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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-02-04, Page 4
MMniK mmnr i. im THE EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE POULTRY! THE POULTRY MARKET IN GENERAL IS NOT GOOP BUT WE HAVE A MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF PRESSED POULTRY UNOW ” BRING US YOUR POUL TRY WHILE WE HAVE THE DEMAND. THERE IS NO INDICATION OF HIGHER PRICES AND WE MAY NOT HAVE A MARKET LATER IN THE SEASON. WE BUY FOR CASH OR WILL PAY A PREMIUM IF TRADED IN THE STORE. JONES & M A Y BIRTHS MeOLYSlONT—At Varna, on Janu ary 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred MeClyinont a son. JOHNS—-In Ihsborne, on Monday. February 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johns a son, M?CABE~—In Centralia on Saturday, January 30th to Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe, a son, LAMONT—In Hibbert on Wednes day, January 27th to Mr, and Mrs. Mae Lamont a daughter. PFAFF—At Woodham on Wednes day, January 27th, to Mr. and M'rs. Henry Pfaff a sou. OLD TIME DANCE Thurs., Feb. 4th MUSIC BY 4-PIECE ORCHESTRA Dancing from 9 pan. until 1.30 a.m. Admission; Gents 25c, MARRIAGES MURRAY—HAY—In St. Johns Un ited Church, Halifax, on Tuesday, January 26th. dost daughter George Hay, John Harold of Mr. and Mr Meadowville, Nova No Lunch Hazel Eleanor, el- of Mr. and Mrs. of Exeter, to Mr. Murray, eldest son 's. J. W, Murray, of Scotia. Leavitt’s Theatre JBEUa—ROBINS—‘At the home of the bride’s jmrents in Brucefield, Cece of to Mr Ki: M: AV in Dorothy, second daughter r. and Mrs. Richard- Robins. iUianx James Forsyth, son of and Mrs. Andrew Hell, of ■n, by Rev. W. A. Breiuner. THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY February 4th, 5th and 6th “FIVE STAR FINAL” with Edward G. Robinson. A news paper story more thrilling than “Front Page?’ DEATHS SANDERS—In Exeter on Tuesday. February 2nd. Elisa Weir, widow of the late George Sanders, in her . S2nd year. Funeral, private, from the residence off R. N- Creech on Friday. February Sth at 2 o’clock p.nn ' MONDAY, TUESDAY, AVEDNESDAY February Sth, Pth ami 10th “UP FOR MURDER” with IfEW AYRES, Star of “AU Quiet on the Western Front” USUAL COMEDY STREET UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the names Street United. Church was held in the church parlors on Thursday evening of last week with the pastor Rev. D. MeTavlsh in the chair, Mr, George Williams was appointed secretary for the evening. Reports were received from the various departments. The report of the Session was given by the pastor; from the Board of Ste wards by Miss Grace Creech; tho Sunday School by J. H. Jones; W, M. S. by Mrs. Down; Mission Circle by Grace Creech; Mission Band by Mrs. Batson; Young People’s Society by Miss Celia Christie; Women’s As sociation by Mrs. Goulding. A mo tion was passed that the reports be received and adopted. The pastor reporting for the Session stated that 1? baptisms had been administered and 5 marriages solemnized during 1931, The year had been marked by many deaths and 31 names are to be found in the “In Memoriam*’ of the financial statement; 38 new mem bers were [received during the year; 27 on profession of faith and 11 by letter; removals by death and by letter almost equalled this amount leaving the total membership at 681 or 2 more than reported a year ago. During the year a new communion set had been purchased and the Sac rament is now administered in the seats. This has met with the gener al approval of the congregation and reports show added attendance at this means of grace. The Stewards reported having rais ed §5195.56 and after installing a new furnace in the parsonage had ended the year with a small balance in the treasury. The entire debt on the church property with the exception of §1300 on the build ing fund has been wiped out. The Missionary & Maintenance fund, de spite the economic difficulties was well sustained and §3136.00 has been sent forward to the Church treasury an increase of §3.00 over last year. The Sunday School rais ed §849.25, §305.00 of this going to the M. & hl. Fund The W. M. S. raised §460.30; the Milling Work er’s Mission Circle raised §3j27.S0; Baby Band §7.IS; bales valued at over §300 were packed. The Y. P. Society raised §266.49; of this §140. being for the M. &. M. fund; the Women’s Association raised §701.00 and paid off the balance outstand ing on the decorating of the auditor ium and added new tumlture to the The total was erous manner in which their home was always thrown open to all that came within its gates. Another num ber of interest was a duett by the grandchildren. In the evening some hundred other friends called to greet them and re joice with them on this great event and wish them every joy and' happL ness in the years to come, Once again a musical program was put on by talent from London, Gran’' ton, Thorndale, Zion, etc. and many impromptu speeches were enjoyed. The guests were called in groups to the dining-room and seated at small tables which were decorated with golden flowers and candles. Tea was poured by Mrs. Geo. Earl and Milton Brock; who were relieved by Mrs. J. Johns and Mrs, y?. J. Brock who in turn were relieved by Mrs. J, Routly and Mrs. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs, Brock were the re cipients of several gorgeous bou quets of flowers as well, as many beautiful and useful gifts. With the singing of “Auld Lang Syne" the crowd dispersed promising to be back for the diamond celebration. ANNUAL MEETING OF HURON WEATHER MUTUAL COMPANY raised by the approximately Ker.D. McTavish, CARD OP THANKS 8 Mbs Ruble Creech desires to ex* I' press her appreciation to these who? kindly remembered her during? her re'ent illness in Victoria Hes-C yiUL ___r At last you can obtain the right |{kind of Chicks at the right price. USBGRVE AND HIBBERT Ml TUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HAVE j| Come and let us explain how you | can get your chicks for less than 5c. | each as many of our customers did past year. Even as prices are to-day you can make poultry pay SUCUE-SSFUL YEAR i The < sub-rue & Expert Mutual j I':.re insurance Company held their 0annual meeting in the public ■ is _ hall.' Farquhar, on Monday. Fehru- j HATCH THE SQUARE DEAL M.-AA ary 3st. There was a good attend- •• ’ ~ jnee end n keen interest was shown F SqUaRE DEAL HATCHERY in sac proceedings. Tho prosntent.s Mr. F. McConnell, eceupied the; Dashwood, Ont. ehaim The directors were able ;©!!»>,. CA r? ->cyrosert a very splendid ropers as‘FhoPe so Hox ab, the C;:nyany is in a healthy and;......... . -------------- yrosr-'rous condkten. The amount ; Of rVk is and the 1 EVENING IMsl assets ©f the company uroF At the close of toe| The members end efffteers of the year r?>*> number of p^Metes in tera-to Yctnig People’s Guild of Caven was ?' “2. Cash ©n hand and to»Churoh were pleasantly entertained tank anronut to- §12.739.21. BemisJut Carmel Church. Hensall cn Man* debentures and ether sro*wk'hs held|day evening, ihy tl'.r <a:n^any S51.&S3.V1?. Pro- ’infer.; nrtes in two wer dedu.’tiag all gaymeuts and assessments levied ■§2$2.a-12,Tae loss.'s paid dur ing the year 1^31 were pattieulsrly' Lsavy rotol'feg $-24,Ye7.2&. but when seme vf the heavy fesses sustained ■ oamyanies is taken into company fared j All elnints huve-j settled. The- ro- Mes.ws. Bamnel parsonage, congregation §11,000. The pastor, who is now on his sixth year and who has served this congregation faithfully and who has won a warm place in the hearts cf the people, has accepted a call to the Port Hope United Church. During his pastorate the basement has been remodelled; a new heating system installed and the church auditorium redecorated. The Pulpit Supply committee report ed that efforts are being made to se cure a successor but that nothing definite had been decided upon. The election of officers resulted as fol lows: Session for tnree years: Dr. Rottlstcn. Thos. Harvey, Geo. Will iams. Jos. May and J. S. Grant; Board of Stewards, Claris© Snell; F. A. May. F. J. Delbridge, R. Skin ner and Earl Whiting. GOLDEN WEDDTNG ANNIVERSARY Prices Reduced to all. Closed with singing Save the King." A splendid WM was served. A contest was thought out while at lunch anct a social thn# spent. The February meeting will b< held at the home of Mr. and Mrg< Frank Down. Roll Can “Hupioroug Happenings.” I $200.°° On Some Models Four dor Sedan latest style body now $750.00, Delievered in Exeter with license Other models all reduced Now!!! BUY A NEW CAR AT USED CAR PRICES Sandy Elliot Ford Dealer Phone 64 IT ; erusi ;h? ratten, this ■except te rally well, fees distoctnrily tlrtog dhetoers >’m.'n y<-.w and Angus Sin- elusr wwre ve<tected.. Messrs. Gt> Itert Rtncmi ami Wiliam Johns were eltets? as aud:icr& Mr. F. Me*, totoush. was re-etec-ted proshtont:! Mr. Angus gtSutoair.. vtee-pres’dent. and Mn W. A. Turnbulk SJecrotory-] TTrosur; The meeting egoued [with a hymn feltowed by prayer. The Exeter Yeung People provided the program which consisted ef roe ! pleasant croordian soles by Mr. John Dalrymple after which Miss Hamil ton. rendered a pleasing sol?. Thom as Campbell gave a recitation: two- [dialogues were ably put! ; train to Marrow?’ by Nera McInnis. ■ Wallace .Seldon and Alex Strang and ■"Getting Ready far a Visit?’ by ! Misses Train. and Strang and N»r* i man StanTake. This was feltawed by ■a delightful guitar due* by Misses' 'Frafe- and McInnis; Miss I*. Ceases j played a splendid instrumental. The! remainder ct the evening was spent j in contests and games toltowed by I a dainty lunch by the Yeung People off Hensnlh Investment Brokers —■Dealers in — GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS INVESTMENT TRUSTS INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES Ue ve^orhraend Bas purchase dr Continental G.as. Corporation OffGodench, West Street Toronto* 33-43 Adelaide Streel The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Huron Weather Insurance Mutual Company was held in the Town Hall, Hensail, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. There was a splendid attendance and the com pany was able to present one of the best reports in years. The president, Mr. Fotheringham, occupied the chair. The number of policies is sued during the past year was 1005 and the number in force at the close of the year as 3129. The amount of insurance written was §1,863,050 and the. net amount in force at the end of the year was. §5,802,225.00. The losses during the year amount ed to §2,361.68, The heaviest loss es were for two barn roofs both in McKillop Tp. One was for §350,00 and the other for company closed the largest balance they several years. The of the company The retiring directors, Geo. Penhale George McKee and Andrew Chris tie were re-elected anci Henry Strang and John Campbell were re-elected auditors. The sec’y-treasurer, of the company is Mr. Chas. Monteith, of Usborne. §479.68. The year with the nave shown in total resources are §216,425.56. WINCHELSEA ofMessrs. Herb and Roy Schenk, Crediton, visited with Mr. aud Mrs. Geo, Davis recently, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooler were in London on Friday. Mr. Emmerson Gunnings, of Kirk ton, spent Sunday at the home of Mi", and Mrs. M'm. Clarke, where Mi'S. Gunning continues very poorly. Mra. M. Routly and family visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott one day last week. Mrs. George Delbridge is spending a few days in St Marys with Mr. and Mr. Gordon Delbridge. Mr. S. Whaley, st. Marys, is visiting this week with his daughter Mrs. R. W. Batten. Miss Gladys Skinner, of Elimville spent Saturday girls. Mr. and Mr. Elimville. called Davis on Monday. ELIMVILLE Mrs. Raveney and children went to London the end of last week where they will reside in future. Little Shirley Coultis had her ton sils removed at Dr. Fletcher’s Hos pital, Exeter, last Thursday. iShe is making good recovery. Mr. A. Penwarden had a very suc cessful sale of his household ef fects last Thursday afternoon. Very good prices were realized for most of the articles, ■Mr, and Mrs. John Herdman, Squire and Amos Herdman, Mr and Mrs. Win. Bradshaw visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann on Thursday of last week. Mission Circle Meeting The Live Oak Mission Circle mem bers to the number of fourteen met at the home of Miss Lavona Cooper for their January meeting. Miss Cooper also had charge and opened with hymn “Stand Up, Stand Up, for Jesus,” after which all repeated the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Jas. Kirkland read the Scripture lesson; Miss Marjorie Delbridge gave the Devotional Leaflet “The matter of fact Man”; A leaflet entitled “Rules for Daily Life” was read by Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw; “See how great a flame aspires” was next sung and the roll called. The minutes were read and approved. Three mem bers responded to the Watchtower. The hymn “Tell Me the Old, Old Story” was then sung. The study, “Better Health” was given by Misses Thelma Jaques, Miss Margaret Johns and Mary Herdman. The meet ing closed with a hymn and the Miz pah benediction. with the Pooley Jas. Kirkland, of on Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. ITm. Brock, ef Gran ton. celebrated the fiftieth anniver sary of their weddtog nt the home ■off their son. Warren Brock on Tues-' day. January fiSth. At noon seme .sixty guests gathered to rejoice with . them on this their day and to extend Jhesr congratulations and best wishes for a long continued life of wed-1 A'ed bliss. Promptly at one ©’deck I ' the guests were called t© the diniug-| room whito was prettily decorated ini a crlorful scheme of gold and white. | They were then served t© a sumptu ous dinner ny four girl friends, the Misses Hanoi and Myrtle Earl. Min* evva Brock and Mrs. T. Dickinson. The table was centred with the. Bride’s Cake with its touches of geld on; “The I which, was later passed on. plates which belonged to toe bride’s grand-, mother long ago. 'Whon they ©11 had partaken of the good things they: 'then retired to the living-room where a short program was enjoyed ‘-The f Earl Trio” furnssbing the mnsie. Many impromptu speeches were gh- ;en in wbieta many glowing rompli-. meats were paid toe happy-couple,: Rev. Mr. Ltoyd spoke of the $?Mlege! it was to have the ©pportunity. of irelohing with toe.se wh© rejoiced' on an occasion such as this. Mn H. i( Strang. Clerk off the Township, spoke the tong, splendid hones* service >1 ©f Mr. Brock t© the Township in toe years as tax-coltoctor. Mn. Es-: |sery. Mr. MMtonnell and Mr. Sinclair; ■. spake ©n feebalf cf toe UsWae & . j Hibbert Fire insurance company and ! | eeiKessea th© gratonde and apgro*: cat ton of the Company to the c©ur- nge and steadfastness with whtoh Mr. ;) sMiiuk bad senght to admanrster jus- Mrs. G. HURONDALE W. I. blanshard TKLEPHONJS | SYSTEM IN GOOD SHAPE [ The annual meeting of the suib* scribers of the Blanshard Municipal Telephone System was held at Kirk* ton, Wednesday of last week with 4 large attendance. The annual TOi port showed that the prosperity ofl former years had been maintainedj during 1931. There are 1,649 tele* phones in use, showing a gain otj three for the year. The second^ trunk line from Kirkton to St Mary^ and various lines run to improv0 service by decreasing the load onj party lines. The wire mileage wai| increased iby 60 miles during th# year. I The financial statement presented! by the secretary-treasurer, S. Adam* son, showed that the sytem was in? sound financial condition with §14,* 446 in cash and government secure ities on hand on December 31 last* Rates had been reduced during thsf yeai* to §14 for rural service t'o sub* scribers and §15,50 for renters. TM rates for the Sebringville exchange are unchanged. Owing to the pur* chase of property at Sebringville t<| be used as a telephone central and! to the extra expenditure occasioned by the recent ice storm, the commts* sioners were authorized to extend assistance to the Gehnngville ex* chaiige out of the cash surplus of thtf system. 4 The former commissioners, Dr, C< A. Campbell, Sidney Adamson and Wm. Ratcliffe were re-elected.1 REPORT S. S. NO. S, USBORNE The following is the report of St S. No. 3, Usborne, for ihe months o| December and January. Sr. IV—Beth Ballantyne 79.6; Mr Gardiner 63.6; Ross Francis »8.4;l Clifford Scott 53: Jessie Heywood 50. ■ | Jr. IV—Will Ballantyne 66. Sr. Ill—-Gordon Drinkwatei' 67.7g Dorothy McCurdy 65.7; Verna -Scotg 65.4; Verna Brock 5 6.6; Ray Clark# 55. t Jr, III—’^Sydney King 67.2; Wil< bur Greenlee 65.1; norland Squir# 60.1; ’^Bessie Heywood 55; Jacjj Duncan 54. Sr. II—Madalene GilfiRan 77; iq Simpson 66.6; Shirley Duncan 66.2;] Kepneth Duncan 65.6; ^Robbie Mor Curdy 60.3; Raymond McCurdy 58-2$ Class I—Roxie Doupe S5; Wilm^ Gilfillan 82; Glen Ballantyne 76.6^ Loren© Copeand 65,3; Mer, Wrighdg 51. 1 Pr.—Ronald Fletcher Lois Simp* son, Leone Duncan, Lloyd Smith), Charlie Harris, Those marked (*) were absent fosj one or more examinations. Number on roll 32; average at* tendance 29, Laura I. Johnston, teachefThe Annual Community nigh t of the Huron dale W. I. was held Wed nesday evening, January 27th in the basement of the Thames Road Church. The evening was ideal and a large crowd was tnere. there be ing about one hundred and twenty- five present. As we are a rural branch, of the Women’s In., we have no place to accommodate a crowd of this size in the winter and we are very grateful indeed to the Board of Management of the Thames Road Church in consenting to let us use the basement of their church, where every convenience is at our disposal. The President in the chair, the meet ing opened with singing and prayer. There was a short business meeting in which the Secretary read three letters; the first one was from a fourteen yc-ar old girl in Saskatch ewan, who had received a dress made by Miss N. Keddy in a bale that our Institute had sent andj thanking her so much ror it and) telling of the great need for warnii ig. Another letter of thanks j AUCTION SALE — of -— FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS t The undersigned has received in* structions to sell by public auction on Lot 4, Con, ;1S, McGillivrary, om , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY .11, 1933 at one o’clock sharp the following:] HORSES—Bay mare 13 years old;] grey mar© 12 years old; bay mare. 12 years old; gray horse 11 yearf- old; bay horse 11 years driver 6 years old. 2 brood sows due in hens. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. ft.; Bissel disc; bean scufffler; set harrows. mower. M. H. mower, land roller. 2 walking plows, Quebec sulky plow, harrow, cart, wagon^ sleighs, cutter, buggy, fanning mil^ road cart, wagon gear, extension ladder, 3 barrels, chicken crates, 2* inch plank, light wagon, cloveij buncher, buggy pole, inch lumbern I wagon tongue, sap pans and buckets* log bunks, chain, set britchen har-t ness. back band harness, single bar* ness, bridle. 50 rods of wire fence* water pipe, Quebec heater, range* hogshoot, doers and storm windows* whiff-eirees, neckyokes, forks, hay; rack, pump pipe, rope ami pnlteyg and other articles. » TERMS I §16.00 and under cash; fou£ months* credit on furnishing approv ed joint notes with five per cent* offf for cash, .CARMAN SMITHERS, Proprietor I FRANK TAYLOR, Atietloncer FRANK COATES, Cierk [ DIED AT WINCHELSEA Following an illness of weeks the death occurred home of her son. Herman Fester, at Winchelsea last week-, off Mrs. Agnes 'Jane Fester, widow c.ff ihe late John T. Foster, former well-known farm er cf Blanshard Township. Mrs. ■ Foster had been ailing for the past Yew years but up until the first of December had been able to g© about her household duties as usual. How ever. as she became gradually weak er and. thus was unable to carry ©n she went to stay at the home off her son at Winehelsea wltere she subs©-. ^neatly passed away.. Deceased was ? elothin; ___( a daughter off the late James Gunn-H1'^® a school teacher in Northern! ing and was ls©rn cn the old home-s Ontario for bale ef warm clothing1 stead on the Tenth Concession ©iM received and would be grateful for Blanshard sixty-nine years ago."more 5f we bad mor© we could spare where she resided until her marriage a interesting letter from. Dr. to John T. Fester also af Blanshard | Strang, of Dixonville, some ferty-tw© years ago when tue.Gask.. telling of her work, the people young eauple trek up a farm ®f their j; her palace (as she calls her home) own on the South Boundary ©f Disc-'! p^ke (her faithful horse) and other shard. Here they continued to live:! interesting things, A couple of until after Mr. Foster s death three ? snaps was with the letter, one of her years aga when Mrs. Fester moved * home and one of Duke. TVe are very to Grant©u where she had erected a’jPtoud t© he able to say that Dr. fine new residence. During her life-j,®rang was born and. raised in Hur- t'me the deceased had been an and she has the best, wishes sup^erter ©ff first the every member ©J the Hurondale and latterly the. United erngregsth^**«L and we trust she will be the ®2 Granton and for years she had n Inurnment to God’s hand in saving been a -rattunble member ef the lives, both body and soul. The dies' Aid. and Mf^lonary Fselety. j pmgram followed. A connnunity She leaves a® m©nm her 'less a ffam-j/ssng was sang. Kenneth Johns gave Sy ©f four sans. nanteSy: mushal nusnbers ©n the ©n the Tenth Line; Herman, and harmonica, Mr. Roy ' Jchelsea and Percy of st. ffdasys. Fiwr^cnldasg en she saxaphone, John! brothers and two sisters ale© surviveon the nceordian and| as feltows: Jlehett am Fred Gunn- |C’aren;e Down sang sctempanving tog. St. Marys; The-aasnnd Frank Jhlmself w the guitar. All of these . I nntohers were much enjoyed as was ; !J also o ‘’'Kitohen Orchestra** off ahnut dozen insirmneats "wnrrh caused a deal of laughter. Rev. Anthony ;j*.nstor ©ff the chuteh gave a thought- ' fai addsess ©a "‘The present, ernda- 1 t'on ©f she Times?’ Mr. >cd Mrs. 1 Whn Etbettogto.u an^ stonin Cud- ' f tnnre were eharaeders ra- an utntjs.Sag - * dtotosa*. Mrs. A CudstoM and -Mrs. ' A, Ftohdto moved > vc‘e of thanks several at the old; grejj April; T§ I hinder, $ » Sfee- and fair gitoy to all that totneU-toe IGth Line. Bfensbard; GeargeJ numbers were much enjoyed: ss was. I to tench with the Cotopihy. They : token presented Mr. and Mrs. Break 'Ivrlto a baudssme silver ten sesyfee- ■after ■wbirb the grrom replied fa a storable mannen. Mr. Amos Deupe |sy©ke ef the wbtot-btorted manner' | to wbtoh X5n Srcik tad given cf bir, [time and adfttoe to toe AgrtenKtiroJ sStoiety ed K'rktto. >j®any ©torrs STcle ef toe sjtifet digniiy yet gen-' Man.; Mas. Jtoa Mndra aud Mss. Altoed Btoik, ©?■ Ztoa. Tke funeral tosk Tauto-. day afftotoC-to. a skeat serva:© betogi he'd aS she Lorn© ©f her ssa to Wto*{ eaelse-r, after wkfah to© raraatovj were taken to the Gffitofto ttoaied Cbavto where IW«. <*. Llcyd rerto-f- ed 8h? ssrvtoa tttsh toSetotoii to toe TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be reeived by the Trustees of the Police Village .of [Grand. Bend up to March 1st. 1932fl nt 12 o’clock noon, for th© construe* 'Hon off pavement in the pollen vR* lag© off Grand. Bend, extending feet mere or ieSS westerly from th# end eg th© present, pavement about W R. front the corner off lot 1. Con» Lake Road West, township off St.e* Phen, erninty off Huron, at a prle# or sum per lenial foot. The lowest’ w any tender act necessarily accept ed, Speeifications nmy be seen at Brenner’s Garage, Grand Rend. M Erehuer, Secretary-Treasnrer, potie* YRlage, Grand Bend.