HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-01-21, Page 2WBSMT, MWAM 2L W THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE
News and Information
for The Busy Farmer
(Furnished by the Ontario Depart went of Agriculture)
Important Conventions
{Feb. 3—Ontario Plowmen’s As-
gelation, Toronto.
February 4—Canadian Ayrshire
Breeders’ annual meeting, Toronto.
ye]), 4-5—Ontario Association of
Faina Ass’n, Toronto,
February 10—Ontario Vegetables
G-yoswers’ Ass’n, Toronto,
Feb. 11-12—-Ontario Horticultur
al Association, Toronto.
Feb, 16-17—Canadian Produce
Ass’ll., O.A.C., Guelph.
Improvement Association Formed
Breeders of all kinds of farnv
fitock in Elgin County were brought
together recently at St. Thomas to
form the Elgin lave Stock Associa
tion One of the first activities
planned by the organization is to
wake a bull census of the county
and to institute a campaign to
eliminate the scrub ’bull so that at
least SO per cent, may be purebred.
Three directors, each were chosen
from the different townships. N.
Martin, Springfield, was elected as
president; J. E. Pierce, Wallace-
Ijurg, vice-president, and Fletcher
Thomas, agricultural representative,
was made secretary-treasurer.
Preventing Fires
Fire Marshall E. P. Heaton re
cently issued a warning to farmers
that they should exercise greater
care in harvesting their crops if
they hope to avoid losses through
spontaneous combustion. At the
•close of the. inquiry into Went-
-worth. County 'barn fires, he .sug
gested that farmers revert to the
old-time custom of using salt in
curing crops. Salt, he pointed out,
aided) greatly in preventing fires.
He also advocated that fire extin
guishers be carried on all threshing
machines. Static electricity in the
blower of the thresher, which c'au
be overcome by grounding wires,
■was the cause of at least one fire
in Wentworth.
Feed Sunshine
Cod liver oil, the sunshine substi
tute, is one of the most important
items in .the properly balanced poul
try ration. Where birds are .closely
-confined during the winter months,
as is the case in most parts of Cana
da, they receive very little direct
'sunlight, and with the rations usual
ly fed they do not receive all the
vitamins they require. 'Calcium
and- p'hosplierous are two minerals
specially required for laying pullets
ar.d hens in the manufacture of
THAT PRICES ARE LOW and that means bargains.
Wise merchants with stocks on hand want to convert
them into cash and are looking for buyers.
both—when the buyer and seller have a message of
common interest. The great news of the day and the
unprecedented bargains for the thrifiy. It means a
great saving to the buyer and a cleaning of shelves to
the seller. It is time to buy and time to advertise
bargains to the buyers.
eggs. The digestion and assimila
tion of materials, especially cialcium,
require one of two things; an abun
dance of direct sunshine of an
abundance of vitamin J). Cod liver
oil is. rich in vitamin D, and is one
of the reliable sources of this type
of food.
Grading Helps Exports
Dependable quality is an advan
tage in the export market. In the
past year export of eggs from Hali
fax to Bermuda have held steady
despite the advantage of lower
prices enjoyed by competing expert
product. This is a fine indication'
of the value of standardized grad
ing for eggs and of the benefit of
government inspection of export
eggs. Canadian exporters have se
cured the confidence of the Bermu
da market in the quality of Aheir
product and the reliability of our
grades. The same is true with re
spect to the export of eggs to New
foundland, where quality is winning
confidence with the result that im
portant new markets for Canadian
eggs are developing.
Weekly Crop Report
Live stock generally is reported
to b® in fairly good condition and
most farmers are depending on us
ing their home-grown products for
feed this year. With plenty of roots
to add succelence to the rations,
and a good quality of roughage
available, live stock should fare
well. A report from Grey County
indicates that the cold storage plant
at Thornbury has been the means
of greatly increasing the returns
from apples. The dairy cattle mar
ket is reported active for several
areas, with sales to New York state,
Quebec and other parts of Canada.
There is a good deal of water in
most parts cf the province and
there is not likely to be any short
age for some time at least.
Potatoes For Feed
Th feeding, of potatoes to live
stock provides a very satisfactory
outlet for the lower grades of the
crop, ’Second-grade potatoes may
be used as a feed for hogs arid also
in limited amounts for cattle, sheep
and horses as a substitute for grain.
For pig’s the potatoes should he
boiled, mixed with the grain and
fed with other concentrates. A pro
tein supplement needs to be fed
with this. Experiments indicate
that it takes about 420 pounds of
potatoes, fed after cooking, to equal
100 pounds of corn or barley. For
the best results in nwine feeding the
proportion of potatoes in the ration
should not be greater than four
pounds to one of concentrates. Po
tatoes may furnish half of the dry
matter in the ration for icattle and
sheep and one-fourth for horses,
Dairy cows should not receive more
than about 35 pounds per day as
larger amounts may impair the qual
ity of butter produced. For fatten
ing sheep, from two to three pounds
daily should be fed with the grain.
For cattle and sheep feeding, the
potatoes should be chopped and mix
ed with the grain, and should be
raw. They may ibe fed raw to hogs,
particularly brood sows, if time and
labor cannot be spared for cooking.
Excellent Work Done By Growers’
’ Market Council
Wonderful things have been ac
complished in the short time the
Ontario Growers’ Markets Council
has been established. An enormous
increase has been made in the vol
ume of Ontario fruits and vege
tables shipped West in 1931 as
compared to 1930. A great deal of
this was due to the progress made
in grading and central packing and
giving Westerners products pack
ed in the way they want them. A
promotion and sales representative
was maintained in the^West as well
as in the Maritimes and at least
three times the quantity of Ontario
produce was consumed in the East
as in any previous year. The grape
growers were helped out in their
problems and although prices have
been low, the grapes have been sold
without depending on the wineries
as in former years. Progress has
been made toward a better under-
sanding with canners that if they
want the growers’ support toward
the idea of Canadian canned goods
for Canadians the producers must
get proper consideration.
With orders obtained and inquir
ies for more Ontario boxed peaches
and other commodities than could
be delivered this season, the abso
lute need from the selling point of
view for the success of the regis
tration drive now being featured
by the council was emphasized by
Charles W. Bauer, secretary, On
tario Growers’ Market Connell, 10
McNab Street, Hamilton. ’Similar
experiences as with peaches were
had with cabbages and other commodities. ‘"The Council is follow
ing the policy of developing new
markets and extending old markets
for Ontario products," continued
Mr. Bauer. "Already a representa
tive ig maintained, in Western and
Eastern Canada and in Great Bri
tain. Starting late in the season,
only the surface possibilities have
been scratched this year, but the
valuable point is that we are help
ing farmers to sell their products
in a large way at a low cost and
in addition are opening up new
and unexpected markets. For ex
ample, this year for the frst time
in more than a decade, over 400,
no substitute
000 barrels of Ontario apples are
expected to be shipped to Great
Britain at profitable prices to our
"While registration will serve
many other purposes, such as pest
and disease control, provide mail
ing lists for marketing and other
information, yet its primary pur
pose is to enable the Council to
know who produces the various
varieties of fruits and vegetables
in the province and sp be able to
put buyers in touch with growers
who wish to sell their products."
The Municipal Council of the
Township of Usborne elected for
193(2 convened as per statute at the
Township Hall, Elimville, on Mon
day, janu'ary 11 th, at 11 o’clock.
They subscribed to the declaration
of office viz: James Ballantyne,
Reeve; ’George Westcott, Peter
Moir, Reuben Shier and Percy Pass-
more Councillors and proceeded to
the business of the year.
The minutes of the meeting of
December 28th, 1931, were read
and approved on motion of Shier-
Westcott. ‘ 1
Communications —’Good -Roads
Association and Ontario Municipal
Association soliciting membership.
Review of the rural conditions
from Municipalities in Renfrew
also committee from Farmers Co-
Operative of Ontario seeking co-op
eration in rural affairs.
. Passmore-iShier—That they 'be as
sured of our assistance.
By-law No. 10, .1931, re Scott
Drain refund read and passed on
motion of Shier-Passmore.
By-law No. 11, 1931: re Branch B
Drain refund read and passed on
motion of Westcott-Moir.
The Treasurer reported having
received $4'50 additional 1931 taxes.
On motion of Westcott-Passmore
the following salaries welrei fixed
for Municipal officers for 1932, viz:
Reeve, $.60; Councillors, each $i50;
Clerk $280; Collector $70; Assessor
$80; Treasurer $95 and' Excise
Stamps; Caretaking Hall, $12 .Audi
tors $10 each. Carried.
iShier-Moir; That Henry Strang
be Clerk.
Westcott-Shier: That S. J. Pym,
be Collector.
Passmore - Moir: That Newton
Clark be Treasurer.
Westcott-Shier: That Henry Del-
bridge and Arnold Wisemen be au
’■Moi|r-Pasismore: That iH. H.
Brown be Assessor; Shier-Westcott:
That Weston Horne be Assessor. H,
H. Brown was appointed.
iS'hier-Westcott: That Mary Kel
lett be cartaker of Hall.
Westcott-Passmore: That Chas.
Johns be Weed inspector, Cow Su
pervisor and Sheep Valuator, 'to be
paid for time employed and mile
Shier-Moir: That Wm. Johns be
School Attendance Officer for 1932
to be paid for time employed.
Shier-Passmore: That a By-law be
drafted confirming these appoint
ments and fixing salaries.
Westcott-Moir: That the local
Board Of Health for 1932 be James
Ballantyne, chairman; Dr. J. G.
Dunlop, M.O.H.; Joshua Johns, Hy.
Strang, Secretary; Jno. Relief,
Sanitary Inspector.
.Shier-Passmore; That Frank
Down, Wellington Kersiaikle, Jno.
Prance, Amos Doupe and Jas. Hey
wood be Fenceviewers.
WetscottnShier: Thas Jno. Lux
ton, wm. Frayne, W. C. Keddy, Jno.
Brock" Harold Hern, Cecil Dobson,
Heber Shute, T, C. Allen, James
Anderson be poundkeepers.
Moir-Passmore; That the follow
ing be snow patrol men for 1932,
Fred Ford, Con. 2, Lots 1 to 11,
Road 5, from Con. 1 to Con, 2. W.
T. Quinn, Con. 2, Lots 11 to 15, rd.
7, from Con. 2 to Exeter Corpora
tion. J. J. Hunter, Nar. rd., rd. "5
from Con. 2 to Com 4, Con. 4 from
Lot 2 to Bidd. bdy. Clarence Johns,
Con. 4, from Lot 11 to Thames Rd.,
Rd. 7 from Con. 2 to Con. 4. Roy
Johns, Con. 6, Bidd. Bdy. to Lot 1,
Rd. 4 from Con. 8 to Bidd. Bdy.
Harry Cole, Con. 6, from lot 1 to 10
road 5 from Con. 4 to Con. 6. Hy.
Ford, Con, 6, from Lot 11 to the
Thames Road, rd. 7, from Con. 4 to
Con. 6, Ernest Hicks, Bidd. Bdy.
from con. 1 to Con. 4. Chas. Day
man, Con. 2 from Lot 16 to Thames
Road. Earl Mitehell, Con, 2 from
rd. 9 to Thames Road. Luther Rey
nolds, Con. 2, from rd. 9 to road 11,
rd, 7 from Coil. 1 to con, 2. John
Stewart, Con. 2, from lot 31, to the
Tuckersmith Bdy., rd. 11, Con, 1 to
2 Madge’s Hill. H. Rowcliffe, Con.
4, from Lots 31 to 35, rd, 11 from
Con. 2 to Con. 6- H. Westlake, Con.
4 from Lot 30 to Thames Road, rd,
9, from Con. 2 to 4. Jno. Cann,
Con. 6, Thames Rd. to Hibbert Bdy.,
rd. 9, from Con. 4 to 6, rd. 15, J.
T. Hern, Con. 8, Lot 6 to 10, road
5, from Con. 6 to 10, road 20. Eph.
Hern, Con. 8, from Lot 6 to W'halen
rd, 4 from Con. 8 to 10. Hugh
Berry, Con, 10, Blanshard Bdy. to
Lot 10', rd. 4 from con. 10 to Wood
ham. • W. Gilfillan, Con. 14, Blan
shard Bdy to Lot 15, Exeter Road
6, from Con,' 12 to 14. Roy Coward,
Con. 8, Lot 11 to Thames Road, Rd,
7, from Con. 6 to 8. W- H. Stone
Rd. 9 from Con. 6 to point of con
tact Co. Highway, No. 23. J. Mc
Cullough, Con. 10 from Lot 11 to
Thames Road; Rd. 7 from Con. 8
to 10. W. McNichol, Cori. 10 from
Thames Road to Hibbert Bdy. Ray
Francis, Con. 12 from Thames Rd.
to-Lot 11; road 7 from Con, 10 to
12. Heber Shute, Con. 14 from Lot
15 to Thames Rd., roadi 7 from Con.
12, to Fullarton Bdy. Wilfred
Doupe, Exe. road/ 6, from Lot 15,
Con. 14 to Con. 12.
Patrol men to employ only such
help as may be required to keep the
roads open for mail and other traf
fic and to be under the direction
of the Usborne Council and Road
Supt. An allowance of 15c. an hour
will be made for use of plows on
the work. All implements to be
used at the owners’ risk, time to be
paid for at the rate of 20c. an hour
for man and- 40c. for man and team.
All snow bills to be presented in
writing to the Road ,Supt. on or be
fore May 1st. by order of the High
way Dept, of Ontario.
Westcott-Shier: That the Reeve
and Clerk be authorized to sign and
submit to the Department of Public
Highways the application .for the
Government Grant on expenditures
on the Township roads for 1931.
Passmore-Moir; .That the follow
ing Municipal supplies be ordered
from the Municipal World Publish
ing Company, viz: One 42-page As
sessment Roll;'' one 42-page Collect
ion Roll; one Assessor’s Guide; 400
Operates without
splash or spill — Ful
crum principle, raises
easily, full or empty..
Rests on rubber cush
ion caps.
If you will need a New Cream Separator
within the next two or three years... you
can’t afford to let this opportunity slip by
... it may never come again. And it may be
withdrawn within a few weeks. Come in
without delay ... let us tell you all about
Silver Anniversary Lifetime
CfaUte/iyer Model
Let us show you why it costs less to BUY ... be
cause of the Farm Relief Plan! Let us show you
why it costs less to USE (much less) because of its
Self-Balancing Bowl. Let us show you why it is the
last separator you will ever need to buy., , the Only
separator you need never trade in ... the separator
that never requires an "exchange" bowl... the
truly LIFETIME separator.
Don’t Buy ANY Cream Separator
Until You Learn ALL About the
John Campbell, Exeter
That Terrible Pain in the Back
Was Soon Gone
Mre. H. Oicklc, Caledonia, N.S., Writes.*—*•“For severed
months I was bothered with my kidneys and thought I
would never obtain relief. . 1
I received one of your Almanacs containing testimonial®
from women who had obtained relief from Doan’s Kidney
Pills, so I purchased a box and they did me so mnea
good I got two more, and after using them found thaa
terrible backache wa3 Soon gone." 1
Price, 50c. a box at all drug and general stores, <m
mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn CScu
Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 7
Dog Tags; 300 Cow Tags; 9 copied
of the Municipal World for 1932.
Westcott-Passmore: That the fol
lowing grants be made, viz; Sick
Children’s Hospital $10; Musk oka.
Free Hospital $10; Byron Sanator
ium $10.
'Shier-Moir; That the fees for D.
R. Q„ Poll Clerk and Polling Booths-
for the recent election be $4, $2 hnC-
$4, respectively.
The Clerk reported that he had.'
registered ■ during (the year 1931:’
births 22, marriages, 10; deaths^
17; total 49.
Westcott-Shier: That the follow*
bills be paid, viz: Clerk, registra
tion, births, marriages and deaths
$12.25; J. J. Hunter, D.R.O,, Div. 1,
$4.00'; Harry Coates, polling clerks
$2.00; Cecil Skinner, Secretary-
Treasurer, use of School House No..
4, $4.00; Chas. Allison, p.R.O., Div.
2, $4.00; Lloyd Stewart, Poll Clerk,.
$'2.00; Lloyd Sitewart, poll No. 2,
$4.0.0; S, W, Dougall, D.R.O., DiVr
3 $4.00; William Jeffery, Poll Clerk}
$2.00; H. Rowcliffe, poll No, 3, $4;;
Jno. Hodgert, D.R.O., Div, 4 $4.00;
Nelson Squire, poll clerk $2,001; F.
J-Iunkin, poll No. 4 $4.00; Jackson1
Woods D.R.O,, Div, 5 $4.00; Lloyd.*
Johns, poll clerk $2.00; Chas. Ja
ques, D.R.'O., Div, 6, $4.0T; Eart
Johnston, poll clerk $2.00; Harold1
Hern, Secretary-Treas, Poll, School
House No. 7, $4.00; David Goulding'
D.R.O. Div. 7 $4,00; O. McCurdy,
Poll clerk $2.00; Russell Morrison,
Poll No, 7 $4.00; Clerk, election ex
penses $12.50. Carried.
The Council adjourned to meet on;
Saturday, February Ccn at 1 p.m.
Henry Strang, Clerk
The Euchre and .crokinole party
held in the Town Hall under th#
auspices of the Exeter Tennis Club'
on Thursday evening of last weeK
was a very enjoyable affair. There-
was a good attendance. Following1
the games refreshments were served.’
The winners for the evening were:,5
Ladies’ high, Mrs. .MacIntyre; gents”1
high, W. L. Kress; lone hands, S.'
Walter. W. J. Beer was high in*
used on a cream sep
arator ... sure proox.
of easy turning.
Good Bye
No oil holes or Oil
cups. All moving:
parts splash -oiled at.
start of handle.
tells all conditions ol
speed—too fast—too-
slow—or just right.
Lifetime accuracy!