HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-12-24, Page 1;|WTABLISHED 1873 BEAUTIFUL PAGEANT SERVICE. to Leavitt’s Theatre 4 ’ MUNICIPAL ELECTION * up. AV, paid Miss S. B. TAYLOR, JEWELLER features were in­ effective children were taken to Hensail, Postmaster up for them Miss Ruth Moorhouse, of Victor­ ia University, Toronto, is hoine for the. holidays. Howey, a theological University of Toron* Several sacks of mail 'for ter postoffice on the train morning and Pfaff motored. the Ek- through Tuesday M. THURSDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY & SATURDAY December 24th, 25th and 26tli GLORIA SAVANSON IN W.M'., F. Routeton; LP.M„ W. Southcott; 'Sr. W., Bro. Jr, W„ Bro. C. G. -Sal* W. Bro. E. M. Dignan; Margaret Taman, Beatrice Essery, Beulah Skinner, Millar Campbell, in order of merit. PRIZES AWARDED BY AV. C. T. U. OF EXETER.COMING— January 4th, 5th and 6th BUCK JONES in “DAWN TRAIL”morning; four nep- cous’ns acting as pall LEAVITT’S THEATRE EXTENDS TO ALL THE SEASON’S GREETINGS a distance attending were Mr. John H. New York, Mr. .Carl M.r. Charles “We Have Seen “INDISCREET” smart, bright, witty comedy drama COMEDY — LAUREL & HARDY in “THE BRATS” THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 81st, January 1st and 2nd “FRONT PAGE” ADOLPH MENJOU AND MARY • BRIAN in a thrilling drama of newspaper life COMEDY’—-CHARLIE CHASE' IN “HIGH C’S”serve the municipality GREETING At the close of a difficult year may we thank our good friends for their staunch support. Never before have Canadians properly realized the importance of buying goods made in Canada. Upon this policy rests much of their own prosperity, and, as we go forward into 1932 there is every indication of a deeper consciousness of . this fact. To the many good wishes for Christmas and the New Year that will be youys we wish to add[ our own. May yours be a full measure of Happiness and Prosperity all through the coming year. TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 SCHOOLS CLOSE FOR HOLIDAYS The schools of Exeter and com* imuhlty closed Tuesday evening for the Christmas holidays. Most of the Schools put oii Christmas entertain­ ments with Christmas trees. The Exeter Fublic School held their con­ certs Tuesday afternoon when ■splendid programs were hold in the •different rooms. Santa Glatts i m. visit to the primary room. And Mrs. AAL E. AViner, jphylllK and, Mr. Calvert Chambers Msltid Sunday at the home of Di% and Mrs. Truemner in Stratliroy, tMiss Alma Winer is very 111 in the ^trathroy Cfenerai Hospital, Mr. Eugene student at the to, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Howey. Mr. Howey is the editor* in*chlef of “Acta Victoriana” ths college paper, the Christmas num. bet for which has Just been printed and which is a credit both to the college and the staff. EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24th, 1931 extend our Wishes very I BURIED AT EXETER At Alma Michigan, there passed away on December 17th, Elizabeth B. Case, the daughter of AVilliam Case, of Exeter. Miss Case was born July 12th, 1850. Her early life was spent in the vicinity of Ex­ eter. She received, her first teach­ ing certificate in Godrich and at­ tended Toronto Normal in 187-3. After teaching in Ontario for four­ teen years she taught in Saginaw, Michigan and in 1892 went to Alma Michigan as Librarian of Alma Coll­ ege and has resided in Alma until her death. She was an active mem­ ber of St. John’s Episcopal Church. . Service was held at her home in Alma Friday morning and, her re- mains brought to Exeter to the home of her neice, Miss L. M. Jeck- ell and interred in the Exeter Ceme­ tery Saturday hews and. two bearers. Those from the funeral Marchmont Case/St. Catherines; Jeckell and son, of Youngstown, Ohio; and Mr. W. A. Hooper and Mr. L. MOntigel, of Alma Michigan. Mrs. Howe was here from Owen Sound and left to visit in Hamilton. Poultry deliveries have been heavy in Exeter during the past week. During the latter part of the week the market too-ki a slump owing partly to the mild weather and partly to the large quantity on hand. This week there has been a good demand at Sligthly reduced prices. OFFICERS ELECTED Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 133 A.F.&A.M. held their annual elect* ion of officers on Monday evening with thw following result: W. Bro. G. BfO. H. o. G. Lawson; ter; Chap., Sec’y. W, Bro. E, N. Creech; Treas. AL AV. Bro. W, w. Taman; Tyler; Bro. S. Sweet; Auditors, M. W. Pfaff and J» W-» Batson. The elected officers together with the appointed officers will be installed Monday ev­ ening of next week*; wuppy anil JJuyuuH (Ulirtatmas tn All A NOTHER Christmas season is upon us, and as we look back a"V upon the years which have passed, we are indeed hound to re­ turn our deepest gratitude for the blessings- we enjoy, During the year which is so rapidly drawing to a close, we have, individually and collectively, experienced many new sensations and been brought face to face with new problems, all of which bring us to a fuller realization of the fact that we are but frail atoms and strive as we will, our best is only failure without the guiding and direct­ ing hand of Him Whose birthday we celebrate at this season. , AVe wish for each of you and for those near and d.ear to you that sincere old wish, A Happy and Joyous Christmas and may the New' Year dawn with a host of bless­ ings in store for Canada and all of A gain a Christian nation *V Bows its head in fervent prayer In homage to the Christ-Child, ; Thai taught us how to care For the good in one another, Tq put selfishness aside, That the spirit of forgiveness Might within us all abide; .Oh, amongst the wreaths of holly, . ’Midst the crush of mistletoe, We can see a brighter dawning By the -blessed candle’s glow, And whafe’ex’ may be our burden, Let the memory of Bethlehem Be again the joyous herald Of Peace on Earth, Good-will Men. CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND There is still time to contribute to the Christmas Cheer Fund both in money and in clothing. A meet­ ing of the Relief committee was held in the parlors of the Cana­ dian Bank of 'Commerce Monday ev­ ening and arrangements were made for the distribution of Christmas r'i&fefcr. -It will be a source of satr; isfaction to know that as far as the committee is aware all children that are in need will be remembered at Christmas time. A dollar invested in this fund brings big returns. If you have been intending to make a contribution either leave it at the Bank of Commerce or at the Times- Advocate, The relief committee is composed of the following ladies and any needy cases'should be re­ ported to them: Convenor, (Mrs. H. Browning; Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Mrs. N. J. Dore, Miss .Horton, Mrs. Wm. May, Mrs. T. O. Southcott and Miss L. M. Jeckell. Contributions are as follows: Previously acknow­ ledged $67.00; Rev, D. McTavigh. $1.00; B. M. Francis $1.00; Miss Isobel Turnbull $1.00; Dr. Roul- ston, $1.00; AV. G. ,Medd, M.L.A., $.1.00; T. O. Soutlicott, $1.00; Har­ vey and Buswell, $1.00; H. C. Rivers' $1.00; Rev. J. B. Rhodes, $1.0:0; AV. Ward, $1,00; Miss Bonis. $2.00; Traquair & Lindenfield $2.00; Miss Mac-Donell, $2.00; Miss Dickson, $2.00; A friend 50c.; Lebanon For­ est Lodge $25,00; R. N. Creech $1; Miss . Carling $2.00; Girl Guides $7J50; H. T. N. Reynolds, $1.00; S- S. No. 15 Hay, $1.00. Total $-123,00 -Intermediate and Gordon Gi'eb, Main Street Main St. Centralia Centralia Main St. The prizes given by the Exeter W. ‘C. T. U. in the recent temperance study course held in the Sunday Schools are as follows. For Stephen and Usborne Town­ ships and Exeter- senior, United; United; United; United; United, Junior—Genevieve Kerslake, Cen­ tralia United; Mary Borland, Thames Road United; Robert -Southcott, James St. United; Audrey Powe, Centralia United; Clifford Hicks? Centralia United, The following stood highest in the County of Huron and their papers are being forwarded to Toronto for entrance in the provincial compe­ tition. Intermediate and senior—^Gordon Gi‘eb, Main Street United, Exeter; Caroline Wellwood, Wingham unit­ ed; .Jeanette Ohappel, iChiselhurst United; Katharine Fry, AVingham United. Juniors—Genevieve Kerslake, of Centralia United; Charles Weilwood, Wingham; Mary Borland, Thames Read, United; Arnold Stoakieyy of Wlngham United, The shield, given by Huron County to the Sunday School having the highest percentage of its enrolment waiting an this examination, wo;g last year .warded tc Main St,, Exe* ter, and this yearte award will ba announced in a few days. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT The scholars and friends o-f Caven Presbyterian Sunday School filled the school room on Monday evening* to enjoy the Christmas program and receive the visit of Santa Claus. The entertainment was generally ac­ knowledged as, being the best held in many years. The Superintendant as. chairman extended the welcome to the visitors and piloted the young artists through the numerous items. Forming a background to the whole program was the excellent school orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Harry Gidley, who also render-, ed1 a cornet solo in his usual finish­ ed style. Recitations by Annie Mason, Alex Strang, Shirley Moir, Mary Easton and Jean McDon­ ald with a piano solo by Miss Helen Stanbury and an accordion solo by Mr. John Dalrymple were of the evening and these terspersed with beautifully costume numbers by the and a drill which delighted the au­ dience. Worthy of special- mention were the three Christmas Carols sung by the school under the training and leadership" of. Mr. Joseph The prizes for memory work ing the year were presented by Mr. Rhodes as chairman of Awards Committee as follows; Atkinson’s class, Annie Mason, Frain’s class, Margaret Campbell and Elaine Stanbury; Miss Hamil­ ton’s Class, Richard Stanbury and Eldrid Simmons; Miss Coates’ Class, Irene Kydd and Ooquoline Simmons-. Mrs. Rhodes’ Class, Alex Strang and Roy Campbell; Miss Jeckell’s Class, Jean Stanbury and Doreen Camp­ bell; Mr. Rhodes’ Class, Wallace Seldon and Jack Stanbury. Senior, dur- Rev. the Mrs. Miss Nominations for municipal office will be held in Exeter on Monday next. So far there has been little stir and few names have been, men­ tioned as aspirants for the honors. Reeve B. M. Francis will again be a candidate although he has offered to withdraw should any of the pres­ sent members of the council wish to step up. None of them, however, seem anxious for the position. In fact some of them have stated that they do not intend to run an elect­ ion for the council but that they would if they were returned by acclama­ tion. The three members of the Board of Education whose term of ofifce expires this year are Messrs. R. N. Creech, W, H. Dearing and F. J. Delbridge. On the Public Util­ ities Commission Mr. Ward’s term is Mrs. Goodspeed, of Fort Arthur, spending her Christmas vacation Miss P. is in town with her sister, Love. I The spirit of this festive Season, linked with gratitude and happy recollections of Goodwill manifested towards us, prompts us to express to you out* sincerest thanks, combined with a cherished desire to serve you; even better in the future. May you realise your most cherished ambitions together with mhch Happiness and Prosperity. FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, HO. 271J5 CAVW Y. P. G. EIjECT OFFICERS The Young people’s Guild of Cav­ an Presbyterian. Church, held thair annual election of officers on Dec­ ember id, 1931. Reports were -giv­ en by the Secretary, Treasurer, Con* veners of Literary, social, Devotion­ al and Missionary Departments, The following are the officers for 1932: Hon, Pres,, Miss L. M, Jeckell; Pres. Miss Kathleen Strang; 1st Vice, J? Pryde; 2nd Vice, Tom Campbell Jr. Secretary, Treasurer, Misses AV. Leader of Rhodes; bury; Literary, Miss W. A. Frain *>■ Miss Nora McGinnis;’ AVallace Seldon; pianists; Frain and. L. -Coates/ Devotional,, Rev, J. B. Missionary,, Jack Stan.- Social, Reba Simmons; Auditors, A. Hamilton?'and L. Jeckell. His Star” — in — James Street United Church — on — Sunday evening next This ‘•beautiful pageant is pre­ sented! by the Intermediates and Seniors of the Sunday School. Near­ ly 40 characters. Come, sea and hear, The Spirit of Christmas, • The Star, Faith, The Wise Men,' Angels, Caroilers, Givers and Royal Follow­ ers all grouped about Mary and the Manger. Beautiful choruses , and colorful pageantry, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND ’ WEDNESDAY December 2Sth, 29th and 30th “The Middle Watch’ an all star cast Shipload of fun on an ocean of laughter Our Gang Comedy “PUPS IS PUPS” January 7th, Sth and 9th ELISSA LANDI & AUCTOR McLAGLEN in “WICKED” see a system where sound sounds