HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-02-25, Page 5£ Mrs, Laird Mickle week owitli TUB EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE visit- homo spent friends in DASHWQOD Dr. H, H. Cowen, E.P,S.» DJX3, DENTAL SURGEON At office Ju Hartleib Block* Daah- wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, In Zurich, la$t three days of week, See and hear the New Rogers Si- tube Electric Radio at $44.00 com­ plete, fully guaranteed for one year. —W. J CREDITON See and hear the Now Rogers 5- tube Electric Radio at $44,00 com­ plete, fully guaranteed for one year. —W. J. BEER, Exeter, Ontario The play "When a Feller Needs a Friend" will bo given in the Town Hall, crediton, on Friday, March 4, in aid of the Community Field, Berry, of wiudsor, spent HENSALL See and hear the New Rogers 5- (tijbe Electric Radio at $44.00 com” ylete, fully guaranteed for one year. —W; J, BEER, Exeter, Ontario Wedding bells are ringing in this vicinity, Miss Etta Bell, of London, over the week-end at her liere. Mr. and a day last London. Mr. Ed. the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Th os. Berj’y, Miss Olive coxsworth, of petrora, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. Arthur gcruton. Miss Marie Bell, of London, spent the week-end'"with her parents, Mr, t^nnd Mrs. Wm. Bell. -IT" The many friends of Mrs. Agnes Ross will be sorry to hear she con­ tinues to be quite poorly, Mrs. Collyer, of London, is visit­ ing with her son and daughter-in- law, Dr. and Mrs. Collyer. >Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaughton ■and family, of near .Cromarty spent Eunday at the home of Mr. Wm. L. McLaren. Chautauqua talk is now the order nf the day. The manager is here making arrangements for the com­ ing event. Mr. Eldrid Smith, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at a London Hospital has sufficiently recovered to return home. The Young People’s League of the United Church was withdrawn on Monday evening owing to the concert held in that church Tues­ day evening. Services in the St. Paul’s Angli­ can church were well attended on Sunday last. The morning service Avas conducted by the Vivian, of Exeter. Little Howard Love, and Mrs, Milton Love, went an operation for at the Scott Memorial Hospital in Seaforth is recovering nicely, ■ At the United church Rev. Mr. Sinclair had charge of the services and in the evening a trio was sung by Miss G. Larnmie .and Mr. and Mrs. T. Sherritt entitled "He Lift­ ed Me.” Services in the Carmel Presbyter- ' Ian Church were well attended on Sunday last with Rev. Mr. McIlroy ■occupying the pulpit. In the even­ ing a duet was given, u>y Mrs. W. A. -McLaren and Miss Mabel Workman. Z^L^tegular Lenten services are ne- in’g held in the St. Paul’s Anglican Church every Thursday evening. Each evening there will be a thought from "The Sermon on the Mount" and at the close of each service lantern slides taken from the -Old Testament will be shown. The Mission Band of the United church held their regular meeting on Sunday afternoon with a good -attendance, After the opening exer­ cises the Bible Lesson was read by Dorothy McQueen followed -by a pi­ ano trio by Misses Greta Larnmie, Bella Smale and Mildred Follick, A reading was given by Katherine Drysdale followed by an instru­ mental by Miss which the study Chas. McDonnell closed by saying an unison. The Welfore of Youth Club of the 'Carmel Presbyterian Chiirch held their regular meeting on Monday night with a good attendance. Af^er. the opening exgrcises-tiie' Bible lea- son wa,B mad ^by Miss Irene Hog- #<garth’followed by the roll call which ^vas answered by names of mission­ aries seiit out from Canada. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted after which the business was discussed. An interest­ ing feature of the evening was tho Lenten Slides on "A Trip Through China.”, the descriptions being reaa ■by Miss Hannah Murray. The concert which was held in the United Church on Tuesday ev­ ening under the auspices of the »United Church choir and Young ^Peope's League was largely attend­ ed. A very. Well rendered program was'given consisting of the follow­ ing: male chorus, “Oh Canada" “Happy Days . Are Here Again” “River (Stay Away From.,My Dooi’” soloist,.Mr.. Claude Blowes jjuartette, .Mrs. Mrs, _ _ dng^ Miss Mattie Elrjs selected; solo Dr . male chorus. Afton" “Annie Laurie" “Believe Me If All Those Endearing Yiung Cliarms”; Souvenirs and Mrs. reading, Mrs* Pepper, selected; male quartette, ‘My Old Kentucky Home’ trio, the Welsh trio, ‘Mellow Moon’ duett, Dr. Smillie* and T. Sherritt, ‘"Starboard Watch1 “Stars of the summer Night' Through the Summer Night” Lhng Syne" “Good Night”, fi. Renniei God Save til© Ki Rev. E. " L. so n of Mr. who under- appendicitis by an G, ’Larnmie after was given by -Mrs. and the meeting the Lord’s Brayer Ladies’ Works of Tlie Hired", M* Hidden, Mrs. E. Drysdale, E. Sinclair, M®. A. Hess; read- ____ jjltyj selected; solo Smillie,^ "McGregor’s Gathering’ Flow Gently Sweet Laurie’ violin solo, "Among My ; duett, Mrs. M. Hedden Hess, "Hunting Lower’’; male chorus, "AH “Auld soloist ng. TIRES TO MATCH COLOR OF AUTOMOBILE The latest style report from automobile world is that tires will be colored to match the* color of the cat. The craze for matching tones wll npw enter a new field. A large manufacturer is producing a tiro, which by a special process, cun be (supplied in any color necessary. the BEER, Exeter, Ontario L. Morenz entertained her School Class on Thursday Mrs, Sunday evening. Miss Amelia WHlert spent Friday in London, Miss Ella Martinson spent the week-end at hm- home in Elmira. Mr. G. Keeler spent the week-end at his home in Mitchell. Rev. !S, W. McFalls, of London, will conduct services in the Evan­ gelical Church on Sunday, February 28th assisted by Mr, C. E. Lacey, returned Evangelist from the South­ ern States; also Mr, M, Scott, of Toronto, The Lutheran Ladies’ Aid, of Zion Church held their February meet­ ing recently In the class room of the church basement. The President, Mrs. H, Wein in the chair. The meeting was opened by singing of hymns by the members, reading of the Scripture and Prayer by the President. A Bible story ‘ was read by Mrs. Wm, Nadiger "Sarah the wife of Abraham," Minutes of the former meeting were read by the Secretary, A roll call was held and showed a good attendance. Af­ ter the business transactions, it was decided to hold the next meeting on March 10th in the evening” in the church basement. . Meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer in unison. >Rey. Ness did not attend the meeting owing to illness. Mrs. Henry Becker,’ ;Sr., of the Bronson Line, was pleasantly sur­ prised on Sunday when their entire family of four daughters, six sons and seven grandchildren gathered in honor of her fifty-fifty birthday. The meal including a splendid birth­ day cake was prepared by the dau­ ghters and the mother was present­ ed with a beautiful linen table cloth. Those present from Kitchen­ er were Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Eckstein and • children, Mr. and Mrs, Eyck and Joyce, Mrs. I. Brand Kenneth, Mr. Edmund Becker Miss Lillian Brown. CHISELHURST that sick, Ten and and Mr. hut un­been the past We are sorry to report Trume Brintnell has been is improving gradually. Mr. /Thomas Harris has der the doctor’s care for week but is able to be up and out again. , Mrs. G. T. Wren has been visit­ ing her parents and brother at Moncton last week and returned on Saturday night. Miss Finkbeiner, of Crediton, is visiting her sister Mrs. ’William Bar- sons this week. Mr. Thomas Drover met with an accident.*-While loading a load of pigs on Saturday he stumbled and fell against a brick wall and ed a deep cut on the head. LUMLEY receiv- JohnThe many friends of Mr. Selves-Sr.,- are pleased to know that he is quite well again after having an attack 'of rheumatism which af­ fected his arm' and made it quite painful for a time. Mr. and Mrs. .Stewart McQueen motored to '-London on .Sunday last and spent the day with trends. Miss .Nettie McTaggart, of Exe- tor visited lioi? sister Mi*s> joint M Glenn for a few days last ■week. Mrs. Fred spent a few home of her exander. Miss Margaret McQueen spent week-end Wth Miss' Margaret Russell of near Exeter. Miss Sarah Manson, of Hensall, visited her friend Miss Mary lake Stewart, of days last week at daughter Mrs. Ed. Exeter, the Al- the on Saturday last. WHALEN Kers- 'The Y. meeting church on Thursday night with 45 present. The meeting opened with hymn 436 and prayer by Mr. Will Brooks. The program was in charge Of Mrs, Mervin Johnson, Literary leader. The following program Was* given and very much enjoyed. The Scripture lesson Isaiah 27 1-27 was read by Marzetta Sadler; a very in­ teresting Und helpful topic, "a Short Bed with a Narrow dovering’’ was given by Mr. D. Johnson; "The Druukers Love Child’’ "Brighten the Corner "Were Are" by Dorothy Hazelwood p. in S. of Whalen held their the basement of the duett also You and Mabel Elliott accompanied by Mrs. Brooks; recitation by Norma Brooks "A Little Boy’s Prayer"; duett by Merle and Cecil Squire "The Child­ ren’s Friend" accompanied by Miss Gladys Squire Hodgsoir reading by Ruth ‘A Calendar Romance"; cornet solo by Mervin Johnson; a recitation "A Ballot of Real Estate" by Mr, John Ilazlewood; mouthor­ gan selections by. Mervin Johnson and Stanley ’Whileford tion by Mr. Thomas Gunning closed the meeting. Benedic­ London, Of Mr. B. Faist and Mrs. Chas. Ellher has returned to her home after a weeks’ visit with her children in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clarke are visiting in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark. We are pleased to learn that Mrs* Edward Fahner is able to be around again after her recent illness. Mr. J. Mallett, of L°n«*on, was a visitor at the Central Hotel last week, Mr* G serge Castle, of spent Sunday at the home Brown. Messrs. G, E. and H, M. Mr, and Mrs. George Finkbeiner at­ tended the funeral of their brother the late Jacob Faist at Elkton, Michigan last Friday. Mrs. L. W. McEwen and daughter of Denfield, is visiting with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gaiser. Mael'saac-Ba uer A pretty wedding was solemnized at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, F, Bauer, of Kentucky Avenue, Detroit on Saturday, February 13th at 6 p. m. when their daughter Wilma Louise was united in marriage to Lester Q. Maclsaac, son of Mr. and Mrs, D. Maclsaac, of Crediton, Ont. Rev. E. C. Facltler, of Trumbull Av­ enue Church, Detroit, officiated. The bride wore a blue chiffon dress with accessories to match and was attended by her sister Hildagard Bauer and Elgin Woodall support­ ed the groom. After the ceremony the bridal party were entertained at the Everglades Club in’ the Hotel Toiler. Mr. and Mrs. Maclsaac will reside at 3765 W. Chicago Blvd., in Detroit. WELL KNOWN ELKTON RESIDENT PASSES AWAY The following reference to tho late Jacob Bernard False, a former resident of Crediton was taken from Piegeon, Michigan Progress, Elkton, Feb. 17—Jacob Bernhard Faist passed away at his home in this village Wednesday morning after- an illness of four years. Deceased was born in Crediton, Ont., on March 29, 1869. I-ie came to Elkton in 1894 and in ISO5 was united in marriage -with Louise Ginter, who survives him, They made their home near Kil- rnanagh until 189 8, when they mov- ed to their farm northeast of this village, where they lived until four months ago when they moved to this village. Besides his wife he leaves two sons, Fred of Shingleton, Mich., and Isa, of Elkton; also five brothers, John and Samuel Faist of Kilman- agh, William Faist of Bad Axe and Ezra Faist and Mose Faist of Cred­ iton, Ont.; and three sisters, Mrs. George Finkbeiner, of Crediton Ont Mrs. Jacob Haist and Wurtz, of Pigeon and children. The funeral service from the Evangelical day .afternoon at two Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Qus. five grand- will be Church o’clock. held Fri- B ur­ ial in CREDITON EAST Henry Pfaff Jr., of Woodham Monday with his parents, Mr. III III llllllllll THURSIHY*. mjRiUAW l|lllllllll the RED & WHITE ■v AYLMER PUMPKIN, choice quality, large tins .,. 2 for 19c. SPECIAL- - AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN choice quality 2 for 21c. LARGE SWEET TENDER PEAS 3 can? for 21c, 3 lbs. for 21c. MACARONI Ready Cut 2 lbs. for 12c; McCORMICK SODAS 1 Jersey Cream I 2 pkgs, for 19c. | JELLY POWDERS Fruit Salad 4 for 25c. MARMALADE ORANGES ARE NOW IN STOCK AT ...,,. 45c. a doizen GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE | Spreads like Butter 1,2 lb. pkg ,13c. 1 SCHNEIDER’S PURR 1 LARD I 1 Jb. prints, 2 for 21c. | MEDIUM PRUNES Sweet and Meaty 2 lbs. for 21c. FINEST BRIGHT HALLOW! DATES AYLMER SAUER KRAUT Fancy Quality Large tin 2 for 19c. MOTHER’S BABY SOAP 3 cakes for 16c. PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES Large package each 19c. Rex Coffee, freshly ground . . per lb. 43c. White Beans ................... 10 lbs. Cooking Onions........................ 10 lbs. Spanish Onions ..................... 3 lbs. 23c. Huron Toilet Tissue....................8 rolls 23c. 25c. 25c. * Pure Cane Sugar..................10 lbs. for 54c. Chocolate Mallow Biscuits . . . per lb. 15c. Chocolate Velvet Buds...........per lb. 25c. Jumbo Salted Peanuts........... per lb. 15c. Sweet Russett Grapefruit ..... 5 for 25c. FRESH FISH—SALMON, HALIBUT, WHITEFISH, HERRING; AL­ SO SALMON SNACKS, FILLETS OF HADDIE, CODFISH, OYSTERS, etc ROLLIE'S GROCERY -. EXETER, ONT. “Quality always higher than price.” We DeliverPhone 102 SHIPKA The regular meeting of the La­ dies’ Aid will be held on Wednes­ day, March 2nd at the home of Mrs. Ed. Lamport. The Y. P. S. of the United church held their regular meeting at the home of Miss Leia Mollard on Mon­ day evening, A paper was given on “News-papers” by Miss V, Moore. A reception was held last Wed­ nesday night in the church in hon­ our of Rev. and Mrs. Haglesteln, who were recently married. MJ*. Wm. Sweitzer occupied the chair. A program consisting of a duet by Misses L, Thomson ana V. Moore; vocal solo by Mrs. Roy Ratz; read­ ing by Miss Edith Ball; violin sel­ ection by Misses Nelda and Reta Fassold. Mr. George Scott was then called upon to read an address to Rev. and Mrs. Haglesteln. The ad­ dress is as follows: We the congregation of the Ship* ka^ church take great pleasure in wishing you a long and happy life. During the three years you are now finishing Mr. I-Iaglstein you have mingled in our homes where, you are always welcome. We have witnessed the establishment of warm friendships, which we wish to be continued. Your many services were cheerfully rendered in the var­ ious' organizations of the cnurch. To the Young People you have been a Tower of Strength. Those in sor­ row you have comforted .When sick­ ness has stricken our courage, you have. cheered us. You remind us daily of Him, Whom you serve, and like Him you have gone about do­ ing good. These will abide as sweet memories. And you, Mrs. Haglesteln we pray you may find joy and hap­ piness in tlic work God has called you to do; and may you, hand in hand, walk down the path of life' until you hear the Master’s "Well] done.” Kindly accept this chester­ field table as a remembrance. We join in wishing you every success. Signed on behalf of the congreg­ ation. WHALEN of Granton, under the parental Squire is spending a London with Mrs. Miss Ruth Morley, spent Sunday roof. Mrs George few days in‘ •Blatchford. Mr. Tlios. Gunning and Mr. F. Squire were in London on Tuesday evening to the hockey matc.h Miss Bessie Morley is attending Mrs. Wm. Hodgins in Granton. Mr. Walter Gunning’ and Elsie spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duffield, Granton. The Centralia Y.P.S. will visit our Young People on Thursday evening February 2 5 th and provide the pro­ gram. Mr. and Sunday in 'Mr. and viding the the Orange Hall in Lucan on Wed­ nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of Winchelsea, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster, /Mrs. George Mardlin, of London Twp., spent Saturday with her par­ ents, Mrs. Melville Hern spent Londesboro. Mrs. H. Ogden are pro­ music for the dance at Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. CENTRALIA at 20 Mr. spent and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Sr. Mr. Garfield Neil, of Detroit,, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson and son, Gerald, of Exetei’ spent 'Sunday, with the former’s mother, Mrs. John ^01^_2ver;e _0V6T the Lawson. Mrs* Henry Motz and Mrs. Eli Lawson, and Mrs. Wm. Motz spent Thursday in Exeter with Mrs. Roland Motz and Mt. Harry Parsons Miss Wealthy Schroeder Helen Lovie, of London, spent day with their parents here. Mr, and Mrs, Richards entertained their neighbors dance on Friday last, timo was enjoyed by all until small Mr. and and and Mrs. Miss Sun- and friends to a A very jolly the hours of the morning. MT. CARMEL and Mrs. Denomme and of Detroit, spent the weel< Mrs. Denomme’s parents, John Regier. Of Goderich ch ii- i-end Mr. IS Mr dren, with and Mrs Mrs. P. Garey, spending a few weeks with the Miss­ es Carey here.Mr. and Mrs, T. Ducharme and family, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with Mrs. Ducharme’s mother, Mrs. M. O’Brien. Mrs. Roy Schenk returned home on Sunday after a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs, Lucknor* of Inwood. Misses Marjorie Regan ami Lizzie Doderich spent a few days last week with friends at London. We are pleased to state Mrs. Mar­ tha McPhee is improving after her illness. George Scott Ed. Lamport Roy Ratz. Rev. Mr. Haglesteln made a very j suitable reply. After the congratula- " > remainder of the evening was spent in contests taken charge of by Rev, and Mrs. Haglesteln, after wliicn the ladies served lunch. Last Sunday In the .Sunday was‘ given by and a solo by of London, entitled, "Rock The- house of the late Miss Ellen Keough was purchased by Mr. B. Eagleson, who has removed it to Grand Bend. Mr. A. Gaiser was in Detroit last Thursday on business, Mr* and Mrs. 'Wm. Sweitzer spent last Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs W* Fassold London, Miss Nelda Fassold, Dashwood spent Sunday at home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ratz, Mr. Irvin. Greb, who has been with Mr. p, Mollard for the past two months has returned to his homo in Exeter. Miss Pearl Keys entertained some of .her friends last Friday evening. Mr. John Lamport Is confined to his home through illness, his friends hope he will soon be out again, Mr. Irvin Grob spent the week-end Mr. Norman Vincent. Miss Minerva Vineent is staying with friends in Exeter at present. was Temperance Day igchooi. A Miss num Mr. Walter reading Lamport Fassold, of Ages. from ■from the Old Gentleman-*—"Why is the tion so far from the town?" Porter—-"Du uno, but I think to have it near the tracks. sta- k's NOTICE—The chopping mill the Hotel barns . are chopping bags for $1.00. Special for Friday and Saturday 25 for $1.00.—-D. D. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. L. Johns and family of Stephen visited with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith on Sunday. Miss L. Brady, of Stfatliroy, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Miles Mc­ Cabe. Mrs. Andrew Maguire, -of McGilli­ vray called on friends in the village one day last week. Mr. Wm. Bawden, of .Stephen, ac­ companied Mr, Frank Lewis to Tor­ onto with a truck load of young cat­ tle on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanstone, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton atterideq the funeral of Mrs. Brook’s father, the late Mr. F. Anderson, in Bel­ grave on Tuesday of this week. On Thursday afternoon of last week Mrs. Andrew Hicks entertain­ ed the ladies of Group No. 1 of the Women’s Association at her homo. The afternoon was spent in quilting and the hostess served tea. ion Tuesday afternoon week Mrs. Murray Elliott quilting at her home and ed several ladies. On Thursday evening of a number of the Ydung People were socially entertained at the home of Miss Lillian Kennedy. sold to Dr. C. A, Campbell for $F- making a total of $62.00 for th© quilt. The two Misses Pridliam, of Russeldale furnished the- music be­ tween acts on the mouthorgan and. guitar and were well received. Miss Mildred Routley, at the piano, fur­ nished the music for the play ana each of the actors took their parts exceptionally well and kept the au­ dience in bursts of applause all through the evening. Those taking part were: Frank Routley as Dea­ con Jones; Miss Laura Johnston, as Miss Philipena Popover; Alex Era- go as Amos Coleman; Miss Ella (Tinning as Rose Raleigh; Clarence .Sweitzer as Raydon .Crawley; Mrs. Clarence Sweitzer as Emily Dale; Carman McNutt; ie Coleman and a quartette Mary Bibby, Helen Bickle, George Kemp and Lome Marshall. Mrs. S. Tuft is visiting her son Harold Tuft in Toronto. Death has again visited our vill­ age claiming Tryphena Cartel’ re­ lict of the late william Jamieson in her 84th year. Deceased has lived in the village for 40 years moving' ■here from the Blanshard with predeceased her was of a quiet joyed good health f-or a woman of her age, when she had a stroke on Monday morning which caused her death. She is survived by four sons and two daughters; George, of Granton; William and Nelson, of San, Francisco; Lena and Roy, of Calgary and Mrs. Crawford, of Mel­ ville, Sask. The funeral was held on Thursday to the Union cemetery conducted by Rev. T. A. Bell. Gregory as Deuteronomy Thelma Marshall as Trix- 4th concession of her husband, who four years ago. She disposition and en- GRAND BEND Frank F orest, Mr. W. of this held a entertaln- last week H- KIRKTON The supper in the United on Tuesday night in aid church shed was a success In every way and a t large crowd enjoyed the dressed ham and mashed potatoes and gravy with salads and jelly. There were numerous cakes and pies. The tables were nicely decor­ ated with artificial flowers. After all had boon served they went to the Hall where a three-act humor­ ous play "Deacon Dttbbs" was giv­ en by the young people under the direction of Mr. Silas Shier, Before the play started Rov« T. A. Bell, in a few well chosen words, congrat­ ulated the ladies on the success of the supper and a quilt which the la­ dies association had made was .auctioned off by Frank Routley and church of tile, Miss Beulah Holt, who has been in Buffalo for the past .six months returned home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Batty, of Sar­ nia, spent Sunday at Mr. Statton’s. Mr, -Garnet Statton, of spent Sunday with his uncle Statton. Mr; and Mrs. Melvin Dodds and- son Jack, of Buffalo, spent the week-end -with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Holt, them Mr Miss friends in the‘burg end. Miss Edith Lovie, ited her parents on Sunday." Miss Nola Desjardine spent Sun­ day at Mr. Sol. Pollock’s. Mr, Clayton Lovie went through an operation in st. josepn’s Hospit­ al, London, last Friday and latest reports are he is getting along as well as can be expected. Miss Reta Pfaff, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. webb is quite ill at herj daughter's Mrs. J. Mr. Romanowislci Ml’/ Robt. Pollock’s aud started work, him to our burg. Miss I. Gill, Who has been visiting1 her sister in Windsor relumed homes last week. Mrs. Sarah Hamilton is on th© sick list. Mrs. Andrew Turnnull is taking treatments at Dr. Moir’s Sanatoi’Ium near Hensall, We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Joe Oliver gave a. ehickerg supper Inviting Mr. and Mrs. Wai­ ter statton in honor of Mr. Oliver and Mrs, Statton’s birthday. Butting up ice Is the order of th® day. Not very thick but is unit® clear* Mrs. Roy Holt accompanied home to Buffalo on Monday. and Mrs. Abner Mollard and Mary Yeo, of ISarnia, visited over the week- of (London Vis- Eagleson. has bought out*’ blacksmith shop1 We welcome