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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-01-28, Page 7
I THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE T 'j'llVIbjlHL MNVARK Wq W CHICKEN THIEVES; The farm of Mr William Char ters, on the Mill Road, Tuctfeersmith was yisited by chicken thieves when a pumiber of young roosters were being fattened for market stolen. ZURICH that were HISTORY OF WARDENSHIP IN HURON COUNTY The history of the wardenship of Huron county is interesting, The re- cords shsw that Dr William punlop was the first warden and served inj that capacity for seven years, 141-47) Dr. William Chal-k, of Tuclrersniith held the office for a similiar period 1847-53, John Strachan, bf Goderich had only one yeai’ in the*-office and JBLUowing him John. Holmes, of God- rWHch t-awnsliip served for four years 1855-58, Robert Gibbons, afterwards Sheriff of Huron, was warden for thirteen years, liis term extending ixnbrockenly from 1859 to 1871, It was during the Gibbons term that Huron which had been united with Bruce county and at still earlier per iod with Perth county, was separate ed henceforth pursuing its municipal history alone. Arch. Bishop of Us borne was warden for two, years, 18- 72-73 and William Young, of Col- borne for a similiar period, 1874- 75. Since 1875 the wardens( have had only a single year in office. V 25 YEARS AGO Mr. John Scott, who recently pur chased the Bobier Creamery here, was elected 3rd. Vice-President of the Western Ontario- Dairyman’s Association at London, last week. Mr. John Muir and son W. W. arrived home from Scotland* on Fri day last. W. W. has returned to his duties in the bank at London, he having been transferred to that place. Mls's Chidley’s resignation took effeict on Friday and she left fox’ her home in Clinton where she will teach. The South Huron Agricultural Society has elected Thomas Fraser, Stanley, president; Thomas Russell, Exeter, 1st Vice-Pres,; James Pat terson, Tuckersmith, 2nd Vice-Pres. Directors, John Murdock, Stanley; Henry Smith, Hay; W. D. Sanders, Stephen; E. Christie and Wm. Dix on, Exeter; A. G. Smillie and Robt. _ Adapters, Tuckersmith; Peter Mc- and Wm. Berry, Bruc-efield. "iMi'S. Norman Lloyd left Monday for Bowmanville, where she will join her husband, who preceded her a few weeks ago to accept a posi tion in that town as engineer. Messrs. H. Willert and J. Keller- of Stephen, Mr; Joseph Haw- of Usborne and Mr. A. Q. B'o- o.f town were in Goderich this on official duty in connection their respective offices as re- *Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Masse and daughter Hazel of the 14tli con. are in Windsor with their daughter is quite ill, Messrs, Holly Welland and old Julylum, both of Detroit, Sunday visitors at.the home of Mr, and Mrs, Theo. McAdams, Mr, Earl Yungblut, who has been ^visiting in Detroit lias returned to his home. Mr. and. Mrs. Hilton Truemner, Mr. Conrad and Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Truemnei* motored to London one day last week io visit Mrs. Gaiser, of shipka, who is ill in the- .in that city, - Mr, Fred Papineau has Detroit. A- Durham cow owned Jos. Rau way small calf, ured only standing 18 inches high and weigh ing only 21 pounds, It is being raised on a bottle taking a cup of milk every two- hours. Mrs. Paul Bedard, -of the 14th Concession, while coming down the stairs in some way injured her ankle to the extent that she will be laid up for some- time. Mr. and Mrs. Fredi Haiberer, Miss Freda I-Iaberer, Mr. Victor Deichert and Mrs. E. Daters attended the funeral of the late Mr. George Bau er at Tavistock recently. At a meeting of the Police Trustee Board, Mr. J. Geiger was selected as inspecting trustee for 1932. The officials were all reappointed, Mrs. Eliza Truemner is not joying very good health and is der the doctor’s care. Mr. L. Eidt has resumed gave who Har- were hospital left for by Mrs. of the Blue Water High- birth to. an. unusually The little fellow nieas- 24 inches in length and SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY TO HOW SEED SHOW AND SURING FAIR • AT HENSALL The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Commerical Hotel> Hensail, with a fair representation of mem bers present. The auditors’ report presented to the meeting, showed the .Society was carrying a substantial balance into the new year. The Society will hold their annual Seed Show on Friday, February the 26tli, and the annual Spring Fair on Tuesday, April 12th. Officers were elected as follows: President, Dr. A. R, vice-president, Owen vice-president, W. R cretary-treasurer, K. Directors, William Consitt, Sanders, R. M. Peck,. W. G. Bell, James Ballantyne, Robert McLaren, H. C. Soldan, George Armstrong, L. Manson, Wm, Decker, L. R. Coles, L. Mickle, Alex Buchanan, T. Slier- ritt, Campbell; 1st Geiger; Dougall •I. 2nd se- McLean; W, D. M. Clark. week) holidaying friend, at Miss of St, Marys, her old en un- his duties as teller at the local branch after a few weeks’ holidays. WHALEN (Intended last Miss Elva Morley is W inglut m with her Currie-, Miss Irene Harness, is spending a few days with grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Shipley, wh-o is not enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire and family spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Frank C-oates of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Currie, of Wingham, are spending a few days with theix* daughter Mrs. Hilton Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brock, of Zion, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, New Issue J I man, kins1, bier, week with presentatives in the County Council. Mr. Geo. Mantle has purchased the house on Senior Street at pres ent occupied by Dr. Malloy and has sold his London Road property to Mr. Chas. Hackney, who has sold his property on Senior Street back to Mr. Thos. Handford. The Gun Club’s new officers are: President, Frank Triebner; Vice- President, J. C. Snell; Secretary- Treasurer, W. Johns, Chairman; R. N. Taylor; Field Captain, S. Fit ton. 15 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, who have been residing at Lawson, Sask., for the past two years, arrived here on Tuesday evening to visit with friends. The firemen were called out about 9 o’clock Thursday morning last to an incipient blaze at the home of Mr. I. Armstrong, Huron Street. Reeve Beavers, of Exeter; Reeve Brock, of U&borne; Reeve Elliott and Deputy-Reeve Yearley, of Ste phen, are in Goderich attending the Co'unty Council this week. A pleasant gathering took place at th# home of Mr. Arthur Kerslake of Usiborne, when about twenty of his friends and neighbors as a sur prise party come to welcome his bride and- at the same time present them with a beautiful mantle clock. The’ following officers were elect ed for the ensuing yeai’ in the Exe ter Agricultural-Society; president, E. Christie;-1st Vice-President, John Delbridge; 2nd Vice-President, W. D. Sanders; Directors, John Allison. B. Williams, Geo. Penhale, T. Hun kin, R. D. Hunter, A. E. Doupe, W. R. Elliott, Jas. Jeckell, Wm. An drew, Jas. Beer, Auditor. R. G. Seldon was elected secretary and W. D. Clark, Treasurer. The retiring officers of .Kirkton Agricultural Society Were all re elected as follows: President, A. Bretliour; 1st Vice-President, John Kelland; 2nd Vice-President, John Cole; Directors, Arthur Francis, W. Brook, < Huntley . phons, Robt. .1. Robinson, ter; Auditor: M. Driver; Doupe. Mrs, Elizabeth Floyd died at het • home in-the village at the age of ninety-seven years. Miss Ruby Treble, who- Tas been at her home here nursing a broken arm for the past six weeks, return ed Saturday moimin^ to resume her position as stenographer In Toronto* j. Cheery, R. N. Shier, Sam. , Win. Atkinson, Jas, Ste- Berry, A. Berryhill, W. James Moore, IL Rayn-- Win. Ratcliffe and A.. Secretary-Treasurer, A. Geo. Squire. Mr. Geo. Arksey spent Saturday in St. Marys with his mother, who is quite ill, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Squire, of Thames Road, spent Wednesday ev ening with their aunt, Mrs, Alice Gunning. Mrs, Frank Parkinson is at Woodham helping to care for her father Mr, Jas, Swallow, Mr, Swal low has not been well for some time, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Squire spent Wednesday in London, Mrs. Geo. Parkinson spent Thurs day with their daughter Mrs. H. Foster at Winchelsea. Mrs. Geo, Squire is spending a few days with her friend Mrs. Hu bert Hunter, of Usborne. At th© inaugural meeting of Tuckersmith Township Council Kennedy was appointed meuilber of the Borel of Health; Edwin Chesney and Hugh McMillan, Auditors; J. Murray, Assessor and School At tendance officer; Robt. Dalrymple, Road Superintendent. the R. MOVING TO CLINTON Mr. Si. s, McVey, who for the past year has conducted a barbering business and bowling alley in Sea forth, lias purchased tlje barbering business of Mr. J, G, Medd, of Clin ton, and has taken possession. Mr. McVey has sold his business to Mr. John Pullman. ACCEPTS CITY CHURCH Rev. Heber Dickinson, a well- known St. Marys boy has received a worthy distinction having been of fered the pastorate of the American Presbyterian Church, of 1 Montreal, one of the largest United Churches $25,000,000 in the city and he has Accepted the invitation. Following his graduation from Victoria University, his first charge was at hloose|aw, Sask., Two years ago he received an ap pointment as a Home Missionary in the pioneer district of Northern Quebec a year latex’ he became as sociate pastor of the church in Montreal and following the death of Rev. Dr, Munro a few months ago he has now received this distinction of succeeding Dr. Munro, U charge of the affair objeete4 R* the presence of the youths and tried to make them leave. This caused the alleged hattie. Three of the accused are from Alisa Craig and four from Exeter. yputlis conduct London youths EIGHT SUMMONED AS RESULT OF FIGHT AT iMOORESVILLLE DANCE A fight Tuesday evening of last week between members of the com mittee and sevexx district will result in a disorderly trial in county police court, oxi Thursday. The seven have beexi charged and are being summoned to court. -County Constable Fred Alfred was notified about midnight that a free-for-all fight was being -staged at the dance. When he arrived things were quiet, but charges were laid, Officials say the committee COMMUNITY SOCIAL Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Dorman of 7th concession, McGillivray, lent their home one evening for the first social evening of the Community Club of that section, tended meeting held recently, was club and of a place th© borrowed one, and also engage a singing instructor. Ways and means were discussed as how to raise funds fox* this purpose, and last evening a progressive crokin- ole party was held. There was a very large gathering, about 20 tab les in play. The winners were, Mrs, T, Hindmarsh and Ed. Hughes. A supper was served. An entertain ment is being held in the school on February 2nd and will be put on by the pupils and ex-pupils as well as plays by the ^embers of the section At a welbat- it decided to form a community of the 7th concession residents to co-operate in the installing new piano in the school to re of Five Children Nervous and Tired at Night Mrs. Isaac Shanks, Snow Road, Ont., writes:-— “I am the mother of five children and have a lot of work to do. My heart would get very weak, and X was very nervous and tired out at night. I alwayt keep Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills on hand and find by taking them occasionally they make me rest comfortably and sleep well at night, and make me feel like a new person. Really, these Pills have no equal,” Sold by all drug and general stores, or mailed direct Price 50c a box Toronto,POnt. P * * 4 ’rovince of Ontario 5’/2% and 6% Debentures (Noil-callable) $ 5,000,000 6% Issue, dated February 1, 1932 $20,000,000. 5^% Issue, dated February 1, 1932 Due February 1, 1935 Due February 1, 1947 Principal and half-yearly interest (February land August 1) payable in lawful money of Canada, at the office of the Provincial Treasurer in the City of Toronto, or in the Cities of Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Halifax of Saint John, N.B., at the holder's option. Debentures of the 1935 maturity will be payable at the principal office of The Bank of Nova Scotia in each of the above-mentioned cities and will be issued in the denomination of $1,000; and Debentures of the 1947 maturity will be payable at the principal office of The Bank of Montreal in the above-mentioned cities and will be issued in denom inations of $1,000 and $500. Provision will be made for registration as to principal. ■ Legal Opinion: E. G. Long, K.C., Toronto. These Debentures are direct obligations of the Province of Ontario, and are payable, principal and interest, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Province. The proceeds of this issue will be applied in the funding of temporary borrowings for Hydro-Electric Power development and transmission, highways construction and other purposes. The Province of Ontario is the wealthiest and most populous Province in the Dominion of Canada. Abundance of water powers, excellent railroad and highway transportation facilities and a plentiful supply of raw materials have fostered ,a steady expansion both industrially and commercially. Ontario leads in mineral production, and in the volume of manufactured products; it ranks first in value of field crops and second in the value of forest products. . We offer these Debentures, if, as and when issued and accepted by us, and subject to approval of Counsel. It is expected that Debentures in Interim form will be ready for delivery about February 1,1932. T»j>TCF- I ^or D»e 1935 Maturity 100 and accrued interest, to yield 6.00%. *■ t For the 1947 Maturity 96 and accrued interest, to yield 5.90%. Bank of Montreal The Bank of Nova Scotia The Canadian Bank of Commerce The Royal Bank of Canada Imperial Bank of Canada The Bank of Toronto The Dominion Bank A. E. Ames & Co. Limited Dominion Securities Corporation, Limited Fry, Mills, Spence & Co. Limited Royal Securities Corporation Limited The National City Company Limited F. W. Kerr & Co* Wood, Gundy & Company, Limited McLeod, Young, Weir & Co. Limited Bell, Gouinlock & Co. Limited R* A. Daly & Co. Limited Harris, Forbes & Company Limited Matthews & Company Drury & Co W. C. Pit field & Company C. H. Burgess & Co. Limited W. L. McKinnon & Co. Hanson Bros. Incorporated Cochran, Murray & Co. Limited Gairdner & Company, Limited Midland Securities Corporation Limited Aird, MacLeod & Company W. C. Hughson and Sons, Limited Griffis, Fairclough & NorsworthyLimited Milner, Ross Securities Corporation Greene & Robertson Mactae & Company IL R. Bain & Company, Ltd D.cJ. McDougald & Co. IL C. Monk & Company J. L. Goad & Co. Limited MacLaren, Flelchet & Company Nesbitt, Thomson & Company, Limited Dyment, Anderson & Company Flemming, Denton & Co. J. L. Graham & Company W. A. Mackenzie & Co. Limited Stewart, Scully Company Limited K. F. MacLaren and Company Limited Brousc, Mitchell & Company Skaitli & Co* Limited January 23, 1432. The it*fertients herein hwe beefi accepted by us as accurate but are in nd event to be construed as representations by ua •SOW.■Mmm