HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-02-04, Page 5'THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
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^Telephone 1OO Main Street
Mrs. Cornelius Cool; are
couple of day^ in Detroit
Mrs. N. Qgaen, of Exeter,
Mrs. John Murdock spent a day
recently visiting friends in Exeter,
Mr. Eddrid Smith, of London, is
visiting for a few days at pis home
Mr. Ed. McQueen is spending a
flaw days with friends in Cromarty
this week.
Mr. and
spending a
this week.
Mr. and
visited with friends-in town on Wed
nesday last.
Mr, and Mrs, John G. Scott, of
^.^Cromarty, visited friends in town on
Friday last.
Mrs. prebbles, of Hanover, is vis
iting this week with lier sister Mrs.
J. W, Bontliron.
• Miss Margaret McLaren, of Lon
don, is visiting for a few days at
her home here.
Misses Martha and Merle Carlisle,
of London,
their home
Ml’, Geo,
Is' spending
Mr. Laird Mickle.
Mrs. Yuugblut,- of Waterloo, is
spending a few days visiting with
her daughter Mrs. Jas. Bonthron,
Mrs. G. Lavender and son spent
a few. days last week with her sister
Miss Mary Forrest, of Hillgreen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Appleton and
daughter, Jean, of Exeter, visited
last week with relatives in town.
The groundhog did not see his
shadow on Tuesday morning so we
will be
f keeper.
The weather turned very cold on
Sunday and Monday, the coal deal
ers doing a land office business in
fuel on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North and
daughter Audrey returned to their
home in Woodstock after a week’s
visit with relatives here.
A hard time dance was held in
the Town Hall on Tuesday night un
der the auspices of the Firemen’s
/Club, A good crowd attended.
* # Little Gloria Twitchell, who sev-
% eral weeks ago fell from a ladder
jTYonto a cement floor and was ser-
^i^usly hurt is improving nicely.
On Sunday, February 7 Women’s
Day will be observed in the United C'hiirch. Rev. Mr. Sinclair will have
for his evening subject “A Woman’s
The Congregational meeting was
held in the United church on Wed
nesday evening. At the conclusion
of the meeting lunch was served by
the League.
At the meeting of the County
Council last week, Reeve Geiger was
appointed a member of the Old Age
Pe’nsion Board and will have charge
of the South end of the County.
Messrs. Robert Higgins and John
Cameron, of Lucknow, were appoint
ed auditors.
• Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
children, of Detroit,, have returned
home after a few days visit at their
home here. Mrs. Sweitzer were
called home owing to the serious-
condition of her mother, Mrs. Robt.
Higgins, who was in the Scott Mem
orial Hospital, Seaforth.
The A.Y.P.A. of the St. Paul’s An
glican church held a very enjoyable
evening on Monday last when the
Y. P’. A. of the Trivitt Memorial
Church,. Exeter, were entertained, A
splendid program was provided by
Exeter Young People and at the
close of the evening a cainty lunch
was served by the I-Iensall A.Y.P.A.
Mrs; Robt. Higgins, who a couple
of weeks ago was taken to the Scott
- Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, for a
serious operation, returned home on
Friday much improved. She lias
■ been in poor liealth for several years
-and her friends were very, anxious
over the result of the operation but
she stood the operation and is grad
ually gaining.
Reeve Francis, of Exeter, was ap
pointed to the cemetery board of tlie
County of Huron county council at
their sessions last week. Mr. Fran
cis should have been appointed to
the Old Age Pensions Board, first
and then to the cemetery as it is the
usual fate of the Reevca who serve
on the Old Age Pensions Board to
he sent to the Municipal Cemetery
the next year.
O.ii Wednesday morning of last
week while Messrs. G. 0. Petty and
Lloyd Venn er were- going to Toron
to with a load of eggs when near
Cooksville a front tiro blew out and
before the truck could be righted it
run into the ditch, Neither of the
men 'were hurt nor was the truck
seriously damaged but about a third
of the load was destroyed. Fortun
ately the load was insured so the
firm will not sustain' much loss,
Services in our local churches on
Sunday were well attended. At the
United Church Rev. Arthur Sinclair
occupied the pulpit. In tlr
ing a solo was given by Mr
uard and a quarettte by Mrs.
IJedden, Mrs. Geo. Hess, Mr.
Goodwin and Dr, Ivan Smillie
the Carmel
Kev. Mr, McIlroy delivered very
fine sermons and in the St, Paul’s
Anglieian church, Rev, Mr. Parker
exchanged pulpits with Rev. F. H.
Paul, of Bayfield, in the evening.
At the Council meeting on Mon
day evening the old Fire Brigade
handed in a report to Reeve Geiger
of their receipts ana expenditures.
They had the hall 21 nights in
about 5 years which at $15 a night
amounted to $315, They spent in
park seats and improvements $90;
ball suits for the baseball team $25;
Christmas tree $55,sb; firemen's
suits $140; a grant to Geo. Arm
strong $25 or a total' of $3,25.85
they paid out.
The Welfare Youth’s Club of the
Carmel Presbyterian church held a
very pleasant evening on Monday
The Club entertained the
People of the Caven Preshy*
Chbreh, Exeter. The visiting
provided a very excellent
Dr. H, H, Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office In Hartlelb Block, Daah-
wood, first three days of week and
>t office over the Post Office,
Zurich, last three days of week.
spent the week-end at
L. Mickle, or Ridgetown
a few days with his son
looking forward to an. early
Gladys Luker is enjoying a
of weeks holidays from her
as Mr, T. C. Joynt’s book-
. May-
W. 0.
Presbyterian church
McIlroy delivered
program and Rev. B. Rhodes acted
as chairman. The program was as
follows: concertina polo
Dalrymple; solo by Miss
“Those Auburn Tresses
Blue;” a guitar duet
Frain and McInnis; a play entitled
“Getting Ready for a visit;” read
ing by Master Campbell; piano solo
by Miss Coates and a play entitled
“The Train to
Miss Sprang
meeting when
were indulged
was served by the hostesses,
Masonic ‘‘At Home’’
hy Mr. J,
tied with
by Misses
Morrow” after which
too'k charge of the
contests and games
in and a dainty lunch
On Saturday evening, January
Billie Reid entertained* sixteen
her friends at a birthday party.
Carnes were enjoyed and the girls
prize was won by Ella Eveland and
the boys prize by Albert Goetz.
Lunch was served by Misses Laura
Mae Reid and Verna Birk,
Bev. Silas MeFails, of London,
conducted services in the Evangeii- icai Church several evenings last
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dulz and Mr,
and Mrs. J, Raschke, of Detroit,
were week-end visitors 'with their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Merner,
Mr, Clarence Rutledge, of Lon
don, spent the week-end at the home
of Mr, P. Fassold.
Miss Pearl Wurtz, o* Zurich, spent
the past week with her aunt Mrs. J,’
Rev, A. Kellerman, of Waterloo,
spent a few days with relatives.
No.The Masons of Zurich Lodge
223 at Hensail held an “At Home”
in the town hall pn. Tuesday evening
of last -week on which occasion there
was a very large attendance of the
brethren, their wives and friends,
The first part of the evening, was. de
voted to cards, the spacious hall be
ing well filled with an array of
tables, and the games were played
with much zest until about a little
after eleven o’clock, when tempting
refreshments were served. Follow
ing this the result of the games was
announced tire first prize for gentle
men, a handsome smoking set, going
to P.D.D.G.M, Thomas pryde, of Ex
eter, who in a short humorous man
ner expressed his thanks for the un
expected prize. The lady's first
prize, a handsome jewel case, was
won by Mrs. F. G. Manns, while neat
consolation prizes went to George -T.
Wren and Mrs. (Stanley Mitchell. The
floor was made ready for dancing
and heartily indulged in until the
“wee sma’ hours of the morning,” to
the. stirring strains of music furnish
ed by Mrs. John Murdoch, Cleve-
Coclirane, Wm. Murdoch and Harry
Stanlake, of Exeter. William Work
man and Wm. I-Tayter proved good
floor managers. District Deputy
Grand Master L. A. Cole opened the
proceedings of the evening in a few
well chosen remarks.
5th class—Stuart Wolfe 74.4; El
la Eveland 71; Gertrude Hoffman
68,2; Howard Klumpp 67.1; Phyllis
Reid 66.1; Evangeline Held 54.7;
Sr. IV—Hubert Restemeyer 77.2;
Milton Willert 77.1; Lorna Kraft
71.2; Maida Wein 71,2; Albert Goetz
70.2; William Ness 64.3; Robert
Hopcraft 62.6; Reta Fassold, 58.1;
Harold Kratt 58; Margaret Reste
meyer 57.4; Fred Hopcraft 48.8; M.
Willert 54.4; Lome Genttner 38J.
Jr. IV—Myrtle Gaiser 86; Paul Ness
76; Murray Wolfe 70; Irma Wein
67; Eileen Willert 65; Garnet Wei
berg 63; Alvin Willert 60; Floyd
Desjardine 42; Luella Desjardine
40; Carl Maier 35; Leonard Schenk
G. Keeler, teacher
Boom H
Council Minutes
(Sr. Ill—Hilda Maier 72; Douglas
Schenk 63; Edna Maier 60; Ward
Kraft 59; Herbert Ness 57; Lloyd
Guenther 50; Erma Keller 50.
Jr. Ill—Harry
othy Kraft 79;
76; Lois Gaiser
64; Roy Bender
62; Donald Restemeyer
Desjardine 55; Anthony Voisin 54;
Ruth HopcrafP 54; Ross Guenther
49; Evelyn Baynham 48; Leona
Fisher 45; Francis Eveland 42; V.
Rinker 42.
. Jr. II—Jean Held 88; Margaret
Wein 87; Karen Pedersen 76; Mary
Moulton 72; Milford Mason 70; R.
Willert 69; Dorothy Voisin 63; Hel
en Baynham 63; Jacr. McLachlan'
64; Walter Ness 5'8; Florence Voi
sin 56; Willis Mclsauc 5C; Carl Wein
53; Lester Schenk' 52; George Ma
thers 49.
. R. Martinson, teacher
Hayter 80;
Lome Kleinstiver
72; Harold Maier
64; Jean Moulton
61; Nina
be adopted as read.
Priest appeared re his tax no
same unexplained.
Sangster appeared re the Fire
suggested Lloyd
The regular council meeting was
held on Monday evening at 8 p.m„
all members being present. Minutes
of previous meeting were read.
Petty and Robinson that the min
Department and
Passmore, motor mechanic and Ro
bert Cameron Fire Chief. A Spen
cer reported re fire Department as
to V. Boa leaving town,
Robert Higgins and Joseph Hud
son, auditors, read their report.
Mickle and Petty that trie audit be
accepted as read and its recommend
ations acted upon anti auditors be
paid. Carried.
Spencer and Petty, that a by-law
be prepared appointing R. Cameron
as Fire Chief and Lloyd Passmore
as motor mechanic at -a salary of
$25.00 per year.
Reeve Geiger reported re the old
fire brigade.
the following: Dr.
son and Speucer;
write Dr. A. Moir
resignation and giving the council’s
reason f-cr same
write the Dept,
stating council’s
for resignation.
E. Bender, communication filed.
Dept, of Public Health, communica
tion filed;
Bills and
$13.50; R.
count 40c.
expenses $1,000
license for fire truck $2.04
$1029.44 "
accounts as read be paid. Carried.
Spencer and Petty that Mickle
and Patterson be a road
Mickle and Robinson,
reeve with councillor s
Spencer be property committee.
Mickle and Petty: Tnat the
lector’s roll be extended until
regular meeting, March 7th and the
Collector be instructed to write de
linquent that 5 per cent, will bo add
ed after that date. Garred.
Spencer and Robinson that we ad*
until the call of the reeve.
James A. Paterson
were read from
A. Moir, Robili-
Tliat the clerk
asking for his
and that the Clerk
of Public Health
reason for asking
Salvation Army’s also
accounts read from tin
J, Hudson
T. Richardson,
auditing, $13.-
balance on ac-
Board, current
A. Patterson,
Spencer and Petty that
A .Foolish Remark
Editor*—The article is not
but you must write so that any fool
can understand you.
Author—Which port is not clear
to you?
Room I
Sr. I—Doris Willert 96; Dorothy
Baynham 92; .Sigrid Pedersen 88;
Jack Gaiser 86; Kenneth Kraft 85;
Reta Mathers 83; Ray Guenther 80;
Hazel Schenk 76; Evelyn McLach
lan 71.
Pr, A—-Dorothy Wein 95; Dorothy
Hayter 89; Vivian Desjardine 87;
Grace Restemeyer 86, absent; Gor
don Kraft 86;. Dorothy Moulton 83.
Pr. B—Donald Gaiser 92; Russel
Tieman 91; Ada Willert 89; Nor
man Eveland 84; .Shirley Durr S3;
Mildred Maier 72; Mabel Jackson,
Pr..C-—Phyllis Baynham 55; Don-
McLachlan 53; Herbert Weibergaid
Alice Hoffman, teacher
Mooresville Dramatic Club is pre
senting a three-act comedy “Getting
Acquainted with Madge” under the
auspices of the CreditOn United
Y. P. S. in Crediton, Town Hall, Fri
day, February Sth at 8.15. Orches
tra selection between acts. Admission
25c. and 10c.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew England
last week moved into the houe re
cently occupied by the late Mrs.
Yearley. We welcome them to our
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of
London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Rd, Hill.
Mrs, Richard Hill received word
last week of the
ther-in-law, Mr.
North Dakota.
Next Sunday is
for the W. M. S.
Cliufch. Missionary sermon in the
morning, W.M.'S. prayer service in
the afternoon, and in the evening
the W. M. S. have charge of a special
program of music. Don’t miss
this interesting meeting, (Special of
fering in the evening.
February 14th is the Anniversary
for the Evangelicals. Rev, J. P.
Hunch, of Stratford will bo the anni
versary speaker. The choir is mak
ing arrangements for special music.
Group three of the Dorcas Sunday
School class is putting on an excel
lent sale of home-made baking next
Saturday afternoon and evening.
There will -be a large supply of nice
things. They will appreciate your
patronage. Yon will find the place
on Main Street, Mrs. Clayton Sims,
death of her bro-
Loiiis Towers, of
the day of prayer
of the Evangelical
Chocolate Peanut Cluster
Jumbo Salted Peanuts .,
Large Juicy Grapefruit .
We Deliver
™ RED & WHITE store
Special Smoked BREAKFAST BACON, best quality in the piece . • 14c. IK
Libby’s Pqrk and Beans j
No. 2 tin, 3 for 21c.
3 lbs. for 18c*
| Fresh Dates
1 4 lbs, for 2S<?*
SPECIAL BEACK TEA, our own brand................. , per IK 31c,
No, 4 Pea?
Sweet and tender
2 tins for 13c.
Thistle Corn
No, 2 tin
2 for 19c,
i Prize Winner Pineapple
I No. 2 tin
| 2 for 25c.
Aunt Jemima Pancakes Flour 1
per pkg, 17c, |
Challenge Corn Starch
2 pkgs. 19c. ,
1 Shredded Cocoanut
| per lb, 21c.
Fresh Prunes large & meaty
2 lbs. yor 2Sc.
Fresh Broken Sodas
I 2 lbs, for 17c,
1 Fresh Cooking Figs
| 3 lbs. for 25c.
Handy Ammonia 3 pkgs. 19c.
Castile Soap 8 cakes for 23c.
Chocolate Mallow Biscuits .... per lb. 15c.
,. per lb. 29c.
,. per lb. 15c.
. 4 for 25c.
“Quality always higher than price.
llllllllilillilliSlillllillllinHIIllHHIlIllf HIIHIII min II?
Mr. Jos. Conlin. attended the Wes
tervelt (At Home) given in Hotel
London on Friday evening last.
On Tuesday evening of last week
the Young People's Society of Whal
en visited the Centralia Y. P. S. and
furnished an excellent program of
comic readings, songs and mouth-or
gan selections which was followed
by games. The local society provid
ed lunch and a very sociable even
ing was spent.
On Friday evening Group No. 1 of
the Women’s Association held a sup
per in the basement of the church.
A large crowd was in attendance;
following the supper the evening was
spent in contests and games much
to the enjoyment of all.
On Thursday evening of last week
a very sociable time was spent at the
home of Mr. .and Mrs. Norman Mit
chell when they entertained the
“Truth Seekers” Sunday (School
alass. The evening was spent in
playing progressive crokinole fol
lowed by contests. Dainty refresh
ments were served by Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe visit
ed with friends in London on
day evening of last week,
Mr Herman Hodgson spent
week-end with his parents Mr.
Mrs. Daniel Hodgson.
The cold weather has got the boys
flooding the rink ready tor skating.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Doupe were
among the guests at the golden wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brock, of-
Zion, last week.
The members of the. Women’s In
stitute entertained their husbands
in the hall on Thursday night about
forty being present. The evening
was spent in games and amusements.
Afterwards the ladies served lunch
and all report a good time.
The annual meeting of the Blan-
sliard Municipal Telephone Company
was held in Aberdeen Hall on Wed
nesday afternoon with. a good re
presentation. of the subscribers pres
ent. Dr. Campbell presided and gave
a statement of the work done the
past year. Mr. S. Adamson, gave a
report of the financial end of it
Everything seems ty ne progressing
favorably. The same commissioners
were re-elected, viz; Dr. Campbell,'
Sydney Adamson and Wm. Ratcliffe;
Auditors, Nesbitt Russell and Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason spent
Sunday at Mr, Sol. Pollock’s.
On the new sub-division the road
from the Blue Water High,way to
the lake has been cut through and
graded and is now being gravelled.
Some cars have driven over it al
Mr. Melvin Hamilton, and Mr. W.
Desjardine are spending a week
with friends in London.
Senior Room
The- death took place on Monday
January 18tli, at the home of her
neice, Mrs. Thos. Kenney, of Mrs.
Mary Gillis, widow of the late David
Gillis, her age being 77 yedrs, 5
months and 8 days. ’The funeral
wag held on Wednesday, January 20
from the home of her neice. Inter
ment was made in the Exeter ceme
■Master Michael McGee met with a
very painful accident
fell fracturing a bone in his
Michael will bo laid up for
Miss 'M. McKniglit spent the
end with friends in Appin.
Mr. and Mrs.
tained a few of their friends
card party on Friday evening.
last Friday
While getting oft a buggy he
Wm. Btade -enter-
to - a
The Annual Women’s Institute
supper was given Wednesday even
in the Township Hall. The gentle
men were invited and there was a
splendid crowd. Immediately after
the supper a number of games and
contests were the pastime amuse
ments. Much credit is due the la
dies for such a splendid supper and
enjoyable evening.
Mr. J. K. Sims, of Exeter, spent a
couple of days last week with his
brother and sister-in-law Mr. and
Mrs. Joab Sims.
•Mr, A. Shank, of Toronto, is visit
ing his sister and brother-in-lax,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carruthers.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Cochrane, of Kip
pen, and Miss Varna Linden, of Den-
field and Mr. and Mrs. W« J. Horney
of Exeter, spent Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Motz.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz
two children, of Exeter, spent
day with Mr. and Mrs. IL Motz,
A dance was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Merner on Friday
light last, a good time was enjoyed
by all till the wee hours of the morn*,
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Schroeder, of Sharon, spent last
weak with their grandparents Mr,
and Mrs. John Schroeder.
tlieThe Whalen Y. P. S. visited
Centralia Society on Tuesday night,
January 26th with 46 members pres
ent from Whalen, 'ine opening ex
ercises were in charge of Mr. Will
Skelton, the president at Centralia
after which the meeting was turned
over to Whalen. Miss Marzetta Sad
ler brought greetings from Whalen
then called on Mrs. Hilton Ogden,
our social leader to take charge of
the meeting.. The following program
was given and very much enjoyed
Scripture lessen by . Miss Edna
Squire; piano solo by Velma Squire;
monologue by Dorothy Hazelwood,
“Thanksgiving Reminders”; duett
by Miss Bessie Morley and Victor
Denholm; mouth-organ selections by
Stanley Whiteford and Mervin John
son; recitation by Mary Morley; so
lo by Victor Denholm, “Wee Hoose
•Mang the Heather”; reading by Ruth
Morley, “When the Deacon Talked
in Church”; duet by Violet Elliott
and Mervin Johnson, “The Squirrel”
recitation by Mrs. Mervin Johnson,
“■When I Was Single”; solo by Mrs.
Frank Squire, “The Old Fashioned
Meeting.” Mrs. Will Brooks and
Miss Bessie Morley were accompan
ists for the evening. The games
were in charge of Violet Elliott, R.'
Morley and Harvey French. A very
delicious lunch was served by Cen
tralia young people and with singing
of the Natonal Anthem brought
very enoyable evening to a close,
Turnbull’s on Sun-
W. Tourney, of De
week-end at Mr. and
Mr, sol, pollock spent a few days
with his son Gordon in Detroit last
■Mr. Alex Hamilton, who has been
in Cleveland for a couple of weeks
returned home Saturday.
■Mr. Roy Holt and family visited
at Mr. Gordon
day in parkbill.
Mr. and Mrs.
troit, spent the
Mrs. Arthur Baker’s.
Miss Mabel Turnbull, of London,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Andrew Turnbull over Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Rd. Taylor, of Gills*
elhurst, spent a few Jays with Mrs.
Taylor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Los. Ireland and Mr. Stewart
Webb, who underwent operations
for the removal of their appendix in
St. Joseph’s Hospital, Londonz camo
home last week and are both able to
drive around, having regained their
health very rapidly,
Form V—Edith Love 85; Faye
Hamilton 82; Mae Patterson 79; El-
va Turnbull 79; Norah Webb 63;
Sherwood Dewey 60.
)St. IV—Bruce Ireland 83; Car
man Lovie 73; Irene Ravelie 71;
Phyllis Gill 68; Stanley Gill 64;
Pearl wanner 63; Ward. Pfaff 57;.
Melvin Peariso 49; Iva Baker 43.
'Jr. IV—Eileen 84; Helen W'alper
75; Joyce Pfaff 67; Percy Atkinson. .
64; Orville Mollard 39.
Sr. Ill—Iva Lovie 77; Dorene' ~
Atchison 61*; Willis Gill 61; Ever- -
ett Desjardine 53; Jack Holt 50.
Jr. Ill—Ella Mousseau 74; Freda
Lovie 71; Charles Atchison 65; Dick
Hamilton 62; Alan Walper 62; Al
Station 61; Joyce Ross 56; Don-
Turnbull 53; Burton Greene
Lome Wanner 41; Doris Baker
L- I. Atchison, teacher.
Junior Room
Total Marks 400-
—Emerson Disjardine 37 6;’
Graham Mason
Lois Wanner 3 65;
35 6; Carman Ireland 3 51; Carleton
Manore 346; Maurice Tiedermana
283. '
1st Class—Shirley Manore
Alvin Wanner 323; Eloise Gill
Winnifred Tiederman 243.
Primer—Ollice Disjardine
Harold Nichols 373; Helen Gill
Mona Ravelie 35 8;
343; Fred S/tatton
Brenner 275;
3 GO;1
Leslie Gratton
340; Shirley;
Henry Tiederman
253.; Gilbert Statton 218.
E. M. Taylor, Teacher I
Lowest Prices in History Will ClcaUj
Ont Factory for New 1932 Products?
a number*
are being1
the new.
New Ford automobiles are now,
being sold at the lowest price ini
their history. This is an announce
ment made by sandy Elliot, one of,
the few firms dealing jii the Ford
product in this part of the province
who was able to obtain
of the 1931 models, which
cleared to make way for
products of this company.
Because of the fact that only a
limited number of models are avail
able, production having been stop-
ped, selected dealers in various ter
ritories were presented with the op- *
portunity of disposing of these cars*
Because the new Eord products will
be announced within a short time,
it was decided to make the clear
ance as speedy as possible and to do
so by establishing a new low price
While delivery may be made at
once on some models, on others
wthln the course of a week or so*
People who give this announcement’
any thought should decide quickly.
A day’s delay may mean the loss of
an unusually attractive propostlora
A few used cars are also obtainable
at interesting prices and these may
be seen by anyone who cares to visit
the Ford Garage. . j