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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-01-21, Page 8
TWHSRAY, JANUARY BOR SALE «•* * 1 CQckshutt single furraw riding jpUw, foot lift, three .^ears old nt a real bargain, 1 Massey Harris, two-furrdw Tractor plow as good as new, 12 in. frame. Make ns an offer. 10 second hand Cream Separators all makes take your choice at your own price, 1 two-furrow riding plow in good shape. Exeter Markets Wheat 55 c. Barley standard Oats. 25c. Bran 90c. Shorts 90 c, Low Grade Flour $1,10 Model Flour $2.50 Welcome Flour $2,30 Manitoba Flour $3.75 Creamery Butter 26c. Dairy Butter, 17 and 18c, Eggs, extras 16c. Eggs, firsts 12c, Uggs, seconds 9c. ■w. ^.w... ■ I... , I I International Harvester Cq. Ltd EXETE1L ONTARIO Leavitt’s Theatre FOR SALE—Used electric range, good condition, phone, 145. HOGARTH BABY CHICK hatchery ■ “Now booking orders for Baby Chicks. All blood-tested this year. W. Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Black Minorcas and W. Wyandottes. Ask for prices. Pioneer poultry Feeds, Royal Concentrate, Cod Liver Oil, Oyster Shell and Poultry Grit, Al falfa Meal, Etc.” THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY January aist, 22ml and 28rd Jack Holt and Ralph Graves in the mammoth epic of the air “DIRIGIBLE” Thames Road Farmer’s Club need a few more orders for .coke and ce dar posts to make up a car.—P. Passmore, Secretary. TENDERS WANTED The Thames Road United Church asks, for tenders on 6 double cord of beach and maple body wood. Sealed tenders to be in the hands of the secretary not later than the first day of February, 193 2. Fred Dawson, Sec’y. R. R. No. 1, Hensall1-21-2 tc fc.- Harry Horne’s Pure Cocoa . . 1 lb. tin 27c. Harry Horne’s Vanilla, 8 oz. bottle 19c. Fresh Broken Sodas ....................2 lb. 17c. Try Our Special Blend TEA......... * has THE LATE JOHN SNELL ail his THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bor, J, Bernard Rhodes, M. A. Minister .Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a,m.—1st sermon, of the series “The parables of Jesus” 7 p.m.—-1st sermon of the series “The pisciplqs of Jesus” RE V, W. G. BROWN Moderator of the General Assembly Will address a special meeting on FRIDAY, JANUARY 20tb, 1932 at S o’clock p.m. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED 3 Lengths of Print “d Pattern fw 75c This week we offer three lengths of print, enough in each piece to make an apron, and a good apron pattern. These prints are all fast colors and good patterns, The three lengths and the apron pattern for 75c, MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY January 25th, 26th and ~7th “DRACULA” TRidBing— Startling—Unforgettable See Dracula then Frankenstein LAUREL—HARDY COMEDY Thursday, Friday and Saturday January 28th, 29th and 30th Ronald Coleman in “DEVIL TO PAY” CHARLIE CHASE COMEDY JAMES ST* UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D, McTavish* Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.'—“Not by bread alone” 3 pan,—Sunday School 7 p.111.—“The Writing on the Wall” NOTE1—If there are any who wish to make an “extra gift” contribu tion and have not done so will you please .place your envelope on the plate next Sunday. Colored Broadcloths Rose, Blue, Sand, White Orchid* Maize, Green, Navy and Black. A better cloth at lower price. SPECIAL AT PER YARD 20c. Pillow Cottons At the lowest; price they hove beep in years, ’Good weight and fine weave. 40 and 42 inches AT PER YARD 30 AND 35c. Unbleached Sheeting 7? inches wide, A good weight cloth that will give wonderful wear and will bleach nicely. Special for Ibis month AT PER YARD 45c. Bleached Sheetings A beautiful bleached sheeting 72 inches wide, go&d weight and fine weave. Special only this month AT PER YARD 59c. Large Size 12-4 Flannellette Blankets 50 pairs of Large Size 12-4 Flannellette Blankets in grey or white with pink or blue borders. Better get your supply at this low price. Per pair S>1.98 (ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Huron Weather Insurance Co. will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Wed nesday, January, 27th, 1932, at two o’clock p.m. for the purpose of re ceiving the directors’ and auditors’ reports; for the election of three directors and two auditors and for any other business which may come before the meeting. D. Fotheringham, Pres. C. Monteith, Sec’y.-Treas. will MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council .meet in County Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday the 26th day of January 1932, at two o’clock in the afternoon. Accounts or notices of petitions or deputations should be sent to the Clerk on or before the Saturday previous to ensure attention. Municipal clerks are asked to for ward Certificates of election by mail as soon as possible after the first meeting of their councils. Goderich, Jan. 11th, 1932. Geo. W. Hplman, ■; , County Clerk. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Members of The Usiborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 1st, 1932, at 2 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the Reports of the Directors and Audit ors for the past year, and for the election of three Directors, one for a two year term, and two for a three year .term and two Auditors and for any other business that may be in the interest of the Company. The Directors, whose term of of fice expires,, but who are eligible for re-election are: Samuel Norris, Simon Dow and Angus Sinclair. W. A. Turnbull, Sec’y. Dated- at Exeter, January 8, 1932. NOTICE All fur work and dressmaking, half price,, work guaranteed. Apply Mrs. Norman Hockey, Main Street. PIANO FOR SALE—In good con dition. Terms, cash. Apply box 292 l-21-2tc. FOR RENT—100 acres, first class land, situate in the Township of Usborne, io acres of fall wheat, all Fall plowing done.—For further particulars apply to CARLING Morley, Exeter. & THE COUNTRY FAIR We didn’t go so much to see * The horses, pigs and cows; 'The flowers, fruits and vegetables; Harrows, churns or plough. We didn’t go so much to hear The singing or the reciting; ‘The village band, the members’s speech, Or other things inviting. We didn’t go to wander in The Midway or Arena, Or funny shows that make laugh Like any old hyena. •Oh, no! We mainly went to With Tom and jack and Annie; To erack wi’ Sandy, yarn wfd Mike, And inn git with Kate and Fannie. —Dean D! IIurmLy you meet New Chintz for Comforters . In a range of new patterns and color ings. Splendid for comforters and cush ions AT PER YARD 25c. Bats for Comforters We carry a full range of Bats for qirilts and comforters in different sizes and qual ities 35c. TO 98c. Peter Pan Prints Owing to high rate of exchange, if we had to buy these new they would have to sell for 60c. We are clearing what we have for PER YARD 35c. Room Lots Wall Paper . We are clearing out all room-lots of Wallpapers at very low prices. Each bundle has enough paper and border to paper a room 98c.; $1.29; $1.49 MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . . a.in.—“Religion in the presence of the Cross” 3—Our Church School. 7 p.m.—“Confession of Sin” 7.30 Thursday—Meeting for prayer. Theme: ‘‘Sanctification” 11r The regular meeting of the Womens Institute 'will be held on Tuesday, January 26th at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. J- S. Grant- This will be the "Help Meeting” the topic being taken by Miss Mary Grant and Current Events by Mrs- Browning. locals Mr. Ernest Collingwood is quite ill and under the doctor’s care. In a recent report of the Exeter High -School it was stated that the .membership was 117. This should have read 171. Mrs. Wm. May returned’ Friday from Victoria Hospital, London, where she recently underwent an- operation. . , Mrs. E. Raveney, who has been keeping house fdr Mr. Albert Pen warden has s^dttrCd a London and that city. The lhany Luther Gill TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Septuagesiina Sunday 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong Subject all day: “The Church” GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END ...........3 for 21c. . 2 pkgs, for 25c. Large pkg. 22c^ 34c. a lb. :OXYDOL SUPER-SUDS PRINCESS SOAP CHIPS LARGE PKG. ISc.3 PKGS. FOR 25c.21c. Palmolive Soap Selox . . . Chipso will leave position in shortly for Mrs. (Dr.)friends of __ . (nee Annie Gregory) *will be sorry to learn that she is seriously ill at then home .in Gibb- sonburg, 'Ohio. Mr. Young Creech, of Detroit, spent a few days last week visiting i in town and in London. 1 Monday to .visit with his Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Ted Taman, of the Bank, of Commerce, who holidaying with his parents for the past three weekes left Sunday for Forest to resume his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson and family, of Arkona, spent the week end with Mrs. Alderson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collingwood. Miss Ruth Collingwood, who has been visiting for a couple of weeks with her sister returned home with them. Messrs. H. O. Coates, Mrs. M. Amelia- Acheson to and spent a there Mr. Southcott was taken ill returning Saturday afternoon and has since been confined to ,his bed. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wass and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor, of Gran ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor, on Wednesday of last week. Mr. J. W> Taylor is not enjoying very good health. They also called on Mr. C. T. Brooks and Miss lor. He left on ; father in Canadiari has been Southcott and Rd. ■Sheere and Miss motored to Toron- few days. While JAS. st. mission circle Tay- of COMING— To Main Street United Church on Wednesday, February 10, 1932, The Bewell Concert Company, of London, late of Seattle, Wash. See announce ments next week. AUCTION SAI.E --- of --- HOUSEHOLD The undersigned been instructed to auction at EFFECTS .uctioneed ell by public Let 11, Con. 4, U^boine,olt 1032 tables, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, th© following: beds, carpets, pupboards, stoves, dishes of all kinds, bedding, a full line of household furniture of all kinds; potatoes, f'rut, pickles. ALBERT PENWARDEN, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Mr. B. R. Bartow, underwent operation at Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, on Saturday, for the removal of tonsils. be held on Tues- Miss May Jones o» the meeting; gave a short ac- ANNUAL MEETING- OF HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Exeter Horticultural .Society was held in the Carnegie Library on Friday evr- ening with the President, Mr. Win, Ward, in the chair. The society had a very successful year and wound up with a substantial balance in the treasury. The secretary, Mr. J. G. Stanbury reported that the receipts of the year together with the icash balance from the previous year, amounted to $657.70; expendi ture $245.45, .balance on hand $412.27. Over one hundred dol lars worth of shrulbs and plants were purchased privately through the society. Quite a lot of work was done at Riverview Park. The trees •that were planted out at this park several years ago are coming along fine. The officers were re-elected as follows: Carling and Wm, Ward; Essery; 2nd Jeckell; Secretary-Treasurer, J, Stanbury; auditors, W. H. Johnston aiid S. J. Elliott; directors, George Williams, D. Rowcliffe, Dr, Roul- ston, J. W. Powell, Mrs. T. Dinney, J, Elston, John Hunter, Mrs. E. C. Harvey, Miss A. Andrew and Mrs. Skinner; parks Committee, W< H. Johnston, G, Mawsoii, T, Pryde, W. G. Medd, W. iL Dearing, ,s. M, Sanders, A. O. Elliott, J. M. iSouth- cott ad A. Harness. J. M. Southcott was appointed a delegate to the Provincial convention to be held in Toronto in February, Two Theatre Tickets to be given away each | week. The winners 3f W Theatre tickets for last week WHS Mr. N. G. Clarke, R. R. No. 1, Woodlmm and Mr. P. H. Browning. The draw Was made by Mr. J. M. Southcott. Don’t forget we give two each week. You may be the lucky one.—Harness’ Barbel' Shop. “The Home of Quality Work,” and five of a lov- The chil- T'homas; High Class Gents’ Furnishings Prior to Stock-Taking Agent for Jacksons, Cleaners and Dyers w. PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT The first meeting of the year the James St United Church Mission Circle wag held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 12, at the home of Mrs. Harry Carey. Meeting was opened, with singing and prayer led by the presi dent, Miss Mildred Rowe, who also conducted the business part of the meeting. Plans were made for a Crokinole party to day, January 26. then took charge Miss Verna Coates count of the work of Miss Pelethrope who was adopted as missionary for prayer for coming month. Miss Loreen Dunn read the devotional leaflet ‘Philip”, The topic which was on Korea was given by Miss Alice Haridford. A Very pleasing solo was sung by Miss Jean Sheere, accompanied by. Miss Pearl Wood. The chapter of the book “The Mof fat’s was read by Miss isohel Turn bull and was listened to with a great deal of interest by all. Moot ing closed with Mizpah benediction A Social half-hour was then enjoyed. Lunch was served by the hostess as sisted by Misses May Jones, Verna Coates and Thelma Taylor, Hon. Presidents, I. R. & J, Hogarth; Pres!, Vice-Pres., Miss Vera Vice-Pres., Miss L. M. G. - And a girl with long skirts acts as if she didn’t feel at home with out legs* , . > After a lingering illness Mr. John Charles Snell passed away rather suddenly at his home on Thursday morning of last week at the age of 53 years and 26 days. Mr. Snell had been confined to his home for the past year but was able to be up dnd around each day and he. passed away quietly sometime during the night. The deceased was born in Stephen township being a son of the ( late Eli Snell and moved to Exeter many years ago 'as a lad with his parents! He was united in marriage with Miss Annie Flintoff who with a family of three sons daughters mourn the loss iflg husband and father, dren are Dorothy, of St. Harry, of Rodney; Russell, Mabel, Eileen, Charles, Hazel an.d Grace all at home. He is also survived by one brother and two sisters: Win. and Mrs. John Norry, of town and Mrs. Jos. Northcott, of Hay. Deceas ed was a member of the James St. United church and of the Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows Under "whose auspices the funeral was held on Saturday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. D. McTavish and a duet was sting by M'rs. George Williams and Miss Vera Essery. In terment took place in the Exeter cemetery. Among those who were present from a distance were: Mrs. 0, B. Snell, Miss Mildred and Miss Florence Norry, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dinney, Mr. W. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Wm M'rs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. and Mrs. Geo, and Mrs, of Clinton; Mr, and Mrs, M. Patrick Seaforth and Mr, W* A. Patrick, of Toronto. JAMES STREET W. M. S. The W. M. S. of the James Street United Church held its monthly meeting in the church parlours on Thursday afternoon of last week. The chair was taken by Mrs. Mc- Tavish in the absence of the presi dent, Mrs. Christie. The meeting was opened with a hymn followed Iby a Bible lesson read by Mrs. Down after which Mrs. Miners led in pray er. A devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. N. Ogden. A solo by Miss Mary Grant was much appreciated. Interesting leaflets on “Modern. Medical Missions in Korea” w.ere- read by Mrs. Eli Coultis; Mrs, J.’ M. Southcott and Mrs, Gill, followed with a duet by Miss V. Essery and Mrs. Goulding. The meeting closed with singing and benediction. Prodgers and son, Mr. and Geo, Geddes, all of London; and Mrs. Jack Newcombe, Mr. Mrs. Frank FUntoff, Mr. and Fred Buckingham and son, Frank Plaskett, Mrs. McKenzie daughter, Ruth, Of Stratford; Henry Cudmore, Seaforth, Mr. SWan, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swan Mrs. Jack Swan, of Lucknow; Lucy swan, Mrs, Annie Parker Anil “Feels Full of Life” Although she is reducing Her weight, this woman “feels full of life.” "So there can’t be much wrong with her treatment, “ I was putting on weight, and have been Vying to reduce. I have tried lots of things with no result, But four months ago a friend told me about Ktuschen Salts, and I thought I would give them a trial, I have taken two jars and am pleased to say I have lost 21 lbs, I take a half-tcasnponfiil in a cup of hot water ns soon as I get up, I shall still go*on taking them as they make one feel full of life,”—-Mrs. G. Ktuschen Salts do hot reduce you over-night—-like so many products claim to do. But taken regularly over a period of time—with a modified diet and gentle exercise, half a teaspoonful in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast will take away un healthy flesh and restore your figure to its normal Weight, Yet at the same time—bund up health with a great increase m vigor and energy for you I W. R. goulding A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 192. EXETER, ONT DR* J. HARRY BROWNING ITiysldali and Surgeon M.D., C.M., Toronto L. B. O, p* and Edinburgh L. 1<\ !.*»■ and S», Glasgow* Etc. Post Graduate Now York Specialty, maternity; diseases* nerves, stomach, skin, urinary and sexual troubles- All modalities in electro physio therapy, ultra violet* &c. Modern hospital accommoda tions. t 4-1-U