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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-02-18, Page 5
THEJgXCTEK TIMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL See and. hear the Mew Rogers tube Electric Radio at $44.00 com plete, fully guaranteed for one year. —w. !J* BEER, Exeter, Ontario The Chautauqua dates have been eet for March 21-24. Mr. Wm. Rimpson, -of Detroit, spent the week-end visiting relatives here. Mrs. nesday lion. , Miss spent the week-end at her here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks and Mrs. Manley Jinks visited a day last week in Moncton, Mrs. Robt. Higgins who has been in very poor health tor some time JL*.gradually improving, Alex McMurtrie spent Wed- visiting with friends in Jjon- Martha Carlyle of London, home Miss Mary Buchanan it. n*. of St. Thomas* visited last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Buclian- nan. Mrs. Thos, Hudson is spending a few weeks with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Earl (Mitchell of Usborne. Mrs. Thos. Dickinson has been visiting for the past couple of weeks with her daughter Mr®. 'Geo. Glenn of the London Road*. ’ Mr. T. C. Joynt is making im provements to the interior of liis store by re-arranging the shelving in the dry-goods department and other changes. ’The interior of the Masonic Hall has heen greatly improved by being re-papered and re-painted. It now presents a fine appearance. Mr. Jerry Denfield gave a very pleasing solo entitled " The church by the Side of the Road" in the Car mel Presbyterian church on Sunday evening last, Howard LOve, young son of Mr*, and Mrs. Milton Love, was taken to Clinton Hospital on Saturday for an operation for appendicitis. Howard is now doing as well as can be ex pected. Mrs. visiting parents, fer, returned to her some in Rowan on Friday. IMiss Dorothy Drummond pleasantly entertained a number of friends on Monday evening to a Val entine party, A very enjoyable time was spent by all. Mr. Conrad Sieman has purchased ,tlie 50 acre farm on the London Rd. ^jj&ni (Mr. Donald Parke. We un derstand that Mr. and Mrs. Parke will moye to Hensail to reside. Mr. Eldred Smith, who' is attend ing University at London was strick en with a severe attack of appen dicitis last week. Dr. Collyer was called to go to London where an op eration was immediately performe-a. Eldred is at date of writing doing nicely. Services in tlie United church on Sunday last were well attended with Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupying the pulpit. In the evening a solo was given by Dr. Ivan Smillie, a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phile and Mr. Sinclair’s suibjecc ” Beauty and tlie Beast." The Oddfellows of the Hensab Lodge No. 223 held a very pleasant evening on Friday last when they entertained their wives and invited friends. Progressive Euchre was in dulged in and the prize winners be ing Mrs. Wilson Carlisle and Mr. John M. Glenn. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Mrs. Maude Hedden and Mrs. George Hess sang over the radio from the London Free Press Station CJGC on Monday evening, ladies sang a duet first "The Little Old Church in the Vall ey” and then Mrs. Hedden sang "An Old Fashioned Home «n New Hamp shire.’’ The music came tlirougn clearly and was greatly enjoyed by the Heusall Radio listeners who were taking in the program. A change is being made in. the ..Old Age Pension Act. 75 per cent of (kthe cost will be borne ny the Domin ion government and 25 per cent, by the Provincial government and the county. Applications will be sent in to the Huron County Board the same .as ever, and passed Oil by the Huron County Boarcr. Ari Ontario government Inspector wRl then in spect the case and only on his ap- -jproval will the pension foe paid* Our local onion dealers are now taking contracts fcr the growing of this years opion se£s. The price will be 3 cent a pound the lowest price ■fever paid for growing i district., The Annual will be held here in the on Friday February 26. the show is growing in A great deal of seed is a great many sales are made, addresses arc listened to with a good deal of interest and a lot of infor mation along the lines of clean seeds better farming is given. It is well worth any farmer’s time to spend a few hours at the Seed Show, The Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Pres byterian Church hold their meeting on Monday evening in' the form of a Valentine Social* The program consisted of communty singing, in strumental by Mrs. Ed. Munn; solo by Mrs. J. W. Bontliron followed by a number of community songs, Af terwards a guitar and mo.utli-crgan sole?tions wro given by Mr. Melvin Moir. A piano duett by Blanche and Jim Mustard was then ed by a solo J^,k^edd sees after which contests and games were indulged in. and a dainty lunch was served by the Ladies* Aid. The Young People of the United church held their regular meeting on Monday evening. The meeting being in charge of Messrs, Ferris Cantelon and Claude Biowes. An interesting feature of the evening being a debate on "That Capital Criminal Punishment should be a- bolished." The affirin.atlve side be ing taken by Misses Marion Sinclair and Florence McDonald the negative by Lome Elder and Ray Paterson and the judges were Misses Emily Morrison, Katie Scott and Mildred Smillie, The affirmative being the winning side. At the close of the ev ening an hour was spent in contests and game. The World’s Day of Prayer was held in the Carmel Presbyterian church on Friday afternoon last with a good attendance from both the Presbyterian, and the United churches, Owing to the absence of the president,, Mrs. Edwards, the meeting was presided over by Mrs, R. Y, McLaren. The opening exer cises were read by Mrs. R. Y. Mc Laren after which a number of prayers were given by the Presby terian ladies and a solo was given by Mrs. J. W. Bontliron. ’The re mainder of the program was given by the Women of the United church ovex* which Mrs. Chas. McDonnell presided. An instrumental duet was given by Forence Welsh and a voc al duet by Mr. Drysdale and Mrs. Hess. Prayers were given by u number of ladies and a paper on “Wars" was very ably read by Mrs, A. Sinclair after which the meeting closed CREDITON ■See and hear the New Rogers 5- tube Electric Radio at $44.00 com plete, fully guaranteed, tor one year. —W. J* BEER, Exeter* Ontario The United church Y, P, S*. were visited Friday evening by the Ship- ka y.p.S. The visitors gave a good program after which there was con tests and lunch served by the society, Mrs. E* Coate, Viloet Veolker, nard Wing, of Norman Wing, week-end with Smith, . Miss Laura Hall, Guelph and Mr. Russell Clark of Detroit, spent Sunday at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Clark. We are pleased to re** port that Mr, Clark is improving, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wuerth, of Zurich, visited with Mr. A. E. Wuerth on Sunday. Mr, and 'Mrs. Everett Zurich, spent Sunday with er’s parents, Mr Haist, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Orme, of Lon don, were Sunday visitors at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. D. Maclsaac, Miss Lulu Gaiser is visiting in New York. We are pleased to her out again after her recent p ess. home of Elkton, of piegon, Mr* Kilmanagli and of Flint, spent Mr, and Mrs. W, Miss Leo- 'Mr, the H. Clark,* of MacDonald and Mrs. Haist, of the form- and Mrs. Fred see 111- Ill III TJIUBSDAY, FiamM m MW iR*II the RED & WHITE store NEW CHEESE................. SPECIAL- GOLDEN BROWN SUGAR BRUNSWICK SARDINES . .. per lb. 14c. . 5 lbs for 29c. 3 tins for 14c, (Dr,) Reid, who lias been for the past week with her Mr. and (Mrs, Edward Sli ef fort very The two entitled onions in this I Seed Show Town Hall Each year importance’ shown and The with a hymn and prayer. The Town Finances Auditors’ report for the vill- now out and shows the vill- 'The age is age in splendid condition financially Each department showing a surplus for the year. The current account of the village shows a surplus of $2977 over the liabilities of 19.31, The hydro account showed a surplus of’ $1800.61 over the expenses and have also a savings bank account of $3715.30 making a bank balance for the hydro $5,515.91. The school shows a surplus of $89.02 and the public library a bank balance of $107.98. The total assets of the village are valued at $7,1922.20 while the note and debentures debt is $36,694.85 There is a sinking fund to the credit of the concrete road for $5,680.12. The 1932 pay ment on the cement road is $4,795.- 42. This will be the last levy on the cement road on the town as the 1933 payment of $4,795.45 will be taken care of out of the sinking fund. There is about $1200 of outstanding taxes and about $200 more to pay of 1930. The tax rate for 1931 was 36 mills and should show a slight decrease for 1932. After the last levy on the cement road is collected this year Hensail should have the lowest tax rate in the county oi Huron and will be a very desirable place for people to retire. a suc- at the a large evening i •Till Milkwhite Tapioca Best Quality 3 lbs, for 23c, McCormick’s Sodas Jersey Cream 2 packages for 19c. XJbby’? Pork & Beans * Large tin* each 13c. FINEST RED SOCK.EYE SALMON, large tin each 29c. Icing Sugar 2 lbs. for 15c,I Fresh Kolona Coffee per lb. 29c. Crown Tea, Per lb. 39c. ALPHA ‘RICE, Best Cooking Rice on the market *.,... 2 lbs. for 15c. Sweet Mixed Piekies 30 oz. jars each 31c. Kellogg’s Cornflakes 3 pkgs, for 25c. Aylmer Tomato Catsup 12 oz. bottle 2 for 19c, Gold Medal Peanut Butter, bulk, per lb. 16c Servus Brooms, medium weight each 39c. Pulre Castile Soap........... 8 cakes for 23c R. & W. Toilet Tissue , , . . 3 rolls for 23c. Chocolate Mallow Biscuits .... per lb. 15c Fresh Broken Sodas ...... 2 lbs. for 17c. Chocolate Peanut Cluster .... per lb. 29c, Russet Grapefruit, sweet & juicy 5 for 25c. FRESH FISH—SALMON, HALIBUT, WHITEFISH, HERRING, OYS TERS, ALSO SALT HERRING, FILLETS OF HADDIE, CODFISH, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY - EXETER, ONT. | “Quality always higher than price.” We Deliver Ss hlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllM Phone 102 DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three dayB of week. .See and hear the New Rogers 5- tube Electric Radio at $44.0 0 com plete, fully guaranteed for one year. —W. J. BEER, Exeter, Ontario I?astoi’ Resigns The Official Board of th© Credi- tou charge of the United church met in the basement of the church on Monday afternoon. There was a good, attendance. Rev, H. W. Hag elstein tendered his resignation to take effect on June 3 0th. This was regretfully accepted. Arrangements were then made to procure cessor. Anniversary Services The Anniversary services Evangelical Church brought audience both morning and Re-v. J. P. Hauck, of Stratford, who was the anniversary speaker deliver ed two unctious and instructive ser mons. The subjects we’re: "The Fundamentals of the Christian Faith" and “>Man’s Place in the* World.” He also addressed the Sunday School. The special music was, besides the anthems by the choir with the assistance of former members also an attractive solo by Mr. Charlie Hoffman and, several efficient pipe-organ and piano duets by Miss Addileen Gaiser and Miss Ruby Finkbeiner. In the Sunday School session the orchestra contri buted several pleasing selections. The trustee board, -Mr. John M-or- loek, Mt. George Finkbcfiner ancl Mr. Jacob Ratz expressed their de light because of the high tide in the spirit of the day. The friends felt the United Church with their pastor Rev. H. W. Hagelstein attended the evening service. The regular meeting of the Wo men’s Association was held in the Sunday School rooms on Friday, February 12tli, with the president Mrs. Jas. Mawhinney in the cliair. Mrs. R. Taylor read the Scripture and Mrs. I. Hill led in prayer. Nine teen members were present and two visitors. The Association was pleased, to welcome three new mem bers, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. (Dr.) ; Misener and 'Mrs. (Rev.) Hagelstein. Many items of business were dis-j cussed after which a Social time was | enjoyed. The hostesses for tlie day were: Mrs. T. Trevethick, Kerr and Mrs. A. Baker. Reception for Pastor and In spite of the inclement and bad roads a large number of the congregation of the United Church were present at the reception tend ered Rev. and Mrs. Hagelstein in the Sunday School auditorium on Thursday, February 11th. Long tables were laid and tlie ladies of the congregation served a sumptu ous supper to about one hundred and twenty five. After the supper a short program was given and an acl- Will find occasion to foreihear; And something every day they live To pity and perhaps forgive. And another has said,— Though fools spurn Heymen’s gentle powers, We who improve the golden hours, By sweet experience know That marriage, rightly understood Gives to the tender and the good, •A Paradise below. May that Paradise be yours, as you by sweet experience improve the golden hours. We feel certain that it will. To you, Mr. Hagelstein, knowing the bride as we do, her splendid character and devotion to high ideals, we feel that you have indeed chosen one well suited to be a part ner in the sharing of the high call ing to which God has called you, and to which you have given your life amongst us, with such devotion and success. As, a token of the esteem in which yoiFboth are held and as some vis ible expression of our very best wishes, we ask you to accept this gift, with the prayer that the com mon tasks, trials ana joy of years may only serve to bind evermore closely to each other. CRED1TON EAST Mr. Oscar Pfaff, of St- Marys, spent a few days the past week with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs* Henry Pfaff, Sr. Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Centralia, spent the week-end with his sisters, Mrs. Chris Rau and Mrs- Wilson An derson. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kulm, of Kit chener, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, M.r and Mrs* H. Kuhn. Mrs., Henry Motz has returned home after visiting with her daughters Mrs- F. Sclieiding and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly in London for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and rwo children anad Mrs. Wm. Motz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm* Heatherly in London* The friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims held a surprise party at their home on Friday evening a jolly time was enjoyed by ill. ! WHALEN See and hear the New Rogers 5- tube Electric Radio at $44.OP com plete, fully guaranteed for one year. —W. J. BEER, Exeter, Ontario Mr. Kenneth Stevenson, of Thorn dale, spent several days last week iii this community. Miss Florence Pullen, R. N.*> who j has been attending a' patient in Vic toria Hospital, London, has now re turned home again. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of Winchelsea, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs- Mervin Johnson. Mr. Ralph Parkinson was hi Lon don Wednesday. Mrs. Jas. Scott, of Granton, Is I spending some time at the home of j Wm. Hodgson. I Mrs. F. Bride weather GREENWAY Rev. WHALEN Y* P. S. MEETING The Y. P. S. of Whalen held their meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday evening with 54 present. Miss Marzette Sadler, Pres ident was in the chair. The meeting WINCHELSEA tlie you ✓ Mr. R. E. Pooley spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Leila Mollard, of Shiplca, spent the week-end with Miss Olive Prance. Mrs. W. J. Davis and son Ivan, of SaiiitSbury, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Routly, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at the form er’s home. Mrs. Routly is remaining for a few days’ visit. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fletcher one day last week. Miss Vinetta Routly is visiting with Mr* and Mrs. Ray Francis. KHIVA Mrs- Jacob Hanover and Miss Tiernan is Convention Oestrielier ■attending a in ’Toronto entertained Don’t forget the Pork & B^an Sup per in the basement of the Evangel ical church on Wednesday evening, February 24th. Following the Sup- per a program consisting- -of a play entitled “Aunt Virginia’s Ear Trum pet" and musical numbers Will be given by local talent. Mrs. P. Humble, of Sarnia, spent a few days with her mother Mrs. Finkbeiner and Cathern last week. Mrs. Adella Fisher, of Loudon, was called home on Saturday owing to the illness of lier daughter Edna. Mr, John Hoffman, of London, is spending a few days with relatives. Mrs. A. Haugh and children spent a few days with lier parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Musser in London. Mervyn Hardware this week. Mrs. A. her Sunday School Class to a skat ing party on Monday evening. After skating lunch was served and tlie remainder of tlie evening was spent in games. The Fun Galore Club entertained their men friends at a Valentine Bridge last Friday evening nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. T* Klumpp. Eight tables were in play and tne prizes were won by Mrs. G. Wilfong’ and Mr. A* E. Oestricher and tne consolation prize by Mr, Harold Kel lerman, at the close, The committee had charge of arrangements Miss Alice Hoffman, (Miss Ella tinson, Mrs. R. H. Taylor A* Oestricher convenor* ■Miss Dorothy Kenny, of accompanied by her friend Bender visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bender on Sunday* Mrs, Leslie Adams, Miss Hazel Morenz, of London and Mr* J. Cor- Bctt, of Heusall, were Sunday visit* ors with Mr* end Mrs. Wm, Maier. Refreshments were served who were M nand ar* ,l’S Crediton Mr. Wm yourIPs a good time to sticl> business with the ghio of. industry dress read to the honoured couple Florence attended the funeral of the and Mrs. Jas. Mawhinuey on behalf of the congregation presented them with a beautiful Junior Lamp. Mr. Hagelstein made a very suitable re ply expressing the appreciation of both himself and Mrs. Hagelstein. After the program several games and contests were enjoyed. Follow ing is the address: Dear Rev. and Mrs. Hagelstein,— It is with unusual feelings of joy and delight that we, the memebrs of Crediton Pastoral Charge, gather to gether to offer you our heartiest congratulations upon the occasion of your marriage and to wish you many years of happy married life. Longfellow has said,— As Unto So unto Though him. Though follows Useless each without the other. We believe such sentiment to be true despite all that has been said in recent years tliat has been derog atory to matrimony. Marriage still stands, and must continue to stand, as an honorable estate, instituted by God in the time of man’s Inno* cency, confirmed by the teachings and made sacred by the presence of our blessed Lord, "as the foundation and bond of family life and mutual help and comfort of nusband and wife," Cowper has well said,**** The kindest and the happiest pair, former’s neicc, the late Mrs. Wilmer McLean, of Goderich, last Monday. The stork visited the home and Mrs. I,. Zilcr last week a fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason taiiled a number of their friends to a parly last Monday evening* Miss Dorothy Dietrich has return ed home after spending the past few months with friends at Centralia. Mrs* G. Sararas, of Zurich, visited with Mr- and Mrs* O. Willert on Tuesday. Mr* Joseph Guinan, asscsor, com menced his annual rounds last week* enter- Next Sunday the subject of . S. T* Mather’s sermon will be “The opened with Hymn 179 and prayer by challenge of the Incarnation.” I Mrs- J. Hazlewood.. The program Don’t- forget the Oyster Supper in . was in charge of Mrs. Hilton Ogden the United church on February 25.; social leader. The following program Program is being prepared. Admission ' was given and very much enjoyed; 40 and 20c. ' ’ ' ’ .* .* *><,... ......, The trustees of the West school have engaged Miss Witherhead* of Lucknow, to complete the school term owing to the resgination of Miss Hardy. Miss Mary Corbett is visiting her father in Fordwich. Miss Verda Page, of Ravenswood, visited her sister, Mrs* Jas- Wilson, ■last week. Misses Maude and Ruble Brown spent the week-end with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown. Mr. A. McLincliey, Mr- Ernest Mc Pherson and Miss Olive Armstrong visited Mr. and Mrs. Purdy of Hensall last week. Miss S. Young has been spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Harold Brophey. « Mr- Dawson Woodburn, of Tor onto, was home for the week-end. Mrs. Roy Sheppard and Mr. Sil- bourne English spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. English. About sixty ladies attended tlie ser vice for the World’s held in the Anglican day afternoon. After service the president church society, Mrs. ed all the ladies into where the members nients and a happy social hour was enjoyed. The offering amounted *0 $4.00. These occasions are much en joyed by the ladies of our community Day of Prayer church on Fri- the impressive, of the* Grace McFalls, invit- the Parish Hall served refresh- i Scripture lesson, Psalm 23 was read by Miss Elsie Gunning. The topic “Comfort ami Strength” from the Shepherd’s Psalm was given by Mrs. Mervin Johnson. Two lovely solos “My Alice Blue Gown” and “Drift ing” by Mrs. Earnest Foster. A reci tation “The Valentine Man” by Meric Squire. Duet “Billy Boy” by Jean and Billie Ogden; a recitation “Gen- .erosity” by Russell Morley; solo by Eric Brown, “The Fyog Song”; two- mouthorgan selections by Mervin Johnson and Stanley Whiteford reading “Jimmie’s Lament” by Bessie Morley; solo, “Roamin’ in the Gloani- in’ ” by Victor Denholm and a duct “Drink to Me only with Thine eyes’’ by Victor Denholm and Howard Morley; a reading “My Trip from Wales to Canada” by Ernie Watson; a chorus by 3 boys and 3 girls, Reu ben and Rachael” also “Let me call you Sweetheart” was given by Dor othy Hazlewood, Mabel Elliott and Mary Morley, Harold Hazlewood*. Clark Sliervill and Howard Morley; Mrs. Hilton Ogden, Bessie Morley and Elva Morley were accompanists- for the evening. A contest a “Mus ical Romance” was givpn under the direction of Mrs. Hilton Ogden also- a contest with Clark Shcrvill as lead er was much enjoyed. Candy was served and with the singing of the National Anthem brought the even* SHIPKA National Anthem brought ing a close. WHALEN W. M* S* The February meeting of Ion W. M. S. was held on the bow the cord is, the mail is woman; she bends him, sli© obeys she draws him, yet she HARTLEY ofMr. and Mrs. Wesley Mellon, Corbett, spent Sunday evening with Mr. Joseph Carruthers. Mr. Oscar Grab of Zurich, last week with his sister, Mrs. Love.- Misses Olive English . and Hicks spent Friday evening w and Mrs. Fred McLinehcy* Mr. Milson Hickey is s few weeks with Hickey, Mr. Dan Brow Stanley Hart to iug February. Mrs. W. IL Haytc. MeLinehey visited one day with Mrs. Ed. Mrs. Albert visited Miss Wednesday. n has e work dt and visited Hugh Ellen ith Mr. aged him McPherson. Morenz and Blanche Move-ms sou * h Jas. Mr* dur- ■ Fred week Hugh on The Y. P* S. of the United church were entertained by the Crediton Y* P. S* all present had an enjoyable time. Mrs. J. Gaiser, who has been in London Victoria Hospital has re turned to her home on .Friday, Her many friends are glad to know she is improving. Mrs* G« Gaiser, of Cred iton, is staying with her. Mr* and Mrs. 15. E* Wuerth from Zurich, spent last Friday with Mrs. C* Finkbiencr and Miss Irma Fink- beincr* Mr* John Detrick has been confin ed to his bed for the past week with heart trouble* Wc are glad to re port that ho is improving* Mr. and Mrs. Albert Etherington of Usborne, spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Keys. Quite a number from here attended the anniversary services at Crediton Sunday. Miss Leila Mollard spent the week end with friends at Winchelsea. , Next Sunday will be Temperance Day in the Sunday School* A special programme will be given* the Wha- .... .... Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F* Squire. Mrs* Wit. Morley, 1st vice president was tn the chai meeting opened with Doxology,- the Lord’s Prayer and hymn 321 ..... prayer by Mrs. A. Gunning and Mrs* J* Hazlewood. The Scripture lesson Matt* 11-1-10 was read by Mrs. Mer vin Johnson. Mrs* Wm* Duffield the Devotional leaflet entitled, tthew the man of Business”, A delightful duct “Brighten the with a smile” was sung by Mrs. Th nd read Sla very Way ..... ____ . „ . . Wm. Brooks and Mrs. John Hazlewood ac companied by Miss Bessie Morley The suggestive program leaflets were read by Mrs. H, Squire, Mrs. IL Squire and Mrs* John Hazlewood* Those responding to Watch Tower were Mrs. M* Gunning and Mrs* A. Gunning. Ilymii 171 and prayer by Mrs. H* Squire closed the meeting. Tea was served by the hostess and her assistants and a pleasant social time spent by all. One reason why favorite prize fighters are not asked to autograph anything Is because one “X” looks just like another.