HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-12-24, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATI Bakery *< Extends to All Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas Exeter Markets Wheat, 60 c. Barley 37 c,, Oats 25c. Bran $1,00 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour $X.l5 Model Flour $2,5.0 Welcome Flour $2.30 Manitoba Flour $2.75 Creamery Butter 26c. Dairy Bgg8» Eggs, Eggs, Butter, 17 and X8c. extras 26c, firsts 22 c, seconds 16c, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, A* Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 10 a.m.—'Hunday School 11 a.m.—“The Three Kings” 7 pan.—-“The Idyll of Bethlehem” iSpecial Christmas music, No Midweek Study Class, 1 rl and a ....u i i . ■ •.......------------------------------------------- <£oca(s J AFOR SALE — x base Melotte Cream Separator 500 lb., ‘ $25.00. X De in good running order at 1 De Laval ?Cream Separator, 500 lbs,, all overhauled and in good phape at $15.00. X Anchor Holt Cream Separator, £00. )b„ at $10.00. Toronto, at her been ill International Harvester Co. Ltd EXETER, ONTARIO • Miss- L. M. Jeckell is spending Christmas and New eYars with her ■brother Charles, of Youngstown, O. Fred St, Thomas, of Lindsay Mrs. back • Mr, ____ motored up and, took Mr. and Leo Hennessey and family {With him for Christmas. The .scholars at S. S. No. 3, Jphen with Miss Gertrude Francis as teacher gave a splendid Christmas -concert on Thursday afternoon of last week. This school has a splen­ did reputation for its Christmas jeoncert and about eighty students ffrom the Exeter High School took French leave and attended the con­ cert. St4e- A NARROW ESCAPE A motorist in a Ford crashed through the barrier on the south side of the new 'bridge at Clinton on Highway No. 4 Sunday, evening and by the narrowest mar­ gin escaped from going over a fif­ teen foot embankment. The car left the road and had it gone an­ other foot it would have toppled .over. coupe JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D, McTavish, Pastor W. R.’ Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICE 11 a.m,—-“The Eternal Stranger” 3 p.m,-—“White Gift Service” 7 pan.—“We have seen His Star” A beautiful pageant service pre­ sented by the intermediates^ and Seniors of the Sunday School. Near­ ly 40 characters. Come, see and heai’i The Spirit of Christmas, The Star’s Faith, The Wise Men, Angels, Caroilers; Givers and Royal Follow­ ers all grouped about Mary and the Manger, Beautiful choruses . and colorful pageantry. J» T. Far- of Detroit, and New with his mother, Mrs. M. son, with Mrs. RENDERS WANTED For cleaning and sweeping the Eden School; also tenders for scrub­ bing and cleaning the windows, and tenders for one full cord of 18 inch hardwood. Tenders to be in by December 30, 1931. Clinton Sweet, Sec’y. I-Iedden have household effects to Hedden has- se- G. Lowry and spent -Sunday OLD TIME DANCE Which will be held in Rahner's Hall, Creditor TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29th Music supplied ROMPH ORCHESTRA, of Dancing from 8.30 until ADMISSION: Gents Greenway 1 o’clock 3iac. FOUND—A small sum of money on the floor of the -banking office of the Canadian Bank of Commerce Exeter. Loser may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Apply at the 'bank. sows hogs. FOR SALE—-Some young­ coming in also some young Hog for service; terms $1.00 cask with privilege of returning if nec­ essary. $2.00 if charged. Chas. Harvey. 12-23_3tc Mr. W. H. Harness motored of North AFTER THE SHOW—Enjoy a light lunch or a dish Of oysters at Grieve’s Sandwich Shoppe “Where Food Tastes Better.” . of w. ■of WANTED—$750.00 first mortgage on cottage at Grand Bend, 10 per cent, 2 years. Apply Box 280M; FOR SALE OR RENT—Residen­ ce on Wellington St with all mod- conveniences, formerly owned ________________j Apply to T. J. ll-17-4tp 61’11 Couveuiuuues, by Mr Ransford. Kestle, Exeter. Anyone having heifers or young cows of good quality and milking strain due to freshen within the next few weeks, for sale, communi­ cate with Times-Advocate, ROOMS- TO RENT--Over Grant’s Bakery, Apply to John Rowe or B. W. F. Beavers. WANTED—An unlimited number of cheap horses. Apply to Frank Taylor; K- MEN WANTED Earn $3 to $8 Daily at Alito and Ignition Repairing, Bat­ tery, Welding, Electricity, Ra­ dio or Drafting. Leant in few weeks GUARANTEED PRAC­ TICAL, Shop Training. Quick, sure plan for profitable spare time jobs. Write for Frdo Pay Raising Information and Em­ ployment Service. Application at once. . Standard Trade Schools Dept. (44) TORONTO, ONTARIO I Monday, December 21st was the Shortest day in the year, Mr. Ed. Kestle has been confined to hjs bed for the past week. Donald Goodspeed, of Albert ColL ege, Belleville, is home for the holi­ days. Miss Flossie Hunter, of is spending the holidays home here. Mr. Earl parsons has with a severe cold and threatened with pneumonia. Mr. Harry M. Greb, of the Uni­ versity of Michigan, is holidaying at his home here. Mr. Geo. Penhale -spent a few days recently visiting with his sis­ ters in St. Thomas. Miss Marjorie Medd, who is attend­ ing MacDonald Hall, Guelph, is home for the holidays. Messrs. Hugh Creech and, I-Iarry Jennings, of Western University are home for the holidays. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Rhodes are spending Christmas with the form­ er’s parents in Toronto. Mr, C. F. Hooper and Rev. J. Mc- Ginlay, of London, called on friends in town on Friday last. Miss Mary E. Cann spent last week in Toronto visiting lier uncle and aunt Mr. and. Mrs. guson. Mr. Acquilla Sheere, is spending Christmas Years Sheere. Mrs. Manford Belling and Donald, of Detroit, are visiting the former’s parents Mr. and A. Francis. Mr. John Dignan left Thursday last for Kingsville where he will spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Brown. Main Street and James Street United Sunday schools are holding their Christmas concerts1, to-night (Wednesday). Mr. and Mrs. R. moved their ’London where Mr. cured work. Mr. and Mrs. E. Miss Velma Lowry with relatives and friends.- in Brus­ sels, them over. A very interesting letter from Dr. Margaret Strang, a missionary in Northern Saskatchewan, which was read in Caven church last Sunday, appears on another page. Mr. and Mrs. C. Birney left on Monday for Winnipeg where they will spend the winter _with their son and daughter, Mr. Wm. Birney and Mrs. D. T. Ferguson. Mrs. H. Elworthy and daughter, Mary, left Monday to spend Christ­ mas and New Years with the form­ er’s daughters, Mrs. O. Kestle and Miss Reta Elworthy,- of Detroit. Miss Helen Stanbury, Toronto Collegiate and Kenneth C. -Stanbury, B.A. , of Osgoo.de Hall, Toronto, are spending the Christ­ mas holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs, D. B. Stewart, Moncton, N.B., and Mr. and Mrs. G. Stewart and daughter, Joan, Detroit, are spending Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. The members of the H. S. staff from out of town, will spend Christ­ mas with relatives: Miss M, E. Ross goes to Toronto; MiSS M. Braine, to Paris and Toronto; Miss M. E. Bon-, is, to St. Marys and Mr. G. G. Koch to Stratford. It is hard to imagine more de- . lightful weather for this season of ’ the year than this community has enjoyed during the past week. Farm­ ers have been plowing in the fields. ; Mr. Wm. Blaney had his garden , worked up on Monday. The Canadian National Railway , will run a special train from London to Wingham on Christmas eve. The train will leave London at 4*45 and Will arrive at Exeter at '5»50| and at Xvingham at 7.25. The train will meet Toronto passengers at Lu­ can crossing. The Hydro Commission are plan­ ing some changes at the local hydro station. The present transformers- are to be replaced by larger and more .powerful transformers to take care of the increased’ load both in Exeter and the Exeter Rural Dis­ trict. The new transformer^ will be placed’ outsidfe the present build­ ing. The metering equipment will still remain In the building. The estimated cost of making the change Is in the ttelgborhood-Ab^ 16.00o. The change will be piade’^w® winter MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—A Post Christmas Message —Jesus p.m.—Our Church School p.m.—“Bethlehem, the great Drama. Church school night. In­ stallation of officers and teachers of the school at this service. 7.3 O’—Tonight (Wednesday) Our Christmas Concert. 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss CHRITMAS DAY SERVICES 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a.m.—Choral Communion ■Solo—Mr. A. Middlemiss “Nazareth”—Gounod SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer Anthem—“It Came Upon the Mid-' night Clear.”—Judson p.m.—(Special Christmas Service' Anthem—“The Anthem Celestial” —Adams Subject all day-—‘The Incarnation.’ 7 Mrs. D. Richard is confined to her home through illness. Five members of Lebanon Forest Lodge were in -Seaforth Monday- ev­ ening where they received the Roy­ al Argh Degree. S. CHRISTMAS TREE Trivitt Memorial Sunday held their Christmas tree -and en­ tertainment on Tuesday evening in the Parish I-Iall when a splendid program was provided by the schol­ ars which included a carol “Carol Sweetly, Carol”; “Welcome” by Miss Day’s class; Shadowgraph con­ ducted by Rev. E. L. Vivian; reci­ tations by Phiilippa . Harness and Calvin Heywood; songs by Jack Harness: and Tllos. Walter; violin solo by Wm. Stanlake; playette “Charity Higgins’ Vocal Organ” by the Bible Class; chorus by the prim­ ary class; and play “The Last Housd in the World” by the Sunday School The following scholars were awarded prizes for general attend­ ance and proficiency during the year: Miss Day’s Class, Freddie Luxton and Calvin Heywood; Mrs. Lutman’s class; Labelle Lutman; Audrey -Sims; Mrs. Walter’s class,, Victor Lutman and Billy Duhsford; Miss Bissett’s class, Phillipa Har­ ness and Mary Taylor; Miss Phyllis Bierling’-s class, Tom Walter and Donald Winer; Bible class, John Triebner and Florence Dunsford. Following the program Santa Claus visited the school and distributed gifts from the tree. S. School LOVELY LINGERIE FOR XMAS GIFTS GOOD WILL” May happiness be yours this Christmas time and joy and prosperity abound through the New Year. Lovely Lingerie, individual in line, design and fit is a most prized gift and one that will give the recipient many days of enjoyment in wearing. 4 Sweater Coats $1.49 to $4.95 FOR MEN Cape Gloves $1,50 to $2.95 Silk Mufflers $1.25 to $4.50 Boxed Neckwear 49c. to $1.50 Linen Handkerchiefs 25c. to 50c.Silk & Wool Hosiery 49c. to $1.00 Braces 50c. to 75c., Slippers $1.25 to $2.75 Fine Shirts $1.95 to $3.25 § BEAUTIFUL CHINA, CUT GLASS, BRASSWARE AND DINNERWARE ALWAYSS? APPRECIATED AT CHRISTMAS. ----------------------------- # THE CHRISTMAS SELLING. | NEW TEA SETS $9; NEW DINNERWARE $17.50 UP; BIG ASSORTMENT ODD | __________________ PIECES. YOUR CHOICE 25c. MANY NEW LINES AND PIECES ADDED FOR « 13 i a [i i i. BOYS’, GIRLS’, WOMEN’S & MEN’S Hockey Shoes with skates. An ideal Christmas gift. $4.50, $5.00 and $5.95 COZY SLIPPERS For every member of the family, warm and comfortable. 98c. to $2.25 )2 y •if 5 i a J .1 FOR BOYS Ties, Mitts, Gloves, Sweaters, Handker­ chiefs, Mufflers, Gauntlets, Clothing, Leather Coats, Leather Helmets, etc. FOR GIRLS Silk Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Sweat­ ers, Slippers, Mitts, Wool Toques, Silk Scarves, etc. iS i ji <1 fl ?i y ■I | Try us for Xmas Groceries - Best Quality - Lowest Prices rf New Fruits, Peels, Dates, Figs, Nuts, Oranges, Candies, Cranberries. Everything new a and fresh for Christmas. 113 A woman can easily make a man go up in the air. Her trouble seems to he in landing him. Just remember this: “You can’t expect your ship to come in if you haven’t sent one out.” services were United church large congreg- The evening w. w PHONE 81w FAMILY NIGHT Special Christmas ‘.held in Main Street on Sunday at which a.tions were present, service took the form of a family circle service'. The pastor, Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, had previously an­ nounced that he would present a .gift to the largest family present. Two families, with seven children each, Messrs. H. Jennings and H. J. Kestle, were present and the pas­ tor reserved his presentation until next Sunday. Ten girls from Miss Murray’s Sunday School class read short passages of Scripture. Two litle sisters, Lillian and: Kathleen Kestle sang a duet. The choir ren­ dered special Christmas music throughout the day. A song service was especially interesting -and en­ tered into very heartily. CHRISTMAS SERVICES Rev. D. McTavish was in Port Hope on Sunday conducting ser­ vices in the United church there. The ‘pulpit in James St. Church was supplied in the morning by Rev. C. A. Hawke, of Clinton, -and in the evening by Rev. Jas. Anthony, of Thames Road, both of whom preach­ ed very acceptable sermons. (Special Christmas music was provived by the choir. At the evening service the choir sang two anthems, Miss , Jean Sheere taking the solo part in ■one and Mr. Walter Cutbush in the other. Miss Pearl Wood sang a so­ lo; quartette, by Mrs. Williams, Miss V. Essery, Mrs. Elliot and* Mrs. Goulding and a chorus by Misses P. Wood, Helen Penhaie, Verna Coates Stella Southcott, Mildred Rowe and Reta Rowe, ....A Joyous Christmas.... WE EXTEND TO ONE AND ALL BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS. SANDY ELLIOT “The ffome of Ford and Philoo” We wish our customers and friends a Joyous Christmas and Happy New Year SWEATERS WITH SOCKS TO MATCH; V NECK AND COAT SWEATERS; PYJAMAS, SHIRTS, TIES, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, BRACES, MUFFLERS, BELTS, HATS AND CAPS, UNDERWEAR, GARTERS IN FANCY BOXES, COME IN AND LOOK AROUND DR. J. HARRY BROWNING Physician and Surgeon MJ)., C.M., Toronto L. R. U* Pi and S., Edinburgh L. F. P. and S., Glasgow, Etc. Post Graduate New York •Specialty, maternity; diseases; nerves, stomach, skin, urinary and sexual troubles. All modalities in electro physio therapy, ultra Violet, &c. Modern hospital accommoda­ tions. 4-1-3 2 W. R. GOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Supervisor of Music in Studio, Main St. Box X23, EXETER. ONT I Theory School* Phone 192 A Christinas full of Joy and Happiness to all is the wish of R. jN. ROWE Funeral Director Heated Ambulance Service Day & Night Phone