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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-03-31, Page 1
■aw i J t *v I • / I i flgTABMSHBD 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31st, 1932 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 2.72G * CONTRIBUTION ACKNOWLEDGED SPECIAL EASTER .SERVICES Free Pants With Skill-Craft Tailored-to-measure Suits The Most Sensational Men’s Tailoring Value in TWENTY YEARS 1932 Style . . , Smartness . , . and luxurioiis Custom Tailoring’ . . . at less than 1912 prices. Spper-quality woolens;' hand-tailored by the finest craftsmen in Canada. Style, created by expert designers and built in with! exclusive bench-craft features that ensure pefect fitting and keep your suit in correct shape under the most trying tests . . . the latest and smartest of the New Season’s Patterns. . . . snappy and swanky for up-to-the-minute dressers . . . tasteful, authorative Worsteds, Serges and Tweeds for con servative business wear. Truly a Value that you have never seen equalled. MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SKILL-CRAFT SUITS WITH AN Extra Pair of Trousers FREE TAILORED-TO-YOUR MEASURE 3 DAYS ONLY Thursday, Friday, Saturday APRIL 7, 8 & 9th $25.50 The Exeter Relief Committee ac knowledge the donation of $10.00 from Miss A, High School B. Brain, of the Exeter staff. operation FOR APPENDICITIS Mr. Charles Gladman underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London on Thurs day of last week and is getting along nicely. SERIOUSLY ILL The many friends of Mr, Sher wood I-Iunter, of Usborne, will re gret to know that he is seriously ill at his home. Dr. Busby, of London, wag in consultation with Dr. Fletch er on. Sunday. 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs, Harry Smith of the South Boundary of Exeter celebrat ed the fortieth anniversary of their wedding on Wednesday evening of last week, a few friends dropped in to offer congratulations and spend the evening. OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS • Miss Irene Bierling, of Sarnia, underwent an operation for appendi citis in the Sarnia General Hospital on Tuesday. Mrs. H. Bierling ' is Spending a few days with her. Miss Bierling is getting along as well as can be expected. On Easter Sunday the weather was fine with the snow fast disap pearing. Special services held, in all of the churches special Easter music. Memorial ChurchTrivitt were with service the Trivitt Memorial evening at which The A special Good Friday was held in church Fridas'1 there was a good attendance, rector. Rev. E. L, Vivian told the Story of the Cross. Special services were held in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Sunday Holy Communion was administered at 8 o’clock in throughout the messages, were rector, Rev. E. Easter music was provided by the choir. 'Good congregations, were present throughout the day. The number of communicants were 110. the morning and day. Special Easter delivered by the L. Vivian. Special Caven Presbyterian Church Local News Mrs, Wm. Dunsferd is visiting? with her sister, Mrs, d'erton. Mr. Fred Lowry, spent Easter with his. Central Hotel. Mr. Wilfred Turnbull, of Toronto* is spending the holidays with mother Mrs. E. ’Turnbull. Dr. Wm., Lawson, of Listowel, spent the holidays, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson, Mr.* and Mrs, Walter Dearing, of London, spent the week-end at tha home of Mrs. t. G. Creech, Miss Lilian Huston left Saturday for Ashcroft, B, C„ to visit with her brother Mr. Mervin Huston, Miss Marion Schwegler, of Toron to. is visiting with 'her uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs, N. J. Dore. Mr, W. A. Turnbull and daughter Miss Isohel visited, with Mrs, John; Gilfillan in St. Marys on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robertson and son, of Stratford, visited with rela-r tives in town over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and fam ily, of Waterford,-spent Good Fri day and Easter at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McIntyre and little daughter spent the Easter holidays with relatives at AlVirfston. Mr. V, Berdux, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff, spent Good Friday and Easter at his home in. Kitchener. Mr. Ted Taman, -who is with Canadian Seaforth Easter at Messrs. E. Kraft, others are in Windsor'to bring home a number of new Plymouth cars. Mr. Howard Dignan, -Science Mas ter at the Port Hope Collegiate, isr visiting with his father, Mr. E, M. Dignan for the Easter holidays. Miss A. B, Erain, tof the Exeter High School staff, is spending East er week in '^.zonto, and Miss Bonis is visiting with friends in Bowman- Ville. Messrs,, Donald Gladman and Sam uel Munro and* Miss Margaret Qlact- man,- of London, spent Good Friday and Eastei' with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman. Mr. S. M. Sanders is in Toronto this week attending the Convention of the Ontario Educational Associa tion as delegate from me Exeter School Board. Dr. and Mrs. Ottis. Truemner and little daughter, Wrg'ina Anne, of Strathroy, spent the holidaj’s witn Mrs. Treumner’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winer. Mrs. D. D. Gordon, of Montreal, and Mr. G- McDonald, of Wallacc- burg, sister and brother of Mrs. Morse were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mr. and don, silent with their Tom Walter returned with them to spend a few days this week. Miss Ross, of Toronto’ and Miss Adele Ross, of New York, are visit ing with Miss M. E. Ross, of the Ex eter High School staff. The form er is a sister and the other a neice of Miss Ross. •Mrs. iSt. Thomas, of Lindsay, spent Good Friday and Easter with her daughter, Mrs. Leo, Hennessey. Master jack Hennessey who has been visiting in Lindsay returned to Exeter with her. Mrs. Alex Lloyd and children and. Miss Lily Lloyd, of Toronto, and Wilfi‘e.{l Miller, of London, are spending the week at the home cf Mr. L. Mr. Lloyd was here for Good FNday and Easter. Mr. and Mbs. Gordon Wells and daughter Caroliii^, of London, spent Easter with relatives. Caroline her tonsils removed on Monday is recuperating at the home of . grandmother^ Mrs. F. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robinson two daughters of "Detroit, spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Frayn© and other relatives. Mrs. E. J. Passmore returned with them to visit in Detroit and Sarnia. Mr. Archie Davis, who has receiving treatment for $ weeks at Westminster Hospits turned (home last week and i- to be around with the aid of a He has been advised by his n ian to take it easy for a time. A special passenger train over tho L. H. & B. from London to Wing- haih went through Thursday even ing, returiiing Sunday evening. Th® train was packed Thursday evening: some of the passengers having t© stand when the train left L . Miss Alice Eacrett, of T< who has been in Exeter sin death of her sister the late Turnbull returned to Toronto Monday accompanied by her / Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers who # Is tending the Convention of tils tario Educational AssocIatloA that .city this week. . ...... Knight, of II- of Toronto* parents at ths> In Caven Presbyterian Church on Sunday splendid congregations wpre present for both morning and even ing services and two- splendid East er messages were delivered by the pator, Rev. Mr. Rhodes. The pulpit was decorated with spring flowers, daffodils and hyacinths. The choir furnished special Easter music and at the morning service- Miss Kath leen Strang sang a solo "In the Gar den." A special Easter service with Easter music was held in the Sunday School, the orchestra was augment ed by two new members both cor- netists and under the age of twelve years viz: Alex Strang and Richard Sitanbury who have made splendid progess on these instruments under the leadership of Mr. Hy. Gidley. the at. and Bank of Commerce spent Good Friday his home here. C. J. Stewart of town of Dashwood, and some GOOD FRIDAY Good Friday passed off quietly in Exeter. The roads were heavy with snow and there was little motor traffic. Services were held in the Trivitt church in the morning and in James St. Church in the evening. Some of the followers of Isaan Wal ton were disappointed as the was too cold for fishing. and vidual tailoring1 We positively PERFECT FITTIP s SPEC GUARANTEED—Skill-Craft tailoring is indi- ch suit cut and tailored to individual measurements, ee you perfect fit.Main St. United Church dayRIOR CHAIN STORE ' VALUES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ...........per tin 5c. ...... per tin 5c. ... 3 cakes 21c. . . 3 cakes for 23c. . . . . per doz 25c. Crown Brand Old Dutch Quick Quaker Swansdown Corn Syrup Cleanser Rolled Oats Cake Flour 5 lb. tin 'per tin with China Per pkg. 29c.9c.per pkg. 31c. "^29c. Clark’s Tomato Juice Brunswick Sardines. . Palmolive Soap .... Lifebouy Soap ....... Juicy Oranges, . . . . , California Sweet Prunes, med. 3 lbs. 25c. .........................................Large 2 lbs. 25c. per pkg. 10c. . . . .per tin 15c. .... each 25c. 4^ Marshmallows,............... Aylmer Canned Spinach Four string Brooms . . . AUTO ACCIDENT An auto driven by Wm. Simpson, Of Detroit, who was visiting in Hen sail, turned over into the ditch in itffbnt of Mr. J. Caldwell’s on High way 4, North of Exeter, about two o’clock Sunday morning. Mr. Simp son wag alone in the car and was on his way home from London. The Car struck some ice on me pave ment and the driver lost control, the car landing upside down in the ditch. The driver broke the window in order to get out. tunately he escaped unhurt. back For- AJ a Phone 32 <JHSCELLANEOUS SHOWER last ga- EXTRAORDINARY PAINT VALUE Is represented by. LOWE BROS. NEW & A NEW PAINT AT 99c. PER QUART BLUE STAR PAINT FOR USE, ON The House Outside, Porch Floors, Garages, Outhouses, Verandah Ceilings, Metal Surfaces, Kitchen and Bathroom Walls and Woodwork. Blue Star paint is a ptire linseed oil paint of comparative ly high value. It is ready to use and meets every reasonable demand for a reliable medium priced paint. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 G. I. T. ■The 0. G. I. T. girls held their Social meeting at the home of Miss Ruby Stone on Wednesday evening of last week. The meeting was open ed by all repeating the 0. G- I. T. motto. The minutes were read, fol lowed by roll call, which was ans wered by a Proverb. Mrs. McTavish then took charge of the business •part of the meeting. Mrs. English, .a friend of Mrs, Miners, of town, ■gave the girls a demonstration in needle work. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and contests, after which the girls serv ed a dainty lunch. . air. Geo. Tracy spent the week end visiting at Westport. THE LATE MRS. RICKBEIL Word has been received in Exeter of the death of Mrs. Diana Rickbeil widow of the late John Rickbeil, which took place at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Diana Zellers, of Kit chener, on March 24th. The deceas ed, who was in her 75 th year was a. former resident of Zurich and visit ed with relatives in this community last fall. The remains were taken to Worthington, Minn, beside those of her who predeceased her Messrs. Samuel and cher, of Hay Township, are'■brothers and Mrs. Gallman, of Zurich sister. for interment, late husband, nine years ago. William Kaer- i is a EASTER CANTATA On Wednesday evening of week twenty-five young ladies thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M, W. Pfaff and during the course of a very pleasant evening present ed Miss Muriel Howald, a bride-to- be, with a miscellaneous shower. The presents which included some very beautiful g^tts. were brought into the room in thv form of a five- storey wedding cake. Those respon sible for the affair had managed to keep all knowledge of it from, the guest of the evening avIio was com pletely taken by surprise, was served at the close. FIRE DESTROYS BARN Lunch The Easter service in Main Street Church on Sunday consisted chiefly of Easter music provided by the choir. At the morning service the regular choir was augmented by an antiphonal choir of junior members which occupied the gallery. It took the form of an Easter cantata, entitled, "Eternal Life”. Nine num bers comprising anthems,; choruses, etc., were provided. •" Some of the choruses were sung jointly by, the two choirs while other numbers were sung separately. Miss Edith Kestle sang a solo; a trio was sung by Misses Mabel Follick, Violet Gambrill and Connie Jennings, a quartette was sung by Misses Helen Dignan, Edith. Kestle, Gerald Skin ner and Frank Wildfong. The pas tor Rev. Mr. Moorhouse delivered a sh-orf Easter message. A second can tata "Easter Angels” was rendered by the choir in the evening, solo parts taken by Miss Violet Gffmbrill, Miss Helen Dignan, Miss Hilda Sims and Frank Wldfong; duett by Mrs. W. J. Beer and Mrs. W. Martin; a ladies quartette by Misses Helen Dignan, Violet Gambrill, Dor othy Grassick and Mabel Follipk. Miss Ruth Wildfong accomanpied at the piano very ably at night. An organ prelude was given both at the morning and evening services; I in the evening Mr. Harry Jennings assisted the choir. These Easter messages in *song were greatly ap preciated by the large congrega tions present for these special ser vices. Miss E. Huston, the choir leader, deserves great credit for the part she has taken in making the services a success. Morse for Easter. Mrs. Jos. Grant, of Lon- Good Friday and Easter parents in town. Master Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Davis and family, of London, spent Easter with relatives in town. Master Murray Madge, of London, is visiting with his uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Williams for the holidays. Mr. Roy Sims# of Browndale, Peace River District, arrived in Ex eter, Wednesday morning to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank* Sims. Mr, and Mrs, Griffith and, two children Clifford and Harry and Mrs. poster, of Toronto, motored up and spent Easter at the home of Mr, James Haiidford, Mrs. Foster and Marry Griffith remaining for a week, There was a splendid turn-out Monday evening to the religious drama "For He.Had Great Posses sions” presented in the James St. United Church by the young people of Hyatt Ave. United Church, Lon don. This splendid biblical drama of the rich young man who had re fused to sell all that 'he had and fol low the Master, was presented in a manner that was both instructive and impressive. The stage setting was very attractive and the cos tumes colorful. Between the scenes several musical numbers were given. Miss Irene Anderson gave a beading. Eva Blanch, the little daughter of Rev. M. C. and Mrs. Par.r, sang a solo very, sweetly. A piano solo was played by Mrs. Parr. Solos were sung by Frederick Crossley and •duetts by Misses Sylvia and Dorothy Hill, Following the program the visitors were entertained to refresh ments by the teachers 'of the Sun day School under whose auspices the entertainment was held. Mr, Thos, Willis, of DetrOjt, itod in Exeter last wook and* accompanied back, to that city by his wife and family who are spending the Eastor holidays there. ■Mr. and Mrs. T, Beverley Acheson and daughter Jane, of Toronto, spent the holidays at the home of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Acheson, On. Sunday after noon the babe was christened at the Anglican Church by Rev, Mr, Vivian., V1S- was About 10.30 o’clock Good Friday mottling fire broke out in the large bank barn of Mr. Joe Kernick, Con. 4, Usborne Township and) complete ly destroyed the building together With three young cattle, four pigs, and a number of hens. When th» fire was noticed a hurried phone call was sent to the neig’ bors1 who were soon upon the scLie and as sisted in saving some of the imple ments, most of the implements, however, were stored in an adjgin- ing building. The building and contents wero partly covered by in surance. . This is the second loss by fire that Mr. Kernick has suffer ed this year. On January 3rd fire broke out in a. closet of his home and the house was partly burned. CHAUTAUQUA OPENED TUESDAY The Canadian Chautauqua festiv al opened in Exeter Tuesday even ing in Leavitt’s new ^moving...picture theatre and iivsi^ie of the appre hension of^-tUe- local committee in charge, th 6. public have shown their appreciation of Chautauqua by a very lil/efal patrQjiag6’’“dii'd;-,l,its suc cess ig i assured^ Th practicably filled for formanc chair.man\pf tha'IocaWompifttee, ex pressed a ... ____ _ _______ introduced kTiss—Tliackery, the>_,'su pervisor. The first -perfotdianco was a three-act drama "Bought and Pald^E^rt’Jjl&..„pe6rloss Players and the very high manner in which the players carried off their various parts brought forth hearty applause from the audience. The program will cohtinue until Friday evening and the patrons are assured of some splendid attraotloiiS'. Ri James Street United Church was per Mr, /M'o’tavish, W words ofi^Welcomo and' In James Street church on Sun day large congregations were pres ent at both services, aiid special Easter music was rendered by the choir. At the morning service tne Sacrament of the; Lord’s Supper was Observed there being 400 communi cants, the largest service of its kind for many years. At the evening service the choir provided a music-’ al program that was of an especial ly high order. The first number was an hn'them "Lo the Tomb Was Empty” by Boome; Miss Reta Rowe and Mrs. G. Williams taking solo parts. "Bells of Easter” was sung by the ladies of the choir with the male members taking the obligato. Miss Pearl Wood sang a, solo "Hos anna” by Granier; maid chorus "O Glorious Morning”;* anthem,...".The Strife is O’er,” by Churchill, solo part by Mr. Walter cutbush. The pastor Rev. D. .MpTavlsh delivered an appropriate sonnon on "Heaven.” a.,The pulpit was adorned by Easter Lilies and a iarg^wlpte cross dec orated with lilies. •. At the conclus ion; of the service “the choir sang "Christ is Risen” by Emerson with the Hallaleugh Chorus setting. / A service was held in Jaines St. United Church Good Friday evening at which there was a, good., atten-. dance, A reception service was held at which fourteen new members were received into church fellow ship, twelve of these were from the Sunday school on profession of faith Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bradt and fam ily# of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Janies Jewell Good Friday and Ea-stof, t ..... had and her and the been ■veral 1, re- ab-o' cans, iysic-