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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-12-31, Page 4
becembeh ai, M Iff? TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE township of usborne Ladies and, G©hU©men: Having served the municipality as a councillor fur tn© past, seven years and ’having’ been solicited by numerous friends to stand as a can didate for th© teeveship I respect fully solicit your vote and influence for my election,. It will be imposs ible to make a personal canvas on sail the ratepayers, We extend to one and all best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 1932. pan Dew TO THE RATEPAYERS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: I take this opportunity of thank ing you most heartily for the splen* . flld co-operation that has been given me in the work of our Vil« luge for the two yeans that I have had the honor of serving you as Reeve, I appreciate this co-opera tion more than words can express and I feel that it is only fair that I should express this appreciation as I again offer myself for re-elec tion for 1932. If elected I promise you that Exeter’s best interests will be my ftaai consideration as it al- • ways has, boon. During my term of office the con necting link in the pavement which was fought very strongly, was completed, and also the approach to the bridge was widened. During the past year we have tried to prac tice economy consistent with good business and we were successful in reducing the tax rate by three mills. This economy I believe should be continued under present conditions and every dollai’ of the citizen’s money should be spent to the best advantage. In this way I feel that I have been of some service to fair village and I hope that I deserving of your support at polls next Monday. I will make no personal calls, as I have always done, I will be glad to see that there are means of trans portation to and from the polls. If you have any friend that you know who would like transporation call - 164 cr 44 and we will 'be pleased to have a car call. Wishing you everything that is good for 1932. Your obedient servant B. M. FRANCIS our am the TO THE RATEPAYERS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen,— Having accepted the nomination as candidate for the Reeveship of the village of Exeter for 1932, I pledge myself to perform the duties of that office, without fear or favor, and in the interest of all citizens and will not be influenced by any ■ demand made upon the municipal ity, that is not in the best interest of the village, tions I humbly influence. Wishing you of 'the Season. ST- UNITED CHURCH HORDS IMPRESSIVE AND COLQBEUI4 CiHRISTAlAS . service Th© large auditorium of James Street United Church was filled to overflowing on Sunday evening to witness the special Christmas pag eant, “We Have Seen His* Star” pre sented by memibers of the Sunday School assisted by a few others, Mrs, Rufus •KestJe took the leading role in a very .credible ^annei' throughout. Miss Helen Penhale as the “(Star of Bethlehem” and surrounded by a group of stars ap peared in the first scene and sang, “What Did the Angels Bing.” Fol lowing this “Faith” in the person of Mrs, Harry Carey appeared on th© platform followed by the Wise Men who with the “Star of Bethlehem” rendered a very beautiful number, “There’s a Golden Star.” The next scene showed ‘“Mary” (Miss Beta Rowe) seated before a manger from which a bright light shone. Three angels appeared and kneeling round the manger sang, “The Star Is a Sign”, and then retired to the rear of the platform. Again Faith enter ed followed by Wise Men who pre sented their gifts and also retired to, the rear. Then from the rear of the auditorium came the “Spirit of Giving” impersonated by Miss Ce lia Christie followed.'by four givers in colorful costume who presenting their gifts, retired neai’ the angels. Miss ,Ru.by Stone as the “Spirit of Praise” followed by eight carollers in green caps and capes followed and grouped around the manger sang a sweet lullaby, “Rest Thee.” Last came the “(Spirit of Loyalty” in the person of Miss Grace Creech who with six loyal followers in purple knelt before the manger singing “Gladly Bring Garlands.” At the close the six smaller stars in white costumes appeared on the platform and with a flood of light thrown upon the stage presented a beautiful closing tableau as the congregation rose and sang “Joy to the World.” A group of boys and girls in the east wing sang between scenes “This is the Day.” Mr. W. R. Goulding, organist presided at the console playing appropriate mu sic throughout. The pastor assist ed by other faithful workers direct ed the pageant. The loose collec tion for the evening amounted to almost fifty dollars. This is tlie fourth service of this kind produced in recent years in this church and the large audiences that gather give evidence of their warm appreciation and generous approval. THAMES ROAD Mr, ahd Mr®- A. Gardtaer aM family spent Christmas Day with Rev, and Mrs. Wm, Gar diner* of Thedford, Mr, and Mrs, T. Bailantyne’s horn© was all* agog Christmas Pay with the relatives o? the Ballantyne family; Mr, and alo entertained family that day, Mr* and Mrs, were in Seaforth, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kestle. (Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgert spent the day with Mr. and Mrs, Mcpoed* of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seers spent Wednesday in Ingersoll with Mr and Mrs, Layton. Miss Kathleen Wiseman sang very acceptably at the morning ser vice Sunday. ■Mr. P, Passmore is running foi* Councillor, (M'r, Ben Williams re tiring. Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlopk, of St. Thomas, are home for the holidays with their parents; as are also the Misses Helen and Isabella Anthony, at the Manse. And the dust was flying on Mon day and the mud the day before was terrible. Jack Frost earn© along with Santa alright, Ray, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Stewart is making good recovery from his recent sickness, on Mrs. Geo, jjeffrles a'bout. 16 of the Pollen and family Miss I. Jaques, his nurse, left Friday last. Mr. and Mrs, Anson Simale are making their home during the win ter with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coward- of Winchelsea. Under these condi- solicit your vote and all. the compliments Yours very truly W. D. SANDERS BIRTHS CANN—-In Usborne, on Wednesday December 23rd, to Mr and Mrs. Robt. Cann, a daughter. LUTHER—In Exeter, on Monday, December, 2Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther, of Usborne, a daughter. “SOLDAiN—At the Clinton • Hospital, on Monday, December 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Soldan. a son. DEATHS MOLLARD—In Bosanquet Township on Saturday, December 26, 1931, Emma Mollard. BATTEN—In Biddulph. on Tuesday December 29th,xp31, John Bat ten, aged 8 6 years, 2 months and 21 days. The funeral will be held from “the home of Thomas Morley, Whaleif, .on Friday, Jan uary 1st, service: at 2’,30 o’clock, interment in Zion. Gemhtery. . ’ CARD OF TlfANKS ■Mr. George Lawson and Miss __ Kafg of the Belt.' Telephone Central wish to thank the many friends who so kindly remembered them • at Christmas, Mc- LISTER OF EXETER LADY DIED IN MITCHELL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunning ham are spending Christmas and New Year’s with their son, Rev. Borden and Mrs. Cunningham at Millbank. GREENWOOD—LEARY 'The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Leary, of Staffa, was the scene of a pretty wedding at noon on Wed nesday of this week when their eldest daughter, Miss Vera- J., was united in marriage with Mr. L. Mei_ hum Greenwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood, -of Mitchell. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. N. Stewart. The bride entered the parlor on the arm of her father and took her place beneath an arch of evergreen decorated' with flow ers and from, which a large bell was suspended in the centre. She was attired in a wedding gown of rose biege Silk lace and carried a bou quet of carnations and fern. Little Miss Florence Southcott, of Exeter, cousin of the bride, was flower girl carrying a -basket of sweet peas. Lo hengrin’s “Bridal Chorus” ’ was played by Miss Irene Millson, neice of the groom. Following the cere mony, the bridal party and guests, which included only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties, proceeded to‘the dining-room where dinner was Served, the tables and room being attractively, decorated in pink and white. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents including a fox fur the gift of the groom. The groom also presented the pianist with a hand some purse and the flower-girl with a string of pearls. Mr, and Mrs. Greenwood left in -the afternoon by motor for a trip to Toronto, Hamil ton, and0 other places. The bride’s travelling dress was of brown crepe back satin with slippers and acces sories to match, On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm 2 1-2 miles south of Mitchell. Their many friends will join with the Times-Advocate in extending best wishes. • ■.Li&v; MT. CARMEL The funeral of the late Patrick Carey, of Goderich, took place on Tuesday of last week at 10 a.m. with Solemn High Mass celebrated by his nephew, :Fr. R. 'Glavin, of Watford; Fr. Quigley, of Parkhill, as deacon and Fr. Corcoran as sub deacon. Those fr-om a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. ,J. J, Hager; Mrs. J, Hall, of Goderich; Mrs, Brady and son, daughter and son-in-law and Miss H. Carey, all of Hamilton; Miss. J. Glavin, of London and Mrs. Alice Glavin, of Centralia. _ (Miss Nora McKeever and brother Hubert are visiting friends in De troit this week. Miss Madeline Glavin, of Colgan, is -spending Christmas holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Mathex* and babe, of Simcoe, spent Christmas -with’ Mrs. Mather’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Carey, . * , Mr. Wm. Barry, of Lond'dil, ps spending the holidays with his bro ther Jerry Barry and other friends here. Mrs. (Dr.) Milton and (Shirley, of Detroit; are spending the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Mitton’s mother Mrs. Ed. Hall. ■Mr. and Mrs. -John Barry,’ of De troit, spent Christmas, with Mrs. Barry’s father, Mr. M- O’Rourke., Mrs. Tim Collins, Timothy Eleanor are visiting, friends at troit for a few weeks. GRAND BEND and De- Olliver and May Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Woodstock. OLD TIME DANCE Which will bo held, ta Palmer’s Hall, Crediton TUESDAY, JANUARY $t|i, 1932 GOOD MUSIC These dances have been a big suc cess so far* Come out and enjoy this one Dancing from 8,30 until 1 o’clock ADMISSION: Gents 35c. Leavitt’s Theatre Gull Lake, Sask,; John, of Ontario, Calif.; George, of Regina and Roibt,, of Vancouver. The funeral, priv ate, was held. on Monday conducted by her paster, Rev, J, W, Mathers, with interment jn Grand Bend ceme tery, Thp pallbearers were, Messrs, A. Ireland, N* Stibben, W. Robt.. Pollock, M*. Mason Disjardine, Among those tended the funeral from a were; Mr, and Mrs, Fred of Buffalo; Mr.‘ and- Mrs. Ray PqI- lock, of Kerwood; Mr, and Mrs. Ab ner Mollard and Miss Mary Yeo, of Sarnia. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 31st, January 1st and and ^“FRONT PAGE” ADOLPH MENJOU AND MARY BRIAN in a thrilling drama of newspaper Uf© COMEDY—-CHARLIE CHASE IN “HIGH G’S” L Carling. Clerk. Ptoll No, 2, Tow! Hall, Mata Street, J, A. Stewart, Dfa R.O.; Walter Harness, Folling Clerk/ Poll No, 3, Medd’s <e£ie® Main and Wellington streets, G. derson, p.R.O.; A. Gambriil, Poll® ing Clerk- Poll No. 4. Thos. Weft* ster’s rsldepce, william St,, RieH® Welsh, D.R.O,; John Kydd, politaj Clerk, All electors are hereby ra* fluested to take notice and gover® themselves accordingly. /( Jos, Senior, Clerg Exeter, December 16, 1931,I J 1 Stibben, and E» who at- distance iShettler, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY January 4th, 5tli and BUGIC JONES in “DAWN TRAIL”Jr.I With Mickey Mouse Cartoon and Comedy THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY January 7th, 8th, and Otli ELISSA LANDI AND VICTOR LAGLEN hi “WICKED” (Approved U), Land}, Europe’s favorite, Amer- Me. •of See /. . ica’s sensation, in her greatest One of the very earliest pioneers of the township of Fullarton, pass ed away on Saturday afternoon in the person of Mrs. William ’H. Woodley, at hef home in Mitchell. •The late Mrs. Woodley, whose maid- -en name was Miss Emma Francis liad always enjoyed good health m,nd was taken ill only a few days Aiofore her death. The late ’ Mrs. Woodley was a woman of many good qualities and she was admired <>y a large circle -of friends. Mr. Woodley died, two years ago, Mrs. Woodley was born in the Township of Darlington, Durham County and #ho came to Fttllarton with her parents, Mt, and Mrs. H. Francis, when a small girl, The funeral i look place from her late home on: Tuesday afternoon to Woodland •cemetery for interment. The late Woodley leaves to mourn her <068, two sons, Harry, of Vancouver, <nd Charles at home. Two sisters, And o-m brother also survive; Mrs, ^Seywood, of Exeter,, who was with Jher sister when she passed away jond Mrs, Eaton, of the Canadian . _ .... ____ ’West and Mr, Arthur Francis, *oi Prison”' and was dealt with in a Township, masterly way.- SUNDAY AT MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH The beautiful Christmas decora tions in Main St. Church on Sunday were added to by the presence of four canaries which at times raised their notes of song during the- ser vices, Many boys and girls who ■were home for the holiday attend ed the • services. The evening ser- Vice was opened by a song service of old familiar, hymns. After the sermon the pastor Rev. C. J. Moor house installed teachers of the Sunday School for the coming year the attention of some forty ofifeers and teachers, who were present, to the obligation they were taking in accepting office for another yeas. The subject of the evening^ dis* course was "How Joe Escaped from l the officers and Tlie service called Quite a number of home-coming visitors for -over the holiday season are here. Among them are Misses Isabel and Bernice Webb, of Tor onto; Cora of London; Pollock, of Gliilton, of Mr. Robt. Hay is improving af ter his recent Illness. Mr. and Mrs. ’Ezra Webb were called -Sunday morning to London through the sickness of Mrs. Webb’s mothei’ Mrs. feelso. Mr. Ed. Gill is improving slowly after his set back in Victoria Hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. peter Eisenbach spent the 'Christmas holiday in De troit and returning on Monday, The men who are in charge of the work in the new park have gone home till .after the holidays. Mrs. E. .'Stibbens, who is in St. Joseph’s hospital, London, and was operated on for appendicitis is Im*' proving nicely. Mr. and (Mrs. O. Atkinson have moved into Mr. Peter EiSenbach’S new home last Thursday. Master /Sherwood Christmas with his Marys. Mr. and Mrs. W. spending some time with Mrs. Oliver’s Hamilton. Mr. 'Carol Flnnin, privileged to spend Chfistmas with his wife and friends over tille holi days also Mr. and (Mrs. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Olivei* was in St. Marys last Monday visiting Mrs. Oliver’s brother, Mr. Bluer. DEATH OF MISS’ MOLLARD 'The death occurred at her home hear Grand Bend on Saturday, Dec- ember 26tli, of Miss Emma Mollard, Deceased had been ailing for about four weeks and had been a patient sufferer, death coming as a relief, to severe pain. }Miss Mallard had been a. life-long resident of the Moll ard Line, having been born on the same Line 57 years ago, being -a, daugbtef'of Hie late James and Fan/ ny Mollard, The late.Miss Mollard is survived >by three sisters and three brothers: Mrs. MoFherson, Water, gask,; Mrs. Ella Totreau, of Dewey spoilt parents in St. B. Oliver is in iSt.- Marys mother, Mrs. of Byton, was KIRKTON FARMERS—Bring in your clipper plates and have them ground. Price 50c. a pair. W, J. .Beer, Exeter. School has closed for* the holi days. Miss Ella Gunning has gone to her home at Carlingford and jMiss Laura Johnston, to her home in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. -Harold Tuft, Toronto, are visitors -with Mrs. (S. Tuft. Rey. and Mrs. Bulteel, and family spent a few days this week at Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazlewood and daughter Ellen were visitors here and took in the Christmas con cert on Wednesday evening. Mr. and .Mrs. Ira Marshall and family spent Christmas -at Granton. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Fletchei’ and Allen spent Christmas at Exeter. iMiss Dorothy Switzer, of Peter borough, is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. Moore, of Mitchell, is the new manager of the Bank here on Tues days and Fridays. He says the public are very much dissatisfied at the Bank being closed. Miss Hestei’ Hannah, and Miss Graham, of Caporal, are visiting friends here, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Doupe, of London, were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe. Doupe, Floyd Pridham, Lloyd Shier and Russell Brock spent a few days this . week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs., Geo, iMy©rs family were week-end visitors Mr. and Mrs. S. N, .Shier. The weather on. Christmas was- fine and the roads good motoring and many people took ad vantage of it and spent the day with theii’ friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter and son Raymond, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Doupe- on Christmas Day. The concert given at the Stone School House on Tuesday afternoon •by the Scholars was a big success in every way. 'The teacher, Miss Johnston had not ’been well and had only a short time to get ready for it. Mr. W. R. Goulding, of Exeter, who teaches the children music helped wonderfully and is learning the children to sing. The follow ing is the program; Opening chorus by the school; recitation by three small children; mouth organ duett Beth Ballantyne and .Mervin Gar diner; Christmas sharing band; Song, Wilma and Madeline Gilfillan Roxie Doupe and Shirley Duncan; dialogue, ’Uncle IJonas’ Whiskers’; The Christmas Spirit; chorus, jun ior group; recitation, Orland Squire; Wand drill; dialogue, Jerry and the ice cream; chorus, interme diate group; recitation, Bessie Hey wood; two-part song, Senioi* group; Eskimo drill; dialogue, “Behind the Sofa”; chorus, by the school; chor us, Senior group; Good-Night drill; Santa Claus. The Concert and Christmas Tree held in Aberdeen Hall on Wednes day night by the scholars of the United Sunday School was Well giv en and enjoyed by a full hall. The following program was given; Gpen- Ing chorus, “Rejoice, ’iT'is Christ mas time; recitation, Edwin Tuft; Chairman’s address, Rev. Bell; Pan- tomine, “Away ill a Manger”; Solig, Norma Tuft; song, four Junior girls dialogue, “A Well Taught Lesson; reading, Miss Mollard; Parasol drill girls; reading,'MisS Verna Kennedy; dialogue, “Billy’S Mislrnp”; duet, Mrs. Urquhart and Mrs Tuft; Song, Junior boys; dialbgite-, ‘-‘Hiring Help”; closing chorus, “Christmas Time is Here”; Santa Claus. Ceeds $41.00, thrill drama USUAL COMEDY COMING SOON— Yellow Ticket, Street Scene, ~~r Dreyfus Case, Whoopee, with Eddie Cantor Devil To Pay, with Ronald Cole man; One Heavenly Night, with John Boles. R. C. A. System, Where Sound Sounds Best and ■and with Day for Pro- DASHWOOD D*. H. H* Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Bost Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. FARMERS—<Bring in your clipper plates and have them ground. Price 50c. a pair. W. J. Beer, Exeter. Mr. Chester Gaiser spent a few days in London last week.—Miss Rose Guenther and friend of Wind sor, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Chas , Guenther.—Mr. C2ar Steinhagen, of Giielph, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Talyor and son Jimmie, of Exeter, were holiday visitors wit's Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen.—■ Mr. Ira Tieman of the- Bank of Com- of Hamilton, is spending a few months at his home here.—Dr. and Mrs. R. H. ■ Taylor spent Christmas in London,—(Messrs. Eugene Tieman and Wilfred Turnbull, of Western University, London, are holidaying at their homes.—Miss M. 'Cunning ham and Miss I. Andrews, of Kit chener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Morenz.—Mr. Louis Rader is visiting in Detroit.—hMi\ Leonard Birk, of O. A. C-, Guelph, spent the week-end at his home here.—Mr. Wm. Willis spent Christ mas with his sister in Exeter,—Mr. Lome S. Tieman, of Medical School London visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs; D. Tiernan over the week-end.-—Miss Myrta Hoffman, of Kitchener, spent the holidays, under the parental roof.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, of Detroit, wero guests with Mrs. Hamacher over the week-end.—Miss Anna Tieman visit ed iii Hensail for a few-days.—(Mr. Wm. Musser, of Detroit, spent the Christmas holiday with, his family in town.—F-Miss E. Martinson, x is spending the Christmas holidays at her home in Elmira.—Mr. Thomas Klumpp has installed a new chop per and is ready for business.—jMr. G. Keeler is holidaying at his home in Mitchell.—Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams of London,. were guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. G- Krtirt over Christ mas.—Mr. Edmund Becker is spend ing the winter in Kitchener.—'Miss Grace Kellerman, of Toronto, is vis iting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman.—-Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Oestriclier and family spent Christ mas with friends in and near Lon don.—IMt. and Mrs. M. MciSaac ‘and family, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac.—Mr. - S. Smith, ,of :Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Kleinstiv. er.—'Christmas Festival—The Dash-* wood Evangelical Cliui’cli held their annual Christmas Festival on Wed nesday’ evening, December 2'3rd. A larger crowd than usual enjoyed the following program: Tlwo anthems by' the choir “How Beautiful Upon the Mountains” and “Sweetest Music Softly Stealing”; recitations, songs, solos and exercises by the Sunday School scholars, solo by Miss Cath erine Finklbeiner; monologue by MisS K. Bell; cornet duet by Mau rice Klumpp and Harry Hoffman.- A Cantata entitled “The Rose of Bethlehem” was given by the choii’ assisted by the young people of the congregation. The closing number wag. a pantomine “The Holy City/’ Rev. A. W. Sauer acted as chair man. Township of Usborne NO1HNATION AND EJGEGTION^ Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of th® Township of Usborne will be he!® in the Township Hall, ElimylUe a® 1 o’clock p.m. in. the afternoon oil MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1931^ for the purpose of making and re< cejving nominations for. the office® of Reeve and four Councillors. An® further notice is hereby given that in the event of more Candidates b®« ing proposed for office than requiigf ed to be elected and they do not r®» tire within the time specified, th® proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1932, whe® the polls will be held from to '5 p.m, at the following placed, a® fixed by Township by-law vta; Poll No. 1, School House No. 4, E3eifc J. J. Hunter, D.R.O,; Harry Coafe®* Polling Clerk. Poll No. 2, HouS<( of L. Stewart, Chas, Allison, D.R.O.® Lloyd Stewart; Polling- Clerk. Pol| No. 3, House of Hector Rowcliffe, W. Dougall, D.R.O.; Wm. Jeffer/, Polling Clerk. No. 4, Public Hall1* Farquhar, -John Hodgert, D.R.O.?] Albert Scott, Polling clerk. Poll No. 5, Township Hall, Elimville. Jb' Woods, D.R.O.; Lloyd Johns, Poll* ing Johns, Polling Clerk. Poll N®< G. School House No. 7, Zion, Cha®* Jaques, D.R.O.; Earl Johnston, Poll* ing Clerk. Poll 7, House of kuw sell Morrison, David Goulding, R.O.; Oliver McCurdy, Polling Cler® All electors are hereby requested t® govern themselves accordingly. t Henry Strang, Cler® Usborne, December 17, 1931. jUsborne, December 17, 1931. To of I PUBLIC NOTICE the General Punrlc, Citizens Exeter and the* Neighbourhood^ RE CEMETERY LOTS■;) Notice is hereby given by the Ez* etei* Cemetery Board of Director® to the owners and relatives of Cem etery lot owners within the said cemetery. When such lots have bee®] abandoned and no care given or re* numeration offered for the upkeejj of the same- and when such abanr* donraent has existed for at least fiv® years and, when such lot or lots ar® not claimed and any dues or charge es with respect thereto are not paid within six' months after the last publication of this notice, the CenW etery Board upon the expiration of the said period will apply to th® Judge, of the County Court for a® order authorizing the said CemeterjjJ Board to repossess and sell the un occupied part of such abandoned lot or lots and apply the proceed® of such sale for the perpetual car®- of the occupied part of such lot. | ' Parties or* relatives claiming t® have such an interest in any of th® cemetery lots are hereby called up* on to prove their claims and mak® such arrangements for the perpet ual care as may bo directed by th® Cemetery Board. J} An early and earnest reply' is re quested. V This notice is .pursuant to the Cemetery Act of utes of Ontario. The following numbers of lots tery of Which there is no record o£[ ownership or where n-o trace of re latives can be found- further list® will from time to time be published^ 1st Centre 66, 68, 129. Division 2; Division 3; 86, 87, 122, 317, 35 2. being published? provisions of th® the Revised Stat- i is a list of th® in the said ceme* Division, Lots No. 11,; Lots No, 135, 136. No. 7, 27, 56, 57, 84',.. 207, 249, 267, 297* r Division No. 4, Section 1; Lot® 76, 77, 88. Division 4, Section 2; Lot No. 107j R. G, Seldon, Chairman] Thomas pryde, Secretary; Dated this l'5th day of Dec., 1931< a Village of Exeter NOaHNATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that meeting of the Electors of the Vil* lage of Exeter will be hold in the Town Hall, Exeter, at 12 o’clock noon on MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1931, for thO purpose of making and receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve and Councillors; and one member of the Public Util ities berg And that being proposed for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will bo adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1982, when the polls will be opened at 9 ami. at the following places, as fix* ivSl ed by Village by-law, viz: Foil No. 1, Miss A. Handford’s tesidence, on Mata Street, E. Treble, D.R.O,; W. Commission; and three mem* for the Board of Education, further notice is hereby given in the event of more candidates *........... "............... i NOTICE TO CREDITORS '3 ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having: claims against the estate of RICH* ARD O’ROURKE, late' of the Town ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Who died on Dec ember 2nd, A/D., 1931, are requir ed to forward their claims duly; proven to the undersigned on oif before the fourth day of January* A. D.j 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GlV-f SN that after the said date the Exo* cutors will proceed to distribute* th® estate having regard only to th® claims of which they then shall have notice, > DATED AT EXETER, ONT., tW sixteenth day of December, A, Du GLADMAN & STANBURY, liensali and Exetet Solicitors for Executor#