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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-02-25, Page 2
THURSDAY, WIUU’ABT 1032 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Acidity Overcome iFanderfal Results From Famous Vegetable Fills Instead of having an acid stomach and .Xh§ fOrist’Phted, Mr. Frank C. is well. I can cat anything since trying Carters Little Liver Fills,” he says^ they are PURELY VEGE TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both In er and bowels, Dr. Carter’s Little Liver 1 ills, are without equal for cor" J^’t i ng Constipation ►Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complexion and In digestion. 25c. & 75c. red pkgs., every where, Ask for Carter’s by NAME. 25 YEARS AGO A chimney fire at the home of Mr. Samuel Baskerville, Gidley St., on Saturday was the means of bringing ■out the firemen and a large number of citizens about 11.30 Saturday night. Mr, Shirley Bobier was in London Thursday undergoing a thorough ex amination in the superintendent’s passed ting out of order Saturday last there was no service held in Trivitt Mem orial church Sunday morning. Mrs. W< H. Levett, who with her husband recently moved to London, on Saturday underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell attended the funeral in London on Saturday of a realtive, Mr. George Brown, who died at Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Passore, who resdies with her aunt Mrs. W. G. Bissett and who has been quite ill for some time is now- beginning to improvement, Mr. John Floyd fcr Pittsburg, pa., visit turn Mrs. left Wednesday where lie will for a few weeks and on his re trip he will visit his sister, Brown, at Buffalo. Duality has no substitute Qtye Esrter ©iuirfl-Aftiwaie $sta1)lished 187/3' Ohd 1887 Published every Thursday morning' at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION— $2.00 per year fa advance, of at the> office or railroad work. He the examination successfully. A number of the cousins Wm. Brimacombe gathered home of Mr. Enos Rowcliffe Monday evening where they enjoyed an oys ter feed in honor of Mr. Brimacombe to whom a handsome locket and an address were presented during the evening. Mr. Brimacombe left on Tuesday for London to visit with his parents for a few days after which lie goes to the West. Mrs, Trios. Bowerman and Miss M. Armstrong, who have been visiting at the home of the latter’s father Mr. I. Armstrong left Monday on their return trip to Willow City, N. D. Mr. Frank Dolbridge has severed his connection with the Sovereign Bank to take a position as manager .With the Farmer’s Bank, north of Toronto. Mr., Wm. Melville has severed his connection with T. Hawkins & Son and Mr. Gordon Manns, of Hensail, has taken the position as tinsmith. The Masquerade and Racing Carn ival by the Exeter Curling Club, on Tuesday night was attended with success from every standpoint. Tim following were-the prize winners: Ladies’ Character costume, 1st Mrs. (Dr.) Amos; 2nd Miss Jessie Hob kirk; Girls’ Character costume, 1st Miss Mary Hobkirk; 2nd Miss Lil lian Amos; Comic costume, F. Baw- den and Ed. Willis; 2nd A. Dayman; mile race, 1st Frank Weekes, 2nd, Willie Knight; boys’ race 1st Jos. Acheson; 2nd, H. Elliott; Ladies’ & .Gents’ race, 1st, W. Knight and Miss Hobkirk; 2nd F. Weekes and Miss Maud Rollins. read read read read read HOW TO USE THE BIBLE When in sorrow, read John XIV. When men. fail you, read Psalm XXVII. When you have sinned, read Psalm II. When you worry, read Matthew VI, 19 to 34 verses. Before church service, read Psalm LXXXIV. When you are in danger, Psalm 1XC. When you have the blues, Psalm XXXIV. When God seems far away, Psalm CXXXIX. When you are discouraged, Isaiah XL. If you want to be fruitful, John XV. When doubts come upon you, try John VII, 17 verse. When you are lone-ly and fearful, read Psalm XXIII. When you forget your blessing, read Psalm CIII. For Jesus’ idea of a Christian, read Matthew V. For James’ idea of religion, reaft James I, 19 to 27 verses. ’ When your faith needs stirring, read Hebrews XI. When you feel down and out, Romans VIII, 31 to 39 verses. When you want epurage for task, read Joshua I. When the world seems bigger God, read Psalm XC. 'When you want read, Matthew XI, When you want nace, read Romans For Paul’s secret of happiness, read Psalm CXXXI. When you are b'itter and critical, read I Corinthians XIII. When” your prayers are narrow and selfish, read Psalm IXVI-I. For Paul’s idea of Christianity, read, 11 Corinthians V, .15 to 19. For Paul’s rules on liow to get along with men, read Romans- XII. When you ’think of investments, and returns, read Mark X, 17 to 31. For a great invitation and a great opportunity, read Isaiah IV. read your than rest and peace, 25 to 60 verses. Christian assur- VIII, 1 to 30. 15 YEARS AGO • Owing to one of the furnaces get- '• !■ The Times-Advocate For Jesus' idea of prayer, read Luke XI, 1 to 13 and Matthew VI, 5 to 15. For the prophets picture of wor ship that counts, read Isaiah LVIII, 1 to 12. For the prophets idea of religion read Isaiah 10, to 18 and Micah VI, 6 to S, —Courtesy of the A. B. Society. THE AVERAGE AMERICAN The Times-Advocate $2.00 per year Times-Advocate Tiems-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate and The Toronto Globe ........................... and The Toronto Mail and Empire .... and The Toronto Daily Star .................. and The London Free Press .................. Tmes-Advocate and The London Advertiser .................... Times-Advocate and The Farmers’ Advocate .................. Times-Advocate an-d The Family Herald & Weekly Star The The The The The T-ho The The Times-Advocate and The Canadian Countrymen .......... $2.95 The ‘Times-Advocate and The Saturday Night ....................... $5.50 The Time-sAdvocate and The New Outlook ............................ $3.90 The Times-Advocate and The Canadian Homes and Gardens .. $4.65 The Times-Advocate and .McLean’s (Magazine .......................... $3.75 The Times-Advocate & Montreal Witness, renewal $3.85; new $3.50 The Times-Advocate and Youth’s Companion .......................... $3.75 The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Star Weekly ................. $6.75 RATES-*] sale 50c. each four insertions, quent insertion, tides, To Rent, Found JOo. per, line of six word®. Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Meinoriam, with extra verses 25c. “Farm er Real Estate for insertion for first 25 c. each subse- Mlscellaneous ar* Wanted, Lost, or 10c, per line. 50c. Legal ad- 8c, per line. In. one verse 50 c.. each. Habitation, No, 1313 Sad Street, Broketown, U. S. A. To my Creditors: I wish to inform you that the pres ent shattered condition of my bank account makes it impossible for me to send you a check in response to your request. My present financial condition is due to the federal laws, state laws, county laws, corporation laws, by laws, brother-in-laws, mother-in- and outlaws that have been foisted upon an unsuspecting public. Thro’ the various laws I have been held down, held up, walked on, sat upon, flattened out, and squeezed until I do not know where I am, what I am, who I am, or why I am. These laws compel me to get down to brass tax and to pay occupational tax, a merchant tax, capital tax, ex cise tax, income tax, real estate tax, school tax, syntax, carpet tax, auto tax, gas tax, light tax, cigar tax and street tax. In addition to these taxes, I am requested and required to contribute to every society and organization that the inventive mind of man can organize—the Children’s Home, the Policemen’s Benefit, the Firemen's Benefit, the (Moron’s Society, the Y. M. C- A., the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the .Jewish Relief, the Near East Relief, t-he Gold Digger’s Home and also to every hospital and char itable institution in town, the Red Cross, the Black Cross, the White Cross, the Purple Cross and the. double cross. The Government has so governed by business that I do nor know who owns it. J am suspected, inspected, prospected, disrepected, examined re-] examined, informed, investigated,' required, requisitioned, subpoenaed, commanded and. compelled, until all I know is that I am supposed to pro-J vide an..................... money for and hope because I and to go steal money to give away, I am cuss ed and discussed, boycotted, talked to, talked about, lied to, lied about, held up, held clown, and robbed until I am nearly ruined, so that the only reason I am clinging to life is to see what the Sam Hill is coming next. : thinking very deep seel Well that sliud ought to be Invite a releaf. Ma looked him and her eyes axually shuddered. Wensday—-Mr, Gjllem had liis pockets picked tonite wile him and Mrs. Gillem was up at the city to a show, he sed he felt sum 1 reatch in his pocket but he thot it was his wife anil diddent do nuthing about it. Tliirsday—Ant Emmy says its all rite l’er gentlemen to prefer blonds if they wood oney make up there mind before they go a lied and marry a- brunette or sum thing. Sunday School Lesson .JESUS WASHES HIS DISCIPLES’ FEET (Sunday, March 6.—John 13:1-15 Golden Text: -Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minis ter, and to give His life a ransom for many.—IVIatt. 20:28. i WIFE WAS FAT- no Longer Attractive Lost Husband’s Love Member of The Canadian .Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards inexhaustible supply of every known need, desire, of the human race, and refuse to donate to all, out and beg, borrow, or The above headlines appeared in a New York newspaper, in connection with a divorce trial that has attracted wide attention. ” She was a beautifiil woman,” one witness testified, ” but she got too fat and is not attractive any more.” Thousands of women are getting fat and losing their beauty —> just because they do not know what to do, If you are fat, why not do what thousands of women have done to get rid of pounds of unwanted fat ? Take one half a teaspoon of Kruschen Salts’ in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast, and keep it up for 30 days. You can help the action of Knischen by cutting out pastry and fatty meal s, and going light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugar. Then weigh yourself and see how many pounds you have lost. Now you can laugh at tlie people who pay hundreds of dollars to lose a few pounds of fat, and you will know that the 0 vitalizing salts of Kruschen have presented you with glorious health. FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never tried Kruschen—try it now nt our expense. We have distributed a great many special “GIANT” packages which make it easy for you to prove our claim for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new “GIANT” 75c. package. This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together witha separate trial bottle—sufficient for about one week. Open the trial bottle first, putit to the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kruschen docs everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle is still as good a3 new. Take it back. Your druggist is authorised to return your 75c. immediately and without question. Yon have tried Knischen free, at our expense. What could be fairer? Manufactured by K. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. (Estab. 1756). Importers: McGillivray Bros., Ltd., Toronto. GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. Money to Loan, investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vault foi’ use of our Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSALIr CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c LOANS, INVESTMENTS INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the New Post Office Main St,, Exeter Telephones Office 31w House 31J Closed Wednesday Afternoon Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.SL DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon was God Very truly yours Owen U. Moore this men; and being as a man. He and became obed- CallingsCards CLUBBING RATES WITH OTHER PERIODICALS MAY BE BAD ON APPLICATION NOW£is the time "to order those calling cards. Having just received a new ship ment of cards we are in a position to rhandleKyour requirements. Phone’your order to 31wTland |we will do the rest. Lowest prices! THE TIMES-ADVOCATE DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office in the old McDonell Bara Behind Jones & May’s Store EXETER, ONT. form of a servant, and was made In the- likeness of found in fashion humbled Himself, ient unto death, even the death of the cross.” 7. And the Lord washed His dis ciples’ feet and wiped them with the towel wherewith He was girded. This was the duty of a menial ser vant, and it was the Bon of God,-God, The -Son, who -wag voluntarily doing it. For “the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minis ter, and to .give- .His life a ransom for many.” As usual, Simon Peter protested. The Lord explained that Peter could not uunderstand now, but should, hereafter. Peter persisted, “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” The Lord startled him with the reply: “If I wash thee not, thou hast no p’art with ’Me.” Then Peter went to the other extreme and asked that not only (his feet might be washed,’ “but also my hands and head.” Patient ly the Lprd explained that, because Peter and the other disciples had already accepted Him by faith as their Saviour, they wore washed, or cleaned, and needed only to have their feet washed. But the Lord carefully excepted and excluded (Judas from those who had been washed clean by faith in Him. Every believer, having accepted Christ as (Saviour,- lias been made wholly clean in the sight his standing before God. tians in their daily walk then their feet must be the Lord Himself. Not sin in daily walk is necessary, but it is possible. “My little children, these things write I unto you, that not. And if any man sin, wo have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous’ A Bible teacher has to the fact that John d-oes not say, “That ye sin less, not man sins,” but “if any man sin.” In Lord It is wash low His effacing vants of has made Himself the servant of all. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETER- ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES-A- SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE ‘—- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. .1, DASHWOOD . Over and over again the Lord Jesus had told His disciples that He must be killed at Jerusalem and be raised again from the dead. The night before His crucifixion had come, and again He told them that He must die according to the Scrip tures: “The Son of man goeth as it is written of Him.’’'(Matt. 26:24.) And after He said this the disciples were greatly exercised—about what? We would suppose that they were distressed and heartbroken about the coming death of their Friend and Lord. But, no—the- thing up per most in their minds was as to “which of them should be accounted the greatest,” It actually led on to a quarrel among them. Immediate ly after this selfish strife our Lord iff "something that has come down to us through the ages as a parable concerning Himself and His minis try, and as a staggering rebuke to His disciples—and to the rest of us.. Seven facts of unspeakably groat importance stand out ill the first few verses of this lesson. They these: 1. The feast of the Passover at hand, the- feast ordained of in Egypt, when the- pasaover lamb was slain, type of Christ Himself, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 2. “Jesus knew that His hour was come that He should depart out of this world unto the Father.” He knew that, on the following day, He was to die on the cross as the pass- over Lamb and fulfil the meaning of the centuries-old feast. 3. -His disciples were in world, and He had loved them. They were ignoring Him, quarreling for leadership among themselves, and they were all to abandon. Him tile next day. But, having loved them, “He loved them unto the end”-—that is, to the uttermost. His was the love described later in I Corinthians 13 which “beareth all things, believ- eth all things, hopeth all things, en- duretli all things . .< . never fail- eth.” 4. As the supper, typifiying the death of Christ, came to an end, Sa tan stirred up one of enrist’s own disciples, Judas Iscariot, to betray his best Friend and Lord. What an infinite and eternal antithesis is in those first and second verses; -of Christ’s- undefeatable and undying love, and the false disciple’s death dealing treachery. One saves, the other Seeks to destroy. 5. The Lord now shows lengths He is ready to go to manifest His love. He trio depths of humiliation, although “knowing that the Father flat! given all things into His hands, and that He was come from God, and went to God.” Note those three tremendous facts in His knowledge. Yet “He Tls- 6th from supper, and laid aside His garments.” From all eternity Christ had been clothed with, the garments of .glory, even as the Father (John 17t5)» But, “being hi the form of God,” lie did not consider His equal ity with God a tiling to be grasped after, hut laid aside His glory as He “emptied Himself.” This revelation of the sevenfold selWiumbling of Christ given in Philippians 2:5-8 is ^notMr Inspired account of what Ho did after the supper m this lesson. fi. Having laid aside His glory He took upon Himself trie clothing of a sftWrtftf pa without feVs n he Clock ■ he the lite Wound and turned anct thot and and and Friday—'Blisters and me was in vited over to Janes house tonite to play annagrams and about 10 o’ clock why Janes pa got up and down to the fur nace and rattled around a wile and then the then out let on like he we was gone finely Blisters me got sore went home. I won der whut he thot of that. Saterday —Ant Emmy & ma went down to see ole Mrs. Crust witch has lived by her self all alone for a grate menny years. Ant Emmy sed if it wassent for her two Gold Fish ,he surely wood get offly lonesum she Xpecks."' -Sunday—iMa made me take a Xtry bath this morning before I went to Sunday skool, she found the touel I used last nite and she sed it whs- sent dirty enough for me a real good bath, Wimen pishus I think, Munday-*—Ma eii forifted that site had boughtes a at a very very grate bargain and pa Sed gee wiz where am I going to get the motley to pay for it arid ma sed Well I ain’t no fortune teller, Teusday—Pa pulled a boner to nite when Mrs, Kitty Blend was here she sed her dauter got her singing veico from her ana to Of tuk is to sus- Pa today new cote n to wl In order sinks to i. for Tie- ‘Took a towel, and Himself.” As Philipplans , Ho “took ttpoft Him the of God, in But Chris- can sin; washed by that such FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FAI^I SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Treasonable and Satisfaction- Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 13S ’ (I John 2:1). ’Called attention s but “that ye sin Nor does he say, “when any washing the disciples’ feet the ■set He, us forth two great teachings, and He alone, who can clean. But we are to fol example in humble, self ministry and .be the ser- one another, even ns lie OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc tion School. Special Course taken in Registered Live Stock (all breeds) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. ERNEST ELLIOT INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office—Main Street, Exetor, Ontario- Had Been Troubled With Constipation The T» Mill- ft Vial ftt all n Co., Ltd., Tor Mr. R. D. Grant, King’s Head, N.S., Writes:—"I had been troubled with con stipation from childhood, and nothing seemed to help me, for any length of time until a doctor recommended Milburn’® Laxa-Liver Pills. I found after taking them a short time that they had regu lated tny bowels, tubed Up my liver and consequently benefited my general health tn. every way. They ate something that no household can afford to bo without.” ill stores, or Mftlied direct on receipt of price by