atrtast. Mr. Goud • intends ..mevx&g back to his farm . p.gft’i^Auburii owing to ill health. (Mr. Thos. Welsh intends opening up his saw mill again the first of th© month with a full staff of meh which will pretty well solve the un­ employment situation in Hensall. Mr. Thos. Welsh lost a valuable horse one day last week while ,^'Jng to the bush foi’ logs. It V peared all right when leaving barn but ■ while on the way to bush fell dead. The Steele Briggs Co., and Wm. Reniiie Co., are employing a large number of men to get but the onion sets. Several carloads are being shipped daily. The onions have kept Well and are in splendid condition. Easter servees were observed in our local churches, on Sunday last. At th© Carmel Presbyteran Church Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of Woodstock, . delivered very inspiring sermons. In th© morning a duet was given by Mr. R. Y. McLaren and Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Mis# Mabel Workman and Mr. Jerry Deli field rendered' a very pleasing duett at til© evening service. At the United Church Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and solos war© given by Mr. sath Ren­ nie in the morning and Dr. I. Smil- lle in the evening. At the morning service Holy Communion was ad- minstered. In the st. Paul’s. Ang­ lican Church Rev. M. Parker had charge of the services and special music was given by the choir. ‘The Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held theii' regular meeting on Monday evening tvith a good attendance. Af- holiday visitor and Mrs. A. J visited friends at her home of London, at her home Fleming, of in town this Eleanor Maskin, of Blyth, last week with friends m Of Lon- at her Port Do- with his David THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ter the opening exercises tlx© Bible lesson was read by Muriel. Hoskins after which a. paper on “I)r. Margar­ et Strang” was read by Mrs. Roy McLaren folowed by a selection by Messrs. Melvin Moir on the banjo, Fred Detel's on the violin and Miss Blanche Mustard on the piano, a paper on “Christ’s Crucifixion” was read by Mrs, R. Y. McLaren and a yery pleasing solo was rendered by Miss Annie Huiser accompanied by Dorothy Daters on the guitar after which the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and -a socal hour was spent oix contests games, CREDITON half and and Mrs, fester Maclsaac, ofMr peti’oit, spent Ea$tei‘ Sunday with the former’s parents Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Maclsaac. Mr, and Mrs. Moses Kitchener, were Sunday the home of Mrs. W. Gaisei’ Gaisei' returned home with them where she will visit for a short time. Miss Lily Stahls, of London, is visiting with her mother Mrs. Rosna Stahls, Miss Matilda Oestricher, of Wind­ sor, is spending her Easter holidays with hex’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Her­ mon Oestricher. Wedding bells were ringing in this town last week. Miss Laura Clark, who is attend­ ing school at MacDonald Hall In Guelph, is spending with her parents Mi'. Clark. The Public School es Pearl Love and Elizabeth Ken­ ney are spending their Easter holi­ days at their respective homes. Mrs. (Dr.) J. Orme and daughter Lois, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. E. K, Falirner. Miss Minnie Brokenshire and Miss Wealthy Schroeder of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder, The renewal of Sunday School officers and teachers, will take place Sunday morning at the Evangelical church. In the evening service there will be an installation of the renewed S. S. force. The trustees and class leaders will also take part Everybody come to witness, this sac­ red ceremony and take part your interest and devotion. and Mrs. Gaiser, of visitors at Mrs. her vacation and Mrs. F, W. teachers, Miss- AVolfe-Potlncr with placeA very pretty wedding took in Detroit on March 19 at the Wood­ ward Avenue Baptist Church at six o’clock by Rev. Dr. Hoag, that of Mr. Roy Wolfe and Miss Kathryn Podner, of Detroit. Aftei' the cere­ mony-a wedding dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I-I. J. Moir to the immediate relatives - of the" families. Best wishes is extend­ ed to the couple fox' a long and happy married life. ■* Hol’fmaii-Morlock JlLdustex’ Service The Sunday evening services at the Evangelical church brought out a large congregation, A choir of tljllrty-two voices rendered the Easter story in song and readings in the Cantata, “The Red of the Dawn,” Those who- took leading parts were; Mrs. H. K. Eliber, con­ tralto; Mrs, Wm. Smith, alto L. Wein, baritone; Mr. Sims, tenor. Mr, F, W conducted the choruses, 1 took; the readings were: Clara Gai­ ser, Agnes Lamport, Kuhn, Alma Smith, Ruby Finkbein- er, Bernice Either, Haist and Alvin Cantata completed vices of the day, vice had the Easter harmony In pulpit and choir. The Sunday school gave a brief introductory program. The pastor and S, S, Superinten­ dant desire to express their appre­ ciation fox’ the faithful services of the to RED & WHITE store =x Evangelicals, Mr> . Clayton r. Morloek Those who Maurgrette Gordon Rats, E. Finkbeiiier, This the Easter ser- Tlie morning ser- ELIMVILLE took SPECIAL—FOUR PACKAGES OF LUX AND 1 10-inch MIXING BOWL ALL FOR 79c. GOLDEN YEIXOW SUGAR____ ____ SPECIAL^-1 CEARK'S TOMATO JUICE .................. \ CLARK’S PORK & BEANS, No. 2 tin § for 2J?C’ 5 for 25c. 2 for J3c* Peanut Butter Floor Wax Good Quality Brooms 2 lb, barrel Gold Medal j 5-string each 31c,1 lb. tin each 29c. |each 39c. EXCELSIOR PEAS, Lurge, sweet and tender . .. ..3 tins for 23c, Cornstarch 1 New Cheese 1 Old Dutch Cleanser 4 T”'-:kages for 19c, |Per lb. 15c. |Per tin 9c. RED & WHITE BAKING POWDER, pure, contains no alum .. lb, tin 29c. Toilet Tissue |Dsrby Soap Flakes P & G Red & White a pure soap flake Naptha Soap 3 rolls for 23c* |3 lbs. for 25c.r 6 bars for 25c. DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavors.............................6 for 25c. aixolner interesting event place on Monday evening at th© home of Mrs. Jas. Kirkland on the Narrow Rd."when Miss D.-Brooks, bride of this week, was made the recipient of shower. / ’ _ . ... fastened togethex’ at a central point led in many directions which Miss Brooks was told to follow to find tile numerous articles which were then displayed and admired by all present. The young lady thanked the donors in a few well chosen re­ marks for their gifts. The crowd numbering a'bout sixty, afterwards enjoyed themselves with games etc. Miss Brooks is on© of tth© popular young ladies of the community and the best wishes of her many friends are extended to hex’ in her wedded life. After a delicious lunch was served all repaired to theii’ homes, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murclx and two neices of London, were visit­ ors at Mr. Phil Murch’s on 'Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squires, Velma and Harry, of Whalen, visited at Mi;. John Herdman’s on Good Fri­ day. Th© service on Easter Sunday morning was well attended. The choir sang two appropriate anthems and Rev. White gave an interesting discourse on Sunday evening. Rev. White showed about eighty lantern slides depicting the Life, of Christ, which were very good. Seven young ladies: Misses Margaret Johns, .May- Coward, Maizie O’Rielly, Audrey Prance, Dorothy Delbridge, Bernice Murc'h and Florence Bell gave a lovely pantomine interpreting the hymn “O Zion Haste Your Mission High Fulfilling” which was sung by­ Mrs. Rev. White. A large number were present, chairs- having to be placed in the aisles to accomodate them. 'The roads are again open fox- mo- ■tor traffic although rather rough in many places. W© very much a splendid kitchen A large number of strings Chocolate Mallow Biscuits .... per lb. 15c. Fresh Fig Bars.............................per lb. 15c. Large Prunes..........................2 lbs. for 21c. Icing Sugar.................... Molasses Snaps ....... Texas Sweet Grapefruit . 2 lbs. for 15c. . 2 lbs. for 23c. .... 5 for 25c. FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—LETTUCE, CELERY, RAD­ ISHES, TOMATOES, SPINACH, GREEN ONIONS, CARROTS, PARSNIPS TURNIPS, PINEAPPLES, ORANGES, BANANAS, LEMONS, GRAPE­ FRUIT: , ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver CONTEST FOR FARMERS A CHANCE TO GET YOUR CHOPPING AND ROLLING FREE This contest will be continued until October 1st, 1932. Guesses will be registered and paid weekly. In addition to this, on the first day of each month, a special prize of one dollar will be given to the cus­ tomer who registers the most guess- os fox' that month. On October 1st all guesses will be compiled, and to the farmer who has registered largest number of guesses, we giving away, absolutely Grand Prize Ticket which title the holder to 10 bags ping or rolling each week grinding season beginning the are a' en- free, will of chop­ fox’ the October 1st'1 1932 until October 1st, 19(33. One year. LUMLEY Mr. Wm. Horton‘accompanied by hsi wife and little daughter, Betty Jean motored over from Detroit and spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Noah Horton and oth­ er friends. Miss Bella Brintnell, of Stratford was here for the Easter holidays and. returned on Monday. Mrs. John Selves Sr, spent a few days with her son John last week. The many people who had the flu in this neighbourhood have re­ covered and are able to be around again. Mr. W. N. Glenn is this week shipping turnips for which he gets a good demand. The majority of the people are busy making syrup and claim the run of sap is good. in the chair, consisting of: a sing­ song; instrumental duetts by the Misses Hazel and Myrtle Earl, Mary Earl and Laurene Hern; a recitation by Margaret Hern; a mock wedding. To the strains of the bridal chorus, the bride, Miss Hazel Earl entered the parlor on the arm of her father, this being Miss Edith Earl. The bridegroom was Miss Myrtle Earl. The ceremony was performed by Miss Minerva Brock. After the ceremony the bride and bridegroom entertained us with a number of vo­ cal duetts with Mrs. Wilbur Batten the piano accompanist for the oc­ casion. The address was read by Miss Thelma Jacques which was as follows: very A very quiet wedding took place at ..the Evangelical parsonage, Sat-j urday evening, when Mr. Charles B. Sherwood Huntex’ Hoffman, son of the late Christian Hoffman and his- living widow Han­ nah Hoffman, of Stephen, was mar­ ried to Miss Clara Morloek, young­ est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Morloek, of Stephen. Rev. W. M. Sippell performed the ceremony in the* presence of the rest of the Sip- pells, who were the only witnesses. The happy couple left for their hoxne 4th Concession stephen with­ out any others of the community becoming aware of the happy event that had taken place. Both of these young people are esteemed and use­ ful members of the church. A_ show- erjvil-1-be given the bride this week by her S. S. class of which she has beexx the effecient teacher fox' a per­ iod of years, as also a leading mexn- bei' of the choir and Christian En­ deavour. A large circle of friends join in extending best wishes to- gethei’ with the promise’ of a sere­ nade or two. go- ap- tlie the the i regret that Mr. is very ill at his friends will hope Wm. J. Smith, Prop. Ewald—Ealu’ner A quiet wedding took place at the Evangelical parsonage, Thursday noon, March 24th, when Mr. Otto Ewald and Miss Mabel Falirner were united in t'lie bond of matrimony by Rev. M. Sippell, pastor of the church of which both are esteemed nxern- berSr The journey to the parsonage was easy but on leaving the happy couple found the rope across the road at three different places and each one of these meant another tip The village .really found an occas­ ion for healthful merriment, In the evening an excellent wedding dinner was served at the home of Mr, C. Falirner, father of the bride, at which twenty-five guests were seat­ ed, these were, besides the bride, and groom their attendants, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finkbeiixer, the head ot the house, Mr. €. -Fahner, ter of the groom Mr. and Mrs. Everett Falxrnei’ family; Mr, and Mrs. Emmery rner and fahiily and Mr. and W. M. Sdppell and family, Aftei’ per various clubs and parties enaded at the dooi’ in theii’ and each had to be tipped off by the groom. All this goes to show that the bridal pair are good liatixred citizens of the community and have many friends. Mr. and Mrs, Otto Ewald left Friday morning for a honey moon trip to Akron, Ohio and other points across the line. The community extends well-wishes. the sis- Bertlia Ewald, and Fah- Mrs. Sup* ser- turn home. His many for a decided improvement in his conditon. Another quilt for the W. M. S', was quilted on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wellington Skinner. THAMES ROAD Nettie McCurdy is visiting in with her aunt who is ill. J. W. Hackney spent a few daughter David Christie Sr., is very ill time of writing with pneu- Grace Anderson, of London, Miss Exeter Mrs. days recently with her Mrs. Wm. Harper of Mitchell. Mrs. at the monia. Miss Spent Easter holidays with her par- nets Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson. Miss Bernice Gollings spent a few days with Mrs. H. K. Hyndman, of Exeter, rece»tly. Misses Isabelle and Helen Anthony of Hamilton, are holidaying at the Manse. i On Good Friday morning Mr. Jos. Kernick’s barn was found to he on fire. Neighbors from fai’ and near gathered but it was found that the fire had already eaten its way through. Barn and contents includ­ ing several head of stock were burn­ ed. A largfe congegation was present at the Easter services of the Thames Road United Church when the Sac­ rament of the Lord’s Supper was observed. An appropriate Solo en­ titled “Calvary” was heatifully ren­ dered by Mrs. A. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Easton, of Exeter spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollen. KHIVA of Toronto, and Mrs. 0. WINCHELSEA Wedding bells are beginning to ring again. Keep in mind the community sup­ per to be held in the- Elimville church on Thursday evening March 31st. Coxae and bring your friends The program is being supplied ny Mr. Lou Woods and his class .of boys from Wesley United Church, Lon­ don. Messrs. Ray and Maurice Brooks, of Detroit, visited with their aunt, Mrs. A. E. Delbridge on Sunday. Miss Inez Creery, of Forest, is holidaying at the home of her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Creery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey spent Sun­ day in Kirkton with Mr. and Mrs. A. Collin. Mr. M. Routly and daughter Ella, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Rout­ ly, of Elimville on (Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delbridge, of St. Marys, visited with Mrs. Geo. Delbridge on Sunday. Mr. Tom Heywood, of Welland, is spending the holidays at the hoiiic of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Heywood. Masters Gordon Brooks and old Davis visited witlh Master man Brooks at Whalen on Tuesday. SHIPKA Mr. Fred Schroeder, of Exeter, spent Sunday at his home here. The Misses Ila and Evelyn Sweit­ zer, Beatrice Baynlxam and Martha Lamport, of London spent the week­ end at the home of their parents. The Y. ’P. S. held theii’ regular meeting in the church on Monday evening. Mr. T'elfer gave a talk “Banking to the Public” instead last week which was announced last week’s paper. The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will be held on Wednesday, April 6th at the home of Mrs. Jacob Ratz. Miss Lillian Thomson ing the holidays at 'her Strathroy Miss companied her end. Next Sunday is starting a three month study on the book of Revelations in the Sun­ day School for the adult Bible class­ es. Everybody welcome also sionary program. on of in Virginia for over Rev. Mr. Jno. Har- Nor- HARPLEY and Mrs. Les. Adams have is spend­ home in Moore ac- the week- Hagelstein ZION Mis- last Miss Meta Surerus, Spent Sunday with Mr Willert. Miss Marguerite Knight is spend­ ing her Easter holidays at her home near strathroy. Miss Thelma Neeb. of Detroit, is spending the Easter holidays With her patents Mr. and Mrs. A. Neeb. Mrs. R, Schroeder, of Clahdeboye, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. & Dietrich, Mr. Wm. witzel spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E. Lam­ port, of Crediton. Mr, moved to Springbank where he has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller, of De­ troit, visited last week with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayter. Miss V. May Hodgins, of Toronto is spending the Easter holidays with hex* brother Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Shanks and family have moved into the vicinity occupy­ ing the house oil Mr. W. J, Brown’s farm. Mx\ Byroxi Brown, B.A., of Tor­ onto, is spending the vacation at his home here. Mrs. Catherine Hodgins, who has beexx spending the winter in Toron­ to has returned to her home here. The choir of Grace Church Green­ way were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Si. Greb and Doris, of Zurich, visited .Saturday with theii’ daughter Mrs, Hugh Love. On Tuesday afternoon of week the ladies of the W. M. quilted a missionary quilt at the home of Mrs. John Hern 'Sv. Mr. Merwin Brock, of fit. Thomas and his sister, Miss Florence Brock of port Stanley spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brock. Mr. Fred Brock, of Hensail, spent the week-end with relatives in this community. ~ Mrs. Thomas Morley is visiting with her brother, Mr. Willem Batten in Detroit. Mr. Ward Hern entertained a few of lxis friends Thursday evening last, the occasion being his birthday Morris Hern spent Sunday with liis aunt, Mrs. Chas. Kerslake, of Exeter. A number of the Zion congreg­ ation attended the special service in Elimville United .Church on Sunday evening, when Rev, Mr. White showed lantern slides dealing with the life of Christ. Miss Alda Squire spent the week­ end with friends in Exeter. On Thursday afternoon of last week the ladies of this community, numbering over fifty, gathered at the home of Mrs. Harold Hern, the occasion being the presentation of a china cabinet from the commun­ ity to Miss Dora Brook, bride-to-be. Before the presentation there was a short programme, with Rev. White Dear Dora,- We, the Zion Ladies have assemb­ led -here this afternoon to celebrate and rejoice with you on your ap­ proaching marriage. If ever there is a time in a girls life when she is the central figure it is on her wed­ ding day, the greatest of all days of her life, so we feel the occasion mer­ its a gathering such as this As you have lived and grown up among us we will ever remember your kindly disposition, youx’ winsome, your evex' readiness to give a willin; hand both in in unity. We> words can tell ing us, but brings to oux’ community another, esteemed young man, So today we gladly avail orselves of th© opport­ unity which this happy occasion af­ fords to assure you of our deep ap­ preciation of youx* splendid worth to this community and to thia church. We wish to congratulate your husband and extend to you our! sincerest wishes fox' a long united1 life of happiness and prosperity. Now as you and youx* husband are about to embark on the sea of wed­ ded bliss we all say in.the words o£ the poet: “Sail on 0 union strong and great” With all the hope of future years, W© know what Master laid the keel, What workmen wrought thy ribs of steel In what a forge and what a heat Were shaped th© anchors of thy. hop© Feai' not each sudden sound1 and 'Shock, ’Tis of the wav© and not th© rock, ’Tis but th© flapping of th© sail, And not a rent made by the gale. i In spite of rock and tempests roar, In spite of false lights on the shore, all with’ i .g, helping the church and com- rejoice more than that you are not leav- that your marriage Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea: Our hearts, oux* hopes, ar© Thee, hearts, our hopes, our our tears, all with Thee, all with Thee.” In conclusion we accept this “China token of oux’ good you store your china ill it may it al­ ways remind you of th© love of th© Our Are Are prayers,, beg of thee to Cabinet” as a! wishes, and as' “Zion Community” Miss. Brooks expressed her thanks in a few well chosen words and in­ vited all to come and see her trous­ seau she’s a beautiful lady1 time home-made candy was passed by the young ladies. After a social' hour a sumptuous lunch was served at which we all did justice. The joyful event was brought to a close by showering the bride-to-be with confetti. The crowd then sang, “Fort At thia