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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-01-21, Page 3
PURELY VEGETABLE Tok® them every so often. They’ll Keep you HEALTHY Sold everywhere in 25c and 75c red pkgs.•'-rlr UIK» fJv *****Carters esspills PURCHASED FRUIT FARM ' Mr- and Mrs- Walter H- May and .^children are leaving St. Marys short ly to reside at Grimsby where {May lias purchased a fruit farm, tthe past two years Mr. May has [enjoyed very good, health and {though lie has been able to carry on Ibis duties with White & May’s store '3he is advised to seek out of door cm- jployment, Mr, May was always an .^active worker in the _ church being leader of the boys work also. Mr. For not al- rHURON COUNTY WINS IN *3ACON LITTER COMPETITION >.1 THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE •<W D ‘ In the 1931 Bacon Litter Competi- •jtion conducted by the Provincial an:l Federal Live Stock Branches, the Province was divided into five dis tricts- Huron County was grouped in {district No. 4falong with the counties <of Wellington, Grey, Bruce and Duf- feriu. The results recently published Jshow that in district No. 4, contest- ■ {ants from Huron finished in the fol lowing order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 6th, 17th, 9th, 11th and 15th. The names of the first four winners [are its follows: 1st Russell T. Bolton, . Dublin; 2nd, Earl Habkirk, Walton; :0rd, W. G. E- Brown, Dungannon; 4th J>. A. Laidlaw, BJyth. * ■ Mr- Bolton who also won first place -,5n his district in last years competi tion, marketed 14 hogs, weighing 2910 j!b. which is an aveiagc weight of ap proximately 208 lb. each. The litter [was marketed when 160 days old and graded 10 selects and 4 bacons. ! To Earl Habkirk. who secured 2nd f. -frlace goes the credit of producing the greatest tonage in the entire competi tion- His entry of 14 hogs weighed ' -0,100 lb. at 190 days of age and grad- -.fed 11 selects ,and 3 bacons. I From the standing obtained, :t {Would appear that, Huron County pro duces market hogs which compare {very favorably with those of other [Counties in the Province, and we have [every reason to be proud of the high standing which contestants from this 'County secured in the Competition Just completed. 25 YEARS AGO Mi'. C< B. Snell has sqvippod the street lighting system with a complete new set of lamiis for Main Street They were used for the first jime on Tuesday night and proved a de cided improvement, The following arc the newly elect officers of the H« S- Literary Society: I’rcsident, Daisy Dilling; vice-presi dent, Miss Gregory; treasurer, Frank Clegg; secretary, Lloyd Davis; critic, L- Hagan, journalist Beattie Martin; leader of Glee Club, Mr-. Fleming; pianist, Ed, Barrows, Rev. W- M- Martin, of the Presby terian church was ill last week- Rev. Fear, of the Main St, church preached for him in the morning while the Main Street pulpit was occupied by Mr, Thos, Jiartnoll- Miss Tillie Yager, after spending the millinery season at Niagara-on-the- lake, returned to her home here Tues day* D-D’G-M Bro- J. G. Stanbury con cluded his visits to the’ LO.O-F, lodg es in this district when he installed the officers of Exeter Lodge on Tues day evening. They are: Jr, P. G„ W- W- Taman; N-G-, S, Rowe; V- G. W, Frayne; R.S., R. N. Taylor; P-S, A- E- Fuke; Tre'as., E- M- Dignan; War., C. Birney; Con-, W- Statham; I-G-, O. Soutlicott; R-S-N.G-, W. J, Heaman; L.S-N.G-, Dr, Kinsman; R-S-V-G-'Jas. Lambrook; L-S.V-G-, N. Crucksnank; R.S-S-, E, Buswell; L-S-S-, C- North- cott; Chap-, J. F- Taylor, 15 YEARS AGO Mr. W. R. Pollock, of IO .-wood, formerly of the Exeter Creamery, at the Dairymen’s Convention in Wood- stock, won first prize in One of the classes, two special prizes of $10.00 each and a silver cup. • Mr. Norman Heaman, ox Starbuck, Man., is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mis- Jerry Heaman of Stephen. A miscellaneous shower Was tend ered Miss Bertha M. Gower, Monday evening by her ‘ady friends prior to her marriage. Mrs. Harry Ogden, of Stroughton, Sask, is visiting at the home of her father, Mr- John Gillispie. Mrs. A. B. Richardson, of Lachinc, Que-, is spending' a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Sam’l Smith, London Road, South. PRESENTATION THURSDAY,. WWW EDITORIAL ■ He lengthens life who saves time, » ♦ 0 A • .«! « The closed hand nevey receives. The watching tabby nabs the mouse, The big man’s extremity is the plain man's -opportunity, « ♦ • *** * ♦ l There is no depression when ♦ F * * it * comes to auto accidents. * * ** It is a ;grave mistake to put caution ahead of enterprise. * ».* ** * .♦ Parliamentarians are • * Japan, having secured a .rest* * * their teeth ♦ * * for their next session. ♦ all she wanted, is giving; hex* war dogs • *♦ * * * The business world is beset er of opportunities. * * * * with depression. Jt is still full- ** ♦ .Thrifty small boys are offering skates for bathing suits. • * * * * to ♦ trade their Christmas * * Fifty-six years ago Canadians experienced a winter that ran neck and neck with the present winter. • • » » * The right sort of business man is reaping a substantial reward by making a judicious use of his credit. The Exeter groundhog finds the fall wheat green and luscious He is not the sort to sleep away his opportunities. * ♦ ♦ * * * » * These days road 'builders find that coarse sand is no adequate substitute for good hard ♦ * gravel and ♦ -x * reports no sufficient drainage; ♦ ♦ ♦ result's, from Leap Year. Hebachelor friends that, he is at home Tuesday evenings from First or any offer not necessarily taken, but all The Exeter informs his lady seven to eight. offers are gladly received, with the exception of those that imply K his putting on the fires, or hoeing the garden. «* «*«*** SIGNS A clean mind, a lifted chin,, a nose kept out of other people’s business, but sharpened on the grindstone of ones own affairs, eyes that note the good, in the other fellow, hands busy with the job most neeeding doing, feet sturdily set in the upward trail are dead sure signs of better days. * • • « * SNAP OUT OF IT Some school children have a way of auto riders by running in front of cars. It for the parents of such youngsters to read tlie riot act. That " failing the police officers, are in duty bound to hand the young lawbreakers over to the tender mercies of the magistrates. Cars do not always respond cause and effect is still » LOTS OF FOOD FOR THE MONEY SHREDDED HR kJ A’ 3sgs. ECONOMICAL nr HEALTHFUL - SATISFYING Made in Canada with Canadian Wheat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD, |2,BIG BISCUITS USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FERE INSURANCE COMPANY ‘ Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. -President FRANK McCONNELL Wice-Pres. ANGUS SINCLAIR ’ DIRECTORS J. T. ALLISON, SAM’L NORRIS -SIMON DOW, WILLIAM BROCK. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent ‘ for Usborne and Biddulph -OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent •for Hibert, Fullarton and Logan IV. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 295, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter t SPECIAL SALE — OF — Phone for prices DELIVERY MADE ON QUANTITIES J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON* ONTARIO < Dr. Wood's Norway find Syrup About eighty friends of Mrs. Jas. Dixon, nee Mrs. Hawkey from Cen tenary, Parkhill, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dixon to convey con gratulations. During the evenings merriment Mrs. Ambert Hill read an address and Mr. Norman Mollard presented a Coleman iron- NEW RECTOR APPOINTED Rev. F- W. Schaffter, rector of the Anglican church at Winghani has been appointed’ to the rectorship of St. Jude's Anglican church, Brantford, succeeding Rev. Canon C- E. Jeakins,’ who has been named rector of the church of St- John the Evangelist, London- ACCEPTS POSITION Douglas Campbell, who for the past five years has been organist and choir master of North Street United church Goderich, has resigned his position io accept a similar one in Welland Ave- United church, St. Catharines, at a substantial increase in salary. He will resume his new duties the first Sun day in February. MRS STEVENSON PASSES St- Marys lost an esteemed resident in the passing of Sarah Anil Carrick, widow of the late Robert Stevenson. For several years they farmed near St- Marys until five years ago owing to ill health they gave up their home to live with their family, and a year later Mr- Stevenson passed away. At the time of her death deceased was at the home of her son Robert, in Sarnia- Contracted Bad Cold. Left Awful Cough Mrt. Elmer Patterson, R.R. 2. Pictou, N.S., writes:-* "I contracted a bad eold that left me with an awful cottgh. For nights I never put my head on & pillow, and was often afraid I Would choke to death. I had tried all Sorts of medicine and was in despair until a friend advised me to get Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup, which I did, and I had only taken a few doses when I got'some, relief, and after taking three bottles toy cough had entirely disappeared." Price 85e. a bottle; large family wxe 65c., at all drug and general stores; put tip Only by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont, “ > defiantly challenging would, be a good idea * to the will of tlieir operative. ******* TIMELY The Eligible Maidens Society petitioned warn the local merchants to stock up with a goodly supply of silk dresses a they intend taking advantage of the privileges of this year of grace sometime -before Valentines Day. Druggists are re porting an unusually large sale • of hair dye to certain male por tions of our population. Booksellers cannot keep up their supply books dealing with the noble a.rt of deportment, while issuers marriage licenses writers cramp. the Exeter council to of of of are taking precaution's. against an epidemic THE NEW ’MEDICINE teach new. duties. JNew1 occupations, 'bring instance, the airman who has run himself into a mixup brought him and his plane crashing to the ground is say the land is good enough for him hereafter. 'He’s lose his nerve. He argues that one is strangely help- New occasions not only new dangers but new'i’emeclies. For that 'has liable to likely to less up there aborit three thousand feet from the ground and that one’s mind is filled with anything 'but self confidence as his machine takes him by the nose and forces an unceremonious land ing. "I'll take a rest till I get my nerve hack and my bruises healed By that time, I’ll know if flying is my vocation." he is likely to conclude with the approval of the best of us. Not that way does the real thing in airmen teach. "You get into a plane right away!" the experienced airman commands him. "Never mind the bruises! Fly, and fly right now!" Thus commandeered and uncaddled, the youngster takes to the air, wins control of the machine and becomes an airman. His- herve, his courage his manhood are achieved as he flies, Effort, determined effort heals his bruises and makes a man of him* This experience of scores of airmen is suggestive to us just now. Too many people are licking their sores or getting other people to lick their sores for them. 'Airmen crash only to fly better* Business gets its bumps to teach all and sundry the way to better merchandising. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, January 11, A. D. 1932, at 11 o’clock; a.m. The members were all present with the exception of Edward Gill who is still •confined to the hospital, Each memJber present subscribed to his Declaration of Office and took} his seat, The minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted. The Provincial Auditor'® report' for Road Expenditure from January I, 1930, to December 31, 1931, was received stating that all records were found to be in excellent con dition and that expenditure of the Corporation amounting to $12,962.- 29 wthout any deductions had been found to he correct. This sum in cluded a grant of $150.00 paid to the Trustees of the United Church at Grand Bend for Improving a Street from the church to the ceme tery, The report was ordered to be filed. Moved by Mr. E. Sliapton, second ed by Mr. H. Beavers: That the Reeve and. Clerk make application to the Department of Public Highways of the Province of Ontario for the statutory grant to wards the expenditure incurred by the Township on Highways for the year 1931. Carried. Moved by Mr. E. Sliapton, second ed by Mr. H. Beaver: That a reduction of 10 per cent, be made in the salaries of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, each Councillor, the Clerk, Treasurer and Auditors attd no others and that the foiloWittg. of ficials be appointed to. the offices set opposite their respective names: Joseph Guianan, Assessor, Truant Registrar and Sheep John W. Graybeil Christie, Auditors. Ernest Guettinger, William Sweitzer Beaver, members of Health. Eli Lawson, George Merner and W. B. Oliver, Sanitary Inspector.', . Ernest Guettinger, Milk Inspector William Sweitzer and. Henry. Beaver, Representatives' on the Athletic Field Board. Eli Lawson and Henry Link, Cow Tag Inspectors. Eli Lawson, George Merner and W. B. Oliver, School Attendance Of ficers with their former divisions. Fence Viewers: Henry Mills, John Morlock, Charles Christie, Jacob Ratz, Henry L. Kraft, Eli King, W. J. Brown, John Gill and James Hod gins'. Pound Keepers: B. D. Cook,’'Hir am Shapton, Royal Gaiser, Michael Ryan, William Love, George Walper Alvin Baker, Arthur J. Amy, Chris tian Fiukbeiner, Arthur Baker, Sol omon Pollock, Clarence Desjardine, Hilton Ford, William Stade, Gar- Steeper and Harold Brophey and the appointment of Weed Inspector and Road Foremen he laid over to the next meeting on February 1st. Carried. Moved by Mr. E. Shapton, second ed by Mr. E. Lamport: That the Clerk forward a letter to Councillor Edward Gill, who is confined in the Victoria Hospital, London, extending to him the sym pathy of the Council and wishing him a speedy recovery. Carried. The following orders were passed and ordered paid; Municipal World, supplies $8.79; C. J, Morlock, account 30c.; Cana dian Bank of Commerce, exchange- $3,65; Canadian Bank of Commeree- Commission on Tax Collections $81.- 30; F. J, Wick wire, printing $43,- 50; James Willis, sheep killed, by dogs $21.00; Joseph Guinan, Sheep Valuator $2,00; Sundry Persons, Municipal Election $143.05. The Council adjourned to meet again at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, February 1, A.D. 1932, at 1 P.m. Henry Eilber, Twp. Clerk! 'A couple of nimrods dug up some fishworms the forepart of last week and tried their luck at fshng lb’dt without, success. It ‘is something unusual to gather worms at this time of the year. Residents cf Grand Bend state that the suckers were running following the recent heavy rains and .as proof of this one- fisherman was peddling members of the finy tribe in town on Thursday. WINCHELSEA past this The constant rains of the Week have put the roads in district in a very ad state. Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Veal spent last Thursday in London. Quite a numlber from here attended a dahoe ill' one night last week! at the Mr. and Mrs. WHson Hawkins. Miss Verna Frock and Miss Dor- around' Seaforth home of otliy Delbridgo were in London one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis, of Kirkton, visited with Mik and Mrs, R. E. Pooley on Sunday. We regret to state that Mrs, E. Gunning is not as well as her friends would like to see. Mrs. Gunning Is still at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Clarke. Miss Inez Creery, of Forest, spent the week-end with het parents, Mr* and Mrs. J. E. creery. Valuator, and Chas. W. caretaker. * and' Henry the Board of SLATS’ DIARY Friday—'Ma and pa includeing me went to Mrs. Gillems house for sup- “liei’ tonite oney we was invited, for]', dinner, .and when dinner was about 1-2 ovei' why ma nuggetl and sed to mo were is yure sal ad fork Hunny. I gess ma is getting •near sighted cuz there it rite in plane Enny ways I eten all my salad and when we- got home I had an Xtry spoon also. Saterday — well I am here alone' now. Pa and Ant Em-my went out to see Unkel en and. ma red. in the paper that they hadf 100 new dress es down at the store to sell cheap and I gess she went down to them on meibby. 'Sunday—Pa and Mr. Gillem wittling and tawking today and Gillem sed to pa. Don’t it aggre- vate you when your wife all ways gets the last wird, and pa replyed. and sed:. Well I dont mind her getting the last wird so much oney it takes her .so long to get to it most generally. Munday—Ant Emmy has a hard, time getting use to radio stuff.* sho ■ never new intill today but whut the Red net work was the palice Force over in Rushia. Teusday—The Dr. has suggested to Lin Crouch that he better give up smokeing cigarets and start to • smoke a pipe and; Lin says the theory may be all rite but it is offle hard to bum pipes off of his friends Wenesday—Mr. Gillem says 'his customers arnt paying there bills. He say© he wouldn’t mind that so- mutch but it seems like they wont oven wirry about there bills. Thursday—-Little Hazle omus says there Dr. is a windier 'beaus he is trying to collect money for her little sister, and her fokes swore that het* little sister was bl'ung therei by the stork. foe- was site, had try wav Mr, Nasty Pimples Filled With Matter All Over Face 1 I Bitters Blood RURDOCK For the past 52 years MANUFACTURED ONLY RY THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited Toronto, Ont. When those nasty,mattery pimples come on the face their presence is a source of embarrassment to those afflicted. Why then. rest under Ibis cloud when there is att effectual remedy for these facial defects. Mr. N. Sissack, 893 Ohalmefs Ave., Winnipeg, Mam, writes:—-"My face was covered with nasty pimples filled with matter. I Went to a doctor and lie told me his son had. had his pimples cleared up by using Burdock Blood Bitters and advised me to use it, I got a bottle and all the pimples vanished. bo, how, I Certainly have great faith In &B.B.”