HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-01-07, Page 4iTHE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE «-^THURSDAY, JWABT W
iM. E. Pridham, teacher,
66; Harry Pen-
Ellerington 62;
Almira prlntneix
60; Millar Camp-
KERGWON—In Chatham, on Janu
ary 1, 19'32, (Sarah Ann Horney,
widow of the late James Fergus-
■ -on,
November and December
McCURDY—In Stephen Twp..
Monday, January 4th, 1932.
And Mrs. Cooper McCurdy,
daughter ((Helen Joan.)
(Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rabins,
Tuckersmith, wish to announce the
engagement of their eldest daughter
Hilda Lydia Beatrice to Harold John
Taylor, eldest son of Mr. F. Taylor
(and the late Mrs. Taylor, of Exeter.
The wedding to take place in the
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Robins, of
Tuckersmith, wish to announce the
■engagement of their second daugh
ter, Cecelia Dorothy, to William
James Forsyth Bell, only son of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Bell, of Kippen.
The wedding to take place the end
-of January.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter de
sire to express theii' sincere thanks
to those who so kindly remembered
Mrs. Hunter with flowers, and cards
while a patient at Victoria Hospital.
Sr. IV, Honors-—Jack Doerr 84;
Janette Dearing 79; Doris. Harvey
79; Warren May 79; Ole Reid 75;
Barbara Atkinson 75.
pass—Irene Van Camp 72; Lloyd
Lindenfield 72; Roy Smith 70; R.
Pearce 70; Doreen Campbell 69;
Reggie McDonald
hale 64; Bobbie
Lloyd Siyerns 62;
61; Ray Genttner
bell 60.
Below pass—Velma Bartow 59;
Annie Cox 58; Marion Powell 53;
Tom Campbell 48,
Jr, IV, Honeys—Elaine Stansbury
80; Stewart Fuke 7 6; Laurens
Beavers 75,
Pass—Robert Brooks 74; Marion
Gladman 73; Kathleen Lawson 70;
Margery Heywood 70; Ll-oyd Jones
68; Ethel Smith 68; Ray Jones 65;
Helen Grieve 65; Jack Jennings 64;
Gerald Fitzgerald 64; Ted Buswell
64; Margaret Campbell 63; Victor
Lutman 62; Billie PenhaJe 61,
Below Pass—Howard Elliott -57;
Roy Campbell 56; Dorothy Traquair
>55; Orville Snell 51; Pauline Fol
lick 50; Harry Kestle 42.
Number on roll 45; average at
tendance 43.5.
G. S, Howard,
Doris Webber 8U.8; Norma Parsons
80; Mae Willis 78; Bobbie Burns
76.6; Calvin Heywood 76.
Bass—Donald Traquair 74; Mar
jorie May 72; Jean Snell 70; Dor
is Hay 68.8; Jean Elliott 68; Hazel
Williams'66; Teddy McDonald 65;
Carl Genttner 61; .Qrval Hunter 60;
Dorothy Kydd 58.8; Harold Elliott
58.8; Lillian Kestle '56; Roy Kirk
55; Freida Stire 40.
B classLillian Hunter, 74;
Jackie Cann .73; Jimmie 'Triebner
72; Walter Simms 69; George
Doerr 65,6; Richard Pilon 65; Lois
Clarke 64; Harold Hojckey 61; Eth
el Stire 58; Ross Ward 37; Isobel
Snell 23.
No on roll 41; average attendance
3'5. '3,
Morse, Walter Chipchase.
Brintnell, Betty Harness,
McDonald, Eric Jennings, Mae
Lois Hunter, Douglas Pryde,
Armstrong, Betty Perkins,
Cann, James Willis, Jean
Mary Easton, June
Kirk, Robert Moore,
Jean Snell, Eric Hey-
Webber, Melvin Kes-
The family of the late Mrs. Fer
guson wish to thank their many
neighbors1 and friends for the many
.acts of kindness and expressions of
jsympaihy extended during their re
cent bereavement, for the loan of
cars; also to Rev. D. McTavish. Mrs.
Williams ‘and Miss Essery.
The family of the late John Bat
ten wish to thank their friends and
neighbors for kindness and sym
pathy shown during their recent sad
bereavement especially to Rev. Mr.
White and to those who assisted'
with the singing and floral tributes
also to those who so kindly loaned
theii* cars.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kernick. of Us
borne, desire to thank their many
’neighbors foi* their heroic, efforts
in . savini their home from fire on
Bunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock, of
■Centralia, wish to express their ap
preciation to all who helped them
on the night their barn was burned.
It was only through the heroic ef
forts of the helpers their house
saved from burning.
Jr. IV, Honors—.Eileen
Pass—Barbara Dinney
Stanlake, Helen Pfaff, Grace Kirk,
Ruby Welsh,
Smith, Mary
Edith Hunter,
wood, Archie
tie and Jerome Struyf.
No. on role 28, average atten
dance 23.8.
Ruble Creech, teacher.
f We wish to express our sincere
thanks to the citizens of Exeter in
re-electing me as Reeve for 1932.
We can assure you that we shall
continue to give the town our very
best consideration without
favour. We extend to all
son’s Greetings.
fear or
the Sea-
B. M.Francis.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I hereby express my sincere thanks
to all those who so kindly support
ed me in the recent contest for the
Reeveship of the Village of Exeter.
Although not elected, I enjoy the
peace cf mind of running a clean
campaign, because I prefer an hon
orable defeat to a questionable vic
tory I am yours very truly
W. D. Sanders
I hereby extend a hearty vote of
thanks to the people of the town
ship of Stephen for their support in
my recent election.
William Sweitzer.
Kathleen Wiseman and Mr.
Anderson have returned to
studies at Western Univers-
Mr.-Jaek Gollings, left Monday
for the O. A. C. at Guelph where he
Will take a short course.
We are sorry to hear that Mr.
Norman Passmore is confined to his
• Miss
ity after visiting at their repefetive
Miss Grace Anderson, of Landon,
who has been visiting under the
-jjarental roof has returned.
A very pleasant evening
jepent ia a surprise, when bet’Ween
30 and
Afnity v;
Home ax:
Ions tis*
was spent in playing cards after
Which a dainty lunch was served.
School opened on Monday with
■Miss A, Baxter, of Goderich in
The annual meeting of No. 2. tls-
‘iooxmo school was -held last week.
*3*ho trustees are being returned.
Miss Velma Atkinson, of Kirlctoh,
-wpent New Years with Mr* and Mrs.
40; of Mr. and Mrs. J* Mc-
friends of Cromarty and vl-
sited them at their new
d presented them with var-
Tnl articles. The evening
Mr, Sam Brodfe is able
again after being confined
bed since Setember. His
who lives a mile
on Highway No.
himself an envia-
an Old Time Fid-
silver cups illus-
Lewis 83.
7 0; Mar
ion Walper 68; Alvin Lindenfield
68; Jack Brintnell 66; Charlie Snell
65; Billy Kydd 64.
Below Pass—Wilfred Perkins 5 8;
Harold Elliot 52**; Robena Hunkin
51**. ’
Sr. Ill, Honors—Grant Taylor 8)5;
Betty Hogarth 84; Margaret Mel
ville 83; Josie Kerslake 82; Gerald
MeFalls 81; Clarence McDonald 81;
Anna Kernick SO; Grace Snell 80;
Donald Winer 79; Isobel Appleton
76; Ralph Delbridge 75.
Pass—Eileen Andrew 74; Lloyd
Genttner 74; Evelyn Lawson 74;
Morna Valley 73; Lloyd iSitanlake
72; Lorraine Armstrong 72; Hilton
Sanders 72; Dorothy Smith 72*; G.
Browning 68; Eleanor Abbot' 6S;
Hazel Snell 66*; Walter Davis- 61;
Ethel Kydd 60; Helen Bawden 60*;
Below Pass—'Cecil Smith 57; Mali-
lon Ryckman 57; David Kestle >53*;
Vernon Heywood 51***; Jack Smith
Absent—-Lillian McDonald, Gor
don Sanders, Howard Laverty.
Number on roll 43; average at
tendance 36.28.
M. A. Horton, teacher
'Mr. and Mrs. John Kent, of Cen-
diamond ju-
day on Sat-
when they
their many
Mr. Wm, Hyde,
south of Hensall
4, has earned for
ble, reputation as
dler as the nine
trated above will
These cups have been won durin
the past five years and include six
firsts and three seconds. They were
won principally in Hensall and
Grand Bend. Old Time fiddling con
tests have been quite popular dur
ing the past few years and the above
Showing is a glowing tribute to Mr.
Hyde’s splendid ability,
who is 67 years of age,
shard boy, and he took
die early in life. The
plays and which is one of his. treas
ured possessions, was purchased al-
Mr. Hyde
is a Blan-
to the fid
violin he
most fifty years ago from Jack Cos
grove, of St. Marys. -During those
years many of the younger set have
tripped the light fantastic while Mr.
Hyde assisted with the music. Dur
ing competitions Mr, Hyde has been
accompanied by one of the Bell sis
ters. Misses Eleanor, Effie and
Lauretta Bell are all splendid ac
companists and all play by ear, The,
latter at times accompanied him on
the banjo. Mr. Hyde is. a good loser
and when beaten he is the one of
the first to congratulate the winner
He is also a lover of good horses
and in the general purpose class us
ually carries off some of the covet
ed ribbons at the neighbouring fall
76; (
•. Ill, Honors—-Helen Buswell
Hazel Jones 77; Labelle Sims
Carl Stire 75.8; Margaret Clark
Jean Appleton 75.4.
Pass—Andrew Bierling 74; Leon
ard Harvey 73.6; Eric Morse 73;
Freda Moore 72; Thelma Hockey
71; Maxwell Harness 70; Gerald
LawSon 69.5; Wesley Ry.ckman
69.2; Clifford Quance 68.8; Phyllis
Guest 68.4; Gerray Lawson 68; B.
Jones 66.4; Teddy Wilson 66; Ro
bert Southcott 65; Murray. Moore
64.7; Billy Chipchase 64.6; Bruce
Cann 64.3; Lloyd Hunter 64.3*;
Patsy Russell 60.2 (2*); Eldrid
Simmons 60.2.
Below Pass—Irene Brooks 59;’
Kathleen Kestle .'58’;. Irma Fergus
on 53*; Ernest McTavish 51.8 (2*)
June Bartow 51.5*; Alva Elliott 50*
Tom Walter 49.6; Lloyd Hewitt
49.5; Mildred Beavei' 47; Irene
Kydd 42 (2*); Elmer McDonald
Richard .Stanbury 29
22 (4*); Gerald
iioris Payne 9
3S (5*);
(7*); Ross Moore
Cornish 20 (3*);
Number on roll
tendance 35.
W. A. Fra in, teacher
41; average at-
tralia, celebrated the
bilee of their wedding
urday afternoon last
were “At Home” to
friends. Their cosy little cottage on
Station St. was decorated with gold
and purple streamers and adorned
with yellow roses. Callers were re
ceived from 2 to 6 p.m. and Mr. and
Mrs. Kent were tne recipients of
many (congratulations.
From 2 p.m. until 4 pan. the
guests were received at the door by
Mrs. Fred Kerb, of Crediton and
Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Following the
presentation of congratulations, and
best wishes to the bride and groom,
the guests were shown to- the din
ing room by Mrs. Byron Hicks where
tea was poured by Mrs. E. Ander
son and MiSs Jennie Wilson while a
very sumptuous lunch was ’served
by Miss Flossie Davey and Mrs. Fred
From 4 to 6 p.m. the guests were
received at the door by Mrs. George
Hicks and iMrs. Th-os.
John Essery and Miss
son poured tea while
Wilson and Mrs. Mills
Leavitt’s Theatre
January 7tli, Sth, and 9th
(Approved U).
See Landi, Europe’s favorite, Amer
ica’s sensation, in her greatest
, thrill drama
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
January lltli, 12tlf and IBth
Rachel Wil-.
Mrs. Elmer
served. Fol-
the luncheon the guests un
der the supervision of Mrs. George
Thompson were invited to register,
their names.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent were recip
ients of many beautiful gfits and
received telegrams and many let
ters of best wishes and congratula
tions. Mr. and Mrs. Kent are es
teemed residents of this community
and although neither of them have'
been enjoying the best of health for
the past few years, we are happy to
say that they are able to be around
and able to take care of themselves.
Owing to the fact-that jMr. and Mrs.
Kent were not physically able
taking charge of this
two of Centralia’s good
namely, Mrs. Andrew
Mrs. Thomas Willis’ are
for the carrying out of
community we .congratulate
on their splendid
During the
W. M. S. of the
Church, presented
• ■ Thursday, Friday and Saturday
January i-lth, 15th and 16th
John Boles in
Hicks and
this happy
and as residents of this
2nd A, Honors'—Lorraine Atkin
son 83; Willie Brown 81^ Bartie
Motz 80; Jean Grieve 78^Cather
ine Armstrong 78; Harry Parsons
78; Phillippa Harness 77; Alta Har
vey 75; Florence Southcott 75*.
Pass—Jimmie Kirk 73; Doreen Sims 71; Bert pilon-70; Doris Cut-(
ting 70, Jack Chipchase 69,
Brintnell 69, Jean Cann 67*,
Moore 65*, Bessie Brooks 64
Below Pass—Audrey Sims
S'idney Stire 42***
2nd B. Honors—Donald Siverns
Pass—iCoquoline Simmons 69; M.
Elliot 68; Anne Gordon 68; Ellis
Pearce 68; Norma Stoneiiouse 68;
Phyllis Cooper 66*; Ila Willis 65**;
Stewart Cann 64*; Dorothy Jennings
Below pass—'Shirley penhale 5S*;
Iva Willis 52**; Billy Walper 151*5
Lila Elliott 50-*; Harry Perkins 49 5
John Collingwood 48; Raymond
Snell 39**; Dftuglas Harness 39***.
Leone Treble missed tests; Norman
Sandors absent.
Number on roll 40; average at
tendance 3'5.
M. M. Rowe, teacher
following the
dinner was
Mr. and Mrs.
Only two of
farmed for
to iMicGil-
years ago
age and
Mrs. Kent with a
nicely worded address and a life
membership certificate. The address
was read by Mrs. Robb and the
presentation made by Mrs. Thomas
On. January 2, 1872, Mr. and Mrs.
Kent were married in Exeter by the
Rev. Mr. English and
ceremony a wedding
served at the home of
J. Wilson, of Stephen.
those who Were present at the wed
ding sixty” years ago are living to
day. They are Mrs. J. Hepburn, of
London, and Mr, W. H. Kent, a
brother, the latter being present for
the celebration on Saturday. Mr.
and Mrs. Kent settled in Biddulph
Township where they
many years later moving
livray. A little over 15
they retired and
Mr. Kent is 84
Mrs. Kent 82.
daughters, two
Young, Loudon
of Stratford. Mrs. Fred Morgan pre
deceased them. They have seven
grandchildren and five great grand
children, the youngest of whom is
Gerald Morgan, 6 months old, the
youngest member present. Mr,
Mrs. Kent were the recipients
many congratulations and
many friends will join with the
Tmes-Advocate in wishing
health and happiness during
declining years.
moved to
years of
Of a family of three
are living, Mrs.
and Mrs, Mitchell,
A class—Labelle
Norina Wilson 88;
gerald 87; Marion Smith 86;
aln sanders 85.3; Neil Jones
Francis King 85; Annie Mason 84;
Jack Harness 83.4; Murray Stan-
Iake 83; Norman liahnigan 82;
8*5.2 J
The marriage of Edith, fourth
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Wolfe, of Hensall to Norman Baird
of near Bruceffeld, took place re
cently at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Honer and Mr. Honor, Goder
In the passing of John Batten at
the home of his> daughter Mrs. Th-os.
Morley on Tuesday, December 29th,
Usborne Township loses one of its
last surviving pioneers. Deceased
was in his 87th year and until a few
weeks ago enjoyed very good, health.
Born in Plymouth, England, he
came to Canada sixty-three years
ago. A year later he married Eliza
beth Taylor and settled in Usborne
on the farm now occupied "by his son
Wilbert. His wife predeceased
him 15 years ago. Grit, determina
tion and the ability for hard work
were needed in those early days to
face the hardships and the task of
clearing the land and the deceased
possessed these qualities in abun-
bance. Not only did he work for
himself but liis neighbors always
found in him a ready and efficient
helper. Although not able to take
an active part in life for the past few
years the late Mr. Batten took a
keen interest in the happenings- of
the community and his friends al
ways found in him a cheery and
kindly disposition. He was very
fond Of reading and the well-worn
pages of his Bible showed that it
was his best -beloved; book. Besides
thirty-one grandchildren and four
great grand-children he leaves to
cherish his memory eight daughters
Mrs. T. Morley and Miss Bertha, of
Whalen; Mrs. L. Oike, Hurondale;
Mrs. B, Rowcliffe, Clinton; Mrs. W<
Archer, London; Mrs. G. Miners, -of
Elimville; Mrs. F. Perkins, Exeter;
Mrs. E. Willard, Hensall and four
sons, Will, of Detroit; Walter, of
London; Wilbert, of Zion and Ralph
Of Winchelsea.
Election of offeers in the W. M.
S. are as follows: President, Mrs,
Wm. Sherritt; Vice-President, Mrs,
Goodhand, Mrs. McGregor and Mrs,
D. Brown; Secretary, Mae Wilson;
Treasurer, Miss Leask; Supt. Mis-,
sion Circle, Erma Goodhand, Mrs. L,
Bropliey; Supt. of Mission Band,
Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. Arthur Bro-
phey; 'Supt. Baby Band, Mrs. F.
Sharpe; auditor, Mrs. D, Brown;
secretarys of departments, Associate
Helpers, Mrs. Frank Steeper, Mrs.
Curts; Stewardship, Mrs. Sheppard;
Literature, Mrs. C. H, Curts; Miss.
Monthly, Mrs. Frank steeper; Tem
perance, Miss S. Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock en
tertained tkeir family and grand
children and a few friends on New
Year’s Day. The happy party num
bered about forty-six.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mason entertain
ed all of their family also Rev. and
■Mrs. Jas. Foster and family, for New
Mi and Mrs. R. English, Mr. Shel-
bourne English, and Miss Olive Eng
lish spent Friday and Saturday in
London with Mr. and Mrs. P. Shep
■Mrs. Thomas Burnett .spent the
week-end with Mrs. McIntosh.
Mr. E. Mason and Rev. J. Foster
visited ,Mr. Joseph Foster, of Bay
field on Thursday. Mr. Foster has
not recovered from his -operation for
appendicitis as rapidly a.s his friends
have desired.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor will
entertain 'the iS. Si. executive of the
United Church on Thursday evening.
A very pleasant evening was spent
last Monday at the Christmas party
in the school room of -the United
Church were there in large numbers
Mathers announced
no one -elder than
be wp
to Mf
friends will be very much pleaseA
to hear of Ids improvement*
Sickness has been an unwel/come
visitor in quite a number of hexnes-
in this communty, tne flu and, sore-
throat being the principal ailments,.
Master Teddy Johns is home agaift
and much improved after receiving
a few days treatment in Dr, Flet'-
cher’s Hospital in Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. George Squires anf
family, of Whalen, were Ney Yearfr
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Howard Johns returned homo
the latter part of the week after
visiting relatives in Hamilton,
Mr, and Mrs, Cephas Pym an®
Miss Lila visited Miss Mary Herd-
man last Saturday.
Several families of the Passmore
connection spent New Year’s Day- at
the home of M'r. and Mrs. W, Johns.
Mr. Enos Herdman, of Toronto,
is visiting with relatives in tho vil*
Miss Bessie Bell purse-in-training
at the Ontario Hospital, London,
spent a few days at her home here
this week.
Mr. Walter Johns
Cornell University in
state last -week,
Mrs, Matt, R-outly
spent New Years with
Wm. Routly.
Relatives here of
Jackson, Toronto, have received en*
couraging reports of her condition.’
rejcently and hopes of her ultimate
recovery are good.
Mr, R-obt. Down, of Strathroy, is
spending a few days at Mr. Jackson.’
Mrs. John Johns and family spent'
New Years with the former’s son
Mr. Alex Johns in Lucan.
Messrs. Enos and Wilbert Her®*
man, Miss Mary Herdman and Mrs,
John Herdman attended the funer-.
al of their aunt, the late Mrs, Fer
guson of Chatham, whose death oc
curred there last Saturday. She suf
fered a stroke and passed away the
same day. The funeral was held oni
Monday from the home of her-
daughter, Mrs. C. W. Christie in;
The December meeting of the Dive
Oak Mission Circle was held Wed--
nesday, December 30 th at the homer
of Miss Florence Bell. Miss Maizie
O’Reilly had charge of the meeting
which opened with hymn. “It
Came Upon the Midnight Clear’* fol-*
.lowed by prayer by Miss Margaret
Johns. The Scripture lesson from'
St. Matthew 1:28-35 was read bj^
Miss Florence Bell. The Devotion
al Leaflet “Andrew,, the man of De
cision” was given by iMiss Mae Cow
ward. Hymn “I Have Heard of a'
Land” was then sung. A leaflet,
“The Girl Who Volunteered to Stay,
at Home” was given by Miss Audrey
Prance, another “Preparations for
the Master’s Work” was read by1,
Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw. The hymn/
“While Shepherds Watched Theiri
Flocks by Night” was next sung.
Fourteen members responded tq tile’
roll call. Borne business was also?
dealt with and the meeting close®5
with the Mizpah benediction.
returned to?
New York.
and family;
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Jennie!
ClassThe members of the Unity
elected officers last week which re
sulted as follows: president, Erma
GoOdliand; Viee-Pres., Luella Curts;
Secretary, Dorothy Lutlief and Ruby
Brown; Treasurer, Mary Webb and
Olla Jones; Social Committee, Olive
Brown, Dorothy Belling, Katherine
Hock and Evelyn Isaac; Program
Committee, Graice Sheppard, Deaiia
Mason, jean Topping
Election of officers
men's Association ate
President, Mrs, J. Brown; Vice-Pres,
Mrs. F. Sharpe, Mrs. C. Woodburn;
Secretary, Mrs. Goodhand; Treasur
er, Mrs. W. Young.
and Muriel
of the Wo-
as follows:
for Rev. S. J.
that there was
fifteen present.
Mr. and- Mrs.
and Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Curts attend-
of their brother-in-
in Capac, Mich., on
Mr. Beehr Was in
Joseph Bullolcfc of
Crediton, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Albert pollock
Mr. and Mrs.
ed the funeral
law Mr. Beehr
Thursday last,
his prime and just lived a few hours
after he was taken ill. Mr. and
Mrs. Beehr visited with Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Curts this fall and his
passing is a great shock to his many
The annual meeting and election
of officers of the Y.P.-S. was held
Monday night at the home of
E. Lamport with Rev. Ha-gles-
in (charge. The officers foi' the
are as follows: President, Mil
sec. Dorothy Ratz;
the General Pupric, Citizens o2
Exeter and the Neighbourhood,
Notice is hereby given by the Ex-1
eter Cemetery Board of Director^
to the owners and relatives of Cem*
etery lot owners within the said!
cemetery. When such lots have bee®*
abandoned and no care given or re
muneration offered for the upkeep;
of the same ar«l wr.en such aban- .
donment has existed for at least five
years and when such lot or lots are;
not claimed and any dues Oj. charg
es with respect thereto are not paid
within six months after* the last,
publication of this notice, the Gem-'
etery Board upon the expiration o®
the said period will apply to the
Judge of the County Court for a®
order authorizing the said Cemetefjj
Board to repossess and sell the un
occupied part of such abandoned
lot ov lots and apply the proceed^
of such sale foi' the perpetual car®
of the occupied part of such lot.
Parties or relatives claiming to?
have such an interest in any of the
cemetery lots are hereby called up*
on to prove their claims and make!
such arrangements for the perpet-
ual care as may be directed by tliS
Cemetery Board. |(
An early and earnest reply is re
This notice is
pursuant to the
Cemetery Act of
utes of Ontario.
The following
numbers of lots
tery of which there is no record off
ownership or whore no trace of re
latives call be found,
will from time to time
1st centre ;
66, 68, 129.
Division 2;
Division 8;
86, 87, 122,
317, 352.
Division NO. 4
76, 77, 88.
Division 4, Section 2; Lot No.__
IL G. Seldon, Chairman’
_ ... „ ....Thomas Pryde, Secretary,
dred Lamport
treasurer, Vern Sharpe,
Misses V. Mobre and E. Ball, who
have spent the past week holidaying
in Kitchener returned home on Sat
Mr. and Mrs. L. Amos and Nor
man, of Brinsley and Miss
Sheri'itt, of Ottawa, visited
day with relatives here.
Miss M. Lamport, of London.
Thursday at her h-ome here.
Mrs. A. Smillie and two children,
of Crediton, visited friends here on
Mr, and Mrs. A. Tilley entertain
ed their friends to a party on New
Year’s night.
Miss Prance, of Winchelsea, spent
the week-end with Miss Leila Mol-
lard. i
Mr. Percy Mollard is confined to’I
his home with an attack of heai’tl
trouble. His friends hope for a|
speedy recovery. Dated this 15th day of Doa,
being published
< provisions of the
the Revised Stat*
is a list of thei
in the said ceme*
further lists!
be published/
Lots No.
136. r
57, 84y
135Lots No,
7, 27, 56
207 2 st,
Section 1 LOt#