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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-02-25, Page 8
fTHCllSDAY, l EBlIrAKl' S3, 1033 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Mr. Maurice Long, who was recent ly employed as mechanic at the Hu ron garage left Exeter Tuesday m company with Mrs, Long and son Elmer to visit with their parents nt owen Sound. Mr. Long is endea voring to secure another position ■and in the meantime their furniture has been stored. PIANO TUNING S. Boardman form* ly 11 years with the Heintzman Co. will be in Exeter on Tues day next March 1st. Orders left with Mar tin’s Music Store will receive prompt attention. Over twenty years exper ience. Exeter Markets Wheat GOc. Barley, standard 33c, Oats 25c. .Bran 95e. Shorts $1.00 Manitoba Flour $2.75 Model Flour $2.50 Welcome Flour $2.30 Low Grade Flour $«,10 Creamery Butter 20-230. Dairy Butter 15-16'C. Eggs, extras 20e. Eggs, firsts 17c. Eggs, seconds 12c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. 3, Bernard Rhodes, A. MinisterMiss Lena Coates, A-XfcCMLt Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School XI a.m.—Mr. Henry Strang, “One Step Forward.” 7 p.m.—^Mr. Henry Strang, “The Institution of the X’assover” C ..... , ..-Q locals | j..................................e. .-■■■■■■ ~.U TWO THEATRE TICKETS TO BE GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK r r The Tennis Club are planning foi a Euchre Friday evening March 5tn. Watch for announcement next week. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—“The Blessed Ones.” 2nd in the series on “The Sermon on the Mount,” NEW CREPE DRESSES In plain and figured) crepes showing new and chic styles - for Misses. A variety of styles in half sizes for stouter women. $9.95 $10.95 $15.50 xi 3 p.m.—Sunday School Winners for this week’s tickets are W. Moodie and Dawson Gould ing. Yours may be next, you the finest work, Give us .trial. HARNESS* BARBER SHOP “The Home of Quality Work” We give a NOTICE PERMANENT WAVES $5.00 MARCELS 35c. FINGER WAVES 35c. All work guaranteed Geo. Ferguson at NORMAN HOCKEY’S BARBER SHOP Phone 91J MARCELLING 25c. Your patronage solicited. Phone 61w or call Mrs. W. J. Melville, on Main Street, South. FOUND—In Exeter a pair of spec tacles in a have same paying for Advocate. metal case. Owner may by proving property and advt. Apply at Times- FOR -SALE—'Durham cow freshen in three weeks. Herb Henderson, Lot G, Con. 6, Usborne, or phone 3.2 1’ing 4, Kirkton. ltp. FOR SALE—Second hand Delivery Car, for delivery, make good trailer.—B. Beavers. WANTED— .Second-hand Mr. Normal. Charles Pearce, of London , was home for the week-end. Verna Mooney, of London, ■at her home over the week- Doreen Westcott, of London 7 p.m,—“The Unpardonable Sin.” i Ford Would W. F. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. Ji Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a,m.—“The Unobtrusiveness of the Spirit.” 11 3 7 p.m.—Our Church School. p.m,—Service of song “The True Way Out” 7.30 Wednesday for Prayer TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFanl Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 11 any. Third Sunday in Lent a.m,—Morning Prayer and Lit 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon Preacher—The Rector LENT Every Wednesday Divine Service at 8 p.m. Parish Hall MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29th Illustrated Lecture on “India” by Rev. Professor Anderson, D.D1. Under auspices of the A. Y. P. A. at 8 o’clock in the Parish Hall buggy. ■Must be in good repair and cheap. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SiALE—24 Used Cream iSeper- ators all makes and sizes at from $1 to $10. Other used machinery at Bargain /Prices as we want to make room for our New Spring Stock.—Internation al Harvester Co., Ltd., EXeter, Ont. NOTICE 'There will be a meeting of mem bers of the Huron Game and Pro tective Association at the Exeter Li brary, on Friday evening, the 26th of February at 8 o’clock p.m. The landowners are requested to be present as there is a matter of im portance to be considered. ltp. R. Welsh, Secretary •Mr. Arthur Ashbrooke, student of psychology, clairvoyant, readings, ad-, vice on all matters. Everything con- 'Snellfidential. Hours 9 to 5. block, Exeter. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING We are offering blood-tested qual ity Baby Chicks in six popular breeds. Barred and White Rocks, White Wyandottes, Black Minorcas, White Leghorns and Jersey Black Giants. We have installed a new 30,0.00 egg capacity incubator for custom hatching only. Trays hold eleven dozen eggs each. O.ur charge is 2£ cents per egg. Plant is in charge of an experienced operator. Phone or write your reservation early. De pend On Hogarth to give you a sat isfactory hatch. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERT Exeter, Ont., Phone 184w 72-X8-X2tc. NOTICE While present stock lasts we will Sell granulated sugar at $5.00 per cwt.—Centralia Farmers Co-opera tive Co. Ltd. 2-18-3tc. z MARVELENE — The wonderful stain remover and bleacher, Leave your order or call for same. G. Il, Smith, Exeter. 2-X8-2tp, Yorkshire hogs and sows for sale, Choice young stuff and priced right, ■—Chas. Harvey. -W. G, Chinee, PatkliilL Oht., ex aminer for chauffeurs and operators licenses. 2-ll-4t<j FOR RENT—100 acres, first class land, situate in the Township of tlsborho, xo acres of fail wheat all Fall plowing done.-—For further particulars apply to CARLING & Morley, Exeter, . axe that was advertised as the Times-Advocate last week Wilfred Shapton has been re- to the owner. It was found Miss visited end. Miss spent the week-end visiting at her home here. Miss Ruby Hunter, of Lucan, vis ited with relatives in Exeter over the week-end, Miss Alice Handford was called to Brooklyn last week owing to the death of her uncle, Mr. Lewis. Mr. Stewart Moorhouse, of Lon don, spent the week-end with his parents at the Main St. parsonage. Mr, and Mrs. A. Lindsay, of Nor wich, Ont., spent several days re cently with Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman, Mr and Mrs. C. J, Stewart at tended the wedding of the latter’s cousin, Miss Margaret Rowe in Guelph on Saturday. Mrs. S. R, Peart, of Rockwood, vis ited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques. Mr. Peart motored up for her on Sunday. Messrs. Frank .Strangle and Harry S tanlake took part in a radio broadcast from OJGC London Mon day evening playing selections on the banjos. Messrs, W. J. Beei’ and Earl Rus sell are in London attending a Kel- vinator convention. The latter is taking a short course at the Kelvin- ator factory this weeke. 'The lost in by Mr. turned by a young man near Dashwood. Misses Marie Wood, Jean Wood, Margery Ralph, Eva .Sanders and Madeline Dearing, all of London, spent Sunday with the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Mr. H. O. Southcott, Miss Stella Southcott, Mrs. F. IM. Boyle, Mrs. W. T. Acheson and Miss- ‘Amelia Acheson spent a coupie ot days the latter part of last week visiting in Toronto. Several members of the Masonic Order motored to London Wednes day evening of last week where they listened to a splendid address de livered by Bishop Seager in the Ma sonic Temple. Mr. J, McLean, who was former- 1 ly on the staff of the Bank of Mon treal in Exeter, but who has been manager of the branch 'at Frank ford, has been transferred to Toron to to the superintendants office In that city. Last week Mr. Harry Cole wrote at the Radio College, Toronto the Radio Serviceman’s Examination as sponsored by the Rogers-Majestic Company, of Canada, .Limited. He not only received his service pin but he cleared the examination, making 100 per cent. At the James Street church on Sunday sang a vice a Messrs. Down, Sheer©, Lyda Stewart. The snow plow was out Tuesday clearing off the several inches of snow that fell during the night. This is only tlie third, time this winter that the snow-plow has been brought into service. ■ Ice has been forming on the dam and with a few [more cold days the ice harvest will begin. The many friends of Mr. Thomas Hatter, of Exeter North, who has been seriously ill, will ue pleased to know that his condition continues to improve. His family, who had been called to his bedside, have re turned to their homes. Those who were here were Mr. and Mrs. Harold O’Connell, of Chicago; Mr. Thomas Hatter, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Head, of London aid Witwer and London. The Women’s social evening .on Friday Town Hall when the ladies of Institute entertained their husbands. There was a splondid _ attendance and an enjoyable evening was spent in progressive euchre and crokinole. The 'prize winners jn euchre were; Ladies, Miss 'McTaggart, Mrs. E. M. Quanco; Gents, E. M< Quance- :and W. H. Thomson; at crokinole, La dies Mrs. Beavers, and Mrs. Jaques; Gonts, J, M. Southcott and Thomas Rundle. Lttnch was sewed at the close, Mr. Leavers moved a hearty vote of thanks to the ladles. morning Miss Pearl Wood solo and at the evening ser- double trio was sung by E. Lindenfield, Clarence Walter Cutbush, Frank Misses Violet Frayiie and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Ron- daughter Sally,of institute held in a the the NOTICE SOCIAL EVENING OF TIER EXETER CHAMBER OF COM5IEROE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1932 at 8 o’clock in PUBLIC LIBRARY, EXETER Interesting program. Music and Readings Guest speaker for the evening R. L. STRATTON, President London Chamber of Commerce All persons interested in the wel fare .of the town and community are cordially invited. ■Lunch will be. served at Wong’s Cafe at 10.30 p.m. All persons wishing to partake thereof kindly notify Secretary before Thursday noon as mechanic at the Huron Bros, have closed their shop on Main Street and Miss Celia 'Christie spent the week end visiting in London. Mr. Calvin Chambers has taken a position Garage. Kirk butcher have left Exeter. Rev. G- J. Moorhouse was in Flor ence Monday attending the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. John Williams. Mr. Hugh Creech and friend Miss Frances Weekes, both of Western University, visited with the fromer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N:' Creecn over the week-end. Miss M. White returned last week after an extended visit with relativ es in Windsor. Mrs. Cooper White motored Up with her and visited in Exeter on Thursday. KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS These beautiful all wool blankets come in a variety of shades and combinations. They are warm and cozy. $9.00 NEW WALL PAPERS Are ready for your inspection, We al so have a number of room lots of paper at 98c., $1.29, $1.49 PRINT APRONS In a very neat style. You cannot buy the material at this low price EACH 29c. REMNANTS Visits our remnant counter. Hundreds of small print lengths at 15c. a yard. Many other lengths at about half price. STAMPED MATS We offer a fine assortment of new patterns in the most wanted sizes in floral and conventional design. 1 1-4 yds 65c. 1 1-2 yds 75c. ’ 13-4 yds 85c. 36 inch. STRIPED FLANNELETTE This is the last we can get at this price. Splendid for underwear or quilts. SPECIAL AT PER YARD 19c. NEW BILTMORE HATS FOR MEN In the new smart shapes for men and young men, $2.50, $2.95, $3,50 LARGE SIZE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS In white or grey with pink or blue borders; SPECIAL AT $1.98 NEW SPRING SHIRTS WITH ATTACH ED COLLARS Shirts that you would expect to pay $2 for. In plain neat stripes also plain white $1.50 Special in Boys Suits, 7 to 11 years A wonderful cloth for school wear, new materials and good styles. Special this week for $3.95 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK CELERY, CAR Pitted Dates 2 lbs. 19c. Brunswick Sardines 5 for 25c. Rinso Large pkg.’23c. Sliced Pineapple 2 tins 25c. Finest New Cheese.......... 15c. a lb. ] Princess Soap Flakes...........large pkg. 21c. French Canadian Pea Soup, 2 large tins 11c 1 Home Rendered Lard ..............t per lb. 10s. Tasty Old Cheese.......................per lb. 19c. TRY US FOR—HEAD LETTUCE, COOKING ONIONS, CABBAGES, ROTS GRAPE FRUIT, SPANISH ONIONS. JASIES STREET Y. P. S.FARM FOR SALE J * 'The regular meeting of the James Street Young People’s iSociety was held on Monday evening with Miss Gertrude Francis presiding. Dr. Roulston was present and in a very humorous and interesirng manner gave an address on “The Human Automobile ‘Success’ ”. He com pared the human body and life, with the different parts of an automo bile assembled in a manner that ’gave- everyone present some new facts and ideas to consider. A vote of thanks was tendered to Dr. Roul ston by Clarence Down for his pres ence at the meeting which he said was always looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure. A solo was then given by Miss Mildred Rowe and a duet by Misses Lorec-n Dunn and Celia Christie accompanying themselves on the guitar. Lot number 11, North Thames Road Concession, in the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. 3% miles east of Exeter, convenient to Thames Road Church and School. On the’ premises is a barn, a straw shed, brick house, drive age ‘and colony house. About 25 acres newly acres in pasture, 8 acres and the balance fall ploughed. There is a good water supply..- For further particulars apply to Mrs. Erna E. McDonald, R. R. No. 1, Woodham, Ont. The sum of money advertised as found on John .Street has been re turned to the owner. It was lost by Lloyd Hunter. EARLY CHICKS Mr. Tnos. Sanders, of Huron St., has a hen that brought out two baby chicks this week’. They are get ting a cool reception just at present. C.G.T.T. HOLD BANQUET •Th© C.G.I.T. in connection with ‘ the James Street United church] first banquet in the Wednesday ev- when 3 2 sat , Following a Sing song was the James held their church parlours on ening of last week down to the tables sumptuous repast a enjoyed and this was followed with a .number of toasts with 'Miss Reta Rowe acting ' as toastmistress. The first toast to “The King and Coun try” was responded to by singing “God save the King”; the toast to tlio Sunday school was proposed by Miss G. Strange and responded to by Miss Ruby Stone; a toast to “Our Missionaries” was proposed by Miss Adeline Stone and responded to by Miss Lula Lindenfield; a toast to “Our Mothers” was proposed by Miss Doriilce Delbridgo and respon- ed to by Mrs. McTavish; this was followed by the singing of “Mother McCree.” A couple of qtiartettefi were sung which included the C.G. I. T. hymn and also the song “We Would Be True.” The girls enjoyed every minute of the evening. This organization was started early in December and some splendid pro grams are being arranged. Another social evening is being held to-night (Wednesday)» seeded, 15 fall wheat V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publiic Estate and General Practice in an Courts. Money ro loan New Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ontario ’Phone: Office: Metcalf 1723 Residence: Metcalf 2172 W. R. Goulding A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Vocal Organ . Theory i Piano Supervisor of Music in Schools 'Studio, Main St. Box 123, phone 193? EXETER. ONT - ■. DR. J. HARRY BROWNING Physician and Surgeon - M.D., C.M., Toronto L. R. O. P. and S., Edinburgh L. F. P. and S., Glasgow’, Etc. Post Graduate New’ York ■Specialty, maternity; diseases: nerves, stomach, skin, urinary and sexual troubles. All modalities in electro physio therapy, ultra violet,. &c. Modern hospital accommoda tions. 4-1-32 Enquire about Out' low *j|f p E> g* A Prices oil .Plumbing ww ■ ■ ■ DmMl V Eal>«9 ♦ HARDWARE} MERCHANT Beatty Bros. No. 2 Cistern Pump, regular $3.00.................. Beatty Bros. Red Star Hand Washer, regular $18.00 ...... Nev/ Perfection Oil Heater, Pyrex Globe, regular $13.25 . Clarex, 6-hole range, 18 by 20 inch oven, regular $55.00 . BEAVER’S HARDWARE SALE Down go prices I An unusual opportunity to save I ANY ARTICLE IN SOUTH WINDOW INCLUDING HAND SAWS, BRACES, FLASH LIGHTS, GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS, I. X. L. STRAIGHT RAZORS, O’CEDAR MOPS, &c. Sale price $2.49 Sale price $14.75 . Sale Price $9.75 Sale price $42.75 ANY ARTICLE IN NORTH WINDOW Including GRANITE OR GLASS WASH BOARD, INDIAN BASKETS, POCKET KNIVES, DISH PANS, THERMOMETERS, COCOA MATS, &c. 49c Limited supply available at these low prices! Come down early! Phone 86 for delivery on any purchase