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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-02-25, Page 4
<HUBM>AY, FEBRUARY 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 They’re Here!!! The New Spring Styles Custom-Tailored To Measure $24.00 ALL ONE PRICE Agent for Jacksons, Cleaners and Dyers years more value and Fabrics UEHVITT’S theatre ARLIE MARKS COMPANY — PRESENT — George McManus’ new Comedy Maggie and Jiggs in “The Wedding’ «•- Cyclone of Comedy -- IN PERSON— Maggie, Jiggs, Dinty Moore, Baron Spooks, Rose, Archie MUSICIANSSINGERS — DANCERS A SHOW FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Night Show at 8:£0—Adults 40c.; Children 20c. Matinee at 4:15—Children 10c.; Adults 25c. Each year for twenty Tip Top Tailors have put quality, more style, more into their one price clothes. This season, more than ever, that policy is evident for here you may choose from the finest Bri tish woollens, the current New York and London styles, and custom tailoring to your individ ual measure that is guaranteed to satisfy. At Tip Top’s one and only price of $24.00. ACCIDENT Master Carl Hewitt, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hewitt, while playing on the high-board fence at th© rear of the old Metro politan Hotel had the misfortune to fall off straddling an old wire gate with maple leaf top, one of the tops being broken off and the punctured the abdomen wall, was attended by Dr. Fletcher is getting along fine, wire He and and Mrs, Griffith and of Toronto, motored up at the home of Mr. J? son and ames Mr. Harry, visited Handford the forepart of th© week, Mr. Griffith attended the Kelvina- toi' convention in London. IMPROVING Mrs. Geo. Pulleyplank, who been seriously ill during the past week, is slowly improving. Mrs. J. W, Skinner, of Thorndale, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Pulleyplank over the week-end and is returning again to-day (Wednesday.) Mr. Gilbert Freckleton, of Lucan, who recently underwent an opera tion at Victoria Hospital, London, is improving fine and is expected home today (Wednesday.) Miss Lily Westcott, who recently underwent an operation for goitre at Victoria Hospital, London, is im proving nicely and should be home in about another week, has HARPLEY Mrs. Les. Adams has returned to her home here after spending seme time in London. ♦Mr. Stanley Hart spent Sunday With Mr. Mansell Hodging, »Miss Helen Hayter, of Crediton, visited over the week-end with her’ parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Hay ter. Mr. Nelson Hickey mado a busi ness trip to London on Friday, Mr. Hector Murray, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks with his brother iMr. Robert Murray. •Mr, and Mrs. Paul Eagleson spent Sunday with ‘her mother Mrs. Aus tin Hayter. Mr. and Mrs, Colin Love visited ope day last week with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Love, of Mt, Brydges other friends in London* Keep Tuesday March i. open come to hear the play, ceive Your Wife’ Young Parish way. Leavitt’s Theatre With THURSDAY, SATURDAY Fobrnary 25th, and 37th “SHIPMATES” Robert Montgomery, Cliff wards and all star cast Ed- LAUREL AND HARDY COMEDY “Chickens Come Home” MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 3 ACK HOLT in MORTGAGE SALE Under and hy virtue of the power# of sale contained in a certain mort* gage ■which will he produced, pt th® time of the sale, there will be offer-* ed for sale by public auction, sub* ject io a reserve bid and other cop* ditions of sale. ---' on — ,-yt FRIDAY?. MARCH -I, X033 —- at —- the hour of 11 o’clock in the fore*- noon fit ,, and “THE SQUEALER”FAHNER’S HOTEL, CREDITOR ONTARIO put on People of parkhiU Hall of Grace Church ELIMVILLE w. PHONE 81w BIRTHS PARISONS—In Stephen Township, on Saturday, February 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons, a son. RUNDLE—-At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospit al, on Monday, February 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rundle, a ison (Thomas Lester) .MAiSSE—In Hay Township, Febru ary Sth to Mr. ands Mrs. Paul Masse, a son. ■BIASSE—-In. Hay Township, on Feb ruary 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Masse, a son. IN MEMORTAM KYLE—In loving memory of a dear husband and son, Herman Kyle, who passed away one year February 26, 1931. His last wish we should like to heard, And breathed in his parting word; Only those who to tell, The pain of the farewell. —Sadly missed Mother. ear one DEATHS WILLIS—In Exeter on Wednesday, 24th Eliza Robertson, iwidow of the late James Willis, in her 85th year Funeral, pri vate, Friday afternoon at 1.30, toterment -in the Exeter -cemetery. February, CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Towers and family wish to -express their sincere thanks to their ■many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown during the late Mr. Tower’s sickness also -their recent bereavement. Mrs. Towers and son Earl Calvin, N. D. ago, have last have heart lost are able in not saying by his Wife and IN LOVING MEMORY In loving memory of WILLIAM If. ARMSTRONG who passed away five years ago February S3i(l, 1027 Ever remembered by Wife and Family Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited with Mr. and Mrs. (S. Stevenson, of Birr, on Sunday. Investment Brokers Dealers in GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS .INVESTMENT TRUSTS INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES We recommend the purchase of Continental Gas* Corporation Offices—Goderich, West Street Toronto, 33-43 Adelaide Street and De- the the Don't by in , Green’ Thos. Hodgert and son Rus- near Seaforth, spent the THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY WILL ROGERS in “AmbassadorjBill” Fred Ellerington, Jr,, who met with a serious accident last week when he fell from a balcony is mak ing splendid recovery at his' home and expects to be uii any day now. Melba, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiting, of Usborne, is improving nicely following her recent accident when .she was jam med between two logs, FORMER HAY TP. RESIDENT DIES IN FARGO, N. DAKOTA Township, #and a of Mrs. J. Green, of town, Fargo, N. Dakota, following illness. Mr, Carlisle was a well known resident living Mrs. Ira Moir, received a telegram Sunday of the death of her uncle Mr. John Carlisle, aged 73 years, a native of Hay brother died at a short former between Henall and Zurich. He mov- to Dakota more than forty years ago. His wife died one year ago. His sister, Mrs. Green, of town, has been with him since December. Mr. Carlisle was intending to move to Exeter as soon as he could dis pose of his property in Dakota.. Mr. Green left here Sunday night for Fargo. Surviving and two brothers, Moose Jaw, Sask.; of Kennedy, Sale, of Exeter; Wilson sail and Alfred, a Golva, N. Dakota. Mrs. sell of week-end at Mr. Bruce Cooper’s, Miss Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas, was a caller in the vicinity on Sunday last. Mrs, Rich, Johns and Miss Bes sie visited in Exeter with relatives over the. week-end. • Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones and Miss May Jones were Sunday visit ors in the- neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirkland v’ill move shortly to Mr. Fred Bilering ton’s farm on the Nan Road as Mr. Kirkland has engaged with Mr. El lerington for the summer. Mr. Alex Craigo and Miss Mildred Routly were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Routly on Sunday. The young men are busy playing hockey these fine days, Elimville and Zion had a friendly game on the ice at Mr. Skinner’s gravel pit on ■Monday resulting in a score of 9 to 1 in favor of Elimville, is ex pected that Whalen will be on hand to play today (Tuesday.) The choir practice will be held at the home of Ed, Johns, it is expect ed, on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. iSteve pine are all smiles—■ it’s a baby girl. Owing to both school teachers be ing sick there was no school for a few days at the ’beginning of week. on the street every day. Mr. .Gold ing will be 92 years old this month and Mrs, Golding 95 in March. WINCHELSEA The children of S. S. No. 6 the GREENWAY are three. sisters Mrs. Elson, of Mrs. H. Dayman, and Mrs. Green, Carlisle, of Hen school teacher of (’ALVIN PIONEER DIES THURSDAY Funeral Held For Louis Towers Saturday Afternoon. (By Calvin Correspondent) Louis Towers, pioneer of the Cal vin vicinity, North Dakota, died at the family home Thursday evening, January 21, 1932, after suffering from Bright’s disease for some time. • Louis Towers was born near Exe ter, Ontario, November 20, 1855. He came to North Dakota in the 80’s settling first in Pembina County. He* later moved to Milton, N. D., where he worked as manager on a farm for Senator plain. In 189 6 he was mar ried to Sarah Sweet, second daugh ter of the late Robert and Jane Sweet, Crediton, Ontario. He came to Calvin in the spring of 1898 and settled on a homestead two miles south of Calvin where lie had resid ed ever since. One son was born to them, Earl who with his wife and family now reside on the old home stead. Mr. Tower’s was the oldest of the family. His death is the second in a family of eleven children, nine of whom are still living, two brothers and seven, sisters. One sister, Mrs. Carmichael, of Hensall, c$ed two years ago. Those surviving are: Mrs. Whyte, Hamiota, Man.; Mrs. Simon Walper, Saskatoon, Sask.; Mrs. G. Hocking, Mitchell; Mrs. Ar chie McCurdy, on the homestead near Cromarty; Archie Towers, of on Mr. and Mrs. W? Hicks and family visited in Bayfield recently. ' Mr. *W. J.’ Brown had his foot .injured when working in the woods last.week. “ Mrs. Fred Mason and Mr. S. Grat ton, of London, visited their sister Mrs. J. HOtson. Mr. Albert Smithers has been con fined to his bed with a severe attack of rheumatism, Mr. Herbert Schenk, of Crediton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. MacPherson, or Greenway Mr. and Mrs. Edmunc McPherson celebrated their fifty-sixth wedding anniversary on Monday. Rev. S- J. Mathers M.A., present ed Teachers’ to those who “The Message of To-day” by i and last Training 'Certificates wrote on the course, of Jesus for the Life Dr. Thomas, namely: Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs. Ed. Stewardson, Manuel Curts and Mae Wilson. W. Whitesides visited Mr. Mrs. G. Hodgson, of .Brinsley week. . Don’t forget the Oyster Supper at the United Church on Thursday ev ening. Mr. Ed. McPherson has been busy in the woods ply of wood, boy of 85. Mr. -A. E. Olive Armstri ternoon and evening with Mr. Mrs. Walter R. MacPherson. lately getting his sup- Not bad for a mere McLinchey and Miss ■ong spent Sunday af- and had holiday on Monday owing to the quite a number of the children are also laid up with heavy colds. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robinson, of St. Maryg, called on Mr, and Mrs. R, W< Batten on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Wightman and fam ily, of Sebringville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet' McFalls, of Exeter, visited with Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Batten one evening last ween. Mr. Frank Davis spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter of Centralia. tMr. and Mrs. J. Hinds, of Exeter called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarxe on Sunday. Quite a number from around here attended the supper and play in Kirkton last Tuesday night. Mrs. George Parkinson spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Herman Foster. Miss Inez Creery spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. J. E. Creery. Misses Mildred and Ella Routley visited Routly Mrs. Creery Alexander at ’MTs. David ed home after spending -a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Mrs. R. W. Batten visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns on day,. Mrs. George Davis returned after spending a couple of weeks With Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Alexander at Lumley. a teachers being both sick; with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. at Elimville on Monday. J. E. called Creery and Miss Ines on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lumley on Saturday. Alexander has return- with iTues- home NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of WIL LIAM BROCK, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, more recently of the Town ship of Biddulph, who died on the Fifth day of February, A.D. 1932, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Fourteenth, day .of March A.D. 1932. . AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this day of February, A.D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executrix 23 rd the following property, namely, Lot 8 in the 16th Concession o£ the Township of McGillivray, in Che- County of Middlesex, containing one’ hundred acres more or less. On this property is a brick house,, a bank barn, a drive shed arid bay barn. It is also well located anffc well improved, ■ TERMS: Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid at the time or sale, and the balance in thirty days. For further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to the under signed Solicitors. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 15tte day of February, 1932. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exete^ and Hensall, Solicitors for Mort* gagee. MORTGAGE SALE I — of --- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by ‘virtue of the power#’ of sale contained in a certain mort* gage which will be produced at the? time of the sale, there will be offer-' ed for ’sale by public auction, sub ject to a reserve bid and other con* ditions of sale. — ,on — ■, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1032 — at — the hour of 2 o’clock in the after* noon FAHNER’S HOTEL, CREDITOR ONTARIO of the purchase 03 the following property, namely. Lot 4, in the 17th Concession of the Township of McGillvray, in the County of Middlesex, containing on® ■’ hundred acres more or less. The said property is well located? and well improved. It is well built, on, and there is also some bush. TERMS: Ten per cent, money to be paid at the time sale, and the balance in thirty days., For further particulars and con* ditions of sale apply to the under* signed Solicitors. DATED at Exeter, On|„ this 15ttf day of February, 1-932, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Solicitors for Mort gagee. MORTGAGE SALE; — of --- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY I Under and by"virtue of the powers- of sale contained in a certain mort gage which- will. ;be produced at the time of the sale, there'will ’be-qffer* ed for sale by public auction, siiiH*-- ject to a reserve bid and other con*- ditions of sale. — on — tj SATURDAY, MARCH 5, .1932 1 — at — ’1 2 o’clock in the after*'1 noon — at the hour of &1 FAHNER-’S HOTEI,, crediton; ONTARIO the following property, namely, ' The south half of Lot 3, in tM 17th Concession of the Township oil, McGillivray, in the County of Mid* diesex, containing 50 acres more o$ less. ’ ' i The said property is a grass fanpV well located, and well improved. . - TERMS: ‘ Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid at the time o? sale, and the balance in thirty day®,. For further particulars and coif-* ditions of sale apply to the under signed Solicitors. , il DATED at Exeter, Ont,, this iBtEi day of February, 1932. t‘ FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exetef and Hensall, Solicitors for Mort gagee. ” ‘ MORTGAGE SALE ---- of -2- A^ALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort gage which will -be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offer ed for sale 'by public auction, sub ject to a reserve bid and other con ditions of sale, — on — THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1932 -— at — the hour of 2 o’clock in the after noon — at — At the Law’ Offices of , GLADMAN & STANBURY at Exeter, Ontario the following property, namely, The west half of Lot 11 and the South’ half -of Lot 12 in the 10th Concession of the Township of Ste phen, in the County of Huron, ■con taining 100 acres more or less. The said property is well located and well improved. TERMS I Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance in thirty days, For further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to the under signed solicitors. DATED at.Exeter, Ont., this 15th day of February, 1982. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. Both are hale and hearty and Mrs. i GLADMAN & STANBURY, .Exeter GoMihg does all her own house-’ and Hensall, Solicitors for Mort- work, Mr, Golding Is able to bo out gagee, STAFFA S. held an ofatorial con- ’church on Sunday even- Russell Worden took Miss Ada .‘The Y. P, test, in. the ing., Mr. charge of the meeting. Speare read the scripture and the topic was given by Miss Marjorie Kleinfeldt. A duet by Misses Dor othy and Isabel Gray was much joyed. The judges were Mrs. eh- L. U,e Thames noad; ~ A. X Exeter; Mrs. ,S. Ross and Mrs. Gil lard, Exeter and Mrs. D. Park, Hen sall. . Besides these lie is survived by his bereaved partner in life, one son Earl and two grandchildren. Funeral services were held Satur day at the Presbyterian Church at Calvin, Rev. J, R, tSenecal being in charge, Special music for the ser vice was furnished by Mrs, Ed. Por ter, Mrs. A. Olsen, Mrs. M. I. Hoy, Mrs. A. Sillers, John Cameron, Rev. Genecai -and Mrs, Senecal as accom panist. Old time friends Of th© ae< ceased who carried the remains to tlw grave in Calvin cemetery were: Geo. and Will. Henderson, Robert Mountain, Ole Jerstad, Alex Dun can and John McLeod. Mrs, Fred Sauds, of Crystal City, Man., sister of Mrs. Towers was the only relative from a distance -who was able to got to the funeral, ether relative’s being scattered at consid erable distances ever Eastern and Western Canada. as| Colqulioun. Their decision was I follow s: Victor Dinnen, Audrey | Dinnen, Sylvia Tnffin, Ethel Elliott. The speakers all did exceptionally Well. The Women’s Institute met on Wednesday afternoon in the hall. The roll was called by "Wliat Coun try I Wish to See and Why? wag a splendid exhibit made from something Was served. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Mr, and Mrs, C. J. Stewart, of Ex eter attended the wedding of. Miss Margaret Rowe in Guelph on Satur day. Mrs. M. Greenwood, of Munro, spent Tuesday wth her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Golding have been -receiving the congratulations or their friends on the occasion of the 6 5th anniversary of their marriage. There Of articles old. Lunch Wilson and ~T7TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be recived the Trustees of the police Village o# Grand Bend up to March 1st, 1932, at 12 o’clock boon, for tho> construe* tion of pavement in the police vil lage of Grand Bend, extending 809, feet more or less Westerly from the- end of the present pavement abou# 700 ft. from the corner of lot 1, Con# Lake Road West, township of Ste* phen, comity of Huron, at a price- or sum per lenial foot, The lowest: or any tender not necessarily accept* e<l. Specifications may bo soon at Brenner's Garage, Grand Betid. Brenner, SiOorotary-Treasurer, poltc®- Village, Grand Bond. j by