HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-01-28, Page 5DR. J. A- McTAGGART, L.D.S, HENSALL, ONT. telephone 100 Wta Street HENSALL Post Office Bos rents at the Hen­ sall Post Office are due and payable in this month and those in arrears kindly settle. Subscriptions foi* all Daily and Weekly Newspapers received and solicited. 0, J, Sutherland, Postmaster* Mr, and Mrs, A. W- E. Hemphill spent Saturday with friends' in Ron­ don. Miss Grace Spent Sunday parents here. Forrest, of Seaforth, at the home of her Miss Alice Higgins HgKiome after spending ’’^n Kitchener. has returned several weeks Mrs, Bertram North, of visited last week with town., Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and mends in the pleased to meet absence of near­ noted very many at Mr. and Woodstock, relatives in Mr. and children, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with relatives here.. Mrs. M. Muller, of Detroit, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Misses Mary Hemphill and Kath- eryhe Drysdale spent the week-end wth Miss Laura Belle Wright, of near Brucefield. Owing to the death of the late Henry Dougall the Youth’s Welfare of the Carmel Presbyterian church postponed their meeting which was to be held on Monday evening when the Young People of the Caven Presbyternian church, Exeter were to be entertained. The many friends of Mrs. Robt. Higgins will be sorry to hear she was taken to the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth on Tuesday ev­ ening of last week where an oper­ ation for appendicitis was perform­ ed and at date of writing she is now doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sheffer very pleasantly celebrate^ their 56 th wedding anniversary Monday ev­ ening when a number of their friends gathered at their home and a very enjoyable evening was spent Mr. and Mrs. Sheffer are both hail and hearty and their many friends wish them many more years of wed­ ded happiness. Edward Caldwell, of New Jersey, visited recently with his- mother, Mrs. W. J. Caldwell, sister, Mrs. •^^.lice Joynt and brother, Robert and "fJ^Rh relatives and district. All were him again after an ly thirty years. He changes as to residents in the vil­ lage and Community. The Young People of the United church ..held their, regular meeting on Monday evening. Messrs. Clar­ ence Smillie and Jack Corbett hav­ ing. charge of the program which was on citizenship. After the devo­ tional exercises a reading was given by‘Miss Ethel Murdock followed by piano instrumental by Miss Greta Lammie, after which readings were given by Miss Mattie Ellis and Mr. Claude Blowes. The topic on “An Ideal Life,”. was given by Rev. A. Sinclair after which the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Men's Sunday was observed in the United church on Sunday last when a choir of 24 male voices lead in the singing. In the morning a quartette was given by Messrs. T. Sherritt, J. Passmore, W. O. Goodwin and Dr. Smillie and in the evening a solo by Mr. T. Sherritt. Rev. A. Sinclair delivered excellent sermons and took for his evening subject “Man­ hood Dethroned” Following are the special evening subjects for the fol­ lowing dates: January! 24th, “A Woman’s1 No”; February 7th, Wo­ men's, Day Subject, “A Woman’s "Intention”; February 14th “Beauty and the Beast”; February 21, ~ a Woman’s Sake”; February “Strength Profound”; March “Killed in His Sleep”; Mar,ch “Is Modesty Extinct ?*’; March 20, “My Tongue”; March 27th, Easter " Sunday with Communion at 11 a.m. Rev. Arthur Sinclair Minister. “For 28 th 6 th 13 th The Death of Henry Dougall The death occurred at his late home on the London Road, South of Hensail, on Friday afternoon last of Mr. Henry Dougall, in his 79th year.. A number -of- years- ago, while at­ tending a shooting match on his own farm he was shot by -a bullet in th© leg and has b««n crippled ev- er since. A few wfeeks ago he slipp- ,ed and fell suffering severe injur­ ies' which no doubt caused his death He was born on the farm where he died and was a very successful farmer; he and his sons owning quite a few hundred acres of land, Ho was of Scotch parentage, a pres,- hyterfah in religion and a Liberal in Politics. Besides his aged widow lie loaves to mourn his lose two daughters, Mrs. Orville Taylor, of Zurich, and Miss Jean at home and five sons, Andrew, of Usborne, John of Ingersoll and Samuel, Thomas Malcolm at home, The funeral was held on Monday afternoon with in- torment in the Hensall Union Com-, etcry. St.. RauFs Vestry Mooting The vestry meeting of st. Paul’s. Anglican church was held on Mon­ day evening of last week, Rev. M. B. Parker was chairman and A, L. Caso vestry clerk. The Warden’s report was road, showing a balance in the bank with all debts paid for the year 1931, AU organizations of th© church showed balances, The War­ dens elected for 1932 were: G, C. petty, minister's warden; i-l Aldrich people warden; A. L, Case, vestry clerk; Mrs. S, L, Pepper secretary­ treasurer; William Fee and Louis Clark, sidesmen; G« C» Petty, dele* gate to Synod; J, B’. Simpson, sub­ stitute delegate; Miss Margaret Drummond, organist; Miss Emma Johnston and Mrs. Erold Drummond auditors; select vestry, S. L. Peppier W, Fee, L. Clarke, Dr. Collyer, A. L. Case, G, C. Petty and H. Aldrich. ELIMVILLE W. >L 5. Meeting The W- »M, S. met for the first meeting of the year on January 20, at the home of Mrs. Alvin Pym, Seventeen members were present. Mrs, Chas. Godbolt was in charge and opened the meeting by singing hymn 288, after which all joined in repeating the Watchword. The Scrip­ ture lesson which was from Romans 10: 1-8 verses was read by Mrs. H. Delibridge. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and Roll Call was responded to by a new resolution. The Devotional Leaflet was read by Mrs. Ed. Johns, then short prayers were offered by sever- al ladies, Other leaflets were read by Mrs. J. Prance and Mrs. W. Johns Mrs. (Rev.) White gave a very in­ teresting reading entitled, “Mine and William’s Thankoffering.” Re­ ports of the different secretaries were given on their work in the past year then Mrs. C. Godbolt gave a splendid reading, “Have you known it all the time and nevex* told us?” A few items; of business were dis­ cussed. The closing hymn was •sung and Mrs. Fred Delibridge clos­ ed the meeting with benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, of Lon­ don, were visitors in the community last Sunday. Rev. White showed some very in­ teresting lantern slides of China on Sunday night at the evening service. Quite a large number were present. The congregation had a wood bee at Mr. John Cann’s on Tuesday af­ ternoon. Trees were purchased from him and volunteers cut them up and will also draw it to the church. This is being done in an effort to reduce the costs of operation and make a little go a longer way.. Mr. and Mrs. Hord, of London, were week-end visiters with Rev. and Mrs. L. C. White. Mrs. R. Stephen, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Johns. Mr. Hy. Johns is not very well at present. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen. L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, In Zurich, last three days of week. Mrs. E. Nadiger and Helen spent the week-end with friends in St. Clements. Messrs. Wm. .Schumacher and Ja­ cob Schumacher of pgeon, Mich, are visiting relatives in this vincinity. Miss G. Cornell, of New Hamburg, and Eugene, Tieman, ol’ L'ond'cn, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra. Tieman. Mr. Peter Schroeder, of Monkton, is visiting in this vicinity. Mrs. Pt’ile and daughter Pearl, of Zurich, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender. Mr. Stanley Smith, of Stratford, is spending the week with his family. WHALEN Mrs. Johnson, of London, is spend­ ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Miss Lila Pym, of Thames Road, is holidaying with Mrs. Geo; Squire- Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Skinner of Elimville, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster. Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson and fam­ ily spent Sunday with Ml’. and Mrs. George Millson. .Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, Farquhar. Mr. Thos. Gunning and Mr. D. Johnson spent Tuesday in London With Mr. and Mrs. Ashton. Mrs. Arnold-Hern, c.f Woodham, spent Wednesday with Mrs. H. Squire. Whalen Y. 1». 8. The Y. P. S., of Whalen, held their meeting in the church on Thursday evening with Harold Haz-. elwood, vice president in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn 85 and prayer by Mr. Will Hodgson. Stanley Whiteford, missionary con­ venor, had charge of program, The Scripture lesson, Luke 10, 25:37 i was read by Edna Squire* A miss­ ionary reading ‘"When the morning light is breaking in Korea,” was giv­ en by Ernie Watson. Merviir John­ son gave two. selections on mouth organ afccompanied by Mfs- Ogden. An accordian solo by Victor Den­ holm was much enjoyed by all. An interesting exercise the “Bag of Wishes” by seven, girls, Ruth Mor­ ley, Mary Morley, Gladys Squire, Ruth Hodgson, Merle Squire, Velma Squire and Joan Morley. Benedic­ tion by Mrs, A. Gunnng closed the meeting, THE EXETER CRED1TON Miss Clara Qestrieher, of Wind* sor, is visiting with her parents,- 'Mr. and Mrs. Qestricher. Misa Dorothy Mallett and Mr. G, Hynd, of London, spent Sunday at the Central Hotel. Mr. and Mrs, clarence Eilber and Joan, of Detroit, visited with the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. C? Eilber, Mr, Israel Gaiser returned home on (Saturday from a visit to Kitchen­ er. Mr. Russell Eilber, of Detroit, is visiting at his home here, The. Y. P. S. of the United church will meet on Friday evening in the basement of the churcA. Miss L, Manson, of Hensall, spent the week-end with Miss Bernice Eil­ ber. II. C. Beaver, Deputy-Reeve is at­ tending the County Council in God­ erich this week, Mr. Henry Eilber was in Zurich on Monday attending the annual meeting of Tbe Hay Township Mut­ ual Fire Insurance Company. Last Wednesday evening the’ Brinsley United Church had an Oys­ ter Supper which was enjoyed by all. This was followed by an ex­ cellent concert put on by the follow­ ing artists. The “Banj-o- Boys”, Mr. Francis Abbott, reader; Miss Beryl Hill, soloist; Mr. Gordon Morlock, soloist and Mr. Emmery Falrrner, cornet soloist, with Mrs. Emmery Fahrner as accompanist. The au­ dience enjoyed every number of this splendid concert and it will be long5 remembered by all who were pres­ ent. The Anuual Women's Institute Supper was given Monday evening in the Institute Hall. The gentle­ men were invited and fifty-five people were present. Piano duetts were rendered by Mrs. E. Fahner and Clara Morlock while the sup­ per arrangements were made. Im­ mediately after the supper ‘Mr. M. Telfer led in community singing ac­ companied by Mr. H. K. Eilber. A number of games and contests were the pastime amusements under the direction of Addileen Gaiser and Alma Smith. Mrs. Jack Wein was convenor of the supper committee. A vote of thanks was tendered the W. I. for affording this excellent evening.- CREDITON EAST Miss Eva Sturgeon, of Bayfield, is visiting her grand; parents, Mr. and Mrs Sam. Merner. Mt Frederick Rawlings, of Ailsa Craig, is visiting his- cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr. and Mi's. Henry Motz and .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz. Mt. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and son Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner and two children spent Fri­ day with relatives in Bayfield. Mrs. H. Motz and Mrs-. Eli Lawsoil speut Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroeder. Mrs. John Baird, of Grand Bend, who has been visiting with her daughter Mrs. Sam. Sims for some time left Friday for Thedford to visit with her brother and wife of that place. Mr. Dan. Truemner spent Monday with relatives in Zurich. MT. CARMEL Miss Kate Carey is visiting friends in Goderich. Mrs. Gus. Morrissey was called to the home of her sister, Mrs. Gar­ field Steeper, of" Corbett, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Flaherty, of London, called on friends here last week. Mr. James Hall and sister Miss Tresia, of Detroit, sent the week-end at their home here. Miss' Catherine Walker returned home last week after a pleasant visit with friends at Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin and family attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mrs. Coughlin’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Murray, of Belmont, Westminister Township last week. Mrs. Martha McPhee who has been ill, we are pleased to state is able to be around again. Lowest Prices Ever — FOR. — Reliable Custom Hatching Our last weeks announcement hag brought in many orders. Is yours one of Jthem? Or can you still afford to risk) th© uncertainty of using a small incubator for the slight con­ sideration of 2c. per egg, • Even with a small order we can persuade you that the Square Deal Way is th© most economical way to secure your Baby Chicks. SQUARE DEAL HATCHERY Dashwood, Ont. EARL GAISER, Proprietor Phone 80 Box 36 mm* I ™ RED & WHITE store I TIMES-ADVOCATE nl KELLOGG’S ALL BRAN Pure Cane Sugar SPECIAL—NEW CHEESE—THIS WEEK ONLY , ., 10 pounds for 54c. ....,.,,, per Jb* 14c. Tomato Juice | R. & W. I 3 tins for 25c. | Sauer Kraut Aylmer 2 1-2 lb. tins each 10c. | > Pcfjamnt Butter I Gold Medal | per lb. 16c. MAPLE LEAF PEAS .. Red pitted 1 Plum Jam 1 40 oz. jar 17c. | Icing Sugar 2 lbs. for 15c. | Corn Syrup I 5 pound pail | 33c. FANCY PINK SALMON (CASCADE) ........................... lb. tins, 2 for 23c, Ready Cut Macaroni 1 2 lbs. foi* 13c. | Schneider’s Pure Lard 1 pound carton’s 2 lbs. for 23c, I Fresh Broken Sodas | 2 lbs. for 17c. EXETER, ONT We Deliver per pkg. 19c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” sss Creme-O Granules............. per lb. 16c.Fresh Dates ....................... . 4 lbs. for 25c Palm Tree Soap................... 5 cakes 17c.Fresh Chocolates Bars . ..............7 for 25cSNuggett Shoe Polish . . ...............2 for 23c.Jumbo Salted Peanuts per lb. 15c m i n Kolona Coffee...................... per lb. 29c.Large Grape Fruit......................4 for 25c. CENTRALIA FARMERS, NOTICE! You can get anything at the Old Reliable Chopping Mill which has served you foi* the past 10 years that you can get elsewhere with Quality Service. Satisfaction thrown 'in. The mill that serves you when others fail. F. Huxtable, Mgr. Wm. Smith, Prop. Mr. and Mrs-. Hubert Neil, of St. Thomas-, are visiting with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Neil. Mr. Lome Hicks is visiting with friends in Windsor. Mr. Charles McQuillan spent the week-end at his home in Lucknow. ■Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Jean spent the week-end with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Durham in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. John Essery attend- -ed the golden wedding anniversary ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brock held at the home of their son, Mr. Warren Brock, in Zion, on Tuesday of this week. On Frday afternoon of last week Mrs. Godbolt’s group of the Wo­ men’s Assocation held a quilting at the home o£ Mrs. Cecil Skinner. The hostess served tea to the ladies and their husbands. On Tuesday of this week the same group held a quilting at the home of Mrs. John Sleamon and were entertained to a dainty lunch. Mr.. Harvey Godbolt was in Tor­ onto recently on business. On Friday evening of this week Mrs. Thomas Boyce's group of the Women’s Association will hold a supper in the basement of the church. Supper will be served from 6 p.m. to S p.m. followed by' a so­ cial evening of contents and games. Admisison 25c. and 15c. Please keep this date in mind. Mr. Harold Fisher, who has been in the employ of the .Shamrock Creamery for the past couple of years has accepted a siiniliar posi­ tion with the Wellington Produce Co. in Harriston. CHISELHURST Mrs. John Oke and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Har­ ris on Wednesday evening last. The ladies of the Chiselhurst church held a quilthlg bee in the basement of the church on Tuesday The quilt is being sent to the West. iMany of the young people of Chiselhurst attended the dance in Cromarty Community Hall on Fri­ day evening last. The regular services of the Chis­ elhurst United Church on Sunday were attended by a -large crowd. HARPLEY -Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hayter, of Detroit, spent the Week-end with his mother, Mrs. Austin Hayter, Mrs, Wm. Love visited a couple of days last week with -her father, Mr. Ed. Gill, who has just returned from the hospital much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mills, who have* been living with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hickey, have moved to their new home in Granton. Practice ahd a social evening whs held by the Grac© Church choir at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mellin on Thursday evening last. A very en­ joyable time was- spent. Mr. aiid Mrs. Les. Hutchinson and Jack spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayter. Mrs. J. J, Carruthers 'Sr. Is spend­ ing a, few days with Mrs. Garfield Steeper, who is very ill. KHIVA Mr. and. Mrs Fred Rabethge, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson, of Kippen, spent Friday with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Neeb. A number from here attended the party last Tuesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. A. Tilley. Miss Bernice Neeb is spending a few weeks with friends at Mount Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and family visited with the former’s ■brother Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mason of Greenway last Tuesday. SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will be held on Wednesday, February 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Thos. Keys. Miss Lorraine Baker is at present visiting her grandmother Mrs. S. Prance at Greenway. JVe- are sorry to report that Mrs. L. Sclrceder is again confined to her home through illness. § The Y. P. S. held their regular meeting in the church on Tuesday evening. A paper was given by Miss Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold. of London, visited over the week-end at the home o£ Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ratz. Several from here attended the Insurance Meeting in Zurich on Monday. Mt. Wm. Sweitzer attended County Council meeting in Goderich this week. Little Misses Margaret and Donna Webb, of Grand Bend, who have spent severel weeks with their aunt, Mrs. A. Fin-kbeiner, returned home on Sunday. •Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman and Mr. Harold Kellerman attended the funeral of Mr. Kellerman’s sister on Sunday. Miss Minerva Vincent visited Miss Blanche Morenz, of Grand Bend, on Sunday. Mr. Clinton Adams who has been confined to his home tlircugn illness is slowly improving. Mr. Albert Smith from Crediton called on friends last Saturday. GREENWAY Next Sunday Rev. S. J. Mathers M. A. will preach on Uie subject of Disarmament. ■Mr. C. H. Curts has been on the sick list. Mis Gertrude Shaddock has re­ turned from a visit w*sn friends in Stratford. • Mr. W. J. Brown is suffering from a severe heart attack. Mrs, Eva Morrison, or Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Eggart, who1 is ill. Mrs. J. H. McGregor is recover­ ing from the flu. The Y. P. S. of the United church is to b© congratulated on the very successful Ham S-upper last week. The program by local talent was en­ joyed and then Mrs. Mathers gave a very entertaining travel talk car­ rying hef attentive hearers with her through every part of the journey and through many humorous exper­ iences. Miss Enm Goodhand and Mrs. L. Brophey are superintendents of a Mission Circle that organized last week with the following officers: Fres., Ojlive English; Vice-Fres., V. Steeper; Recording Secretary, Mary McGregor; cor. (Secretary, Ellon Hicks; Treasurer, Norma Steeper; Organist, Evelyn Curts; Temperam, Secretary, Pearl Brophoy; Heralds for Watch Tower; Ada Shank, Vera Esaac, Evelyn Harlton, Verda Wood­ burn. At the annual congregation meet­ ing held in the United church on Monday evening the following of­ ficers were apointed for 1932: Elders, S. W. Webb, Robert English, John Dunn, Ed. Mason, J, Lovie, H, Belling, David Sheppard, W. J. Brown; Stewards, Fred Sharp, Ar­ thur Curtis, J. W. Jones, Frank Steeper, Herb Harlton, I. C. Good­ hand, A. Gollen, Thos. Isaac, Fred Steeper, Lawrence Pollock, W. Hicks, Jos. Eagleson; Secretary Roy Hutchinson; Treasurer, S. W. Webb Trustees, L. Ridley, R. Hutchinson, Albert Pollock, W. Eagleson, Frank Steeper; Plate Collectors, Fred Sharp, Leslie Hutchinson, C. Wood­ burn, Russell Pollock; Ushers, Jas. Prance, Lloyd Bropliey, Dean. Brown. Ivan Sharp; Auditors, Fred. Sharpe, Leslie Hutchinson. KIRKTON Lome Marshall and Harry Grea- son have returned home from Toron­ to where they were taking a short course. Mr. J. J. Connelly, of Toronto,, is visiting with Mr. Wm. Wiseman. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe and. Roxie motored to St. Marys on Sun­ day to visit Mrs. Doupe’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Cluff and two boys visited with friends on the Thames Road on Sunday. •Mrs. Mathew Routley was the guest of Mrs. George Mills on Sun­ day. Our horseshoe club played the re­ turn game with Fullarton on Thurs­ day night, winning by 21 points. We are sorry to know that the Blanshard Council has seen fit toi move its account to St. Marys. The •bank here has always given good! service and needs all the business it can get, in order to be able to" stay here. As it is the only bank in the Township it should have some consideration. By moving the ac­ count the council has given the vil­ lage a black eye. CLANDEBOYE oThe death occurred at his resi­ dence Clandeboye, of Andrew Er­ skine Paton, in his 81st year. He was born on the eighth concession of McGillvray Township, at Lieury, Ont., being the eldest son of the late John and Mary Paton. Deceased had! been in failing health for the past two years, but was able to be up and; around until the day before he died* He leaves his widow, Catherine Connor; five sons and three daugh­ ters, John of Alhambra, Alta.; Wm.»! L., of Lieury, Ont..; James and Earl A. , of Clandeboye; Enoch W., ofi Cleveland; Mrs. Albert Carley, og Cleveland; Mrs. Robert Crellin, ofi London qnd Mrs. Water G. Fierson^ of Detroit. Two sisters, Mrs. Jos« B. Young, of Parkhill ahd Mrs. WhL Ross, also of Parkhill, also* survive; Interment was made in St. James’1 Cemetery, Clandeboye, services be« ing conducted by Rev. J. J. Brown',- United Church and the Loyal OfdngQ Lodge No. 493, Biddulph, of which' lie was a lifelong member. He iVas a Conservative. Mr. J. P. Ross, of Calgary, in liewing his subscription t© the Tiin< es-Advocate says; “Wo always, en­ joy it and look for its coming as Wei would the coming of a real friend,. We wish you Success during 1932’ and, trust the depression will bOj banished from our borders before’ it ends.”