HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-12-24, Page 5*s' WiiWWywii:.»WMJUWWiniS! WE EXETER V) idk- PR. J, A. McTAGGART, U B S, - HENSALP, ONT, JTelejilioiie 106. Main Street is Vis- Patterson on Satin’- son Cecil, friends in Mrs. Joe week in was the a in is liis Mrs. the and best of health. a few weeks with rela- around Hensail. 24, ■six ac- and HENSALL Mr, Jas. T^pp, -of Montreal Ring at his home here. Miss Beryl Pfaff, «-f London, spent tho week-end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. James- visited friends in Exeter day, Mr Qscar Rilling and spent Saturday visiting .Exeter, Miss Flossie Foes spent a few days last week visiting friends in London. Mrs. Roy Webber and Hudson spent a day last London, Mrs, E? Fines, Clinton, guest of Mr. and Mrs. L, Mickle on Sunday, Miss Ethel Murdock; is assisting in the Bost Office during the Christ­ mas rush, Mrs. Gladwin Lavender spent few ■ days last week with friends Hjllsgreen, Mr. Eldrid Smith, of London, visiting over the holidays ,at home here. 'Miss Margaret McLaren of Lon­ don is a holidaying visitor at her hcime here. (Mrs. E. Fines, of Clinton, visited the week-end with Mr, and Laird- Mickle. Miss Thelma Hudson spent week-end with her parents Mr. Mrs, Colin. Hudson, Mr. Robt. Bontliron Has returned home after visiting for a few days with friends in London, Messrs. Harry and William" Joynt of the Toronto University are holi­ daying- at their home here. The many friends -of Mrs, H, Joynt are sorry to learn that she has. not been in the Mr. Wm. Moir, of Huntsville, is visiting for fives in and Mrs. W. J, Seed, of Vancouver, is visiting with her mother Mrs. R, Welsh and other relatives. Miss Jean Bontliron, -of Guelph, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs-, J. W. Bon- thron. A special train leaving London on Thursday afternoon, December will arrive in Hensail around o'clock. Mr.- and Mrs, Lad McEwen companied by Mrs. F. Farquhar Mrs. A. Foster spent Thursday in London. Mr. Sam Rennie assisted in the choir of the First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, on Sunday even­ ing last. Mr. Harry Cook, of Toronto, is Spending the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornel­ ius Cook. The many friends of Miss Greta McNaughton aro pleased to see her able to be out again after her ser­ ious illness. .Mrs. R. Cudmore has left for Tor­ onto where she will spend the w ter months with the members her family Quite a tended the the pupils Monday evening last. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper United Dec- Sun- in- of there. number from here entertainment put on of S. S. No. 10, Hay on at- by will be observed in the Church on Sunday morning, ember 27th, it being the last day in the year. Tlie many fnenas -uf Mr.Alex Munn will be pleased to see him out again after his recent severe illness. The United Church will hold its annual Christmas entertainment in tlie basemeut of the church Wednes­ day. A splendid program of songs, ’ readings, choruses, drills, etc. is be­ ing prepared. Our Public and Continuation School closed on Tuesday for tlie Christmas holidays- and on Tuesday afternoon each room held an enter­ tainment which was put on very ably by the students. A large num­ ber of parents and friends attended. Nominations for Reeve, Council­ lors, School Trustees, and Public Utilities Commissioner will be held ■ in the Town Hall on Monday even­ ing, December 28. There is not much election talk but it is very probable there will be a run for the Reeveship. The Annual Cemmunity Christ­ mas Tree sponsored by the Hensall Fire Brigade was held on Wednes­ day afternoon. Addresses were giv­ en by the Reeve and-, the local clergy and a gift was given each child present. The tree is beautifully decorated with colored lights which when lit up at night gives a very fine appearance, Services in our local churches ’were well attended-on Sunday last Special Christmas music ahd ser­ mons were given for the occasion. At the Carmel Presbyterian, Rev. Mr, Mdllroy occupied the pulpit. The morning the pastor’s subject Cradl Lord telter Hill"; Benfield Laren; i This Day a Saviour Workman* Evening service, pas­ tor’s subject, "The Great Light”; anthem, "Christ the Lord to Man is Born"; soloists, R. T* McLaren, Mrs, .J, paterson, Mrs. W* A, McLaren, quartette, ’Silent Night, Holy Night’. Orville Taylor, Ruby McLaren, Workman, and J. Bengough; them, "How Beautiful Upon Mountains,” M. an- the Ar- ser- fol- (a> had charge of the the morning the given, Anthem (b) "The Wondrous At the United Church Rev. thur Sinclair vices au4 in lowing was "Noel, Noel," Story,,; solists Annie smith, Mrs. A, Clark, Mrs, M* Hedden, Mrs. A. Sinclair and Messrs, S. Rennie and W. O, Goodwin; quartette, soprano and alto duett and choir, "Blessed be the Lord” Mrs, M, Drysdale, Misses Welsh and G, Lamniie, Mrs. Geo, Hess, Mr. G. O. Goodwin and Dr, Smiljie; baritone £01p, "It Upon the Midnight clear” Mr, Rennie; pastor’s subject, Tidings.” Evening service, tor’s subject, "The Difference Makes”; anthems (a-) Us”; (b) "Oh Come! Emanuel soloists, Mr* T« Sherrit, Miss Lamniie and W. O. Goodwin tralto- solo, mixed quartette, Christmas Lullaby”, Mrs. Geo. Mrs. M- Drysdale, Mrs. A. Sinclair, Misses F, Welsh and G. Lammie, Messrs. T, Sherritt, W- 0. Goodwin, J. Passmore and Dr. Sniillie; violin solo, Greta violin, hem”; Miss G- Lammie choir, Mr. T. Sherritt Shepherds”; baritone solo, Lovely Are Thy Dwellings” Sniillie. Turn Came Sam. ‘Good pas- Xmas Unto Greta con- "The Hess, Blest Christmas Tide,” Miss Lammie; soprano solo with "Ohl Little Town of Bethle- Mrs. Maude Hedden and tenor solo and ‘Th e re W ere "How Doctor churchAL the St. Paul’s- Anglican Rev. Mr. Parker delivered very in­ spiring sermons and special music was ably rendered by the choir, The morning services empha­ sized the conclusion of advent and preparation for Christmas. In the evening a carol service took; place. Christmas, services will be held in this church on Christmas day at 8,- 30 a.m. A communion service will take place at 1 p.m, The Sunday -School and members of the St. Paul’s' Anglican Church held their annual Christmas enter­ tainment in the T-own Hall on Mon­ day evening. Carols, choruses and recitations were given and a 3-act play entitled "The Love Gift” was presented. This is a religious mys­ tery play featuring scenes from a medieval Russian hamlet Christmas Eve and was founded on the "Why the Chimes RangA story min- Council Meeting The last regular meeting of the 193.1 village council was. held on Tuesday evening last. All 1 the members were\ present. The utes of the last meeting were read. Spencer aud Cameron: That utes as read be adopted. Carried. Levi Rands appared asking per­ mission to cut down a tree opposite the C.N.R. station. Same refused. Victor Boa appeared asking an adjustment in,, his taxes. Camer-on and Mickle: That V. Boa be given a cheque for §5.40 overcharge on tax notice due to V. Boa occupying place of business nine months of the assessed year. Carried. A-. w. E. Hemphill, Collector, ap­ peared and reported that taxes col­ lected to date as being $11,000.00 which is about the usual to date. Jas. gangster appeared for the Fire Brigade asking for assistance ,for same. O. Geiger reported regarding the County Council as to the grants to the village, same having b.een re­ ceived, Bills and accounts were read as follows: charity, §16.; J. A. Pater­ sen, car to Clinton, $2.'5O; R. Mc­ Laren, grant re Hall $5.00; School Board current expenses $700.; The School Board village rate $3,0 00.85; Huron County Treasurer, County Levy $1113.80; Hydro, street lights $729.85; J. Passmore, Hall, $8.49; N, Bontliron, adjustment, taxes $2.- 50; V. Boa, adjustment taxes- $15.40; total $5584.39. Consitt and Spen­ cer; That accounts as read be paid. Carried. min- Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk lervlce consisted, of "Around the of jesus”; ’anthem, ’‘The a isorn To-day”; male quar­ tern Bethlehem’s Peaceful Messrs, R, Y, McLaren, G, J. Bongough, W. A. Mc- nthem, "Unto You is Born ir”; quartette, The Misses Irene Hoggarth, Ruby Mc­ Laren, Irene Haters and Mabel 1! XION Next Sunday will be -Christmas Sunday in the church when a com­ bined setvice of the Sunday School and church will be held- in the morning. The Christmas Concert in Zion school was held on Wednesday last assisted by Mr. Wi R< Goulding, Mr, Hopry Hern and Hern visited ohe day the latter’s uncle M1‘ Woodham, Mrs. John Johns Kyle visited bn Friday with Mrs, Emmerson Gunning at the home of her parents Mt. and Mrs, Clarke, of Elimville, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hern visited on Tuesday with the former’s aunt Mrs. Chas. Kersla-ke near Exeter. A number attended Centralia United' church on Sunday evening to hear the cantata, ' Miss Hazel Earl entertained a Jew friends -on Wednesday evening on the occasion of her birthday. the Mrs, Ek- last week with Win. Kirk, of and Mrs. H, CREDITON An excellent miscellaneous Christ­ mas concert was given In the Wait­ ed (Church on Friday evening of last week. The program consisted of dialogues, drills and choruses by the junior and primary classes, re­ citations and pantomines, An out­ standing feature of the program was given by young men of the S. ’The Search of the Shepherds” given in nine scenes, Special men’ lion may also be made of the- two pantomines, "Over the Hills to Beth­ lehem” and "Think When I Read That (Sweet iStory of Old.” The girls who presented these pantomines did so in a very attractive and impres­ sive manner. The dialogues and recitations were also well given and of fine sentiment, in keeping with the Christmas spirit, The program was well rendered throughout and the pupils and committee "in charge of the program, are to,be congratu­ lated on the success of the evening. After the program (Santa Claus ap­ peared on the scene and pleased the hearts of the little ones with his us­ ual gift of candy, At the Sunday School session last Sunday the pupils of the United Church presented their "White Gifts” for relief of the poor in Lon­ don, Great interest was shown in this part of the service and a splen­ did showing of gifts were brought, It is hoped that the spirit of giving will-be encouraged each year in the hearts of -our young people. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hey and Fred­ erick spent Sunday Miss Laura Clarli Hall, Guelph, is Christinas vacation ents, Mr, and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. E. in Zurich, r, -of MacDonald spending her with her par- F. W. Clarke. Guettinger, Vel­ ma and. Marguerite spent Sunday in Clinton with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Lever. Miss Ella Morlock, who is attend­ ing Western University, London, is visiting with her parents Mr. Mrs. Edward Morlock during vacation. Mention was made last .week Moses Faist, who was in St, Joseph, Hospital, London, was improving. This should have- read Mrs. • Moses Faist. .The Dorcas -S. S, Class held their Christmas party last week in the In­ stitute Hall. Thirty-six members were present. The program opened with a song service of Christmas se­ lections conducted by the chairman, W. M. Sippell. A re-w moments of sacred devotion were observed, fol­ lowed by a piano duett by. Clara Morlock -and Lavina Smith; humor­ ous readings were given by Mrs. J. Thompson and a vocal duett by Mrs, Eli King and Mrs, Eli Brown; Xmas reading by Mrs. Wm. Grieves. A Christmas question box was conduct­ ed by the chairman. A violin solo closed this part of the evening’s en­ tertainment. Contests were conduct­ ed by Mrs. Emmery Faliner and Mrs. ,M. Teller. Mrs. Lloyd England was convenor of the hostesses, an excellent Christmas lunch was, serv­ ed. Mention was made -of the con­ valescing members at home and in the hospital. A vote of thanks was offered to all who helped to make the and her p*rty such a pleasant success-. tlie and and CREDITON EAST Mrs. I-ke Gower, of Elimville, spent a few days the past week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs-. Henry Pfaff Sr. Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Sr, is confined to her bed through illness. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Harry Clarke and two chil­ dren, of near. Khiva, spent week-end with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Henry Pfaff Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hedden son, of Clandeboye, spent Sundajr with Mr. aiid Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley. Mrs, John Edwards and soli Mel­ vin and Mrs. H. Lewis -and Mrs-. J. Sims spent the week-end, in Inger- spll, with Mr. and Mi-s. Thomas Ed­ wards, the latter having recently underwent an operation for append­ icitis. Miss Clara Lewis is visiting in St. Thomas with Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Neil. Mr, Sam Raynham is visiting his friends in shipka. Mr. Dan Truemner spent Wed­ nesday in Strathroy with liis son and wife, Dr> and Mrs. 0. Truemner. Mr, Dau Truemner spent Friday with relatives in Dashwood. KHIVA J. Hanover and Miss FlossieMrs, attended the funeral oil the late Ja­ cob Weiss in Shakespeare on Thurs­ day. Miss Helen Knight, of Stratliroy, visited a few days this week with Mr, and Mrs, T. Mr. and Mrs, Sunday with Mr clair Mr with Mr talned a few of their Monday evening to a fowl supper. Mr, and Mrs. A. uoilen, of Green­ way spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Willert, Mawhinney. Wm. Mason spent . and Mrs, N. Sin« Witzel spent Widay in C re di ton. < W friends near Woodham, . and Mrs, Wm. Stade enter- friends on the red &'WHITE ST0RE Yuletide MAY YOU ENJOY TO THE FULLEST A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR RED AND WHITE GROCERY ARE PREPARED TO LOOK AFTER YOUR LAST MINUTE GROCERY AND CANDY NEEDS ROLLIE’S GROCERY - EXETER, ONT. “Quality always higher than price.” We DeliverPhone 102 DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. FOR SALE Having purchased a nice stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses and Coats. They are all good styles and priced ■ very low,--Apply to Ezra Bender. Miss Zeta Nadiger, who has been confined to her home with an at­ tack of bronchitis is recuperating. Mrs. Wallace Cook, who- spent several months with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. jS-tlre returned to Chicago on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther and family motored to Stratford on Sunday. Miss Pearl Kraft is on the sick list. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Henderson, of Blyth, is spending a few weeks with Miss E. Graybeil. Mr, Chas. Lindenfield and sister Annie, of Parkhill, accompanied by their sister Mrs. Chas. Cann and daughter, of Crystal City, Man., were -Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Miss G. Witter, of Neustedt, is spending a few weeks with her aunt Mrs. Sauer who has been on the sick list. The- annual school concert was held on Friday night in the school which drew a large crowd. The pu­ pils rendered a varied program of dialogues, songs, readings and re­ citations. Dr. Taylor occupied -the chair and spoke briefly on the good work done by the pupils and their teachers. At the close of the pro­ gram gifts were distributed to the clildren by Santa Claus. The pro­ ceeds amounted to §35.00. brother, Mr, Par Carey, Mr. Pat. Marriau is able to be around again after several weeks illness, Mr. James Carey received the sad news on (Sunday of the death -of his .brother Patrick Carey, of Goderich. iMr. and Mrs. "Wilfred Boland, of Milwaukee, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boland. Mr. Jack Hall is on the sick list this week, ELIMVILLE ■Bast Sunday being Christmas Sun­ day only one service was held in the morning and a Iai-ge number were present. The church bore a festive air with Christmas decora­ tions tastefully arranged. "White gifts in large numbers were brought for the needy in Saskatchewan. Mr. R. D. Hunter is "under tlie doctor’s care. His friends hope he will soon regain hi.? usual health. Mr. Walter Johns, B.A., of Cor­ nell University, N. Y., IS home for the holiday season.- . . Mrs. Whiteford was taken quite ill last week but is somewhat better again. THAMES ROAD Miss K, Wiseman, of Western University is' home for the holidays. Mr. C. Brown is enjoying a radio these days. The Christmas Concert was held on Monday evening" with a splendid attendance. The many and varied numbers were well given and much enjoyed. At the close of the ev­ ening each child received a bag of candy and fruit. The Christmas service was ob­ served on 'Sunday with a good con­ gregation. Rev. Anthony spoke from the lines, "Wait upon the Lord.” and the choir rendered suitable an­ thems for the occasion. Mr. -Stewart Campbell is home from ‘Toronto. KIRKTON Horseshoe pit'cliing is the or­ der of the day, From morning till night about twenty of our citizens can be found in the church shed enjoying themselves at the game and many close contests are held. Mr. David Roger arrived home on Wednesday from the hospital. We hope his health will be greatly im­ proved, Mr. Samuel Shier, of St, Marys, spent a few days W'.th his son (Ste­ wart Shier, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vickers, of Chesley, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shier. Rev, Mr. Bell preached on the "Birth of Christ” on Sunday even­ ing and the choir sang Christmas music. We wish you all a Merry Christ­ mas and a Happy New Year, CROMARTY The Christmas entertainment held at Cromarty school on Friday last was exceptionally good. There was a good attendance of parents and other visitors present to hear the children, who took their parts in a most commendable way. The sing­ ing by the children of the school was well rendered under the super­ vision of Mr. W. R. Goukling, of Exeter. Miss Greb, the teacher, deserves much credit ror her part in the training. At the close of the program a beautifully decorated tree was unloaded by Santa Claus who made a flying visit to the school. Owing to the very fine weather of late one of our farmers was out plowing the other day and in one of our gardens daisies are in bloom. Mrs. Mills, nee Ethel Chittick, of Granton, visited with friends on Friday last. The dance in Walker’s Hall on Wednesday last was well attended and all report having a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Weitzman, of Nia­ gara Falls, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKellar a few days last week. WINCHELSEA The annual school concert was held on ‘Tuesday afternoon in the Winchelsea school. The Misses Mollard, of Shipka, spent Sunday with the Misses Olive and Audrey Prance. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten and family visited in St. Marys one day last week. Mr. R. E. Pooley was in Toronto on Monday and Wednesday with two large loads of poultry. Mr. and Mrs. W. A- Coleman and Bobbie were in Stratford last Sat­ urday. SHIPKA The Christmas entertainment which was held at the United Church Sunday School Monday night, December 21st and the Pub­ lic School Thursday night, December 17th were well attended. The chil­ dren and adults all did well which made them a huge success. The weather was ideal. Miss Martha Lamport, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wrextler, of Thedford, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gower. Mr. A. Smith called on old ac­ quaintances last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keyes visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Etherington of Usborne. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Ratz were in London on Saturday last. An Ideal Christmas Gift MT. CARMEL Rev. Er. Corcoran on Sunday an­ nounced the holy bonds of marriage of John Wilfred Hogan to Miss PhHep^ine Desjardine, The mar­ riage will take place the last week in December, Mrs. Nelson Schenk returned from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Thursday and is doing fine, Mr, and Mrs. .Tames Carey and Joseph accompanied by Misses Kate Carey and M, Hagan motored to Goderich on Sunday owing to the serious illness of the former’s GUARANTEED GENUINE BRIDAL WREATH DIAMOND RINGS FROM $10.00 TO $150.00 FINEST FULL LINE OF BULOVA, MARS AND MONT­ ROSE WRIST WATCHES FROM $12.50 TO $50.00 NEW SILVERWARE AND TOILETWARE COMPLETE LINES AT REDUCED PRICES May We At this time express out best wishes for a HAPPY CHRISTMAS COMBINED WITH PROSPERITY IN THE NEW YEAR Fred Rabethge, Jeweller Phone 55, Exeter