HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-01-28, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FOR SALE — 12 Anchor Holt Cream Separators taken in on deals at from $1 to $20. AU sizes. 7 other makes to choose from at your own price. Bargains in all kinds of used im­ plements. International Harvester Co. Ltd, EXETER. ONTARIO Exeter Markets Wheat 55c. Barley* standard 35c. Oats 25 c. Bran 90 c, Shorts 90c, Low Grade Flour $1,10 Model Flour $2,50 Welcome Flour $2,30 Manitoba Flour $2.7:5 Creamery Butter 26 c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, New Ontario Bonds 15 YEARS Si/«% 1/2 YEARLY Issue over-subscribed but our advance order enables us to sup­ ply a limited quantity. We recommend conversion of 1933 and 1934 Victory Bond for these. Gladman & Stanbury Exeter and Hensail LOST— $6.00 between H. C. Rivers Butcher Shop and Telephone Office. Finder please return to Ray iGuenther, Exeter. Butter. 17 and 18c, extras 15 c. firsts lie. seconds Sc. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A, Minuter Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist ID a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.im—"The parabios of Jesus’* (2) "Man or coward.?” 7 p.m.— The Disciples of Jesus (2) "James the Less” Jia. ] locals Mr, Wm. Beiber, of Hay, reports seeing a robin last week, Mr. V. L. ROUlston, of Stratford spent Sunday at his home in town. Mr. Reg. Beavers, of Bridgeburg spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Wm. Yule of London, REV- Wt G. BROWN Moderator of the General Assembly Will address a special meeting on FRIDAY, JANUARY SPth, 1B33 at s o'clock p.m. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED I FOR SALE—Piafio, new, very lit­ tle used, bargain for cash, £5. Yell- audj Exeter. l-2S-3tp. FOR SALE—5 dozen sap and, spiles also large pan and 'Apply Times-Advocate. cans, boiler ltp. WANTED TO BORROW $2000.00, Best security, highest Jrate of interest. Apply 280M, Exeter l-28-2tc. EUCHRE AND CROKINOLE 'The Tennis Club will hold another Euchre and Crokinole Party in the Town Hall, Friday evening, Febru­ ary Sth. Everyone invited. Prizes given. Lunch served. Admission 25c. NOTICE There will be an annual meeting jot officers, members and all others interested in the Huron Game and ■Bird protection Association on Fri­ day, January 29th at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall, Exeter. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Baby"Now booking orders for Chicks. All blood-tested this year. W. Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Black Minorca® and W. Wyandottes. Ask for prices. Pioneer Poultry Feeds, Royal Concentrate, Cod Liver Oyster .Shell and Poultry Grit, falfa Meal, Etc." Oil, Al- TENDERS WANTED The Thames Road United Church asks for tenders on 6 double cord of beach and maple body wood. Sealed tenders to be in the hands of the ............ is vis­ iting with her mother and other friends. Mr, T .S. Neale, of Hamilton, vis­ ited in Exeter and Brucefield over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs, G. G. Wilson, of Staffa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Stewart. Mrs. E 0. Harness and daughter Barbara, spent the week-end, visit­ ing with relatives in Clinton. Mr. Ted Taman, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Forest, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe are. vis­ iting in Flint, Mich,, with their daughter, Mrs. W. Edmunds. Mrs. J. S- Mcllraith and son Nor­ man, of Durham, are vjsiting at the home Of Mrs. Janet Hamilton. Messrs. W. J. Beer ano, E. Russell are spending a couple of days in De­ troit attending the motor show, Miss Olive Wood, R.N., of Toron­ to, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, of Usborne. -Miss Patsy Russell, daughter of Mrs. Rose Russell, had her tonsils removed at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital last week and is doing fine. Miss Florence Stewart returned to London Monday after spending a week earing for her sister, Miss Irene, who has been Indisposed. Messrs. J.* A. Traquair A. O. El­ liott, T. O. Southcott and: Jas. Bow- ey, were in Detroit, the fore-part of the week attending the motor show. Mr. and Mrs. James Downie, of Saskatoon, Sask,, are visiting in this community and are looking after the estate of the late Mrs. Downie. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grant, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with their parents in Exeter and were accom­ panied to London by ’ Walters on a visit. Mr. Russell Cornish, accompanied by friends and others from Detroit visited' his grandarents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cor­ nish, of Andrew Street. 'Mrs. Brbgan, of Windsor, who has been spending the past few weeks with her mother, Mrs. John Harness has returned to her home. The lat­ ter has been somewhat indisposed. Mrs. Wm. Walker, of Exeter North, has been very i'll at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Stewart, of London. Her many friends will be glad to knbw that she is improving. , Mr. W. A. Patrick, Miss Edith of London, from there of Toronto, JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rey. p. McTavish, Pastor W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—"Not by bread alone.” 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—"The Fight for Peace” Congregational meeting Thursday evening of this week. Annual Re­ ports, ejection of officers, social half hour. All members and adherents urged to be present, MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader , a.m,—"Democracy in the Pres­ ence of the Cross,” 3—(Our Church School. 7 p.m.—'Meditation and Prayer as requested by the Church for the great Disarmament Conference, 7.30 Thursday—Meeting for Prayer. iTlie Men’s Union wll meet Wed­ nesday, February 3rd. We want our men to keep this date in mind. 11 SPECIAL S. S. SERVICE Special services under the auspic­ es of Main Street United Sunday School, Sunday, February 7, 193,2. iMr. Beecher parkhouse, of Fer­ gus, will preach at 11 a.m. and at 7 p.m.' The morning subject will be on "Sunday School Work.” Evening subject, "Tails that wag the dog." Special music finished by the school assisted by the orchestra. secretary not latei* than the first! visited in Exeter oyer the week-end m . .. _ , . * cf n hr* Am YUJvnArl 4 A Ctf: 'Ph AIM —day of February, 1932. Fred Dawson, Sec’y. R. R. No. 1, Hensaill-21-2tc TENDERS WANTED The Thames Road United Church asks for tenders on 6 double cord of 24 inch beach and maple body wood. Sealed tenders to be in the hands of the secretary notjater than the first day of February, 1932. Fred Dawson, Sec’y. R. R. N. 1, Hensalll-12-2tc NOTICE All fur work and dressmaking, half price, work guaranteed. Apply Mrs. Norman Hockey, Main Street. PIANO FOR SALE—In good con­ dition, Terms, cash. Apply box 292 l-21-2tc. FOR RENT—-100 acres, first class land, situate in the Township of Usborne, 10 acres Of fall wheat, all Fall plowing done.—For further particulars apply to CARLING & Morley, Exeter. to St. Thom- Miss Dorothy and was accompanied as on Monday by Snell, who has been visiting at her home here. ‘The seed department of Jones & May has been a very busy spot for several weeks. Two shifts have been running night and day clean­ ing the seed. Several large ship­ ments have beeen mane. ’ * Fear is being expressed that there will not be sufficient cold weather and that there will be an ice fam­ ine next summer. Ice harvest how­ ever usually takes place in Febru­ ary and around the first of March. The members of the Trivitt Mem­ orial A.Y.P.A. will visit the A.Y.P. A. at Clinton to-night (Wednesday) where the A. Y. P. A. -of Goderich are being entertained at the same time. The Exeter Young People will provide part of the program, Rev. ,E. L. Vivian attended the reception at Huron College in honor of the Bishop designate Dr. Seager and also officially attended the in­ stallation and enthronement of the Lord Blishop in st. Paul’s Cathedral. Mr. Dan Dew as Lay Delegate re- presnted the congregation. -- ORDERS -- — For New — PROVINCE OF ONTARIO IS YEAR 5% PER CENT. LOAN Denominations of $500.00 and $1,000.00 Pride $06.00 and Interest from February 1st 1932, Yielding 5.90 per cent —- received by —* CARLING & MORLEY EXETER, ONTARIO I ft J?4 ISf ft ft Broken Macaroni 5 lbs. for 25c. Cooking Onions 10 lbs. for 25c. I 1 Maple Leaf Peas 3 for 21c. Tasty old cheese........... Sardines .......................... Fried Kippered Herring Tomatoes, large can............. 2 for 17c. Granulated Sugar.................... 10 lbs. 54c. Broken Sodas, fresh each week 2 lbs. 17c. ft High Class Gents’ Furnishings at Prior to Stock-Taking Agent for Jacksons, Cleaners and Dyers DR. J. HARRY BROWNING Physician and Surgeon M.D., C.M., Toronto L. R. C. P. and S., Edinburgh L. F. P. and S., Glasgow, Etc. Post Graduate New York -Specialty, maternity; diseases: nerves, stomach, skin, urinary and Sexual troubles. All modalities in electro physio therapy, ultra violet, &c. Modern hospital accommoda­ tions. 4-1-32 W. R. GOULDING A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction In Plano Vocal Organ Theor? Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 192 EXETER. ONT 3 Lengths of Print , Pattern '« 75c This week we offer three lengths of print, enough in each piece to make an apron, and a good apron pattern, These prints are all fast colors and good patterns. The three lengths and the apron pattern for 75c. < Colored Broadcloths Rose, Blue, Sand, White Orchid, Maize, Green, Navy and Black, A better cloth at lower price. o SPECIAL AT PER YARD 20c. Pillow Cottons At the lowest price they have been in years. Good weight and fine weave, 40 and 42 inches AT PER YARD 30 AND 35c. Unbleached Sheeting 72 inches wide. A good weight cloth that will giye wonderful wear and will Blench' nicely. Special for this month AT PER YARD 45c. Bleached Sheetings A beautiful bleached sheeting 72 inches wide, good weight and fine weave. Special only this month AT PER YARD 59c. Large Size 12-4 Flannellette Blankets 50 pairs of Large Size 12-4 Flannellette Blankets in grey or white with pink or blue borders. Better get your supply at this low price. Per pair $1.98 New Chintz for Comforters In a range of new patterns and color* ings. Splendid for comforters and cush­ ions AT PER YARD 25c. Bats for Comforters We carry a full range of Bats for quilts and comforters in different sizes and qual­ ities 35c. TO 98c. Peter Pan Prints Owing to high rate of exchange, if we had to buy these new they would have to sell for 6Oc. We are clearing what we have for PER YARD 35c. Room Lots Wall Paper We are clearing out all room-lots of Wallpapers at very low prices. Each bundle has enough paper and border to paper a. room 98c.; $1.29; $1.49 -- GROCERY SPECIALS -- For Thursday, Friday and Saturday . 22c. a lb. 5 for 25c. 23c. a tin TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul . Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Scxagesima. Sunday . a.m.—'Morning Prayer & Litany Preacher—The Rector p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class { p.m.—.Special A. Y. P. A. Service Order of Evening Prayer and Ser­ mons. Preacher—The Rev. &. E. McKeg- nay, M.A., of St. Mathews Church, London, Ontario. 11 3 7 ERNEST ELLIOT INVESTMENTS, “ INSURANCE Office—Alain Street, Exeter, Ontario Mr. Harper C. Rivers, who recent­ ly underwent an operation at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, was sufficiently recovered as to leave the hospital1 on Friday last and. is at present re­ cuperating at his home. In the absence of the pastor Rev. J. W. Down conducted the service in James -Street United church on Sun­ day morning last and* in the evening the service was conducted .by Rev. Jas. Anthony, of Thames Road. Mr. McTaVish was at Wallace,burg con*’ ducting the funeral of the late Mrs. Morse. ' regular meeting of the Street Young people’s Society The James was held on Monday evening with the vice-president, Mr. Gerald Ford in charge. Dr. Weekes in his cap­ able manner gave the topic on "Re­ ligions of China.” This topic prov­ ed exceptionally interesting and ed­ ucational as Dr. Weekes made refer­ ence to several personal incidents he had with the Chinese in Vancouver. The program consisted of a solo by Miss Helen Penhale, reading by Ray .Tory and a couple of numbers by Garnet Hicks, who played the mouthbrgan and guitar. Two Theatre Tickets to be given away each week. ■The winners for this week Were W. 0. Rivers and Harry Beaver, The draw was made by S. Reed, If ybu have dandruff or dry hair, let us treat your scalp witli Marrow's Oil it leaves your hair soft and free froth dandruff. HARNESS’ BARBER shot "The Home of Quality Work" Mr. Chas. Aicheson, of Forest, and Miss Phyllis Grey, of London-, visit­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson on Sunday. W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. « FEBRUARY HARDWARE SALE --- AT B. W. F. BEAVERS’ --- A Few of the Outstanding Bargains in this Gigantic Sale For the Kitchen 2 doz. Tin. Pot Covers 7 c. ea. Scrub Mops ....... 3-7c. ea. Bread Boxes ...... 69c. to $1.19 Sampson Stainless Kitchen Tools half price Hand-made Galvanized Bails 29c, Pyrex Ware regular $1.25 now 98c, Hawes Lemon Oil ............19c. Hawes Floor Wax .......... 35c. Electric Light Bullbs 6 for $1.29 Rogers lacquer quarter pints 29c. , Rogers lacquer hafa pints 53c. Rogers lacquer pints ...... 98c. a few discontinued lines of paint half price. 7 lbs, mixed nails .............25c. pound mixed screws .... 25c.1 Boil faced hammers ....39c. Hand saws . $1.50 Disston x cut saws .....< $5.19 Oil Stones ............ .... 356. Lantern Glasses ..... Sc. liOok Those Over Come down and see for yourselves these amazing values. An Unusual Opportunity to Save Money! Come early! Effident-EconOmkai B> W. F. BEAVERS PLUMBING HARDWARE Phone 86 for Prompt DeliveryInstallation & Service NOTE Effectives XtmiiotWatoly LOWER PRICES Oil FiiUiacd A Tinsriiitliliig Work