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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-01-07, Page 8
Wtoway,. mnvaw ma * Mr ©m Mrs. C. H. Merrill and ^anghtere Ruth and Jean, of Inger- Wil, visited, at the home of Mr. and Ws, x, m. Dinney on Sunday, ■I!"far,;"and* Mrs. Geo, coward,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, of Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Willis and daughter,, of Centralia; ml and Mrs, Whitney Coates and daughter spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Coward, Miss Ruble Creech, who last week underwent an operation far antrum trouble at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, is improving as well as can be expected. Her room at the Exeter Public School is in charge of Miss Beta Rowe during her absence, Mrs. Milton Luther, who has been seriously ill in Victoria Hospital at London, is at present doing as well as can be expected, Her condition at one time was very critical and one evening she was given a blood trans fusion from a neighbor, Mr, Joe Kernick. Exeter Markets Wheat, 60c. Barley standard 37c, Oats 25c, Bran $1.00 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour ?i.x5 Model Flour $2.>50 Welcome Flour $3.30 Manitoba Flour $2.75 Creamery Buttei* 26c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Gutter, 17 and 18 c. extras 33c. firsts 19 c. seconds 14c. EXETER W? I- THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVIEJN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodea, M. 4, , Minister A.L.O.M., Organist SchooU Miss Lena Coates, 10 aan.'—Sunday 11 a. m. —- "The Faith,” Achievement pf <£oaals 7 p.m,-—“A High Thursday, 7,30 Study Class, Sunday, Jan, 17th, the celebration of Holy Communion, Calling.’’ p, m.-Mid-week'Sr JANUARY CLEARANCE January has long been the month of savings. This is true because all of our winter merchandise must be moved to make room for our new fresh Spring goods soon to arrive. The prices on these goods must be and is lower than any other time of the year. Do you like to save?! - ..., ' The members of the Exetei- W. I. met for their December meeting at the home of Mrs. W. H. Harness on .Wednesday evening, opened in the usual •opening ode and the repeated in unison. The roll call was “My Favourite Piece of Music” and its composer. Music in home and school” was tak en by W, R- Goulding in a very con cise and efficient manner, He stressed the value of good music in the home and predicted that the death /knell of jazz would soon be sounding. A humorous musical pro gram followed: a kitchen orchestra •by Mesdames Taylor, Rowcliffe, Quance, Goulding Harness and Hor ney; a whistling solo by Mrs. B. W. F, Beavers; a couple of mouth or gan selections by Mrs. M. Quance accompanied by Mrs. W. R. Gould ing; a musical contest arranged by Mrs. W. R. Goulding was very inter esting. hostess assisted by Mesdames Tay lor and Goulding and a social half hour was spent. The meeting way with the Lord’s Prayer answered by The topic “Value of Lunch was served by the ■ 1 Cockshutt plow, foot lift, real bargain. single furrow riding three ^ears old at a Harris, two-furrow1 Massey Tractor plow as good as new, 12 in. frame. Make us an offer. S second hand Cream Seperators all makes take your choice at your ■own price. International Harvester Co. Ltd EXETER, ONTARIO ANNUAL MEETING Of the Exeter Horticultural ciety on Friday, January 15 tn So- 1, at 8 p.m. for the consideration of the annual reports of the officers, the election of officers, and transaction of general business. Wm. Ward, President. J. G. Stanbury, Sec.-Treas. A A. R. Kinsman, of London, a few hours in town Sunday. Wm, Lawson, of Listowel, New Years under the parental Lon- New ■week Of Mr. and spent New visiting at Do you find it hard to write 1932? So do we. Mr. Grafton Cochrane is recover ing from a serious illness. iMr, Grafton Cochrane is confined to his home through illness. Miss Mildred Rowe visited for a few days last week In London. Mr. S. J. Sweitzer, of London, spent a few hours in town Sunday, Dr. spent Dr. spent roof. Miss Kathleen Godbolt, of don, visited with relatives on Years, Miss Edith Brooks left last for Stratford where she has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Elliott, of Mar lette, Mich., visited with relatives over the holidays. Mrs. L. Billings? of London, spent New Years at the home Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Miss Leila Stackhouse Years and the week-end IJamilton and Thorold. Mr. and Mrs1. Wm. Kydd and fam ily, of Toronto, spent New Year’s with the former's parents. Stewart Fuke spent a few days in London last week with, his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fuke. Mr. Melvin Sims, of Windsor, spent New Years at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grant have re turned to. London after spending the holidays with their parents in town, and Mrs. Norman Hern, of spent New Years with the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mr. Norwich, former’s Hern. (Misses Ruth gnd Mary Hills visit ed during the Christmas. Holidays at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant. Miss x\nnie Simmons, of the Vic toria Hospital training staff, visited with her parents in town on New Years. Mr. D. Gillies and Miss' M. Lum ley, of visitors Pearce. ■ Miss St. Thomas, were week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. her holidays at her Sheere returned to spending Christmas SEALED TENDERS Will be re ceived up to January 16 th for eight single cord of 16 inch body wood, maple or beech. Luther Reynolds, Sec’y.-Treas., S. S. No. 1, Usborne .tc. FOR RENT—100 acres, first class land, situate in the- Township of Usborne, 10 acres of fall wheat, all Fall plowing done.—For further particulars apply to CARLING & Morley, Exeter. LOST—A key case with Alligator leather Finder please leave at Times-Advo- cate. * cover and several keys. WANTED— Position as house keeper, can furnish good testimon ials. I have two children, a boy, aged 12, good worker and a girl, 6^ years. ’Will w»ork for small wag es; am proven economical house keeper. „ Apply Box 280R. Exeter. ? FOR SALE In Built Grocery Stock and Fixtures in the Estate of Albinus E. Moore, of the Village of Exeter. Groceries Inventoried at $140.19, Fixtures Inventoried at $474.00. For further particulars apply the undersigned Trustee. C. A. HOUGHTBY co. C. A. Houghby & Co. ' 109 King Street, ' London, Canada to FOR SALE—Some young sows 'coming in also some young hogs. Hog for service; terms $1.00 cash with privilege Of returning if nec essary. Harvey. $2.00 If charged. Chas. 12-23.3tc SALE OR RENT—Ttesiden-FOR ce on Wellington St. with, all mod ern conveniences, formerly owned by Mr Ransford. Kestle, Exeter. Apply to T» J. U-17-4tp ROOMS to RENT—over Grant's Bakery. Apply to John Rowe er E. W. F. JJOavbrs, WANTED—An unlimited: number Of cheap horses. Apply to Frank JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. P, McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.'M. Organist and Choir-Leader a. m,—’* Comm union Seryice” Bunday School -"When the Crowd Prevail- 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- ed” NOTE—January 17th is set as our. day for the “gift extraordinary” - The Women’s Association will meet Thursday at three o’clock, MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—-“Borrow at the Gross” This is the beginning of a series on “Humanity at the Cross” 7 p.m.—“The Victory of Faith” We begin with our song service o’clock Wednesday, the Men’s un ion meet. IAJ fine program and. Annual meeting. 7.30 Thursday, Meeting foi* prayer, 11 8 Bargains in Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats Every Boys’ and Men’s Overcoat will be offered at greatly reduced prices this month. It will pay yopj to buy one now. This is the chance you have been waiting for; IS only Men’s Coats at $12.95; $25.00 Coats reduced to $17.50; $35.00 Coats reduced to $24.95. Girls’ and Women’s Coats at Reduced Prices Values such as we are offering on Girls’ and Women’s Coats are seldom round on such merchandise, but our racks must be cleared. New Spring Goods New Prints, Broadcloths, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Factory Cotton, Bleached Cottons, Towellings, all at lower prices. IBEX 12-4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS These are seconds and will only last a few days at this low price. ® <____ PER PAIR $1.98 J: e 1 YD. WIDE STRIPED FLANNELETTE In splendid patterns and a fairly good weight comes also in dark colors. SPECIAL AT PER YARD 19c. Remnants! Remnants! We will finish stock-taking this week and will have some wondeful bar- gains in remnants. These will be marked for quick selling. iji •s Gladys Kestle returned to her duties as teacher at Copper Cliff after spending home here. Mr. Aquilla Detroit after and New Year’s with his mother, Mrs, (M. Sheere. Miss Irene Stewart, who recently underwent an operation trouble in London, has her home in town, Mr. and Mrs. .Geo>. visited with /Mr. and Skinner at Thorndale Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Alex for antrum returned to Pulleyblank Mrs. J. during W. the Stewart and Mr. and (Mrs. Harold Best, of Lon- , don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech, on Sunday. Messrs. Stanley Walter and Thos. Routledge, of Hensail, spent New Years with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Walter. Gordon T. Hewlett, who lias been spending his ‘holidays at his home here lias returned to his studies at the O. M. C. at OshawU. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Dow family and Mr. Alex Hodgert, Russeldale, spent Bunday with and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert. Messrs. Hugh Creech and- Harry Jennings have returned to Western University after spending the days at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns: family, of Toronto, spent Year’s and the week-end the former’s mother, Mrs. W. Johns. Mrs. Arthur Nash, of Sarnia, spent New Years at the home of her daughter Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Powell. She visited for ham. On the last R. N. Creech enjoyed a couple of hours on the Oakwood Golf ‘Bend. 1 Mr. and Mrs. two children, of ed with the former’s and Mrs. holidays. Miss K. ad to hei’ faring friends atound Mrs, Years and the week-end with. Mr, and Mrs. A. Bice, of Ails& Craig. Mrs, Bice has returned with her to visit tor a short jtimo, ( r and of Mr. holi- and New visiting a few days in Wing- day of the old year and T. 0. Southcott Course at Grand Gordon Ford and Flint, $ is ■»$REMNANTS OF PRINTS These come in small lengths from 1-4 • yard to 2 yards. They are fine for quilt ing to clear at per yard 15c. WOOLLEN DRESS GOODS All Wool Dress Serges in Black, Wine, Brown, Green and Blue. Values as high as $2.00 a yard. This week selling at per yard 1 •!TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaui Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss First Sunday After Epiphany ' a.m.—(Morning Prayer Subject—“God in His World” p.m.—(Sunday School and' Bible Class p.m.—Teachei’ Training Class p.ni.—Evensong 'Subject—“The Kingdom of God 11 3 4 7 The’Regular meeting of the Can adian Legion will be held on Thurs day, January 7th at 8 p.m. Mr. Ted Moyle visited with rela tives in Toronto during the Christ mas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz spent New Years with Mr and Mrs. Austin Bicikle, of London. ■Mrs. Chas. Perkins is confined to her room at the home of Mrs. J. Keyes through illness. William and Ted Wilson spent part of the li-olidays visiting with Joe Martene at Sharon. Mr. Reg. Beavers of Bridgeburg, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F Beavers. Mr. Berdux, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff, spent New Years at his home in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, of Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l Parsons for the week-end. Miss Lillian Ford, of Detroit, ■spent New Years at the home of her parents, Mr, and (Mrs. W. J. Ford. Miss Flossie Hunter returned to Toronto Monday to resume lier studies after holidaying at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McClellan, of Stratford, visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ald- w-Ortli over the holiday. Miss Avis Lindenfield, of the Vic toria Hospital, Training Staff, spent Saturday and Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield. (Miss Ella Jones, of • Stratford. aiid Mr. and Mrs. F. Rice, of Brantford, have returned to their home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Jones. Mrs. Bedford, of London, return ed to her home Monday after spend-' ing the holidays with her daughters? Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Gordon Heywood. Mr. W. G. Turnbull, of Toronto, and Mr. Harold Turnbull, of Otter ville, spent the holidays visiting with * their mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Turnbull. Messrs. Charles and Donald Glad man and Miss Margaret Gladman, of London, spent their parents, Mr. Gladman, Mr. jos, Davis, came hip for New Years companied home by Mrs. Davis afid children who spent the week with relatives here. New and of tl .I . I, Grocery Specials For This Week f. d Macaroni, ready cut..................2 lbs. 15c. Sunsweet Prunes............... 2 lb. pkg. 25c. Palmolive Toilet Soap...........3 cakes 21c. Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 40 oz. 33c. . 2 lbs. for 17c. ...... 7c. a lb. . 2 lbs. for 25c. 10 lbs. for 25c. ’r ijl 69c. (Miss Olive Ted- spent Christmas Fresh Broken Sodas Corn Syrup in bulk Dried Apricots . Cooking Onions Mrs. Mooney and daughter, Irene, spent New Years with relatives in London. Mr. John Dalrymple, of Usborne, spent the New Year’s holidays with friends at Ayr. Miss Helen Stanbury lias return ed to Toronto after two weeks’ va cation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arte Delve and fam ily, of Forest, visited with relatives in town during the holidays. Miss Laura Jeckell returned this week from several weeks’ visit with her brother at Youngstown, Ohio. Mr. W. J. Brooks, of Crystal City Man., was in town the forepart of the week visiting with his uncle, Mr. Chas Brooks, and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. W. Tripp, Mr. Stanley Tripp and Miss Lois Tripp, of Oil Springs, visited over New Years at the home of the former’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot, ford, of Alvinston, with them. Mrs. Goodspeedy the holidays with her sister, has returned to Years with Mrs, F. WV Waterford, and Was acB after spending- Miss Pearl Love, has returned to her teaching duties at port Arthur. Her soil Donald has'also returned to1 Al bert College, Belleville, where he has spent the past year. Mr. G. Chisholm, h mining engiil- eeer, who- for several months with Mrs. Chisholm and tliree children made ther home at the Central Ho tel, left last week for California by auto. Mrs. Chisholm and family left here on Wednesday to join him. Miss Ethel Dow, who lias spent the past few months in Exeter left Tuesday for St. Johns, N.B., to vis it with Dr, and /Mrs. S. R. Hewitt who< are moving to that city from Regina, Sask., the doctor having ac cepted the position of superinten dent of the new two million doHaf hospital in that icity. DEATH OF MRS. HOPGINS Miss Jean visited with New Years. Mrs. Boyd Mr. Earl Tapp has returned to his studies at Toronto Pharmacy after spending the holidays at his home here. Ross, of St,. Thomas,' relatives in town on now a mem- Education of Lticknow ac- Mr. jas. W. Harris, of Carnduff, Sask., in renewing his subscription to the Times-Advocaie says that tljey are alive, well and happy. There has been just a little snoxV; the horses and cattle are picking, their living which helps the- feed and fftel problem greatly. McBi’ice and son Ross,, of Springfield, Ohio, spent New Years, and the week-end at tJie home of ML W. D. Sandors and with Mr. and (Mrs. Rufus Kestle. Mrs. Mc Bride was formerly Miss- Lauretta Lambrook and she is ber of the Board Of her city. A gentleman from companied by another gentleman from Ripley motored to Exeter Sun day night to get telephone messages through to London and1 Toronto. These gentlemen had called at God erich, Clinton and Hensall but in all three places had found the tele phone lines out of order owing to the storm. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs, of the Huron County Home on behalf of the inmates of that institution de sire to thank the members of the Exeter Women’s Institute for their gift of Christinas cheer consisting of candies and oranges whifeh were Very much enjoyed and appreciated. They extend to the Institute Best Wishes and a Very Happy and! Pros perous 1932, During the Christmas season the inmates were treated to a program and treats from Turner Church; twice from residents of Sal ford; aise from S. S. No. 7, CoL borne Twp? and from Goderlelr and Clinton? W. R. Goulding A. T. O. M. Organist mid! Choirmaster • James St? United Church Instruction In Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in School* ' Studio, Main St. Box 123, phone 192 EXETER, ONT The death occurred at her late residence lot 24. concession 14 in London Township, of Catherine E. Hodgins, widow of A. C. Hodgins, former warden of the County of Middlesex. Mrs. Hodgins had been ill for bttt four days, death being due to pneumonia, She Is survived by four daughters, ftirs. 'Charlton, Lobo Township; Mrs, Gibson, Exe- ter; Mfs. Alvin McLean, Proof Line road; Hattie, at home; also three sons? Amos, 16th concession, Lon don Townhip and clarence and Wil liam, at home. The funeral held from the late residence interment was made tn the Birr gHdatt cemetery. Mlclj?, visit parents, Mr. during theJohn Ford, been confin-MacFaui has room for several days suf- from the flu. Her many hope that she will soon be again. H. K, Hyndman spent New Mr. and Mrs. T. Ward and Miss G. Ward, of Landon? spent Christmas holidays with their son John ward and family. Stanley, of Louden, was also homo for the holidays. Mr. TL C. Rivers underwent a rather serious operation at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on Tuesday, the operation being performed by Dr. Busby? of London. Miss Mary Grant, R. N., is in attendance. was and Ah" i DR. J. HARRY BROWNING .Physician ahd surgeon M.D., C.M.? Toronto L, 11. p. p. and Edinburgh L. F* F? and S,, Glasgow, Etc. Post; Graduate New York 'Specialty, maternity; diseases; nerves, stomach, skin, urinary and sextial troubles. All modalities to electro physio therapy? ultra violet - Modern hospital dccommbda-" J