HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-02-04, Page 8Tltl'RSDAY, FBBBVAltY 4, 1932 FOR SALE — 15 Anchor Holth Cream (Separators -taken in on deals at from $1 to $20. AU sizes. 7 other makes to choose from at your own price, Bargains in all kinds of used im­ plements. International Harvester Co. Ltd. EXETER, ONTARIO Exeter Markets Wheat 55 c. Barley* standard 35c« Oats 2 Be. Bran 90c. Shorts $1.00 Low .Grade Flour $t.iO Model Flour $2,50 Welcome Flour $2,30 ' Manitoba Flour $2.75 Creamery Butter 26c, Creamery Butter 23 and 25c. Eggs, extras 14c. Eggs, firsts 10 c. Eggs, seconds Sc, CAYEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A. Minister Miss Dena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a.m.—The parables of Jesus, (3.) “A Study in Contrasts.” 7 p.m.*—The Disciples of Jesus. (3)Thaddaeus. TWO THEATRE TICKETS TO BE GIVEN AWAY EACH WEEK .4s. • The winners of this week’s tickets were Miss E. Taylor and Mr, E. Had­ ing. 'The draw was made by J. M. Southcott. Try Marrow’s Oil for .dandruff. HARNESS’ BARBER SHOP “The Home of Quality Work” F d^ucais__i Missionary Exhibition and after­ noon tea in the Parish Hall, Shrove Tuesday, February 9 th* from 3 to 5.30 p.m. Pancake social from 6 to 8 p.m, Admission 2be,; Under aus­ pices of W- A. locals 1 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m,—“Down, but not out.”11 3 p.m,*—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“Are our lamps going out?”1 NOTICE ' PERMAMENT WAVES $5.00 MARCELS 35c. j FINGER WA VE’S 35c. SHAMPOOS 35c. > AU work guaranteed. Done by ex­ pert with diploma. Apply NORMAN HOCKEY Barber Phone 91J On Tuesday, February 16th, the W, A. of James St. Church will hold a supper to which all are inyited. The regular meeting of the Cana­ dian Legion will be held on Thurs­ day, February 4th, at 8 p.m. The Tennis Club are holding an­ other Progressive Euchre and Cro- kinole Party, Friday evening in the Town Hall. Admission 25c. Every­ one is invited. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—-Message to Sunday School and Sunday .School workers. p.m.—Church School. Missionary Sunday. Mr. Howard’s1 class wiU 'have charge of the exercises. 3 7 FINE WEATHER AHEAD ’ Tuesday was Candlemas Day and the bear failed to see his shadow. tWe can look for mild weather and Jan early spring. | ------------------------ DIED FROM ACCIDENT Mr, E. R. Hopper received word this week that his. uncle, Mr. Thos. .JWilkinson, of Escanaba, Mich., had Jjeen killed by a motor car Sunday Evening. .Mrs. Wilkinson is a sis- jter of Mrs. Chas. Birney, of town, *who with Mr. Birney is at present yisiting with their children in Win­ nipeg. Mrs. J. I-I. Hopper, of Wing­ ham, is also a sister. The deceas­ ed was a former resident near Bel­ grave. Besides his bereaved widow he is survived by two sons, one of whom resides in Winnipeg and the other at home. FOR SA'LE—Second hand Delivery Car, for delivery, make good trailer. — B. Beavers. Ford "Would W.F. Exeter and also in Exeter a glove. ' FOUND—Between Hensall a robe; .gent’s brown kid glove. Owners may have same by applying at Ho­ garth Baby Chick Hatchery and pay­ ing. for advertisement. LOST— $6.00 between H. C. Rivers Butcher Shop and Telephone Pffice. Finder please return to Ray Guenther, Exeter. FOR SALE—Plant-, new, tie used, bargain for cash, and Phone, 162w, Exeter very lit- S. Yell- l-28-3tp WANTED TO BORROW $2000.00, Best security, highest rate of interest. Apply 2SOM, Exeter l-28-2tc. PIANO FOR SALE—In good con­ dition. Terms, cash. Apply box 292 l-21-2tc. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE NEW CHINTZ Remnants! HANSON’S ALL WOOL HEAVY SOX Very Special at per pair $1.98 Old Price 60c.—New Price 2 pairs for 95c. MAPLE LEAF SALMON Challenge Corn Starch DRIED APRICOTS 1 lb. tin 32c.2 for 18c.10c. a lb. Two-foot rules 15c Hand.Saws $1.50 * Axe Handles 29c. Flashlights 9$c. Tin Fot Covers Hammers soc.7c. and mis- De- the The new provincial highway bridge south of Clinton is being opened for traffic this week. The structure is of reinforced concrete -and spans the Bayfield river on No 4 highway. Broken Macaroni, 5 lbs. for Table Syrup in bulk........... Harry Horne’s Pure Cocoa EAT MORE EGGS. The yarn in these sox wash and wear better than any other line we know of. ROOM LOTS OF WALL PAPERS With enough rolls to do one fair size room with border to match, values as high as $3.00 and $4.00 clearing at 98c., $1.29, $1.49 Raspberry Jam, large jar....................33c. Strawberry Jam, large jar...........‘ . . . 33c. Orange Marmalade, large jar ....... 25c. EGGS ARE CHEAP. MEN’S HEAVY RUBBERS Miner quality. These sold last year for $3.00 a pair. There are wonderful value 36 inches wide. A wonderful material for comforters, cushions and curtains in new and dainty patterns, at PER YARD 25c. BATS FOR COMFORTERS In 1 lb., 2 lbs., 2 1-2 lbs. Nice fluffy cotton bats in any weight you want. Better quality and lower in price. 35c,, 45c., 60c., 85c. SWWJW..1 Beautiful New Wallpapers At Much Lower Prices We are ready for the early buyer with a beautiful range of new Wallpapers featuring the new designs in Sunfast colors A few rolls of our new wallpaper will add greatly to the appearance of the interior of your home. See the new patterns in Sunfast colors at 25c., 35c. to 50c _________________—................... ....... ........» DOWN-PROOF SATEEN In three new and very pretty patterns and colorings. Regular 65c. for PER YARD 50c. p.m.—“Tails That Wag the DogV ;Mr. Parkhouse, of Fergus, will preach at both services. You will be welcome at these ser­ vices. Remnants! Hundreds of small ends of prints suitable for making quilts, aprons, dresses for little tots and many other small lengths of towling, chintz print ginghams, cottons and flannelettes at about half their regular price. I Mr. W. H. Harness is confined to his home through illness. The W. A. of Janies St. church will hold a supper on Tuesday, Feb­ ruary 16tli. Mrs. Trueman, of Wallaceburg, spent a few days last week the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. Allen is visiting for a few weeks with her granddaughter, Mrs. Preston Dearing .in .Stephn. Messrs. C. J. Stewart, G. Flynn and G. McFaul attended the Motor Show in Detroit last week. Miss Ella French, of Toronto* is visiting for a few weeks-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mr. W. L. Hewitt, of Elizabeth street, is seriously ill at his home with little hopes for his recovery. Mrs. Wesley Smell spent a few days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lamport in London. -Mrs. Hoskins, of town, is visiting for a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lamport, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Moir left on Tuesday for Detroit to visit for a couple of weeks with their son, Mr. J. I-I. Moir. Miss Rubie Creech returned 'home Saturday following her recent oper­ ation for antrum trouble in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. Maurice Long, mechanic at the Huron Garage suffered a nasty wound when he was struck in the forehead wtih a wrench. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bewell, of the Bewell Studio, London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Wednesday of last week. Mr. D. D. Crittendon, of St. Thomas, spent the wee'k-endovisit- ing his brother-in-law, Mr. George Penhale and other relatives in this community. Mr. H. W. Doerr was In Toronto for three days last week attending a convention of the Ontario Municipal Electrical Association at the Royal York Hotel. Mr. T. O. Southcott motored to Preston on Sunday and was accom­ panied heme by Mrs. Southcott, who has visited for a couple of weeks with her cousin, Mr. Win. J. Smith representative for the International Harvester Co. at Exeter, was in London last week and gave a three quarter dress to the blockmen and on “Sales Promotion.” Mr. Albert Schwalm, of Sask., visited with his sister Mrs- Wm. Pfaff and with his mother Mrs. Schwalm, of Zurich. Mr. iScliwalm is an engineer on the C. N. R. be­ tween Humbolt and Battleford. Miss Nola Buswell, who has been confined to her home for a couple of througli illness yetttTned to -Stratford Normal to resume her studies. Her father, Mr. A. E. Bus­ well motored to Stratford with her/ On Monday evening between nine and ten o’clock Mr. Francis Ab­ bott of town gave several readings over CJGC, London and Mr. Bryn Cousins sang. This was their first appearance before the microphone and both acquitted themselves very creditably. Last week it was mentioned, that Rev. E. L. Vivian had attended the reception at Huron College In honor of the Bishop designate Dr. Seager and had also attended the installa­ tion and enthronement of the Lord Bishop iii St, Paul’s Cathedral, It should have read that Mrs, Vivian attended also. FOR RENT—100 acres, first class land, situate in the Township of Usborne, 10 acres of fall wheat, all Fall plowing done.—For further particulars apply to CARLING Morley, Exeter. & WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY lOtli CHURCH SCHOOL CONCERT See advertisement on front page, Wednesday, 8 o’clock — Men’s Union will meet, Thursday 7.30—Meeting for Jrayer. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Quinquagesima. Sunday . a.m.—Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. Subject—“The Ascended Christ” 11 3 7 8 .... 25c. .. . lb. 7c. 1 lb. 29c. p.rn,—’Sunday School p.m.—Evensong Subject—“As Through a Glass Darkly” Ash Wednesday, February 10th. p.m.—Divine Service in. the Parish Hall. ■ Don’t forget the supper to be held in Ja'mes St. Church on February 16th by the W. A. Mrs. Reg. Taylor and son, Jimmie, returned home "after spending the past week with friends and relatives in London. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY “Now booking orders for Chicks. All blood-tested this W. Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Black Minorcas and W. Wyandottes. Ask for prices. Pioneel’ Poultry Feeds, Royal Purple Concentrate, Cod Liv­ er Oil, Oyster Shell and1 Poultry Grit, Alfalfa Meal, Et^” FEBRUARY hour ad- salesmen Baby year. Humbolt, SOCIAL EVENING The Young Men’s Class of the James Street Sunday School held a social gathering Monday evening at which about 25 members were pres­ ent. A splendid program was car­ ried out with Kenneth Hockey ill the chair.' Readings were given by Earl Christie, Geralu Ford and John McTavish; guitar selection by How­ ard Kerslake,* Clarence Down and ..Alan Fraser; mouthorgan and guit­ ar selection by Garnet Hicks, mouthorgan selection by Rev. D- McTavish; musical number by Gar­ net Hicks and. Frank Strange. A few remarks were given by the pastor. Following the program games were enjoyed and refreshments were ser­ ved, the- boys being responsible fol’ the lunch. W. R. Goulding A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theor? Supervisor of Music in School* Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 192 •EXETER, ONT We wish to draw attention that each year in the month of Febru­ ary we give a special discount for cash of 33 1-3 on all labor for overhaul jobs. Our Battery and Tire business is increasing. Let us show you Why. Batteries 13 plate $6.50 and up 4 • New Tires $3.95 and up Have your car put in condition now and save money. DR. J. HARRY BROWNING Physician and Surgeon M.D., CAI., Toronto L. R. C. P. and S., Edinburgh L. F. P. and S., Glasgow, Etc. Post Graduate New York Specialty, maternity; diseases.: nerves, stomach, skin, urinary and sexual troubles. All modalities in electro physio therapy,. ultra violet, &c. Modern hospital accommoda­ tions. 4-1-32 JAMES STREET MISSION CIRCLE February meeting of the Circle of James Street Un- SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 COLD SPELL FOR WEEK-END The coldest spell of the 'Winter visited this section Saturday and Sunday stormy and the thermometer regis­ tered around zera. An attempt was made to make ice at the Dome Rink and a good bottom was secured only to thaw again, The couple of inches of snow which fell is again disap­ pearing. Both days were quite The Mission ited church was held on Monday ev­ ening at the home of Mr®, G. Hock­ ey, with the president in charge and 19 in attendance. Meeting opened With singing and repeating the Lord’s prayer together. A very sat­ isfactory financial report was given by the treasurer, ’Miss C. Christie. After the business of meeting transacted, Miss Reta charge. A hymn was prayer offered in behalf sionaries in China and votional leaflet on Business Man” Was reac by Miss A, Handford. The topic of the evening on “The life and work of Dr. Kag- awa,” was- given by Miss M. pridh^m Mrs. IL Carey and Miss Pearl Wood rendered a beautiful piano duett, A Chapter of the -book "The Moffat’s was then read by Miss Grace Creech, Meeting closed with singing and the Miszpali benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Misses Rota Rowe* Mamie Pridham and Grace Creech and a social half- hour spent. was Rowe took sung of our Japan. 'Matthew, Customer: “Three of those apples you sent me were rotten, I am bring­ ing them back.” Storekeeper**— “That’s all right? madam. You need­ n’t bring them back, Your word is just as good as the apples. FEBRUARY HARDWARE --- AT B. W. F. BEAVERS The Lowest Prices in Years! Household Specials ....' Ill I UH. I I— ■III. i ■■■■■■I \ White Mixing Bowls 20c. Double Cookers 95c. Agents for HECLA FURNACES and GOOD CHEER STOVES Enameled Potato Pots $1.19 Strainer Fails !)5c. Copper Boilers $2.98 Handmade Galv. Pails 29c. Clearing prices on Rogers Lacquer Hand Washer $11.75 11 doz. Clothes Fins 25c. Nail Brushes, S for 10c. Hand Axes in three 'sizes 95c« Tools Baskets 129c. Aware with Phone 86 PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE modern* Hrniue service PLUMBIKG We Do All Kinds of Plumbing Ko Job Too Large or Too Smail